Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, April 11, 1844, Image 3

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ladies' Companion.
The April number, of this excellent month
ly, is before us, and fully sustains thv high rep
utation, of its prctlecessors. The next number
will commence a new volume, and affords a
rood opportunity for subscribing. The terms
are $3 'er annum. The present publishers re
tiro; but Mr. Snowdcn, the able editor, will still
continue to contribute his services.
To establish a new judicial district composed
of the counties of Schuylkill, Carbon and
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
llnific of Representatives of the Commonwaalth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and
it is hereby enactod, by the authority of the i
saiiie, That from and alter the hrst
day -of May nest, the counties of Schuyl
kill, Carbon and Monroe, shall be, and they
hereby are erected and formed into a separate
judicial district, to be called the twenty-first
district ; and a person of integrity learned in
ihc law, shall be appointed and commissioned
by the Governor to be president judge of the
ceurts of common pleas within the taid district,
which said president shall receive the like sal
ary, and have, and execute all and singular the
powers, jurisdictions and authorities of presi
dent and judge of the court of common pleas,
court of oyar and terminer, general jail delive
ry, orphans court and justice of the court of
quarter sessions of the peace, agreeably to the
constitution and laws of this commonwealth.
Section 2. That from and after the first day
of May next, the said several courts in said
disirict shall commence and l held on the fol
lowing days: in the county of Schuylkill, on the
first Mondays of March, June, September and
December, to continue threa weeks if necessa
ry; in the county of Carbon on the fourth Mon
days of March, June, September and Decem
ber to continue two weeks if necossary; in the
county of Monroe on the Monday next follow
ing the courts in Carbon county and continue
two weeks if necessary.
Section 3. That until a president judge shall
be appointed for the district hereby created, the
president judge of the twelfth judicial district
.vhall, and he is hereby authorized to perform
ihe duties of president judge for the district
hereby created.
Sr-ciion 4. That so much of any law as is al
tered by this act, is hereby repealed.
The subscriber hereby informs the public
that he still continues the-
Cabinet Making Business
at nis old stand in Elizabeth st., Stroudsburgh,
Pa. where ha will be happy to furnish any per-
-it: nr . -
ou" w, aoinei ware, at low prices. He in
tends to koep on hand, and make to order, all
kinds of wares in his line of business.
Side-Boards, Bureaus, Centre, Break
fast, Dining and.End Tables, Wash
Stands, Bedsteads, Wardrobes,
Booh Cases, Secretaries, c.
ALSO-COFFINS made to order at the
shortest notice.
Stroudsburgh, April 4, 1844.
"t'l'St lV udy 'Sjnqspnojig
aqi .q poAiooaj XnnpjUBqi q U'ay sjopjQ
lUiiyui mq si '.upm iuajS
sit tiiiu psjBduioo 8Aif-i q jo isoV oqj
d, pnojjg AajQNV
cd "Jnqspnojig 'SAOfJ iMHOr
3sn ui avou lugqi a.ujt otj.w
'pouSjsjupun jo aaqu'a no Smvo A"q soaij-j
aqijo iitiin aqi jo paijsniss q tico suosjsj
pajajojd st joao oia 'jou jo 'Xauoq suplms
8eui oi jjjoa oj id'ajj oq una .aqi jo sa.iu
AT3J1S jo xoq UOUMUOD arji ui op Aqi sn 'sOAlj-f
esaqi ui emus oqi umba$ jia saay qijj,
ut ojqjoiajaq uosq scq m put ati jo Suitii
.Cur oj jouadns jbj pun 'iiiojj juojajjip .(ojtua
adiou;id u uo papnjjsuoo si saij-j aqj4 uoit
-ua.ut aqi oj oijqnd otp jo uotiuou oqi oi
oac8 sSoq 'AiunoD aojuojT joj u'oatf gjfj Sui
jD30jd-fps iusjoj psaouduij pjd jo iq;j
juaied aqi paturjjjnd Sujabij jaquosqns auj
At Centreville, in Upper Mount Beihel tsp.,
Northampton county, on Friday last, Mr. Sam
uel Snyder, in the 52d year of his age.
Corrected every Wednesday morning.
ARTICLES. Strouds- Eastern. Philacl
Wheat Flour, per barrel 5 00 4 75 "4 88,
Kye. do. do. do. 3 50 3 00 3 25
Wheat, per bushel 1 00 95 1 02
Rye, do. do. 75 71 64
Sole Leather per pound 25 21 25
Corn per bushel 50 50 48
Buckwheat, per bushel 50
Clover Seed per bushel? GOO 5 25 GOO
Timothy Seed per busfi. 2 25 3 50 2 75
Barley do. 40 45 50
Oats do. . 37 33 32
Flax Seed do. 1 37 1 40 1 45
Butter per pound. 12 11 18
Eggs, per dozen . 8 11 15
Plaster per ton 3 75 2 25
Hickory wood, percord 2 25 4 50 5 50
Oak, do. do. 2 00 3 00 4 25
Mackerel, JTo. 1 12 00 12 00 11 25
Do. do 2 10 00 10 00 9 25
Potatoes, per bushel . 50 30
sa&a anoi says
the astonishing effect of vour Couch Lozeiures
On the night of July 5, 1810, 1 was attacked with a
violent cough, which threatened my speedy death.
Under the advice of two very excellent physicians,
Drs Parkes and Rose, I was so far relieved as to
be able to ride out, and once I attempted to nreach.
I rode 20 miles, to Cazenovia, to attend the ses
sion of our Conference, which continued about ten
days. 1 was able to attend the session every day
lor a few hours by conlininfl myself the rest of my
time to my bed. The Fathers in the Gospel told
me I ought to arrange my wordly affairs and pre
pare for a speedy death, and consequently put me
on the superanuated list. Very fortunately, and t
may say providently, I heard of your Lozenges,
and was prevailed upon to try them, and to my ut
ter astonishment, after taking three one day, they
allayed the violent attacks of coughing, and ena
bled me to sleep for hours together, which 1 could
not do before. 1 continued to improve under their
use for several weeks, when 1 considered myself
well, and able to resume my duties as a minister
of the Gospel of our fc'aviour. JIow many will
soon enter the gloomy vale of death, that might
long be a blessing to the world and a comfort to
their friends, if they could obtain your medicines!
May Trovidence favor vour enorts until every fam
ily in the civilized world can procure vour medi
cine, which I consider the most valuable ever dis
covered by the medical faculty. In conclusion,
may God bless you and prolong your life for use-
ulncss to suffering humanitv. Accept my inex
pressible gratitude, for to you and your medicine,
through Divine blessing, I owe my life.
Minister of the Gospel
Spitting of Blood,
Jonathan Haw
perance Lecturer
corrected weekly for the JcffeT&onian Republican.
The notes of those banks on which quotations
are omitted and a dash( Substituted, are not
purchased by the brokers.
Pennsylvania. (West Brancb bank - ?
Philadelphia ban, par Pittsburg of .North America, doAVaynesburg i
Farmers' fc Mechanics' do,Uiowr.esville J
Western bank do Erie bjink 1
Southwark b in do-Berks county bank -
Kensington ban dojTovvaiKia do
Bank of Northern Liberties do'ltelief Notes 2
The. full-blooded fij elegant Horse
Will stand the present season, commencing
on the first of April 1S44, at the stable of the
subscriber, in Upper Mount Bethel township,
Northampton county there to remain three
days; thence to be removed lo the stable of Ja
cob Long, at Snydersville, Monroe county
there to remain three da's, thenco lo be re
moved to the stable of Geo. R. Lnbar, in Stroud
township, Monroe county there to remain three
days thus to change alternately throughout the
season, at the low rate of S5.
SIR HENRY, will be fire years old on the
15th day of May next is 10 hands high a
handsome dark bay, with a small .tar on his
forehead. He :s very active, and can trot a
mile in three minutes.
SIR HENRY, is a descendant of ihe best
stock of blood horses ever imported Into this
country. The grand sire of this colt was an
imported horse, and was sold from the ship for
six thousand dollars. He could trot a mile in
two minutes antl a hall, ror tunner particu
lars see hand bills. HENRY LONG
Williamsburg, April 1, 184L
Mechanics' Hank do
(.'ommerch;! Bank do
Hank of Penn Tow nship do
Manufacturers' Mcch'ns do
MoyatnensuiE bank do
United States bank
(Jirard do
Pennsylvania bank
Hank of Gerinantovvn of Montgomery jco.
Hank of lie .aware county
Hank of Chester county
Doylestown bank
Farmers' bank of Bucks
Eastoii bank
Farmers bank of Heading - 1
j.cuanon Dans
Unrnsburg bank
Middletown bank
Farmer?' bank Lancaster
Lancaster bank
jLuncaster county iiiwk
Northampton bank
Columbia Bridge
Carlisle bank
Northumberland bank
Miners bank of Potlsville
Vrk bank
Ulianibersbtirg bank
GeUytiurg bank
Wyonuiw do
!')n$dale do
Jfcink of Lewistown
Hank of Susquehanna co
Blew York.
America, bank of
American Exchange
22;Baiik of. Commerce
Dank of the State of K Y
Butchers' and Drovers'
Del. and Hudson canal co.
Dry Dock
Fulton bank of New York par
Lum. batik at VVarren iuo sale! Washington
Y. St'c. st'JK. security o. par
1 1 North River do
JThmnix , do
3;sevunth Watd do
1 Tenth Ward 10
SITradesmen's par
35Umoo B. of N Y do
Leather Manufacturers'
Manhattan company
Mechanics' Ban Icing Asso.
Merchants' bank
Mechanics & l rauenr
Merchants' Excuange
NaUonal bank
nariNew York, Bank of
2' Nc a -York Banking co;
At Reduced Prices.
, i i iii tr . from 10 to 10 1-2 and 11
which he. w fell a .,,um ,v . ,
. r in ntialitv, lor cash,
cents pqc nqund, accord.fc l"f pT?
Si romWmrgh'i Oct 5., 1843. .
Fo.rscUe a,t this office,,
Pilic County, ss.
I he Commonweaiih of Pennsyl-
fffttft' vania to the Sheriflof said County,
SfS-ifcS?: Greeting:
"iygSrt We command you thai vou attach
Louis Aucl'sti; Moni.v, late of your
county, by all and singular his goods and chat
tels, lands and tenement, in whose handd or
possession soever the same m:iy he, so that he
he and appear before our Court of Conimon
Pleas, to be holdcn at Milford, in and for said
County, on Tuesday the fourteenth day of Mav
ne."t : then and there ?n answer TnroDonn
Bowiiankn, of a plea of trespass on ihe case
upon premises not rscecding-two hundred dul
lars : and we funhrr command you mat you
summon all persons in whose hands cr posses
sion the said goods and chattels, or any part of
them, may be anached, so that they and every
of them be atid appear before ihe said Court at
ihe day and place hereinbefore mentioned, to
answer what shall be obiected against them,
and abide the judgment of i!res:rid Court there
in : and have vou then and there ihis writ.
Witness the Hon. William Jessl-i, Presi-
'deni Judge nf our said Court, at Milford, this
20th day of February, Anno Domini, I&H.
'II. S. MOTTT Protliu.
I do certify the above to he a true copy of n
writ of Foreign Attachment, issued" out of the
Court of Confmon Pleas of Pike county, to me
directed. JAMES WATSON, ShU.
Shoriff'a Oflicq, Milford,
February 3L 1811. j 29 fn.
Dr. Sherman's Lozenges
his body; gnawing sensation at the stomach, slight
chills and"flashe"s of hcatrdrowsiness' and dizzi
ness, frightful dreams, and so miserable was he
that he bad rattier die than live. . Dr.R. told him
TTAVR TlTCTCW sm.n itua uwt tie Dad worms, and lie coutu cure mm. x :u
O MnvUn wJT Tn?. n . s J 1 nian shook his head, and said it was impossible,
tto4S S wSt d fSr i but hc W0U1 irT gave him a bo.x of
i.iroufa cut ttie JKLD, m the 1 ear 1813. i,r.,v vi.nvnniYna nfi ,nl,t him to take
VIIUIUIUU J JJXdjWUiWU) V w ...... w
, and said
that the lirst dose bro't
TT,in,ijwA wi J ii .i i .i 1 onerman s worm Jjozentres, aim ioiu mm
induced t S 2 ; rhe l,heyJTerC I them according to the priWd directions a
S nZil,lLperSUat,0n f a fridIld' 10 Uy &he'- nying them. He returned in three days, r
he felt like a new oeinc that the hrst ilc
away a tapeworm 70 or 80 feet long, and the sec
ond dose brought away 28 feet more. Thus two
man's Lozenges.
Onondaga, May lb. 1813.
Dr Sherman: Dear Sir As 1 most ardently de- ! Vnrm T.nynncrns effected a
sire to benefit my fellow men, especially those who j cur(v. anci although but a few months have elapsed,
are the unhappy victims of that dreadful disease, ie js l)0W as fal and hearty as he ever was in his
Consumption, 1 will idate, for their consideration, ! nfe After years of misery, swallowing enormous
quaniiiies oi meaicmc, auu sjiouuiu uuuuicuo m
dollars, he was cured by only one 25 cent box of
these celebrated Lozenges.
Hcaduchc and Sifkncss.
Palpitation of the heart, lowness of spirits, and
despondency, ore immediately relieved by Sher
mans Camphor Lozenges. Persons travelling or
attending crowded parlies will find them to relieve
all fatigue and give buoyancy to the spirits. Af
ter a night's dissipation they dispel all those un
pleasant sensations so usually following the too
free liver. Temperance people will find them
soothing to the disturbed nerves of their new con
verts. " The most distressing hcadacho yields to
these lozenges in less than ton minutes. The
over-fatigued mind or body cannot find so great
relief from ahv other article. Capt Chadwick, of
the Packet ship Wellington, J V Cochran, Esq.
the inventor of the many-chambered cannon, his
excellency John Tyler, Joseph B Nones, Esq and
hundreds and thousands of others, who have ex
perienced relief from them can be referred to as to
their great value
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster.
Freitch-iand English GIoth am! CanMineres.
American Cassimercs, Clot h and Sutinelia.
English and "American Tweed Coaling.
Singln Milled Cloths and Crissimeres.
Silk Velvet and Black Salin Vestjngs.
j Cashmere, Thibet-and other' Yesfufg.-1
Silk and Alpacha Serges. " ' '. ,
A' full assortment of 'Tailors 'Urimmings.
New stj-'.c Spring and Sumrnrr'pan'a'i.inii S'.fis.
With various other seaMmnMegouds, vuhr i
cing the latest styes, ard ofiefnd at the !.v
est market prion.
Whollisale-and Retail Cloth $t Of',
No. 57 North Second Strrrt,
3rd mrinth 9, IS;M. Philadelphia.
N:U. Orders f)in a distance caroftdly sup
plied and warranted to suit. 2hu3
I N J) i X N Q TE E N "
1 B .1 "IT
The best strengthening plaster in the world, and
a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness in the
back, loins, sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints, rheu
matism, lumbago, &c, &c,
Jos. W. Ifoxie. Esq., who had been so afflicted
with rheumatism, as to be unable to dress himself; ,
without assistrnce, was enabled after weanngone
J Sf Wi S W -if . 'K
Has litted up a commodious and i-lg;iii! Ho
tel on Elizabeth strt;t, nearly oppo-iit 'lift
store of G. il. Miller fe Co., and dire-.ilv op'
pobito ihe residence tif Daniel Sinnul, lit.
Ho has every convenience lsr on'oiiatuinir
strangers and traiellers. Persons from thori
ties, and others who wish to lairo a plea-tiiit
jaunt in the country will be aocoinmo-hied in
the most satisfactory manner at his huu.-e.
will lie supplied with the best pryduciions af-
j forded by the market.
are such, as will, he hopes, prove satiafuetory
to all reasonable customers.
is, and will continue to oe, lunitstieu wiwi a-
only one nipht, to get up alone" in the morning, put ' choice assortment of Liquors.
on his clothes, and call at our office with eyes beam
ing with joy, and his tounge pouring forth the glad
ness of his heart, at the sudden and signal relief
he had received from the best of all remedies.
David Williams, of Elizabethtown, N J. an old
aworth, Esq. the well known Tern- j Revolutionary Soldier, was so afllicted with Rheu
irer. was attacked with a cold from ; matism, that he could scarcely himself one of
looping in damp sheets, in the winter of 1811. He J these Plasters entirely cured him.
leglected it at lirst, but soon found it assuming a Mrs. George Nixon, one of the managers of the
lewhat alarming aspect, and then resorted to ; lnsiuumm ior.iscu uiuiyum ruuiai m in yivj
various remedies usually recommended for lung ! of New York, saya the old ladies find great bene-
, a , r, :
Complaints. When one thing failed he tried an- i irom these riasters; tney ueing very naoic io paius
other, until ne had exhausted his patience and, me . or weakness m uiu uuuk, nun aa un.u-i
whole catalogue of remedies. His cough was al- me oouy.
most incessant, so that he could get little or no ' Mr. Geo. W. Spencer, Street Inspector, was
sleep attended with pain in his side, spitting of, cured oi the Tiles by weanr.g one oi these piaster
blood, night sweats,, and all the usual symptoms ot , o" me lower pan oi uio sjmitj.
Consumption. While at Rome, (N Y) he felt that ! Caution The great reputation these Plasters
bis end was nigh that in that place he must soon have attained, has induced many unprincipled per-
end his journey of life. Providentially, a ladv , sons to get up worthless imitations, ask .or oner-
who visited him advised a trial of Dr Sherman's mans roor man s riasier, aim beeuwi ui 'a-
Cou"h Lozenges. He accordingly sent and got a tions lor use, and a lac simile ot his name, -imiS
hnv nnd thn tir.r dose fr.ive him more relief than A oliJnJIsxA, M
all the otlier medicines he used before. By the is on the back of each. Trust none Others, or you
time he had taken one small box, he, was able to
start for the city of New To.rk, and in three weeks'
time he was perfectly restored to his usual health.
lie often announces the far.t to 'his hearers, when
lecturing on Temperance, and says hc owes his
emperance, and say
life to Dr Sherman's Lozenges
Trom tbc Cincir..iati Daily Times; of Jan. -Ilk 1311.
Coughs The variableness of the weather this
winter has caused an . unusual number of persons
to be afflicted by , colds and coughs scarcely a
family has escaped; and with many, carelessness
in, attending to a cough, has laid the foundation for
consumption. Our family has not escaped the
general afiliction, but owing lo a remedy, used j
lor the hrst tune, they were speedily cured
will be deceived
A fresh supply of the. above valuable medicines
just received, and for sale at the Republican Of
fice, Stroudsburg, Monroe county, Pa.
March 21, 18-14. Cm.
Whereas, the Honorable William
Jessup, President Judge of the. 11th
Judicial district of Pennsylvania, com
posed of the counties of Susquehan-
Sher- na, Wayne, Monroe and Pike, and
man's Cough Lozenges, which we were induced; joseph Keller and John Merwine,
to try, proved what they are represented to be. and , v A cnr p Tnr1o-n of tLp rtniirts
of Common Pleas of the County of
Monroe, and by virtue of their offices,
Justices of the Courts of Ojrer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
and Court of "General Quarter Ses-
affected a cure in a few days of a troublesome
cough, which appeared so deeply seated that
seemed doubtful if it could be removed at all.
We have not written the above as a puff, but as
facts which the community should know. G F.
Thomas, No 117 Main street, is the sole agent in
this city
Thousands upon thousands have gone down to
! sions in and for the said county of
graves from Marasmus, or a wasting away of the . Monroe, have lSSlied their precept to
body, Epilepsy, Fits, St Vitus' Dance, Locked j me, commanding: that a Court of
Jaw, Apoplexy, Mania, Dropsy in the Head, Pal
sy, Consumption, l'leunsy, Dysentery, t-onvul-sions,
and many other supposed apparent diseases;
and many have suffered for years and years, and
have been doctored for some imaginary complaint
without the least relief; and others are still suffer
ing, when all the trouble arises from worms, and
worms alone, wnich are entirely overlooked, and
when the proper treatment would have saVed their
lives, and tcsiored them to health. Every obser
vant mother cannot but see and admit the truth ;
but still many physicians shut their eyes to that
all-impoitant cause ol disease
Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas,
and (General Jail Delivery and court
of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for
the county of Monroe, to be holden
at Stroudsburgh, on Tuesday, the ?th
diy of May, next, to!, continue one
Is therefore h p. re by given, to the
Persons ol all ages and sexes, irom the lenuer pnrnnpr tl,p Tn;tirp; of Hip Ppipp
;r..n. nt th hrPfwr to 11 nnn. nrfi nil tin hie to be VOlOnei, Llie .JU&UOLb Ol ilie 1 eaCC,
afflicted with worms. Many a person hassufl'ered and Constables of the SQiti COUnty of
his whole nie irom mem, anu never suspecieu Monroe, that they be clien and there
Different kinds of worms inhabit oiffereiit parts of n J
!DeWit , BrofiBiers & filsigerty,
Have on- had 259,000 feet Hemlock and
White and Yeliuw Pine BoaiJs and Siding, at
their Lumber establishment in Lord's Valley,
14 miles from Djngmairn Bridge, which ihey
will selr cheap for Grain, Straw, and Iron, and
will not refuse to lake current money or Pork.
We respectfully solicit a bhare of public pat
ronage. Lord's Valley, Dec. 14, ISI3.
f Hard, Salmon and Soft JJ.nck,
forrsnle low. Jjy . ' " ,.,
7 - r
the body ; but a long dissertation on their particu
lar locality, origin, &c. is superfluous and unneces
sary, so long as a proper, safe and certain remedy
is at hand. That is all the public wants or cares
for. The sale of over two. millions of boxes of
Sherman's Worm Lozenges, in less than five years,
places their reputation far above all other worm "
Evidence of the Wonderful Virtues of Sherman's
Dr Pyan, Druggist, corner Bowery and Prince st.
was applied to for advice, by a man who looked
like a living skeleton : he said that in early life
he had been remarkably hearty and robust, but for
the last four years he had been gradually waiting
away, till his coat would wrap twice around him.
lie had suffered all but death; and had been under
the carttof nine different physicians, and not one
or them had done him any good, neither could they
tell what ailed him.
He said that his appetite was so good that he
could hardly eat enough; he suffered frompalpita
tion of the heart, pain arid occasional numbness of.
his limbs, and. always, felt fatigued; shooting pains
fn amPa constant Ilesire to pass, something from
his bowels, and darthignuiti in' 'different rkrts of;
with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
examinations and. other remembran
ces, to do chose things which to their
offices are .appertaining, and also that
those who are bound by recognisance
j to prosecute and give evidence against
LUU jiliaUllUlO HHIli cllU KJL t 11 till UtJ 111
the Jail of the said county of Monroe,
or against persons who stand charged
with the commission of offences, to be
then and there to prosecute or testify
as shall be just. -
OLIS 13. GORDON, Sheriff.
, (God save the Commonwealth.) .
Sheriff's Office, Strouds- )
burg, April 4, 1814. )
...... notice. -
i -'Sherman's Cough Ijozenges,. and
x i-v. i o a i I in ,
rForsaIe in" this otfiUp' W !
' . -:,',4
is new and extensive and surpassed by none in
the county for comfort and convenience.
With these advantages backed by some ex
perience in the business and a determination
in keep a good public house, he conli leutly eX'
pects a fair portion of public patronage.
JJJf3 Permanent boarders will find, a quiet
home and be satisfactorily accommodated at
moddrate prices.
Sttouds.burg, Sept. 28, 1843.
' CARD: .
The Propiietors of this Line having made
such arrangements that they will be able to car
ry merchandize from Philadelphia lo Eastim
via the Delaware Division of ihe Pennsylvania
Canal, cheaper and wnh as much daspsteh a
any other Liuej respectfully solicit country
merchants to give them a call before shipping
elsewhere. Persons shipping by this Line
will please send their goods to. Heilman &
Barnetj Willow street "Wharf, Philada. All
goods shipped by this Lino to be stored at Eas
ton, will be stored free of charge. There will
he one Boat leaving every" day.
Heiuiax & Baunet, Philadelphia.
Barnet & Heller, Easton.
Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1844.
The subscribers take this method to inform
the public generally, and Millers and Farmers
especially, thai they have taken that conven
ent Foiiaidi'y and Maceiinc SSaois,
adjoining Jacob Singmaster's Tannery, and
would be thankful for any patronage extended
towards t.hem, and respectfully announce that
they are prepared to exocute all orders in thinr
line of business in the best manner and with
despatch. They will manufacture
for Flour and other Mills, together with .Cast
ings of every description turned and fitted ir.
in the best possible manner. W0 feel Confi
dent in our ability to execute all orders wi'''-
which we may be entrusted in a w;orbnan4J
manner. Particular tare will, be taken to em
ploy none bnt ezod workmen in the differem
departments; of the establishment, and no pan.N
will be fparei by tho proprietor to give gen
eral Salisfaclion lo those who- may favor them
vitli tjrders for work.
such as Spindle Steps, Shaft and Gudgeon
Boxes, &c. will he made to order. Old C,
per and Brass taken in exchange at the highrt
pi ice. Patterns made to order.
Threshing Machines & Horse Powcj
of the most approved-construction, will be fi
nished to order at the shortest notiec.
Wrought Iron Mill Work
will be done on the most reasonable terms, and
all kinds of smith work.
The best kind of Sled Shoes and" polihed
Wagon Btoxes will always be kept on hand..
. Ploughs of the most approved plan will Up
kept on hand, and an excellent assortment ni
Plough Castings which they offer for sale to
Plough makers,
A'prilHg6j 1843.
Neatly exected,ut!tlus.pfuce.
.Milford, poc Uj: 1!:. -ilM