Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, January 30, 1845, Image 3

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    'fieasurer, to meet both the Interest and the
Appropriations. It is a very deplorable fact,
that no man in office, fn the Legislature, or in
ihe State, is able to dissipate the cloud that is
fUjpcii(ed over our financiarrelations ; and fur
Sh a correct statement of the money on which
the jState can rely, to pay the interest due pub
lic creditors. Why this mystery should char
acterise a Republican State, where every trans
ition of Government ought to bo as open as
the day, it is impossible to conjecture but that
ii reflects no credit on our honesty, or ability,
is but too apparent to be denied.
As the Legislature is now in sesion, may
we not cherish the hope, thai some system of
Finance will be matured, that will not only ob
viate all obscurity in the public accounts, but
compel a periodical publication of the receipts
and expenditures, funds and appropriations,
with every necessary information that will tend
10 enlighten the public creditors, or instruct the
people in the real condition of the Common
wealth ? Secrecy is not a trait of free govern
ment. It answers no good purpose, and may
be used to aid the most iniquitous projects ol
gambling and speculating in public securities.
The Relief Notes call upon tho Legislature
for prompt and efficient action to abate tho nui
sance incident to the ragged and filthy condi
tion of this depreciated currency especially in
reference to the over issues of the Reading
Bank, made in good faith at the urgent solici
tation of Governor Porter, and now in the hands
of innocent parties. Altogether of an uncon
stuutional character, they appeal in irresistable
terms to the Legislature, for some immediate
provision to liquidate them. If now used to
pay the interest on the public debt, -they will
again be used for the same purpose in Februa
rv 1846, and thus, by periodical postponement,
become fastened and instilled upon us till
doomsday. If we must have a small paper
currency, under five dollars, let the Banks be
authorized to issue it, payable in specie, and
ihus rid the community of a spurious medium
that is hourly making the public familiar with
an abuse of power, whose moral influence is
any thing but salutary and beneficial.
Stocks do not improve, and the rate of mo
ney continues above legal interest, which indi
cates a prosperous condition of trade, commerce,
agriculture and manufactures.
It won't do. It won't do to imagine that a le
gislature, who feed at the public crib, will sit but
six weeks, when two-thirds of the members have
not capacity enough to earn a decent living at
Judge McLean Resigned. The Hon.
Judge McLean, of Ohio, has resigned his seal
on the bench of the Supreme Court to take ef
fect in February. It is expected that the Hon.
Peter Hitchcock, of the reserve, will be his
successor. If a Court of Chancery is estab
lished, Judge McLean will probably be the
Filthy Rags. Small pox is raging in Hart
ford, communicated to the girls in a paper mill
from the rays
pearance, applied to Dr. Ryan corner of Bowery
and Prince street, for advice. After relating his
symptoms, the Doctor told him he had worms, and
he could cure him. The man shook his head, and
said it was impossible. lie gave him a box of
Sherman's Worm Lozenges with directions how
to take them. In three days he returned and said
he felt like a new being that the first dose bro't
away a tape worm 70 or SO feet long, and the sec
ond dose brought away about 28 feet more. Thus
two doses of Sherman's Worm Lozenges effects a
cure, where the combined skill of our best physi
cians could afford no relief. Although but a few
months have elapsed, he is now as fat and hearty
as he ever was in his life. After years of misery,
swallowing enormous quantities of medicine, and
spending hundreds of dollars without benefit, he
was cured by only one box of Sherman's Worm
A fresh supply of the above valuable medicines
just received, and for sale at the Republican Office.
Corrected every Wednesday morning.
ARTICLES Strouds- Easton. l'hila
Wheat Flour, per barrel 4 75 4 25 4 00
Rye. do. do. do. 3 50 3 25 2 87
Wheat, per bushel 90 85 90
Rye, do. do. 62 05 64
Sole Leather per pound 25 21 25
Corn per bushel 37 40 47
Buckwheat, pec bushel 46
Clover Seed per bushel 0 00 4 00 4 00
Timothy Seed per bush. ' 2 25 2 50 3 00
Barley do. '40 40 50
Oats do.. . 31 30 33
Flaxseed do. 125 130 147
Butter per pound 14 14 12
Eggs, per dozen 11 15 10
Plaster per ton 4 00 3 00
Hickory wood, per cord " 2 25 5 P0 4 50
Oak, do. do. 2 00 4 00 4 25
Mackerel, No. 1 15 00 12 00 10 00
Do. do 2 13,50 10 00 8 00
Potatoes, per bushel 40 30
' .'II
corrected wccWy for the JefTcrsoujan Republican.
The notes of those banks on whitv quotations
arc omitted and a dash( Substituted, are not
purchased by the brokers.
Philadelphia ban, par
Ban uf North America, do
Fanners' fe Mechanics' do
250,000 Brick, just burnt, are offered for sale
by the subscriber, among which may be found
160,000 Hard Brick.
75,000 Soft and Salmon do.
10,000 Jam do.
5,000 Square Heafih do:
All kinds of produce (cash not refused) ta
ken in exchange.
Milford, Nov. 21, 1844.
The subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizens of Stroudsburg, and the public general
ly, that he has commenced the
Tailoring Business
at his residence in Jacksonville, one door above
Robert Boys' store, where he is fully prepared I Hardy & Ilarkers,
The Subscribers respectfully invite Country
Merchants who are about to purchase Fall and
Winter Supplies, to an examination of their re
spective Stocks, believing that their several as
sortments arc as complete as have ever bee.i of
fered in the Philadelphia Market.
With Stocks of Goods in their several Depart
ments of the choicest kinds a determination to
sell on terms which cannot fail to prove satisfac
tory and u disposition to plea?e old and new cus
tomers, will, we hope, be a sutlicient inducement,
to purchasers to call at our respective establish
ments. r
Silks and Fancy Goods.
W. & R. P. Remincton,
Ashhurt & Remington,
Buck & Potter, Hfi .";".iiS
Yard & Gillmorc, 109 "
Domestic and Foreign Dry Good's.
ru iMwHiOLStrcei.
Reynolds, McFarland & Co
Burnett, Withers & Co.
Scott & Baker,
Wise, Pusey & Wise,
Western bank
Soul hwark ban
Kensington ban
Bank of Northern Liberties do
The Popular Vote.
We annex a full and complete statement of
the official popular vote in the several states at
the'late Presidential Election :
Clay. Tolk. Bimej
Maine, 34,346 45,719 4,837
N.Hampshire, 17,866 27,160 4,161
Massachusetts, 67,009 53,039 10,830
Rhude Island, 7,322 4,857 5
Connecticut, 32,832 29,841 1,943
rrmont, 26,770 18,041 3,984
.New York, 232,454 237,555 15,740
New Jersey, 38.318 37,494 131
Pennsylvania, 161,203 167,535 3,138
Delaware, 6,267 5,965
Marvland, 35,984 32,676
Virginia, 43,677 49,570
Ohio, 155,057 149,115 8,050
Kentucky, 61,255 51,988
North Carolina, 43,232 39,287
South Carolina, Chosen by the Legislature.
Georgia, 42,106 44,155
Alabama, 25,935 37,497
Indiana, 07,867 70,161 2,106
Illinois, 45,101 57,067 3,570
Michigan, 24,237 27,703 3,632
Mississippi, 19,206 25,126
Tennessee, 60,030 59,917
Louisiana, 13,083 33,472
Missouri, 31,251 41,369
Arkansas 5,504 9,546
1,297,912 1,336,196 62,127
Mr. Polk's majority over Mr. Clay.-exclusive
of South Carolina, is 38,284. If to this be ad
ded 20,000 as the majority for Mr. Polk in S.
Carolina, whose vote is not included in the
above, the Legislature of that state choosing
'he Electors, Mr. Polk's aggregate majority
over Mr. Clay is 58,284.
The Abolition vote, as staled above, is 62,
127, and exceeds Mr. Polk's majority over Mr.
Uay by 3,843. Polk, it will thus be seen, has
been elected President of the United Slates by
a minority of the popular vote.
CORN. We learn from the Frontier Whig,
published at Van Buren, Ark., that the corn
crops in the Cherokee and Choctaw Nations
J are faHenhort, and that in consequence corn
lv commanding $1 and 1 00 per hushel, and is
carve at that. The Government contract for
supplying ten thousand bushels of corn to the
Harrison at Fori Towson was taken at 25 cents
per bushel. The contractor will probably have
" tniike his purchases in some of -Oil!, other
eMerii Slates, as corn is scarce in Arkansas,
and commands 59 cents per bushel at Van Bu
. The corn crop failed in Texas, and corn
s selling at very high prices in thai portion of
lexas borderjug on Red River.
On Thursday 23d inst, by the Rev. T.C.W.
HofTeditz, Mr. Dax'l Trible, and Miss Mar
garet Smith, both of Smilhfield tsp., Monroe
On Saturday 25th tnst., by John Musch, Esq.
Mr. Sylvester Kerr, and Miss Charlotte
Va.vwhv, both of S'roudsburg.
At Milford, on the 24th inst. after a protrac
ted illness, Mrs. Belinda Sayre, consort of Mr.
Sealy Sayre, aged 22 years and2 mouth:.
Suddenly, at Sodom, Warren county, N. J.
Doct. J. W. Lantng, of Stroudsburg.
The subscriber having discontinued the Mer
cantile business, is desirous of having his ac
counts settled as speedily as possible, and re
spectfully solicits all those indebted to attend
to the same without delav.
N. B. The business will be continued by
Slogdell Stokes & Son, who have just returned
Irom the "city, and are receiving
purchased for cash, which they will sell at a
very small advance on the same terms, and
would call the particular attention of (lieir
friends to the same.
Stroudsburg, 1st mo., 30, 1815.
Water Melons have made iheirappcarane in
New York, says the Tribune. From the South
lf tourse,
Worms Ii!J Tlimssasids.
CHILDREN are most subject to them, but per
sons of all ages are liable to be afliicted with
them. Bad breath, paleness about ihe lips, flush
ed cheeks, picking at the nose, wasting away,
leanness, pain in the bowels, joints or Iimbs,;dis
turbed sleep, frightful dreams, moaning and some
times a voracious appetite, are among the symp
tomps of worms. Many are doctored for months
for some other imaginary disease, when one box,
of bherman s Worm .Lozenees would ehect a cure
Dr. Ryan, corner of Prince street and the Bowery
cured a man of worms that was reduced to a skel
eton, and by only one box of Sherman's Lozenges
he is now as fat as an alderman. The Hon B
B. Beardsley has saved the life of one of his chit
dren bv them. The sale of over 2,000,000 of boxes
has fully tested them. They are the only infalli
ble worm destroviner medicine known. What
family will be without them ?
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coughs
Asthma, and all affections of the lungs, will rind
a healing value in Sherman s Cough Lozenges.
They saved the Rev. Richard Be Forrest, the
Rev. Mr. btreeter, Jonathan Itowarth, li.sq., and
that worthy old hero, Leonard Rogers, from the
consumptive's grave. They cured in one day, the
Rev. Mr. Dunbar, the Kev. Mr: Handcock, Wm
H. Atlree, Esq., of distressing coughs. They are
the pleasantest cough medicine and cure the soon
est of rfny known remedy.
Headache, Sea-sickness and Palpitation, re
lieved in from five to ten minutes by bherman s
Camphor Lozenges. Persons attending crowded
rooms or travelling will find them to impart buoy
ancy of su'nits and renew their energies- Those
suffering from loo free living will find a few of the
lozenges to dispel the horrors and lowness of
spirits. Mr. Krauth, of the Sunday Mercury, has
repeatedly cured himself of severe headache by
them. Captain Chadwick, of the packet ship
Wellington, has witnessed their efficacy in a great
many cases of sea-sickness. They operate like a
charm upon the agitated or shattered nerves, as
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster does upon rheu
matism, lumbago, pain or weakness in the side,
back, breast, or any part of the body. Mr. IL G.
Daggers, 30 Ann street, Henry R. Goulding, 35i
Chatham street, Moses J. Henriques, Esq., and a
multitude of others have experienced the wonder
ful effects of these Plasteis. Price only 13 1-2
cents. Caution is necessary to see that you get
the genuine Sherman's Lozenges and Plasters, as
there are many worthless articles attempted to be
palmed off" in place of them, by those who would
trifle with your life for a shilling.
A fresh supply of these valuable medicines just
received and for sale at the Republican office.
December 19, 1814.
Mechanics' fi;tnk
C'onuncrciul Bank
Bank of Venn Township
Manufacturers' Mcch'ns
Moyainciibiug bank
United States bank
Girard do
Pennsylvania bank
Bank of Germantown
Bank of Montgomery co.
Bank of lc!avare county
Bank of Chester county
Doylestown bank
Farmers' hank of Bucks
Easton bank
Farmers' bank of Reading
Lebanon bank
Harrisburg bank
Middletown bank
Farmers' bank Lancaster
Lancaster bank
Lancaster county bank
Northampton bank
Columbia Bridge
Carlisle bank
Northumberland bank
Miners bank of Potts ville
York bank
Chambersburg bank
Gettysburg bank
Wyoming do
Ilonesdale do
Bank of Lcvvistown
Bank of Susquehanna co
West Brancli bank
PitUburg' V.
lii owncsriue
Erie bank
Berks county bank
Towanda do
Relief Notes
Lum. bank at Warren 110 sale
cw York.
America, b ink of par
.Ymcncan Exchange no
Bank of Commerce do
Bank of the State of N Y do
Butchers' and Drovci s' do
Chemical do
City do
Commercial 1
Clinton par
Del. and Hudson caail co. do
Drv Dock 1
Fulton bank of New York par
Greenwich ' do
Lafavettc do
Leather Manufacturers' do
and determined to execute all aritoles in his
lino of business, with neatness and despatch.
The public may rost assured of being as well
suited as to prices and good fits, as they can be
in anv other establishment in Stroudsburtr, or in
any City, as he has done business in the first
shops in New York and a number of other Ci
ties, and has a thorough knowledge of all the
various styles and changes of tashion.
N. B. Cutting done at the shortest notice
and on the most reasonable terms, and warrant
ed to fit if made up properly. He will also
give directions lor making up if required. He
therefore flatters himself that by strict attention
to his business ho will receive a share of pub
lic patronage
October 17. 1841.
Manhatten company
Mechanics' Banking Asso
Merchants' bank
Mechanics. & Traders'
Merchants' Exchange
National bank
New York, Bank of
Ne w-York Banking co.
N. Y. St'e. St'k Security b. par
North River do
Phoenix do
ScventliAVard do
Tenth Ward 10
Tradesmen's par
Union B. of N Y do
Washington 50
Uiabrtiilas, Parasoas, '& Sua Shades,
No. 143 Market street, Philadelphia.
Invite the attention of Merchants, Manufactu
rer1;, &c. &c, to their very 'Extensive,
Elegant, New Stock, prepared with
great care, and offered
At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash.
The principle on which this concern is es
tablished is to consult the mutual inierest of
their customers and themselves, by manufactu
ring a good article, selling it at the Lowest
Price for Cash, and realizing their own remu
neration, in the amount of sales and quick re
Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manu
facture, they are prepared to supply orders to
any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron
age of merchants, manulaclurers and dealers
A Large assortment of the New Style Curtain
Phila.. Nov. 21, 1844.--Iy.
.Fames Peters & Co.
No. 105 N. 2d st. corner of ElfrcllCs Alley,
J. P. & Co. continue to
manufacture at their old stand,
Silver Spoons, Spectacles,
1 hinibles, &c, on as low
terms as any manufactory in
ili rij 'f' Iimvo nn
hand and keep constantly for sale, beside tlieir
own manufactures, WAICHES of all kinds
ami FANCY GOODS, in their variety, which
will be sold low.
Spectacle Glasses fitted to nil ages and siehts,
in Gold, Silver, German S,i'ver ant Steel
Frames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blue,
grey and green Glasses.
ITT3 Watchmakers supplied with all necos
sary articles in their line, s'Uolras- Tools, Ma
terials, Glasses, &c. ,5
ilT3 Watches repaired at short notice and
warranted to pcrlorm wen.
Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 18-Tl. 2m.
The subscriber hereby informs the public
that he still continues the
Cabinet Making Business
at his old stand in Elizabeth st., Stroudsburgh
Pa. where he will be happy to furnish any per
son with Cabinet Ware, at low prices. He in
tends to keep on hand, and make to order, all
kinds of wares in his line of business.
Side-Boards, Bureaus, Centre, Break
fast, Dining and End Tables, Wash
Stands, Bedsteads, Wardrobes,
Book Cases, Secretaries, cfc.
ALSO COFFINS made to order at the
shortest notice.
Stroudsburgh, April 1, 1344.
1 0; Market street.
151) " " "
15 J "
40 N.'.
Importers of Cloths, Cassinieres,
Vestiiiffs, c.
William H. Love, 147 Markefstrect.
ambert Duy, 108 "
Hardware and Cutlery.
Michael V. Baker, 215 Market-street.
Ml ward S. Handy & Co. 1)8 " "
Importers and Manufacturers of
Saddler v Hardware.
Horn & Kneass, 2l5i Market street.
Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leg
horn and ralm Hats. 6)c.
E. & J. G. Whelany. - :15S Market street.
EsCate oi ItJargaret Thomas, 3ec'd.
Letters of Administration on the estate of
Margaret Thomas, late of Smi'hlield township,
Monroe countv, having been granted to the sub
scribers, they request all persons having claims
or demands against said estate to present the
same without delay, and all persons indebted
are requested to make immediate payment.
JOHN T. BELL, ) . . . . . .
r . , . r-, 1-. n r t t Administrators
J A ij Hi o anjULi, jr. j
Experiment Mills, Sept. 5, 1S44. 6t.
The undersigned, not being prepared to car
ry Wool from the houses of his friends, takes
this method of informing the public generally,
hat he will CARD all Woo! brought to his
machines, for TWO cents per pound and it
will be done with neatness and despatch.
N. B. Wool and Cloth will be taken in at R
S. Staples & Co.'s store, Stroudsburg, and re
turned to the same place.
At Kellersville.
Hamilton tsp., July 2, ISM.
SiroHdsburgh, Fa.
Has fitted up a commodious and elegant Ho
tel on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the
store of G. H. Miller & Co. and directly op
posite the residence of Daniel Stroud, Esq
He has every convenience for entertaining
strangers and travellers. Persons from the ci
ties, and others who wish to take a pleasant
jaunt in the country will be accommodated in
the most satisfactory manner at Ins house.
will he supplied with the best productions af
forded by the market.
are such, as will, he hopes, prove satisfactory
to all reasonable customers.
is, and will continue to be, furnished with a
choice assortment of Liquors.
is new and extensive and surpassed by none in
the county for comfort and convenience.
With these advantages backed by some ex
perience in the business and a determination
to keep a good public house, he confidently ex
pects a fair portion of public patronage
JTJf3 Permanent boarders will find a quiet
home and bo satisfactorily accommodated at
moderate prices.
Stroudsburg, Sept. 28, 1843.
Levick, Jenkins & Co.
M Conrad & Co;
212 Market street.
213 1-2'
87 "
51 " "
40 " "
Manufacturers and Dealers in Drills,
Medicines, Pamts, Oils, &,c:
Thomas P James,
Potts, Linn & Harris,
Robinson. Collins & Co
Edward Cole,
Thompson, Pancoast & Co..
Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings.
Jj lventon, 17G Market stteet.
John Satterbier & Brother, 62 " "
Books and Stationary.
Grigg & Elliott, 9 K. Fourtlfst.
Hogan & Thompson, 30 do do
Importers of British and French Fan
cy and Staple Stationary.
L I Cohen & Co 27 S. Fourth st.
Henry Cohen, 3 do do
Importers of Hosiery, Gloves, Trim
mings and Fancy Goods.
Setley & Sevening, 23 N Third st.
Parker & Lehman, 3 do do
Combs, Brushes, Brooms, &c.
Thomas Cooper, 3 N Front st
Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staplu
A F Ott Monrosej 16 South Fourth Street
'Manufacturer of Patent Lard
Ellis S Archer, 32 N Second street
Manufacturer of Patent Floor rfnd
Furniture Oil Cloths.
Isaac Macuuley, Jr. 0 N Fifth street
Manufacturers and Importers of Pa
per Hangings.
Howell & Brothers, 80 & 142 Chesnut street.
August 22, 1844. 6m.
BcWitt, Brothers '&. Mag:eriy,
Have on had 35,OO0 feet Hemlock and
White and Yellow Pine Boards and Siding, at
their Luulber establishment in Lord's Valley,
14 miles from Dingman's Bridge, which they
will sell cheap for Grain, Straw, and Iron, and
will not refuse to take current money or Pork.
We respectfully solicit a share of public pat
ronage. BAR IRON.
Bar Iron, Car,CoacIi & Wagon Axles
Axle and Gun Barrel Iron,
And a general assortment of
constantly on hand and tvill be sold on tho mos
reasonable terms, by
Analomink Iron Works, April 6,1842.
We have just received for sale, at the Jefir
sonian Office, a supply of " Fenner's Oderifer
ous Compound for strengthening, softening and
beautifying the Hair" also of Fennels Den-
j irifice for Preserving and Beautifying the Teeth,
In store, Foreign and American Broad Cloths
and Cassimeres, of the various descriptions adap
ted to the approaching season, among which are
twilled and figured Cloths and Casswekes
for Sack and Over coats.
lso, new stvle and plain Satinetts and preventing 1 ooth Ache, cj-c." and aUo "Fenner s
- , .1 . .rn-.i . n J. n .: r. i
ULOAKING8, together Willi an assortment 01 rau- j-omuue jjwuic, a jncprtiainni iur curing niap
dings, Silesias, .Canvass, Serges, Hollands,
Twist, Sewing Silk, Bindings and other trim
mings used by Tailors.
Black Satins, Plaid, Figured and Plain
Silk Velvets, Woolen Velvets, and other new
style of Vestings.
Our assortment is extensive and terms rea
Dealers in Cloths, Cassimeres, &c, No. 57,
North Second street, Philadelphia.
9th mo. 2d, 1844. 2m.
For sale at this office.
ped hands, bruises, &c. The articles are all of
the first quality, and tho high reputation whicli
they have acquired in the cities, and wherever
else they have,been used, cannot fail to recom
mend them to the general notice and patronage
of the people, of this place and vicinity. A.
number of our citizens have already tried them,
and pronounce them excellent. We invite all,
who are in want of any such articles, to give us
a call, and we are sure they will not go away
December 19, 1844.
Neatly executed. at. this Office,"