J E FF JO ISO N IAN RKPIIJBUCAN. mnrioMwa'1 T - nmnBmMeM-'Jm.ijg AjAlANAG, FOR THE YEAR ISU. ' Co ft E- ft" ft 3 ft 5 Jaxuakv February March A PR II. .May ,1, 2 3 4 5 Q! 7 S 9 10 II . 12 . ,13 ,14 15 16 17 18 j ,20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 12 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 1 1 12 13 M 15 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 J5 26 27 28 29 30 12 3 4 5 G 7 S 9 10 11 ,12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 'ill 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 23 29 30 31 UT OUR NEXT VOLUME. PREMIUMS FROM 9, 0, 10, xtp to 50 DOLLASi!!! FOR NEW CLUBS' SM JLf PKflKES ! FOR LITERARY CONTRIBUTIONS ! ! THE PARAGON OF NEWSPAPERS ! ! ! rjpHE ORIGINAL DOLLAR WEEKLY! JL The Cheapest, Neatest, and most popular Family News Journal ever published in Philada. Alexander's Express MesscHfjer, Is universally known in every section of the United Stales, as the original and only successful Dollar Newspaper established here or elsewhere. It con tains alt the advantages and objects of a Literary, Scientific, Moral, Mercantile, &. Agricultural Jour nal, and the publisher deems it unnecessary, at this time, to go into a lengthened recital of its numer ous peculiar and popular characteristics which have so extensively recommended it to the family circle, in Philadelphia city and county, through- 17 J out the State of Pennsylvania, and every other otate of the Union. jt course has always been neutral in politics and free from sectarianism in relisrion, and whether considered in reference to ithe richly varied and valuable contents of its col- umns, so expressly adapted to the icants of all classes, or its moral influence in advocating the in terests of the rising generation, it will be concc- j ded that it is the cheapest and vest, and most tie- t . . . . j 1 . .. serving popular encouragement aim support m an v of its City Weekly contemporaries. Alexander's JKxpress Messcriffcr, 20 as established seven years ago-, by Us present BcWItt, Brothers & Jllagcrly, Have on had I feet Hemlock and White and Yellow Pine Boards and Siding, at their Lumber establishment in Lord's Valley, 14 miles from Dingman's Bridge, which they will sell cheap for Grain, Straw, and Iron, and will not refuse to take current money or Pork. We respectfully solicit a biiare of public pat ronage Lord's Vallny, Dec. 14, 1S-13. NOTICE. "Whereas, my wife Anna Maria, has left my bed and board without any reasonable cause or provocation, I horby forbid ail persons of liar boring or t lusting her on my account. his JOHN L. X WATSON. . mark. Milford, Dec 14. 1843. INDIAN QUEn" STROUDSBURG IKON AND BRASS ' CABINET MAKING. Side-Boards, Bureaus, Centre, Break fast, Dining and End Tables,. Wash Stands, Bedsteads, ' Wardrobes, Booh Cases, Secretaries, c , CSieap for Cash ov Coaaslry iSrocIiuce. POSITIVELY NO TRUST! The subscriber having adopted the above method of doing business for th? fuiure, feU confident that it will be beneficial Jn iUk isiifr csts of his customer.--, a well as his own. 1 If will venture lo say that his warei will Mirrjns.- The subscribers take this method to inform. -n finisN ,iurabiliiv and chcapnes-, nuyihhii'if o public generally, and Millers and Farmers I lm pViJT ,ef"ro offered in hi.s markH. FLKJ JL proprietor, who projected and tounded tuosc sue I ccssiul publications. 'The Saturday Evening Post,' ! Gudev'.sLnuVs Book,' 'Gialiam's Magazine,' 'The lodev'sLndv' Saturday Courier,' and 'The Daily Chronicle.'- St ro it els Im ravh , fi'a . lias fined up a commodious and elegant Ho tel on Elizabeth siren, nearly opposite ihe store of G. H. .Miller & Co., and directly op posite ihc residence of Daniel Stroud, Esq. - - - . i Being supplied wnh the bet materials, ami from his long "Xpettence in the buMiie-.. he'w confident of giving entire xalislHCtion in all ulm may favor him wiih h;ir patronage. All the aliovc mentioned article-. and eery the n ...". . . .1. .. especially, lhat ibey Have taicen u.ai cum cli ent UTosinilry and Iftachine Shop, adjoining Jacob Singmastcr's Tannery, and they are prepared to rxccuie all order. in ihetr lino of business in the lut manner and with despaich. They will manufacture MILL GEARING - . . . . . !-. for Flour and other Mills, together wun vasi iims of everv description turned and fined up inihe best possible 'manner. .We feel conii-i Chair manufactory. dent in our ability to execute all orders with the latest style and fashion, on the most ip.:imii- able terms, and warranted to do good wicv. N. B. Repairing done at the hortt no tice and on ihe most .reasonable term. A supply of the above meutioiu'd aitirjrs mav lie seen at hi Wareroom, on Walnut , in the building occupied by E. 11. Walton .as tv CHARLES CAREY. which we mav be entrusted in a workman-like S'romhburgii, lStiv. j. is-td. . manner. Particular care will be laken io em ploy none bin good workmen in ihe diftereni ... ..r.l... iHliK. l.nw.tii .11. 1 tin ivitlK 18 'a popularity and circulation as has attained the He has every convenience 25 i Messenger during the whole period of its exist-. strangers and traveller.-. Pe depariinents of the establishment, and no pains will nTM lv ihe oronrletois io "Ive gen- .. ... . , , , for ,,rainingjeraj sa,js-au,ion I() ,hse WJ, may favor themi E STRAY. rsous from the ci Jl'XE 'encc, fully corroborating the olten ions of all ihe country editors en repeated opin- j lies, and oilier? who wi-h io lake a . pleasant ! with whom it lias ii;,uniiM the country will be accommodated in i with orders for work. Jri.v At; oust SErTEMunrt October NOVEMBER Decemher 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 J) 10 11 12 13 14 15 j 1G 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2S 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 G ' 7 S 0 10- 11. 12 ia! 14 15 1G 17 IS 19 20 j 21- 22 23 24 25 2G 27 2S 29 30 3? 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 3 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 .1 1 12 13 14 3 5 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 J5 10 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 2f 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 39 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 12 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Jfi 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 'in AVf hinrto TtiT " in ,1 j r v.vr 11 trrr iv inn itiUL'Ut.t . . .- r . 1 nt iwo.t I of the Philadelphia Weekly Press." rpTTP rr' A lT 1 Furnishes renilarlv the iullest and earliest di-res-! will he supplied wiih the best producttor ted coinjiend of Domestic and Foreign Ncics. As the British Steamers almost invariably arrive at the end or beginning of the week, the Messenger, which goes to press on Wednesday, has the exclu sive advantage ol the intelligence brought by them. lieports 01 all the important proceedings a( Con gress, and the different Slate Legislatures are ful ly recorded by regular correspondents employed for that purpose. The literary contributions to the Messenger, either in Poetry or Prose, are among the ablest and most talented writers in the country. Is there any reason, therefore, that it should not maintain the enviable reputation of being the cheapest, most useful, and interesting Family Newspaper in ihe world? The contents of the Messenger are so se lected and arranged that the The Fanner, 't'hc Me chanic, The Merchant, The Business Man, The Man of Science, and the Moralist, may find in its well stored columns both instruction and enter tainment; and as the utmost care is taken to ex clude every tiling which possibly might offend de cency and'good taste Parents can place this pa rser in the hands of their daughters, without ap prehension or hesitation which, in the present is af forded bv 'he market. HIS ROOMS AND BEDS are such, as will, he hopes, prove satisfactory to all reasonable customers. BRASS CASTJIiSSS, Camo to ihe enclosure of ihe .subncriber, n: Hamilton lowtmiiip, on the 10th day of Novem ber, a with one ear cront. The owner is rpque-ifd such ns Spindle Steps, Shaft and dudgeon i ,n tollt frward, prove property, pay clMrut- Boxes. &c! will be made 10 order. Old Cop-!.jmj ,a.p j, ;nvaVj lherwi3e it will be di-pod per and Brass taken in exchange at the highest 1 o(- accorij,g ,, ";1W. price. Patterns made Io order. j COXR.A D KEMMERER. TSiresiiiais IriaeSunes &. SSorsc Powers November 23, 1 S43. j of the most approved construction, will be fur- j mTTTTl iS A C. is, and will continue 10 he, furnished choice assoriment of Liquors. THE STABLING witl tiished 10 order at the shonesi notice. Wrought Ivan MiM Wr3i 1 a Notice is heretiv given that all persons in- i . . , ,t . . r 1 ' t..i.. will be done on the mo.t reasonable lerms. and j tcl o ue es.a 0 u. ur,, " all kinds of smi.h work. M ' ' 'IM... K.... I-Ui.l r Ql,l Shn nn.l nolU bnd reOUUMeU io ni;ilv immcuiu.c Vason Boxes will always be kept on hand Ploughs of the most approved plan will be i is new and exiensive and' surpassed by none 111 j .RU otl hand, and an excellent assortment of j I . .. r , . I - ' . . ... . A. , 1 . the subscribers. And all -per.-ons having d- matids against the said Estate, are requeued l present them, only authenticated on or uoloir the couniv for comfori and convenience. Plouoh Castings which ihey niter for sale to j rst day ol le brimj , Willi these advantages hacked by some ex-1 nerience in the bus.ines and a determination 'to keep a good public house, he confidently ex pects a fair portion ol public patronage. JJj Permanent hoarders will find a quiet home and bo satisfactorily accommodated at moderate prices. Siioud.sburg, Sept. 2S, 1S43. nnxr -rt wbrr v degenerate condition of a portion of the Public j jj j,orsons indebted to the Estate of Rich- JVU'XX Jx. L JL-U-aL ji . Press, cannot betoo highly ; estimated. j afj uriUjj)lJaii jate , Milford lownship. Pike The Mibscriber respectfully informs ihe. pub- SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS! i couniy, deceased. ar: requeMed to make pay-; i;c ihal he has removed his bindery 10 No. 19 j nave aircnay oecn ' : ulw,.rib.r. -nin a nrrsoils ha viliff ?vr,l,o..., or,.t f,.w ilniirs bnlnvv his for- ll S.rilUng illiU UOCI VUIg ill 111 in.ll. 1 - I --3 iliPlimuiiiniii Plough makers HAYDEN & SCHLAUG1L April 2G, 1S43. EASTON liillivli ami nf th infi haveapjHarcJ in the Mcs6cngcr; :indarnuige:nemliaveea jyj,,, o.ijnt anj e-iale arc requested ' nier Stand, where he will do made wnh enmicnl ariiits. to continue nicric.-of supjectsol -. , , , , r ; Rzsfiasg- ami Jsivmms iii all its various branches at fair prices. I13(D)1I5 j with enmicnl aru&is. io coauisue nscriis.-oi uiji.i-.mii i . . . , , r ntirely new and original clmracter, which, as iliev:tieh)reent their accounts duly auineilUcaieu 10r Mied, will add matcnally to the clegiuce and attmstire- e 1 1 f 1 1 , 0 x , t" , CYRILL C. D. PINCHOTT, Sole Executor. Milford. Dfcemher 1, 18-i3.--Gi. PRICES CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday morning. an en mild: ness of tins Journal. 9500 2 ! UNEXAMPLED LITERARY PRIZES:!! The imr.-uits of Literature is not more successfully advanced than by incitinK the voung npiraiit to rcnovnel exertions, in hi? Mudie? anl efforts !o arrive at the summit of Fame the road to reach u hich ha: been so often journeyed over, al ever arrived Rt its lerniination. The publisher of ths Meieft- T W , A ,V A K hi A (. J A. iJ liiiil J . iiuiimroiis i ' tier, desirous of rc ardmp the ulents of some of hi numerous j corre?ronienis. ano enii.-tin? o;ners wiw huvc u. ;v :u trihuted to the mioies-t of its columns, presents t ;e fjLowri:ig ARTICLES. !SbrnrpS'E:is:oB' Philad Vi.at Flour, per barrel 5 00 4 50 1 50 Km'. do. do. do. 3 50 3 25 3 00 V ;at, per bushel HO b5 91 li.i do. do. 70 70 00 i-. Leather per pound 25 . 21 25 -rn per bushel 50 50 50 B.i'Mcwheat, per bushel 50 over Seed per bushel 5 25 4 50 5 50 Timothy Seed per bush. 2 25 4 00 2 75 Hirley do. 40 45 50 Oats do. 37 31 27 I 'Ux Seed do. 1 37 1 40 1 40 Butter per pound 12 10 16 Eiiss, per dozen 10 12 15 Plaster per ton 4 00 2 25 Hickory wood, per cord 2 25 4 50 5 50 ()h!c. do. do. 2 00 3 50 4 25 .Mackerel, No. 1 12 00 10 50 9 75 Do. do 2 9 00 9 50 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel 37 30 BANK NOTE LIST. corrected weekly for the Jeffeuonian Republican. The notes of those banks on which quotations sire omitted and a dash( Substituted, are not purchased by the brokers. West Jtranch bank 1 0 Pittsburg i Waynesburg 3 Biownesnlle 2 Erie bank TERMS. For common branches, S2 00 per quarter. Claries, , 5 00 Board with ihe Principal, 1 50 per week ; December 1, 1S4U I JO ORIGINAL TALES ' l'n- tS PVTTU ' f.inniM itn 1 .!w 11 !rits lf ! t.f American Revolution 00 The Second fie.i(She .trticct at the choice of luu author! 150 00 The Third Bi-.,oi! the -aai Jiiaiorv of the country HX) 0o The Fourth t ' SJ W 117 All the Tale? intended to be offered in witnpotition for t.A ti.l l. t.r...ui .1 1. ffkci Kll t t'lt.TiaM' , null lilt I il... Jilll.ll jinru i iiui.t-.ii "i iunu.ii, n.. , ... . thev will tif stihmiltAi to the decision of a Cominitlpe ofl.it- t not liiciliding incidental expcilpea. erarj- Gentlemen, cnosen for that purpose, and well known to j ' MPWM N Prinrmnl the readinsr public. After the premiums have been awarded. Hi A D. l 1 i iv il A l , I rincipat. the publisher will select from the remaining Tales Mich as arc ; r,;, .,.... Frr.- Pikt- .() Pa author shall receive 20. The residue v jib? ret'in.ea or dis posed of at the option of the persons who sent them. ?re3ii:mss lor iVetv iSisbHtjribtivs. The Publisher of the Messenger having received numerous propositions from many of the enter prising newspaper agents throughout the country, is desirous ol'securing their services'to extend the present unrivalled circulation of his popular Fam ily Newspaper, for which purpose he offers them, or any other gentlemen disposed to enter on the enterprise, the following liberut-and advantageous terms, in forming new clubs for the ensuing yeai. For $10 in one remittance, 12 Copies. 20 " " 20 30 " " 40 r,n " " 70 " 100 " " 150 " The icmiltances to bo made in current Hank notes of the Stale where the Subscribers arc ob ruled and bound to any pattern at the shdriest noiice, also BOOKS AND PERIODICALS rebound in the beat manner. The following I'lie Winter se-sion commenced November . blank books always on baud. Gih .md continues 24 weeks. jjj. v Books, .sowrisuls, Eefljrcrs, In- voivAi :i355 2e'clpt Kooksj also EL1ZAUETI1 VAN All KEN. ExecitdirT . Milford, October 30, 1843. Gt. JOBRTC US. UttBIiICK, CLOCK AND WATGEE MAKER, STROUDSBURG, P A. Informs the public gsnrr- v y-ts ally, ihat lie siill crHjiimu's c 2Sssf . i ibn nhovfi business t:i all lis X .r.T r... i 1 II I o e ,,lwrAv various orauciies. ij mis r, t fill ltinf.u nn n - it II Peasisylvania. rhiladelphia bank, par J'l ink of North America, do Farmers' it Mechanics' do Western bauk do( Jsiuthwark bank do Ker.smzlon bank do 31anl of Northern Liberties do Mechanics' Dank oininerchil Bank Jl tnk of Penn Township Manufacturers Mcch'ns Moyarnensing bank t 'mted States bank 'rard do . , - i . v 'ails 'vania u.iiuv do do do dp Uerks county bank Towanda do Relief Notes New York. CITY BANKS iAmcnca, b ink of , of Germantown if Montgomery co. Bin. ? , Delaware county w-..ri intcr county inKofu, hur.. Irarrrwrs'bani. 01 uuc's Parmeir' bank ot lleacins Leoaiion bank Jlarnyburg bank Midlletnwn bank Farmers' bank Lancfcstft. Lancaster bank t.incaster count v bank Northampton bank 'lOlumbia Bridge Carlisle bank Kort;iuniborland bank Miners bank of Poltsville York bank "nainbersburg bank Gettysburg ,bank v.'yominjf do 3?')riisdtt)e do,' I-ank of LrwfMown T,n'h of i:riiiphanrti co do 30 15 par par. (10 do do! I American Exchanee iauk of Commerce aaiiK.of the State of N Y Butchers' and Drovers' Chemical Citv dolCommercial rinlulintoii d, Del. and Hudson canal co par do do STOVE-PIPE,' . At Kcsiaced Fs'aces. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS FUR SALE STOVJS-PaiPE which h will eli at from SO io 10 1-2 and 1 1 cents per pound, according to quality, lor cash. WAND EL J. BREIMER. Siroudsluirgh, Oci. 5, 1843. ESTABLISHMENT. The Subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Stroudsburgh. and ihe public gener- tained, or negotiable drafts would be-prcferred. ally, that lie has commenced Hie i a. loring ous The paper will be sent Jo any part of the Union, I iness, at his residence in Ghesinut .sireei, near sepaiatcly or together; it is to be desired, howev-!jT. CrookV Blacksmith shop, where he is fully er, that each of the different clubs shall be as much ! prepared and determined to execute all articles , ! i ill... . . , , concentraiea as possioie. in h s line of business wun neatness aim ue of every di'scripuon. COPT AND CYPHERLNG BOOKS. All orders from ihe Country will meet with prompt attention. HENRY IIAMMANN. Easiotii April 10, 1813. MT AGENTS will please to forward the names, T,C bjlc . resl assured of being and remittances or New Club; immediate y on . I j . and d fils M lh collecting them, as it is intended to have all the.dS u i elrM11,i: CO ,C ?.. .'; . .;,i. n,.,n m-.-v . 'can be at any other establishment in Stroud-- c-Kit. commencing with the year 1HJ j burgh, or in any city, as ho has done business in the firsi shops in ihecines of Paris, London, do 1 par do 1 ion bank of New York par Dry Dock Full ..n bani Wuri no sale amn(rln Greenwich :Lafiiveitc 2 Leat her Manufacturers' laiihatten company 1 Mechanics' Banking Asso j!Mrchanis'bank oiMeiv.hant' Mechanics & Traders' T Merchants' Exchange i Mional bank ? p'rVeA-"nrk Banking cc 2 s'n, Y. Si'e- St'k Security b. par nlNorlii Hivf 2 Phteni . Ao 3 Seventh ,V?aid,' 1 f -uo jiTenth Ward -. 10 Tradesmen's a - L ' ' ' h"AT iivUnitin n. of N. Y. '.do do It.. ' ',....ul o..nr w,h,..i,,.i w'fira. ! New York. Philadelphii, and elsewhere, and doling, and is printed on beautiful white paper and : has a thorough kuv. ledge of ajl Hie varieties excellent type; and arrangements have been made, , ol styles and changes ol lalnoiiH: for the future, to have it forwarded to subscribers, ,icr,ifi)r(i flatiers him&elf, that by strict by mail with the utmost despatch, carefully en- aM(,mjOM j() business and punciualnv, he will veloped in strong wrappers. A FI VE DOLLAR ' y , j are o- 1Hil)lc patronaoc. NOTE will procure four copies ot the paper lor , rCLt'ni- - 1 IO llW I) ECK N. B. Cuiliiif done al the Mioriosi nonce, do do do do do Co do do do -to Y vstv TPs, ffv rv yr v C. W. cWitt & SSs'oiicr, have just received a large assortment ol Stoves, con MStinu of Fanhlin Furnace 3 and A boiler Cooking stoves. do do 9 plute stoves. do do Parlour do. do do Box do. Orange County 4 boiler Cooking do. Many's Albany 3 do do. Degroff cy Sears Albany 3 do do. Spoors' Patent Coal stoves. And a large lot of Siove-pipe, all of which Oiey will sell cheap for cash or produce. Milford, Nov. 10, 18-12. FEMALE SEMINARY. r I .! :i ...v, 1 one vear. i ue price to Mngie suuscuuuis, vui'1! attached to Club) is I'wo Dollars per annum, or One Dollar for six mouths, which must invariably he paid in advance. All orders, postage paid, must be addressed to C 1 IA li LES A LEX AN JJ ER, Athenian Buildings, Franklin Flare, Phila. Postmasters arc authorised, and generally willing to for ward inonev to Newspapers, fi ee of expense, where the letters arc signed bv tlioinselves. Persons v.isniiiR to trinmit, will, tliciefc're, when i1 can be done, write jut what liiey want the i'ostnmier to say tor them; by so doing ho will wily htive uie trouble ofaisnma. Pofctniasters willtakecareloendortotficir n imcs on thtf outside also-'.he word '-freW'can be writlrn by in" one and is of no use in flanking a !oUei. Unla. th faro's ,iaid, no leitc.-s are taken frjfa v P Office. and on ihe most reasonable terms, and warrant ed Io lit if made up properly. He will also ive dirrciious for making up if required. S 1 1 ""dstmrgh, Oci. 25. 1843. Attorney a4; jTaw-, (OFFICF. Ni:Ani,Y UIM'OSITE 'I'll K PRBSBipEIil4.' " ' GlltfKCH.) The Spring Term of this Iris'.Uution com meiiced on the eighih day of Vlay last, under ihe superiniendance of Miss fa. JfS. StoiiCS, and is now open for tho reception of pupils. The branches taught n this Seminary are Reading, Writing, Geography, Grammar, Rhet oric, Composition, History, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Logic, Mathematics, Draw ing and Printing, tho Greek, Latin, German Languages, &c. J bo Seminary being endowed ny me oiaie, struciion is nfibrded at two dollars per qtiar cr., inclusive or all ihe above branches. Board can he obtained in respectable fumi lirs on rpnsonable lerms. The Trustees with full confidence command tho Sirondsburg Female Seminary to ihe pat ronage of ihe public. JOHN HUSTON,, President, - - . of the Board of Trustee , . ky'S.lSrJ.-if. , I which he is determined to sell at such prices as will suit the limes. Tho attention of ihe public is particularly called io his assoriment of SPECTACLES AKI GJLASSES for nearsighted and old persons plain whitt. i (jreen and blue glasses. No charge will !) made for showing them, if he cannot suit, m harm done. Brass eight day Clocks for $14. 00 Do thirty hour do 7 00 Wood 'do do from $4 to G 00. ALSO, an assortment of WATCHES, all warranted good time keepers, or. -will be re paired gratis. Clocks, Watches, and. Jewelry repaired at the shortcut notice. ALSO, an assortment of 2lAPS of the Uni ted Stales and World, varying from $1 62 1-2 io 2 50 large size. . , Violin Strings of all srzes -best quality. Call and see for yourselves. zssoIeElioia ci Partnership. The partnership lfcretoforo existing between tlie subscribers, as pt'.'blishers of this paper, was on the 17th tif August last, dissolved by mutual consent. AIL persons baring demands against the sai.d firm, will present them io Theodore Schoc'ti for seiilement, and all who are indebted. "thereto are requested to make im mediate par mum to him, ho being authorized to receive ihc same. THEODORE SCHOCII, THOMAS L. KOLLOCK. P. S. The Jeflersonian Republican will con linufi to be published by Theodore Schoch and F. E. Spering, who respectfully solicit a con tinuance of public patronage. THEODORE SCHOCH, F. E. SPER1NG. Slroudsbtirgh, Sept. 28, 1843. PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all tjerson3 in debted to the Estate of John W. Middausk.foio of Wcatlall township, Pike couuty, deceased, arc requested to make immediate payment to the subscribers. And all "persons having de mands against tho said Estate, are requested to present them, duly authenticated on or beforo ihe first tUy of February next. SAKAri iMIDLIA UUtl, Executrix. JAMES VANWY, Milford, October 56, 13.-61.