0 si'.-'. fit 44 The whole art ok Government consists in the art of being honest. Jefferson. VOL 5. STROUDSBURG. MONROE COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1844. No. 2?7 r (Ik I B. 8 IR II II I 1. ill 11 I vyws cw rsr PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY SC5IOCH & SPERING.1 TERMS. Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars and a quarter, half yearly and if not paid before the end of the rear. Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their Tjicr by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprie tors, will be charged 37 1-2 cts.'per year, extra. No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at'thc bption of the Editors. irj.uvertisc:nents not exceeding one square (sixteen lines) will be inserted throe weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents for ererv subsequent insertion : larger ones in proportion. A liberal discount will be made to "yearly advertisers jrjAll letters addressed to the Editors must be post paid. JOS PRINTING. . Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna mental A jr"J I'lCtJclICU iu CAUUUIC CVCf) description of Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, OiauK iteceipis, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms AT THE OFFICE OF THE Jcffcrsoniau Republican. The American mechanic! Among all the varieiies of men that diversify ihe human race, there is no more honorable character than the American Mechanic. Free in his heart and mt warped in nis prrjiidiccs ; elevated above ihe condiiion of that inferior po litical grade, in the same calling, in the old world"; removed from :hc seductive alluremflnts 10 luxurious vice; depending upon his daily ex ertions for his personal comforis, feeling indus try essential for ihe support of those who live by his energies, always able, to procure with oui difficulty ihe shelter of a convenient home, and an abundant supply -of good things for ihe physical man, he charges himself without anxie ty with the expenses of a. family, and enjoys that measure of happiness, to be had only amidst the duties and employment of a domestic life, j Industry and economy enable him to set aside by littles, a store for sickness and old age, and gradually to add the advantage of capiial to his j skill and energies. Unshackled in thoughl, he of hu mM) ;mpor,allcC( or eise forms and utters his opinions at pleasure, sees evefy on finding h-m ready wiH g-ve him a in himself a guardian of the institutions of his kJck BlU ljRn d.nt nin it0 the oilier ex country, and one of the governors of a mighty . .. f . , , empire; he knows that ihe common weal is commuted partially to his care, and must be in fluenced by his virtue and intelligence. He is, in fact, one of nature's noblemen, and if, with buch advantages and inducements, he does not improve by reading and reflection, fit himself for his hih and dignified duties, if he is not in dependent in mind and honorable in his feel ings, if he is not a virtuous and happy man, the blame rests on himself. It is the peculiar-merit of our institutions that 'they are all moulded -and fashioned by the peo ple: it therefore becomes the duly of ihe peo ple to prepare themselves for the resulting ob ligation lo fashion them wisely. We have lived but-a-single dayjn the age of nations, yet all ihe maturity of refinement, which belongs to-the old world, is visible in the new, in arts, in power, in ,pqpuIation, our equalled progress earth has never seen, out-stripping fancy's wildest dream. It as not enough, how ever, that we contemplate the solidity and ex tent of the materials jn ihe fabric of our nation al greatness; we must build it up and sustain It is to this conviction we would hring eve ry American Mechanic; we would have him feel the important influence which he must ex--ercine upon the deiinie9 jf his nice.1 We would have htm understand that he i' liable to he called upon to aid 4n administering the gov. ernment, and merit theconfidtence bfhi fellow men in their honorable service. We would not bare hitn limit -his range -of thought lo the me chanical rules of his .particular employment, or circumscribe the movements of his'mirid to nar irow channels, but J a hour jo acquaint himself "iih ihe whole science of government, and e ve rything connected wriih the nature and business r men, for without this, he ivill iind fhimjseH' jiDwerless to resist .ihe .intriguing or dip.lined politician. The American Mechanic is him- -elf, by birth-nd-fromneceidty, a politician- he should beVlbe'ra1 arid? enirbi6Heidpolitj The America h Mechanic'' from wfipse' la- , i 'ours the wealth ihdorivniehce's'oT society fe derived, snd in whoe-socieiy Recognizes v pride .and defence, If he iTan Arnerican in deling and in interest, and if he employs hs 'me, a he ought to elmphiy ii,. Between his prp: fsional duties and the maifhnance pf his fam- ily, the improvement of his mind, and the ex ercise of his political rights, is the highest or der of man. In this country, no invidious ar tificial distinctions exist lo deaden his enter prise or chill his energies. In ihe old world, wealth and greatness sit encompassed by their towers, and enriched with their treasures, and filled with self-complacent satisfaction at the view of iheir possessions, hardly bestow a iho't on he masses of the people around them. Here all stand on the same level of civil rights ihe highest motives lo industry are held out to all; all are urged lo extension by the noblest, as well as ihe most selfish feeling of their hu man natures. Industry and thrift are not de rogatory here, but are regarded as merits, and strange as it may sound in a foreign ear, the idler can hardly maintain a position in society. Our peopfe recognise the general truth, that the mind, undirected by prominent influences, will necessarily form for itself occupations out of ac cidents, and lake a bias from the fortuitous im pulses of circumstances, and perhaps, imbibing its principles from chance, loose its moral in tegrity fur the want of a fixed employment. Properly can only be accumulated by indi vidual tffort. No unequal law perpetuates wealth in families; death will relax iho rich man's gra.sp. and unseen hands divide his ac quisitions among his heirs. Our institutions guard individual rights equally with the public safety, and protect the enjoyments of the hum ble, alike with the possessions of the fortunate. The independent American Mechanic, living under, and himself sustaining these liberal in stitutions ; cursed with " neither poverty or riches;" free to think, and free to act; occupies a position in ihn scale of melt which baa no parallel in ihe old world. Miners' Journal. Doz&'t be Proud. Don't be proud ! We will not sav thai ab- . numUi,v is desirable: for a man must have starved more men than famine. Never be loo good 10 do any thing thit is honr st; saw wood if you can't drive a trade, and break stones on the turnpike if you can't saw wood. There is no greater farce than the cant about respecta ble pursuits. Many a bad lawyer might have made a good clctk, and we know indifferent merchants who would have grown rich as me chanics. Proud people start in life wilh more show than thev can afford; and so insure for themselves a constant struggle with poverty. They ruin their fortunes and shipwreck their happiness, to dress as their neighbour, or give parlies to people who quiz them for jt. Pride is bailiff to bankruptcy. Go to our alms-houses: they are full of your proud people, who have always spent their incomes and are. now, in old age, come' to beggary. Go to the wretched al leys of our great cities, and look into that rick ety old frame, from -which the rags stuffed in the broken pane cannot keep out ihe winter snow; nine chances to ten, you will find there some decayed mechanic, who spent all he could make while he had work, and who now eats the bitter bread of dependence or trusis to a stranger's charity. Take our advice! Seek some honest pursuit where you are sure of a living, and content yourself with a little, if thai Utile is a certainty. Better have a dollar in ihe pocket than a gold piece. at the top of a pole. Be prudent and contented, and you will be otti of debt arid happy. , Then you can walk the streets feeling that no man is your superior: Old as will find voti with a comfortable home, the result of a life's savings; and ynU can shake hands with death contentedly, satisfied that no pauper hearso will hurry you to your grave. NcjTs Saturday Gazette. -WSioie reisger. ' - " Oh;'-mother ! Pjest beed a than with one halPhis face-as hlack-as as " : r, . - . ' J ; As jvhat, Sammy V i Black as all creation rrioiheriAvash't he an object?" r- . ' " Lord love you, little dear, you don't say so -Ihe must be half negry." ' ? Go to thunder, old woman h6 was a whole nigger t'other half was jns'i as black." " Take thatj yoif little safpint ! MV'gracious, how sa5sv children U" From the National Intelligencer. Honor lo vrJiossi Klonor is Ene. Now that the Presidential contest is over, and the great battle has ended disastrously for the friends of Constitutional Right; and now that the sun of our countjy's glory has set in gloom and darkness, it is not less our pleasure than our duty to hear testimony in behalf of those who were true to the faith that was in ihem. Ii is not enough to say that the Whig party fought hard arid fought nobly iit the cause of principle and truth they did more than this. They gave up every ihiug to their country, and did all that men could do to rescue her from the dangers lhat beset her ; and which, most unfortunately for her peace and prosperity, and the happiness of the people, have at length overwhelmed her. They strained every nerve, and stretched every tendon, in the fight ; they toiled by day, and watched by tho camp fires at uiht : and all was freely done for the honor and glory of the Republic, and for the love of him who has proved himself the truest of her sons, and who stands up in defeat, " the noblest Roman of us all." He, their great leader, is beaten, bui he is not on that account less dear 10 his friends they stood by him in his pros perity, and they cling to him in his adversity. His defeat under any circumstances, and now especially, when it has been effected by tho foulest frauds upon ihe elective franchise, and by votes manufactured for the time and the pur pose, only lightens his hold upon their affec tions, and makes them press him more warmly and closely to their yearning bosoms. He has been slandered and reviled as mortal man nev er was before, bul his character has not suffer ed from the encounter; it still survives the shock. In all thai is ennobling in patriotism, all that is precious in intellect, or enviable in public virtue ai.d private honor, Henry Clay towers as high above his enemies as does ihe highest peak of ihe Andes above the level of the sea. He has been cast into the fiery fur nace of personal invective and abuse, but, like the holy youths spoken of in Scripture, he has come lurih unhurt by the flames, and unscorched and unscathed by the conflagration which burn ed and blazed around him. The vulgar and the reckless may continue 10 spend iheir malice upon him, and the demons of parly, who have rared at and cursed him in the past, may re joice over his ill-fortuno in tho future: but, thank God, they can neither subdue his proud spirit, nor drag him down 10 their own deep abyss of misery and degradation. f He has been borne down by tho power of numbers, it is true, but he fell in gloriouswar fare, sword in hand, and his armor on, at the head of Freedom's friends, the victim of Free dom's foes, and with htm fell tho best hopes and ihe dearest interest of his country. He is overpowered, but he is still as firm and un shaken as ihe rock on whose head the storms have burst in all their madness, and against whpse sides the wares of the ocean, lashed in to fury, hayo dashed and fretted inj vain. The wiles and stratagems, and the frauds and deceptions of his opponents, have balked ihoso who knew and estimated his worlh in iheir ef forts to reward him as they desired ; but still they caunot blot out from history the record of his greatness, nor prevent his name from going down to posterity associated, for thirty years past, with all that is memorable in the legisla tion or glorious in the annals of his country. They are powerless as to that; for his. is one of the few names lhat wa9 not born to die. They have deprived him of ofnee ; hut the Pres idential office, high and worthy as it is of man's ambition, could not add a. cubit 10 his stature nor increase the fcplehdot of his fame. His greatness will siill overshadow the land, and his character as a statesman, bright as yet as tho ouronuerejl eagle of his counlry, will be appreciated wherever liberty has a home or civilization a resting place, and his virtuous deeds reverenced by 'unborn millions to cbuie, vhen the . . t , -. , ,.,,.,. ' . .., , Cjldedjije imt That, basking in the sunshine of a court, Fatten on its corruption," k 1 a'r forgotten ainong the things that were'. Wo hero repeat' our declaration that the Whigs, hs a parly, fought nobly under 'thejr great leader : and at this moment they are pVoud er to have shared his defeat than the oppoaiiion 1 feci amid nil their joyous chouu at the success of his competitor. But, in paying ari humble tribute to our gallant party, we cannot forego the satisfaction it gives to speak of one for whose services all should be grateful we al lude to the Hon. Willis Green; of Kentucky. He, we have reason to know, made the heaviest sacrifices for the cause, and ihat too with no feeling of self interest or personal aggrandise ment influencing his conduct. His labors were a free offering to his counlry, and all he did was for the love he bore the cause and his deep devotion to Henry Clay. Those only who stood near him and shared his confidence and his counsels can fully appreciate the value and extent of his exertions. He left nothing un done which honorablo warfare would justify : nothing which seemed compatible with the high calling of truth ; nothing which was worthy of a just cause, or in the least calculated to pro mote its triumph. And, calamitous as the re sult has proved, deep as the distress of the Whig parly is, and keen and bitter as tho mel ancholy reflections of some may be, no man can reproach him with a want of firmness, or with indifference to or neglect of diriy. All his lime and all his thoughts wero given to the great issue, and never for a moment did his en ergies flag or his exertions tire. His anxiely was all the while deep and intense, and, as the trial day approached, sleep scarcely erer touch ed his eye lids. Here, at the seat of Govern ment, entrusted, as chairman of llio Whig Con gressional Executive Committee; with ihe su pervision of. and lo a certain extent controlling, the Whig action throughout the country, he watched the movements of the Whig forces, and bade them on to baitle ; and when others fell back and fainted by the way side, he stood up more firm and faithful to the work, thinking of nothing, hoping for nothing, and caring for nothing, but the success of Henry Clay and ihe counlry. Under his direction, and that of the Hon. Garret Davis, the partner of his toil and the sharer of his feelings, thousands of public documents and political tracts vindica ting the principles and measures of tho Whig party were scattered broadcast over the Union. Thev wero not, however, intended to reach the prejudices or 10 pander to the low and grovel ling instincts ol human nature ; they were ad dressed to the calm reflection and sober judg ment of the people ; they were manly, straight lorward" appeals to ihe popular intelligence, and there is no doubt that for the most part they served their purpose ; for it cannot be denied that, aside from iho foreign influence brought to bear on the elections within the last three months, a decided majority of the country is Whig in principle, in feeling-, and action. In view, then, of these facts, and wiih.a.ftul knowl edge of his self-sacrificing spiik aud disinter estedness, the Whigs of the Union owe a debt of gratitude to ihis well-tried aoldier which it becomes them always to remember. His voice was mingled with theirs in the heal and din of the contest, and tho same calamity that has be fallen them wrung his generous heart and fur rowed his cheek with tears of bitterness and regret. And now, Whigs or the Union, your tever ses, p.p fur from causing you to give way in de spair, should only point out in you the necessi ly pf renewed and redoubled action, and at the proper time, it should only strengthen your hearts and nervo your arms for another effort. You must not give up all hopes of redeeming the country. Four years from now it can be done; and then you must not only wipo out the stigma of your recent defeat, but avenge the wrongs of Henry Clay. Remember that the overwhelming defeat of the Roman forces on the field of Carina was followed soon after by iho expulsion of Hannibal, flushed with victory, from, the gales of the Imperial City. Ay, re member too, thai Washington's retreat across the Delaware with a few regiments of half-clad and half-starved soldiers, in one of ithe darkest .hours jn our, Revolutionary struggle, was sig nalized soon after by the, rout of .the enemy s forces, at Trenton in the midst of their revelry and rejoicings. Take hope, from these tacts ; and when the days of your mourning shalj have passed, and ihe proper period for action jihajl have arrived, once more unfurl' the 'Whtg'starj d'ard, and lay vol aside your arms until the ir fidols nre driven from the holy land. Till then rest in peace and bide jfour time. The following humorous certificate of the virtues of "The Chemical refined Turkishes- sence of wild Dandelion," we liud.iti tho .Uur cle Sam"' paper: Chesterville (Texas) July. Im, 1844V - Dear and highly honored Sir: It i wrh, feelings of the most profound esteem' an'd Ven eration that 1 lake up the pen to atldri.s,:ypi on the subject of my late illness, and lite caW of its cure. I was first taken with the cni sumpiion then the gout set in ; aflr ihai I was attacked by the measles and the seven year itch. Added to tltfs complication of disorders, I was all drawn up with ihe rheumatism, be sides symptoms of the jaundice. While these' disorders were at thuir height, in a moment ol imprudence, I acquired the habit of stealing horses, for which I was tarred and feathered, and subsequently 1 loat a leg. After- having spent all my living upon physicians without re lief, I heard of your valuable upecific. Our? bottle cured all my disorders, and haying rub--, bed ihe empty vial on the stump of my (bat leg, it immediately grew out again ! . " Yours, with great respect, " ' - John Smith.' I arracquainted with Mr. Smith, and iktiow, him to be a gentleman of undoubted veracity; John Crown. A Queer 'un. There is on Tower Hill one of the queerest looking blackies imaginable. His face is so black lhat he can't tell when it is morning; his wool curls so tight that it has made him round shouldered; his noso t$ o flat and greasy, that he has to put tar on his finger to blow it; his shins are so sharp that he can't go through a corn-field without .splitting the stalks, and his heels are so long, that it is im pofsible for him to go down hill without a coti pje of stones on them for ballasts He will no doubt die young: mortification in his' leg's hav ing already commtneed, in consequence of their being too crooked for the blood to circulate. Precocious. A youth in a back ''country town had arrived at the age of nine years when his father sent him to school for the first. time. He siood beside the teacher to repeal theeu ters of the alphabet. - - " What's that?" inquired the master. Harrerl" vociferated' the urchin. " No, that's A." ' -wOJaA - ' Well; what's the nexir " Ox-yoke." -As "No, thatVB." 8i "Taint B neither, it's ox-yoke crotch ;.,aU hemlock, thintt 1 uon'i Know 1 v lis .- - This has gone the rounds, but you. may.nt. havo seen it:" Some one was telling us, ihe other evening, of a remark that he once heard' a married man make, whose rib proved to be the better half in the wrong senses" of the term; I loved my wife, he said, 'at first, as much as anybody ever did love a wife. For the first two months, 1 actually wanted to eat f her .up, and ever since then I've been sorry Ijdid'nt. Pete, I wants to ax you a Colorribrou's p 1 ' Succeed Nieser ! 1 ' J ' Well, why is a Quilt, liko a Rail Road ? Does you guve it up 1 Yes I does. Ur',S Cause there's, sleepers under Y-iW YahU Wai an ignorenjf colored iJ'idyo,iV. Postscript from a boy in Indiana to his fatlier in New Orleans : Dear, Daddy. Corn is dull, and-brother John is dead likewise. Excuse hast'e.Tia ... 1 1 r bad pain Your umnipoiem. . j.j. o. There are unpleasant things that am nnt.pain ful; and painful things that are not unpleasant. It is.not painful to feel a big spider crawitng down your back, but it is rather unpleasant.-- On the other hand, it is not unpleasant to some heirs to receive the nful intelligence that a rich relation has lefr'this troublesome world.' A. young Miss having accepted thojofiar of a youth to gallant her hoiqe, afterwards .fearing ihat a joke might be cracked at ner expense u the fact should become public dismifysd him when about half-way, onjoiningjjeeoy-? Don't be afraid," said he, "of my saying ranv thing abmiiy for I feel as muchishaujfcd of tras voir do." mi 1 mill