Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, November 28, 1844, Image 2

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i - K:-'9t
Thursday November 38, 1844.
if not
iTcrms, $2,00 tn ndrance: $2.25, naif yearly; and $2,50
paid befoic the end of the year.
.ff? V. B. JPalmcr. Esq., at his-Real Estate
and Coal Office, No, 59 Pine street, "below Third,"
ruvo squares b the Merchant Exchange nua ,
-uiiu nil. inn iassan sirppi. i 1 riuiuit: uuiiuuit:s.j i
N. Y., is authorised to receive subscriptions and
advertisements for the Jcjfersoman Jiepublican,
ana mvc receipts ior me sums, mcaiiaiiw, .ic-
chanics, and tradesmen generally, may extend
'their business by availing themselves of the op- for advertising in country papers which
... ..J
To all Concerned,
We would call the attention of some of our
'subscribers, and especially certain Post Mas-
ners, to the following reasonable, and well set-
'Wed rules of Law in relation to publishers, to
the patrons of newspapers.
1. Subscribers who do not nts express-no-
vficc to the contrary, are considered as wishing
to continue their subscriptions.
2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of
much iiciiici, iiic a may uhiuuuc w
V ln mini ! In
send ihera till all arrearages are paid.
3. If subscriber neglect or refuse to lake
their papers from the officers lo which they are
.directed, they are held responsible till ihey
a . .... . ...
,Tl 3 t n s 1 1 1 zsrl llioir Kill onrl MrAraA 'Knir nnrvira I
oei i iviu iiibii will. llu juwivu uiuu uuuvio
,. . , r r
i if ...i :i . .i i :.u
n suuscnuiu reuiuve i uuief places wuu-
oui inrormmi? ihe nublislierB. and their nnprr is
sent lo the former d reel on. ihev are hetd re-
5. The cours have decided that refusing to
'lake a newspaper or periodical from the office,
-or removing auu leaving it uncalled ior, is -pri-
ma facie" evidence of 'intentional fraud.
"The last session of the Twenty-Eighth Con
jgress commences at the Capitol in Washington
-oil Monday next. Several of the members are
already in Washington, and ihe rest of them are
doubtless n their way there.
IHr. Clay.
. The -.editor -of the New York Tribune has re
ceived.aiprivftte letter from a gentleman in Ken
iucl-y, stating some facts which Mr. Clay's
weth.erefGre tracl the following passages:
i- 'Letinoton, Ky., Nov. 19, 1844.
"Last evening, I visited Mr. Clay
at Ashland, and passed some hours .with him,
talking over ihe -events of the last few months,
nd the prospects ahead. 1 found him alone
calm and self poised. He teemed to, forget
himself, and to be anxious alone for the Coun-
try: and Jais friends, whose fidelity and devo
lion, he observed, fee should .never cease to
cherish as above all earthly price. The vari
4?us combinations against him the infamous
ifrrads in presenting the Tariff Question to
jPennsvlvanta. -&c. the atrocious calumnies on
iiis private character wre ail alluded to, and
I stated frome facts oir under mv own ob-
rriinr, ' oiin vm J.rb, .W. .o .h, nir.
-., J F .. . ...W f.. 1
itaM .f 1 Kn ai;n;, ;,i, ks.w ,D
staesfna has been huoteddown.
"r " Mr.-Clau will rer arain. return tn vuhlic
m. His;career as a Statesman ir ended. The
measure of his fare is compete. His life will
r ,
..jT .1 i. :.. i ... .
":uy ue w"nefl yM impartial pen, ana
vwniie me calumnies by-wicb he has been de-
,4eatedin nis last appeal from his co-
eqiporartes will sink into oblivion, every page
f -our CouHtry's recent history will be illunsin-
ated byhiareatdeedsndf lowing patriotiiffl.7'
"lehMM TawMKhiM d..!.. 1 latelv stated that Lennum (nwn.hin
jP ike county, Pa. had iveB 152 vote, for Polk
tand 1 !for Clay. In looking over the North
Caroluu return. v find thre a YmU .trn,,J
heother ky, viz:
tlJIfl Knrl UTltM n ' 1 HA
'" 'Prey's Cross fioads, 98
Crawford, 72
The "New OrieatM Picayune of the 15th inst.
-ys-:-We learn that' nearly- Ifteeri burred
migrasi.f Bssengws 4ive arrived at this port
within the lay days. Iar proportion
of tbem were frmi3rme.
Pbody;s CiBcitiHaH Cwrnt, among
o(.hf'-cAirios facts; flay, at seven iof lhe
HctfHilMlberiF 'hitre Wm 691'avjivals
-hfitftkt ftuim&i since ike Ui otjUet
.f.aB.ary. . .v
1 hefll V BAWii-SJB till. Vkll'io-M. iiair. ika rta I
,,t - 1 I
ciuey mhing poison, on &aujraay wee, be-
cauhe a white girl would not marry iiisj. j
Remarkable PreseHtiarent.
In the last Doyleslown Democrat we find 8
notice of the death of Beniah Holdren, of Nock
amixon, at the advanced age of 94 years. He
died on the 14ih of October; and the correspon
dent of the Democrat states that "on the Satur
day previous to his death, his daughter, with
0,hor friei,ds' Paid V,V,t 10 ,he 0,(1 Pe0Ple5
I ,wuuu ' guim ucuuu, aim jiaaaeu a very
agreeable evening end morning. The old sen-
h'eman was sensible, agreeable, talkative and
happy, and partook of a hearty breakfast; after
which he observed " Now my friends, this is
the last meal I shall ever eat : I am about to
Jie h vain
ored to dissuade him from such an idea he
,he more reaolutely persisted In it, and said be
... , , . . ,
was called and must obey; but while he yet had
breath and the power of speech, he wished to
:vc in8,ructions with resnect to his world-
ijr cuucenis, ma uunai, oic, anu immeuiaieiy
commenced. Some few moments after he closed
his last directions, he was struck down with a
paralytic stroke, and never spoke more. He
lingered, however, on the brink of death, until
Monday morning, when he expired, without a
Many of our Lc-cofoco counties polled more
votes at the recent Presidental election than
hhey contained while male inhabitants, at the
rnntxnt ,r. p. .. OAQ , .
I '
I',,,,cu ,u,3 ' "" P""cu
i loga, with iM2, polled 3367; Perry,
with 3500, polled 3671; Columbia, with 5033,
I "
notied 5108; and Pmter. wiih 732. nniieft 7Q4
l rrM . i 1
1 I his bodes unfair play
s; pnimii prlr.;M, ,orija r,0l:n , ntrt
I m . m . . .
1 ,a A uuv ' iM,a '
Me neighborhood of the late Nathaniel Macon.
Warrcntou Reporter.
Cathey's Greek (Henderson) sends greeting
t0 Six Pound Clay 135, Polk 00! This is in
the free air of the mountains, out of the reach
and influence of Humbugs.
By the way, we should like to know the
name of that solitary Whig at Six Eound, he is
the real grit whoever he may be, and if he will
send ui his -address shall have our little sheet
free gratis, if he will accept it as a token of
our good will. Oxford (N.C.) Mercury.
New Cabinet.
A correspondent of the New York Express
Pr0P0SM lhe following selections for Polk's
VaDinet :
John C. Calhoun, Secretary of State.
Thomas W. Dorr, Secretary of War.
Wm. Loyd Garrison, Secretary of the Navy.
Isaiah Hynders, Secretary of tho Treajury.
Robert Tyler, Attorney General.
James G. Birney, Postmaster General.
This Isaiah Kynders, we believe, is the lead-
er of what is ca,,ed tho " mPlre Club " com
posed of a gang of rowdies and bullies in New
York city ; and perhaps would be as well to
head the War Department if Dorr can't be got
out of the Rhode Island State Prison in season.
We should ihink that tho Navy Department
ought to be given to Capt. Stockton of New
Jersey and lhal lhe Treasury might-be en
trU9ted 10 some of,he Locomotive Sub.Treas
urf rs who have fled to Texis, since that de-
ib..uio uoumry ia iu oe annexeu io mis uov
" a nare oi me nonors
U be conve'n '"0 to have the Treasury
k!P! Te"S' may be hand in W'ln'
ofl lne 1 cXas JNaUonaI Susq. Register.
Birney Defeated.
Mr. James G. Birney, the Abolition candi-
date for the Presidency, it will be recollected,
was the regular Locofoco candidate for Assem
bly in his county (SaEinaw) in Michigan. He
got only 13 votes in Saginaw ciiy where he
resides, to 36 for Holmes an independent Lo-
co nd 60 rr Richmond, ihe Whig candidate
Th.a CU,"y e,eC,ed the Wh,'& "ndida.e by 25
n"'7 my anU W0""cs b0,U' and
- ,,e a ",8JOly of six.
Mr. Clay' character is such that no good
man can vote or him,' was the honest avowal
of all pious Fanny Wright Locos of the land.
In proof of ihis, lake the rote since cast in the
infamous Five Points, New York, (now the 3d
district, sixth ward,) which votes as follows:
Clay had 183 voles.
Polk had' (Hi8 votes.
T ' oegrauea ana Dase
M - 1 a ... 1 r .t." , 1 ii
F F ' O J
and Fr.elinghuysen 1
i an Amencau nonuiauon. voted anamst t: av
The Vote of Jew York.
Mr. Clay received at the recent elecljo.n in
New York. 6594 rnoe votes ihan Gen. Harri-
oa ia'l8i0, when his majority was oyer J3,-
000 - And vec Mr. Clav was defeated hv f 0'fi
I 'Pi.:. ; 1 z i -
. y , -v -r;
i ..v. ..i.j.
itwiii r u.nnn'uii 3ujro tint- i.iiityo
Kendall is talked of as Postmaster General ub-
der Mr, Polfc's admtnibtraiion
A Hero UMplMinedr
The New York Journal of Commerce .gives
these anecdotes of Dorr, the man whom the
Vice President elect of the United' States, Mr.
Dallas, in a speech since his election has been
ascertained, has eulogized as a Patriot and a
Martyr, and one desiiaed to enjoy the highest
honors of his country:
We happened the other evening to fall into
a conversation on board a steamboat, in which
we spoke in condemnation of Dorr. One of
the gentlemen related ihe story of Dorr and f he
rebellion in Cambridge College in 1823, if wej
remember right. The lelator was then a mem
ber of the Cgllege. No boy, he said, was loud
er than Dorr in his denunciations of the facul
ty, and in his declaration to perish or have jus
tice done. But when the superior power of
the faculty appeared, Dorr was one of the very
first to ask for forgiveness, and was actually
one of the four who thus escaped, while the
whole class besides stood out, and were ex
pelled. After the circle broke up, one of ihe
gentlemen accosted us, saying he was pleased
with the manner in which we spoke of Dorr.
" I," said he, " was one of Dorr's head men ;"
and he went on to tell the ridiculous and pitiful
story, himself agitated with alternate laughter
and regret. " I went with Dorr," said he, " un
til the Constitution was formed but I was op.
posed to its adoption, for I perceived that it
brought about a condition of things which
seemed to me dangerous. Dorr, however, pro
claimed the Constitution', and the officers and
legislature were chosen. I asked Mr. Dorr, in
this attitude of affairs, what his plan was.
Here were two governments over the same ter
ritory. 1 he landlord s government would not
withdraw, and if we should go on, collision
would be inevitable. Dorr's reply was, ' All
we have to do is, to go ahead.' Others whoj
saw the difficulty went to him with the same
inquiry. His common reply was, ' when you
hear the bell ring, then clear the track.' I per
ceived, and we all perceived, that we had a
leader who had no plan.
On one occasion I said io him, ' Mr. Dorr,
the new Constitution of the Law and Order
party is, for any thing I see, as good as ours,
and in some respects better. Why should not
we proclaim our approval of it, and so put an
end to the trouble 1 You issue your proclama
tion, advising all your friends to vote for ii, and
in my judgment we can make you the first Go
vernor under it without difficulty.' 'I would
not care,' said Dorr, if it were never so much
belter than ours ; I will accept nothing which
comes from the other side.' After this, I in a
great measure withdrew from him, as did most
of his leading adherents. On the night of the
attack upon the arsenal, I visited that post, and
found u full of picked men, well armed, with
several of Dorr's relatives among the leaders.
I went thence io Dorr's head quarters. As I
passed along, six cannons were discharged in
succession, and directly armed men were run
ning by me. I inquired of some of them what
they were going to do. They replied that they
knew only that the cannon were the signal for
muster. At Dorr's quarters there were soon
assembled about seven hundred men. By con
versing with Dorr and one or two of the lead
ers, I perceived that there was absolutely, in
this critical moment, no plan.
At length Dorr mustered his men in line.
It was rainy and uncomfortable. I inquired of
one or two of the leaders, what they were go
ing to do. No one could answer. I said to
ihem, are you sure that you have any object in
view, worthy of the hazards you a're running.
The object upon which we started is accom
plished, iu the formation of a good Constitution.
Is ours so much belter, as to compensate for
all lhe hazards which you are about 10 encoun
ter? Some replied, We do not feel like sub
mitting to the landholders.' But you must ro
collect said' I, that there are other feelings be-!
sides that, which are awakened at this hour.
There are mothers, sisters, children, who are
feeling now, and let me; tell you that I have ex
amined the armament of the arsenal, and that
if you attack it many of you will feel the pangs
of death the next moment. So you seo there
are other feelings up, and to come up, besides
haired of the landlords. I think these feelings
have influenced our leaders ; for only one or
two of ihem are here. I called their names
ono after another, and-inquired if they were
present.. The Members of the Senate and
House, lhe officers of the government are they
here ? My opinion is, that they are at home
and shall go home. The principal mart on
,he ground, except Dorr, said to me, When
you gq I wjlj lake your arm.'
-By and by Jpnrr ordered the troops to march,
when 4aboui ibree hundred went toward lhe
Arsenal, and four hundred towards their homes.
Dorr halfed Wore the arsenal, where the.
thought of honitxdrow off his men pretty rapid.-
ly, one affer another. Tho net rnojnjng- prr
was i riot to Be" found.-. He had' probably heard
the bell ring and "'cleared the track." The
Chepachet affair ourinformant had .nothing to
do with. There also Dorr heard the bell
TVT it i
mow ne is secure, wis nje is sate, lie never
hears the bell ring, and so his stubborness is
no mote overthrown by his cowardice. But.
let only the sound of the bell echo in his cell,
and he would be on his knees swearing alle
giance iu a moment. This is ihe poor crea
lure whom some men in high places, we are
sorry to say, are so weak as to extol..
Theodore Freiingliuysen.
The Alexandria Gazelle, thus justly speaks
of the Whig candidate for the Vice Fresidency
" If the Whigs, during the late political con
test, had a candidate for President whose fame
and reputation are as dear to ihem in defeat as
they would have been crowned with victory,
they are equally as fortunate with 'regard to
iheir candidate for the Office of Vice President
than whom a purer patriot, a better citizen,
a more worthy man, does not exist within the
limits, of the twenty-six States. Theodore
Frelinghuysen is a name honored wherever it
is known. Party malevofence itself has al
most been struck dumb when it stood in his
presence. Almost, we say, because the histo
ry o( the late canvass will show that the poi
soned weapons of abuse, of slander, and of
mean prejudices were hurled even at him ; but
the impenetrable shield of his character turned
them aside, and they fell harmless at his feet,
or rebounded and hurt his defamers. This was
the ordeal through which he was .destined to
go, and he has come out like gold thrice re
fined. Henceforward, all men will look to him
as one of the Fathers of the Republic ; of a
reputation stainless as ihe untrodden snow, and
as worthy of the respectful regards of every
one who looks at the great and good men of
the country as the 'jewels of the country'
more precious, for their example, than any of
the deeds of arts or arms which arc most prized i
and eulogized. Honor to Theodore Freling
The Richmond Whig, In an article review
ing the past history of Henry Clay, and the
meritorious services he has rendered his coun
try during the last forty years, winds up as
follows :
" And what has been his reward? Country
men! Even many of you who have assisted
in the deed of his mortification and rejection,
now that the deed is done and cannot be re
called CAN you think of it without shame and
remorse ? Do you not blush at having been
accessory to an act so ungenerous to a great
Patriot, and so unjust to you country?'
Carried Away by Intense Feeling.
"An anecdote of the Attorney General of Mas
sachusetts is told in a late Boston paper. The
worthy old gentleman must have been complete
ly carried away by his feelings, yet who can
blame him. Road the story: The Attorney
General, now eighty years of age, and said lo
be more competent to the discharge of the ar
duous duties of his honorable station than al
most any practioner of experience, as well as
a remarkable retention of mental power, was
managing a case in behalf of the commonwealth
of Middlesex county, where a man was indicted
for gouging out the eyes of a girl, because she
made oath that he was the father of her illegit
imate child. Her brother, an intelligent lad of
nine years of age, was on the stand, as a gov
ernment witness, and his relation of the fact
which he saw, produced an electrical effect on
the whole audience. The girl was also pres
ent, iu total blindness, and every circumstance
attending the investigation of this horrible bar
barity, was highly exciting. The boy stated
the preliminary circumstances, and then said:
"I was cutting bean poles behind the barn, and
my sister was milking. I heard her scream,
and then I ran with a pole in my hand. As I
came up I taw that he had pulled her over; then
he looked over his shoulder, io see who was
coming, and I struck him with ihe pole and
broke his jaw." 4 Why did you not repeal the
blow ?" exclaimed lhe Atiorney General, car
ried away by the tremendous interest " why
did you not repeat the blow, and knock his
d d brains out ?" "Mr. Attorney," said the
Judge, you well know that profanity in court is
a- high offence, punishable by imprisonment ;
but in consequence of the unusual excitement
oi me case, it will in this instance be
The city of London, which covers only fifty
quar miles, haa more inhabitants than.Mitie,
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and
Rhode occupy sixty thousand
seven hundred and fiTiy-one square rsilea, .
We see U stated that President Tyler pro
prises taking a irip tp Europe after lhe 4th of
Marrb no.
. Coal -Mines in onr Country.
' TherelareUwo theories concerning the oriin
tdf Mineral CoalCiSfc
First, that it is decomposed vegetable mat
ter. Secondly, that it is the result of Chrys
talization. . The fqrmerjheory.isgenejaJy; received by
Geologists from the following proof.
I. Jet, (which is of vegetable origin) by be
ing heated in a gun barret may be reduced to
coal. is of a woody, fibrous nature.
Vegetables are converted into coal by ihft
united action, of moisture, pressure, heat ami
exclusion of air. The heat is produced by vol
canic action, either by the volcanic contemn be
ing poured upon the vegetables, or by the in.
lernal heal below. Different degrees of heai
make different degrees of coal. The bitumtn- jt
ous is made by the least degree of heat; An
thracite may be made from the Bituminous, and tl
Plumbago from the Antbracitc.
The coal strata for the most part contain
fresh water and terrestrial plants, and coal u
L-t-i r t r i. (A
prouAuty a if can waior lunuaiiuii. ii appear
to have been deposited in tranquil waters. U
occurs iu regular strata in any rocks below old ;
sand stone.
The Alpalachian system contains the An
thracite and the Alleghany lhe Bituminous, ei-!
lending to lhe West over an immense area.
j o nave ine usual coai measures we siioui.;
n t t i . .
be elevated many hundred feet. There art-
small deposites in Massachusetts and Rhode
Island. No part of the werld equals Pentwl
vania in coal beds. Here is found three kind.
1. Cannel; 2. Bituminous; 3. Anthracite, ft
occupies a pari, or the whole of thirty out of
fifty-four counties in that State.
In Pennsylvania, one b'ed'of Antracite is 6)
miles long, 2 wide, and 100 feet deep.
The Antrhaciie regions lie in the N. E.ofiht
Susquehanna; the principal fields of this de
scription are three in number, with an aggre
gate of 65 miles in length, and three unlet u
breadth, embracing 624,000 square acres.
The Bituminous region in Pennsylvania i
still more extensive. The beds vary from on
to twelve feet iu thickness. It abounds in ail
the western counties except Erie, embracing j
field of 700,000 square acres. Two million of
tons are annually taken from these beds, equa.
to one twelfth of what is annually taken fron
all lhe other countries of Europe, and abof.
equal lo lhal of France.
In Maryland there are two fields, one of
which embraces 400 square miles, the otheri
of unknown extent.
rvi t t ttt ? r a r . r.
l ne uoai oeus in Virginia are irom iu iu.
feel in thickness.
Nearly all ihe S. E. part of Ohio U onewi
field of Coal. Some places will yield 9.00C,
000 tons to a square mile, and there are note!)
than 12,000 square miles of Coal. jj
It is also found, in the N. E. part of Kentcc-j
kv. in 13 counties in Tennessee, and in AM
bama, Mississippi, Indiana, Illinois, &c.
N. Y. Jour, of CommcTU.
The Debts of She Slates.
It is difficult, says ihe N. York Expies.-,!
state with precision what the amount of indetj
edness of these seven non-paying States is.fcfj
we believe with the interest added, and whicij
has been increased for the last four years,
may be safely set dowrr as follows :
At the lowest calculation. there is at least
.hundred and twelve millions of dollars hone1
due io creditors; a very large portion of
is io .capitalists, abroad.
A man in New Hampshire gave as a rM!
for not voting for the abolition of capital
ishrwent, thai all who deserved lo be hung01
move to 'New Hampshire, and'they had q1
enouch of thai class already .Exchange p?i
A very sensible man, that. New Hafrf
is a locofoco stronghold.
An English papersays there is an establi3
mem in Essex for manufacturing sugar fa
potatoes, and that I cwt. ol sugar can.bsn
from 3 cwt. of potatoes. If this froveS l0j
the casa, il wjll, furnish an addhinnal mo"
formers to .turn ihajr, attention, more to tlu1
title of produce,
fie. first iagisiatura of Pennsylvania
tfca of rW.KW IfflQ: at Chester,-
wat tfothwjri TlU mi'attaf lasted only1 j
UBJ9, BW HMWl.lM.IMMing man i
III iiuv.ii wim o, imri6wii uaf'm-"- .
among Ukem.
; S
go r
! 5
l6 Hi
r - - -