ni'iwMiftll-r .5ore Munitions of War. Orders have been received in Philadelphia for the construction of h large number of baggage wagons lor ine army -four hundred report says in addition tothosc now under contract there. I he Ledger says that these? wagons are to he finished by the first if September nex and their preparation uidi- .atcs that a vigorous prosecution of the war TP uh Mexico ha been decided upon. ""g " ' "Ml h .IT l IMPORTANT TO ALL GOVXTXtY HOUSEKEEPERS. You may be sure of obtaining, al 2 all times, pure anu nigiuy navureu m Ti a ci Uy the single pound or larger quantity, at the Pelcin Tea Company's Warehouse; No. 30 South Secoxd Street, Between Market and Chesnut, PHILADELPHIA. Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeed, Blackberry Syrup. 'PI. n r.itlnuMnn ! llio rfi-iiw frir mnl'Ino llli' I . n miwl nmifmihlp n vvnvii In fililnm nnmi Nrami '.main Blackberry Syrup. No family should T Bui now you have onlv to . .. ill.iinl If nil it hn in- II will firwl If ft tfll'l". I cign remedy for bowel complaints : To two quarts of blackberry juice, add half n otmro each of powdered nutmeg, cinnamon, jnd lifipice, and a quarter of an ounce of pow-j tl'em. 1 elo t CM. Boil these together to get the! - r. .1 ri. i.:.. i r i i vimi uir i chio i ca company s oiore, to oo- tain a delicious and fragrant Tea as you could wtxii tor. .All tastes can here be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. G. B. ZIEBER. r.. r i. - r n wc, i iiii iiif- r-iiiii i fn i ,nmnnnv ... . . . i . .. " - -...r-.v. BirtMtg h of the jiptce, and to preserve me ner-. i'niiadelpnia, July 2, 184o. Ely juue. While hot add a pint of fourth proof qrure French brandy, and i. eewn with loaf mi ar. Give a child two lea-pnons-ful three times day, and if the disorder U not checked, add ilo the quantity." wn two I The Natituckei Warder frays a child Itnrn m that town on Monday last, with Icifect heads, united to a well formed body.---! yfhc prodigy survhed its birth but a few minu es. SIX YEARS AGO the chi'dren began to cry for Sherman's Lozenges. HEAD AXD JUDGE. IMPORTANT FACTS. ilj We. the undersigned, wholesale druggists jh 1- uisville. Ky.. are satisfied, from ail the in fk.irm.oinn we can obtain, that Dr. G. BENJAMIN , KMMil is the ORIGINAL INVENTOR OFj Ltin: sUGAR COATED PILLS. H )u' We arc prepared to supply dealers at the ; The noise was not so loud at '.hat time, but it has K-t.-iv -rnir unipi? i kept increasins ever since, and now has become B. '' . . so qreat that the moutlis of Use little ones can iw.u,., ........ scarce DC stopped. JJr. Sherman sympatnises . 5. Morris 4 Co., 461 Main st. j with the little sufferers, and very much regrets ilnpert 4" Lindenbcrger, 511 Main st. j that any of them should be disappointed. Know- 7eorc Lapping Co., 79 Fourth st. j mg the vast benefit which has been conferred upon P.i'16- Alden, 81 Fourth st. . the community by the introduction of his infallible m aho sum uiruugnoui iue oziuuu oun-i anu -j qimyi ij()ZCIlfrCS. Ca.iada. , . . j , T r.' '"G4f 1 such s ano examine Ao nox j w Manufact b means of which he thinks he t)nicc 19 Greenwich st., (Large Unck Block.) ... . ' , . , ,Uar,ma iiT Always asi; jor ine lmnrovea iuuia:i ikc- , . . . . ,, . J 1 ' i i nv nnrt nnrrt will ho tnvnn thn lhP ix nils. X 1U And see that G. Benj. Smith is written with pen on the bottom of the box Agents in Monroe Co. Rchoch & Sparing, Stroudsburg. Brodhcad & Brothers, Dutotsburg. .'no. Marsh, Kennersville. Daniel JJrown, Chesnuthill. ;v laid. ; pains and care will be taken, that these celebrated r , i i t LKJzenges oe maae as iney nave always oeen, in order that those who depend upon them may not be disappointed in their hopes. lie knew when he commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lo zenges, that they would supercede the use of eve ry other vermifuge, as the Lozenge is very pleas ant to the taste, speedy in its effects, as well as certain, and the quantity required to effect a per fect cure, is very small. These properties in con nexion with the fact that they are sold for 25 cents per Box, thus placing them in the reach of the poorest man in the land, has not only caused them to take the place of every other vermifuge ever of- the People of Monroe county. Fem.ow-Citize.vs : Encouraged by numrr- ''i-, friends in various parts of the county, 1 of-i fared, but also rendered them popular to the com- myself as a candidate for the office of . muni.j. County Commissioner, I Dr. Sherman's Cough Lozenges. J tlie approachinc fall election, and therefore continue to cure Coughs, Colds, Consumption, RwH-cfnllv solicit vonr votes and sunnori. -'tmna. snonness anu unncunj oi urudiunig . . I receive a majority of vour .uflrag.s "ther diseases ot the Lungs with the same tacili y , . ,r , J, - , r I tnev did on their first introduction, and the people pledge myself to dtecharge the duties of adld h' . hpf.nm(, n.iriri(lPtI hv ,-t.ial PrnriPnco. .c: U I : . . - r . - Iuiuu wiui iiueiiiy unu nupiii uaiu . Your fellow-citizen, I1ENKY WEISS. iChestnuthill tsp.. July 23. 1846. LOOK HERE ! i I he subscriber begs leave to inform the nub- i ne stiuscrtiier wishes to intorm the citizens 1 1 1 o ihm . ,r..., i. i ..r ho has removed his Flour and Feed Store of Stroudsburg and the public generally, that tflhe and trouble. discVered a cn.nnd which I lVheat Fl,,Ur- P. oarrel ...;n : ' Ke. lo the building- formerly occupied by Wm. Haf- PR1CES CURRENT. Corrected, every Wtd7iezaay morning. AKT1CLES do. Auditors Notice. ithat on the accession of a slight Cold, thev have I only to step to either the Dr's. ofiice, or one of his j Agents, and obtain a box of his Cough Lozenges, which are very coinen:ent to carry in the pocket, j and to take a few through the day. By pursuing this course a cure is often effected in 2i hours, ! nn4 Om nntinnT n limit liia ViuIrico SJo rrront iw I ne unnersigne.ti, .uui'ors appointed Oy the thft -pi-hriir nf the T.nvenass. that thousands of f mm J O rphans oourt ol .Monroe county, to examine persons who have used them, and become acquaint ed if occasion require, resettle the accounts of ed with their effects, will never be without them. cob Shaffer and John Gnwer, Administrators j Sherman's Poor M.m's Plaster the estate of Abraham Shaffer, la!o oT Chcs-! w .nr.A mnr r3CP5 nf Dhllm,,5,m. Pn;n in thn athill township, deceased. Therefore, notice . jck, Side and Chest, Lumbago and Weakness, i hereby given to all persons interested in the than any application that has ever been made. tite, that they will meet at the house of Jo- As the celebrity of the Piaster has increased, hun- ph J. Postens, in the Borough of Strouds- dreds of unprincipled rascals have attempted to rg. on Tuesday the 25th day of August next ' coumerteit it, ana paim it on upon tne community 10 o'clock a. m., to perform the duties as- i genuine ILT Beware of Deception. ixemomuer mat me irue anu genuine nasier is ' spread upon reddish paper made expressly for the i purpose, and in every case the signature of Dr. i Sherman is printed upon the back of the Plaster, t and the whole secured by Copy Right. None others are genuine. Therefore when you want a . real good Shermans Poor Man's Plaster, call at the office, 10G Nassau street ana vou will not be perform Jgned them by the said Court. JAMES H WALTON, SAMUELS. DREHER, NATHAN HUSTON, Jilv 23. 1846. Auditors. Auditor's Notice. jt The undersigned, Andiior appointed hy the rphan s Oourt oi Monroe comity, to make dis- ribnuon in the matter of the account of John ee. Administrator of Joseph Lee, late of Stroud Smnihtp, deceased, w,l attend w the dut.o of C0 -"Tw, otrouosuu fCi . . . , , r. , , John Lander, (ziatgs Meadow; appointment at the nonse of Joseph J. Ptw-, S, Wallace; Milford, P jrw. in oifoumotirg, on oauirusv the zyth dav : August next, at one. o'clock disappointed. Remember the number, 106 Na33au St., where all Dr. Sherman's Lozenges are sold. AGENTS. riior,ij r irertflfr. btroudsourcr. monroc county. s, do. Pike countv. W. F. Brodhead fc Brother. Dinzman's Fcrrv. do. p m when and ! Peters & Labar. Bushkill, do. jrnere all persons may attend if they sec prop-j May ll.JSlG r. o.i.uuh.L o. DitEHKR. I . . July 23, 184G. Auditor. OUntiy i'roUUCO. . 1 Butter, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any CA E3 j goods in mv line of business. JXJX-Ij. I JOHN 11. MELICK. ; A FAIR will h held in Siroud-.burg . on , Stroudsburg, Feb. 12, 184G. LfhutsdHy the 6th of August nex. by the U-, , c , ftes, for (he sale of fanev-articles, refreshments, uimaij ui caucu iuusit. fidfce. for the henefit of the Presbyterian Church ' The Board of Managers of the New York Sa t Stroud s M-. at ;.... .i " ! uo' to. J ' I llfnf npf tmclifil Cure the Tooth-Ache Rye, do, do. 1 1 t.o 1 Sole Leather uer pound y , upp, 31ie j. j. i uaieiis xio.ei, wnere i.e pJrfecily innocuous in its effects upon the other I 'u Ff r ous,ieV , , will sell cheap for Cash. He has also an as- Teeth. The afflicted cannot do better than rTfeati !!eb."-e.l soriment ol refined mak nnn of iIiara rimn. u,r ...K;rti, ,itt B A.R IR-OIN be nJ of ,,,eir pain ail(i ktei' ,lieir ,eel1'1. The genuine article can he had at Schoch's Printing Ofiice, Stroudsburg, wholesale and re tail, general Agent for the proprietor. )Tji,nc 25 cents per bottle. July 2, 1S46. 'oudnhtirg. Fair to cori'nience at 9 fclock. i rj,ed Music Society, have examined, with much p'f.asure, the Library of Sacred Music, a rnonthlv periodical, by B. Wyman and G. P Newell The work is got up in a handsome style, and embraces a choice selection of Sacred Music of a high or der, and is well worthy of tho support of all lov ers of cood music. Messrs. Wvinan and Newell ind to continue through the .d'.v and rerttng. J o ecure. their object. Hie i-autes -ith confiSence on the gonerosttv t:f ihe ub!lc Siroudhurg, July 16, 1.846. Prayer Boo& vr Children. The subscriber has jut puhlit,ht.J ari edition rs new book calculated for the juvimilo road- r. bearing the abore title. It i-intended for I'liiliea and Sabbath Schodlf. For ato bi the tfice of the Republican, and by the publisher lii thlehem. Prjoe per dozen $1.33 single i v W.4ICLD. consisting of squard, scollop, and horse shoe bars; wagon tyre of all sizes; saw slabs, crow bars, sledge and plough moulds, and a general assortment of round iron of different sizes, and American spring and cast sieel, constantly on hand and will be sold cheap for cash or ap proved credit by Wm. WALLACE. Grain and Pork taken in exchange for Iron. April 1G, 1846. WATCHES, A good assortment of Watches, for sale, ai reduced prices, hy JOHi II. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 3, 181G. Good ncu's for the Aged. m Frames grey and green Glasses, to which he would in vite particular attention. No charge lor showing them. For sale cheap, at ihe. ariety Storo ol JOHN 11. MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1840. Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Seed per bush. Barley do. Qats do. Flax Seed do: Butter per pound Eggs, per dozen " Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord" Oak, do. du. .Mackerel, No. 1 Do. do 2 Potatoes-, jer bushel Wholesale and l?etaii PREMIUM HAT STORE, BERTKAiVD ROSS, No. 120 Chesnut. Street, south side, A doors below Fourth st., PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully informs the citizens of Monroe county, that he has refitted and onened the above Establishment. ! Han oi North America, . , . ; .... . Fanner' t Muoliaaics' wnere ne is prepareu ai an tunes, to . wosren. bu-i Strouds'- Edstou; burg. 5 00 4 75 3 50 3 To 85 s:. OA U0 25 21 51 58 40 0 00 G 00 i 2 00 -2 50 1 40 40 j 33 33 1 00 1 y() !" TO 1'2 u 8 H f 5 50 I ?j J 50 3 73 j v! oo :; oo f Li on fi-i no 3 51) 'lU Ml ' 45 t 20 ! ' y IS', 1 10 67 13 CO 5 00 2 R7 50 40 1 47 fiS 2-1 I 5t 1 ;2 j to no a tiii ESArK rVOTJK SjSST. eottecleil Weeklv fur the Jeilursnutan ttrjjii'jluniu Tho notes of those banks on w'uiv .1 quotations are omitted 1nd a dash( Isubstiiutc.l, are not purdhascd by the brokers. 2oilllylVHlli( iVesl. Branch bank - riiH:i(lL'ii.Jn:i ban. parinttstmrt; i m0 .I..IL' Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages and sights - furnish Beaver, Nutria, and Moleskin Hats, equal , sout'i.irKba:i uoia, silver, merman onver anu csteoi to anv tnanuiactsired in Hits Cduntrv ; Also a , Bankot Noniwrn L , with convex, concave, poriscopic, blue, superior quality of Caps, for officers of the Ar-1 ,;!!:f,'. h?,.l. mv arid Navv. tdether with Dress. Rulmo nnd ILvikofPeunTawntiiin Sporting Caps : a new and splendid style oflSr3 Children and Boys' Caps, imth a great variety ', state.-, bank 'IOYS. A preat variety of Toys on hand, for sale cheap, at the Variety Store of JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1816. Fine Pen-Knives and Razors. A good assortment, for salo low, bv JOHN H. ME'LICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. 10 luch tancv tvrs tor Ladies. j'eniKOvajiiu bank Just received, per Stoam Ship Great Wes K?SSffco. torn, tne approved style ot liAUllt. KIUIAU netaware county HATS: also, a beautiful assortment of Chil-; Dlno!n'?oumy drotis' 1 French Cans. ; Parmer.-.-bauk of Bucks ... , 'j , . Tt . . bank 1 am determined that my Hats, in point of rarm.-rs' bank of ReaJing beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by , H'sbur'uauk muse oi any oiuer x-jsiaoiisumeui in auv ony mju:iQwn uaux in ine union. Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1845. Gm. SOAPS. Uo do iu iJo iuerties do do do (Ju par par par do do du d du do do 1 1 1 Phi! do Sleeper & IFcsmcr, MANUFACTURERS OF Faniwirs' bank Lancaster ! I.arica.tL'i" bank l.aiif aster count v bank Northampton bank i.'oiuinuja iinage Carlisle bank Northumberland Lank ; Minors bank of.Pottsvllle York bank i chaaibersixtrg bank Gettysburg baiik par VVaynpsburij UiowuesviUe l i.'rie bank 1 ttaks coutt) bnnk inwar.aa uu Uehei iNOtei v CITY liAKS , ., America, b ink of ;r Ameucaii ExchcMja ''if ill;uik of Comnmrci; du Bank uf the State hi N uo llutchers' and Drovers' du .chemical t:uy i-..imil.n1 ' .ji1Jiii 11...., . Clitllou par !el. and Hudson eau-i! co. "d Dry Dock . , V Fulton baitk ofNeiv York ju.- du Co d dj do U do c'o '? Wyoming do Horiesdati! do . " r , I ' iiuti. Ul jl.. tviatutk.l l !U'-V5lIll.J - also the celebrated shaving cream, for sale iY V2G farket street, south side, below Fourth. ' .Ba,,kof Susquehanna ct Vw B.ufN V cheap, by JOHN II. MELICK. pmjm;, ' 'j'- no.,a,ti,-. r . I Hiuuviliiliti I H.'i n. wiwiirnHiMMir lllBTdMMBtofMiri.Ti. ffl inrnifwriw: Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. Violins and Flutes. At from $1,50 to $3,50, for sale by JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. I, 1S4G. HAVE YOU A W? TJIJiES COPIES FOIi SI. A TREATISE ON MILCH COWS, l.a!nvet'.f keatfu-r Manufar.tur?r3" .M.-iiUi.Uteti coin:ia:i j lo?i:Si'ii!K' nin..i;i asso March-in'.s' bi.k Mi'.rchant' Mechanics 3i Traders' bank pan New York. Bank of Jfe-.v-York Banking co. UN. Y. fife. St'k Secant? b. par l(Noith River An lirhu-UJX du a'Seveiith Ward qd ijTenth Ward jo i raue.siiit:!' do Philadeiph Invite the attention of Merchants, Manufactu rers, fec. &c, to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Stock, prepared with great care, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principle on which this concern is es tablished is to consult the mutual interest of their customers and themselves, by manufactu ring a good articloj selling it at the Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remu neration, in the amount of salos and quick re- Whw!iv thft Onaiitv and Quantity of Milk which any Cow will give may be accurately determined ! p0SSess;Jlg inexhaustible facilities for manu by observing- ivatural Marks or External Indica-; r , ,t, . t , t i . tions alone; the length ot time she will continue to give Milk, &c. &c. BV M. FRANCIS GUENON, OF LIBOURNE, TKANCE. Translated for the Farmers Library, from the French, by N. P., Esq. late 11. S. Con sul a I Havana. With Introductory Remarks and Observatioris ON THK COW AND THE DAIRY. EDITOR OF THE FARMERS' LIBRARY. Illustrated with nu7ncrous Enravinrs. rag ID3 Price for single copies, neatly done up in paper covers, 37 1-2 cents. Full bound in cloth and lettered, 62 1-2 cents. The usual discount to Booksellers, Agents, Country Merchants and Pedlars. Farmers throughout the United Stales may re ceive tne work through the Mails on each copy will be about 7 cents. any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron-1 age of merchants, manufacturers and dealers. "Phila.j Dec. 11, 1815.---ly. A Friend to all Nations WAR OR NO WAR! NEW LINE. The accommodation line of Stages between Stroudsburg and Easton, will leave the house of Edward Postens, (Washington Hotel,) in Stroudsburg, on Monday, Wednesday and Y:- Thc. mists . day of everv weok. at 8 o'clock, a. M.. and ar- Bv remittiiiu: rive in Easton at 2 o'clock, v. m , in time for S2 free of postage we will send seven copies of the ' dinner ; returning on the following day. leaving I. j .i e . I - . . . 3 . D. Connor s American llotel on 1 uesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 o'clock, and arri; ving at Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, same day. The subscriber bpgs ieaye to inform the pub lic, that he has purchased tho above line of stages from Messrs. Connor, Postens cc Co., the former proprietors, and that he is now ablo iu carry passengers in as comfortable and con venient a style, as any other route in the coun tv. Fare through $1 25. ROBERT C. SLEATH, Sole Proprietor and Driver. Stroudsburg, Jan. 22, 84G. are favorably known as Professors of Music : and tho Library itself furnishes abundant proof of their j ery town in tho United States work done uo in paper covers, or three copies for $1. Country Merchants visiting any of the Cities can procure the work from Booksellers for those who may wish to obtain it. Please send on your orders. Address, GREELY .Jt McELRATII, Publishers, Tribune Buildings, New-York. April 123, 1S1Q. 8t. THE TREASURY OF HISTORY. Comprising a general introductory outline of Uni versal History,- ancient and modern, and a sc ries of separate Histories of every principal na tion that exists, their rise, progress, present con dition, tc. By Samuel Maunder. The His tory of America, edited by John Inman. The above valuable work is just completed, forming two large octavo volumes, printed on fine paper, with clear type, illustrated with beautiful engraved vignette title's bound in a substantial and elegant binding, and will be furnished at only Pour Dollars!!! It forms of itself a complete Library of History of inestimable value to any one who wishes to inform himself at a trifling cost of the past history and present state of every prin cipal nation that exists, as well as more particu larly of the very recent exciting events and present political relations of our own country. A splen did edition of the same work has also just been is sued in Nos. in paper covers, suitable for mailing, and will be sent to any part of the United States at the reduced rates of periodical postage. Price for the work in Nos. (complete) S3. Full bound, in two Vols., 4. Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers in ov. Any person ob capacity for the management of such, a work. Li o w x MAN, President. J Connor Smith, Secy. Now York, March. 1816. fVr" Asnts wanted in every citv and town in , or other wiso, us he mav tho -Union, to whom the usual trade-discount willj paid, the publisher, Ixj.made.. . . , T.l"TKL ADFfE, E. II. WILCOX. G&ierjrfyigfia, ' ' " ' y-- ..WJulton Sltxci..S. X Jri'4l8--Gt 100 EjtWn sl.,tNW Yfyvf4J. iVprH'n, iQCg: 7 ' t- taining two or more subscriptions, may deduct one thiro of tho same as his commission, and upon the receipt of the balance accompanying his order, tho work will immcdiatolv be forwarded, bv mail direct. Address, post WORTHY OF NOTICE. 15 on '1 all come at once. Clocks almost given atta'. Best Brass 3 day Clocks, $7 to 38,00 Do do 1 day do $4 to $5,00 Do Wood do ' do 2,50 Warranted good time keepers, for sale bv JOHN IL MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846. CAOTION. All persons aro hereby cautioned against purchasing a note given by me to Ann Ellen bcrger, for Forty-five dollars, dated March 1 8th 1846. I gave Ann Eilonberger tho note for a llorao which she snld me to be sound and kind. Said Horso provou to be unsound, and wan when bhe 6old him to me, and of no value. This I the roasun why I do object paying the note. Silas C. Shannon is Mcurtiy on the Note. SILAS FLOWER. Stroud township, April 25, 18 16. . -BLANK DEEDS . For, sale at ,Uiis office. Coijfceiiosaary, Fruit, and GROCERY STORE. WILLIAM H. SCHLOUGH, Respectfully informs the citizen of Stroudsburgj and ihe public generally. t I I Confectionary and Grocery Store, on Elizabeth street in tho room formerly occu pied by Joseph L. Keller, as a Grocery, whore he is prepared to accommodate the public with all kinds of CANDIES of the quality. He also keeps on hand FRUIT, embrruing all the delicacies of the season, and NUTS of ail kinds. Hig stock consists in part, of Oranges Lemonsi Raisins i Cr'am N'i's. Cocoa Nuts. (Jrinjr.d Nvts, Figs, Almonds, Prunes, and a variety of all kinds of Confectionary gn- orally kept in such an establishment, all oi which he will sell very low for Cash. He ti:it, also added to the above stock, all the article connected with a G ROC E R Y , Consisting iu part ot Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Cheese, Molasses, Crackers, Bj, ac king, Cinnamon. Soap, Candles, Shot, Pepper, Chocolate, Saleratus, Nut Megs, Allspice, Ginger, Herring, Mackerel, Close Pins, Indigo, f Baskets, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples. together with a variety of Tubs. Uowls, Sic. Tobacco, SnuiT. and Segars, of tho best and cheapest qualities always on hand, and will suit those who may favor htm with a call. Porler, Ale, Ittead at laiaoaaia constantly kept on hand. For the liberal support already received from his friends and customers ho return his aincexw thanks, and will endeavor in future to merit a. coniinaance of their favors', by sparing no ex. ertfons to make his establishment a agreeable retreat. Stroudsburg, June 19, 1843.- - LATEST FASHIONS. Would respectfully inform his friends nd iha public generally, thai he still continue! 'ho TAILORING BUSINESS at hi old stand, nearly opposite Stogdoll Stokes' Store. Ho has just recoived tho latest Philadelphia Fash' ions, and in prepared to execute all orders in his Itna with neatness and despatch, ind in !i la teat btyle. Clothing for old men made to suit their age and convenience. All of which ho will furnitih as cheap as can be had elsewhere. Produce takon in oxchange for work, at the cash prico. . N. B. Cutting done at the imiicej and warranted to fit if properly mndo up. StrotidBburg, Oct. 23, 1840.