Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, April 18, 1844, Image 1

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The whole art ok Government consists m the art of being honest Jefferson.
VOL 4.
No. 52.
tfrMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars
a liuaiier, half yearly and if not paid before the end of
ft veir Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their
I ,V'bv a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprie
ES charged 7 1-cte. per year, extra.
V papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except
,tlVoouon of the Editors,
ir? Advertisements not exceeding one square (sixteen lines)
iiibe inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents
fr e-erv subsequent insertion t larger ones in proportion. A
lineral discount will be made to yearly advertisers
lETA'1 letters addressed to the Editors must be post paid.
,r .inff a general assortment of large elegant plain and oma
"mental Type, we are prepared to execute every
uescrjpnon 01
Cards Circulars, Bill Heads, IVotcs,
Blank Receipts,
Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms
Jcffersonian Republican.
Spring's sunny days have come again,
The hliihsome and the Tree ;
And ev'iy hill-side, tree and plain
Is vocal with its glee.
The birds havo spread iheir azure wings
Beneath the gorgeous skies ;
And flowers from lawn and meadow spring,
With rich and brilliant dyes.
The sireanilel, winding through the dale,
Breathes forth its melody;
The sighing of the pcrfuni'd gale
Is wafted o'er the lea.
On ev'ry aide are seen ihe flowers,
Each bright and happy thing
The offering of the sunny hours,
That usher in the spring.
The murmur of the cascade' fall,
That comes upon the breeze,
The music of the mock-bird's call,
From out the leafy tress
The song from mountain and from hill,
That strikes upon the ear, .
From river; fountain; atid from rill
Tell spring, sweet spring is here.
D. A.
To Farmers.
Do you know that this is the best season to
destroy caiapillarsi? Look at the trees in your
orchard and you will see here and there a dead
leaf sticking to a twig. Every leaf is the nest
of some kind of an insect; and mostly of cata
jnllars. From an orchard bf two acres, I gath
ered a few days since, a full quart of these
nesis. each containing many thousand of while
rug the size of mustard seeds, and as I have
thus done my share towards destroying this
common enemy, I feel that I hare a right to
call upon my neighbors to do ihe same, or 1
Khali suffer by their negligence. It is only on
combination that we can hope wage war suc
cessfully; so if you have not already done it,
pray lose no more time, but take a ladder and
a bit of lath with a nail driven to form a hook
at the end, with which to reach those nests
which are at the extremities of the branches,
and in one hours time you may save yourself
many days of labor at a latter period to say
nothing of the amount of produce which these
lnsecis would destroy before you could kill
them, after being hatched.
Burlington N. J) Gazette.
To keep Eggs several months.
It i a good plan to buy eggs ur family up
when cheap, and preserve them in ihe follow
ing maimer: Mix half a pint of unslaked lime
with he ame quantity of salt, a couple of gal
lons of water. The water should be turned on
boiling hot. Whrn cold, put iff the eggs, which
hliotild lie perfectly fre-h, and care should be
taken not to crack any of them if cracked,
they will Rpnil directly. The eggs should be
entirely entered with lime-water, and kept in
r stone pot, and the pot set in a cool place. If
lh above directions are strictly attended to, the
eggs will keep good five mouths. The lime
wnter should not be h tron$ as to eat the
shell, and all the esz houM be perfectly frch
when put in, as one bad one will spoil ihe
Qui Ktt Facts. Dr. Lmnberf Mates that
three-filihs of the usenance wo swallow passes
Ibrowuh the pores of the cuticle. According
to tl)H, one's complexion is, fn a measure, un
der his own control; for what passes through
th" cuticle must certainly affect its condition
and color. The sut' is worthy of much con
sideration. 'JV learned Ipdurer alo state
f flat ihifl who perform on wind instrument
'hsohariifl thpir "superfluous contejit-." by blow
ing, and that persons of that profession, and
glas binder, require much more food than ln
dniduals of other habjls, So it is expensive
to blow'gjass.
From " Incidents of American Revolution."
Tltc Indian Scout.
In penetrating ihrough the country towards
the northern part of this stale, ii being very ne
cessary for the colonists to have a constant vi
gilance upon the Indians, who were every night
prowling about, and as will be seen in the se
quel, with but too fatal an effect. The army
stationed upon what was then called the north
ern lines, were ever held, in constant requisi
tion in consequence of the activity of their sav
age foe, and the restless, nightly vindictiveness
with which they pursued their predatory war
fare. Arrived at a certain point where they thought
they could encamp with security, ihey pitched
their tents, partook of their frugal meal ; the
tattoo beat, and all, except the sentinels, the
guard and the officers, retired lo resi.
All the camp, except those on dujy, were in
silent repose, and nought was heard but ihe oc
casional challenge of the sentinel to the relief
of ihe officer of the night, 'who comes there?'
The army seemed hushed in repose, when
suddenly ihe crack of a rifle alarmed the whole
camp. The alarm spread lo the tents of tho
officers, and the guard was ordered out, lo as
certain from whence the shot seemed lo have
been fired, and there fatal certainly ! they
foutid the dead body of the murdered sentinel.
It seems that his post was situated along the
edge of a piece of wood, and there was an
opening about half the distance of his beat. In
passing this opening in the wood, he had been
shot by the rifle of it will hereafter nppear) an
Indian chief. Another sentinel was placed
upon the po.t, and nothing further transpired
that night, ah hough tho soldier on duty had
many strange misgivings as to the mysterious
hot that had laid his comrade low.
The next night the same post was manned
by a brave soldier, and just before the relief
(which came every two hours) appeared, ano
ther crack of a rifle was heard in the same di
rection, and upon repairing to the spot, lo !
another sentinel had suddenly fallen.
The soldiers raised the dead body of this
second victim of Indian artifice ; and one of
them was heard to mutter in a low lone," I'll
revenge the death of my two comrades on thai
savage, if there's cunning in a Yankee !"
The honors of war were dispensed lo the
dead soldiers, but ihe feeling of revenge had not
left the breast of the soldier, who had just made
the above determined menace. Still his mod
esty deterred him from making application to
the commanding officer, to obtain leave to put
his threat into execution, and another sentinel
was put upon the post at ihe Anal opening of
the wood. All was still at 12 o'clock the
sentinels paced to and fro cheerfully, and in
confidence of ihe ultimate success of their
country's cause, when crack ! went another
rifle from out of ihe fatal opening in ihe wood.
Rifle after rifle now spread ihe report, and a
double guard, upon repairing to ihe spot, found
another of iheir comrades dead upon ihe field.
He, too, was buried in silence, for the whole
camp was full of sorrow, and it would seem of
indignation too, that no soldier could be found
who could escape ihe unerring nfle of the In
dian. Early, however the next morning,- a soldier
presented himself to the sergeant at the mar
quee of the commandant, who desired lo speak
with him. The sergeant reported this extraor
dinary visiter. Having saluted his command
ing officer, which was of course returned, he
was requeued lo state his business there so
early in the morning.
' You will excuse me, sir,' said the mndesi
soldier, 'but 1 have understood that you cannot
gel a man who will venture to stand or walk, as
a sentinel, on the piece of ground at ihe open
ing in the wood.' ,
1 It is loo true my friend, I cannot get a man
who will go there, after so many of their com
rades have fallen by the rifle of that infernal
'If you let me have my own way I will go.'
' How do you mean have your own way?'
'I want a .still of gray, sir.'
Gray 1 let me see I have one you shall
have it. What next i
' I want my rifle browned, so that the moon
won't shine upon it, for them are sarpents are
:he devil in ine night.'
Granted you shall have both these requests
granted. What next V
' Why, I musr be allowed to whistle or sing
upon post, as I pleae.'
The! that's contrary to all rules o(
military discipline !'
Very true, but what rules of military disci
pline will you apply to such a varmint as that,
who is night after night picking oil' some of our
best and bravest soldiers, and some of my best
beloved companions in arms. I'll tell you what
it is captain, 1 have come to offer myself a sac
rifice upon the al'ar of my country if you like
ihe sacrifice, lake it !'
' I accept your generous offer, and now do
as vou pleaie, and command any thing you
want in the. camp lo complete your dioguue
but how long do you mean to stand V
Till 1 kill him!'
Well,-he generally prowls about, and ha
shot our men between ten and two o'clock.'
' At ten, then, I will take my post, but let no
relief offer to come any where near my posi
until day dawn or it will break up all my plans.'
' Very well. Act your pleasure ; only if you
ara shotilonM blame me.'
Not a bit of fear of that, sir, if you only let
me whistle and sing on- my post.'
Do any thing you like. I'll trust you ; and
if you kill him, I'll make a lieutenant of you.'
The sentinel made his salute, and departed
to make his arrangements for the coining en
counter, which he was convinced, without the
exercise of much cunning, would be a fearful
one, and awaited the hour of tattoo with an air
of conscious superiority, even over Indian cun
ning. From the hour of tattoo till ten, he was bus
ily engaged in browning his rifle, and in pro
curing the gray dress or uniform, which his
captain had promised him.
The object, as ihe reader of course will per
ceive, of browning his rifle, and assuming the
gray uniform, was, that his position might not
so readily be discovered by the Indian.
At ten o'clock he took his post, he walked
on quietly backward and forward, pasl the fa
tal opening in the wood, (for his beat lay di
rectly past n) until near half past eleven o'clock.
He then began to hum a tune, and then to
whislle as if careless of any danger (or uncon
scious of it) around him. Continuing in this
manner, until within about 5 minutes of twelve,
when lo ! as he passed ihe opening in the' wood,
whistling as he walked, he thought he discov
ered in ihe moonlight, the ornaments of an In
dian Chief. He had shown his own sagacity
in divesting himself of any thing that would
shine, as a mark. Passing on as if he had not
seen any thing remarkable, he marched rapid
ly, (wh'stlirig all the while,) pasl the opening,
when, suddenly turning, he dodged behind a
tree ! His gray dress and browned rifle pre
vented the savage from discovering where he
was ; but hearing no more of his singing or
whistling, he naturally concluded that he must
be lurking about in the bushes.
Presently he saw the tall form of ihe savage
peer above the branches in the opening, gazing
around for what he imagined to be another vic
tim to his arms.
The wary sentinel resting upon one knee,
cocked his rifle. The click of the rifle lock
caused the savage to turn his head, for he heard
it in the direction whence it proceeded. The
sentinel fired, and the crack of his rifle.was an
swered hy all the camp; but he quietly resumed
his post.
The guard turned out, the drums beat to
arms, and presently along came a detachment
of soldiers, to the post of the supposed devoled
sentinel. There he stood and saw them come;
(he had now re-loaded his rifle.) ' Who comes
' Officer of the da5f and file of men.'
4 Advance your sergeant and give the coun
The sergeant adranced, and having
ihe requisite signal, ihe officer of the day be
gan to question him.
' Who fired the first shot on any of these
posts, sir ?'
1 fired, sir.'
What for sir at an enemy!'
' What ihe Indian Chief V
Just so, sir.'
Have you killed him?'
' Let your men go and see, if you please ; I
cannol leave my post, sir. But I dont think 1
put on my gray dress and browned my rifle for
Good soldier,' said the officer, as he and
his men passed through the opening in the
wood, and coming lo a thick mass of bushes,
in the midst of it they discovered ihe tall form
of ihe prostrate chieftain, who had been the
means of the death of so many of ihe gallant
sentinel's comrades. He lay upon his face,
and ihe rifle ball of the marksman had penetra
ted between the eyes.
The next day saw ihe humble private a lieu
tenant. Brass and Copper Cooking Utensils.
Clpanliness has been aptly styled the cardi
nal virtue of cooks. Food is more healthy,
as well as palatable, cooked in a cleanly man
ner. Many lives hate been lost in consequence
of carelessness in using brass, copper, and
wlazed earthen cooking utensils. The two first
Should be thoroughly cleansed with salt and
hot vinegar before cooking in 'hem, and no oily
or acid "obstant e, after being cooked, should
lie allowed to cool or remain in any of them.
It is estimated thai the real estate of Trinity
Church in New York, is worth, at present val
uation, about thirty-five millions of dollars.
Not Foiid of a Crowd.
On the. highest, loneliest ridge of the Grand
Prarie, (Mo.) a missionary found a rude log ca
bin. " What induced you lo settle in this out
of the way place?" said he to the squatter. He
replied, " It was gelling too thick for me where
1 was before, and I came out here to gel room
io breathe; but, plague on 'em, they've gol down
here in the limber, within. three miles of me."
Wool-Gathering machine.
Within a short lime past a machine of Eng
lish invention has been introduced into this
country, which, is likely lo effect important re
sults upon iIih wool business, the old clothes
trade, and the home manufacture of cloth. It
is a simple and very complete contrivance lor
reconterting old clothes, blankets, petticoats,
stockings, &c. &c. inio wool, and the facility,
ease and despatch with which it performs this
operation is iruly surprising. The worst look
ing, moth-eaten, ragged, patched and unclean
things, in the shape of woolen garments, car
pels or bed-clothes, are passed ihrough the ma
chine and reduced into wool with a speed thai
attnost surpasses belief. The instrument which
performs this work is nothing but a large, broad
wheel, on the circumference of which a multi
tude of small, blunt spikes are fixed, like najls
in the collar of a tanner's dog. The rags are,
laid in a flat trough or feeder, and are drawn
forward to the wheel, where, by ihe rapid rev
olution of the latter against their edges, they
are soon "undone" as rags, and done up into
wool. The machine is driven by steam, and
performs an incredible amount of labor in a
day. A contrivance somewhat similar to this
has been in operation for thirty years in Eng
land, and has for many years supplied a large
quantity of material lothe manufactures of cloth,
and it may be some satisfaction lo the friends
of British fabrics to know that they have been
wearing, during that time, coats and pants made
from second-hand breeches, shocking bad slock
ings, and most unsightly peticoats, cast off as
no longer fit for use even by ihe beggars of the
mother country! The wearers of English bea
ver cloih may especially congratulate ihem;
selves upon this fact. Bui, notwithstanding
there are some decidedly unpleasant sensations
associated with such an idea, we cannot but
look upon the machine as a great acquisition to
ihe economy of our own manufactures. The
wool produced from ihe rags, when washed,
carded and strengthened by the admixture of a
proper quantity of new wool, form a cheap and
good material for ihe manufacture of carpetsj
and of common articles of wearing apparel.
The introduction of the machine here will lend
to reduce the price of the coarser domestic
woollens, and thus assist in enabling our man
ufactures to compete more successfully with
foreigners, without affecting the wages of labor,
by increasing and cheapening the raw material.
It has already advanced ihe value, -by increase
ing demand for woollen rags, and will thus ad.d
something, perhaps much, to the stock of na
tional wealth. As a means of employing capi
tal in an useful and profitable mode, and of in
creasing the value of rags, supplying a demand
for wool, and cheapening the supply which is
only another term for increasing ihe demand
for domestic woolen fabrics, the machine is a
valuable addition to the means of economy in
ihe country. Some two or three of them are
now in successful operation in this city, though
the only use lb which the wool produced by
them has yet been appropriated, is that of ma
king carpets and other of the coarser fabrics.
The Learned Elephant.
" Thai's a wery knowing hanimal of yours,"
said a cockney gentleman, to the keeper of an
" Very," was the cool rejoinder.
" He performs strange tricks and hantics,
does he ?" inquired the cockney, eyeing the an
imal ihrough his glass.
" Surprising" retorted the keeper, " we've
learnt him to put money in that box you eee
way up there. Try him with a dollar." The
cockney handed the elephant a dollar, and sure
enough he look ii in his trunk and placed it in
a box high up out of reach.
" Well, that is very hexiraordinary haston
ishin', truly!" said ihe green one, opening his
eyes. " Now let's see him lake it out, and 'and
ii back."
" We never learns him that trick" retorted the
keeper, with a roguish leer, and then turned
away to stir up ihe monkeys and punch the
Awkward. A man returned lo Louisville,
Ky., after a twenty years' absence, to find that
his wife, supposing him dead, had married and
buried, in the inierim, Iwo oilier husbands, and
was then in her mourning weeds, wailing for
fourth applicant. They were mutually rejoiced
to see each .other, and forthwith called in the
parson to " hitch" them again, which was done
in due form.
Extraordinary Freak of Nature.
The Bangor Courier, says: " A few days
since in this citv. in a litter of pigs, there ap
peared one having ihe head formed like that of
an JSlr.phant wnh large wide, nanging ears,
and a well formed pendulous trunk about four
inches long, and finished off at the end with a
delicate little pigs' snout.
A Michigan editor complains bitterly of one
of his subscribers, who not only refuses to pay
his subscription, but threatens lo set his dog
on him should he slop his paper.
Matty Van.
Tune Lucy Long.
Good morning, little Many!
To help your cause along,
If yon have no objection,
We'll sing you a Whig song.
Chorus: Oh! keep your temper, Matty !
And cheat ihem if you can,
For you have gol the genus,
Oh ! little Many Van.
We knew your rivals fear you,
Their hale they cannol sino:her;:
But you 're the boy can manager -To
make one eat the other.
Oh! keep, &c.
Oh! Matty, you 're a cute one,
You Ml he the nominee ;
Your wand is noi yet hrokeh,
You Ml ve'o ihem per sc.
' -J
Oh! keep, &c. y
Though Cass and Col. Johnson
Are soldiers good and true,
They're green to risk iheir chances
With such a rogue as you.
Oh! keep, &c.
And even friend Buchanan, '
The Keystone's fav'rile, ho ,
Will find the nomination
An 'obsolete idea.'
Oh! keep, &.c.
But when the question's settled,
The nomination won,
You Ml find then, to your sorrow
Your trouble 'a just begun.
Oh! keep, &c.
For soon you Ml hear the People,
All in a great array,
Sing, " You can't come it, Matty,
Stand back for Hknrv Clav !"
Oh! keep, &c.
Advance on the price of Wool.
We have just oen a letter from Dutches
county, N. York, to one of our woolen manu
facturer!, in which it is slated that " pulled
wool, No. 1, which one year ago sold at 19
and 20 cents a pound, now sells at 35 cents,
and superfine, that then sold for 24, now sells
for 40 and 41 cents." Will any one now be so
bold as to deny that a Protective Tariff is not
as beneficial lo ihe farmer as the manufacturer!
Lowell Jour.
A Novel Rifle.
A Rifle has recently been made to order, for
$50, by a manufacturer in Cincinnati, which
must be something of a "shooting iron," if it
will accomplish all that the maker warrants
eren in the most skilful of hands. At 100
yards, he promisee to place 10 balls in succes
sion in a 3 inch ring; at 200 yards, 3 balls in
succession in a 9 inch ring; at 300 yards, 10
balls in succession in a 20 inch ring; and at one-
quarter of a milf, he will place ten balls in suc
cession in a 30 inch ring. I he bore is not
above 75 balls to the pound, and the barrel is
sighted with a horizon sight and globe, adapted
to either game or (he target.
Brick-Pressing Machine.
Messrs. Baker & Gifford, of Troy N. York,
have-recently obtained a patent for a machine
of their invention, intended for pressing bricks.
This machine is simple in its construction, ea
sily operated, of great power, and capable of
pressing from 8,000 to 10,000 bricks per day
with the services of one man and two boys.
The machine usually employed for ihe same
purposo requires the services of five men, and
can turn out but from 1,000 to 1,500 bricks per
Annexation The Texas Question
From our last account! from Galvesten, say
the New Orleans Picayune, we gather informa
tion that the people of the new republic are.
still ripe for joining the United States. They
now say, that in case our Senate refuses to rat.
ify the bill for annexation, ihat the Senate of
Texas will at once annex the United States '
that Republic, As there is no such thing as
getting round a movement ef this kind, we most
look upon the question as settled. Whit will
our geod friends of the North say now ?
If you want to make your hair curl, eat pig
tails, or sleep with a cork screw under your
Somebody observes that it won't do when ri
ding in a stage coach, to talk of another man
whom you have not seen as being an "all fired
scoundrel," until you are absolutely sure he it
not before you.