u Orphans' Court Sale. )y virtue of an order of the Orphan' Court 0f the county of Pike, the follow itiu real estate, formerly of John W. Mtddaugh. late of West fall township, in said county, deceased, will he MiU Puhlic vendue at the house of Sarah MuMaugh, in aid township, on Saturday the lAth of Fcbmary next, sl 2 o'clock P. M of said day, a certain tnict or piece of land njttiaie in the township or West fall, in said county, hatted and hounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stonu corner of also of lh P'a'!i House lanil ; itinicn along the same South 39 degree East 75 perches to a stone mcr of Benjamin V-uitnwageu ; thence along ,he fame North 48 degrees East 160 perches lo a s'one and gum; thence North 34 degree West 75 perches to the place of beginning, containing 77 Acres of Land, with he appurtenances. The Improvements thereon are a good Frame Dwelling House, l with about SIX ACRES of improved .land. The terms and conditions of sale will be niade known at the time and place of sale by Sarah Mtddaugh, Administratrix. By order of the Court. J. C. WESTBROOK, Clerk. Jlilfnnl, January 15, 1846. " WATCHES. A Rood assortment of Watches, for sale, at reduced price., by JOHN H. MELICK. ' Stroudsburg, Jan. 1. 1346. 'THE NATIONAL PRESS; A JOURNAL FOR HOME; A Rcpoii!ory of Letters; a. Record of Art; a Mirror of Passing Event. Tj be Published every Saturday, at Two Dollars a Year, in Advance. GEORGE P. MORRIS, Editor and Proprietor. A number of the most eminent literary persons of this country, have proposed to the undersigned to publish, under the above title, a refined and val uable newspaper, upon a plan combining the high est resources of National Talent with the best el ments of extensive popularity, and at so trifling an annual cost, as will place it within the conve nient reach of all classes of society. The control and management of this publication will form the exclusive and undivided attention of the Editor whose long experience, ample facili ties and practised care, will be exerted to select, unite and harmonise the various skill which is willing to seek devopment under his direction The scope, design, and character of this paper will differ from those of any journals heretofore t WORTHY OF NOTICE. Don't all come at once. Clocks almost given away. BeM Brass 8 day Clocks, $7 to $8,00 Do do 1 day do $4 to $5,00 Do Wood do do 2 50 Warranted good time keepers, for sale by 0 , JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg. Jan. 1, 1846. Good news for the Ared. o Spectacle Glasses fitted lo all ages and sights in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel F rames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blue, grey and green Glasses, to which he would in viie particular attention. No charge for showing them. For .sale cheap, at the Variety Store of JOHN H. MELICK. Strnudshurg; January 1, 1846. I O YS. A great variety of Toys on hand, for sale cheap, ttt the Variety Store of JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. Fine Pen-Knives and Razors. A good assortment, for sale low, by JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1. 1846. SOAPS. Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving also the celebrated shaving cream, for sale cheap, by JOHN H. MELICK. Sirotidburg, January 1, 1846. Violins and Flutes. At from SI, 50 to 3.50, for sale bv " JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudhurg, Jan. 1, 1846. Knmlish and German Prayer Book for Children. The subscriber has just published an edition of a new book calculated for the juvenile read er, bearing the above title. It is intended for families and Sabbath Schools. For sale at the office of the Republican, and by the publisher at Bethlehem. Price per dozeu $1,25 single copy 12 1-2 cents. JULIUS W. HELD. October 30, 1845. TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS Fiiriiisliius Ware-House. established, while it will comprehend all that they j The subscribers have opened a new Type Found - cchimiu ui uujnjiuuK.B u. uic cuiuuiuiiHY. , i TV in the city of New York, where they are ready contents will be fitted to engage the attention of to su ly ordcrs to any exteritj for anv kind 0f job the man of business, and be a source of elegant or fancv Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brass instruction and entertainment to the domestic fire-; Jlule STEEL COLUMN RULE, Composing tide and family circle. j Slicks Chases, and every article necessary for a The leading characteristics of this paper will prlntinp office. Also second hand materials, be as follows : Tne Type, which ate cast in new moulds, from 1. Early and Copious Intelligence of all inter- an entirelv new set of matrixes, with deep count esur.g occurrences m Literature, Society, and Art, eRJ are w:arranted to be unsurpassed by anv, and Iwth at home and abroad. I will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the 2. A Foreign Correspondence of tried popular- ! t furnished bv us is "hand cast." The types ity and acknowledged merit has been engaged, ; fn)m foundrv can be matched at this estab anJ will be commenced with the first number. Hshment X Productions in fiction, romance and histori- ; printin,, Presses furnished, and also Steam En ral narrative ; Sketches of the taste and manners gines ()f lne ,nost approved patterns, .fthe tune; Essays, after the manner of the Tat- , N H A Machinist js constantly in attendance tier and Spectator, on subjects conuected with so- toDair Presses and do light work. rial interests; biographical notices and anecdotes, COMPOSITION ROLLERS CAST FOR JmL Wholesale and Retail PREMIUM HAT STORE. BERTRANl) ROSS, No. 120 Chesnut Street, south side, 4 doors below Fourth St., PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully informs the citizens of Monroe county, that he has refitted and opened the above Establishment, where he is prepared at all times, to furnish Beaver, Nutria, and Moleskin Hats, equal to any manufactured in this Country ; Also, a superior quality of Caps, for officers of the Ar my and Navy, together with Dress, Riding and Sporting Caps : a new and splendid style of Children' and Boys' Caps, with a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for Ladies. Just received, per Steam Ship Great Wes tern, the approved style of LADIES' RIDING HATS; also, a beautiful assortment of Chil drens' French Caps. 1 am determined that my Hais, in point f beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by those of any other Establishment in any City in the Union. Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1845. 6m. FOR SALE. Two good One Horse Sleighs. Enquire of GEORGE H. MILLER. Stroudsburg, Dec. 11, 1845. JFURS! FURS!! Any quantity of Cross, Red and Grey Fox. Raccoon, Mtnk, Fisher, Martin, Otter, House Cat, Wild-Cat, Bear and Muskrat Skins, want ed at the Hat & Cap Store of the subscriber, on Elizaheih street, nearly opposite J. Knecht's Hotel for which the highest cash price will be paid. SIMON FREY. Siroudsburg. Dec. 11, 1845. ;tenrv and professional ; bon-mots, epigrams, and elegant trifles of every kind; the rumors of the day, and the comments that float upon the conversation of the hour materials of this kind will form the ordinary staple of the work 4. The department of Criticism will exhibit a discriminating and popular survey of the Literary Pioductions oflhe day. There will be a thorough and careful chronicle of everv thing of value ac complished in Painting and Sculpture, and a can- id and patriotic estimate of the National produc tions in comparison with other countries. Such exposition of the character and special excellen cies of what is exhibited in Music will be constant ly given as may lead to the more intelligent enjoy -mrnt of that most imaginative and delicate branch of the Fine Arts. 5. No original papers will appear, but those of obvious and decided merit; and the selections (which will commonly be from the foreign journals the least known in this country) will be made with the utmost attention and care. The predominant design of the Editor is to add to the Republic of Letters a Weekly Journal, dis tinctly and decidedly national in tone and features, and at the same time, to avoid all connection with ; patronage We recommend all of our friends visiting the city to call at the Pekin Company's Store, and lay in a supply of their delicious Teas. THE PEKI TEA COMPANY, No. 30 South Second Street, Between Market and Chesnut, PHILADELPHIA. Have constantly on hand, and for sale. Wholesale and Retail, a varie ty of choice fresh TEAS, at Lower Prices, according to the quality, than they can be bought for at any other establish ment in the city. TEAS, exclusively, are sold at this house, and several varieties which cannot be obtained elsewhere. Anv Teas which do hot give en tire satisfaction can be returned and exchanged, or the money will he refunded. The citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity are respectfullv invited give us a call. G. B. ZIEBER, Agent for the Pekin Tea Company Philadelphia, Dec. 11, 1315 PRINTERS. COCKCROFT 4- OVEREND, 68 Ann st. September 4, 1845. 6m A NEW BOOT & SHOE E S TA BLI SEMEN T. William Blair, Respectfully informs the citizens n mete party politics. THE NATIONAL PRESS will, in brief, combine the striking and novel at tractions of the newspaper, with the more abiding interest of the higher class of periodicals. It will he printed in the folio form, on large and superior paper, on a new and clear type, obtained expressly for the purpose, and will be, in its whole arrange ment and details, a favorable specimen of the best tVD02raDhical skill of the country. In addition to these, and as one of its most yaluable peculiarities, j it will be, in reference to the diversity of talent jA 3 1845 11131 Will Oe empioyeu UjJUU Jl, hg wicaov jypw ui the United States. Terms Two dollars a year, or three copies for five dollars, invariably -in advance. It umII Ho com lv mail to all Darts of the United States, and to the British Provinces, done up in j strong wrappers, with the utmost punctuality ana despatch. Postmasters are requested to act as agents, re reive subscriptions, and make remittances. The first number will be issued on Saturday, the fourteenth of Februaty next. That a proper estimate mav be formed of the number of copies that will be required, subscribers would oblige the Editor by sending in their names at as early a period as possible. Newspaper and periodical agents and newsmen supplied on liberal terms. Burgess, Stringer & Broadway, wholesale age.u , - - - f cash Qr duce lore rpm lances, auu ou .kim- v-.t ..... - , I Sleeper & Fcnncr, ; manufacturers of 1 Umbrellas, Parasols & Situ Shades, ' No. 126 Market street, south side, below Fourth, J Philadelphia. of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that . jnvjle the attention of Merchants, Manufaciu he has commenced the j rer,i &c. &C1 m their very Extensive, Boot & Shoe Making j Elegant, New Stock, prepared with business at the shop formerly oc-j great care, and offered copied by W. J. Breimer, as a Tin At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principle on which this concern is es tabltshed is to consult the mutual interest o their customers and themselves, by manufactu ring a good article, selling it at the Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remu neration, in the amount of sales and quick re turns. Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manu facture, they are prepared to supply orders to any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron age of merchants, imnulacturers and dealers. Phila.. Dec. 11, 1845. ly. Shop, where he will be happy to receive orders for all kinds of work in his Hue of htisiness, and also intends keep ing on hand a slock of READY MADE WORK: and will devotelhis best efforts to the accommo dation of those who will favor him with their With an experience in the business of no in considerable length a determination " adhere strictly to his promisesand a resolution never to make unreasonable charges, he flatters him self that he will receive a fair proportion of the custom of the Borough and neighborhood. Cotintrv produce of all kinds, taken in pay- ! mem for work, if brought in reasonable time. N. B Rt pairing done at the shoriest notice. 6m. Stowes! C w. DeWitt & Brother, have just received a large assortment ol Stoves, con sisting of Franklin Furnace 3 and I boiler Cooking stoves do do 9 plate stoves, do do Parlour do. do do Box do. Orangf County 4 boiler Looltmg ao Many's Albany 3 do Degroff 4" ears Albany 3 do poors Patent isoal stoves. a..,i o Urn Int if Stove-nine, all of which UlIIU a I I do. do. Suli&rrintinnH. ord municatinns. lo be addressed, post-paid, to GEORGE P. MORRIS, 222 Broadway, corner of Ann St., New York. 07 With those Editors who copy , the above Prospectus, the Editor will be most happy to ex change, and. at' all tijues. as, always heretofore, to nriprocate the liberalities ai-d courtesies of the I'ress. Mtiford, Nov. 10, 1842. Attorney at law, Gilford, Pike comity,' Pn- vi.-Al:V OlM'OSITE THE I'M E8B VTER-IA.N CHURl'H.) Cheaper thaii Ever!! 200 Pages of rare and fashionable Music for 1 hree Dollars !! ! THE MUSICAL G B M, A weekly publication of rare and popular mu sic, Vocal and Instrumental, consisting of stan dard and original Songs, Duetts, Glees, &c. with Piano Forte accompaniments, Overtures Quadrilles, Waltzes, Marches, Quicksteps, Airs Rondos, and selections from Modern Operas most of which have never been published in this country. Mr. G. W Derwort, a professor well known to to the musical world, has been engaged to super intend the selecting and arranging department and the Publisher feels warranted in asserting that THE MUSICAL GEMwlW bear compart son with any other musical publication in this country. Persons sending 3, free of L'ostage will have the Music mailed to them weekly. The following pieces are now ready for deliv ary : "Rest Spirit, Rest," (from Amine ; "Jfe Waltz." bv Francois Hunten. "The Sun 1 caught me sleeping," a celebrated Hunting song "The Rose will cease to blow," as sung by Mr Templeton. Address J. H. MILLER, New York City December 11, 1845. PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFA T'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHOENIX BITTERS The high and enied celebrity xitiieh thesw pre-eminent Medicine have acquired for their invariable ellicacy in all the diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing uot ouly unnecesaryt but unwor thy of them. They are known by their fruits ; their good work testify for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. BLANK DEEDS For sale at. this ofiice. (If ASTHMA, ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. AFFECTIONS of the ULADUF.R and KIDSEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the south and west, where thee diseases prevail, they will be found Invaluable. Planters, fanners, and others, who once use Uiese Medicines, will never afterwards be without lh-m. BILIOUS CHOLIC, and. SEROUS Loatenut. UILES, COSTIVESESS, COLDS fc COUGHS, CKOUU, CONSUMPTION. Used with great sucees in this ducane. CORRUPT HUMORS. DROPSIES. B7SF23PSXA. Ifo person with this distressing rfis eae, should delay using these medicines iinmrdiately. ERUPTIONS of the Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LENCY, FEVER and AGUE. For this sawirfe of the wes tern country these medicines will be iund a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other incdicinrs leave the system subject to a return of Uw dMense a cure hy these medicines a permanent. TRY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CUtlED. FOULNESS of COMPLEXION. OXINBRAX. DEBILITY, GOUT. GIDDINESS, GRAVEL. HEADACHES, nf etay kind, INWARD FEVER. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE. LOSS of APPE TITE, LI YE & COiaPLAlNTB, J.EPROSY, LOOSENESS, MKRCURIAb DISEASES. Never fails to eradicate entirely all the efTeets of Mcivury ir.fi nitclr sooner than the most powerfU' iretrat!on of Sarsaparrlla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUl DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPL.IINTS of all kinds, ORGANIC AFFEGTIONS, PALPITATION oflhs HEART, PAINTER'S CHOI.W. I I Zs E S . The original proprietor of thrse mrdicinea was cured of Piles of 35 years standing hy the use of these Life Mrdieines alooe. PAINS in the head, side, back, limln, joints and ormn. It HEUMATIS M. Those afflicted with thai terrible disease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. HUSH of BLOOD to the HEAD, SCURVY. SALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS, SCROFULA, or KING'S B7ZL, in its worst forms, ULCERS, 0 every description W O H III S , of nil kimh. .im effectually expelled hy these Medicines. Parents will do well lo administer them when ever tfwir existence is sunpected. RnliVf will lie certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PllOIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD. And thus remove all ilisease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PHCNIX BITTERS beyond the reach of compe tition in the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines are now put up in white wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called " iuofTat's Good Samaritan," containing the directions, J:c, on which is a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to our Office, by which strangers visiting the city can very easily find us. The wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore those who procure them with white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy those with yellow wrappers; but if you do, be satisfied that they come direct from us, or dont touch them. rrj7 Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAId B. lYIOrTAT. 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. For Sale by SCHOCH & SPER1NG, Strdudaburg, sole agents for Monroe county. December 18, 1845. PRICES CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday morning ARTICLES. Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. do -do. do. Wheat, per bushel Rye, do- do. Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Seed per bush. Barley do. Oats do. Flax Seed - do. Butter per pound Eggs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, do. do. Mackerel, No. t Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel Strouils- Eavinu. P bil.t I burg. 5 50 4 75 5 i5 3 75 3 75 4 '25 95 I 00 1 10 05 07- 7-t 25 ill IS 5 1 55 (,t 40 0 00 G 00 5 00 3 00 '2 50 2 P7 -10 40 50 33 -W 1 00 I -20 1 47 15 15 1J 14 1M 10 5 0 I 25 3 00 2 50 3 75 4 nft 2 00 3 00 4 25 !5 on 12 on io oo 12 5n io oo 8 oo 35 30 IS A xK ftOTE T,l S T . corrected weekly for the Jvffcrsuitiitn Keiiublicnn. The notes of those banks on w'h.a quotations are omitted and a dash(' substituted, are nut purchased by the brokers. Pcuiisylvaiiia. Pliilmlelphia ban, ptir Ban of North America. do Farmers' fc .Mechanics' do Western bank lii! $ouibwark tidti do lj tlnf inniitit V.ii tin Bank of Northern Liberties do1 Mechanics' Uunk Commercii:l Bunk Bank of Penn Township Manufacturers' Meeh'ns MoyameiiMiig bank United Stales bank Girard do Pennsylvania bank Bank of G'crmaiitovvit Bank of Montgomery co. Bank of Ueiaware county Bank of Chester county Doylestown bank Farmers' bank of Bucks Eastoit bank Fanners' bank of Beading Lebanon bank Harrisbttnr bank MiuuiciQWU oanK Farmer!' bank Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster countv bank Northampton banR Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank Miners bank of Potts ville York bank Chambersburg bank Gettysburg bank Wyoming do Ilonesdate do Bank of Lewistoivn Bank of Susquehanna co do do do do do 22 par par par do do do West Branch brink Pittsburg Wayiiesburg iliownesville Erie bank llerks county bank lowaiKIa tin Itelief Notes IVciv Yos'k. CITV BANKS America, b ink vt American Exchange Bank of Commerce Uunk of the Stale of N Y Butchers and Urotei Chemical Ctlv Commercial riiutoit Lum. oank at Warren no salelWashmgton pir do d.r da do du t doiijel.aiu! Hudson canil co. do dolDrv Dock I do Fulton bank of New York par do Greenwich d. 1 Lafavette d 1 Leather Manufacturers' d. 1 Manhatten company d par Mechanics Banking Assu. d do Merchants bank C do Merchant d Mechanics fc Trailers' d par Merchants' Exchange ! I National bank t'. par New York, Bank of ;. 1 New-York Banking Co. 1 N. Y. St'e. St'k Security b. par 1 North River dn 1 Phrenix dt 2 Seventh.Ward do 1 Tenth Ward ltf 2 Tradesmen's par ' union tj. oi ii i tin NEW FALL GOODS WELLES & EAKL, Ko. 65 Barclay Street, 1ST, Y. Are receiving an entire new Stock of Sea sellable Dry Goods, to which the attention of amilies and persons about commencing house keeping, is respectfully invited. They have now on hand, new styles Fall Prints, American, English and French Ginghams. Rich Plaid and Shaded Muslin de Laines Super Black and Mode colored Alpaccas, silk warp. New styles of clouded Alpacca, for ladies' ri ding habits. Black and col'd Silks, Bombazines. Irish Linens, Lawns, wide Sheeting and Table Linen. Damask Napkins, ail sizes Coiton Tahle Cloths, Worsted do Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes Cotton Shirtings and Sheetingj Corded Skirts. Cambric Jaconet and Book Muslins, plain and figured. Jaconet and Swiss Muslin, Inserting and Edg ings. Men's and Women's Cotton, Lambswool shirts and drawers. Linen Cambric Hdkf 'a, Hosiery of every de scription. Superfine Flannels and a general assortment of goods for children's wear. September 18, 1845. N. B. J. W. Strader, formerly of Strouds burg and Shawnee, Monroe county, would be happy to see his old friends, and the Merchants of Monroe and Pike counties, at the above Store, where ihey can be supplied with all descrip tions of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, on as reasonable terms, for cash or a limited credit, as at any other establishment in the City. . , Lemons, Raisins, Confectionary, Fruit, and GROCERY STORE. WILLIAM H. SCHLOUGH, Respectfully informs the citizens of Stroudsburg, and the public generally, .that he has opened a i Confectionary and Grocery Store, on Elizabeth street, in the room formerly occu pied by Joseph L. Keller, as a Grocery, where he is prepared to accommodate the public with, all kinds of CANDIES of the best quality.-- He also keeps on hand FRUIT, embracing all the delicacies of the season, and NUTS of all kinds. His stock consists in part, of Ordnses, I Figs, Cream Nuts, Almonds, Cocoa Nuts, Prunes, Ground Nuts, and a variety of all kinds of Confectionary gen erally kept in such an establishment, all of which he will sell very low for Cash. He has also added to the above stock, all the articles connected with a GROCERY, Consisting in part of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Cheese, Molasses, Crackers, Blacking, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Shot, Pepper, together with a variety BARGAINS May he had at WELLES & EARL'S New Dry Goods Store, No. 65 Barclay street, two doors above Greenwich street, New York, where the following Goods may be found, at unexampled low prices, viz : Brown and Bleached Shirtings. Calicoes, the greatest assortment ever offered on this side of the town. Muslin de Lames, ) New ,e3 Ginghams, 5 Black and colored Alpaccas. Plaid Alpaccas. Flannols, White, Red and Yellow. Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts and Kentucky Jean. Shawls, a great variety. Hosiery, from 1 shilling per pair to 4 shillings. Together with a great variety of Fancy Goods. New York, September 11, 1845. CAIiVlW BLYTHE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in the several Courts in the Ci ty and County of Philadelphia. His OlhVe ia at No. 35 South Fourth street, between Chesnut and Walnut streets. Philadelphia, Sept. 25; 18l5,---3m, Chocolate. Saleratus, Nut Megs, Allspice, Ginger, Herring, Mackerel, Close Pins, Indigo, Baskets, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, of Tubs, Bowls, &c. Tobacco. Snuff, and Segars, of the best and cheapest qualities always on hand, and will suit those wlio may favor him with a call. Porter, Ale, Hfcac! ami Lemonade constantly kepi on hand. For the liberal support already received from his friends and customers ho returns his sincere thanks, and will endeaor in future to merit a continuance of their favors, by sparing no ex ertions to make his establishment an agreeable retreat. Stroudsburg, June 19, 1845. LATEST FASHIONS. Would respectfully inform his friends and the puhlic generally, that he still continues ih TAILORING BUSINESS at his old stand, nearly opposite Stogdell Stokes Store. He has just received the latesi Philadelphia Fash ions, and is prepared to execute all orders in his line with neatness and despatch, and in the la test style. Clothing for old men made io suit their age and convenience. All of which he will furnish as cheap as can be had elsewhere. Produce taken in exchange for work, at the cash price. N. B. Cutting done at the shortest notice, and warranted to fit if propprly made up. Slroudsburgl Oct. 23, 1845. , 9