Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, May 18, 1842, Image 4

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    Proved in more than 400,000 cases to be infal
lible; the only certain worm-destroying medi
cine ever discovered. Many diseases arise
from worms and occasioning and intense suff
ering and even death, without their over being
suspected; grown persons are very often afflict
ed with them and are doctored for various com
plaints, without any benefit; when one dose of
these Lozenges would speedily cure them.
Mr. J. Murphy, 90 North si. Philadelphia,
wasjapphed to. by a poor woman whose daugh
terly years "old, had been sick for nearly 3
years; her Momach was as large as a grown
person's, her"arms and legs so swollen that she
could not walk or help herself, although she
could eat as much as two laboring men. Two
celebrated doctors had exhausted their skill
without any benefit; the father had spent all he
could raise and was discouraged, he abandon
ed all idea of doing anything more for her, and
looked to death alone, to take her out of her
misery. Mr. Murnhy believing it a case of
worms, gave her a box of Sherman's Lozenges,
and in two days she returned with joy beaming
in her eyes, and said the Lozenges had saved
her child's life. The first dose brought away
nearly a pint of worms in one living mass, she
afterwards counted over 800 that were discharg
ed, besides the mass which she could not
count. The child was literally eaten up with
ihcm another living witness of the almost mir
aculous efficacy of Sherman's Lozenges.
JTJJ3 A fresh supply of the above valuable
Lozcngos, just received and for sale by T.
SCHOCH, Republican Office, Stroudsburg,
sole agent for Monroe county.
Price--25 cents per box.
May 12, 1S42,
Weak Backs! Weak Back!!
1000,000 SOLD YEARLY.
LT Price only 12 cents a piece,
Sherman's PoorIffan's Plaster.
The best strengthening plaster in the world,
and a sovereign remedy for ,pains, or weakness in
the back, loins, sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints,
rheumatism, lumbago, &c. &c.
Jos. W. Hozle, esq., who had been, so afflicted
with rheumatism, as to be unable to dress himself
without assistance, was enabled after wearing one,
only one night, to get up alone in the morning, put
on his clotbes, and call at our office with eyes
beaming with joy, and his tongue pouring forth
the gladness of his heart, at the sudden and signal
relief he haJ received from this best of all reme
dies. Mr. David Williams, of Elizabelhtown, N. J.
an old Revolutionary Soldier, was so afflicted with
Rheumatism, that he could scarcely help himself
these Plasters entirely cured him. Thousands of
certificates might be given of their wonderful pro
perties, but the fact of the enormous quantity sold,
must be the greatest evidence of their virtue.
For sale at the Republican Office, by T. Schoch,
sole agent for Monroe county.
may 11.
We have tried Doctor Jos. Priesley Peters1 Ve
getable Pills, and have no hesitation in pronounc
ing them the best Aniibilious Medicine that we
have ever used in our families. We are acquaint
ed with several families in this city who jn've them
the preference to all other kinds, on account of!
their mildness, and at the same time, certainty of
action. New-York Examiner.
More than ten millions of boxes of these truly
valuable Aniibilious Pills have been sold in the
United States, Canadas, West Indies, Mexico, and
Texas, since the first of January, eighteen hun
dred and thirty-five.
Hundreds and thousands bless the day they were
induced by the persuasion of n friend, to try a. Box
tf Doctor Peters' Pills.
They are in use as a Family Medicine, and all
v.uo have used them give them the preference to
nil ether kinds, on account of their being a safe,
pleasant, and easy aperient being mild in their
action at the same time; though, in their operation,
producing neither sicknessgriping, nor debility.
Doct. Jos. Priestley Peters,
Dear Sin: I have used )-our valuable
Pills these last four years, in cases of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, and Sick Head-ache, and have
found them, in a majority of cases, the most valu
able Pills 1 have ever used.
For Sick or Nervous Ilead-ache, or Bilious Fe
ver, 1 would recommend Peere1 Pills in preference
t j all other kinds.
'The j allowing from the EMMJNENT DOCTOR
EMMERSON, is considered sufficient
1 have used in my practice, these last five years,
Doctor Jos. Priestley Peters' Vegetable Antibili-
tus Pills, and consideied them the I3est Family
nJEDiciKC J have ever used.
A fresh' supply of these valuable. Pills just , re
ceived and for sale at the office of the Republican,
Mav 11, 1S42.
0 S T-
On Wednesday morning theJJjh ins!., be
tween Eaion and. Cpntreviilc, Iro-m.'the JSas
lun aiidMilford line oT Stages, a- ,, ,
51 A 2 IS TE.MIf .
(' elonging io James MilleV) conla'iniiig 2 pair
f ivbite and .2 pair of dark mixed PANTA
LOONS. 3 Veals, 4 or 5 Shirts. Collars and
Bosoms. 1 pair of new Shoes, and a variety
Lost about the 1st of April, between Easton
and Centreville.-a-
Anv person" who will rjelurn -isaioV Trunk and'
vance to enner oi uie jiiiueigncu, preu ai
C. II. fLLIAMS' Hotel, JSaston,; wijl re
ceive areasbnnble reward. -
W ILL! A M JDE AN: Stroudsburg: .
Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna
menial Type, we are prepureu io uuumu uvcry uus"
Cards, Circulars, Uill Meads, Notes,
Blaiilv Receipts,
Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms
5effersoi3iaEi Republican.
ALL Persons insuring in this company are
members equally interested in its welfare
and in the election of its officers.
In order to become a member of this company
and therebv be insured, the applicant gives a pre
mium note, the amount of which is in proportion
to the amount to be insured, and its aegree ol
iazard, thus: If 61000 is to be insured, at 5 per
cent., he cives his note lor $5U. it at iu per cent.
io gives his note for $100, and in that proportion
or a greater or less sum, according to the rate of
iazard, on which note he advances G per cent, and
an additional sum of $1 50 for survey and policy.
le then becomes a member on the approval ol
his aDnlication and is insured for five vcars. J he
aggregate of the premium notes constitutes the
cash fund, chargable first, with the expenses, and
second, with the losses of the Company; and
should it prove insufficient to. pay both losses and
expenses the money to meet the losses, (should
any occur) is borrowed agreeably to the act of in
corporation, and paid. An assessment is then
made to repay such loan upon the premium notes,
in proportion to their respective amounts, and in no
case to be made but once a year, notwithstanding
several losses may happen.
At the expiration of five years the note, if any
assessments have been made and paid, is given
up, and the insured may-renew his application.
Policies may at any time be assigned or sur
rendered and cancelled, and the premium notes
given up. according to the by-laws of the Com
pany. No more than three fourths of the cash
value of any property will be insured, and all
great hazards: such as Cotton Factories, Powder
Mills, Distilleries, Machine Shops, Manufactories
-for Printer's Ink, and all establishments of the
same class of hazards, are not insured upon any
conditions whatever, and that no one risk is taken
over $5000, it is considered much more safe and
less expensive than in Stock companies, where
thev insure large amounts and hazardous property-'
Stroudsburg, Monroe co., Dec. 15, 1841.
The American 3Laorer.
Under the above title the subscribers will pub
lish oh the 1st of April, 1S42, and on the 1st of
i each succeeding month, a Magazine of Facts, Ai-
guments, Statistics, Speeches, Iiiditonals, ccc. oca,
devoted exclusively to the advocacy and defence
of the policy of Protection to American Labor
nmincl tVif iplficli rmr? rrrncninnr nnlifA' (Sf "FVnwrrn !
.Nations, especially of those with, which we chiefly
made, which shut out of their ports the great bulk
of our Products, and especially those of our Free
Labor, while they glut our markets, bankrupt our
Merchants, depreciate our currency and famish our
Laborers and Artisans by pouring in upon us the
products of their skill and Industry, on the easy
terms proffered them by our low and non-Protective
Duties This Magazine will inflexibly and
ardently advocate the true American Policy of
I countervailing these gross exactions of Great Urit
j ain and other Nations by a system of direct, avow
ed Protection to our Home Industry 'which shall be
thorough and efficient.
The American Laborer will affirm and maintain
such as the Culture of Silk, the Manufacture of
whatever fabrics of W ool, Cotton, Iron, &c, may
be necessary for the supply of our own wants and
to secure arid perfect our Independence. It will
demonstrate that the true and permanent interests
oallvbut especially of the Agricultural and Work
ing Glasses universally, will be infallibly and sign
ally promoted by adopting and.carrying out the
Protective Policy, and that the Wages of Labor,
the average price of its Produce, and the aggregate
Product of the National Industry, will be surely
and largely enhanced thereby. In short, tins work
js intended to forma complete text-book for the
friends of Protection, and a thorough refutations at
every point, fi the pernicious fallacies put forth
by the fdrelgn and misguided American apologists
for the policy of one-sided Free Trade.
; The American Laborer will be published monthly
in aelarge octavo form, each number
32 large double-column .pages of closely printed
matter. Each number will contain one tnreatl
Socech, Report, or other convincing document,
ana a variety oi snonei arucies. xncworKwin
form one complete and comprehensive volume of
three hundred and eighty-four large and fair pa-1
ges, and will be afforded to single subscribers for
seventy-Jive cents cacn, . three copies lor lwo JJol
lars, five copies for Three Dollars, nino copies
for Five Dollars, or twenty copies for J en Dollars
Payment is required in advance, in all cases. The ;
lowest possible price has been fixed in order that 1
,l . . l- r lv , l r
MO uu,n.jr ui .u8iu8 uuu ii.uK.-j day of June next, the publication of a periodical to
legis ation the estabhshmen and growth in our , be issued jn Ull l1iumber8f devoteJ exciusive!y
country of new or yet feeble branches of Industry, tn lh(l ;mnrnnmntlVnf ro5. ,;f,,i 3
its circulation may be rendered universal, should ; sic of JNature, (an invaluable work). -thenybrk
receive h& approbation of the public. To cverperson procuring twenty subscribers,
The several Jlome Leagues, Agricultural" So- and paying as above, a copy of Neukomm'siOra-
.cietieSj.JVl.echaincjs' Associationsand individual
.friends of. Protection throughout tthe Country are
earnestly solicited to aid us in extending .the cir-
cuiauon.pi i ne ij.auorer. . i
i . ? r oil T t
V" -11TB 'Mf,-
.4vnni t n'n
The subscriber would respectfully inform the
public that he is now prepared toexecute aii or
ders in his line of business in the best manner,
and with despatch. He will manufacture
for Flour and other Mills, together with Castings
of every description turned and" fitted up' in the
best nossible manner. Possessing conveniences
for making
with Lathes of different sizes, &c.,-he feels confi
dent in his ability to excute all orders with which
he may be entrusted m a workmanlike manner.
Fraffs Cast Irosa smit frllMs,
surpassed by none in use- Reference . .
Particular care will be taken to employ none
but good workmen in the different departments of
the establishment, and no pains will be spared by
the proprietor to give general satisfaction to those
who may favor him with orders lor work.- lie
has on hand a supply of ' r ,--
embracing' the leading variety of Mill Gearing,
such as Bevel, Spur and Mortice Wheels, &C
lie is also making daily additions to them, and is
at all times prepared to make such patterns as
may be required without (in most instances) any
additional charge ; in doing which great attention
will be paid to combine the latest improvements
with strength and lightness.
of all kinds will be made to order. The highest
price will be paid for old Copper or Brass..
and Horse Powers of the most approved construc
tion, ready made and for sale low.
will be'doneto order on the most reasonable terms.
Bclvidere, N. J. January .12, 18-12. ' - .
kmerican Constitutions,
Analytical Reader, :; ' , -
Rortefs Rhetorical Reader, ,
English ' do.
Hale's History United Statesy -
American Popular Lessons, tn
Parkers Help to Composition
Comstocks Natural Philosoplvy '
Do Chemistry,
Colburn s First Lessons,
Tdivrts An alv sir.
Do Little Thinker, :.
Andrew's Latin Grammar,-
Do do Readers,
Smiili's Arithmetic, !1r ,
DabolVs do ,
Adams' do - -Greenleqfs
English Gh'ammaiy 4
Smiths - do do ,K l'
Bromi's do do''
Olney's Geography and Atlas.
Mitchell's .do do -
Mitchell-s Primary Geography,
Village School . do .
Bottany for Beginners,
. Elementary Spelling Boohs,
Cobo s do do
Webster s Old do do-
.ft .
American do . do K '".
Table Book, , '. . ..i :.
.Basconi's Writing books; . ;;:
Blank Books, Writing paper, Quillf
&,c. for sals cheap, by ''' ' ,
Milford, February 2, 1842. V"
rilE Subscribers will commence, on the first
(Cp'The work will be printed in octavo form,
each number containg sixteen pages, on good white
paper, with music type cast expressly fortius pur
pose, and will be furnished to subscribers at the
low price of ONE DOLLAR per annum. Four
of the sixteen page3 in each number, will be oc
cupied with the" illustration of the Rudiments of
Music, of which a progressive system has been
prepared by the Editor, extending from the sim
plest rules of reading to the more difficult and
complicated laws of harmony and counterpoint.
The remaining twolvo pages will consist of psalm
and hymn tunes, anthems, set pieces, chants, &c,
most of which will be found entirely new.
'(Contributions of original'; music ' will be
thankfully received from any-quarter, subject to
the revision of the Editor. . .
(LAs an inducement for Teachers and others
to interest themselves in extending the circulation
i i.c wwuixi, ino puousuers oner tne loiiowing
PREMIUMS for their consideration, vizr
To every person who shall procurctty subscri-
bers, and enclose the' mo'ney-for the same in cur
rent funds, a copy of Burney'a History of Music
and Handel's Messiah.
Fo every person who ishall procure, Jhirty sub-
scribers, and forward the money in current funds
a copy of Nayden's Creation and Gafdiners' Mu
torio ol j;avid and Alendholson's.St; Paul,
, (JjThe. liberality of therie. offers will r
reiulnr it
absolutely essential that paymerit be made in "ad-
uv.f-u input W3 ,
v' (Letters - containing co"n'ributidnforho
Melodist should be addressed to tile Edihfr.Or
ders for the work'may be directed to -.
Uojiesdulbfaroh 17fl-8l v''- tji
i w . w v v,imtJfc J x UUWWU UUlUlbU
T " K T7jr I
Suitedlto qiir Constitutions, and competent to the
cure 6f every curable disease i6ill be found in the
North American College of Health.
THESE extraordinary Pills are composed of
plants which grow spontaneously on our own soil;
and are therefore, better adapted to our constitu
tions, than medicine concocted homforcign drugs,
however well thpy may bo compounded; and as
ed .upon,the principle that, the human body Js in
truth ,
ylz: corrupt humors, and that said medicine cures
this disease on ' ;
by cleansing and purifying the body; it will be man
ifest, that if the constitution be not entirely ex
hausted a perseverance in their use; according
to directions, is absolutely certain "to drfve disease
of every name from the body.
When we wish to restore a Swamp or Morass
to fertility', we drain it of the superabundant wa
ters; in like manner if we wish to restore the body
to health, we must cleanse it of impurity.
Will be found one . of the best, if not the very best
medicine in the world for carrying out this , f
because they expel from the body all morbid and
corrupt humors, the cause of disease in an easy
and NATURAL MANNER; and while they every
disease of every name is rapidly driven from the
. The above named Indian Vegetable Pills, have
been three years before the American public; and
we can now say without fear of contradiction, that
of all the various medicines which have heretofore
been popular, not one has given such universal
satisfaction, or obtained such a permanent hold
upon the affections of th&people. Not only do all
who use it invariably experience relief, and re
commend it in the strongest terms: but it has ef
fected some of the most astonishing cures ever
performed br medicine.
Hitherto, very few of the numerous testimonials
which have been received in favor of this extraor
dinary medicine have been published, as the med
icine obtained its present great celebrity more by
its own intrinsic goodness than from extensive ad
vertising". It has been deemed nroDer however to
offer the following opinions of the public press,
together with a few extracts from letters of Agents,
merely to show, that the fame of the Indian Vege
table Pills, is not confined to any one section, but
is rapidly extending itself to every part of the Union.
From the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are attaining
great celebrity in New England as well as other
parts of the United States. The attempt of per
sons to defraud the public by the sale of spurious
articles, meets with general reprobation. Mr.
Wright is an indefatigable business man, and
shows an array of cures by the medicine which
warrant confidence in the virtues of his Indian
Vegetable Pills.
From the Philadelphia Spirit of the Times.
People are pretty well satisfied by this time,
that Calomel, and the other thousand and one min
eral preparations of the shops, are better adapted,
as a general rule, to kill rather than cure the pa
tient; as a matter of course, vegetable medicines
are therefore in great request. There are very
many humbugs, however, among the latter, and
we would advise all those who have the least re
gard for their health, to try the INDIAN VEGE
COLLEGE OF HEALTH, sold at 1G9 Race
street, Phladelphia ; as they are the preparation of
one intimately acquainted with the healing art.
' From the Boston Daily Times.
Of all the public advertised medicines of the
day, we know of none that we can more safely re
commend for the "ills that flesh is heir to" than
the Pills that are sold at the depot of the North
American College of Health, No. 108 Tremont
street, Boston. Several instances we know of
where they are used in families with the highest
satisfaction; and no longer ago than yesterday, wo
heaid an eminent Physician of the city recommend
them in high terms. There used to be in the
community, a great repugnance to the uso of
QUACK medicines, as they are all indiscriminate
ly termed, but it was mainly owing to the regular
M. D. s constantly denouncing them.1 They are
however, becoming more liberal in this respect, and
tho consequence is that good, vegetable- medicines
are now more extensively used .than formerly.
Extract of a letter from Peter Christ, Uniontown,
Carrol County, Md., Nov. 17tb, 1838.
Dear Sir: About two months ago, I had busi
ness in Baltimoroand called at your office, and
bought a TeWoxe's of the Indian Vegetable Pills;
and uponlrying them I found them to bo far supe
rior to ; Pills, or any other medicine I had
over used. - t.had been subject to a cough for five
years pjist and during tho time have taken a vari
ety of medicines without any relief; . until I got the
Indian Vegetable Pills, and by taking four doses,
the couglrlisgan to leave me; and I now onjoy bot
,?r 1!P?lSfenAiave dno for years past After
I;-qun&e,V bea valuable medicine, I imnio
diatejyentjto Baltimore for. ajlarge supply J I
:haVeirecQivedojmuchbenofittinliusinff4 tliOnJiv"-
help.tbut recommend them to every invalid I S:2
and think so well of the medicine that I have sent
two dozen boxes to my invalid friends, in t:.
State ofclndiaha. Signed,
From G. C. Elack, New York.
Mr,. Wm. Wright Dear Sir you will please i3
forward as sooff apl&sible, some of your Indian
Vegetable Pills; as" we are;almost out of the am.
cle, and they appear to be getting into general use
here. We have a great call for the medicine a:
present, and those that have used them,, speak vity
high of them. One gentleman attributes his being
cured of DRopsv'to the use of tliem; and another
has been cured of D vspepsia, solely by the use of
your Indian Vegetable Pills, and is willing you
should publish his case .if you think proper.
- No. 1 Chatham Square, New York
Extract of a letter from Mr. A. Larrimore, Indiana.
Doctor Wright DearSir Ilavingsome knowl
edge of your most excellent compound INDIAN
VEGETABLE PILLS, and not knowing how t&
get a fresh supply, my stock being nearly exhaust
ed, and wishing to always have them in my family,
I take this method to, open a correspondence wit;?
you. The pills alluded to"are well thought of here
and very much wanted. I wish te make arrange-
ments with you for a constant supply, as I think
a very great quantity coma oe soia m mis section
of the country.
Extract of a letter from Samuel Griffith, Stewart
town, York County, Pa.
Mr. W. Wright Dear Sir I am selling the In
dian Vegetable Pills by the dollar's worth, and at
that rate the stock of Pills, left by your travelling
agent, will soon be out.
I am pleased to find they are such ready sale.
Those who have used them, speak in the highest
terms of them. Many have already found great
relief from their use, and when the cures are final
ly effected, I shall do you the justice to inform you
of the same.
Extract of a letter from Washington City.
Mr. Wm. Wright Dear Sir You will have the
kindness to forward me as soon as possible, too or
three gross of the Indian Vegetable Pills. The
sales have, for the last two months, increased rap
idly; those who buy, generally remarking, "that
they are the best pills they have ever used;" and
my opinion is that they will in a short time super
cede all others in this city.
Washington City, D. C.
Extract of a letter from Lycoming County, Pa.
Mr. Wm Wright DearSir On being appoint
ed Agents for the sale of the INDIAN VEGE
TABLE PILLS in this place, we only look one
gross on trial; but it would have been better if we
had taken a half dozen gross; for on a fair trial
they have far exceeded our most sanguine expecta
tions. In fact so much so that we have been oblig
ed to send to Mr. Zimmerman, at Lancaster, mor&
than a hundred miles from here, forten dozen; but
these will last but a very short time, the way we
are selling them since they have been fairly tested.
In the first place, I gave some to our Physicians,
to make trial of since which they have purchased
a number of boxes, and highly approve of them. A
few days ago, there was alady sent 30. miles to get
a box of the Pills, she at the time was very low,
and unable to turn herself in bed; but in two days,
my informant says she was able to help herself.
We could mention many other cases, but deem
it unnecessary at this time; but would merely say;
that as the season is fast approaching when there
will be a great demand for the Indian Vegetable
Pills; and if we only could get a supply of the med
icine, we could establish other agents, which would
be of immense advantage not only to the NORTH
tho public generally. Please let us know your
views on the subject, and any directions relative
to the same, will be promptly attended to by
Very respectfully, your friends,
Jersey Shore. Lycoming county, Pa.
AGENTS for the sale of the above named IN
Charles Boys, Stroudsburg, Monroe county.
John Lander, Craigs Meadows, Monroe co.
John Laforge, Milford, Pike county.
Stoll & Dimmick, Dingman's Ferry, Piko co
Peters & Labar, Bushkill, Piko county.
MyERS & Edinger, Tannersville, Monroo co
169 RACE STREET, Philadelphia.
August 23, 1841. ly.
Bar Iron, Car-,CoacJj& Wagon Axles
SAW &,&a
Axle and Gun Barrel Iron,
And a general assortment of
constantly on hand and will bo sold on the mcd'
reasonable terms, by
Analomink Iron Works, April 6, J 842.
" For sale at this office.
atly' and expeditiously executed 1