Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, May 23, 1844, Image 1

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t It -i
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4. i t-
The whole art ok Government consists in the art of deino honest. Jefferson.
VOL 5.
No: 4..
;m-us- '-n M'jinu .. i. . ii ii
TERMS. Two dolliirs per annum in advance Two dollars
mid x quarter, half yearly and if not paid before the end of
'the year, Two dollars and a half. Tlwse who receive their
paper by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprie"
tors. will be charged 7 I- cts. per year, extra.
No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except
at the option of the Editors.
1E7 Advertisements not exceeding one square (sixteen lines)
will be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-hve cents
' for every subsequent insertion : larger ones in proportion. A
wmeral discount will be made to yearly adverliscrs
ID" All letters addressed to the Editors must be post paid.
'Havms a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna
mental Type, 'we are prepared to execute every
description of
T-i t Try-? -71 tc? rrc7 (.vm5?W?ffil
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Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, IVotcs,
Blank Receipts,
Printe.l with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms
Jcffcrsonian Republican.
Clay and Frcliiiuuyseu.
Air Old Dan Tucker'
Tho skies are bright, our hearts are. light,
Jn Caltmiore ihe Whigs unite;
We'll set our songs to good old tunes,
For there is music in these " Coons !"
Hurrah! hurrah! the country's risin'
For Harry Clav and Freli.ngiiuysex.
The Loco's hearts are very sore,
Tho' very'scarce in Baliimora ;
For they bein to see with reasin'
That this will be a great coon season.
Hurrah! Hurrah! &c.
0! Frelin-huvsen's a Jersey Blue
A noble Whig and honest too,
Arid he will make New Jersey feel
Whigs pay respect to her "Broad Seal."
Hurrah! Hurrah! &e.
Now let the Locos tpeak in candor,
His fame "en Kendall dare not slander,
And when we all get in the fight,
Lord haw th Jersey Coons will bite.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Szc.
Oh ! Many Van's a nan of doubt,
Who wires in and wires out ;
You cannot tell whn on the track,
If he's going on, or coming back.
Hurrah! Hurrah! &c.
The coon now looks arnund with pride,
For who is here dare touch his hide ;
And tho' the Locos think to cross him
They'll find he's only playing possum.
14 Ul I (111 . 11UI1UU, W
United heart and hand are we,
From Northern lake to Southern s"ea;
Fioin East to West the country's risin'
For Harry Clay and Frelinghuysen.
Hurrah! Hurrah! &c.
Several hundred dollars, in gold, were found
accidentally, under a heap of coal ashes, in the
Heading (Pa.) jail yard, supposed to have been
secreted ny uoine convict executed for murder.
510D children had been bom in Havana dur
injj lhe past year! being an increase of 448 on
the year 1812! The Diario says:" What a
concert they would make if they were all con
futed al one time in the Tacon theatre!"
There are now being exhibited in the city of
Wheeling, two brothers, ten and twelve years
it .r. wuh nave neiiner nanus nor ici, vui
...u.. l . .. i.i - r. I....
claw. UK ! claws ot an eagle, which they
Wb like the claws of an eagle, which they
I I . . .
use witA as much dexterity as most children
St CUIluren
i-i t
ijjtfjr: hands'.
Vi.v Pinr:'R. Tile Revenue bill of Mis-
is.t.i taxes law'Vef. doctors, old bachelors,
, jackasses.
r.t.ov.-" John, come ud with
. ' ' i ' wu 4- rln o I a ; Ntu.ll 1
Tour le-ssou, VVhat uoes g-l-a-as spell
' .-- .... . . i, ... j : t
W J kiiKW once out lill uarneu n i
f .
" Jt j naiy; iWiiat is in yom humiuji o
There's m rnJHiy things, that gosh darn me
if 1 an remember 'em all. Lei me see! Thar's
r . j i. : : .. . ..,..t.,.' urittHnw.
llie Inifts blanket in uue; brother Job s
wjtite hat in aiio.her,; sister Paiieuce's bonnel
in another, and dad's old trousr in the.'a.nash
that 'jh and 1 made yesterday."
That'll do, Johitti); )ou may go and play a
1iMb while."
A Locofoco wnter makes out lhat Mr. Van
$ren h a great ornament io 'private life.' This
jtt-rtiaps is one of the reasons why the people
are disposed to keep him there.
" lo "quackery!" as ill man said when
hfi kiu4vi a duck, qttj writ a club.
ata.r t'v.vh m'ljuuuu nix
From the Home Journal and Citizen Soldier.
Tim ITZan off AsSiIamS.
Author of" the Man of PaolF " the Man of the
Hermitage" tfc., tyc, yc
To the venerable ANDREW JACKSON.
With a proud confidence, lhat his mag
nanimous heart, will find nothing to censure
on the ground of partizari finding, but much j
to approve on the more substantial grounds j
of truth and justice, I his sketch f ihe life j
and cluracter of his Great Rival, is most re
spectfully and cordially dedica'.od. by
There is written down in some rolurne of
legendary love , a superstition at once sublime
and beautiful, a strange superstition that would
leach us to believe thai the great aad the good
of this earth are guided, watched over and be
loved from very childhood, by a guardian spir
it, a holy angel who first fills the young heart
with dreams of ambition and then teaches the
untrained fooistep the ways of glory and honor,
, . . . . -
the naihs of iriumnh and fame.
Such a guardian spun, u mighty neiug robed ,
. . . . i
in majesty and clad in power have I imagined,
looking forih Irom ihe mystery of us invisible
being, upon this rude and homely xceuv.
In a small and narrow room with low ceiling
and conliimd walls, some dozen young uibh
whose rustic attire and swarthy features dis- j by ,h. Ugh, of the solitary rushlight, .
mark the hardy backwoodsman of the west, are
seated on rough-hewn benches, listening to the
lammerino; words of the orator in their midst.
Gaze well upon that voting orator, friend ol
mine for by my faith, the guardian angel looks j
upon him wiih inlerest and anxiety ' Gaze
upon him a lall stripling with a lean and some
what bony figure, with a face by no moans
handsome, marked dv a prominent nose, a wiue
, , ,'; r I
hilo his fore-
mouih, and high cheek bones, w
head so hold, so high, so full and towerina in
,. , , - r.t . r
outline mves soul lo iho expression of that large
ii i . i . I.: ,
gte c it5 cii ujjuii iiiui, anu uujwi i mo
coarso attire, the garments of homespun, their)
ungainly shape and rustic fashion, and as you!
n - 1 . J
gaze treasure each detail o: nis appear-,
ance in your memory.
Ihe boy essay, to speak His voice is in-;
distinct, yet there is a depth and volume in Us .
sound. He extends his hand
Ceslure is i
rude and awkward.
Ii is but a rustic audience,
and yet ihe would-be orator colors to the fore
ltorl ivill, itirkrl:t rl i fliJnn tn 'Pk4 lwir nm
l. i- . i . i
ceeus : n.s worcs came stammering anu stow
veU,. .ogl, confidence. A few t.
lYUlua. l lew iuwic; 44vuaiii i-uoiuiuo, emu iuei
I. .. r... I ...,,,,. .,,J ,L
grev eye brightens, the voice rolls bolder and
r. ii' 'mi. i r .. i
luiirr i nr imv-iiiaiiir mi "pin mill. in.iiTf . iiuv-
erty and diffidence. His soul warms in
aim His iiearcrs iiisuu us uiey are, lean uvcr me
rough benches, .heir eves and ears fixed in
breaihless inlerest. They ..tier no word-they
i i . t . ... . - . .1 . I .1...
An .nit ivtu ivtiiwriar fill f li. nrav lirinlil- .
rVfi briylll"
ens, Mill .he boy-orator warms in h'.s theme and i al B;. War m t he name of lhe past, War at
now he stands before vou, rais.d lo his full j ever' "k and at all hazard-War!
height, .he ungainliuess of his figure forgplien I His words ring echoing through the hall. -in
lhe grandeur of hiji look, lhe coarse home- I The irafliukers in national honor hang their
jnim of Ills nnnetit fiinrrilKMi in ibt! iniituslv
"I b a J J
of the sul speaking from his unclouded brow,
aiiu imcii in iji;cii iuiicii ii lima iisy u i-.iJ ii'
his ..l.c nearer, .he r.cU I.MMire. ufbl, hear..
he fi,,.,. a, 1 l. .he Sif,S of h,. Pr.d,l
fancy, he aii'ss ihem into breathless silence, ho' name give tis.W ar!
urces .he invhiuiitary shout of surprise and ad-j Now Guaiidian Axgel look upon your
miiaiion fnnn iheir lip?, he chains them with' mighty ward and smile ! Look upon lhe ad
his bursts of trembling feeling, he brings lhe ' vocaie of national honor, standing boldly erect
warm throb lo their hearts, the heary lear ui i in that Representative Hall, and' as you look
Uheir eves. He stands confessed the Perm of
a mighty man, he the poor boy, ihe homespun-
..1...1 ... ..1 i u t.. t .u' .......
' 1
The smile on the dewy lips of ihe virgin
I ivhii nri shf vif hk limm In liwr uwr s pCIsh
iii t i i
j - -
, - .t I ha . mi In I I l-i iiiiilniii ulaa t V k null
, u. .MC n.uu ,.u.,t ,ae wu.e uu"" " . anu ior
! nl j, mil viiiinHtmr hnnnr In lir Ii rl.luir n linrr
hw.ju. ... ..... ......0
j of lhe dlfliculiy overcome, tho triumph won,
rings in her ears, is lovely, and lorely is lhe
su.ilo. wreathing lhe lips of Gods own angels
i w'e the joy of the repeniing sinner come up
to heaven, but sweeter than all is the smile of
thai .guardian angel as invible to mortal eye
i t i .i i . . i r i
118 J,,,1K3 ,,,n ui),m ,He nrsl ,riulP"
iphan boy m the rwtigh loir-cabin in the West.
t J o .
, The lnther at lhe Ikiv anil lhe miitliHr s cfin nn.
- - -j - . . 1
j tier the green sod, in a far-away land, alid yet
1 iiiv
son, (lie rouo-h-clad orphaned on has dis
covered the existence of lhe mighty puwr
wiiliiu hint, has luadu liis footsteps ring on the.
Sometime last year, the Author commenced in
the Journs.1 a series of articles entitled the " Men
of the Revolution." The main design of these es
says was to impart vjvid and passing glimpses of
, the most brilliant points in the lives ot our Revo
lutionary worthies without entering into the min
ute details of their several histories. The style
was adapted lo the object, and should he judged in
this view alone, apart from any other critical rules.
The success of the Revolutionary series induced
the "Author to commence the "Men of, the late
War." The first of this series was Deatlwri the
White House." The next the " Man of the Her
mitage." "The Man of Ashland," constitutes No.
3 of the seriesi The reader will of course rometn
ber that it is written without any paitu&n views.
iron thresheld of the lofty temple consecrated
to fame.
The guardian angel gazes from the shadow
that enwraps its existence upor( another sceue.
In a wid and lofty hall spanned by a mag
nificent coiling, enriched with the triumphs of
archiiccture, with the morning suit xhinui"
through colossal windows, a strange throng of
meu are gathered, sitting in solemn delibera
tions on the fate and destiny of iheir laud.
prom the nonh and the south, from the green I
Savannah and the ice-capped mountain, from ' t
the ocean-shore of the easl. and the rolling
prairie of the west, these men have hastened
the chosen Representatives of a free and mighty
The mailer in council is of fearful moment
War or Peace! Here are men whoae cry is
r- .1 I . L 1 I. 1" I .
ever rcace mougu mo uecKS oj our vessels
i i i - .1 i' .1. ..... :
are uesecramu oy tne looisieps oi ormau uui-
raoe. though our fla' is fluns dishonored in the j
dust bv British hands, though our borders are i
startled by the roar of the British Lion, though I
our national lame is loaded with scorn, our
rights troddsn to the oarih, our liheriios violated,
the religion of our republican faith blasphemed,
.tne roijoioit oi our iw iiiuuiii lauii uiua iiictutu,
s ., . , ... 1 A.i i
-i i ! i n i ii a it-.) mr m i ne ii m;i 1 1! r i v I ii u u i
; . ' f .
men wiih side-long looks and lowering brows j . the cause of Old World Liber.y, and with the stage of bale and n u, a g n ; eo u,
is-Peace, Peace,at every risk and alfhazards ! that word of sanction went forth, .he name of "3 Hwt -hall b. V cfe , g dun sp, -?aaca
I I the advocate of the cause ! Oh it would make j . Pak, this might be the burtte.t ol hi
Others" therre are with honest hearts nnd firm your heart warm and throb and throb again, Prophecy. f , ....
i. .. ..... 'Pi,.., ,l, wpr T t mil nr. before vour menial eve. the i On lhat satne gentU knoll of the Ashland
" " - , ." . .,"
- " " . C
..... . ii i
fie d desoated. the vallpv made a was.e, nation-j
lll I II UIMUI waw " m w m ----
al commerce .destroyed, the wide land crowded
; .1. I I... . ..I' .1... J.....I If..-. 1-..H
j , . tor , c ,
All is' doubt, disunion and dismay. Doubt
while the armament of Britain throng the seas,
disunion while thw rvd-coat armies are in our
very borders, dismay while the first roar of the
b ood-stained Lion, whose proud threat felt ih
. , ... ' . loo
" . . . ' " 7 , - , J
win e t he tirst ruar o tne uruuii Liton tuuuuers
in nur ears.
Now guardian an-el-iook well upon your
' 'r, ., ,, , , i v
Whiln all is doubt, disunion and dismay.
L . , ffm lhe rat,ks of lhe J ,
; w J
' - aM
.-t..j , B
J 1 ''"V ' y , ",cum.
t.. . r. i f ..ii .u r
iitai mil g'y cjb, cun uu iciiu uik injfaieij ui
that towering brow I Speaks tho wide mouth
with compressed lips of a vacillaiingor a deter
, ,
" hear,. Til. poliUcal ,n-
W11USC U1V iaciui,icai.c,i ui UICU4IUU. iiiiiuv.,
whose cry is ever. Peace, or of the patriot whose
... ..r..: i i. i i t, : .
,,,l,r 13
comnrcssed in Hie syiiaoie War:
h, foil l, will. hi..r.v ov.
: lorm ratseo m n inn iiei"in, v, uu ins irv eye ,
e i :. . r..n i...: -i :.i. u: .
; . . . i . - r , . n
t b"g l,k, 51 col wh h,s forehead al
, "djai!1 w,,h 11 mhlY 'mm, 8Pf ak- br Var!
nauwnai iiwuui , ii eti iui win uaiiuu-
nl Ka .... IV In f.nx rwif Inn.
llad 111 shame, ill
e uouonut start aside witn
i i.i" i . . i
j surprise,
oxclaiming in
wontler 'is ilus ine
y, haclcwoodSm of .he Wcs,-,l,e fearfo,
j r-
! ra,,e .heir vo.ces wi.l, ,l,e voice of the ora.ur
I -d ,k. cry r,as ,o ,he very eeihns-.i God',
tell, us is this tile young backwoodsman ol the
We-t, is this the orphan orator of the rustic log
Iui.,... w ilii- ih ir:.n,r,.r vvlir.v ...ih- ......I'l
... i , r,
I IIUIU Ullllll UI, willful UilV, lllll UUUUl
sessed the council hall of the nation. A baud
,.i I. I I.. I' 1 I r
l,u,, i . n ,r,, 1 1 .. ,r ...... i.,, 'l ".,. .,,! It......
combined in one unholy leaguo of wrong, slrug
m,i,ui;ui, ""f;iii; usuhui a iii iv aim lai iuii
gling over the green graves of their faihora, un
der .he shadow of mighty lumple consecrated
by the memories of three thousand years, still
fighting and struggling for life and liberty!
These bravo men wiih the blood of their wives
and little onws, slain in merciless massacre, yet
smoking befuro their eyes, with tho " Alia Hu"
of their remorseless hulehers yet ringing in
iheir ears, sent to a far land, whero Liberty
driven from the Old World made her home, and
begged the Children of the Revolutionary Pa-j
triots to jut ihem some aid, to extend but a
haliil lo their assistance, to recognise llietli as a
free and independent nation.
And I hey denied ihem. Yes tho American
Congress refused the petition of ihese brave
men of ihe Grecinn land.
Then. li was that this bold Backwoodsman of
the West uprose on the floor of lhat council
hall. Then it was tuat fire came to his eye
and words to his tongue, then it was that with
his stature militating in its all commanding
height, with his burning brow flushed with sol
emn indigua.iou, this Man of Ashland spake
forth to iae councll-wien of the Nation his fury
" Go homo " he cried in that voice of thun-
der " Go home, to your own firesides, froe
iwen lhat ye are, descendants of th heroes of
Seventy-six, go home and when your constitu
ents speak to ye of the cause of Greece, tell
them with the blush of ahume on your brows,
that you dared not acknowledge the freedom of
this gallant nation ! Tell ihem oh ! be sure
and tell them that yo daretl not lhat dim vi
sion of scimelars and crescents, of turbans and
bowstrings scared you from your duty! Tell ;
ihem lhat Greece plead and wept and plead j
..-... -Jt ik vnrv f.i nf vinir Goddess of Lib-
"h-"1 - . j .
erly, and lhat that Goddess gave scora for tears, j nig Irom the mechanic and the muter, lae
couiempt lor prayers! Tell your confluents ! lory-man and the factory-child, Irom the op.-r-ihis.
and let it be written down in the hislorv ! alive of the crowded city and lite Uriner oi lite
nf mir l:twl licit in thf vrur nf iiiir F.orJ. eih-
icen hundred and twenty-four, in the yar of ihe
Lord and Saviour, who came to bring Peace to
all the earth, this Grecian land oppreSsed,dowu-'
...,l vt'itt itilurf-rl viffiit In ilia limlll'
uuuwi, Un
of Freedom in the wide earth, asking the coun-
trymwn of Washington for aid, and oh ! shame
on th burning dishonor they refused their p-
ti.ion, scorned their prayers, closed eye and
ear tin their Aolemn entreaties."
The Man of Ashland prevailed. The word
-.v. i -
..., c.,r,u ... .,11 ,i. f.:,rtii tlu,i tl.f nf th
New Worl( FlM(iom aaxe its solemn sanction
cui ihuh u h
m- v ' nf ,h;U 'Musee. ,he shadowy
I Z ih r thousands fell bene.h ,he ruoi.,
- -
' r.V,.'P..rI- ill. mnmiMin r whprp me rcks
ol ihe 1 urk.Uie mountain paas, wnere me rcKs
hurled by lh Avet.gwrs came thundering on the
. i i i :
tyrants ueaus, uiuigiui" ihbui i uo wuuaim , , ,T r . ,
massacre of justice, or the wide baliie-plain ihe dying day, there eland .he Man r Ash
where from the corses of ten thousand slain, "Hent and alone al the evening ihre is
sped ten ihotisand immortal souls, laving down fluh of the day-god on his lofty brow, there
ai.hefootsiool of God, their charge of -Liber-! 8' a lender memory and dear
ty un.o Death'-ohit would make your heart forgiveness in his clear-grey eye as he . urns
J i . .1 C . L ...1 I.. ... I. u l.ill i.t i Mil
beat and jour eyes hll w tin tears, uere i 10
v,,i. Imiv fr..m everv .hadowv s en. from
C 7u" " rrm .1..
uiu uciiuu in ....j, , .
1 , .;il- i,.IIii-.ri .lirH m crhtv
v.aiua5 w. ... , .a . j
; names rose shrieking wit t the war-cry oi
i .... . . i r .1
3 '
Ureeks, mingled witn tneir oatue-suoiu aim
-iB.d Uylbeir djing voice., huy ,i,U ,h.
flow uf blood llie name of Hozzans, ol
, - ad uame of
Guardian ansel follow your mighty
, lhrm.h lht) scenM 0f lhe reat drama, where
iho Man of Ashland was the Hero, the world j
the stage, all mankind speciators.
nnr nrf:uVlino War
now on
the ocean-wave bunging ihe olive-
i, . , ,t u , ,
hold of freedom the
j ' - . ,
lion, listening to him in hushed awe, with the
weird tnagneiism of his spirii, now communing
iiiff iU faiur. in .he grove of k.s ow
... . A .UI.,,.,)
sweet Ashland
Away. gl,ardlan. "8i f,way ,0 ,he
. - . A L-h nutt . M It 1 fT 11 il kWr
iuv C3 Ul Jjl CUil Louiaiiu. wiuuiih v.. - -
ling knoll that uncovers its grassy oreasi to tne
first Idas of the uprising sun, you behold your
mighty ward. Call ihe children of lhe Fras
ent to look upon him and look well, for the day
will como when lo have seen lhe Man of Ash-
i i ..ii l. i ,1 TK. niinru i.
taiiu. wm tie iiumif uuu uiiub.
, Srand and eflecuve. The f,,, .jM
i" . ,. i it i I
liprl.lng sun, lall upon rha! .all and ...oscular
form reveal,,.,- , oo.lme, ol none and w,
unbent bv tim, unconqured by ihe loll of tliir
ty years, clad in plain garments ol American
texture, while the hat a'ud siatl in one hand, the
j drooping cloak falling over the shoulder, impart
! an air of ease mingled wiih majesty to his coai
j mantling presence. The high brow, rising like
a lower.-where thought keeps his eternal watch,
o . . i . . . i. ..
ie wreV lairs tloalluji wavingiv in me lUUlllHIg
k..: ,i .. t.,.1,11.,- ,.,r!-,..l nvi'.hrmvs. IhrfiWinu
UII, lllO uuiuij iiiumwn j - -- 0
t. ..I ... Hl'H iVliil lm
. iiuir arr'ii ;iiiiivl: liiu u u ll y t
gazd upon all the phazes of .1 giant-life wiih
i It U II 1 1 II Ik I J
an unquailmg glance, ihe prominent nose, tne
r , ,..... chin ,ho wide
i" ii.k ,
, w . ,
muulii with the lips compressed indicating the
Will lhat never knew what it "was to falter or
to fear such is the laco uf the Man of Ash
land us mandliig on tho green knoll, ho looks
upon the morning sun, while far away, spreads
lhe background of hill and wood and knoll, un
til at last tho blue veil of distance mingles iho
earih with iho sky.
Oh great is lhe fame of the warrior, full ef
glory is iho broad banner whose ioius are iiung
waving on ihe winds of conquesl, mighty the
voice of the nation, yelling defeat to jhe fte
and joy to the victor, "hut greaior than all thus,
most glorious and moat mighty of all victories
are the triumphs of ihe Man of Ashland groves,
though these triumphs are not the triumphs ol
war. , r
His ar the triumphs ef Peace. Yes, yes,
froj ten thousand humes then evr arises to
God, the voice of blessing on his nama. There
comes io his soul, as ho thus stasds on the
knoll of Ashland, gazing at the rising sun, th
voice of the toil-wrung Mechanic beniitig over
his loom, and lhat voice blesses his name.
From the dim chambers of the shadowy caveru,
where ihe miner toils on his darkling path, rais
iii by .low degrees lo iho light of day, the rich
notes of old mother earth,-comes iho voico of
the miner, and it echoes the word of blessing?
The farmer in ihe guldeu-harvesi takes tip tho
sound, and echoes ihe song. Front the noisy
rooms of ihe factory, where the cr;th uf the'
machinery, no longer is mingled with ke groans
of the starved operative, there come flirting;
along from old turn and rosy-cheeked children
front stout manhood and lender girlhood, a cho
rus of joy, (.-haunting merrily bleMii; on Ins,
head, peace to his grave, glory to ius ashes
eternal nottor to tsis name.
And why come:, ibis mingled song of blc-
Miilrlni fi
i a
1 Man ol Ashlami ttrst mem
amid scorn and contempt drlend.l, and at .i.i
Hnnly established the American System, which.
"tves inilvOKiuletico to tne American woimii--
O 1
roan, whether he toils in the mine or :n ihe
field, in the shop or at the loom, which given
. . ' - . 'V.!
bread to his table, comfort lo his fireside, health,
and happiness to his home.
Guardian angel of the mighty man. Thou n
whom His whol career has been a delight.
, , .in. it?. - ..
; thou te whom the Fast ami l-imire are a one.
; . .
, roll aMde the awlul curiam Hut a on-
lull no longer green hut withered by autumn.
; viewing ,he glories of ihe M,n,e,, Mreak,,,
i . I I . t .1 .1 .....i ....t4
tile WObl VVIin aaZZIlllg reu anu jiuiiim rtiiu guiu,
". .. ' . . .....
I while clouded pillars anu si.nuean. .e, pne
' their forms ol "randeur alonsr the. horizon ol
, . vJw,t1IV rjprn
nessee, bis soul remembers ihe Wight) Her ,
! sheltered beneath the quiet roof of the liermi-
.,....,.;, , ,rr-jml
age.. Yes, yes, his antagonist m the grand
s m r n .: I r .. u. . ... ik..
i i mirnmuiii hi :. :i linn a i i.imf.. iiisi iivtii 111 luv
, r . - wap
' . , 5 . , . ., . . r
-o , d. UM by .h. M.. . J A. U n .
rests ucucaiu mo iuw ui
arms calmly loldcd, his warrior-eye turneu tw
Heaven, whila his white hairs await the sun-
shino of God's eternal day, to changa their
snowy locks to unfading gold. And as the Man
of Ashland gives his soul lo ih memory of the
Man of the Hermitage, ihe tear oh shamo it
.1 . fj I I. a tni (ill.lultJ Iff
not wuu a sinue i a
: bis eye, and the lenng oi ine omen time uwn
i. iif i . r t. . . i r i t
; " , i r . .u 1 .1.-
tagontst, tno nva. ... tne ruce m uuu.., . .
oppn - t . - -
, iho A.hUnJ .1.1b, arue, .h, gh,y
of New Orleans, the mist above and the flame
below; the banner of the stars still soaring alof.
in midst of flame, borne upward by the hand ol
its warrior champios, tke while-haired Man ol
the Hermitage who al this evening hour, gazes
also upon yon red sunset, and whispers as- he
waits for the master, like Simeon of old
" Lord, now lettest thou thv servant
,. . ,
i .
in t in ittpmnrv nl Hie Will
. o lie 01
"Z, mi the on
whom God forever bless!) there comes earning
long the twilight air, the sound of horses hoofs,
breaking the deep silence of the Indian summer
eve, and then the horse and ndr heave insight,
and come paining up the hill. And a the horse
all while with fea.n dashes along the ascent of
the knoll, the rider whose aitiro covered with
the dust of travel, tell you he has ridden far
and long, draws a pacquet from his vest and
waves tl in tne a;r. nuo.nei muwcm -
flunghimselffrom his paniing steed, he rush-
hastily forward, and in mleuce delivers the
pacquet to the Man of the Ashland Hills.
Now guardian angel, wo summon you for the
last time. Look well upon your charge asi?
breaks the heavy seals of this strange pack..
His fingers tremble, his stature dilates and de
creases with the throbbings of his chest, his
proud eye quails and wanders in its glance.
The paquet is broken! And there in manly
words tho electors of lhe aaiion met in solemn
council, send their message to the orphan boy
of Hanover, the young backwoodsman of the
West, the champion of War in iho Senam
Halls, the advocate of American InduMry, the
wronged, the calumniaud and ihe inumpham.
And as the sun goes down io hu chamber-,
of glory, ihe guardian angel smiles, and lum
ingfrain the Man of Ashland as his towering
frame swells proudly erect, while his eye gath
ers new fire in ite glance, the guardian spirit
of tho orphan boy of Hanover, bows low be
fore ihe allar of AiMorican freedom, and on the
proud column by its sides, writes ihe orphan
age, the struggle, the wrongs and ihe triumph
of genius m a single name, that shines ml
brightens even amid the names of Washington,
Adams, Jefferson and Wayne and Jackson, the
name of
There are 420 periodicals ptiblUhed in I.endon.