Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, January 22, 1846, Image 4

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    Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna
month! Type, -we are prepared tb execute every
description of
Carols,, Circulars, Ball cafs, tfotcs,
i n . Bllimk Ilcccipts,
Printed with, neatness and i!cspatch,,on reasonable teims -,
.TTcffcrsonia Republican. -
Wo have just received far sale, at the. Jeffer
?onian Oflice, a supply of " Fc'hncr's Oderifcr
itxts Compound for strengthening, softening and
beautifying' the JJair" also (if ' Fenncr's Den
trific for Preserving and Beautifying' th,e Teeth,
preventing. Tooth Ache, eye." and also "Fcnnrfs
Pomade Divine" a preparation for curing chap
ped hands, bruises, &c. The articles are.all of
the fnI quality, ana" the high reputation which
they -have acquired in the cities, and wherever
rise they have been used, cannoi fail to recom
mend them to tite general notice and patronage
of the people of this place and vicinity. A
number of our citizens have already tried them,
and pronounce them excellent We invite all,
who are in want of anv such articles, to give, us
a call, and we are sure they will not go away
December 19, ISH.
JLct tlzcin call and salsify themselves,
That they can gel higher prices for all kinds
of produce, and buy Lumber cheaper, at Mrl
ford than in an other market in this section of
country. The subscribers have on hand and
for sale at their yard in Mil ford
50,000 feet White Pine Boards,S9 to SI 1 00
50,000 " Hemlock " G 50 to 7 00
40,000 " Pine Siding, 6 00 to 12 50
20,000 " Sap Yellow Pino " 8 00 to 9 00
20,000 " Heart " " "11 00 to 12 00
3,000 " Panel boards,
20,000 " Ceiling Lath,
120,000 " Pine Shingles, 4 50 to 800
ALSO About
110,000 feet White and Yellow Pine Boards
at Shoholy Fall's Mills, for sale al
prices to suit the limes. Call and
satisfy yourselves.
Mi'.fnriL Dec. 14. 1343.
Congressional Intelligencer.
The Proprietors of the National Intelligencer
in order to meet the wishes of those whose cir
cumstances or inclination do not allow them to
subscribe even to a weekly Washington papper
during the. whole )'ear, have determined to is
sue during each session of Congress, a weekly
hheet styled "The Congressional Intelligencer,
to be devoted exclusively to the publication, as
far as its limits will permit, of the Proceedings
of both Hues ol Congress, and Official. Re
port?, and Documents connected therewith, in
cluding a complete official copy of all the Acts
parsed by Cnngiess during the session.
To bring the price within the means of eve
ry man who can read, the charge for this paper
will be for xcfrst session of each Congress
half a dollar.
The price of the " Congressional Intelligen
cer," to be issued on each Wednesday during
the approaching Session of Congress, will there
fore be one Dollar, paid in advance. To en
large upon the value, lo those who take no
newspaper from Washington, of this publica
tion, containing an impartial but necessarily ab
breviated account of ihe Proceedings in Con
gress, including an authentic official copy of
all the laws passed during the session, would
be needless. The man who takes no such pa
per, ought To take one, if he does not prefer re
maining ignorant.of what most nearly concerns
his own destiny, and that of his family and of
this poteriiy forever.
When six copies are ordered and paid for hy
any one person, "a deduction of one-sixth will
be made from the price: that is to say, a re
mittance of Five Dollars will command six co
pies of the Congressional Intelligencer for the
next Session. A remittance of Ten Dollars
will secure thirteen copies; and for Fifteen
Dollars remitted from any one person or place
twenty copies will be forwarded.
Weekly National Intelligencer.
This paper, being made up. of such portion
of the contents of the National Intelligencer
proper, as can be compressed within the com
pass of a single newspaper, continues lo beiW
sued.and -mailed to suscribers every Saturday
ht Two Dollars a year, payable in advance in
;11 ca,ses account being opened with subscri
ber Jo the weekly paper.
To bring this paper yet more nearly within
the reach of such asdesire lo lake by the year
cheap paper from the seat of ihe General
(.loveiument, a reduction will be made in ihe
rice of it where a number of copies are order
ed and paid for by any person or association at
the following .rates :
For Ten Dollars, six copies will be sent.
F:or Twenty Dollars, thirteen, copies-,, and
For each um of Ten dollars, abpve Twenty,
eight copies will be forwarded;- o thai, a, remit
tance or&Ay Doll ars will command thirty-seven,
jjj2 Publishers of papers throughout tho
several States and Territories, who will give a,
single inserthni to thjs advertisement, (vyjih ihis
note, annexed) and sendo8e pf hejr papers ip
this office witjb the advertisement marked ihe.ror
in, slmllreeiye the. Weekly aiional lii.uilli
!'iirer'fbr one year fr of charge. M nr
The subscriber hereby iflfrfrins the public
thaiho sull'coiiiintitesnho : j. S 3 tf
Cabinet Making Business
at his ol'd'stand in Elizabeth" si,'1Str6udshurgh
Pa. where lie will be happy to furnisji any per
son with Cabinet Ware, al low prices. He in
tends to keep on hand, and make to order, all
kinds of wares in his line of business. "
Side-Boards, -Bureaus, Gentre, Break
fast, Dining and End Tables, Wash
Stahds Bedsteads, Wardrobes,
Booh Gases, Secretaries, tyc.
A.LSO---COFFI NS. made m order at the
shortest notice.
St rotulshurgh. A pril 4,, .1,84' , ' ' ' f',? .
"mi 'V l!JU"V JnqspiioJiS'
aqi Xq 'paAtoooj AnjljUEqi oq jjj.vv BJopjQ
Sutyui mq si 'AijUn mi
sit qit.u pajndmoD 'a.vtj-j 8lP J Is03 3HJ,
di pndJis 'H3N0H0 A5LHCINV
d 'S.tnqspuojis 'SXOS NHOf
asn ui aou tuaqi o.vcq oq.w
'pattSisjaptin oqi jo jatpta uo Su;pi3 .q
ati jo Aiititi flip jo patjKiiBB oq uea suosjaj
patojajd ki J3.i9 qoiq.w (ioti jo 'Xauoq 8Udjns
acui bi jjjoav oi idaj aq una jo 'sa.viq
jo xoq tiommoo aqi tit op Aaqt'su 'soaij-J
asaqi tit am us 9tji uncus sddQ etj(
ui ojojoiajoq uaaq suq ltjqi pu;j aqi jo Stitqi
Attn oi jotJrtdhs jbj puK '.uiojj jusioyip Apjutia
ajdi.iuud 'uo paioniteuoD si aAifj oqj4 uoti
-U9AUI aqi oi oqqnd aqi jo uotiuaim aqi rd oi
3abo rEa 'Aiunoa aojuoT joj aifj sjg
lojjojd-fps juojnj psaojdiitj vjjujj jo iqotJ
tuaiud aqi paBqojnd SuiAuq jaqijjsqus aq
saaa hjioa says
No. 8 South Third street, Philadelphia.
Bank Notes. Notes oh all solvent banks in the
United States discounted at the lowest rates.
Drafts, JCotes and Bills collected on the most
favorable terms.
Exchange. Bills of exchange and Bank Checks
on most of the principal cities of the Union, bought
and sold at the best rates.,
Exchange on England in large or small sums
constantly for sale.
BicknelVs Reporter, Counterfeit Detector and
Prices Current, is issued- from this office every
Tuesday. It is devoted chiefly to the condition of
the currency, the Markets, Banking institutions,
Counteifeit Notes, &c. Terms, $3 per annum
payable in advance.
BicknelVs Counterfeit Detector and Bank Note
List is published semi-monthly at $1 50 per an
num, payable in -advance. This work is printed
in pamphlet form of 32 pages. Single copies 12
1-2 cents.
Office open from 8 a m to C p m
Exchange hours from 9 a m to 3 p at.
Worms Ki22 Thousands.
CHILDREN are most subject to them, but per
sons of all ages are liable to be affiicted with
them. Bad breath, paleness about the lips, flush
ed cheeks, picking at the nose, wasting away,
leanness, pain in the bowels, joints or limbs, dis
turbed sleep, frightful dreams, moaning and some
times a voiacious appetite, ate among the symp
toms of worms. Many are doctored for months
for some other imaginary disease, when one box
of Sherman's Worm Lozenges would effect a cute.
Dr. Ryan, corner of Prince street and the Bowery,
cured a man of worms that was reduced to a skel
eton, and by only one box of Sherman's Lozenges:
he is now as fat as an alderman. The Hon ' B.
B. Beardsley has saved the life of one of his chil
dren by them. The sale of over 2,000,000 of boxes
has fully tested them. They are the only infalli
ble worm destroying medicine known. What
family will be without them 1
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coughs,
Asthma, and all affections of the kings, will find
a healing value in Sherman's Cough Lozenges.
They saved the Rev. Richard De Forrest, the
Rev. Mr. Streeter, Jonathan Howarth, Esq., and
that worthy old hero, Leonard Rogers, from the
consumptive s grave. 1 hey cured in one day, the
Rev. Mr. Dunbar, the" Rev, Mr. Handcock, Wm.
H. Attree, Esq., of distressing coughs. They are
the pleasantest cough medicine and cure, the soon
est of any known remedy.
Headache, Sea-sickness and Palpitation, re
lieved in from five to ten minutes. by Sherman's
Camphor Lozenges Persons attending crowded
rooms or travelling will'find them to impart buoy
ancy of spiiitsand renew their enemies- Those
suffering from too free living will find a few of the I
lozenges to dispel the horrors and lowness of
spirits. Mr. Krauth, of the Sunday Mercury, has
repeatedly cured himself of severe headache by
them. Captain Chadwick, of the packet ship
Wellington, liars witnessed their efficacy in a great
many cases of sea-sickness. They operate like a
charm upon the agitated or shattered' nerves, as
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster does upon rheu
matism, lumbago, pain or weakness in the side
back, breast, or any part ofUie hotly. Mr. 1L C
Daseers, 30 Ann street, llenrv R. Couldiixr. 35 i
Chatham street, Moses J. Henriques, Esq.! a ml. a I
muuuuae oi ouiers nave experienced the wonder
ful effects of these' Piasters;' Price "only 12 1-2
cents. Caution is necessary to see that you get
the genuine Sherman's Lozenges and Plasters, as
therfl are many worthless articles attempted to lie
palmed off in ptape of iheni, by those who would
trifle with your life for, a shilling. .
A fresh .supply of valuable medfeinesjust
received andJ5frw'Jaleal llc die jnihli'cah office.
December 1. 18-1i. 'f , .,.,: '
j nl
F or saj-gjat jthj.!o.Tj;cc. ,j'-m;'"I
, TJie subscrihe.r, having purchased the inAer
est of ;Vm. Schlaugh in the above .establish
rnpni, takes I his method. -to inform, the public
Generally, and .Millers and Farmers especial
ly, lha.i he has removed to the large and con;
Foundry and Machine Sliop,
in the rear of John Boys' Store, and .would he
thankful for any patronage extended towards
him, and respectfully announces that he is
prepared lo execute all orders in his lino' of
business in the best mauncraud with despatch
He will manufacture
for Flour and other Mills, toge.ther with Cast
ings of every description turned andVfitted up
in the best possible manner. He leels couh
dent in his ability to execute all orders with
which he may be entrusted in a workman-like
manner. Particular care will be taken to em
ploy none but good workmen in the. different
departments of the establishment, and no pains
will be spared by ihe proprielot "to give gen
eral satisfaction to those who may favor him
with orders for work.
such as Spindle Steps, Shaft and Gudgeon
Boxes, &c. will be made lo order. Old Cop
per and Brass taken in exchange at ihe highest
price. Patterns made to order.
Threshing I7Iac2iiaes & Elorse Powers
of i lie most approved construction, will be fur
nished to order at the shortest notice.
WrougS&t Sron Mill Work
will be done on the most reasonable terms, and
all kinds of smith work.
The best kind of Sled Shoes and polished
Wagon Boxes will always be kept on hand.
Ploughs of the most approved plan will be
kept on hand, and.-an excellent assortment'of
Plough Castings which he offers, for sale to
Plough makers.
Stroudsburg, March 13, 1845.
rugs aisI Ifletiiciiies,
Iron, IVails, Glass,
JSoards, SliiiBjries,
Ceiling E.:ith
articles &c.
The subscribers having adopted ihe above
method of doing business, feel confident that it
will be beneficial to the interests of their cus
tomers, as well as their own. They have just
received in addition to their former stock, a
large assortment of Dry Goods selected wish
care. Also, Groceries, Hardware, &c. which
they will sell at prices to suit the times.
All persons having unsettled accounts with
ihe subscribers, will confer a favor by settling
and paying up at iheir earliest convenience.
Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore
extended to us, we respectfully solicit its con
tinuance, and pledge ourselves to use every
exertion to merit the favors of their friends
and customers.
Milford, July 12, 1813.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers, itading under the. firm of Hay
den & Sehlaugh, has this day been dissolved
by mutual consent. All persons having de-
nmnds again! said firm; will piesent them to
Samuel Hayden, for settlement ; and all who
are indebted thereto, are requested to niake'im-
mediate payment to him, he being'' authorized
to receive the same.
N. B. The business wijl be continued hy
the fiubscriber.iiiiithe. new building in the rar
of John Boys' Store, who respectfully solicits
a continuance of public p:ilrn7inc. '
Mareli G. Is-tfl.-' ' '( ' ' '
J -. "I U ... . ! I
SEar Iron, Gar,Coaci& Wagon Axles
t Axle jiiidWHii Barrel-Iron',
' And a general assor.tpipnt of 5
constantly on hand and will be sold on the inos
reasonable luinjh, by
' " ; j .MORRISEVA NS.
Analominlvjl ton AVorks, Afpni 161?! 8 1"
; ..; hotel, . :
, as fitted up a commodious and elegant Ho- icy whch strikes at the prosperily of the g PJ
lei on Elizabeth street, '.nearly mposite- the facturinc consumer, must damaee the A,Triri,.,..t
store of G. ILl-Miller & Co., and directly op-
posite i lie resitience oi uauiei - oirouu,-- jusq. wimuui ueintueiu io uie luercuani, at once con
He has every convenience for entertaining stimer and carrier for both. As, however, the ele
siraiiL' aiAl travellers. Persons -from Ihe ci-. etu of mh'nufacturing and commercial industry
ties, and others who' wish t(
to take a pleasant
i- . , i . ii
ininit in ih fnimirv will hp si fTiimmnihi ipH in
rr:., -
.he most sajisfactory manner at his house
to all reasonable customers".'
is, and will continue -io be, furnished vvitha
choice ; assortment of Liquors.
i . : i ii -
is new and exteitft M e and Mirpaased by none in
, . , tC ,. , 1 J--
the county for comfort and convenience.
With these advantages' hacked by some' ex -
perience in uie nusiuess aim a iieiermitiaiion
to keep, a good public house, he confidently ex -
peels a fair porlion of public patronage.
XO3 Prnianen't boarders will find a quiet
home and be 'satisfactorily ' accommodated at
moderate prices.
Stioudshiirg, Sept. 28, 1843.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers, as publishers of this 'paper,
was on the 17th of August last, dissolved by
mutual consent. All persons having demands
against ihe said firm, will pre:ent them inj
Theodore Schoch for settlement, and all who
are inuenteu tnereio are recpiesteu to maKe, im-
i . l.l . I . .. 1.
mediate payment to linn, lie uemg autlionzea
lo receive the same.
P. S. The Jefleraonlan Republican will con-
tinue to he published hy Theodore Schoch and
F. E. Spering, who respectfully solicit a con
tinuance of public patrqnage
F. E. SPE R1NTG.' '
Spitting of Blood,
Night sweats and pain in the Side.
...il1 rt n ckinnlioit kllli' I 1 1 lt.t r r t l f , Air, t n C !
" wr"'"" " - .unas not been until comparatively a late period
forded by the marker. ' ": - ' ' jfn Europe, and still later in Americd, that the puli-
:'HIS ROOMS AND REDS, 1 lic m5n.d ha? b?en made, Pwperiy sensible of the
, ii i t . " . i necessity of science tovAgricuiture, and so to re.
are such, as will, he hopes, prove satisfactory . Farm;n(y a, pasenl?aii an intPiion,...i ' i
Jonathan JIaworth, Esq. the well known 1 em- In lhe Farmer5' Library they will be accompanied
perance Lecturer, was attacked with a cold from J by noleS from the Editori explaining whatmty be
sleeping m damp sheets, in the winter of 1841. He obsCure to American readers, or calculated to mis
neglected it at first, but soon found it assuming a , ead the beginning in Farming, owing to differen
somewhat alarming aspect, and then resorted to 1 ces of sjl, Climate, &c. The works published
the various remedies usually recommended for lung jn the Librarv Wlll form a compiete series, explor
complaints. V hen one thing failed he tried an- ing and exhibiting the whole field of Natural
other, until ne had exhausted his patience and the Science, and developing the rich treasures whirli
whole catalogue of remedies. His cough was al- Chemistry, Geology, and Mechanics, have yielded
most incessant so mat he could get little or no and may yield to lighten the labors and swell tho
sleep attended with pain in his side, spitting of;harvesls of the intelligent husbandman. The
blood, night sweats, and all the usual symptoms of work wil be s0 arranged that the Farmer's Libra-Consumption-
While at Rome, (I ) he felt that ry may be bound up bv itself, forming a mam
his end was nigh that in that place he must soon , moth volume of fiOO pages at the end of each vear;
end his journey of life. Providentially, a lady or each work contained therein may be bound se
who visited him advised a trial of Dr Sherman's paratelv
Cough Lozenges. ; He accordingly sent and got a , n 7ye Monthlu Journal of Agriculture will
box, and the first close gave him more relief than likewise contain about 50 pages per month, ami
.all the other medicines he used before. By the , wiU comprise, 1. Foreign: Selections from tho
time be had taken one small box, he was able to higher class of British, French and German pe
start for the city of iework, and in three Weeks' riodicais devoted to Agriculture, with extract
time he was perfectly restored to his usual health. from- new books which may not be published in
He often announces the fact to his hearers, when lhe UbrarV) &c. dc. 2. American: Editorials,
lecturing on I emperance, and says he owes his communica"ted and selected accounts of experi
life to Dr Sherman s Lozenges mentS( jmproved processes, discoveries in Agn-
From the Cincinnati Daily Times, of Jan. 4th 1344. ; Culture, new implements, &c. In this department
Coughs The variableness of the weather this alone will outs resemble any American work ever
winter has caused an unusual number, of persons yet published. It can hardly be necessary to add
to bo afflicted by colds and coughs scarcely a that no Political, Economic, or other controverted
family has escaped; and with many, carelessness doctrine, will be inculcated through this magazine
in attending to a cough, has laid the foundation for Its price will be Five Dollars a yearin advance,
consumption. Our family has not escaped the for twrt royal octavo volumes of 600 pages each
general afllictioh, but owing to a remedy, used j Each number of the Library will be illustrated
for the first time, they were speedily cured. Sher- by numerous engravings, printed on type obtained
man's Cough Lozenges, which we were induced 1 expressly for thfs work, and on good paper ther
1t t?1t rtrr, .r.A n nr..nrnliil r Un 01J I I. I J 1. If I. J
K" J lJ4-'t" imij uio icjJiuocilitu iu uci aim v 1HJIC yiH up Uo OUUU it WOTK 3I10UIU UC. II IHIUCS
affected a cure in a few days of a troublesome j not prove the best as well as the amplest and most
cough, which appeared so deeply seated that j comprehensive Agricultural work ever published
seemed doubtful if it could be removed at all. in this country, the fault shall not rest with the
We have not written the above as a puff, but as I publishers, and we are sure it will not fall short
facts which the "community should know". G F. J for want of industry or devotion in the- Editor
Thomas, No 117 Main street, is the sole agent in The low and definite rate of postage chargeablei
this city . on such a periodical after the 1st of July say
WORMS OA USE DEA TH. six to eight cents a number will enable many (o
Thousands upon thousands have cone down to take it who would otherwise have-; been repelled
craves from Marasmus, or a wastinn- nwav of the
body, Epilepsv. Fits, St Vitus' Dance, Locked
' " CT J
Jaw, Apoplexy, Mania, Dropsy in the Head, Pal
sy, Consumption, Pleurisy, Dysentery, Convul
sions, and many other supposed apparent diseases;
and many have suffered for years and years, and
have been doctored for some imaginary complaint
without the least relief; and others are still suffer
ing, when oil the trouble arises from worms, and
worms alone, wnich arc entirejy overlooked, and
when the proper treatment would have saved their
lives, and restored them to health. Every obser
vant mother cannot but see and admit the truth ;
but still-many physicians shut their, eyes to that
all-important cagse of disease.
Persons of all ages and sexes, from the tender
infant at the breast to old age, are all liable io be
afllicted.whh worms. Many a person has suffered
his whole life from them, and never
Difltirent kinds of worms inhabit different, parts of
the body : hut a hum nisserratinn on their particu
lar locality, origiu.&c. is superfluous and unneces
sary, so long as a proper, safe and certain remedy
is at hand. That is all the public wants or cares
for. The sale of over two millions of boxes of
Sherman's Worm Lozenges, in less than fivevears,
places their reputation far above all other "worm
medicines. )
-ItoWitt, Brothers fe Ilag-cvtv,
Hayeoh had '&03tM feet Hemlockand
White and Yellow Pine Boards and Siding, at
their Lumber establishment in Lord's Yalley,
1 4 whiles -from Dinginan'a Bridge; which ihoy
will sell nheaptfur 'Grain,' Straw and Iron, and
will not reCiiMv.taiake current moiif.y :or Pork.
Wis iCMjiectfully solicit a share of public paY
! Prospectus of the Farmer's IAbranj, and Mont,,,
! Journal dj ' Agriculture. John: S. Skinnrh, Va
j tor. None can well have studied the true sourcei
' of National welfare, without perceiving the natu.
I ral and friendly connexion existing between Ma
producer, and neither can be injuriously affeciP,i
T- 06 (.'e"vf "cmei J "P ?e S011' Is not tfc
wmuuo iiucicjt ui uii i.iU33cj mill litf nno
... . 1G uc
nKiH4S tntkriiist' nf til nttiui. ilAni.n.i . t. . . f
gives to all their employment and subset
eppe, should be encouraged and benefitted with
every ad vantage ;thaL science .can confer and thf
mosi enugntencu iuaiisiiy mase available Yet
dignified pursuit one which should imply for its
followers high mental cultivation and various
attainments. Happily, however, educated young
men are now betaking themselves to Farming, as
a business, which, like the learned professions
I has its own principles and will have its literature
' i....i.. . i. .i..l ...i.. ..u: ... i- t . .
, iuu nuiy iu iiiuy uc iiancu uat sun eui tins lalek
.. . J i i awieij
. given rise to memoirs and work3 more profound
. and instructivej or been fruitful of more in(eresU
; jng results of scientific investigation, than A"ri-
i culture ! Who, among modern L.iterati, enjov
, more enviable distinction than Liebig and John
slon, and Boussingault and Candolle The tasti
for Agricultural Literature in our country, thank
to the able journals that encourage it, keeps pace
with: its progress in Europe. The more fully to
meet the demand thus created, we have decided
to publish on the first day of July, and monthly
thereafter, the Farmer's Library and Monthly
Journal of Agriculture, to be edited by John S
Skinner, late Assistant Postmaster General and
founder of the first Agricultural periodical pub
lished in this country.
Far from being designed or in any way calcu
lated to affect injuriously the circulation of exist
ing journals of less price and wider circulation.
i ""V
they may supply the Farmer's table with lmhter
j and more apreeable refreshment, while in the Li-
j brary he may may find more solid as it will be
, more costly food.
Each number will consist of two distinct parts,
viz. :
L J .I,e ?er orary,m which will be pub-
i":".,. " a,jr:l,IB.. eai '"7
Agriculture, embracing those which, by their cost
or the language in which they are written, would
otherwise seem beyond the reach of nearly all
American Farmers. In "this way we shall ive
for two or three dollars the choicest European
treatises and researches in Agriculture, costing
j ten times as much in the original editions, not
' easily obtained at any price, and virtually out of
' tli rv man itlin 1 i to i t nrr f lt , rK
Dv 11,0 neav7 jnd capricious exactions ol rhe rost
Office. As Postmasters are permitted to frank
money letters to publishers ni7 that period, and
as we wish to print only so many copies as may be
wanted, v& respectfully solicit orders from all who
may incline to aid us, as early as will suit their
convenience. Address
Tribune Office.
Corner of Spruce-street, opposite the Cit) Hall.
New York, July 31, 1845.
Brass 3Q hour Clocks,
AVood 30 do do
For sale cheap, by
Milford: Dec. 8, 1842
2o0,0P0 Brick, just burnt, are offered for sale
by, the subscriber, among which may be found
4 60;000 Hard Brick.
75',000 Soft and Salmon dofv
1.0,000 Jam-do:
m' s;90SquB;gearlhao;. ,
Alijns!f9Bucp,jcashnotj refused) la
ken in exchange.
C. W.. DeWITT.
MjlfqrdVNov.j , J 844.
Neatly executed at this Office,
i c ---n 'i j viL.i,uai mi