Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, April 18, 1844, Image 3

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- Georgia. Election.
An election for Mayor and Councilman ol
Angus', Georgia, took plare on Monday a
week. The majority for Dve, the Whg can
didate over Hook, Loco, was 137; and Whigs
were elected in three out of the four Wards of
the city.
From the Cincinnati Atlas.
Anecdote of Ueary Clay.
The writer of this, who in 1S0G was an ap
prentice to the bricklaying business, wax en
gaged in building Mr. Clay's house at A-dilaud;
and while most mechanics, in those days, wore,
by ih wealthy and purs-pro-id, treated but lit
tle better than negroes I shall never forget his
respectful and kind treatment toward his work
men ; whom he seemed to consider as equals,
and fared as. well as Iim own family.
1 remember one day thai an old revolutiona
ry soldier, who was a Granger there, had got
drunk, and fell down before. Mr. Clay's gale,
where he lay in a perfect senseless statu, like
a brute ; and as there was a storm coming up,
?ome one mentioned the fact to Mr. Clay.
Ho immediately went to the old man, and with
his own hands drajed him into his house
had him washed cleaned up, and put to bed.
The next morninr, during breakfast, Mr. Clay
addressed the old man in the most affectionate
and touching manner telling him that such
was the reverence he felt for all those who
hud fought for our liberties, that he could not
lirar to see them lessen thai respect by getting
drunk that he could not but feel an everlast
ing gratitude toward him, and all others who
Imd purchased, at so dear a rate, the liberties
which we all enjoy; that he would not object
to an old soldier's taking an occasional dram;
but he begged him for his own sake, and for
the sake of all those who had won our liberties,
never to gel diunk again. He then gare ijie
did man some money, and sent him home to
his friends.
MR. Clay's sympathy and kindness for the
errors of thi old revolutionary soldier, will
never be forgotten bv an old
i - . ... il i ll .11 HI . IL I II
Excellent.--Ii is a curious fact, and prob
ably not generally known, thai, by the laws of
Pennsylvania, a man may be sold m'o jerviiude
who refuses to maintain his wife and children;
and we learn that recently a man was sold in
Venango county, by order of the court, for an"
indefinite period, who had refused to maintain
his wife and family, they receiving the wages
of his labor for their support.
We find the above in a Virginia paper: Will
some of our readers, who are "learned in the
law," inform us whether such is the law 'of the
land 1IIar. Telegraph.
We clip the following from an exchange
and in giving it publicity, we have no particu
lar application we cater for the great mass in
"this age of improvement."
" A man down east has invented a machine
to remove old bachelors. Out of a good sized,
fat. greasy old bachelor, he can make quite a
decent young man; have enough left to make
iwo small puppies, a pair of leather breeches,
and a small kettle ofsopr soap! Surely this
is an age of improvement."
Corrected every Wednesday mormni
ARTICLES. Strouds- Easton. Pluhicl
Wheat Flour, per barrel 5 00 J 75 -1 88
Rye. do. do. do. 3 50 3 00 3 25
Wheat, per bushel 1 00 95 1 n-2
Rye, do. d. 75 71 01
Sole Leather per pound 25 21 25
Corn per bushel 50 50 -IS
Buckwheat, per bushel 50
Clover Seed per bushel o 00 5 25 6 00
Timothy Seed per bush. 2 25 3 50 2 75
Barley do. 40 45 50
Oats do. -37 33 30
Flax Seed do. 1 37 1 40 1 15
Butter per pound 12 11 18
Ejrgs, per dozen 8 1 1 15
Plaster per ton 3 75 -2 25
Hickory wood, per cord 2 25 4 50 5 50
Oak, do. do. 2 00 3 00 4 25
Mackerel, No. 1 12 00 12 00 11 25
D'. do 2 10 00 10 00 9 25
Potatoes, per bushel 50 30
The suh-eriher hereby informs the public
that he siill continues the"
Cabinet Making Business
at his old stand in Elizabeth st., Slroudsburgh,
Pa. where he will be happy to furnish any per
son with Cabinet Ware, at low prices. He in
tends to keep on hand, and make to ordei, all
kinds of wares in his line of business.
Side-Boards, Bureaus, Centre, Break
fast, Dining and End Tables, Wash
Stands, Bedsteads, Wardrobes,
Book Cases, Secretaries, crc
ALSO COFFINS made to order at the
shortest notice.
Stmiidshurgh, April 4, 1844.
Mechanics' H:ink
Commercim Bank
Bank of Pcnu Township
Manufacturers' Mcch'ns
Muynincns-'Uig brink.
United Slates bank do
Pennsylvania bank
Cramp. A bar of iron, placed across the
bed on which a person sleeps, under the mat
ttass, about as high from the feet as the calf of
the leg, is said to be an effective preventive.
The bar ma' be an inch square. In defect of
a bar, a poker or any other iron may answer
temporarily. If there be two mattrasses, il
may be placed between them. This remedy
was strongly recommended by Dr. Chrelienne
of Monipelier, and has proved availing in a
number of cases. We know an old fellow who
crosses his boots every night when lie goes to
bed lo keep off the cramp! and he is confident
that it is effectual ; he says he woko up one
night with a terrible cramp, so bad lhat he
s.;ll nnf cflf Kr.l nr f.trtf It.. tin Kiilutt -i c
loud as he could to wake up his wife, and ask-1 Bank of Montgomery co.
cd her -if she had touched his boots. She con-! S ofSf!
fessed that in 2P"ing up a few minutes before, ' iyieMown bank
0 1 . - . 1 Fanners' hank of Bucks
he bad stumbled over something, and upon Kastnn bank
looking found the boots displaced ; whereupon E'S"'1'5
sdie carefully crossed them and the cranio left : Humr-bun bank
, - ' ' Miiillitivri hxnl-
nim on me insiani. .... i,nt-1 ,nr..,r
Lancaster Sank
Lanr;iler cuiiutv bank
Northampton bank
Columbia Bridge
Carlisle bank
Northumberland bank
Miners bank of Potts vtlie
York bank
Chanibersburg bank
Gettysburg bank
Wyoming do
Ilouesdnic do
Bank of Lewistovvn
Bank of Sustniehanna co
cot reeled weekly for the Jcflcisonian Republican.
The notes of those banks on which quotations
are omitted and a dash( Substituted, are not
purchased by the brokers.
VCHIlsyJvailta. jwest Branch bank
Philadelphia ban, pai j Pittsburg
Ban of North America, do Waynesburg
Farmers t Mechanics' do Bio-.vrtcsviHc
Western bank do' Erie b.nk
Southwark ban do.Beiks county bank
Kcnsinztoa ban dolTowanda do
Bank of Northern Liberties do
1 I
'PYS !' HJdV 'SjniispmwiS
i-iosniv saiaviio
oi't Xq. pn.ioobj A"pijpiRi"i oq jjiw sjapjQ
I)iiijui iuq bj 'Aiijtin n:oiS
sti tiitt pajnduina '.'.wj oijt jo tsoa otij,
d, pnojis 'HSNOtfO MSrilChMV
'vd '"Jti'H'tiojig -SAOH NHOf
Ull til AOU UI.MI 0Kt OIA
'pduSpuaptin otjt jo jHtjito tit) utp:j Xi s..t
ntpjo Aitpin flip jo p.itj-inis mj una suosiaj
pajajajd st Jdv) tjoiqu 'toil jo '.(auoq supljns
aSpmi 01 ioa 01 dd 3 uno .(.up an SaAiti
AiS JO XOtJ uouiuun qi 111 op a".iii kb 'saAij
OS.lp Ul OltlCS Oljl IUJKAS JIU StJdQ 91
ut OJOjojojnq uooq RBij.jntji pupj ntp jo Eimii
Aim oi j(i!J.nlnR iv.j put: 'titojj in.uAjjtp Aojiiiij
.t(Iioinjd t; 11 o paioirj;uo3 si aAi aqj, miom
-u.)Attt v 1 1 1 oi oippid ati jo uoiiiidtiti :ii c.i 01
oauoj bS.hj 'aiuuo.) .ioju(it joj lt'oaif. ajfl im
33ojd fys JiMJDj poaouduij- j(Pj jo itjotj
:u.)jud iqt puEt.und Sm uq j.MUJqts oqj4
Dr. Hferman's Lozenges
AYE BEEN SOLD in the United States,
his body; gnawing sensation it the stomach, slight
chills and flashes of heat, drowsiness and dusti
ness,, frightful dreams, and !o miseni'de v;is be had rather die than live. l)r li. told bun
that he had worms, and lie could cure him. The
mnn olittnl.- lit !in:uf nnfl ftnii' it wns illlDOSSlb'e.
Mexico, AVest Indies, Great Britain and 1 h u j, W(,ii lrv: S() tl!e Dr avc him a box of
.throughout the WORLD, in the Year 1813. ! Sherman's Worm Lozenges, and mIJ linn to la..f
Hundreds and Thousands bless the day they were ljlem accordino to the printed directions ;n omp -
mriured by the persuationoi a inenu, to iry oiiuj- , Vin,T them, ile returned in three tnus.aiui s.i.m
saaa iifioA says
A Requisition. llohert Barton, of this
State, now confined in Baltimore county jail on
a cinl process, has been demanded by Got'.
Porter, from the Governor of Maryland, hs a fu
gitive from this State. Mr. B. is charged with
obtaining the sum of $1,675, from Mr. Joseph
Gray, of Swatara township, Dauphin county,
Pa., under false pretences, having left as secu
rity, according to the documenis, S2,250of the
paper of the Farmers' and Millers' Bank of Ha
gerstotvn, Md.
A New Counterfeit.
$10s, of the' Farmers Bank of Lancaster, let
ter B, number 31. On comparing it with a
genuine bill of the same bank, we find the
counterfeit well calculated to deceive. The
plate we incline to believe is a genuine, so ex
actly do the two correspond. The counterfeit
it on flimsy paper, of a much lighter color than
the genuine.
Relief Notes
Haw Yorlv.
America, b ink of
American Ee!i..upc
Bank of lNmir.eire
IOWank of the State of X Y
parjButchers' and Dro en'
par Chemical
Del. and Hudson can il co.
Dry Dock
Fulton back of New York
Leather .Manufacturers'
ttanliatteii ooinpany
Mechanic B-uikiii;; A&so.
Merchants' bank
.Mechanic? & Tra-lers'
Mcrchiui's Kxchansc
par New York, Bank of
2ICA'-loH, ii.iilKllig cn.
do !
The full-blooded 5 elegant Horse
AVill stand 1 lit; present season, commencing
! on the first of April 18-14, at iho Mablc of the
! subscriber, in Uppor Mount Bethel township,
; l)rth:tmptou cotin'y there lo remain tnree
oav; inence 10 ne rcjnmcu 10 me hianie,oi Ja
cob Long, at SnydiTM-illf, Monroe county,
there lo remain three days, thence to be re
moved to the. stable of Geo. IL Lnbar, in Stroud
do j township, Monroe county there to remain three
davs thusjii change alternately throughout the
do ' season, at he low rale of $5.
pjj- 1 Ik IILilIll 1 , JJI U lHIO UUJ I'll HIU
15'h ilav of Alav next is lb hands high a
haudomo dark bay, with a small tar on his
forehead. lie '.s very active, and can trot a
mile in three minutes.
SiR HENRY, is a descendant of the best
stock of blood horses ever imported into this
country. The grand sire of this colt was an
impmled horse, and was sold from the ship for
2 mx thousand dollars. lie could trot a mile in
l!N. Y. Ste. St'k Security b. par
two minutes and a half.
liS'oith Hivor
SjSerriith Waid
l-.Tcnth Ward "
3" n.njon B. of N Y
J i lars see hand bills.
Wilnamsntirg, April l. ia-ii.
Luni. bank at Warren no sale V;isii-U5tou
For further panics
liook at This I
The subscriber will sell at his Shop in
S roudburg, on Tuesday the 7'h of MAY,
(court week) the following articles, to wit:
An assortment of
Rifles, Shot Gnus and PistuLs,
Gun Locks, and materials of all
kinds. Files. Vices, Benches,
Cutting Machine, a large Bel
lows and Anvil, and a va
riety of other tools of
every description ;
300 good seasoned Maple Gun stocks,
Also, a few Stoves and
stove mounting, fyc. c.
lie will also offer at his house, HOUSE
good as new ; .such as Bureaus, Chairs, Tallies.
Ijiul-iieiiL, Stands, Lookm-Glasei, Carpet
IU, one excellent PA TENT PUMP, and f
vane y uf other article.- loo uumerotis to men
tion. Sale will commeure at his hop rrrcisel' at
8 o'clock in the moriiino;, and the Hoiio at I
"'dock. J. il., and continue until all is sold. A
credit will be given for all amounts over fivf
dollars.. T. J. ALBRIGHT.
April 18, 1S14.
French and Enish Cloths and CassiuioreH.
American Cassimeres, Cloths ami Salitieits.
Eii"hh and American Tivet-I Couiiit.
Single Milled Cloths and Cassimeres.
Silk Velvet and Black Satin Vestuixs.
Cahtuere, Thibet and other Veatius.
Silk and Alpacha Serges.
A full assortment of Tailors Trimmings.
New style Spring and Summer pantaloon Stuff..
Wuh various other seaonHb!e goods, embra
cing the latest styes, are offered at the low
est market prices.
Wholesale and Rntnil Clitfh Store,
No. 57 North Second Street,
3rd month 9, ISiL Philadelphia.
N. B. Orders from a distance carefully sup
plied and warranted to nub. 21tn2.
The Pioprictors of ihis "Line having made
such arrangements that they will be able to car
ry merchandize fiom Philadelphia, to Ea-lon
via ihe Delaware Division of the Peiuisj Ivania
Canal, cheaper, and with as much despatch as
any o'her Line, re-pectfully solicit roiinny
merchant to give them a call In lore shipping
clewhero. J'erMJiis shipping by this Line
will plea-e send their good-, to Fleilman it
Bamet, Willow street Wharf, Philadn. Ail
goods shipped by ibis Lino lo he stored at Ens
Ion, will be stored free uncharge. There uill
lie one Boat leiving cverv dv.
IIeii.max & Barxet, Philadelphia.
JJarxet & Hiar.Eu, Raston.
Phila.l. lphi.i, Feb." 13, ISlJr-
Slmrman's Cough Lozenges, and
Peters' Pills ;
For sale ai this office.
fin . i.i. r ri i
,rii;.r. i ne oommonweaiin oi rennsyi-
: Sherifl of said Count v,
&gilj&fS vama to tht
i'iit'flWrZ G noting :
land vnu that vou attach
I ..t iii A ttmip mi lf..rtT I'dii uf iTinr
county, by all and singular his goods and'ehat-it-ls,
lar.ds and lenciiienis, in whose hands or
pofisession soever the same may be, so thai he
be and annear before our Court of Common
Pleas, to in holden at Mtlford, in and for said
Count v, on Tue-diy the fourteenth day of May
next ; then and there to answer Theodore
Bovhan'xa', of a plea of trespass on the cnsn
upon premises not exceeding l wo hundred dol
lars ; and we. further command you that you
summon all persons in uhoso hands or posses
si. in the sal. I 'goods, and chattels, or any part of
them, may be attached, so lhat they and every
of them le and appeir before t he. said Court a
ihe day and place hereinbefore mentioned, to
answer what mIi:i!1 be objected againsl them,
and abide the, judgment of the said Court i here
in ; and h ive you then and there this writ.
Witness the Hon. William Jessup, Presi
dent Judge of our said Couri, at Mi I ford, this
20lh day uf February, Anno Domini, 1814.
IL S. MOTT, Proth'y.
I do certify the above to bo a true copy of a
writ of Foreign Attachment, issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Pike cntm'v. to me
directed. JAMES VATSON,'SWf
Shertlf's 'Office, Millonl,
be felt like a new being tbsit the liitdosR lr..'t
away a tapeworm 70 or80 leel to m. and liie sec
ond dose brought awav S2S feet more. Thus two
! doses of Sherman's Worm Lozenges effected .i
cure; and although bnln lew tnotiMts have eiajise i,
be is now as fat and hearty as he ever w;ii i"o Ins
life. After years ol misery swallowing e.-ornious
quantities of niedicineaiid spending hundredrf of
miliars, he was cured by only one i25 cent box uf
these celebrated Lozenges.
Headache and Si -kiies..
Palpitation of the heart, lowne- of spirits, arid
despondency, are immediately relieved by Sher
mans Camphor Lovengcs. Persons trave; big or
attending crowded parties will lintl them to relieve
all and give buoyancy lo the spirits. Al
tera night's dissipation they dispel ail those, un
pleasant sensations so usually following the loo
free liver. Temperance people wilt tunl them
soothing to the tisturbed nerves of their new con
verts. The most distressing hea.!acli yields lo
these lozenges in less than ten minutes. The
over-fatigued mind or body cannot iin! so greU
relief from any other article, ('apt Ch.idwicfc. of
the Packet allip Wellington. J W Cochran. Escj.
the invintorof the tnany-chamhered cannoit hr
excellency John Tyler, .Joseph B Xooes, f.sij and
hundreds and thousands of others, who have ex
perienced relief from them can be relet red to tur Il
their great value
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster.
The best strengthening plaster in the world, and
a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness m ihe
man's Lozenges.
Onondaga, May 18, 1813.
Dr Sherman: Dear Sir As I most ardently de
sire to benefit my fellow men, especially those who
are the unhappy victims of that dreadful disease,
Consumption, 1 "ill iclate, for their consideration,
the astonishing effect of your Cough Lozenges.
On the night of July 5, 1810, 1 was attacked with a
violent cough, which threatened my speedy death.
Under the advice of two very excellent physicians,
Drs Parkes and Rose, 1 was so lar relieved as to
be able to ride out, and once 1 attempted to preach.
I rode '20 miles, to Uazcnovia, to attend the ses
sion of our Conleience, which continued about len
days. J was able lo attend the session every day
for a few hours by conlining myself the rest ol my
time to my bed. The Fathcrs'in the Gospel told
me I-ought to arrange my wordly affairs and pre
pare for"a speedy death, and consequently put me
on the superanuated list. Very fortunately, and I
may say providently, 1 heard ot your Laizei.ges,
and was prevailed upon to try them, and to my ut
ter astonishment, alter taking three one day, they
allayed the violent attacks ot coughing, and ena
bled me to sleep for hours together, which I could
not do before. I continued to improve under their
use for sevt ral weeks, when I considered myself
well, and able to resume my duties as a minister
of the Gospel of our saviour. J low many will
soon enter the gloomy vale of death, that might
lonir be a blessing to the world and a comfort to
their friends, if they could obtain your medicines!
Mav Providence lavor your efforts until every lain-
ilv in tlir civfliy.fid world can nrocure your medl-
"I w - l . . i .. i i - -i.. , . i ! ..I . : . . . l ...
cine, which I consider the most valuable ever Uis- acK, loins, 5iues. ureast, neciM rim is, jouus, rut-u-
covered by the medical faculty. In conclusion,
may God bless you and prolong your life for use-
inatism, lumbago, &c, &c,
Jos. W. Iloxie, Esq., who bad been so afiJirfrM
fulness to siitfe'ring humanity. Accept my inex- ; with rheumatism, as to be unable to dress himself
prcssible gratitude, for to you and your medicine,
through Divine blessing, I owe my life.
Yours, &c DARIUS ANTIiUJy 1 ,
Minister of the Gospel
Spitting of Blood,
Night sweats and pain in the Side.
Jonathan Haworth, Esq. the well known Tern
without assistrnce, was enabled alter wearing one.
only one night, to get upalunc in the m-nnin. put
on his clothe, and callatouroflice witneyeslx-am-ing
with joy, and bis tounge pouring forth the fad
neas of his heart, at the sudden and signal relief
he had received from the best of all remedies,
David Williams, of Elizabelhtown. i L an old
Revolutionary Soldier, was so afilicted with Rheu
matism, that ho could scarcely himself one of
peranco Lecturer, was attacked with a cold from . t,jese p',as;cnj emireiv cuml hjm
sleeping in damp sheets, in the winter of 18 1 1. He j
neglected it at hrst, but soon lound it assuming a
somewhat alarming aspect, and then resorted to
Mrs. George Nixon, one of the managers of the
Institution for Aged Indigent Females in the city
of New York, says the old ladies find great betie-
the various remedies usually recommended for lung . from lheae plasters. lliey being- very liable lo pains
complaints. When one thing Jailed he tried an- Qr weaknes3 in the back as woIl as olher 0f
other, until ne bad exhausted his patience and the , tie tjy.
whole catalogue of remedies. His cough was al-1 M J w Soencer. Street TnsDector. was
st incessant, so that he could get little or no c uud of lhe pileg b vca one of ti,eae ,,a3lerd
sp attended with pain in his side, spitting oft on thc ,ower t of the
blood, night sweats, and all the usual symptoms of I
consumption. mie at uomc , i ; ne leu mat , attained, has Induced many unprincipled per-
part ol the spine.
Caution The great reputation these Plasters
end his journey of life. Providentially, a lady
who visited him advised a trial ol Dr Sherman's
Cough Lozenges. He accordingly sent and got a
box. and the lirst dose gave him more relief than
all the other medicines he used before. By the
time he had taken one small box, be was able to
start for the city of New York, and in three weeks'
time be was perfectly restored to his usual health.
He often announces the fact to his hearers, when
lecturing on Temperance, and says he owes his
life to Dr Sherman's Lozenges
From t!ie Cincinnati Daily Time?, of Jan. 4th !S-1.
Coughs The variableness of the weather this
winter has caused an unusual number of persons
to be afflicted by colds and coughs scarcely a
family has escaped; and with many, carelessness
in attending to a cough, has laid the foundation for
consumption. Our family has not escaped the
general affliction, but owing to a remedy, used
for the first time, they were speedily cured. Sher
man's Cough Lozenges, which we were induced
to tiy, proved what they are represented to be, and
affected a cure in a Jew days of a troublesome
cough, which appeared so deeply seated that
seemed doubtful if it could be removed at all.
We have not written the above as a pufT, but as
facts which the community should know. G V.
Thomas, No 1 17 Main street, i.5 thc sole agent in
this city
Thousands upon thousands have gone down to
Ask for Sher
man's Poor Man's Plaster, and sec that full direc
tions for use, and a fac simile of bis name, thus,
is on the back of each. Trust none others, or you
will be deceived.
A fresh supply of the above valuable medif-incs-
just received, and for sale at the Republican t)l-
lice, Slroudsburg, Monroe county, l a.
March 21, 1S4L--Cm.
The subscribers take this method to inform
the public generally, and Millers and Farmer
especially, that they haye taken that cunven-
Fosmdry naad Machine SSsop,
adjoining Jacob Shipmaster's Tannery, and
would be thankful for any patronage extended
towards I hem, and respectfully announce that
they arc prepared to execute all orders in their
line of business in the best manner and with
despatch. They will manufacture
for Flour and other Mills, together with Cast-
graves from Marasmus, or a wasting away of the inas of every description turned and fried up
29 Gt.
Bc1Vif , SBa'tfthca's & JSagcrty,
Have on had feel Hemlock and
White and Yellow Pine Boards and Siding, at
iheir Lumber establishment in Lord's Valley,
Lid miles from Dingmau's Bridge, which they
will sell cheap lor Grain, Straw, and Iron, and
will not refuse to take current money or Pork.
We respectfully solicit a share of public pat
Lord' Valley, Dec. M, 1 81. 3,
Hard, Salmon and Soft Brick,
fur salfi low. by
Miiford, Dec. II, 1813. . . O ",.
body, Epilepsy. Pits, St Vitus' Dance, Locked
Jaw, Apoplexy, Mama, Dropsy in the Head, ral
sy, Consumption, Pleurisy, Dysentcf'y, Convul
sions, and many other supposed apparent diseases;
and many have suffered for years and years, and
have been doctored for some imaginary complaint
without the least relief; and others are still suffer
ing, when all the trouble arises from worms, and
worms alone, wtn'ch are entirely overlooked, and
when the proper treatment would have saved their
lives, and restored them to health. Every obser
vant mother cannot but see and admit the truth ;
but still many physicians shut their eyes to that
all-impmtant cause of disease.
Persons of all ages and sexes, from the tender
infant at the breast to old age, are all liable to be
afflicted with worms. Many a person has suffered
his whole life from them, and never suspected it.
DilTerent kinds of worms inhabit different parts of
the body ; but a long dissertation on their particu
lar locality, origih,&c. is superfluous and unneces
sary, so long as a proper, safe and certain remedy
is at hand. That is all the public wants or cares
for. The sale of. over two millions of boxes of
Sherman's Worm Lozenges, in less than five years,
places their reputation far above all other worm
Evidence of the Wonderful Virtues of Sherman's
Dr Ryan, Druggist, corner Bowery and Prince st.
was applied to for advice, by a man who looked
like a living skeleton : be said that in early life
he had been remarkably beatty and robust, but for
the last four years he had been gradually wasting
away, till his coat would wrap twice around him.
He had suffered all but death, and had been under
the care of nine different physicians, and not one
of them had done hi in any good, neither could they
tell what ailed him.
He said that his appetite was so good that he
could hardly eat enough; Ire suffered from palpita
tion of the heart, pain and occasional numbness of
his limbs, and ahvavs fell fatigued; shooting, pains
in and it constant desire to pass something from
bis bowels, and darting pains in different parts of
in the best possible manner. Wo feel confi
dent in our ability lo execute all orders with
which we may be entrusted in a workman-like
manner. Particular caro will be taken to em
ploy none but good workmen in tho different
departments of tho establishment, and no pain-,
will be spared by iho proprietois lo give gen
eral satisfaction to those who may favor them
with orders for work.
such as Spindle Steps, Shaft and Gudgeon
Boxes, &c. will be made lo order. Old Ci,
per and Brass taken in exchange at the highcf
price. Patterns made to order.
Thresh a Kg Machines & Slorse I'csv-rs
of iho most approved construction, will be fur
nished to order at the shortest notice.
Wrought Iroai Mill Work
will be done on the most reasonable terms, as 5
all kinds of smith work.
The best kind of Sled Shoes and polish I
Wagon Boxes will always be kepi on hand
Ploughs of the most approved plan will
kept on hand, and art excellent assort uien " f
Plough Castings which they oiTor for saU tu
Plough makers.
April 26, 1813.
At Kcclucctf Prices.
which he will sell at from' 10 to 10 12 and 1 1
cents per pound, according to quality, for cah.
Slroudsburgh, Oct. 5, 1843.
For sale at this office.