JEFFERSONrAN REPUBLICAN Receipts & Expenditures QO Frederick Riser, Treasurer, in account with the CoHBty of .Vonroc, from ilio First of Jaii'r, 1842, to the 31st December, 1842. DM To Cash received on account of Taxes assessed in the year 1837, 05 Do do 1838, 56 38 Do do 1839, - 223 52 Do do 1840, 690 12 Do do 1841, 2245 65 Do do 1842, 595 77 $3866 50 To amount of County Taxes assessed on Un sealed Lands for the year 1840 $r Ml. On lands in Chesnuthill township, 838 51 " Coolbaugh 168 12 " Hamilton 5 60 " Middle Smithfield 84 64 " Pocono 86 GO " Price 294 25 wf " Ross 14 77 Smithfield 2 48 . Tobyhanna 646 79 $1341 76 To Taxes ree'd on sundry tracts of land, after having been paid by some person, , $51 60 Do Christian Heckenwcl- - dor and Francis Lesher's land, : , which belong to the county and paid by some persons, To cash ree'd, being $15 00 paid to A. Storm, late treasurer, and refunded, and twenty five cents, overpaid to James Rafferty arid refunded, being for an overchar ge for publishing Argument, Trial and Jury Lists, 4 97 15 25- 71 82 )R. " Administration of Justice. Pay and milage of Grand Jurors to $5280 08 February pterin, 1842, $71 37 82 62$ 96 25 78 87f 212 37 211 37 174 87A $329 12 Do do May term, Do do Sept. term Do do Dec. term Do Petit Feb. Do do May Do do SeDt. Do do Dec. 73 23 $671 8ok Commissioners' Counsel Andrew H Reeder, 40 00 COMMISSIONERS' CLERK. .Tames H Walton, for services ren dered in 1841, $81 00 Do lo in 1S42, 40 47 $121 47 COMPENSATION TO COMMISSIONERS. . John C Bush, $114 54 John Smith, - , 60 00 - Ehhu Postens, 105 25 $279 79 COMPENSATION TO AUDITORS. Jeremv Mackey, for auditing accounts jn 1842, last settlement, $16 50 R S Staples, do do 16 50 John Merwine, do do '9 00 42 00 Cash paid to Supervisors on account of Road Taxes collected oh Unsealed Lands in 1838 & '9, viz : P Greenameyer, Sup' vr Tobyhanna tsp. $50 00 Frederick Knecht, do do 29 00 Conrad Dotter do do 100 00 P Greenameyer do do 150 00-329 00 Deputy Attorney General's Fees. John U Mori is, $13 50 Cash pain to Jacob Bush, late treasurer, as appeared by the Auditor's Report in January, 1842, 206 81 Cash paid him for monej' which depre ciated in value in his hands, 9 00-215 81 Monies refunded to Tax Collectors. Felix Weiss, overpaid on duplicate,- 4 51 John Brown, do do 4 17 8 68 ROAD DAMAGES. John Tjrket for a road running through Penn Forre;t township, 265 00 Joseph Altemose, do 35 00-$300 00 Support of Convicts in Eastern Penitentiary, 28 08" Expenses of running a line hehs'een Luzerne,- Wayne and Monroe counties. Moses W Coolbaugby 227 59 "William Rees, marking line on Map, 50 $223 09" PREMIUMS, On Wolves, John C Suunk, 25 00 Foxes10 sundry persons-, 106 12A Wild cats, do 7 00 Crow heads, do 85 138 97A Road Views Amount paid to Viewers, 105 12 Bridge Yieics Amount paid to Viewers, 27 00 Road and Bridge Views, included vijame Checks, Amount paid to- sundry persons, 26 09' Road and bridge Views and Wood, include frt sime checks, 5 80 Support of Convicts and Prisoners in County Jail. Amount paid to Edward Scott, Jailor, on sundry ordeis, 62 34 Bridge Comptetfort and Repairs S. J. Hollinshead, in part for Bridge over Pocono creek, S225 00 Amount paid to sundry persons for materials and labor at Ransbury's bridge, 367 57 Jmes Henry, for building a Bridge overWest Branch, 294 00 Amount paid to sundry persons for material and labor at Bell's bridge, 710 97 Do do-Smithfield bridge, 367 31 . . -Do do . do . 27:50.. Sundry .work, material's arid repairs , to different bridges, 344 63 Eleazer Price, for building Stony. A Creek bridge, 121 00 2257-58 COUNTY PRINTING. James Rafferty, $25 25- Theodore Schoch, 39 2h 64.37A Amount paid for wood for court house and jail, 21 80 l)o . do do t)a . Jacob Singmaster,- db Do "i.Jdseph Fenner, do . .Do'A.H, Reeder, t. do Treasurer's commissions, 1 per cent, on receiving Do do AS on, paying oat 8 78 39 13 . 65 S'366 06 $562 21 j 366 06 9 28" $375 34 -r,t. S3 UUUTl IjTlCT. Win IT CTUllUUK, UllCIIUlllg tuuil and waiting upon Auditors, : ' 30 77 Amount paid Jor Taxes refunded on seated. Tracts oj Landi To S J Hollinshead, for Emanuel Joseph son, in Price tsp. $11 11 -r- Do for iohn Still, Price tsp. 17 7b John Dibler, for Mary Rusfon, Middle Smithfield, 12 50- H D Maxwell, 2 tracts, M. Smrlhfield, 13 04 . Do for Isaac Bixton, Toby'a. 8 14 R S Staples, for Adrien Alien, Pocono, 7 86 David Beecher, Levi Huff, Price, 1 .1.3 Hiram Yard. Elizabeth Reese. Pocono. 3 33. John Turbell, Philip Mann, Price. 22 51 J H Stroud, Edward Durham, Smithfield 10 63A : John Brown, Theo. Shannon, Price, 27 20-1 35 2i7i ELECTION EXPENSES. . Amount paid for holding township and general . elections, 217. Wh' ASSESSMENTS. Amount of monies paid to the Assessors of the - -different townships, for making assessments, &c. &c. 326 fl , Constables Amount paid to Consiables for ma- king Returns, and attending Court, 79-08if Witnesses' Fees in the following Cases i John Keller, costs in cases of Commonwealth vs. Kimner, Hall and Dailey, 2 70' J c nuncnulpQ flnmmninveaUh. siinclrr r.ansps R ' ' ..- M H Dreher Do Jacnb Edingcr, Do A. Edinger, DC Frederick Bush, Do- M. H. Dreher, Do Frederick Bush, Do do' Jasper Vlier, Do vs. Eck, Jacob Huddle, Do do Anthony Sebring, Do Bellas, John Rhodes, Do Rader, Henry Stocker, Do to George Schleicher, Do do James Cross, Do do Balance due the comity of Monroe; by the Treasurer, Frederick fci- ser, oh redemption monies, . 186 874 Road Taxes collected for the years 1840 and 1841. Dtt. Chesnulhill township, amount collectfc'd Codlbausrh do do - Hamilton do ' do Mitfdle SUni'tfifild do do Pocono do do , Price do. do, Ross do do 'Smithfield ' v do .do Tobyhanna do do 47 81 209 41 8 40 105 93 109 53 568 43" 20 91 3 10 W0 611904 13 -.4.. . 1AO TrST" ' 4 see. 564 - 54 .''i5r: Do vs. Bovver, vs- Oliver Jones, 2 04 Evans & Eck, 4 44 . 623 1 64 2 33' 1-22 8 77'. i 5 43 4 S3 Credit by amount received by the differ ent Supervisors. By cash paid io Jacob Altemose, Supervisor, $47 81 - do 'do John Callahan, do $100 00 do do James Johnson, a do 100 00 200 00 By cash paid Henry Overfield, Snpfrvisor, 75 00 , , do do do 24 03 99 03 By cash paid to J. Bisbing and Peter Miller, Su pervisors. 100 00 Benj. Bush, Supervisor, $100 00 Samuel Price, sen. 100 00 do 60 95 Benjamin Bush, 150 00 Samuel Price, sen. 75 00 Sam. Price and Benj. Bush, 40 00 525 95 Samuel Melzger, Supervisor, 15 CO Robert Newell, Jr. $250 00 do - do do do. " - do "do . do do do do do db do do rftf do do do do do do iiS Frederick Knecht, Josiah M. Pratt,t Frederick Knecht 250 00 150 00 . , 50 00 700 00 $IG87 79 ' r ' ft .; t Treasurer's, commissions at 1 per cent. " pn receiving " do do .do .. on paying out 1C87 79 35 9Ii 5 43- John Ediheer, road view and witness fees, 3 86 - Joseph Wagner, Commonwealth vs. Rader, 22 20 . Jacob W. Rupert, do do- 4 7l-S9-L$$h MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. H. Hamman, for Assessment books, - 11 18 - ,v Thos. J. Albright, an elbow to stove pipe, 25 Daniel btroud, lime lor an oven, 1 U0' Hobert Boys, paper and Kope, 69 R. S. Staples & Co. store bill, 21 93 John Boys, do Abraham Gish, James Palmer, repairs to court house, It. S. Staples & Co. paper, brooms, &c; Wandel Ureimer, mending waterspout, $1723 70tf Balance due the county of Monroe, hy tho Treas- urer, Frederick Kiser, on Road Taxes, $180 42A Scliooi Taxes collected on Unseated Lands for the years 1840 and 1841. BIS. Chesnuthill township," to amount collected' Coolbauah do Hamilton do Middle Smithfield do 368 2 00 1 7 1 87 58 87- tSS 05 h Pocono Prk'e Ross Smithfield Tobyhtfmia do do do do do do do' do .do, do Ho $38 51 168 12 t 5 80 43 13 86 60 294T25 14 77 1 12 323 33 Treasurer's commissions on receivingV at 1 per cent, - $5280 08 Do do paying.out - at per cent, 625 17:' $0257 m CK $9 By cash paid to Peter Kresge, School Treasurer, 115" S7h due Frederick Reiser oh the foregoing settlement, $1092 $6372 47 Frederick Keiscr, Treasurer, in account zoilh the county of Monroe, for Redemption Monies received on Un sealed Lands, during the year 1842. do do do do do do do do do do do, do do Hit do do do do do' do' John Pope, tfo. Joseph Troch,- dp. John Shoemaker,- 88 Peter Nevvhart, do Peter Heller Treas. do "J do Jacob Frantz School Treasurer, 12 00 $35 00 150 00 5 SQ 38 00 80 GO $41 00 100 00 125 0O 268 00 William Adam's, Josiah M. Pratt, $100 00 200 00 300 00 To cash of Isaac Post, for redemption money on' Benjamin LSonnell, C14. 171 To cash of Isaac Gould, red'n money on Jacob Cist, 10 77$ no k.. Joseplison.ll .1 1 do John Still, 17 76 do A. Hillyard, 17 60 do It. Thatcher, 17 27$ do J. Dyer, 13 02i do John Donalson, 6 65 do VVrHKurV Koss, 7 124 do Wm. Wood, 19 40 do Jacob Overstake, 13 52. do INatliamel Waters,13 24 Jacob liyeiiy,- 6 86 John Shook, 8 82$ John Teel. 9 071 Philip Place, 9 31 Caty Bonnell, 13 85 Wm. Wood, - 19 72 i Peter Curls, 38 sl Wm. Cameron, 8 81 John Freese, 9 26 (freasnrer's commission on receiving at 1 per cent. $893 40 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do J. ffohinbhead; da Crispin Black fan, Fish, Green & Co. A. Bradshaw, do Robert Levers, Daniel Serfass, A & J. W. Loomis, W. Shouse, J,- L,, J. Singmaster, do do do Jesse Shafcr, Bernard Taylor, John Baily, B. F. Folgtr, William Barnet, do do out at 1 per cent. on paying $975 63 893 40J $912 09 do do do do !o do dV do do do Matthew Conrad; 31 -52 j Andre w Storm, Treasurer of the county of Monroe, for 183? and 184', 244 79 $502 21i By cash paid to J D' Eck' redemption money, $6 65 " Do do do Do Isaac Gould, do Do trtooy! Kees, " ' ;do Do Henry D. Maxwell, do Do do "do Do Samuel I'rice, Sr. do Do John C. Sirunk, ' do Do Robert Brown, do Db do do Do- John Lander, do Do- Holdridge Dewe, do Dh' George Parsons. do ."8,82 10 77 558 19 72 89 44 7 03 1'3 85 6 97 8 07 27 49 V26 13 2;4 Balance due the county of Monroe, from the Treas nVe'r, Frederick Kiser, on Sch6ol monies, up to '31 December, 1842, $6354 Recapitulation of the foregoing accounts and Balances. Balance due to Frederick Kiser. Treasurer, on ac count of Teccipts and expenditures for ihe qoun ,ty of Monroe, from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31, 1812. $1092 47 Balance due by Frederick Kiser, to thof county of Monroe, for and on account of monies collected on Redemption of unseated lands, and' paid ou1 10 lh persons who purchased at Treasu- , , rer's sales, $186 87- Balance due by Frederick Kiser, Treas urer, to the county of Monroe, for and " .! On account of Road Taxes collected" on unseated lands, and paid out to the Supervisors of the different townships, , j from tho 1st January to the 31st De cember, 1812,. . . Balance due by Frederick Kiser, Treas urer, to the' county of Monroe, for and. on account of School Taxes collected on unseated lands, and paid out to the ; different townships, from the 1st Jan--ifary to the 31st December, 1842, 180 427r 03 51- 430 81 r Balance.due to F. Kiser. Trea'suref. $661 63 ser, Treasurer of said county. $66103 Witness bur hands" at Stroudsburg, the 6th da' January, Ahno Domini, 143. , , ' . ABRM. LEVERING. ) . :JN0:A1ERVVINE, , pLuddors; JEREMY MAcKEYfjM;; AdAm Overfiel6, j ' 1 ' .'JC' Elihu Postens, Commissioners: John Smith, j Attest, James H. Walton. . . , Aiidrew Storm, late one of the' Treasu rers of the county of Monroe, in' ac count with said ccunty. ii2. To Redemption mbnies on unseated lands nb't ac- . counted for in the settlement of 1840 and 1841, $801 42 To an amount of Tax and cost on dir. Heckeif- welder, erroneously sold in 1810 to county tax . having been paid before sale, 4 61 ?800 00 191 i 50 00, 4t 00 15 8l id 02- 806 0ft By Redemption monies1 pa'id to sundry . persons, as per receipts', $188 44 By amount paid to Frederick jKiser; Treasurer, July 11th, 1842,' cash, October 10th, 1842, cash; January 3, 1843, cash, do 4, " cash, By commissions receiving $801 42 rfnd payinff over at 2 per cent. Those amounts, to be accounted fof by the Treasurer at the next settlement in 1814. Jacob Bush; Esq. laHri Treasurer of Mori roc county, in account with said county.-BR. To amount of Redemption monies received during the year 1841, on unseated lands in' Monroe co. To an amount received of JohnCasebcar, Collec tor of Smithfield township,, for theyear 1839, and not accounted for on Book, $79 0-J CR. . ... . By amount paidon Tabffha Hoiton," . Price township, , $1156 do do James Place; do' 10 83- 8 00 $87 90 22 39 $05 51 Balance due from Jacob Btfsh, Esq. late Treasu rer, to the countv, The county of Monroe in account witfe Samuel Giinsdulcs, Esq., late Sheriff; DR. . . To drawing and summoning 7 Juryi, 6 at $15 00; and 1 at $18 0u, CR. . By 14 iciry Funds received at $4 00 each, $108 OC? 56 Otf Balance due the late Sheriff, . - $52 00 Examined and allo'wed this 27th day of Jan.; A. D. 18 131. ABRM. LAYERING, ) J 1 r. . r- V. JNO. MEKWJ.JXJS. Au(LU's JERRMY MACJvEY, ) , Adam Overfield, y Elihu Postexs, Commissioners. John. Smith. . . 7 . Attest. Jo'hh D. Morris, Clerk. , Statement of the amount of Duplicates, from the year 4 836 to 1843, with the payments and balances yet due the county of Monroe. ) '18 69 J Collectors.' Geo T. Mackey, Christian Stout, George Labar, Jacob Hcssler, Andw.L. Storm. George Shupp, John Jlouse, Iienrv Mover, Samuel Bond, John Casebecr, M. Shoemaker, Christ'r Harlip, Fred.Brotzman, Jon'an Coffman.j JereraiahGalvinj Felix Weiss, Michael Brown, Henrv Weiss, Henry Dietrich, .-viarxin riace, Michael Kiser, G. Grccnsweig A. Ancclmeyer, John Driesbach, John Bowman, Jno.IIohcnshclt John Buzard, John Smith, John Siglin,' John Pifer, George Warner, Mien. Altemose, John Kelsey, Jacob F.Korner, Dennis Murphy, Edward Brown, George Jluskirk, u. jsyienoerger, jonn riace Jacob' Corel), Jkhn Seizor. A'aronDriesbach Henry WhiteseU Charles Henry, Abraham Yctter John Edinger, Townships.' Pocono, Tobyhanna, MSmithfield, Tobyhanna. Price, Chesnuthill, Hamilton, Smithfield, Tobylranna, Smfthfield, Hamilton, Ross, Tobyhanna, Pnce, Coolbaugh, Chesnuthill, i Stroud, Chesnuthill, Smithfield, MSmithfield, Hamilton, Ross, Pocono, Tobyhanna, i'rice, Stroud, Hamilton, Smithfield,. Chesnuthirr, MSmithfield Pocono, Ross, Tobyhanna, Price, Coolbaugh, Stroud, Hamilton. Smithfield, MSmithfield," K03S, Chcsniithill, Penn Forest, rooynanna, Price. Coolbaugh, Pocono, Dup's Pay'ts. Ex's, corns Ov Bal?t 207 62 154 14 S II & 45 5? 104 92 26 97 ref. 77 05 274 01 254 22 C 41 13 38 105 41 41 75 G3 3!) 90 19 64 39 1 3f 4 41 43179 401 07 1199 21 13 . . G27 SI 507 00 I 120 S4' 531 06 4 99 75 5 6126 30 SOS 00 100 60 107 60 671 67 619 49 12 2132 97 3 . 6 00. S95I6S2991h 6524h 593 04 512 99 25 4S 23 57 1S9 60 34 03 . . 155 57" 123 25 109 25 13 29 5 74 23 71 18 34 4 41 , 96 592 52 548 10 15 53 23.54 999 59 925 66' 24 21 43" 72 600 62 551 50. 49 12- 711 19 65518h 6 78 35 22 14 OOh 360 33 322 23 33 05 857 87 785 50 72 37 607 43 503 67 93 61 339 23 31125 11 60 le'SS 219 03 85 00 16f03 t24 61 120 54 2 12 6 12 4 17 i ! 927" 13 87344h 536Sh 567 74 572 OOh t29504h 707 20 475 6G 231 54 643 64 333 70. . .309 91 399 72 318 63". 60 69 367 74 274 40h 93 33h 459 78 355 12 104 66 365 99 119 12 246 37 159 85 68 89 -: 90 93- 44 57 39 00 5J57.. ' .. '- 526 99 7644 456 55 701.61 1.76 00 . - 525 61 572 93 153 62 1419 31 3S4.11 3S41I 301 39 29 00; , 273 39 323 56 81 00' 242 56 154 49 154 49 4S43 48 43. 116 33 23 50 92 S3 IS 34 18 34. 294 03 63 2t 230 87 i . i. 123 52 63 39 223 04 225 Slh 43S ISh 1514 4fif TIip snlisr.rihBrs. Auditors for the county of Monroe, hav the accounts of the County Treasurer, and all books, papers, vouches, &c. relating thereto, do cer- " "."""f.. " X" tify that we find the sum of six hundfed and sixty-one dollars Vouchers fohr thou and sixty-throe cents due from the cr)unty, to Frederick Kr- lars and fifty and a 5439 53h U Balance on J.Caseueer's Juplicate, m hands of Bush Paid in full since January 1st 1843". f Paid since January 1 si $14 50. - Paid since January 1st $20 00. Amount of Gh'eck-s Outstanding and due by tho County to tho holders thereof, as appears by the Check Book and sand seven hundred aria twenty-four uol half cents ." $1,724 50 1 notice, NOTICE.. NOTICE, A Petition (br Discharge and Certificate un- J-t w jl JL-v-z-t-. , - der the Bankrupt Law,-has been filed hy Ail persons having demands against' tlic Es- A Petition fof the Benefit of the Bankrupt tv , t.. ,v i r it t . t:t . lnt if n-imVI P!-. r.afiar . wiM-nrnsnnl llifi same TS.n w hns been filed' the 26lh Jalnianv 184'3'. bV Jjaviu Jt. IMiney,' Jaie iviercnum, r mo tuuu- . i J ,, - , , - . duly authenticated for sclilomerti, and all per- Charles DVahcr, Cooper, MohrotfcO. And Friday the 31st day of March neit. at n s"s maeuieu io saia- u.maie are requusmu u o?clbclc, a. iv. is appointed for the hearing there- call- and settle the sairte previous to the first of of, before the said' Court, sitting in Bankrupt'. April ne?f . ' I T vcnt, . t tlifl Hi!rtVr Hniin Knmn in the Citv of . '. S: J!. HOLLIN-SlllvA LJy All pesons having unvettled demands against Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors of ' Administrator. the eataio of Hugh Ross, will present the same ,j18 saj,j Petitioners, who have proved theft Stroudsburg, Join. 18, 143.. for seitlement, and ail persons indebted to said Deots and' all other persons in interest, may ' rrTl .WORK are requested to call and settle-the same appear and sHow cause if any iht5y have, why JYi v ' , . nfK ! JUpir earliest convenience. siih. Discharge and Certificate should-not be NeatlV OXQCUtetl at UllS Ultice. I JOHN Hv BRODHEAD', granted FRAS..HOPKINSONr I ftdininistkalor. Clerk of the DistrkLQourL JKljjford, D'M: U3i 1842:. " Kiladeljihi'a, Dec. 28, 1812. 10. CHEAP FOR CASH. Calfskins, Kips, and Upper Leather. For sale at the POCONO TANNERY. February 1, 1843. ADMIffJESTBATOBS' WOTJCE, LUUfBEE! LtMBER " BLMir DEEDS For saly at this ofiTice. Which Petition will be heard beforo th'e Dis trict CmVrt of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court room in the City of Phil adelphia, on Friday tho 3d day of March next, at 11 o'clock, a. m. wlieii and where all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why lite prsiycr of tlio said .Petilibh should nnt'He granled-, and ihe said Petiiionar declared BariUr'tlrlt.,. Fit AS". IIOPKINSON, ' Clerk of the District Qoul. Philadelphia, Jan: 28, 1843. 3l. The subscribers Have aV their Mill situate three miles from so .Fleet's Tavern, which is on tHe Diinker Piko, and only half a mile from Honry W. Drinker, Esq., a large and general assort'iiVenl of seasoned White Fine liiiuibeif of ln6' b'ist quality, which they offer at very low prices. Purchasers would do well to. call ani examine their assortment, it being, from 5 to 10 miles nearer, and a much belter road, than ti any. other Mill in this section of country, her a general assortment can be had. PHILIP G. READING & Co, September 21, 1842. 4m.