Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, August 31, 1842, Image 4

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The Cheapest Magazine in the World
Family Magazine of literature,
Embellished with Splendid Mezzotint and Steel
Plates, Engravings on Wood, J c.
Professor of Belles-Letters in the High School,
Author of "Insubordination," "The Widow Morri
son, "Six Nights with the YVashingionians,' &c.
Assisted by the following eminent writers as co
Alexander Dallas Bache, L. D. D.
Professor Robley Dunglinson, M. D.
J It Mitchell, M D
Samuel G Morton, M D
John Sanderson, A M
Walter R Johnson, A jtf
J II Belcher, A M '
John F Frazer, A M
R M Bird, M D
Rev John N McJilton,
YV W S Ruschenberger, M D
Reynall Coarcs, M D
J C Neal, Esq.
Mrs L H Sigourney
" S J Hale
" N Sargent
-"MA Potts
" Bache
Afiss Rand.
Jeseph R Chandler, Esq
Robert Morris, Esq
Hon R T Conrad
8 C Walker, Esq
It Penn Smith, Esq
John Greenough, Esq
i r:;r" "urrw"r
Hail UilU CAKV.UI1U1I Ul U1U J. I -f- ' ' f I i I', Ol.
throughout the U. States, and by numerous per-
. . C .Z l 1 .? . 1 - 1 1
uus Ul UJliUUSl QlSlinCllOn. in llie VariOUS WUlKS
of Literature, Science and Art, as well as the sub-
stantial patronage it has received, have induced
the publisher not only to increase Us claims to re-
J-dTU uy
, . 1 i ... .
uui aiau iu matvu n more ttucussiiuio 10 au Classes
of the community, bv
ritur liiCsibUK rKUbl,
whose ample scholarship, enlarged information,
correct taste, and acknowledged ability as an ele-
gam ana instructive writer, peculiarly quality him
iur me management oi a periodical devoted to
young peopie, tne puousiier lias engaged tue
iiiyiwiimii .aij ur i.e. Auinun,,
rT'PD T A T Tn nn m o nrnrinn I
a gentleman so favorably known to the American
public, through the medium of his unsurpassed uro-
j.,-.: .i-.T :. u l. .mi. . 1, tuat n wouiu ue laie 10 pronounce any
S flVltLu' i; P1 ?o living author
IS more fiminp.ntlv nttPil to imrisrt lnetmntinn in on
.... .. j -i . r r .. . . 1
attractive and impressive form than Mr. Arthur
Endowed with an extraordinary acuteness of per
ception, and the most vivid power of delineation,
htvjias applied these rare gifts to the development
oi practical truths, and Avhile every thing which
lalls irom his pen is calculated to attract and fix the
iiisucsi uegreu 01 mieresi, u impresses ai me same
time the most useful moral. Thousands, it may
confidently be asserted, have already been awa-
kened to a sense of duties unperformed, or evil
uauiis unresiramea, oy me simple anu unobtrusive
but searching lessons he has taught, and in the new
itu ma tumrcuuuu mm ihu uunuuui uk-
partment of the Young People's Book will open to
uuuuiuiuub emeriuiiieu uiai ne win reapj
fresh honors for himself, and confer fresh benefits
on the community.
In addition to the labours of the editors, whose
energies will be constantly directed to maintain
and improve the high character which the Young
People's Book has acquired, the various literary
and scientific persons, whose contributions have
iven dignity and force to the work, will continue
lo be regular correspondents, and to these will be
united almost every native writer, male or female,
whose aid may be made instrumental in promoting
he great object of the work namely, to convey
useful knowledge in such a form as will eratifv
the tastes while it will improve the minds and
hearts of those classes to whom it will be espe
cially addressed.
Without intending the slightest disparagement
to either of the many admirable periodicals now
issued from the American press, the publisher of
uie loung reopie's JLJook feels justified in saying
that his work possesses advantages, in some re
pects, which no other can fairly claim. Avoiding
on the one hand whatever is frivolous in itself or
false in its teachings, and on the other, whatever
is tedious or uncntertaining, it occupies a middle
ground between the magazines exclusively devo
ted to light literature and those of a purely scien
nfic character, and by making the graces of com
position subservient to the inculcation of practical
knowledge, it is calculated alike for pleasure and
In point of embellishment the Young People's
Book will not suffer by comparison with the'eost
hest productions of the times.
Tlie mezzotint and Steel Plates
it has furnished have all been prepared by artists
of the greatest celebrity, and some of the former
are universally admitted to surpass in appropriate
ness of design and elegance of execution, any oth
ers which have been published in this country.
Those intended for the forthcoming volume arc
not less distinguished by fitness and beauty; and
adding to these the
which will also be given, it may be predicted with
safety that the pictoral department will be such,
a of itself will merit the most extended patronage.
The Young People's Book, though, as its name
implies, principally designed for youth of both
oxes, is adapted to all classes. Persons of eve
y age who are competent to read understanding
may derive both information and amusement from
its pages, and in every well ordered family circle
it cannot fail to prove an acceptable and agreea
ble companion, through whose agency both men
tal recreation and mental discipline will be pro
moted. To enable every family, no matter how
limited its pecuniary circumstances may be, to
subscribe, the publisher has determined to reduce
the price of the work, notwithstanding the new
arrangements be has entered into will considera
bly augment the outlay he is compelled to make.
For his compensation he relies on an enlarged
subscription list, whicli he cannot permit himself
to doubt he will immediately obtain.
. The Young People's Book is published Month
ly. Each number will contain an ample variety
of original Reading Matter, a Mezzotint or Steel
plate, and other Engravings. The price to single
subscribers will be only $1 50 perannum, or four
copies for 85, and ten copies lor S10, payments to
be made invariably in advance, ine plates alone,
if purchased -separately, would cost treble the price
of subscription.
Address, postage paid,
101 Chesnut.street, Philadelphia
Single copy subscription one year. $1 50
Four copies, 5 00
Ten copies, 10 00
lo facilitate Temittances vvhero but a singl
person subscribes, the publisher will furnis
one copy of the Young People's Book for one
year, and the entire series of Arthur's admired
and popular "Six Nights with the Washingto
mans;" for $2.
Proved in more than 400,000 cases to be infal
lible; the only certain worm-destroying medi
cine ever discovered. Many diseases arise
from worms and occasion long and intense suff
ering and even death, without their ever being
suspected; grown persons are very often afflict
ed with them and are doctored for various com
plaints, without any benefit; when one dose o
these Lozenges would speedily cure them.
Mr T Miirnhii Qf NVirlli of PTiHnilolnMn
was applied to by a poor woman whose daugh
mr 11111 -in t o
years her stomach was as large as a grown
narenn'a tlAt wtma nnil lnvn dumllnn !. oil A
I h""10"1 ''l "01 iio mm icgo au imuueu i"-iuu
could not walk or help herself, although she
could eat as much as two laboring men. Two
celebrated doctors had exhausted their skil
without nnv hpnpdt llm fnVirr Vni enpnt nil hfi
I unTild ro inn - ...-.. iai Ha nlionnAn
I mum ittwc emu. nag uiouuutuucu, uo auuuuuu
j n r ,i ,i - r , j
fd f11,1 dinS any thin& ?lor for her, and
worms, ftnve her a hnx of Sherman's Lozenpes.
m her eyes, and said the Lozenges had saved
her child's life. The first dose brought away
nearly a pint of worms in one living mass, she
afterwards counted over 800 that weredischarg
Arl hPQiM0 tTi mnB-.,nt,inti oho Mnl nnt
coun, Th , m vraR ,.. flr .n m -h
. .... ' J
themanother living witness of the almost mir
aculous efficacy of Sherman's Lozensres.
TTP A fresh sunnlv of the above valuable
. rry .
Lozenges, just received and for sale by T.
SCHOCH, Republican Office, Stroudsburg,
' '
sole aent for Monroe conntv.
Price-25 cents per box.
. j
We have tried Doctor Jos. Priesley Peters' Ve-
getaoie nils, and have no hesitation in pronounc-
ing them the best Antibilious Medicine that we
have ever used in our families. We are acquaint-
ed with several families in this city who give them
the preference to all other kinds, on account of
their mildness, and at the same time, certainty of
action. icto- orli MJxaminer.
More than ten millions nf hnvps nf thncp tr,,l
valuable Antibilious JPills have been sold in the
United States, Canadas, West Indies, Mexico, and
l exas, since the first of January, eighteen hun
dred and thirty-five.
Hundreds and thousands bless the davthev were
induced by the persuasion of a friend, to try a Box
of Doctor Peters1 Pills.
They are in use as a Family Medicine, and all
who have used them give them the preference to
all other kinds, on account of their beinff a safe.
pleasant, and easy aperient being mild in their
action at the same time; though, in their operation,
producing neither sickness, griping, nor debility.
Doct. Jos. Priestley Peters,
Dear Sir: I have used vour valuable
Pills these last four years, in cases of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, and Sick Head-ache, and have"
found them, in a majority of cases, the most valu
able Pills I have ever used.
For-Sick or Nervous Head-ache, or Bilious Fe
ver, I would recommend Peters1 Pills in preference
to all other kinds.
The following from the EMMINENT DOCTOR
EMMERSON, is considered sufficient.
I have used in my practice, these last five years,
Doctor Jos. Priestley Peters'1 Vegetable Antibili
ous Pills, and considered them the Best Family
Medicine I have ever used.
A fresh supply of these valuable Pills just re
ceived and for sale at the office of the Republican
May 11, 1842.
Weak Backs! Weak Backs!!
1,000,000 SOLD YEARLY.
UT Price only 12 cents a piece. pi
Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster.
The best strengthening plaster in the world,
and a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness in
the back, loins, sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints,
rheumatism, lumbago, &c. &c.
Jos. W. Hozle, esq., who had been so afflicted
with rheumatism, as to bo unable to dress himself
without assistance, was enabled after wearing one,
only one night, to get up alone in the morning, put
on his clothes, and call at our office with eyes
beaming with joy, and his tongue pouring forth
the gladness of his heart, at the sudden and signal
relief he had received from this best of all reme
dies. Mr. David Williams, of Elizabethtawn, N. J.
an old Revolutionary Soldier, was so afflicted with
Rheumatism, that he could scarcely helpjiimself
the?e Plasters entirely cured him. Thousands of
certificates might be given of their wonderful pro
perties, but the fact of the enormous quantity sold,
must be the greatest evidence of their virtue.
For sale at the Republican Office, by T. Schoch,
sole agent for Monroe county.
may 11.
Pleasant rooms aud good board may be had
in a private family, on accommodating terms.
Enquire of MRS. SMITH.
' Stroudsburg, ilfay 4, 1842.
Sherman's Congli Lozenges,
Are the safest, most Sure and effectual remedy
loruougns.isoias.uonsiimpiions, vv nooning i,vugn,
- 1, J n - VTT1 VSl . I
The proprietor has never known an instance where
they did not cive perfect satisfaction.
Uver.SjOuO persons have given their names witn-
t iKn Inof trrtnw am w. 001110 r f tliA UTrtfrir) 111" fill
virtues of tW Coufrh Lozentres. Thev cure all
111 IL1C2 1(1 VCllL 1 11 Ul 11U IIVHUWliUi
recent cases in a few hours, seldom requiring more
than one day to entirely eradicate the most dis-
tressing ones. "
Mir. IX. J. . luuiintriv, auuwcu "
tiirlit rhimlimin in thfi si.lfi. SD ttinjr nf blood, and
t? & '. ' - 1 r V mi T
all the usual symptoms ot consumption, ine xjo-
zenges relieved him immediately, and in a few
weeks restored rum 10 Deneci ubuhu. uc aavo i
they arc the greatest cougn meaicine in ine wonu.
. ,
The Kev vr.nasimona, gave a ibww u xauj, a
friehd of his, who had been given up by her phy-
sician and friends as in the last stage of consump-
lion. The first Lozenge irave her considerable re-
lief, so thai she was encouraged to persevere in
their use: and through the blessing ot uoatneyrej
, , . r u i i,
Wall st., gave some to a friend who had not enjoy-
ed a nighrs sleep for several weeks, being every
few minutes attacked with such a distressing
CUUEll. iXB UJAUUBk IU vane iwtty uia mo. xnc
n ma(t him rni easv. and enabled him to
sleep well all night: He had tried every thing he
heard or, and nothing else ariorded the ieast relief
7, " '
The Rev. Darius Anthony, ot the Oneida Con-
ference, was given up as incurable, believed to be
oh the verge of the grave from consumption, with-
out the hope of relief, till he tried these Lozenges,
They relieved him immediately, and in a few
weeks restored him to health, so that he could re-
sume his duties as a minister of the gospel. He
recommends them to all who are consumptive or
have any derangement of their lungs, as the sreat-
est medicine in the known world. He has wit-
nessed their effects on several others, and always
with the happiest results. He says so great a
remedy through the blessing olivine Providence,
should be the common property of all, and in eve-
ry family on the face of the earth.
For sale at the Republican Office, by I . Schoch.
sole agent lor Monroe county.
-pTjtx "7"T'rT7T T? TTTTvrp-p $T
.i, i, " a . .
5 u: i: r u..XJT .v.- i "
ums in ma iiuu ui uusmuss in nit; uesi manner,
and with despatch. He will manufacture
for Flour and other Mills, together with Castings
oi every uescnpuon lurnen ana nuea up in the
best possible manner. Possessing conveniences
ior making
HXj jX V X iLJiSHi'aS
W M -wr r h ran v w
with Lathes of different 3izes, &c, ho feels confi-
dent in his ability to excute all orders with which
he may be entrusted in a workmanlike manner.
Pratts Cast Iron Smut Mills,
surpassed bv none in use. Reference
Particular care will be taken to emDlov none
r-v . -, .
but good workmen in the different departments of
the establishment, and no pains will be spared by
the proprietor to give general satisfaction to those
has on hand a suddIv of
embracing the leading variety of Mill Gearing,
such as Bevel. Snur and Mnrtire. WIippIs fr.r
He is also making daily additions to them, and is
at all times prepared to make such patterns as
may pe required without (m most instances) any
;;n ;a 7 V . B-
Will nP Tin in tn rnmh no tno I fit net imnrnrnmnnfo
With strenoth and 1iahtne.. 1
a -i i
of all kinds will be made to order. The highest
price will be paid for old Copper or Brass.
Thrashing machines
and Horse Powers of the most approved construc
tion, ready made and for sale low.
Wrought Iron Mill Work.
will be done to order on the most reasonable terms.
Delvidere. N. J. January 13, 1842.
American Constitutions,
Analytical Reader,
Porter's Rhetorical Reader,
English do.
Hale's Historu United States,
American Popular Lessons,
Parkers Help to Composition-,
Comstoch's Natural Philosophy
Do Chemistry,
Golburrfs First Lessons,
Town's Analysis,
Do Little Thinker,
Andrew's Latin Grammar,
Do do Readers,
Smith's Arithmetic,
DaloWs do
Oreenleaf's English Gfantmar,
Smith's do do
Brown's do do,x
Olncy's Geography and Atlas.
Mitchell's do do
Mitchell's Primary Geography,
Village ScJwol do
Bottany for Beginners
Elementary Spelling Booh,
Cobb's do do -
Webster's Old do do .
American. do do
Table Book;
Bascom's Writing books, v
Blank Books, Writing paper; Quills,
&c. for sale cheap, by . . ,
. . W. DeWITT & BR0.THER4 ,
Milford,. February 2, 1842, ;
ST K rTS Tnntfnn H!Mita.Mu8ted-a perseverance in their Use, according
a natural remedy,
Suited to our Constitutions, and competent to the
I -
MiM nf ,.;; ,.a rMinti 2 ,i
North American College ol lieaun
THEb-h extraordinary ills are composed oi
s i
plants which grow spontaneously on our own soi
J and are therefore, bettor adapted to our constitu
tions. than medicine concocted from foreign drugs
. tU . AA. r,,l
"OWCVer VVBU umy iimjr wuuuui-u,
rnTTnTHTrvT XTVnnnHA TJT P DIT T 0f,.n,l
ixLiix.uin.vt v ijj laujjuiiuwaioiuuim'
e( Up0n the principle that the human body is in
. CQ humors and that said medicine cures
. l
by cleansing and purifying the body; it will be man
ifestiiat :f the constitution be not entirely ex-
l "
to directions, is absolutely certain to drive disease
of every name from the body.
c , . ,
lo in u oi me superaounuaiu wu
ters; in like manner if we wish to restore the body
to health, v6 must cleanse it ol impurity.
Wm be found one of the best' if not the ver1J besi
medicine tn the icorld for carrying out this
because they expel from the body all morbid and
. , r - - o
"f '
ancLJNAi UJtAii; and wnue they every
day TTr)
disease of every name is rapidly driveli from the
The above named Indian Vegetable Pills, have
been three yearsbefore the American public; and
J . , . . ,
we can now say without fear of contradiction, that
oi all the various medicines which have heretofore
been popular, not one has given such universal
satisfaction, oi obtained such a permanent hold
whn usn it invarinhlv PTnoripiinp rAhVf nnrl to.
r ' "
commend it m the .strongest terms: but it has ef-
i P
fected some of the most astonishing cures ever
performed by medicine.
Hithert0 verv few of numerous testimonials
I "avc wbu icibivbu iu mvor oi uus esiraor
dmary medicine have been published, as the med
icine obtained its Dresnnt orfiat rfilfihritv mmc hr
I its own intrinsic goodness than from extensive ad.
Vfirf iinn- T hn, uon AannA u
' t , " xc,Cx
offer the following opinions of the public press.
together with a few extracts from letters of Agferlts,
i - T ' T 7T 1 ine inman veP
iauie x IU!' 13 uuu L""nea 10 any one section, dui
I 11 . i . .
rapmiy extenuingitseiitoeverypartolthe Union
I .S. . Ain LJJ..,..-. A V f : . ' t n A
' outuruut evening jtosi.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are attaining
great celebrity in New England as well as othef
Parts of the United States- Te attempt of per
I l1- 1,1 l-.i
sons 10 ueiraua ine puouc oy the sale ot spurious
flrf irlo o mnnte ixritVi rr- .! VAvvlf.4.n HIT.
r . ... i r i .
Wright is an indefatigable business man, and
shows an array of cures by the medicine which
warrant confidence in the virtues of his Indian
Vegetable Pills.
Trom the rhiladelphia Spirit of thd Times.
I 1
-n - . , , , . ...
jreopie are preuy weu saiisned oy this time,
that Calomel, and the other thousand and one min
eral preparations of the shops,- are better adapted,
as a general rule, to kill rather than cure the pa
tient; as a matter of course, vegetable medicines
are mereiore in great request, mere are very
,- r . rni
many humbugs, however, among the latter, and
we would advise all those who have the least re
gard for their health, to try the INDIAN VEGE
COLLEGE OF HEALTH, sold at 169 Race
street, Phladelphia ; as they are the preparation of
one intimately acquainted with the healing art.
From the Boston Daily Times.
Of all the public advertised medicines of thd
day, we know of none that we can more safely re
commend for the "ills that flesh is heir to" than
the Pills that are sold at the depot of the North
American College of Health, No. 198 Tiemont
street, Bosttin. Several instances wo know of
where they are used in families with the highest
satisfaction; and no longer ago than yesterday, we
heard an eminent Physician of the city recommend
them in high terms. There used to ho in thfl
community, a groat repugnance to the use ol
QUACK medicines, as they are all indiscriminate
ly termed, but it was mainly owing to the regular
M. D. s constantly denouncing them. They are
however, becoming more liberalin this respect, and
the consequence is that good Vegetable medicines
are now more extensively used than formerly.
Extract of a letter from Peter Christ, Uniantown,
Carrol County, Md., Nov. 17th, 1838,
Dear Sir: About two months ago, I had busi
ness in Baltimore, and called at your office, and
bought a few boxes of the Indian Vegetablo Pills;
and upon trying them I found them to be far supe
rior to Pills, or any other medicine I had
ever used. I had been subject to a cough for five
years past, and during the time have taken a vari
ety of medicines without any relief, until I got the
Indian Vegetable Pills, and by taking four doses,
le cough began lo leave me; and I now enjoy bet
ter health than I have done for years past After
I found them to be a valuable medicine, 1 imme
diately sent to Baltimore for a large supply. 1
.have received so much benefit in using the IN-
help but recommend them-to every invalid I v.
and think so-well of the n&dicine that I have sr
twtt dozen boxes to my invalid friends, ir, L
State ofliuiiana. Signed, .
from G. C. Black, New York.
Mr. "Win. Wrights-Dear Siryou will please
forward as soon as possible, some of your In,jllr
Vegetable Pills; asi we are almost out of the ar
cle, and they appear to be getting into general t..
here. Wie have a great call for the medicine-,
present, and those that have used them, speak re
high of them. One gentleman. attributes his Ler
cured of Dropsy to the use of them; and anoth'
has been cured op Dyspepsia, solely by the u .
your Indian Vegetable Pills, and is willing j
should publish his case if you think proper.
No. 1 Chatham Square, New Yoifc
Extract of a letter from Mr. A. Larrimore, Ind.a
Doctor Wright DcarSir Havingsorneknc.
edge of your most excellent compound INI)I.
VEGETABLE PILLS, and not knowing how
get a fresh supply, my stock being nearly exbn
ed, and wishing to always have them in my fam; .
I take this method to open a correspondence v?
you. The pills alluded to are well thought ofhc.,
and very much wanted. I wish to make arrar.;..
ments with you for a constant supply, as I thi. ,
a very great quantity could be sold in this sect: -(
of the country.
Extract of a letter from Samuel Griffith, Stewart,
town, York County, Pa.
Mr. W. Wright Dear Sir I am selling the In
dian Vegetable Pills by the dollar's woith, and at
that rate the stock of Pills, left by your travel!.
agent, will soon be out.
I am pleased to find they are such ready sale.
Those who have used them, speak in the highest
terms of them. Many have already found great
relief from their use, and when the cures are final
ly effected, I shall do you the justice to inform yoa
of the same.
Extract of a letter from Washington City.
Mr. Wm. Wright Dear Sir' You will have the
kindness to forward me as soon as possible, too or
three gross of the Indian Vegetable Pills. The
sales have, for the last two months, increased rap
idly; those who buy, generally remarking, "that
they are the best pills they have ever used;" and
my opinion is that they will in a short time super
cede all others in this city4
Washington City, D. C.
Extract of a letter from Lycoming County, Pa.
Mr. Wm Wright Dear Sir On being appoint
ed Agents for the sale of the INDIAN VEGE
TABLE PILLS in this place, we only look cue
gross on trial but it would have been better ifwe
had taken a half dozen gross; for on a fair trial
they have far exceeded our most sanguine expecla
twnsi In fact so much so that we have been oblig
ed to send to Mr. Zimmerman, at Lancaster, more
than a hundred miles from here for ten dozen; bet
these will last but a very short time, the way we
are selling them since they have been fairly tested.
n the first placej I gave some to our Physicians,
to make trial of since which they have purchase!
a number of boxes, and highly approve of them. A
ew days ago, there was a lady sent 30 miles to ge:
a box of the Pills, she at the time was very lew,
and unable to turn herself in bed; but in two days,
my informant says she was able to help herself.
We could mention many othdr cases, but deem
it unnecessary at this time; but would merely sar,
that as the season is fast approaching when there
will be a great demand for the Indian Vegetable
Pills; and if we only could get a supply of the med
icine, we dould establish other agents, which would
be of immense advantage not only to the NORTH
the public generally. Tlease let us know your
views on the subject, and any directions relative
o the same, will be promptly attended to by
Very respectfully, your friends,
Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, Pa.
AGENTS for the sale Of the above named IN
Charles Boys, Stroudsburg, Monroe county.
John Lander, Craigs Meadows, Monroe co.
John Laforge, Milford, Pike county.
otoll & Dimmick, Dmgman's Ferry, Pike co.
eters cl JLiAbar, Bushkill, Pike countv.
Myers & Ehinger, Tannersville, Monroe cc,
for the sale of the
wholesale and retail.
160 RACE STREET, Philadelphia
August 23, 1841. ly.
Bar Iron, Car, Coach & Wagon Axle
Axle and Gim Barrel Iron ,
And a general- assortment ol
constantly on hand and will be sold on the most
reasonable terms, by
Analomhvk Iron Works, April 6, 1S42.
Sherman's Poor Man's Piasters,
Cough. Lozenges, Worm Lozenges,
and Peters' Pills;
ror sale at this office.
For sale at this office.