Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, April 24, 1845, Image 3

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    . TKLL YOUR- N DIG itlidttS!' "that . Sher
man's Cough Lo2enges will cure a severe cough J
,,r coU sooner than anything lhat they can take j
that they allay all irritation, proraote cxpectora-!
uon, and give quiet rest to the sufferer when it
cannot be otherwise obtained. Tell them that!
1 T ... - i
Germans torm lozenges are a specific lor'
u'jnns, and have been tried with perfect success
in more than 4,000,000 cases, and have r.cver been
known to fail and being prepared by a regular
physician, are perfectly safe, as they have never
I " ' -mmj,imaMac inn i n mminamaamrmmmam ay b
Chief Cities and Towns in the U. S.
Doctor or Civil Law, Fellow of the Royal Societies or London
and Edinburgh, Member of the Universities of Cambridge
and Dublin, and formerly Professor of Natural Phi
losophy and Astronomy in the University of
London, S:c. &c.
1 lie publishers announce that Dr. Laidncr hav-
i.n known to do iniurv in anv case in which thpv
,.,ve been used. Say to them that Sherman's "S brou2ht 10 a close his public Lectures in this
, rn,n n c , ,1 1 1 I country, they have availed themselves of the op-
ranphor Lozenge, are a .tcn.edy for the head-; p()rlUnity thus preSented to induce him to nrenare
ache curing in from three to five minutes, and re- lor publication a complete and authentic edition of
lievin" from palpitation, nervous diseases and de- j lnese Uiscourscs. Ihe general interest which ior
nresMon of spirits. And last, not least, tell them J?,15 four J'ea? lhev have excited in every part
pressiu f . ' . of this country is universal y felt and acknowl-
lhat if they have rheumat,srn,,pam or weakness in edged. Probably no public lectured ?er S
:i)p back, chest, side, loins, or any part of the body, ued for the same length of time to collect around
fiat Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster is decidedly him so numerous" audiences. Nor has there been
best strengthening plaster in ihe world, and ! a?' cx.(:ePton ibis favorable impression. Yisit
" . ', r , ,. , afler visit has been made to all the chief cities,
whl cure them quicker than anything of the k,ndjand on eve,y succeedinr occaaion mifH ' '
.vhu ieu mem, aiso, uiai ur. oner
they ever saw
man prepares Lozenges for fever and ague, heart
barn, dyspepsia, and all the ills the body is liable
to - and being a regular physician, all his remedies
are prepared under his own inspection, and can be j
relied upon all for which they are recommended.
A fresh supply of the above valuable medicines
just received, and lor sale at the Republican Of-
rire. .
mounting to thousands have assembled to hear
again and again these lessons of useful knowledge.
The same simplicity of language, perspicuity of
reasoning, and felicity of illustration, which ren
dered the oral discourses so universally accepta
ble will be preserved in the published report, which
will indeed be, as nearly as possible, identical with
the Lectures as they were delivered.
The publishers feel that in the volume now pro
posed they will present to the American public a
most agreeable offering, and an interesting and
useful miscellany of general information, which
will also afford that large class of persons who
have attended the Lectures, an agreeable means
of reviving the impressions from which they haye
already derived so much profit and pleasure.
The subjects which will be included will em
brace a variety of topics in the Astronomical and
The publishers of The Tribune have been fre
quently solicited to issue a Semi-Weekly edition I Physical Sciences, and in their application to the
t their paper for the benefit of those who require j arts of life. Among these the following may be
fne news of the day oftener than once a week, and ; mentioned :
The Plurality of Worlds; The Sun; The Moon ;
vet are without daily mails or do not choose to in
cur the expense and heavy postage of a Daily.
Circumstances have hitherto rendered such publi
cation impossible, without trenching upon the due
issue of our Daily and Weekly editions. We are
ureparing to obviate this difficulty in the new
Imildiw; now being erected for us on the site of
our burnt establishment, where we hope to be
again locaied by or soon after the 1st of May.
The ew-York I ribune Semi-Weekly, will
therefore be issued from our office, 160 Nassau-st.
on or before the 17th of May, and will be publish
ed thenceforward on Wednesday and Saturday of
each week. It will be printed on good paper of
the size of the Daily Tribune, and will contain
nearly or quite all the matter of the Daily, inclu-
r:n2 Money Market, daily report of Commercial
Transactions, Sales of Stocks, City Intelligence,
ttc. An Assistant Editor devotes his whole time
to the collection of this kind of intelligence, re
pirtinir it twice a day for the Morning and Even
ing editions of our Daily. Two reporters are con
stant'' watching the proceedings of the various
Courts of our City and noting every thing deemed
interesting to our readers We hope to make the
Semi- eekly Tribune a most acceptable paper
for Business men out of thus City, and for all who
wish a more prompt and detailed ' map of busy
life' than a Weekly parSec can possibly be made.
Correspondents at W aslnngton during the Ses
sion and at every point of general or transitory in
terest will at all times be employed; the liberal
patronage bestowed on The Tribune demanding
anJ j-is'ifying a corresponding liberality of outlay
on our part, in the department ot Ueneral Liter
ature and Criticism, .we have secured assistance
of the highest order, while Ave hope soon to an
nounce a department of Agricultural and General
science, unuer tne immeaiate conauci 01 one 01
the most, experienced and popular writers on Ag
riculture in the Country- In fine, we shall spare
no expense or effort to make The Tribune, wheth
er in its Daily, Semi-Weekly or Weekly edition,
eminently worthy the patronage of the Business
-.nJ Reading Public, but especially of Whigs.
The Semi-Weekly Tribune will be issued ev
ery Wednesday and Saturday -on a sheet of good
piper the size of the Daily Tribune. Terms,
Three Dollars a year; Five Dollars for Two Cop
ies; payable always in advance. Orders, enclo
sing cash are respectfully solicited by
Xew York, April 15, 1845. 160 Nausau-st.
The Planets; The Comets; The Solar System;
The Atmosphere; Popular Fallacies; Artificial Il
lumination; Light; Sound; Electricity; Galvanism;
The Bridge Water Lecture; Lunar Influences;
Weather Almanacs; Babbage's Calculating Ma
chinery; Electric and Magnetic Telegraphs; The
Telescope and Microscope; Galileo; Copernicus;
Lavoisier; Newton; The Stellar Universe; The
Power of Steam; Steam Navigation; Aurora Bore
alis; Water Spouts'; Thunder and Lightning; The
ory of Dew; Heat; The Barometer; The Thermom
eter; &c &c.
The work will appear in numbers, or parts, will
be well printed on good type, and copiously illus
trated with engravings on wood. It will be com
pleted in ten or twelve numbers, and-the entire
volnme wilrbe published within six mouths
price will be 25 cents for each number.
Any person wishing to procure this valuable
work may apply to our agents, or to any of'the
Booksellers or Country Merchants in any part of
the United States. Postmasters remitting one
dollar will be entitled to five numbers. Orders
are respectfully solicited. . . ...
Tribune Buildings.
T OOUW'rRY JIEEC8IANTS. Importers of all kiMs of Shipping
ten ! urs-
Wm Geisse & Sons, 60 S Tront, below Chesnut
Agricultural and Horticultural Imple
ments, Garden, Grass, and
Flower Seeds.
D. O. Prouly, 191 Market st, below 6th, s side
Looking Glasses, Plated and Fancy
Hardware, Combs, Brushes, &c.
William & Walter Cresson, 14 north Fourth st
Importer & Dealer in Bolting Cloths.
Jacob Fry, 58 north Third st (successor to RittersU
Manufacturers and Dealers in Straw
;(3oods, Hair Edgings, &c.
Wm M. & Jas. E. Maull, 30 north Second st
Manufacturers of Caps and Stocks,
and Dealers in Boots, Shoes and
James T. Leet & Co. 121 north Third street
Manufacturer of Paieni Luaiher,Glazed Muslin,
Carriage Oil Cloihs and Caps.
John T. Hollow-ay, 9 north Fifth street
Brass Eight Day, 30Hour& General
Clock Establishments.
James S. Smith, 62 north Third st near Cherry
James Barber, 238 Market st, so side, above 7th
A. E. Lovel, corner of Thud and Wood sta, and
corner of Fourth and Market streets
Print Warehouse, Dealers in Prints,
Morrell & Co. 201 Market st, 2d door above Fifth.
Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1845 8t
The subscribers, Wholesale Merchants. Manu
facturers and Dealers in Philadelphia, respectful
ly invite those Country Merchants who are about
purchasing their Spring tf Summer Supplies, to an
examination of their respective Stocks of Goods.
IP 1 1 . . -f
we ueueve mat our several assortments are as
complete as have ever been offered in this city, and
shall be pleased to havo them give us a call.
Importers and Dealt rx in Silk and Taney Dry
Goods. '
Caleb Cope &. Co 105 arket st. above 4th
W. & R. P. Remington, 92 . do
Ashhurst & Remington, GO do
See, Brother & Co 70 do f
Yard & Gillrnore, 109 do ; .
Domestic and Foreign Dry goods'. ,
Reynolds, McFarland & Co 105 Market street.
Morgan, Buck & Co
W B & G B Cooper,
RcfspeciftiJly informs the citizens
of Siroudsburg and iciuity, that
he has commenced ihe
business ai ihe shop "formerly oc
cupied by W. J. Bieimer, as a Tin
Shop, where he will be happy to
receive orders for all kinds of work
in his line of business, and also intends keep
ing on hand a stock of
and will devote his best efforts 10 the accommo-
Samuel Hood & Co., N. E. corner of Market and
Fifth streets
King, Boyd & King, 26 North Second street, op
posite the Madison' House
William H Brown & Co. 20 North Fourth street.
Julian, Mason & Co. 156 Market street
Eckel, Spangler & Raigucl. 128 North Third st.
above Race
Smith, Howell & Barr. 33 North Second street.
Barclay Lippencott, 166 1-2 Market street. one door
below Fifth, south side.
Ludwig, Kneedler &. Co. 112 N. Third, S. West
corner of Race street
Haas & Hollingsworth, 18 North Second st. and
2 Church Alley
James J Boswell & Go. 50 Market street
Frederick, Dewald & Co. 62 North Third street.
Importers ty Dealers i?i Hosiery, Gloves, Trim
mings and Fancy Goods.
E S Burnett, 3 S. Fourth street, east side below
J & J P Steiner, 48 N Second street, 4 doors be
low Arch street-
Cloths, Cassimercs. Ve.stings, Tailors' Trim
mings. Sfc. ' '
DeCoursey, Lafourcade 4- Co. 77 Market street
William H Love 147 do
J Godley Spry & Co 81 do
' ligrdware and Cutlery.
Edward S Handy c5"Co 98 Matketst. above TJiird
Yardlev, Sowers & Co 141 do do
John S Fitchett d-Co 17 do below Second
177 I
N70 do do
Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Trimmmgs.
John M. Ford, . 32 North Third street
11 &,G Fic-ke, ' i ' do do
Goff 4:'Peterson, 12 North Fourtli street
Wm Ford, ' -H ' do do
Saddlery, Saddlery Hardiccre, Harness,
. r Trunks j SfC. . .
Edward P Mover 38. also 252 Market street.
Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers: -Grigg
& Elliott,. . 3. N. Fourth st.
Hogan & Thompson, . 30 do do
Hides. Oil and Leather Dealers.
William Musser & Co 263" Market street
II M Crawford 201 North Third street.
Boo.tsi Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leg
lio rn ni 1 d Pal ni Hats",
W. E. & J. G. Whelan, 158 Market street.
Levick, Jenkins & Co. 150 "
China, Earthenware and Glass:
Alexander Read, , 205 Market street.
Peter Wright & Sons 259 do
Wriirht & Wharton .29 North Third st
Benedict Dorsey A Son 125 do
Wm. P Hacker, 62 North Second st. above Arch.
Corrected every Wednesday morning.
Wheat Flour, per barrel
rRye. do. do. do.
W heat, per bushel
Rye, dow do.
Sole Leather per pound
Corn per bushel
Buckwheat, per bush!
Clover Seed prr bushel
Timothy Seed per bush.
Barley do.
Oats do.
Flax Seed do.
Butter per pound
Eggs, per dozen
Plaster per ton
Hickory wood, per cord
Oak, rdo. do.
Mackerel, No. .1
Do. do 2
Potatoes, per bushel.
Stromts- E&ston.
4 75 4 25
3 50 3 25
90 85
" 62 65
25 21-
42 42
0 CO '! (P
2 2o 2 50
46 40
51 30
1 2b 1' 20
12 14
9 15
4 00
2 25 0 00
2 00 4 00
55 00 12 00
12 50 10 00
40 30
i 25
3 M
' 65
4 no
3 M)
1 47
3 6ft
4 50
4 2i
10 no
8 00
corrected weekly for the JclTersoman Republican. '
The notes of those banks on vvhic.i quotations
are omitted and a dashf substituted, are not
purchased by the brokers.
KCimsYlVamu. . iWcst Branch bank
Philadelphia ban, par Pittsbur; ,
ban 01 isortn America, Uo W':iyiiesturg
Farmers' t Meohamcs dottliownesville
do Erie bank
Allen R Reeves & Co
Wm T Howell & Co
Deacon 4' Peterson
Martin Buehler & Bro.
Michael V Raker.
rl ,
Faust 4" " meorener
-2 do 1
... do
N Third street
below Fifth
April 3, 1845. 6m.
A subject for Congratulation
The Postage on Godev's Magazine and Ladi's
3ook. to any distance is reduced to 4 1-2 cents on
each number. To commence on the first day of
July next.
"It will then be cheaper than the large class of
weekly papers the postage on the former being
only 4 1-2 cents, and that on the newspapers six
cents per month.
In the LADY'S BOOK you will find the best
articles of Poetry and Prose by the best authors
of the day new Music and, in addition, from
three to five monthly plates including the authen
tic Ladies Fashions. The "heavy postage tax on
periodicals has been very detrimental to a great
mail distribution. That "tax has now been remov
ed, and our subscribers, and those about to sub-
'scribe, will have to pay only 4 1-2 cents per month
postage on one of the most 'beautiful and useful
works of the dav.
This agreeable alteration of what was a very j to receive ihe same
unjust law towards periodicals, now places us in
abetter position to mail subscribers. We give
tour times more original matter than any of the
dation of those who will favor hiufwith iheir! Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines,
Faints, Oils, &c. ,
Villi an experience in the business of nn in-, Thomas P James, 212 Market street
considerable reng'ii a aeiermmaiuni m ,unici - .....r-.., ------- --
. .. f . ,,t , ni,,Mn n-pw Caleb Cresson, 6 north Third st.
strictly tin promises and a resoluiion net or
to make unreasonable charges, he flaticrs him-! Manufacturers, of Sieves, Riddles, Screens and
self ihat ho will receive a fair proportion of the ! ' Wircwork in general.
custom of the Borough and neighborhood. j Joseph A. Needles & Co, 54 North Front st.
Coumrv produce of all kinds laken in pay-! Combs, Brushes; Buttons, Spool Cotton, Trim
nient for work, if brought in reasonable time. I tnihgs, Fancy Goods, c. cj-c.
N? R Rftnairmo douc at ihe shoriebt notice. Oliver Martin, 2i North Fourth s
I o 4 TV... in
i O- 111. Lit) , 1 VI UJ
The partnership hereiofore existing between
Manufacturers Mnd Importers of Militan Goods,
Fringes,- Cords, Tassrhi Carriage Laces, 66:
Wm. II Horstmann & Sons, 51 North Third st.
Manufacturers oj Umbrellas, Parasols and Sun
Sleeper, Brothers, 126 Market street
WriRht & Brothers, 125 dp
HO do
1 " . . . ... r-
the Mibsi rihers, trading under ihe firm nl llay-
den & Schlaugh, has this day been dissolved
hv mutual consent. All persons having de
mands a"ainst said firm, will present them to j William A. Drown,
Samuel Hnvden, for Mittlement ; and all who Manufacturers of Hats, Caps, Wool Hats, 'Sec.
!are indebted thereto, are reqoied to make im-j Henderson & Levick, .1.41 Market street
mediate pavnifiit io him, he being authorized ?S1 & O. U. mcnols, ill ao
Manujacinrcrs oj raieni floor ana rurnuure uu
Cloths, and elastic Carriage curtains;
weekly papers, Three Engravings a month gratis
L. A. GODEY, Philadelphia.
Stroud-Hurg. March G, 1845. 3i.
fj. B. The business will ho continued by
the Mibocriher, in the new bui'ding in the rar
of John Boys' Store, who respectfully soliciis
TVTrVTrrr X? i a continuance of public psirmiaa.
The subscriber having discontinued the Mer- i March G. 181a
nsn'il.K biiiinessi. is desirous of having hj ac- i 7H
.l . ... .it . I i r t r a a n i ! . 1 ! j
!"-'iu iva tAin(i v as noshioie. anu i- w:' h - 7.. w m u a
, .. r. . r . J , . . . , . i i L7 D g , rL. is jaJLy
From the nrem:s"8 of the subscriber, on
,pecifully solicits all those indebted to attend
Am iL. .hi '
'ue tsame wnnout aeiay. .
.1?. -The business will be cbnliriiipd by
SvogdeH Siokes & Soiu who have just-returried
Iroia Utc ciiy, and are r'.celi$ng
pyrcliaserl for cafi, which they will' sell at a'
vry Hinall advance on the Rame terms, 'and
would call the pariicular leniion of their
; "lends to lhn fcamn
S'roudsburg, 1st mo., 30, 1815.
WednedBV the 12h instani,
A "white sow pi,
weighing aliout 00 pounds, a few black spots
oil one r its nides, and a pirce cut out of the
under nart of the r'ghi ear. Any person jind-
imr the same will confer an obligation by in-'ftrmin-
Siroudsburg, March 20, 1845.
Neatly executed at this Office
Potter Sf Carmicbael, 568 North Third St.-
Isaac Macauley, Jr. 6 N Fifth street
Manufacturers of Ludins1 and Gentlemen s Cheap
Travelling Trunks.
A. L. Hit-key & Co. 150 Chesnut street "
George li Bains, 8 and 25 north Fourth st
Importers of Toys, Fanci and Staple Goods,
Brushes and Perfumery
A F On Monruse, J S Fourth below Market
Louif C. Bau?rsarhs, 170 Market street
Manufacturer of Combs, Brushes,
Soaps and Perfumery;
Thomas Burch, Jr. (late of Pittsburg) 183 Mar
ket street
Wm. Y. Anderson .& Co. 21 north Water street
John Trucks, 17 N Fifth st, corner of Commerce
Waterman & Osbourn, N W corner of Second and
Arch streets
R Paterson & Co. 182 Market street
Dealer in Candies, Oranges, Lemons,
Raisins, &c.
John J. Richardson, 42 Market st below seconrj
The subscriber, having purchased the inter
e9t of Win. Schlaugh in the above establish
meni, takes this method to inform the public
generally, and Millers and Farmers especial
ly, that he has removed to the large and con
Foundry asid Machiaic Shop,
in the rear of John Boys' Store, and would be
thankful for any patronage extended towards
him , and respectfully announces that he is
prepared to execute all orders in bis line of
business in the-he&t manner and with despatch
He wi!l,manufaciure
for Flour and other Mills, together with Cast
ings of every description turned and fitted up
in the best possible manner. He feels conn
dent in his ability to execute all orders with
which ho may be entrusted in a workman-like
manner. Particular care-will, be laken to em
ploy none but good workmen in the different
departments of the establishment, and no pains
will be spared bv tne propneioi 10 give gen
eral satisfaction to those who may favor him
with orders for work.
-such as Soindle Steps. Shaft and Gudceon
Boxes, &c." will be made to order. Old Cop
per and Brass taken in exchange at the highest
price. Patterns made to order.
TSsrcsIiisifr Iffaclaiiics & Slorse Powets
of the most approved construction, will be fur
nished. to order at the shortest notice.
Wrought Iron Mill Work
will be done on the most reasonable terms, and
all kinds of smith work.
The best kind of Sled Shoes and polished
Wagon Boxes will always be kept on hand.
Ploughs of the most approved plan will be
kepi on hand, and an excellent assortment o
Plough Castings which he offers for sale to
Plough makers.
Siroudsburg, March 13, 1845
,5ar Iron; Cai',Coach&Wajjon Axles
saw aAa
AxSc and Crura ISarrcl Iron,
And a general assortment of
constantly on hand and will be sold on the mos
reasonable termSi by
Analomink Iron Works, April 6, 1 842.
Western bank
Southwark b.m
Kcnsinoton ban do
Hank of Northern Liberties ilo
Mechanics' Bank
Commercial Bunk
Bank of Pcnn Township
Manufacturers' Mech'na
Moyamensiiig bank
Uniteu States bank
Girard do.
Pennsylvania bank
banKoi uennantown
Bank of Montgomery co.
Bank of Delaware county
Bank of Chester county
Doylestown bank
Fanners' bank of Buck:
Easton bank
Farmers' bank of Reading
Lebanon DanK.
Ilarrisburg bank
Middletown bank
Farmers' bank Lancaster
Lancaster bank
Lancaster county bank
Northampton bank
Columbia Bridge
Carlisle bank
Northumberland bank
Miners bank of Pottsvulo
York bank
Chambersburg bank
Gettysburg bank
Wyoming do
Ilonesdale do
Bank of Lcwistown
Bank of Susquehanna co
do Berks county bank
To wan da do
Relief Notes
New York.
Amenca.'b ink of
American Exchange ,
Bank of Commerce
1.0!Bank of the State of N Y
. do
Butchers' and Droveis'. - do
Chemical ' do
City do
Commercial .1
Clinton par
Del. and Hudson canil co. do
Dock 1
ton bank of New York par
Lum. bank at Warren no saleJWashington
Oreenwich do
Lafayette do
Leather Manufacturers' do
Manhatten company do
Mechanics' Banking Asso.. do
Merchants' bank tfo
Mcrchnnt do
Mechanics & Traders do
I Merchants' Exchange do
2'National bank do
parjNew York, Bank of 2
rsew-ioiK. iianKing co. 2
N. Y. St'e. St'k Security b. par
North River do
Phomix do
Seventh Ward do
Tenth Ward 10
Tradesmen's par
iUnion B. of N Y do
We have just received for sale, at the Jeffor
f-onian Office, a supply of Fennels Odtrifer-
ous Compound for strengthening, softening and
beautifutng the Hair, also ol " tenner suen
trifice fur Preserving and Beautifying the Teeth
preventing Tooth Ache., tSfcV and ajso "pcnftcrV
Pomade Divine" a preparation Air curing chap
ped hands, brimes, Sic. The articles are all of
ihe first quality, and ihe high reputation which
they have acquired in ihe ciiies, and wherever
else they havo been used, cannot fail to recom
mend them to the general notice and patronage
of ,he peop!e)f this place and vicinity. A
number of our citizens have already tried them,
and pronounce them excellent. We invite all,
who are in want of any such articles, to give us
a call, and we are sure they will not go away
December 19, 1844.
For sale at this office.
Rest Fenncr & Co.
Umbrellas, Parasols, & Sim Shades
No. 143 Market street, Philadelphia.-
Inviie the attention of Merchants, Manufactu
rer, &.c. &c, to their very Extensive,
Elegant, New Stock, prepared -with
great care, and offered
At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash.
The principle on which this concern is es
tablished is to consult tho mutual interest of
their customers and themselves, by manufactu-.
ring a good article, selling it at the Lowest.
Price for Cash, and realizing their own renin
neraiiori, in the amount of sales and quick re
turns. Po'ssessins inexhaustible facilities for mann
facture, they are prepared to supply orders u
any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron
age of merchants, manufacturers and dealers
-4. Large assortment of the New Style Curtui.t
Phila., Nor. 21, 1844. Iy.
James Peters & Co.
No. 105 N. 2d st. corner of ElfretKs Alley,
J. P. & Co. continue to
manufacture at their old stand.
Silver Spoons, Spectacle,
Thimbles, &c, on as low
terms as any manufactory
the city. They have on
hand and keep constantly for sale, beside their
own manufactures, WATCHES of all kirn!-
and FANCY GOODS, in their variety, which
will be sold low.
Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages and sighs,
in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Sum i
Frames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blui-,
prev and preen Glasses. . .
ea j a - - - . ... - -
JJj3 Watchmakers supplied with all neco
sary articles in their lino, such as Tools, Ma
terials, Glasse?j &c. - -
jjj3 Watches repaired at short, notice one
warranted to perform well.
Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1844.2nv '
To Country merchants.
In store, Foreign and American Broad Cloth
and Cassimeres, of the various descriptions ai!.f-
ted to the approaching reason, among which n
twilled and figured Cjuoths and
for Sack and Over coats.
.Aso, new style and plain Satinetts ami
Cloakings, together with an assortment of Pad
dings, Silesias, Canvass, Serges, Hollands
Twist, Sewing Silk, Bindings and olherMnni
mings used by Tailors.
Also, Black Satins, Plaid, Figured and Plain
Silk Velvets, Woolen Velvets, and other ue ne
style .of Vestings.
Our assortment is extensive and terms' rca
Dealers in Cloths, Cassiqereayc.v No. 57,
North Second street, Philadelphia.
9th mo. 2d, 1844. 2nu