Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, January 30, 1845, Image 4

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    Time! Time!! Time!!!
Clock ami Watch Maker,
Has just returned from the
ciiy wiih a new assortment
I of Goods in his line, and of
fers them a little lower than
can be had elsewhere, for
Havinn adopted the cash svstem. and bviurn-
ing goods and work into cash, he can put them
very low.
Particular attention paid to repairing clocks,
watches, music boxes, jewelry, &c.
Brass eight day Clocks for $10 00
Do one " do SO to 7 00
Wood do do 3,50 io 4 00
Warranted good lime keepers, for 1 year, if
they should not perform well no charge will be
made for repairing ihem.
Patent Lever, Lepine, English and French
"Watches, for sale very low according to qualiiy.
A good assoriment always on hand to suit
.any age. Silver, Steel, and common Specks,
and Goggles for weak eyes.
Violins from $1 50 to $3 50
Flmes from 1 00 to 2 50
Accordions, Violin and Violincello strings, best
Fine pen knives, razors, scissors, razor strops,
shaving brushes, soaps, thimbles, ever-poinl
pencils, hair and tooth brushes, hair oil, smel
ling boules, pocket books, pearl buttons, spec
tacle cases, fine gold finger rings and breast
pins, common do., toilet boxes, and toys. To
gether with a good assoriment of notions, all for
cash no credit given.
Old gold and silver taken in exchange for any
of the above articles.
August 22, 1 844.
gga Ml GOODS,
Driiffs and Medicines,
Iron, Nails, Glass,
Boards, Shingles,
Ceiling Iath
articles &c.
The subscribers having adopted the above
tticihod of doing business, feel confident that it
will be beneficial io the interests of their cus
lomers, as well as their own. They have just
received in addition to their former stock, a
large assoriment of Dry Goods selected wish j
care. Also, Groceries, Hardware, &c. which
they will sell at prices to suit the times.
All persons having unsettled accounts wiih
ihe subscribers, will confer a favor by settling
and paying up at their earliest convenience.
Graieful for the liberal patronage heretofore
extended to us, we respectfully solicit its con
tinuance, and pledge ourselves to use every
exertion to merit the favors of their friends
and customers.
Milford, July 12, 1813.
Will have their Carding Machines in operation
the coming season, under the superintendence
of Mr. Daniel Buckley, an old and experienced
workman. They solicit a share of the patron
age of the public. All work warranted to be
done in a workmanlike manner, or no charge
for the same. Wool will be weighed on the
receipt of the same, and the rolls guaranteed to
hold their weight, natural loss for carding ex
cepted. B1DDIS & DEPUE.
Biddis' Mills.
Milford, May 9, 1844.
W. DeWitt & Brother, have
just received a large assortment of Stoves, con
isiiii of
Franklin Furnace 3 and 4 boiler Cooking stoves,
do do 9 plate stoves,
do do Parlour do.
do do Box do.
Orange County. 4 boiler Cooking do.
Many's Albany 3 do ' do.
Dsgroff Sf. ears Albany 3 do do.
poors1 Patent Coal stoves.
And a large lot of Stove-pipe, all of which
they will sell cheap for cash or produce
Milford, Nov. 10, 842.
Brass 30 hour Clocks,
Wood 30 do do
For sale cheap, by
Milford, Dec. 3, 1842 " ;
The subscriber hereby informs the public
that he still continues trie
Cabinet Making Business
at his old stand in Elizabeth St., Stroudsburgh
Pa. where he will be happy to furnish any per
son with Cabinet Ware, at low prices, tin in
tends to keep on hand, and make to order, all
kinds of wares in his line of business.
Side-Boards, Bureaus, Centre, Break
fast, Dining and End Tables, Wash
Sla?ids, Bedsteads, Wardrobes,
Book Cases, Secretaries, $c.
ALSOCOFFINS made io order at the
shortest notice.
Stroudsburgh, April 4, 1844.
't'fSt lV IWdV 'Sjnqspnojig
aqi Xq p9Aiooaj XnjjjuT3qi aq . SJopJO
Suinui wq s; 'Xitjitn woiS
sii qjiA pojuduioo 'OAi-fj oqi jo isoo oqj,
di pnojig 'H3NOTI0 AIdMV
cj 'SinqspnoJis 'SAOff NHOf
osn uj aou tusqi o.uiq oq.w
'pauSisjaptin oqi jo jaqna uo Suiubo Xq sbaijj
aqi jo Ait(in sqi jo paysiirjs aq ueo suosjaj
pajajajd si ja.a qopqA 'iou jo 'Xouoq snjdins
ajjuui oi jjjoav oi ldajj aq usa Xaqi Ji '
acjis jo xoq uouiujoo aqi in op Aaqi se 'sa.WH
asaqi ut auics eqi uijbavs ju soag aqjJ
ut ajojoiajaq uaaq suq luqi pui aqi jo Suiqi
Xuc oi jouadns jcj pue 'mojj juarojitp XjaJiiua
oultouud n uo paionnsuoo si oaij aqj, uoti
-U3AUI aqi oi aijqnd aqi jo uoiiuaiiB aqi jca oi
8aeo saq 'Xiunoa aojuop joj wff Sm
jo3)ojd-fps juajVfj paaoiduij vjlDtf jo iqu
luaird aqi pasnqoind Suunq jaquasqns aqj,
xmxvd attAOUdKismYH
saga moA aAVs
The Proprietors of this Line having made
suclvarrangements that they will be able to car
ry merchandize from Philadelphia to Easton
via the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania
Canal, cheaper, and with as much despatch as
any other Line, respectfully solicit country
merchants to give them a call before shipping
elsewhere. Persons shipping by this Line
will please send their goods to Heilmau &
Barnet, Willow street Wharf, Philada. All
goods shipped by this Line to be stored at Eas
ton, will be stored free of charge. There will
be one Boat leaving every day.
Heilman & Barnet, Philadelphia.
Barnet fc Heller, Easton.
Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1844.
The subscribers take this method to inform
the public generally, and Millers and Farmers
especially, that they have taken that conven
ent Foundry and Machine Shop,
adjoining Jacob Singmaster's Tannery, and
would be thankful for any patronage extended
towards them, and respectfully announce that
ihey are prepared to execute all orders in their
line of business in the be&t manner and with
despatch. They will manufacture
for Flour and other Mills, together with Cast
ings of every description turned and fitted un
in the best possible manner. We feel confi-
(lent in our ability to execute all orders with
which we may be entrusted in a workman-like
manner. Particular care will be taken to em
ploy none but good workmen in the different
departments of the establishment, and no pains
will be spared by the proprietor to give gen
eral satisfaction to those who may favor them
with orders for work.
such as Spindle Slops, Shaft and Gudgeon
Boxes, &c. will be made to order. Old Cop
per and Brass "taken in exchange at the highest
price. Patterns made to order.
Threshing ITIachmcs & fSovsc Powers
of the most approved construction, will be fur
nished to order at the shortest notice.
Wrotsg-ht Iron Mill Work
will be done on the most reasonable terms, and
all kinds of smith work.
The best kind of Sled Shoes and polished
Wagon Boxes will always be kept on -hand.
Ploughs of the most approved plan will be
kept on hand, and an excellent assoriment of
Plough Casiing.s which they oiler for sale to
Plough makers.
April 26, 1813.
EiCfi them cull and satisfy themselves,
That they can get higher prices for all kinds
of produce, and buv Lumber cheanor. at Mil-
ford than in any other market in this section of
country. 1 lie subscribers have on hand and
for sale at their yard' in Milford
50,000 feel White Pine Boards,$9 to SI 1 00
50,000 " Hemlock 0 50 to 7 00
40,000 "
20,000 "
20,000 "
3,000 "
20,000 "
120,000 "
Pine Siding, G00-to 12 50
Sap Yellow Pine " 8 00 to 9 00
Heart " "11 00 to 12 00
Panel boards,
Ceiling Lath,
Pine Shingles, 4 50 to 8 00
ALSO About
110,000 feet White and Yellow Pino Boards
at Shoholy Fall's Mills, for sale at
prices to suit the limes. Call and
satisfy yourselves.
Milford, Dec. 14, 1843.
Ladifs and Gentleman's Magazine.
And filled with Contributions jrom the most em
inent and accomplished writers of the country.
The motives which have led to the commence
ment of this undertaking may be briefly stated.
It is believed by tho proprietor that there is in the
United States an immense provision of literary
ability, for which as yet there is no adequate en
couragement, or field of display; that besides the
numbers of clever and successful writers, whose
productions are weekly, and monthly, and annual
ly read with delight by thousands, there are yet
greater numbers constantly arriving at maturity
of power, who have only to appear on the stage
of publication to receive a brilliant award of
fame; and that the powers of those whose names
are already pronounced with respect by lips of
wisest censure, are capable of more and still
higher exertion than has yet been called forth. It
is believed, too, that the demand for literary pro
duction in this country, especially in the periodi
cal channel, exceeds the supplv in a very large
proportion, and that new supplies have only to be
presented of the right quality, and in the right
way, to ensure a hearty welcome and profitable
reception. No doubt is entertained of the Amer
ican mind's ability to sustain itself certainly on
its own ground, if not abroad against all the
competition that the intellect of other lands can
bring to the encounter; and full assurance is felt
that among the milliqns of American readers there
can be, and is, a cordial welcome for all that
American writers can produce of excellent and
From these premises it is undoubtingly inferred,
that there is abundant room for another Magazine,
notwithstanding the merit and success of those
already in being; that there can be no lack of
ability to fill its pages acceptably, within the reach
of capital and liberal enterprise; and that such a
periodical will not fail to be greeted as awelcome
visiter by thousands upon thousands, who as yet
have done little or nothing toward the support
and development of American periodical litera
ture. Another and strong motive has been the feeling
that New York, the first city of the Union, should
be the home of a periodical owning no superior in
either merit or success.
The Columbian Magazine will be published on
the first day of every month. Its mechanical ar
rangements will comprise the best of paper, type,
and workmanship, that money can procure.
Its contributors will be sought for amongst the
ablest and most popular writers in the country ;
and no efforts will be spared to secure the aid of
the most distinguished, such as
John L. Stephens, W. C. Bryant J. F. Coop
er J. K. Paulding F. G. Halleck N. P. Willis W.
II Herbert Nathaniel Hawthorne IL T Tucker
man II. W Longfellow J R Chandler C F Hoff
man T C Grattan T S Arthur J C Np1 H F Har
rington W G Simras H H Weld Fipes Sargent
John Neal Theodore S Fay Park Benjamin 11 W
Griswold R II Dana George P Morris Rufus
Dawes Seba Smith It M Bird Mrs Emma C Em
bury Mrs Mary Clavers Mrs Ann S Stephens
Mrs Francis S Osgood Mrs Seba Smith Mrs E
F Ellet Mrs H E Beechcr Stowc Mrs Volney E
Howard Mrs Lydia II Sjgourney Mrs M S Leon
Loud Miss Eliza Leslie Mrs A M F Annan Miss
C M Sedgwick, Miss Hannah F Gould.
With many of these, arrangements have alrea
dy been made, as well as with others whose rep
utation is sure, though yet to be established in the
public regard. The proprietor entertains san
guine'hopes of accomplishing an object to which
he looks forward with pride the secured co-operation
of regular and occasional contributors, for
ming a list unequalled in this country.
In each number there will be two or more En
gravings, after such artists as Chapman, Ingham,
Inman, Usgood, ccc, engraved in mezzotint, fine,
and stipple, by II. S. Sadd, W. L. Ormsby, &c,
besides a plate of Fashions colored, and occasion
ally other illustrations, so that every subscriber,
will receive, in the course of tho year, at least
twenty-four elegant productions of tho graphic
art, which could not be otherwise procured at
three or four times the annual cost of the whole
In each number there will also be two pajres of
Music, original, or judiciously selected by a com
petent professor of the art. Proper regard will
be paid to the current issues from the book press;
not so much, however, with a view to notice all
the volumes that may appear, as to the expression
of matured opinions concerning those which shall
be deemed worthy of the public attention and
confidence. The aim of the Editor will be, rath
er to furnish judicious criticisms, on which read
ers and purchasers may rely for guidance, than to
present a mere laudatory chronicle of new publi
cations. TERMS.
The Columbian Magazine, one vear in
advance, $3 00
" " two " g!5 00
Two coDi'es one vear. fts-on
I l j 'iff t j
Dealers in periodicals throughout the United
States and the Canadas, who wish to become
agents for the .Columbian Magazine, will please
apply to the publisher immediately. The usual
discount will be made to them.
In addition to the above, the publisher simply
adds, for the benefit of all, that the woik will be
sustained by suflirient capital.
Address, post paid. ISRAEL POST.PnhltsW
3 Asfor House ' I
Dr. Sherman's .Lozenges
AVE BEEN SOLD in the United States,
Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain and
throughout the WORLD, in the Year 1813.
Hundreds and Thousands bless the day they were
induced by the persuation of a friend, to try Sher
man's Lozenges.
Onondaga, May 18. 1813.
Dr Sherman: Dear Sir As I most ardently do
sire to benefit my fellow men, especially those who
are the unhappy victims of that dreadful disease,
Consumption, 1 will telate, for their consideration,
the astonishing effect of your Cough Lozenges.
On the night of July 5, 1810, I was attacked with a
violent cough, which threatened my speedy death.
Under the advice of two very excellent physicians,
Drs Parkes and Rose, I was so far relieved as to
be able to ride out, and once I attempted to preach.
I rode 20 miles, to Cnzenovia, to attend the ses
sion of our Conference, which continued about ten
days. 1 was able to attend the session every day
for a few hours by confining myself the rest of my
time to my bed. The Fathers m the Gospel told
me I ought to arrange my wordly affairs and pre
pare for a speedy death, and consequently put me
on the superanuated list. Very fortunately, and I
may say providently, I heard Iff your Lozenges,
and was prevailed upon to try them, and to my ut
ter astonishment, after taking three one day, they
allayed the violent attacks of coughing-, and ena
bled me to sleep for hours together, which 1 could
not do before. I continued to improveunder their
use for several weeks, when I considered myself
well, and able to resume my duties as a minister
of the Gospel of our Saviour. How many will
soon enter the gloomy vale of death, that might
long be a blessing to the world and a comfort to
their friends, if they could obtain your medicines!
May Providence favor your efforts until every fam
ily in the civilized world can procure your medi
cine, which I consider the most valuable ever dis
covered by the medical faculty. In conclusion,
may God bless you and prolong your life for use
fulness to suffering humanity. Accept my inex
pressible gratitude, for to you and your medicine,
through Divine blessing, I owe my life.
Minister of the Gospel
itling of Blood,
Night sweats and pain in the Side.
Jonathan Haworth, Esq. the well known Tem
perance Lecturer, was attacked with a cold from
sleeping in damp sheets, in the winter of 1S11. He
neglected it at first, but soon found it assuming a
somewhat alarming aspect, and then resorted to
the various remedies usually recommended for lung
complaints. When one thing failed he tried an
other, until he had exhausted his patience and the
whole catalogue of remedies. His cough was al
most incessant, so that he could get little or no
sleep attended with pain in his side, spitting of
blood, night sweats, and all the usual symptoms of
Consumption. While at Rome, (N Y) he felt that
his end was nigh that in that place he must soon
end his journey o'f life. Providentially, a lady
who visited him advised a trial of Dr Sherman's
Cough -Lozenges, lie accordingly sent and got a
box, and the first dose gave him more relief than
all the other medicines he used before. By the
time he had taken one small box, he was able to
start for the city of New York, and in three weeks'
time he was perfectly restored to his usual health.
He often announces the fact to his hearers, when
lecturing on Temperance, and says he owes his
life to Dr Sherman's Lozenges
From the Cincinnati Daily Times, of Jan. 4th 1SU.
Coughs The variableness of the weather this
winter has caused an unusual number of persons
to be afflicted by colds and coughs scarcely a
family has escaped; and with many, carelessness
in attending to a cough, has laid the foundation for
consumption. Our family has not escaped the
general affliction, but owing to a remedy, used
for the first time, they were speedily cured. Sher
man's Cough Lozenges, which we were induced
10 try, proved what they are represented to be, and
affeeted a cure jn a few days of a troublesome
cough, which appeared so deeply seated that
seemed doubtful if it could be removed at all.
We have not written the above as a puff, but as
facts which the community should know. G F.
Thomas, No M7 Main street, is the sole agent in
this city
Thousands upon thousands have gone down to
graves from Marasmus, or a wasting away of the
body, Epilepsy, Fits, St Vitus' Dance, Locked
Jaw, Apoplexy, Mania, Dropsy in the Head, Pal
sy, Consumption, Pleurisy, Dysentery, Convul
sions, and many other supposed apparent diseases;
and many have suffered for years and years, and
have been doctored for some imaginary complaint
without tho least relief; and others are still suffer
ing, when all the trouble arises from worms, and
worms alone, which are entirely overlooked, and
when the proper treatment would have saved their
lives, and restored them to health. Every obser
vant mother cannot but see and admit tho truth ;
but still many physicians shut their eyes to that
all-important cause of disease.
Persons of all ages and sexes, from the tender
infant at tho breast to old age, are all liable to be
afflicted with worms. Many a person has suffered
his whole life from them, and never suspected it.
Different kinds of worms inhabit differentparts of
the body ; but a long dissertation on their particu
lar locality, origin,&c. is superfluous and unneces
sary, so long as a proper, safe and certain remedy
is at hand. That is all the public wants or cares
for. The sale of over two millions of boxes of
Sherman's Worm Lozenges, in less than five years,
places their reputation far above all other worm
Evidence of the Wonderful Virtues of Sherman's
Dr Ryan, Druggist, corner Bowery and Prince st .
was applied to for advice, by a man who looked
like a living skeleton : ho said that in early life
he had been remarkably hearty and robust, but for
the last four years he had been gradually wasting-
. 1 1 i . i
away, im nis coat would wrap twice arouna mm.j
He had suffered all but death, and had been undec
the caro of nine different physicians,-and not on
of them had done him any good, neither could they
tell what aited him.
He said that his appetite wds so good that ho
could hardly eat enough: bn n tforfid from palpita
tion of the h-aart, pain -and occ: isional numbness of
his limbs, and always felt fatigued; shooting pains
in and a constant d thinnr from
his bowels, am daring pains in different parts U
his body; gnawing sensation at the stomach, sli
chills and flashes of heat, drowsiness and diz.
ness, frightful dreams, and so miserable was i
that he had rather die than live. - Dr R. told .;
that he had worms, and he could cure lum. Tr3
man shook his head, and said it was impossib'e
but he would try; so the Dr gave him a box 0f
Sherman's Worm Lozenges, and told him to take
them according to the printed directions accompa
nying them. He returned in three days, and ai(l
ho felt like a new being that the first dose lro-:
away a tapeworm 70 or 80 feet long, and the sec
ond dose brought away 28 feet more. Thus tw0
doses of Sherman's Worm Lozenges effected a
cure; and although but a few months have elapsed,
he is now as fat and hearty as he ever wa3 m his
life. After years of misery, swallowing enormous
quantities of medicine, and spending hundreds of
dollars, he was cured by only one 25 cent bos of
these celebrated Lozenges.
Headache and Sickness.
Palpitation of the heart, lowness of spirits, and
despondency, are immediately relieved by .s;;eN
mans Camphor Lozenges. Persons travelling or
attending crowded parties will find them to relieve
all fatigue and give buoyancy to the spirits. Af
ter a night's dissipation they dispel all those un
pleasant sensations so usually following the too
free liver. Temperance people will find then
soothing to the ifisturbed nerves of their new con
verts. The most distressing headacha yields to
these lozenges in less than ten minutes. The
.over-fatigued mind or body cannot find so grea
relief from any other article. Capt Chadwick,of
the Packet ship Wellington, J W Cochran, Esc.
the inventor of the many-chambered cannon, his
excellency John Tyler, Joseph B Nones, Esq and
hundreds and thousands of others, who have ex
perienced relief from them can be referred to as to
their great value
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster.
The best strengthening plaster in the world, and
a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness in
back, loins, -sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints, r -matism.
lumbago, &c, &c,
Jos. W. Hoxie, Esq., who had been so ..C""1
with rheumatissa, as to be unable to Jres-s t.u-v
without assistmss, was enabled after wean -r ,c.
only one night, ttrer upaione in me m jr:.i.. t
on his clothes, and call at our otuce withe e.s vs.
ing with joy, and his tounge pouring forth tLen.r
ness of his heart, at the sudden and sigral reef
he had received from the best of all remedies.
David Williams, of Elizabethtown, N J. arco'j
Revolutionary Soldier, was so afflicted with Rl.e
matism, that he could scarcely himselt or.u cc
these Plasters entirely cured him.
Mrs. George Nixon, one of the managers of'5
Institution for Aged Indigent remales m the c7
of New York, says the old ladies find great be...-
from these Plasters; they being very liable to j i s
or weakness in the back, as well as other parts tf
the body.
Mr. Geo. W. Spencer, Street Inspector, w-s
cured of the Piles by wearing one of these p.?s!t s I
on the lower part of the spine.
Caution The great reputation these Phs'crs
have attained, has induced many unprincipled f ar
sons to get up worthless imitations. Ask foriv
man's Poor Man's Plaster, and see that full dire
tions for use, and a fac simile of his name. Urns,
is on the back of each. Trust none others, or y:a
will be deceived.
March 21, 1844. Cm.
Weaving,- Spinning, Fulling
Dressing oi
The Subscriber, thankful for past favor, re
spectfully informs his friends and the pub.:
generally that he still continues at the lorat'
stand of Mr. John Keller, near,.
that he has now commenced and is ready u
carry on the above business in all its vaiiow
branches. As he has new Fulling Sious
Shearing Machines and additional bards, ar.
by doing good work and strict attention to ha
rness, he hopes 10 merit a continuance oi l
public paironage.
Manufacturing, &c.
Spinning will be done from 10 to 1 5 cents
pound. No wool will be spun unless car-5-by
the subscriber, which must be made kno3
before carding. Carding will be done at t
low price of cents per pound. Wool .
be received in the fleece and manufaci tired in
to Cloth, Satinet, &c. at the following price
viz :
Cloth at 62 1-2 cents per yarJ,
Satinets from 40 to 45 "
Womens wear from 45 to 50 14 "
Blanketing at a? 1-2- "
Linsey in proportion.
Wool will be picked and greased at 1 1
cents per pound, if required". Wool and ('
will be received at the establishment, and tt
be taken in and returned at the following P
ces, viz ; Richard S. Staples & Co's. '
Stroudsburgh. JOHN P. QlMCK
Hamilton, Monroe co., April 29, 1314
Dissolution of Partnership-
The partnership heretofore existing l1"
iVin Riihscribors as nnhlishers of this P3
was on the 17th of August last, dissolved V
i . i ii 1 .luni.'D
mutual consent, .ttii persuus iiating
against the said firm, will present them (
Theodore Schoch for settlement, and all
are indebted thereto are requesied to make
mediate payment tohim, ho being au'li"1-'
to receivo tho same.
P. S. The Jeflersonian Republican willf-,
tinue to be published by Theodore Schoch a.
F. E. Spering, who respectfully solicit a cc
tinuance of public paironage.
Stroudsburgh, Sept. 28, 1843.
Attorney at Iaw,
Milford. Pike county, Fa-
September 14. 1S4.3,