DR. Cr. BEN J. SMITH'S PILLS SUGAR COATED ARE THR VP ry best and most pleasant remedy known for the permanent cure 01 couglis, colds, headache, indi- i i j . . gesuon, aim ut uerangements ol the stomach and liver, iinpurtticoolthe blood, piles, worms, nil ious complaints, and obstructions of all kinds. Thousands upon thousands have experienced the truth ol Hie above, and from thoir recommanda tions thousands more are making- the snrrf.il experiment in all parts of the country where these Tills are so deservedly popular. I am so confi dent of their entire efficacy in all the above cases, that I will bind myself to charge nothing if the pills do not perform a cure. One thins? remember the genuine "Improved Indian Vegetable Suar Coated Tills," have G. BJDNJ. SMITH written on the bottom of each box. Office 179 Greenwich street, large brick block. Also sold by Itushton &Co. 110 Broadway and Guion, Bowery, corner Grand st. G. BENJ. SMITH. Agents in Monroe (Jo. Schoch & Spering, Stroudsburg. . Huston &. Co. do. Jno. Marsh tj- Co. Fennersville. N- Beware of frauds, an infamous sramp having attempted an imitation. February 13, 1810. tf. imiiiii mi mi . , ,,,,1 - 1 1 1, ..."iiiii uTm r,. .in- i . -a . - ... ..vVi r .- ne awmiw ,Mwwi m..tf,,, a "&----."(;' J: -rtrfici&s-Mi!fc MMMMa!B8a'WBalaggg''tt''l ITTTTTTI ! Hi If H WHM,laf.Wl Wiml ' 1 M m. . . Jaj. .i. . ,x I i -If ' llnlllllBI 'ntTrTrWMl "T. w' JTTk t i , i I I I I I I ll"Vg- PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. Luther Kid der, President Judge of the twenty-first Judicial district of Pennsyl vania, composed of the counties of Schuylkill, Carbon and Monroe, and Joseph Keller and John Merwine, Esqs. Associate Judges of the courts of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by virtue of their oflices, Justices of the Courts of Ojrer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and Court of General Quarter Ses sions in and for the said county of Monroe, have issued their precept to me, commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, and General Jail Delivery and court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the county of Monroe, to be holden at Stroudsburgh, on Monday, the 6th day of April next, to continue two weeks, if necessary. NOTICE Is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Monroe, that they he then and there with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembran ces, to do those things which to their offices are appertaining, and also that those who are bound bv recognizance to prosecute and give evidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of the said coUnty of Monroe, or against persons who stand charged with the commission of offences, to be then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just ANDREW STOItM, Sheriff. (God save the Commonwealth.) Sheriff's Office, Strouds- ) burg, March '12, 1846. J Good news for the Aped. Spectacle Glasses filled to all ages and sights in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel Frames, with convex, concave, periseopic, blue, grey and green Glasses,o which he would in vite particular attention. No eh them. lor sale cheap, at ihe Variety Store of JOHN II. MEL CK Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. 'I O YS. A great variety of Tovs on hand, for sale cheap, at the Variety Store of JOHN H. ME LI OK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. A friend to all Nations, WAR OR NO WAR! Fine Pen-Knives and Razors. A good assortment, for sale low, by JOHN H. MEL1CK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. SOAPS. Fine scented Soaps for washing and sharing also the celebrated shaving cream, for sale cheap, by JOHN H. ME LICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. NEW LINE. The accommodation line of Stages hetween Stroudsburg and Easton, will leave the house f Edward Poatens, (Washington Hotel,) in Stroudsburg, on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of every week, at 8 o'clock, A it., and ar mvu in Easton at 2 o'clock, r. si , in lifrte for dinner; returning on the following day. tearing H Connor's American llo'el, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 o'clock, and arri Mtig at Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, same day. The subscriber begs leave to inform the pub lic, that he has purchased the above line of Mages from .Messrs. Connor, Post ens & Co., 'he former proprietors, and that ho is now able "u carrv nassenpers in as comfortable and con- cnieut a style, as any other route in the coun v. Fare through SI 25. ROBEItT C. SLEATH, Sole Proprietor and Driver. 'ron Uuirg. Jnn. 22, 1816. Attorney at JLaw, Uilford, Pifce county, Pa. foFHCE NEARLY OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.) . docks. Brass 30 hour Clocks, Wood 30 do do Fur iiale chean. by ' G. W-. DeWLTT I Violins and Flutes. At from $1,50 to $3,50, for sale by JOHN II. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846. English and German Prayer Book for Children. The subscriber has l'ust published an edition of a new book calculated for the juvenile read er, bearing the above title. It is intended for amines and Sabbath Schools. For sale at the office of'the Republican, and by the publisher at liethlehem. rrtco per dozen $1,25 single copy 12 1-2 cents. JULIUS W. HELD. October 30, 1845. TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS Furnishing Ware-Ho use. The subscribers have opened a new Type Found ry in the city of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job or fancv Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rule, STEEL COLUMN RULE, Composing Sticks, Chases, and erery article necessary for a Printing Office. Also second hand materials. The Type, which are cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with deep count ers, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnished by us is " hand cast." The types from any foundry can be matched at this estab lishment. Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam En gines of the most approred patterns. .N. B. A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses and do light work. COMPOSITION ROLLERS CAST FOR PRINTERS. COCKCROFT cj- OVEREND, G8 Ann st. September 4, 1845. Gm AS. A NEW BOOT & SHOE ES TA BLISHMENT. William BBair, Respectfully informs the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that he has commenced the Boot & Shoe ITIaking business at the shop formerly oc cupied by W. J. Breimer, as a Tin Shop, where he will be happy to receive orders for all kinds of work in his line of business, and also intends keep ing on hand a slock of READY MADE WORK: and will derotelhis best efforft to the accommd dation of those who will favdr him with their patronage. With an experience in the business of no in considerable length a determination to adhere strictly to liis promises and a resolution never to make unreasonable charges, he flatters him self that he will receive a fair proportion1 of the custom of ihe Borough and neighborhood. Country produce of all kinds, laken in pay merit for work, if brought in reasonable time. N. B Repairing done at i lie shortest notice. April 3, 1845. 6m. . CALV2IV BLYTIIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in the several Courts in the Ci ty and County of Philadelphia. His Office is at No. 35 South Fourth street, between Chesuut and Walnut streets. Philadelphia, Sept. 25, 1843. 3m.- Cheaper limn Ever!! 200 Pdgcs of rare and fashionable Music for Three Dollars 11 ! THE MUSICA L GEM, A weekly publication of rare and popular mu sic, Yocal and Instrumental, consisting of stan dard and original Songs, Duetts, Glees, &c, with Piano Forte accompaniments, Overtures, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Marches, Quicksteps, Airs, Rondos, and selections from Modern Operas, most of which have never been published in this' country. Mr. G. VV. Derwort, a professor well known to to the musical world, has been engaged to super intend the selecting and arranging department, and the Publisher feels warranted in asserting, that THE MUSICAL GEM will bear compari son with any other musical publication in this country. Persons sending S3, free of Postage, will have the Music mailed to them weekly- The following pieces are now ready for delir ary : 44 Rest Spirit, Rest," (from Amilie.) Pearl Waltz," by Francois Hunten. "The Sun has caught me sleeping," a celebrated Hunting song. "The Rose will cease to blow," as sung by Mr. Temple ton. Address 1 J. H. MILLER, New York City. December 11, 1845. Dissolution of Partnership. The Co-partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, under the name and firm of Roys & Heller, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement, and all Notes and Book ac counts, &c, due said firm, will be settled by either of the subscribers. harvey roys, John m. heller. Milford, January 15, 184G. TVOTICE. The Carriage and Wagon Making business will in future be conducted by the subscriber, at the old stand, who tenders his grateful acknowl ments for past favors and respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage. JOHN M. HELLER. Milford, January 15, 184G. 5i. Wholesale and Retail PREMIUM HAT STORE. BEKXRAftl KOSS, No. 120 Chesnut Street, south side, 4 doors below Fourth st,, PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully informs the citizens of Monroe county, that he has refined and opened the above Establishment, where he is prepared nt all times, to furnish Beaver, Nutria, and Moleskin Hats, equal to any manufactured in this Country; Also, a superior quality of Caps, for officers of the Ar my and Navy, together with Dress, Riding and Sporting Caps : a new and splendid style of Childrens' and Boys' Caps, with a preat variety m m- t .S of Rich Fancy Furs for Ladies. jusi receiveu, per oteam ontp ijreai wes tern, the approved style of LADIES' RIDING HATS; also, a beautiful assortment of Chil drens' French Caps. 1 am determined that my Hats, in point of beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by those of any other Establishment in any City in the Union. Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1845. Gm. ji'i i riium We recommend all of our friends visiting the city to call at the Pekin Company's Store, and lay in a supply of their delicious Teas. THE PEKIIV TEA COMPANY, No. 30. South Second Street, Between Market and Chesnut, PHILADELPHIA. Have constantly on hand, and for sale, Wholesale and Retail, a varie ty of choice fresh TEAS, at Lower Prices, according to the quality, than they can be bought for at any other establish ment in the city. TEAS, exclusively, are Bold at this house, and several varieties which cannot be obtained elsewhere. Any Teas which do not give en tire satisfaction can be returned and exchanged, or the money will be refunded. The citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity are respectfully invited give us a call. G. B. Z1EBER, Agent for the Pekin Tea Company. Philadelphia, Dec. 11, 1845 Sleeper & Fcimcr, MANUFACTURERS OF Umbrellas, Parasols, & Sim Shades, No. 12G Market street, south side, below Fourth, Philadelphia. Iuviie the attention of Merchants, Manufactu rers, &c. &.c, to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Stock, prepared with great care, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principle on which this concern is es tablished is to consult the mutual interest of their customers aitd themselves, by inanufaclii ring a good article, selling it at (he Lowest Pricfc for Cash, ilnd realizing ih'eir own remu neration, Hi die amount uf sales and quick re turns. Possessing inexhausiible facilities for manu facture, they are prepared to supply ordors to any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron age of merchants, manufacturers utrd dealers. Phila., Dec. II, 1815. ly. WATCHES. A good assortment of Watches, for snle, at reduced prices, by J0HN II. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 18-16. Coiiritry Produce; Butter, Eggs, &c. taken' in oXchang'e for any goods in my line of business, JOHN it MELICK. Stroudbburg, Feb. 12, 18-16. WORTHY OF NOTICE. Oon't all come at once. Clocks almost given away. Best Brass 8 day Cloeks $7 to $8,00 Do do I day do $4 to $5,00 Do Wood do do 2,50 Warranted good time keepers, for snle by JOHN IL MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846. NOTICE. Sherman's Cough Lozenges, and Clickener's Pills ; For stale at this office. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this office. PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFF A T'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS phcenix'bitters The high and eiiriej celebrity wliich tlioe pre-eimnciit "Medicines have acquired fur their invariable etficacy in all the disease! which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of pulling not only unnecessary, hut uuuur. thy of them. They are known by their fruits ; their good works testify for them, and they'llirive not by the fjitii of the credulous. Of ASTHMA. ACUTE and CVZOXIC RKEmidTISSt, JPFECTIOSS vf the U LADDER and KIDSEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the south and west, where theso disease prevail, they will ho found Invaluable. Planters, farmers, and others, win) unco use these Medicines, will never afterwards be without lbotn- BILIOUS CHOLIC, and SEROUS Looseness, lilLES, COSTIVENESS, COLDS &. COUGHS, CUOUC, CONSUftUTION. Used with great success in this drst-ase. CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, DITSPEPSIi-.. tin person with this distressing dis ease, should delay ming these medicines hmueUiately. ERUPTIOSS of the Skin, ERYSIPELAS, EI.ATU LESCY, FEVER and AGUE. Portliisscourseorthe wes tern country these medicines will Im found a safe. Seedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject tn a return of tho disease a cure hy these medicines is lerrnatieut TnV THEM, BR SATISFIED, ANO UK CUREtt. FOULNESS nf COMPLEXION. GENERAL DEBILITI, GOUT. OIDDISESS, GRA VEL, HEADACHES, nf every kind, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE ISLQOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS of APPE TITE, LIVBH COMFl AI3MT3, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, 91 K II C li II I A Ij DISEASES. Never fails tn eradicate entirely all the ofltcts of Meronry infi nitely sooner than llu; most powctiu' HciflrationofSiirsnpiHrila. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. NERVOUS COMPLAINTS Qf all klndt, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION of Iht HEART, PAINTER'S CHOI.IG. FILES, The original irop-irtor of then mi'dirines was curod of Piles of 35 years standing by tlie use of these Life Medicines alone. PAINS in the head, side, back, limbs, Joints and orpin?. RHEUMATISM. Tlioso alllictcd with this terrible disease, will be sure of relief by Ihe Lite Medicines. RUSH of BLOOD tothe HKAD, SCURVY, SALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS, SCROFULA, on KING'S EVIL, in its worst forms, ULCERS, of every description W O II JXl S , or all kind, are rilccttmlly expelled hy these Medicines. I'arents will do well to administer them uhrii ever their existence is suspected, ltelii f will l; certain THE LIFE PILLS AM P111EX1X MTTEHS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the svsteml A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PHffNIX BITTERS beyond the reach of compe tition iu the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines are now put up in white Wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called " Moffat's Good Samaritan," containing the directions, lie, on which is a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to our Office; by which strangers visiting the city can very easily find lis. The wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore those who procure them with white wrappers can he assured that they are genuine. lie careful, and do not buy those with yellow wrappers; but if you do, be sati.tied that they come direct from us, or dont touch them. H2r Prepared and sold by DH. WILLI A IK B. XIX OFF AT; 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony strcit, New" York. For Sale by SCHOCH & SPERING, Stroudsburg, solo agents for Mori Je county. December 18, 1845. Congressional Intelligencer; The Proprietors of the National Intelligencer in order to meet the wishes of those whose cir cumstances or inclination do not allow them to subscribe even to a weekly Washington papper during the whole year, have determined to is sue during each session of Congress, a weekly sheet styled "The Congressional Intelligencer," to be devoted exclusively to the publication, as far as its limits will permit, of the Proceedings of both Houses ol Congress, and Official Re ports, and Documents connected therewith, in cluding a complete official copy of all the Acts passed by Congress during the session. To bring the price within the means of eve ry man who can read, the charge for this paper will be for ihefrst session of each Congress half a dollar. The price of the ' Congressional Intelligen cer," to be issued on each Wednesday during the approaching Session ofCungress, will there fore be one Dollar, paid in advance. To en large upon the value, to those who take nb newspaper from Washington, of this publica tion, containing an iihpurtial but necessarily ab breviated account of the Proceedings in Con gress, including an authentic official copy of all the laws passed during the session, would be needless. The man who takes no such pa per, ought to take one, if he does not prefer re maining ignorant of what most nearly concerns his own dcstiii), and that of his family and of this poierity forever. When six copies are ordered and paid for by any one person, a deduction of one-sixth will be made from the price: that is to say, a ro miilance ofFive Dollars will command six co pies of the Congressional Intelligencer for the next Session. A remittance 6f Ten Dollars will secure thirteen copies ; and for Fifteen Dollars remitted from any one person or place twenty copies will be forwarded. Weekly Iationai Intelligencer. This paper, being made up of such portion of the contents of the National Intelligencer proper, as can be compressed within the com pass of a single newspaper, continues to be is sued and mailed to susenbers every Saturday at Two Dollars a year, payable in advance in all cases account being opened with subscri bers to the weekly paper. To bring this paper yet more nearly within the reach of such as desirb to take by the year a cheap paper from the seal of tho General Government, a reduction will he made in the prico of it where a number of copies are order ed and paid for by any person or association at the following rates : For Ten Dollars, six copies will be sent. For Twenty Dollars, thirteen copies; and For each sum of Ton dollars, above Twenty, eight copies will bo forwarded: so that a remit tance of Fifty Dollars will command thirty-sev-cu copins. )XT Publishers of papers throughout tho several States and Territories who will give a single insertion to this advertisement, (with this note annexed) and send one of their papers to this office with the advertisement marked there in, shall receive the Weekly National Intelli gencer for one year free of charge. PRICES CURRENT: Corrected every Wednesday ntovnihsi - . l -: s;roiJs:iCaitpiu.iViiilii'ti AR'in&DES Wheat Flour; p'erjbarrel Rve. do. doV uV.' Wheat, per biiSb'e! Rye, (id! do. Sole Leather per pound- -f'urn per bushel lJuekwht'ut. per bttsln'l f Mover St'ud per bushel Timothy Sc't;l per b'ftsh: naney Oats Flux Seed Hotter per pound Wags', per dozen ' r Plaster per ton Hickory ri'oml, per cord Oak, do. '. do. .Mackerel, No. ,1 Do. do 2 . -Potatoes, per bushel do. do; dd: i J o DIP -to ii2 25 54 40 0 0u 3b(J 4 b 1 )U - 1(1 5 50 2 50 'J 00 !5 00 I -J 50 45 i 00 07 il 55 C 00 i50 40 1 -20 15 19 -1 25 3 75 3 00. 1-2 00 10 00 . 30 t 1 10 ",:87 IH' Oti;. f oiT 5t 147," lif VIP 3 00- 1 sir Ui.flli. 8 Oil. coneotett weekly for the Jeireisoiuaii kelmUHchk. ' The notes of those- banks on whiin quo&CiifilV arc' bifitted and a ddsh( substituted, are-Vrt-t purchased by the brokers: B;sBsi?y ii'iiiaiit. rhil:iiU'lpiii;i Jim), . Han of; North Amurira, Kannors' it MlvIiuiucs' Western bank SuuiliwarK form Kuiisinutun ban inn do do do do Hank of Northern Liberties do Mechanics Hank do Cojiiiuercnd stank do 13 ink of I'enn Township do' Manufacturers Meeii'ns do Moymnensiiig-biwik. do! United Stales bank 22 Girard do pari Pennsylvania bank par uatiKoi oeriuantown par. Bank of Montgomery co. do U ink of ieliiwarc county do Bank ol Chester countv dt Doylcstown bank do Farmer?' bank of thicks do Ka-ton bank. do Fanners bank of Reading do; L.eoauon oamc Harrisburg bans. Midillotown bank FarttiL'rs Uatlk Lancaster par Lancaster bank Lancaster county bank Northampton bank Columbia Hridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank Miners batik of I'oltsviH'e York bank Chainbersbv.rg bank Gettysburg ba'ik Wyoming dt) Honesdajt; do Blink of Lrwistown Bank of Susquehanna co West Branch bank 2 r'lttsburjj t Waynesburn . 2 itio'wnesville Krie bank . . . . - 2 Berks oounrv danit l'ou inula do V Relief Notes I9dV York. CITV BANKa America, buik, ol . .r Anieiican E.vcll.uige d' Bank of Conuntjice. -ds Bank, of theStatt'ftfY - db But chers' ami L-'ioVtib' Chemical City Commercial Clinton Del. and Hudson can il co Dry Uoek du d. 1 pir dt l Fulton bank of New York- par Lum. Dank at Warren no salciWaslnngtoh Greenwich Lafayette Leather Manufacturers' Manhattan company Mechanics Uankl.iL Asso. doMercllant.s' bank do.Merchant . . Mechanics S: Tra lors Merchants Rxch.tsige .National nai.iK . New York, Bank of New-York UanKiiiL' oo N. Y. St'e. St'k security b. par .tortu Kivcr iiu lil'hunix . du EjScvcnth.Watd do 1 Tenth Ward . ii 3 Tradesmen's . pr SjUnion B.ofN Y par 1 par1 1 (to 0i do ilh dtr to do do 2 sSMiaasfflfe irt;iH)if!ae Confectionary, Fi'nitj mid GROCERY STORE. WILLIAM ii. SCHLOUGH, Respectfully informs the citizens of Sirouds.burg, and the rhsb'lic generally, that he has opened a Confectionary and Grocery Store, on Elizabeth street, in the room formerly occu pied by Joseph L.Keller, as a Grocery, where he is prepared to accommodate the public with all kinds of CANDIES of the beM quality. He also keeps on harid FRUIT, embracing all tile delicacies of tho season, and NUTS of all kinds. Ilia stock consists in part, of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts. Ground Nuts Figs, Almonds, Prunes, and a variety of all kinds of Confectionary gen erally kept in such an establishment, all of which he will sell very low for Cash. He-has also adde.d to the above stock, all the article connected with a (iROCEBY, Consisting in part of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Cheese; Molasses,' Crackers, Blacking, Cinnamon, Soaf, Candles, Shot, Pepper, ChocolateS! Saleratus,' Nut Megs, Allspice, Ginger, Herring. Mackerel, ' Close Pins -Indigo, Baskets, Dried Peaches Drictl 'Apples, together with a variety of Tubs, 13ovls, &c. Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, of the best and cheapest qualities always on hand, and will suit those who may favor hitu with a call. Porter, Ale, Mead and Eicmouade constantly kept on hand. For the liberal support already received from his friends and customers ho returns his sincere thairks, and will endeavor in future to merits a1 continuance of their favors, by sparing no ex ertions to make his establishment an agreeable retreat. Stroudsburg, June 19, 1845. LATEST FASHIONS. Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he still continue ihe TAILORING BUSINESS at his old stand, nearly opposite Stogdell Stokes' Store. He has just received the latest Philadelphia Fash ions, and is prepared to execute all orders in his line with neatness and despatch, and in the la test style. Clothing for old men made to suit their age and convenience. All of which h& will furnish as cheap as can bo had elsewhere. Produce taken in exchange for work, at the cash price. N. B. Cutting done at the shortest notice, and warranted o"fit if properly made up. Stroudsburg, Oct. 23, 1845. :i.:futd, Dec. c, 184.3