Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, December 28, 1843, Image 4

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TAP PAN & DENNETT, No. 114 Washing
inn street, Boston, propose to publish, by subscrip
tion, in fourteen monthly numbers, at the low
Hice of twenty-five cems'each number, the
Each number to 'contain between forty and fifty pa
ges, and be embellished icith the following fine
Steel and Copperplate Engravings, viz:
1 Portrait of Washington at 40, by Peale.
i) do vdrs Washington at 20, by Wollaston.
V, View of Mount Vernon.
4 Battle of Braddock's defeat.
fl Head Quarters at Catnbriilge.
fi Plan of Boston and environs.
7 Head Quarters at Morristown.
8 lfend Quarters at Newburg.
H Plan of Farms at Mount Vernon.
10 Battle of Brandy wine.
11 Portrait of Washington, by Stewart.
12 Encampment at Valley Forge.
13 wttie of Gennantown.
14 Fac Snnilic of Washington's hand-writing.
The Pottraiis were ropied from the original
paintings. The plans, sketches; and other engra
vings, have bpin compiled from the best draw
ings, as well English and French as American.
Special aid was derived from a series of Manu
script drawings in the possession of (.Jen. La Fay
ette, which me executed with -scientific accuracy
ami beauty.
The wcil known ability of'the author, the abun
dant means whir-it he possessed, viz: more than
two hunmal roi'o volumes of Original manu-
MnjJts, purchased by Congress, ten years re-!
W Shiiigtoo. and all the btates whicit formed the
confederacy durmg the Iteyolmmn. as well as the ,
access he has gamed to nlah private papers in
oaTferem pari ol the courtrv-have brought into ;
his hands a mass oi materials original and impor- ;
wilt in their character we trust will be
him 10 execute wnh more accuracy and complete
ness his mam purpose, and thus to have compen
sated in son decree-for the time and labor they j
Imra co. Its publication has not only involved j
extended and laborious research on the part of
ihe editor, bill great pecuniary responsibilities on.
the pait of the publishers.
1 he price affixed to this wort: as less, when the j
exertion is considered, than that of any other pub- j
hcation in Europe or America. he investment
and oBdKureswnnected with this undertaking
are much greater than usually attended such pub-,
tirsJinnc ;iaw1 :? will nnnoronf llint fti nnlliL-l
ers most rely on an extensive sale for their remu
Th engravings alone arc thought by msny to
lie worth the cost of the whole work. To nou-
subscribers the price will be enhanced
i,t,.,,n.,.n:.. r .... t-.aA 1
mi; wuih, uui i;if juuiisner conceive it to oe un
necessary. Letters have been received from ma
ny distinguished persons concurring in the opin
ion that the work is, in every respect, richly
serving oi public patronage.
Among the:many who have given the work the
aid of their subscription and influence, are the fol
lowing gemlemen, viz: Hons. John Q Adams,
Martin Van Huron, Jacob Burnett of Ohio,.Tosiah
Qaitn-v, John Pickering, Francis Wayland, D D.,
tev .3es Stewart, obeit G Shaw, esq Henry
Lee, q.. Rev Bi,hop Brown ell, Isaac U
Bates, Horace Everett of t , 5s Longfellow of
Maine. J Sewell Jones of N C, John Sergeant of i
Pa., ij&vi Loncoln. S Van Rensalaer of N Y.. i
m L Marry. Pope of Kentucky, L W Taze-
well of Va., Daniel Webster, Abbot Lawrence,
Joseph fctory, Ldward Lverett, Charles Jackson, .
Lemuel Shaw Samuel 1 Armstrong , W B Cal-i
lioun, John C. V.arren, M D., James Jackson, M '
D., Gov John Davis, Chapman Johnson ofVa. i
ft?" Active and trustworthy men can find em- ;
ployment in procuring subscribers for the
KJ Letters addressed to the Pcblishe
paid, with applications for agencies, orders
meet with nrnmnt nttpntion.
(L? Postmasters and others who obtain sub. !
ii iTa .7 1 T ,,f,Iuua ; found them, in a majority of cases, the most valu
mizh be added, bv gentlemen who have examined ; ..,,1 , .,
j-cription?, and become i esponsible for five copies. !on n,iI clolnes a,,(I call at our oflice with eyes
hall receive a sixth copy gratis, or for ten subl ' "earning with joy, and his tongue pouring forth
bribers, two copies, and the same rate for more, i lhe glari"ess of his heart, at the sudden and signal
They will please let the publishers know how ma-; r:Iiel he had received from tins best of all leme
ny copies are subscribed for, and how they shall j i,er ., ,. . , , T
he forwarded David W illiams, of hhzabethtown. 4. J.
(LT3 Publishers of Newspapers who will insert ! old Revolutionary Soldier, was so afflicted with
the above six weeks and forward to Tappan & 1 Rheumatism, that he could scarcely help himself
Dennett one number of their naner. shall rr..i . the?e Plasters entirely cured him. Thousands of
a copy of the work for so doing. !
Koston, 2813-
edited ny mrs. sarah j hale,
!Ir.s now reached its twenty-eighth Volume, and
is the oldest and leading Periodical in the United
.States. It has never changed Proprietors. It is
a Magazine of
With the best list of contributors in the country,
and the largest circulation. It contains
Mtzzotint and Line Engravings; Fancy Works
ofAjrt and Utility; The Genuine Coloured
Fasiions ; Portraits of Distinguished
r.Ghcracters, (by artists of the first
. .- cIr ; ) and Views of the most
Ceiebrattd Places in
the United States.
In-order to give additional variety, the "Publish
er his engaged the services of eminent liierary
Ctu5emeu, lamiliary connected with the Literature
iif Continental Europe, who will furnish Transla
tions from the Literature ofFrance, Germany, It
aly. Spain, Sweden and Denmark.
It has been found impossible hy contemporaries
io compete with the gigantic strides of the Lady's
I-'tok. and ihev have ''raduallv Given uo the at-
GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK,is emphatically a
T.kxiuv Book, and can be read aloud to the fami
jy circle. It is also an American Book, and the
writings of those Americans who defame, and at
tempt to stHly the feats of arms of our great he
roes, a?o not admitted in the work. Constant
itovekv, consistent with the character of the work,
witt vr be the effort of the proprietor.
Publishers' Hall, Philadelphia.
Xt? Poalage lo be peid on all orders.
Attorney at JLaw,
'Mrlford, PiStc cosusiy, Fa. .
S.jUember 14, 1812.
XiJ3 parents knew the value and t?fficacy
of Dr. Leidy's Pale7tt Vegetable. Worm Tea,
they never would be without it in ihe:r families,
as children arc Mibject at all limes to Worms.
Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea is composed of, veg
etables altogether, and may he given lo chil
dren of all ages. Directions accompany each
paper or package.
Children Miller much, of times, from so many
things being- given them for worms, without any
effect. Much medicine, given to children, has
a tendency to destroy their general health, and
they are mote or less delicate ever after.
To avoid the necessity of giving medicine
unnecessarily when you arc certain your chil
dren have worms give them at first Dr. Leidy's
Worm Tea. It is all that is necessary.
Reference might be made to several hundred
parents in Philadelphia city and county, of the
efficacy of Dr Leidv'.s Worm Tea. Try it and
you will he convinced.
Price 12 1-2 cents a small, and 25 cents a
large package. Prepared only, and for sale'
wholesale and retail, at Dr. Leidy's Health
Emporium, No. 91 North Second street, he
low Vine, (sign -of the Golden Eagle and Ser
pents.) Philadelphia.
Also, sold at Vm. Eastburh's store, Sirouds
hurg. Jan. 4, 184:5.
hle p,,, and jaVG no hesitAtion pronoune.
, ,he hest AnMous Medicine that we
h useJ ju our famiiics. We are acquaint.
ed wjlh sev(! rainiiies inlhls citv wi10gjve them
c preference t0 uli other i:inds on accounl ()f
Jhej Ulildnc3s. amJ at the same time, certainty of
action. Ncic-Yorh Examiner.
More than ten millions of boxes of these truly
valuable Antibilious Pills have been sold in the
Unjtcd s; Canadas. West Indies, Mexico, and
T , f of j f;j , liun.
jmh ' j ,.
Hundreds and thousands bless the day the vwere
induced by the persuasion of a friend, to try a Box
of Docl()r -peteri
J T, are in usc as aFamily Medicine, and all
who have used lhcm ivc lhc the prefereuce ,0
)& a safe
casam and eabV aperient bei, mild in their
1 7 . - . 1 . .
action at the same time; though, in their operation,
producing neither sickness, griping, nor debility.
Doct. Jos. Priestley Peters,
Dear Sir: I have used your valuable
PiHs these last four years, in cases of Dyspepsia.
Liver Complaint, and Sick Head-ache, and have
For Sick or Nervous Head-ache, or Bilious Fe-
ver, 1 would recommend Peteis'' Pills in preference
The j'Mmrinsrfrom the EMMJNENT DOCTOR
EMMERSOX, is considered sufficient
I have used in mv practice, these last five years,
Doctor Jos. Priestley Peters' Vegetable Antibili
ous Pills, and consideied them the Best Family
Me1)ICINE j havc ever llsctL
A fresh s ply of valu.
aluable Pills just re
ceived and for sale at the office of the Retubmcan.
Waf IBar.liX ! Wriiit ISnr.if ! !
i.000,000 SOLD YEARLY.
U Pncc etdv m ccnts a ;,lVftr.
hermaiE,s p00"r Mmi' I'lartcr.
, , , , ,
lhe best strengthening plaster in the world,
and a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness in
only one night, to get up alone in lhe morniiig, put
certificates might be given of their wonderful pro-
perties, but the fact of the enormous quantity sold,
must be the greatest evidence of their virtue.
For sale at the Republican Office, bv T. Schoch,
sole agent for Monroe county.
Prices Reduced.
100,000 feet White Pine Boards cSlO 00 and
SI 1 25 per thousand.
50,000 feet While Pine Siding cS 10 00, $11
25 and S12 50 per thousand.
30,000 feet Yellow Pine Heart Boards $13 00
20,000 ' " Sap " c$9 00
i per thousand.
40,000 feel Hemlock Boards c$5 00 per m.
40,000 Pine Shingles from $0 50 to 510 00
per thousand.
4,000 feet Panel Boards 3-4 inch, 1' inch and
1 1-2.
All kinds of
will be taken in exchange for the above, at lhe
highest market jrie, and good money would
not be refused. W'p. respectfully tolicii all per-
; sons in want of
before purchasing elsewhere, to call on
Milford, March 2. 143.
Brass 3r) hour Clocks,
Wood 30 do do
For saltf cheap, hy
'Hlford, Dec. S. 1842
For sale at this office.
above ",u u ,UV r"JU: ,v?' Imu:" JO,mb' comments on their character, d-c. eye. that it is
I rheumatism, lumbasro, ttc. itc. 1 , . , T r
.s noA Jos. W. JIozlc. eso., who had been so afiiicted dee'ned, uf.,eas Ea-V nioro of ,hem.
willi wun rneumatism. as to ne tinanie to uress lumsett y ..-..w..o, .wS,....v,.
' t without assitance, was enabled after wearing one, dations from 'Physicians and others, accompany
Who poes xht know or mr. i.i:tpy's BLOOD
2JJLLS? a component pari of which is SAR
The reputation of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparillu
Blood l3ills is so wrll known, that comment
upon their virtues is almost unnecessary. Suf
fice it to say they possess all the
properties that can he combined in the form of
is unnecessary to iheir success.
Their efficacy, in one case, is a sure intro
duction and paspori of thein to a thousand.
Employment of them throughout the United
Stales, have made them as they deserve lo be
Whilst the Proprietors and Manufacturers of
other Pills, have been endeavoring to hmnbuji
the people in various ways io introduce their
Pills, publishing columns of matter and bol
stering them up by
and attributing to their Pills ihe powers of ef
fecting every thing, barely excepting the
Dr. LEI BY has allowed his Blood Pills to
become known by their effects: thus establish
ing them a character that can never be taken
from them, and which is proof incontrovertible
of their qualities
Most other Puts have gone out of use since
their introduction; many have fallen into dis
repute, and some are now altogether unknown,
still a few hangers-on endearor io "till the ii
noranl by plausible (though false) reasoning of
the extraordinary powers their Pills possess;
hut the public are fully sensible of such impo
siton. DR. N. B. LEIDY
is a regular Physician and Druggist, attested
by Doctors Physic, Chapman. Jackson, De
wees, Horner, Giliaon, Coxe. Hare, Parrish,
James, Robert, Adiain, L. L. D.; T. L. Hiddle,
esq.. Rev. V. II. Dalancy, &c. &c. and well
knows the nature of the ingredients contained
in his BLOOD PILLS, and knows too their
adaptation in all cases where a purgative is re
quired, or for purifying the Blood
There is .no risk or danger in employing
them, they contain no Mercury -they do not
produce iuflamaiion of the Bowelsthey do not
pioduce disorganization of, nor do they injure
the digestive functions they do not produce
the Piles they do not produce irregularity of
the Bowels, or costivcuess, as do other pills;
on the contrary, they will he found lo obviate
all the, forgoing, be.-ides being efficacious in ail
cases uhere a purgative may be necessary, and
for purifying the Blood and Animal Fluids.
So many recommendations of them
been published from time to time, certificates
from the North, South, East and Vcst, editorial
each box of pill?.
Price 25 cents per box.
They are prepared and sold, wholesale and
retail, at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium,
No. 191 North Serond Street, below Vine st.
(sign the GoIdeu'Eagle and Serpents.)
Also, fcold at
F. Klett, comer of 2d and Callowhill street.
1. Gilbert it Co. 3d above Vine street.
J. Smith (t Co. 2d street next the Red Lion.
Also, sold at Win. Easlburn's store, Strouds
hurg. Jan. 4,1843.
As Usual No sooner does one of Dr. Leidy's!
preparations become popular, in consequence of
its success and efficacy, than it is counterfeited or
To prevent imposition, Dr. Lcidy has now pro
cured moulded bottles for his celebrated Tetter
and Itch Ointment, with the words "Dr. Leidy's
Tetter and Itch Ointment" blown in the glass, be
sides containing his written signature on a yellow
label outside.
Tetter and Itch Ointment.
has proved more efficacious than any other pre
paration for Tetter, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples
or Pustules, and diseases of the skin generally.
It has been employed in schools, factories and
on board vessels carrvins passengers, where chil
dren, as well as grown persons, contract diseases i
of the skin. Irom their contagious nature, with the
most unexampled success; certificates and recom-j
mendations have been heretofore published from'
them, and numerous others might be obtained for
publication, but for the objection most persons
have, to having their names published in connec
tion with so disagrecble and loathsome affections.
Jn no single instance has it ever been known to
It has been used upon infants and by persons of j
all ages. It is perfectly safe, contains no'mercu-
ry in its composition, and may -be used under all
circumstances. Price 25 cents a hot lie.
Prepared ony and for sale, Wholesale and He
tail, a t N. B. Leidy's "Health Emporium, No 191
N. Second street, below ri'ne, (sign Of the Golden
Haele aiid Serpents) Philadelphia.
Also, sold at Wm. rjastbgrns Store Strnmls
btirg -V. r--n
The friends of Social Progress throughout the
United Slates are informed that a paper devoted
to the grand object of Associationand a Social Re
form has been established, and that the first num
ber is just publ ished.
TI1R PHALANX will enter into a complete
and thorough explanation of the higher parts and
principles of the System of Association and the
Social Science discovered bv Charles Fourier,
and which iiavc not hitherto beer, made known in
this country, nor published to any extent in Eng
lish. Through our limited publications in The
Tribune, we huve been able only to explain some
of the simpler and more practical parts of the vast
discoveries of that great Genius, and the sole ob
ject had in view in esiahlisdwig Tin: Phalanx is
to make known the whole of Fourier's Science of
Human Destiny and Universal Unity, and produce
a scientific conviction and an enthusiasm commen
surate with the magnitude and importance of the
objects to be accomplished-
Tin: Phalanx will contain copious translations
from Foumca's works, the whole of which it is de
signed' in time, to give. Tkk Phalanx will also
keep a genera! record of the progress of the Doc
trine of Association, and will furnish details and
information in relation to the Associations already
started in this cduntry, and of new ones as they
are established.'
Every friend of Association and Social Improve-
ment is earnestly called upon to aid in sustaining
tins publication by subscribing to it, and by ob
taining other subscribers.
The warm friends in towns and nties where
there are news depots or tegular agents for the
sale of newspapers, are particularly requested to
call upon and induce them to order The Phalanx.
As there are many persons who may not wish to
pay for a year or six months in advance, but who j
would stipulate to take each number as it appears,
their names could be obtained by the above-mentioned
friends and handed to the news agents.
i .p.... n : . . t. i ... .m.. o -
S2 per annum; si?; copies for $0; single copies 4
cents. The General Agency is at the oflice of
The Sen. corner of Fulton and Nassau-streets.
Subscriptions may be remitted through Post
masters- c of postage. Address A.BRISBANE j
If Property will not bring its ruu. value,
to Act of Assembly of Pennsylvania.
The subscribers have been for ihe last eigh
teen months building and fitting up their estah-!
lishment, with machinery for the prosecuting of j
their business, which they have completed, and
in full operation. They now have on hand anil
intend keeping a genera! assoriment of
Flosses, &z3E3iber Wjagosas,
jPficawrc Carriages, &c.
got up in the hest manner, which they offer
; cheaper or ready pay, than can be purchased
at any other establishment in this country.
The following is a list of prices, they offer
to ihe public, fur cash, approved paper, or in
exchange for Farmers produce particularly
straw at the highest cash prices.
Light and fancy spring wa
gons, from " SCO 00 to $110 00
Two-horse Lumber wagons, 50 00 to GO 00
Do do do
with bodies, whipple-trees,
and neck-yoke.' irom GO 00 to
A first rate article of Ploughs,
of all descriptions, in use in
this Country, from 4 50 to
70 00
5 GO
Best side-lull Ploughs for G 00
Plough Shares 2s. 2s. (id. and 3s. Side-hill
shares and shares with cutters for 3s. Gd. Oth
er plough Castings at the samo rate.
Corai CEsitiiviilors, Flosigla Cicvsccs,
SIcsjjSbs, ist;!i 220is Wagon Box
es, Cljavi:8:j ir3;ic!ist:c'i, C:ts
!Egs Mill Irosss
of almost every description, both wrought and
cast, on hand and made to order. All kinds of
TURNING, of wood and iron, and repairing
of wagons, Carriages, etc. &c. neatly execu
ted at the shortest notice, at reduced prices.
These are ihe times for bargains and those
who doubt it, can satisfy themselves by calling
on the subscribers.
Milford April 12' 1843.
ii ?D oY BE E 5 22 I
Iry Gqocss, Groceries, &c. &.
The subscriber having adopted the
c2Zm ahovu method of doimr business for
!5&pv ,Me niluro wuld respectfully invite
yWilisiall who have unsettled Book accounts
with him, or with the latu fitm of
S. WL. & JT. Q. Wallace,
10 ca n,ul settle the same without any further
notice, as he is determined to close up all un
settled accounts with as little delay as possi
ble. J. II. WALLACE.
Milford, July L .1843.
- '-'V '-'
Neatlv executed at this Office,
Or those w3io aae aS)o;it tobuild
or repair.
The umdersigned respectfully informs the
public that he is duly authorised to sell iho
Right of tho Johnson lie-acting Water wheel,
to the counties of Monroe and Pike, patented
the 22d day of June, A. D. 1840.
The Johnson re-acting wheel is the best now
in use to propel a saw mill; it excels any other
wheel in the United States under a low warer
head; under a head from 5 to 7 feet is suffi
cient to cut from 2 to 3000 feel in twelve hours
of inch or any other boards with ease. Tin;
wheels require, under a 7 foot head, 140 inches
of water and so in proportion to any other head.
Under a 7 foot head, the Saw will make from
200 to 250 strokes per minute. The advan
tage which those wheels have over any otin-r
wheels is, that it requires but four posts, io inak
the flooni or bulk head; the wheels are hun ot,
the crank shaft. Two wheels are what is re
quired for a Saw mill, and the posts planked in
side the same as a pen slock. I have buili (Ji,u
of those mills this season, on the Roaring
Brook, in Luzerne county, for Mr. S. P. Ttu.
plin, under about a 7 foot head, which will u.i
from 3 to 4000 in twelve hours of inch boanN,
therefore, 1 can recommend them as the hei
wheels now in operation. There are several
more mills in that part, all under low heads,
which answers the same purpose as that of Mr.
Templins. For further information, please call
on the subscriber.
Lower Smithfield, Monroe co.,
November 0, 1842 5
Bar Iioi3, C::r,CoacSi& Wagon Alv
Axle asad Gun JBarrc-S 2r?28.
And a general assortiuenl of
constantly on hand and will be sold on the mo;
reasonable terms, by
Analomtnk Iron Works, April 6, JS4'J.
V r
,lvngi nt!dl If3cIie:nc5:
Srojj, Tiaiis, uE:rss,
Boardt, Shirisiles
articles &;c.
The subcribers having adopted the aboie
method of doing business, feel confident thai u
will be beneficial lo the interests of iheir cus
tomers, as well as their own. They hav- y.t
received in addition to their former stuck, a
large assortment of Dry Goods selected i ,i
care. AImi, Groceries, Hardware, &c. whin
they will sell at prices to suit the times.
All persons having unsettled accounts wi h
the subscribers, will confer a favor hy set'hng
and paving up at their earliest convenience.
Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore
4ixtended to us, we respectfully solicit its i dk
tinuance, and pledge ourselves to use every
exertion to merit the favors of their friends
and customers.
Milford, luly 12, Si3.
Sherman's Coish iLuzciascs,
Are the safest, most sure and effectual remei'v
for Coughs, Colds, Consumptions, Whooping Cvugh,
Asthma, Tightness of the Lungs or Chrst, d. J c.
The proprietor has never known an instance where
they did not give perfect satisfaction.
Over 3,000 persons have given their names with
in the last year as a reference of the wonderlr.l
virtues of these Cough Lozenges. They cure rM
recent cases in a few hours, seldom requiring nire
than one day td entirely eradicate the most dis
tressing ones.
Mr. James W. Hale, No. 5 Tontine Buildings,
Wall St., gave some to a friend who had not enjoy
ed a night's sleep for several weeks, being every
few minutes attacked with such a distressing
cough, as almost to take away his life. The Li
zenges made him raise easy, and enabled him t
sleep well all night. He had tried every thing I f
heard of, and nothing else afforded tho least relief
another instance of saving a fellow being ft
an untimely crave.
The Rev. Darius Anthony, of the Oneida i"
ference, was given up as incurable, behevoU t..
on the verge of the grave from consumption, S
out the hope of relief, till he tried the.-e Lozo'
They relieved him immediately, and in a f"
weeks restored nun to neatui, so mm mi come re
sume his duties as a minister of the g5pel. Hp
recommends them to all who are cp-uSUinptivc c-r
have any derangement of their lm'gSj asthogre3 -est
medicine in the known wo uQ has vt
nessed their effects on scvcra't QtiierSt and nhvavs
with the happiest tesults. jj0 sayS su great a
remedy through the blessing 0f Divine Providence,
ahould be the common roj)erty 0f ailt and in ce
ry family on the face 0f the earth.
For sale at the Republican Office, by T. Sc to
sole agent or M'onroe county. .
Shea-man's Poor Man's Plasters!
Congh Lozenges, jid Peters' Pills;
I For Male at this office.