P I? I?. R Q niv' T A M P P. P T TO Ts T P. A W JEFFEpONIAN REPffepICAN jFebraary 22, 1844. To all Interested. 'i? .? . . .. i . 1 ii is a long time since we iasi urgea upon our patrons the payment of their arrearages for subscription, &c. to the " Jefiersonian Repub lican." We were always averse to dunning, and therefore desisted, in the hope that a con viction of the "printers tcants" would, force it self upon their minds, and induce them to coma forward and settle their accounts. But no such happy fortune has been ours ! Wc have wailed, until we can watt no longer ; vet still we are without money ! It is thoreforc impossible for m to hold off, or give any morn time. We must hare money, or something else; and our patrons must exert themselves to furnish it. During the past year, our receipts have been rery small; very few of out patrons having paid us any thing. A number, too, are still in ar rears for two years; and some have paid noth ing since the time we began to conduct the pa per, which is nearly three years. Now, it must be obvious to every one, that it is impossible for us to get along in this way. Our patrons must pay up, once in a while, or we will bfe obliged to cease operations. We cannot live without receiving the wages of our labour. In order to accommodate such as cannot make it conrcnient to pay in cash, we are ready and willing to receive any kind of good grain in liquidation of subscription, advertising, job print ing, &c. We wiil also take County Checks, at a small discount. These offers aro certainly fair, and we hope will be readily embraced by those who are in arrears to us. We must pay what we owe, and receive what is due and coming to us; therefore, unless those who are indebted to us, come forward and settle before the close of the present volume, we will be obliged to enforce upon them the terms of our subscription, which is , two dollars and fifty cents, per annum, for all who do not pay before the end of the vear." Frederick iiseiTj.Esq. Treasurer, in account Aviththc Comity of Monroe, from the 1st January, I43, to the 31st fitcccmbcr, 1813. DR. The Senate is now full. It consists of 29 "Whigs and 23 Loco Focos. In 1S45 the terms -of 13 Whig and 4 Loco Foco Senators will ex pire. To secure a majority whe-u Mr. Clay comes in as President in 1S15, it will be seen, says the Tribune, that the Whigs must carry a majority in the Legislature of 10 States, which will give them 25 Senators, (including those who hold over,) and leave party questions to be settled by the casting vote of the Vice Pres ident. The Loco Focos have already gained two Mates from us, viz: Mississippi and Mich igan, and will confidentially expect to carry New York by thrir present large majority in ihr State Senate, which will probably control the joint ballot in the legislature, unless we carry the City nrxl fall as we must. On the "her hand, the Whigs have chances to ?ain Senators in Maine, Ohio and Pennsylvania. W e urge upon our friends in all of the stales wherfi U. S. Senators are to be elected this year and next, to ' strain every nerve to carry thfir legislature.-. fllAXERIED, In Stroud township, on Thursday last, by John Edmger. Esq., Mr. Cornklius Coleman, :md Miss Elizabeth Ghoner, both of the for mer place. PRICES CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday morning. ARTICLES. Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. do. do. do. Wheat,,per bushel Rye, " do. do. Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Seed per bush. Barley do. Oats do. Flax Seed do. Butter per pound Ejjgs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, do. do. Mackerel, No. 1 Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel Strouds- Easton. Phil ait burg. 5 00 4 15 4 60 3 50 3 00 3 25 95 1 00 1 00 70 71 64 25 21 25 45 ! 50 48 45 5 25 tG 00 6 00 225 3 00 2 75 40 45 50 37 33 30 1 1 37 1 40 1 45 12 12 18 14 12 15 3 75 2 25 2 25 4 50 5 50 '2 00 3 00 4 25 12 00 11 50 9 75 9 00 9, 50 8 00 50 J 30 CARD. CITIZENS' LINE!, The Proprietors of this Line having made such arrangements that thy will be able to car )' merchandize from Philadelphia to Easton via the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania tonal, cheaper, and with as much despatch as any other Line, respectfully solicit country merchants to gire them a call before shipping clewhere. Persons shipping by this Line will please send their goods to Heilman & Harnei, Willow street Wharf, Philada. All ds shipped by this Line lo.be stored at Eas '"'i, will be stored free of charge. There will keo-rae Boat learing e,rery day. BARNET, HELLER & Co. - Proprietor is. II.F.1LMAN & "B-a-r-ket, F h i 1 a d t1 pii Fav? i .ff IjAKNT.t A: Hrr.r.tfri. fc'sstmV. I 1 Wadclphia, Feb. 15,' ISM. 1840i 1841, 1842, 1843, To Cash received on account of Taxes assessed in the year 1838, " Do Do Do Do Do tt ft . . io uasn received of Michael Brown, late a Collector of Stroud township, for years 1838 & '39, which had been exonerated, but he. afterwards collected the same, Received of Peter Buz, by the hand of County Commissioners, for fine for his refusing to serve as Collector of Pucono township, Received of Ichabod Price for taxes of 1840 & '41, on a tract or land No. 102, in the Warrantee name of Michael Slcshman. Price townshin. Rec'd of Jno. Keller, esq. for fine collected of supervisors of Smiihfield tsp; ' 20 00 54 03 $102 65 . 70 63t 842l33 214ul4t 1618 60i-47S0 3Gt 2 Hr 20 22 M 09., By Balance due to Frederick Kiser; Esq. Treasurer, for ihe y Auditor's Report of January Gih, 1843, $4834 39 ei 1 812, as 14 76- 29 19 20 63 CR. per Auditor's Keport ol January Gih, 1843, 661 63 Cash paid on account of Road Tax assessed on Unseated Lands, for 1S4'0 & '41 Benjamin Bush, supervisor of Price township', . $23j.70 Daniel Andree-, Do Ross " 5 49 Cash paid on account of School Tax of I840u$'ll -aa follows : , . Peter Heller, School Treasurer of Price township. .- , $537 donti rope, Do Coolbaugh " Administration of Justice. Pay and mileage of Petit Jurors for December term, 1842, Du Grand and Petit Jurors for February term; 1843, Do Do May " 44 Do Do September " " r Bo , Do Docomber " ' 11 ' Vo'Thmissioners'' Counsel, for IS 12. Andrew H. Reeder, Jr- " Clerk. James H. Walion, for balance on year-1842, John D. Morris, Esq. for the yaar 1 843 in part Commissioners'' Fees. John C. Bush, Esq. b .ilance for 1842. John Smith, Esq. for 1842 and 1843, Elihu Postens, Esq. for 1842 and 18-13, , , Adam Overfield, Esq. " . ' 1 t Compensation to County Auditors for settlement pf8l2, Abraham Levering, $9 00 John Merwine, 15 00 ' '"' '' 1 Fees of Prosecuting Attorney for 1812 & '43 fit part Jihri D.'MorrlM Support of convicts & prisoners in the county Jail E. Scult, Jailor fdrlS-i2"& 43; rees ol Witnesses on behalf of the Commonwealth, Constables making returns and attending Court; Fees to Clerk of CourtJohn Keller Esq. lalo Prolhonotary; Fuel for public buildings, Court Crier William P. Hallock, Esq. for 1812 and 1843; Sheriff's Fees. Samuel Gunsaulesj late Sheriff. Olis B. Gordon, present Sheriff: Monies refunded to Tax collectors for amounts overpaid by them,' " ' Taxes refunded on Unseated Laitds. " To Stroud J. Hollinshead, for two tracts, to wit : Jacob Gross and James Grecsburg, in Trice township, S19 75. lo A. II. Reeder, for three tracts situate in Tobylianna town ship, to wit: Thomas Dyer, Daniel Hartung, Wm. Wdod; 38 82; "'r''' Road Damages Samuel Price, sen. Price luwriship; t .. Road and Bridge views, , ' . County Printing. By James RatTerty, for 1812, , . RafTerty & Hannum, for 1813; . , , Theodore Schoch, ' Expenses of General and township Elections for 1812 and IS 13; Assessments. Amount paid to Rudolphus Smith, for services in -i8 12, ; j)o Assessors of the different townships for IS 13V expenses ot making an enumeration in 1812, Premiums. Amount paid on orders for premiums on Foxes and Wild' Cats,".,'- ; . Bridges and Bridge Repairs: ; r . Amount paid to sundry persons for labor and materials at Smithfield bridge,-irf ' 1852 and 1813; . : $i238fi3' Do at Bell's bridge, in 1842 and '43, , 21)2 58 Do lor a bridge at Tannersville, in Pocon'o. . . ,1(51 74-1602 95t Mr 1 1 T J lUisceuaneous Jbxpenses: Stokes & Browiij balance on store bill, for 1838 and '39, Jeremy Mackey, Esq. swearing county officers, , V-. h, iamuei atoKes, postage Irom ilarnsburg; lor 1842, ; , ;'v-:v246 J arret rerry, cutting wood lor omce, ,, 150 Morris D. Robeson, as commissioner in expending state appropriation ori state. road front Howell's mills to Con ynghamtown, " v ' ,rV ''T " ?5G 00 John 1L Melick, making seals for Commissioners and Sheriff". ' .1 62 Henry 1). Maxwell, Esq. for Insurance of Court House; . ' -iG 00 Elihu Poslens.Esq. for swearing Election officers of Price. 1841 and ''42, ?; : ' ! -1.24 Thomas McElrath, for a lot of land in Stroudsburjr, for countv, " r; ' 65,0d vujici vjuiuwu, mr urni"Hjij uooks irom iasion, , , , $105 84 1 54 85 1 93 49t 112 MA 18 99 ; -555 29 ' 40 00 $3100 .'-'200 ' S300 10 00 " . 162 61 128 9S 63 52-- 365 1 1 24 00 48 Ot)' ' 50'93" 205 48 94 75 36 62 27;66A 33 50 28 37t 129 20 76"28 $6 00 28 50- ibscribers, Auditors for the;courityfM)nroeVlmvinarelly' examined' the rarcounw of y Treasurer, and all Books, paperV,,vouchersSi&c,:?relating. thereto, do cbrtity -fliW -wetiM The subsi innntv 'I Mil WUWfcJ L iviidutwi) 1 i i - ..... - t ,M1 - the sum of two hundred and eiglity two oonars anu uimjfinic cems, uuc huiu uuu.hjf ui(.-y...-to Frederick Kiser, late Treasurer thereof. . : ... Witness our hands at Stroudsburg this fifth day of January Anno Domini. 1844. . ; PETER NJEYHARTi ) 'u milH ADAM OVERFIELDi J-Commissioners. JNOMERWINM4 J , ELIHU POSTENSi ) Attest, John D. Morris, Clerk, Klihu Postens, Adam Overfield, .and Peter "Ndyhart, Cominission- ers ol : Monroe county, m accounc wiui saui uouniy. DEI missioners unredeemed Inst nnst. exuos made and provided, and sold the same for the following sums to wit 1'IUCE TOWNSHIP A. P. To amounts received oathe sale.ol Unseated Lands, which -were purchased, by tue m- . i. 'P-.,.,-v .'i. funo IM!tS. nnrt linvmer YnrtlftinPl! in the name oi luonruc luuihj, u iicu3uici,a , . , " for upwards of rive years, rue said Commissioners oio on uie vm u.iy ivwwi G Hie Same irilClS ijuuui.- oaiu, in uuisuau nn. ivv. - i . ". - t No. 0!) Davenourt Mariet, 300 20 528 00 309 Georeti Kohl, 400 30 5 50 . 224 JuhrTCoolbaugh, 436 100 30 50 77 Miry Meredith, 419 120 125 772! TOBYUANSA TOWNSHIP. Silas McCarty, 103 40 11 50 James Shaw, ' 424 102 2 75 Peter Leslie, - 119 SO 9 75 Trth llhmnr . Mfl."! 59 10 00 Ht? rhftp.ks rnceived and cancelled fdf the followmg actounts, td wit Uv 0 checks pavable to R. S. Staples & Co. or bearer, lor merchandize, &c. ' I ' do R. Brown, for Iron for Smithfield bridge, i ,to S. G. Shoemaken for making assessment' for Middle Smith Alexander Lotan 421" 1700' John Rerry, 83 4 00-, 55 00 PENS-FOREST TOtVNSHIP. Joseph Schnall, 441 81 Thomas Schnall, 4lG 111' Jonas Simons, 41G Samuel Caldwell. 414 12 William Horslleld, 439 120 William Nicholas, 409 12 00 7 00 7 00 ! 900 10 50 .10 . 00 -r.. 5.550 , ;: . $23)l I 2 .do" 1 . . clo'"? 4n mo. township, giving notice of appeal, &c. in 1813, filihu Postens, for Commissioners services, John D. Morris, for writing Commissioners deeds, Adam Overfield-, for services as Commissioner, William S. Rees, for drawing map of Price township,. Samuel Price, tor Koaa damages in rnce lownsmp, sundry persons for Jury fees in i843, . W'illiam P. Hallock, for cleaning court house. Rafferty & JIannum Ibr advertising Proclamations, ; John D. Morris, for services as Commissioners' clerk.;i-lS13; William Gordon, carpentnr work at Smithfield-UHdge. , -.J.Vx. Checks dated in the year 1842. . ; 1 check payable t'd W. Williams, or bearer, for blacksmith work done at RellVUridge; I ' ub :' t;harles lienry, lor umoer lor oiiuuincm uriuyc, 1 do Jacob hrntzman, do do 1 lo Lewis Dutot, for work at do 1- , V' s-d'0; .-v .William Eastburn, for lumber, stationary, Arc i: 4 t'lv-u..,a d(K o - 71 3 do dd Hiil.l .s:!fl0;iV 0 iWi VA 50 3o4K) ID 1)5 10110 2!i . Mfilf, S'iS7V75 . - . JOHN MiBRWINfi, ) a. 9 DTJTT TT iT TITTQTJ AUQHOli; ' PHILIP -M. BUSH, j STATEMENT of the Balances whieh remained due bif CoIIe'ctafs front the year 1836 lodg, with the payments made since January 1st, 1843, as per statement of Auditors at last settlciHe:iC. $10 75 . -. 45 00 20 00 $5 00 108 75 58 57 25 00 155 87; i 100 09 198 8 173 75 83 75 82-52 ?S,92 JL-lUm Tostensj lor swearing election ofiicers of election in March 1813, for PricV, .. G-J Ulis JL Gordon, Esq. Sheriff, for drawing and summoning Jurors' to "May"' termY' ' ' 1843, and boarding C. li. Green 5 weeks, up to May term, 1813 ';' "22 00 James Uurson, for work doneai Stokes' and Cotant's bridge,- V "4 00 William Eastburn, for stationary, bedding, &c. for Jail, ' ti'R 00" Richard S. Staples & Co. do do , . . Jh 50 Do on five different checks for do WilliamS. Rees, for surveying line between Poconu and Jadkson4oVvnsIfirV7' .'" ojur.ui urruuf.r, E3q. ior noiaing an inquest on dead oody, William S. Rees, for making map of Price township, Jacob Miller, 1 days' work at Marshall's bridge, Lawrence Serfass, for plank on a bridge in Chesnuthill, William Eaburn, for merchandize, &c- isoir 9 00 .4.96 -200 75 9 30 42G- 23'K OOh Treasurer's Commission on receiving. $4831 39'at l.pcr ce'rit: Do Do - on paying out $k3G 03i;at do"."; ' ...J ,. 44 36 J $5097 G6j 92 70 The above amount of Receipts brought down, - ;' ' ' ' ' " Ralance due from the county of Monroe to Frederick, Ivisef, lafc feasu'fef, oh account of Receipts and Expenditures, DR. On account of Redemption Monies on Unsealed Lands: To amount received of Andrew Storm, late a Treasurer of Monroe .county, for redemp tion monies retained by hint from December 1810, to January '43, Da received of Jacob Bush, late Treasurer, for redemption monies also retained by him till May, 1841, Of George L. Nagle, for redemption money on Josiah W. Gibbs, in Price, Of J. C. Potts, do II. Burrows,-in Coolbaugh township Of John Mastcrton, do J. Jlorton, in Price township Do do J. Plncc, do Y'ri 183CJ m- 163: 1S39 1S10 1541 134'. isi: Collectors. Ccorgp T Mackey Chrit:a Stout Jacob H'essler John RousC Samuel Bond Michael Sliol-maker Frederick Itrutzuian , lienry Weiss Henry Detrich Mitrtfn Place Michael Keiser Godfrey" Grensweig John Driesbaeh Jolm lIohelisheMl Jolin Jlottert John Smith John Siglin John l':pher George Warner MiclUiel Altciiioa Jolin Ke'lycy Jacob J. Kerncr IJunnis Murpliy Kdwiird Brown . Georgellusliirk Henry EylenbergJir John Place Jacob Corrcll John Setier Jolin Kdinger Aaron Driej-bneh Chutles Henry HcnirWeitselt Abraham Yclter Aaron Croasdale Henry Smith Jacob ShalTe'r Jscob Yettcr John Albertson Reuben GreRUiy Jacob Van Dunkirk Daniel Callahan Jaines Henrj- , L'eicr Merwins Townships Voco'no' Tobvhanna Tobyhaiina Hduiilton Tobyhanaa Hamilton - Tobyliannd Ch'enutliilt Smithfiedi M. Smithlield Hamilton Ross Tobyhanna . Strom! Hamilton , Smitlif.eid Che:imthill M; Smuhricld l'ocouo Itoss Tobyhanna I'ric'e Coolbaugh Si rood Hamilton Smithfield M. Smithlield Ross Chcsnuthill Focono Pcnn Forest Price Tobvhanna Criolbaiigh Stroud Smitliiield Hamilton M. Smithfield Pocono Chesnuthill Ross Coolbaugh Price Tobylianna l Dai's. due.'Paym'ls. Exon's. Corn's.' Orerp'd acfun'd Balances Tofatrfor at laslset. , ' iiowduc-eaclfYisir .$45 57 ' $4557 " 77 9j , 77 9,-. $125,52,. C3 33 ' ' " . - C3 C3 2J 142 72 102 65 $ 7 09 32 03 . J 07 SO 107 SO, 107. oJ, i5.t 24h 27 SO .43 37 0 02U " C 02h "t$Mh 105 57 :15S 57 - 155;57rfv JU 12 7 33 12 23" " 20 41 ' 14 0011 12,-Wh 1 ' 's$ 33 05 13 43 C 00 17 67 , 72 37 12 44 17 yt ' 41 M "' - ' ' r 9i CI 2101 45 5s 23.09 , tf: .Jf - 161 03 , , . , . .l&t D3 ieif03.' 53 6Sh 17 C2 17 73' 43 Oi i3 C2 18 02 -;r- 2!)5JMh lSiOoil , . 102.J39 -T.-rf- ' 231 51 leiti 01 ,44 93 X. 309 91 133 30 ' ' " 17161 'Af.-p 80 SQ 53 57, 7 73 19 59, . . ' Jft 93 33h 06 OCli ' 30 17 91 'fffl ' 10', Cf 25-14 . : 79 22 - 2S6 87 113 25 52 43 , . . r. 76 14 , 90 9(5 43 62 . ' ' 47 H . 5 57 G 54 I 63 fj2 92 2 92 . . 5;u4,V& 45(5 55 407 04 4S 91 .i. 523 01 S73 55H 117 05h 419 31. ' "312 20 9 62 . 67 43 , . 331 11 203 02 - 160 49 273 3'J 160 It ' - t S7-23 -fv 212 31) 210 Sll j .25 07 ,t 230 S7 213 51 . 5 0 t '14 56 -J, , .. " 131 49 101 S3 -53-r.l " . Witi 52 44 . - - r-i.2-", - 439" ' trr 43 43 25 S2 . " I J -22 61 15 31 17 42 . , - CKItJMV 813 f?5 304 03 - ' r ' 339.32 SIS C2 . 54 8 73h , ' 2'W . -.'i-H SIS 09 207 59 Oil 10 511157 225 27 r , fri 315 30 tf 393 30 57 14 339,16. M 43-44 '90 59 - 4' " ! ' ' ' '" MVBi 32 00 ' 32 OG C- 132 04 23 97 , 103 07. i lu 67 83 53 C9 - 9 19 3.SI : : : 1 . T,,.,'f lOflOi I7hl4,780 30h 220 59 293 42, 20 96i 1 25 90!i , 1,540 37 Xofc There was an cfrdf in John Rouse's Duplicate which raises the balance $21 83.. . .-. Amount of Checks outstanrjir.o and unpaid, as near as could be ascertained, up to December 31st, 1843, Five thousand one hundred dnd fifty-orte Dollars and forty-eight cents, $5151 48 BA'lVE NOTE IiiT.-: corrected weekly for the Jdfleraonian RepubhcfUj.i , The notes of those banks on which quotations are omitted and a dash( Substituted, are not nn a nni? PUBLIC SALE OF In pursuance of the last Will and Testament of Richard Brodhead, deceased will be offered at public sale, at the house of Martin W. Ding man, in Deluwure township, on the 14th day March next the following described real es tate situa'ed in Lehman township, Pike count)',' "4833 -Mih iirodhead and others containing, about $355 07 S50 81 G5 5I 2158 1129 13 51 10 50 ! TJirec Hundred Acres of land. The improvements consisl of a new Ijos Dwelling House, and FRAME BARN, And abotit fif tecn acrer under cultivation, together li a is KISS with a SA Vf MILL cm J in good repair. Persons wishing lo view the I -: . - .l . i nr . ii. r T 179 2(j , prsmiscs win uo so ay caning on joiin j. jjiu 'cash pfiid to tUct following named', persons for lands which they bought ait. Treasurer's i dermai, near iho premises. : ' stiles, and which have since been redeemed bv the owVers'. A T $?f) John Dotrich, for 1'Jl, Jacob Hembt, CotHb.h,A'; t' $9 17 1 JUuOU: Joseph Kemmerer, for John D. Cox, Pocono - Jsf 'Z'li aoti On the loth dnv of lil.ircl Joseph Kemmerer, for John D. Cox, Poconoy Joint Kern, for' 1 homas Lol)r, I obyhanna Andrew Storm, for John Starbird. George Koiple, for 183. John Teel. Coolbnii'jfli,-, Morris 1). Robeson, for lacob Eyerly, Tobyhaima, , Dermis Calvin, for J. W. Gibbs; Price, ( , . . ;. V benjamin Price, for Leiser, Price, Jacob yingmaster, for S. Horton, Price, . bo J. Plac-Cj do TreasurcnsCommissidns'on receiving $179 20 at 1 per cent? ' $ij 7Q ' Dfr' on paying out 10:2 80 . do' ' -V r' VoVj ; Balance due tlic'CotiiUyTroin Frederick Kiser, ' '-:-M' 's-; : 5"- L i RPlWulwn jf tlik foregoing Accounts'' anaBaluXAJ'i'.'V!: ,S.. -'" '' .due'tVFredenclrivjsr, late Treasurer, on.account-of ReJrieiptsadjl"rdiJufesi, $355 97 iH toHh'efcb'uiitv of "Monfoeh4 account of raoniesreceu'cuUvirinTi?.atid; pa'i'dioutu li' , 8 01 i On iho 15ih day of March next at the house 8 03 of Charles F. Mmt, m Milford, all that certain jj . two story G8G Frame Dwdlilig liouscj and TWO TOWN LOTS, situated -.n r.i I on Broad street, in iho village ofMll- 10 50 fortl, adji)ining hits of John Leforge and An- i drew Armstrong. Reference to the subscriber, $102 SCf 1 Terms und conditions made known on the day of said bv me. v , ' ",CYRi LL C, D. PINCH.PTT, f V 'j$ Si - v Sole "Executor, Milford, Feb. 1 4, 1844 ,. , . - . 2 82 73 58 Bafance Do'. on account of redemption acco'tfiits, ' ' Balance due from the county of Monrce to Frederick iliscry 73 58 $282 39 Pen iisylvaniu. Philadelphia ban , pan Banar North America, do Fanners' & Jtcchantcs' do AVestern bank do Southwark ban do Kensinston ban do Uankot Northern Liberties do Mechanics' Bank do Commercial BarJc do Bank of Pcnn Tom nshin do Mttnuiacturers Mech'ns do Moyamcnsing bank do! United Slates bank 22 Girard do 12 Pennsylvania bank par itanKot Uermantown par Bank of Montgomery co. do Bank of Delaware county do Bank of Chester county do! Dovlestown bank do Farmers' bank qf Buck9 do Easton bank do Farmers' bank of Readin? 1 Lebanon bank 3 Harrisburtt bank 1 Middletot7bank ; . 2 Farmers' bank Lancaster 1 Lancaster bank 1 Lancaster county bank 1 NorthJinpton bank Columbia Bridge 1 Carlisle bank 2 Northumberland ban par miners oani oi roiminc York bank Chambersburg bank Gettysbunr bank Wyoming on 3 Ifonesdale do Bank of Leuistown 2 Bank of Susquehanna co 3 Lum bank at Warren no sale West Branch bank - vlO Pittsburg , " I Wavnesburfr B-.ovvnesville , 1. Eric bank 1- Berks countyjbank ,s, - . , Towanda do y Relief Notes 2 New Yorki . C'lTTT RANKS - i Ame'ncn, b.mfe of ipar American Exchange ;vdo Bank ot Commerce ooi Bank of the State of NY. .-do Butchors' and Dro ers . do ChemnJal do . City d Commercial 1 Clintou , par Del. and Hudson canil co. do DrvUock .cil ir'uiton twnk of New York par Greenwich do Lafayette , do Leather Manufacturers " dt ManhaUen company do. Mechanics Banking Ajso idj Merchants' bank 15 ' ' Jo Merchant' - - do Mechanics fe Traderl do .Merchants1 Kxcnanga . mv Nationallunk New York, Bank of, 42' Ne.vAork Uankihz eo. - 'hi ,N. Y. St'j:. SVk Security bia? North River ' " . '-" . aftt " Seventh Ward " dl Tenth Ward 10 Tradesmen's par Union B. of N Y do Washington 3it T5 NOTICE., .Sildrrilhn's Gougli Lozenges, and PetfJi-s' Tills; -r'or salo a,t, this oHice, executor's Notice;. , Notico is hereby given that all pnsorn in debted to ihu cstare of John Nyce, Ule of Leh man ipw'jshjp, Pike county, deceased, are re queste.u to make immed'.ato aymeta io...thM 9"!iiscri.ber ; and till persons having demaiuls against the said estate, are requested Tur jfo duce them immediately, duly authenticated for settlement. ' ' JAMES NYCE, Pxecut0 Lehman township, February 3, 1844. C ft-mr