Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, November 24, 1841, Image 2

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II I I 111 Mil ' ----'"-'--SCaa30mTST
Stroudslmrcr, Wovcnibcr 25, ISl.
Wins-, "$50 in advance ; $2.25, naif yearly ; and $2,50 if not
paid befoie the end of the vear.
s Nicholas Reinhardt, tried at Reading, on the
4th instant, for the murder of Conrad Christ,
has been found guilty of murder in the first de
cree, and sentenced to be hung. The time for
his execution has not yet been fixed by the
' Governor.
The Governor of Georgia has appointed the first
Monday of January as the day of Special Election
sn that "State, for two Members of Congress in
place of Messrs. Alfofd and Nisbct.
Parties in the Legislature of iSJew York will
stand as follows : In Senate, 15 whigs and 17
locofocos ; in the house 33 whigs and 95 locos.
Locofoco majority 6n Joint ballot, 64.
From the Rochester Democrat of Nor.' 13.
latest from Sail fiivcr.
"Up Salt River." By recent letters from
this "Salrne Elysium," we learn that the Locos
have left ihhigs 'in such a horribly bad condition
that the Whigs will scarcely be able to inhabit
it. All the gardens and improvements made by
the Whigs xiunng their long sojourn there pre
uous to 1837 have been "suffered to run to
waste, the school-houses turned into gambling
shops, and the log cabins torn down or blown
up. The Locos have also made clean work of
the " hard cider" not -a drop left. The place
will have to undergo considerable repairs before
ihe Whigs take possession ; but, as they intend
to stay but one year, it cannot be expected that
the improvements will be very extensive.
There have been many distinguished arrivals
wuhin the' last two months. The place is fast
iilling up from New York and Michigan.
Their voyage has been rough, the wind carry
ing them muchfarther up the river than they in
tended to go. Some of ihe more malicious of
the retreating Lorofocos circulated a report
just before leaving, that Honest John Davis, of
.Massachusetts, would be there shortly This
Mas not credited.
P. S. We have just learned that the vessel
the ""Political Abolitionists" was
swamped in ihe Gulf of Forgetfulness," and
every soul on board perished.
United States Bail It.
The assignees of the Bank, says the Nation
al Gazette, have commenced suits against Mr.
Cowperihwaite, ex-Cashier, for the balance' of
his indebtedness ; als'o against the Directors of
1839, for declaring a dividend in that year,
when the Bank was in no condition to pay one
for which the charier of the Bank makes all
consenting thereto personally liable for the a
uiount of the dividend. Tribune.
Murder on the Highway.
William S. Mosely, Esq. the Prosecuting
Attorney for the Helena (Arkansas) District,
was assasmated on the highway in St. Frafi-.-is
County, Arkansas, on the 23d uh. He was
:ti ihe time on the road to church, alone. The
as-sassin or asssassins had erected a blind, from
behind which they shot him, several buckshot
j ussing through his head and shoulders. lb.
The Emperor of China has offered a reward of
a hundred thousand dollars, and promotion tame
ibuith rank, to any one who shall send him for
preservation in the Imperial Museum at Pekin the
JiCaa oi iapuun jmuoi.
According to the best calculations,, there are in
the United States thirty-four million sheep.
These are worth, at a fair valuation, seventy mil
lions of dollars. At three sheep to the acre, it
-would require eleven million acres of land lor
their keeping, worth twelve dollars per acre mak
ing the amount of one hundred and thirty -two mil
lions ol dollars invested in lands.
Safety Packet. Mr. D. Harrington of ihis city
lias invented a pocket for coals, vests or panta
loons, which seems to bid defiance to the as
saubs of the light fingered gentry. A pliable
mall brass chain is thrown around the pocket
in large reticulations, and the mouth is fastened
. in such a way that it would be difficult for any
other to open it without ihe aid of the wearer.
hit. John Ashton, No. 30 Market street, has
made some garments with-this patent addition,
and,, so far as we can sec, a man would be safe
jhia; crowd wilh his pocket book- well lined,
nrorft&dihc could contrive to kecp: possession
of the garment in which the patent podict was
jilaced. U. S. Gaz.
Wiode Island. -The Constitutional Convention
of this State has formed a Const itulibn; which cor'-
rects some of the delects ol the old cuarter- uy
which that State has been governed. Ihe lebie
sentation is rnore-cauallv apportioned between the
several towns; no change with regard to the Sen
ate. Public Schools are to be established. The
"Elective Franchise is only extended to holders o
personal property to the value of $500, who shal
liuve paid taxes bn the same for two years, and ta
lien awav from sons of freeholders, as such, ex
fput those alreadv admitted. Of course this wil
.not satisfy the non-freeholders. Tribune.
A shower of fishes, some of them 3 1-2
Miches long, fell the other day, in a thunde
' norm. at Dunfermline, Scotland. A.great num
tier were qlive, and jumpedsboui on the grass
after their aerial voyage.
From the National Intelligencer,
interest i u cr Trial.
The attention of abcCriminal Court now sit
ting in this cify, hais been Odcupied during the
last three days in trial of William 'L. Brent,
Esq., a member of the bar of the cily off Wash
ington. A gentleman of the Bar, engaged in
the cause, has furnished us with the annexed
brief "notice of the case.
"The charge against the accused as Bet forth
in five several indictments, was forging five sev
eral checks on the bank of Washingion, in the
name of one Eleanor Corner, on whose com
plaint the prosecution was set on foot. The
chceksvwere dated and the money drawn on
them' from the bank in the course of the months
of September and October, 1337, and amount
ed in all to $500. This was part of a sum of
money received by the accused, as attorney
and agent of the prosecutrix, frorii the Navy
Department, on the 2d of Seplember, 1837j
and that day deposited in the bank to her cred
it. The complaint was that she had supposed
this money had been lying in bank to her cred
it ever since its depositc in September, 1837,
till ihe 3d of May last, when she for the first
lime discovered it had been drawn out of bank,
in Seplember and October 1837, by the accu
sed. The main quesiion on which the jury had
to' pass was the authority of the accused to draw
the checks; which authority was asserted by
the accused on a written power of attorney, at
tested By a subscribing witness, who was ex
amined in Court to prove the execution of the
instrument, the execution of which power was
denied by the prosecutrix. In the course of a
long examination of evidence, occupying two
days and a half, the investigation branched off
info a variety of matter connected with the
whole transaction in which the accused had
beenr concerned for her in establishing her
claim to a pension as widow of a gunner in
the naval service of the Uniied Stales.
"The case was committed lo the Jury, with
out argument on the evidence, or any motion
to the Court for instructions on the law of
the case, and the 'Jury -shortly returned into
Court with verdicts of not guilty in all the
cases. We are assured there was ndt the
slightest hesitation with any one of the Jury,
about their verdict."
liove, ILife aiaVlieatIi.
On Mondav last was buried at a Quaker bu
rying ground, at the village of Woodbury, (West
ersey,) Anna, wife of Lieut. Barton, now at
sea, and daughter of Hugh Hollingshead, of
hiladelphia. This we learn by a Philadelpeia
paper, is the same lady who a few years ago,
married Lieut. Barton against the wishes of
her parents. A divorce was obtained from the
egislature much to every body s surprise. Ihe
ady, however, at ihe first opportunity, married
rim again, and has ever since lived with him on
the small salary attached to the'office of a mid
shipman, recently advanced to a lieutenancy.
Her father has never recognized her, and
he has but once been in his house. On the
4th she gave bfrth to a third child; on the 5th
he received'a letter from her husband stating
hat he was about to be transferred from his
hen station, and would be placed in a situation
that she would not hear from him for perhaps
six months. The excitement threw her into
a fever, and she died on the following day. Her
mother, who" had never ceased to show a fond
ness for hr child, was with her, and a few
hours before she died, her falher also visited
ler chamber. Newark Daily Advertiser.
T2ie Mexican devolution.
The Water-Wiich, from Vera Cruz, brings
accounts three weeks laierthan before received.
We take from the Courier, news as given in
etters which announces the end of the new
Revolution, and the accession of Santa Anna
to ihe Presidential Chafr.
Bustamenie was intimidated by the formidable
array of the aspirant, and agreed to leave the
whole question to the decision of a convention.
fins consisted mainly of Santa Anna'. fol
owers, and it was readily decided that their
chief should rule, and that Bustamenie should
abdicate and-leave the country.
A letter of the 14th from this city, says the
tfew government was organized on the Sunday
previous when the following persons were na
med for the ministry; Gen. Pornell minister,
of war; Gomez Pedraza, minister of foreign af
fairs ; C. Castillion, minister of industry ; Fran
cis Garcia, minister of finance.
On the 27th business was said to be entire
ly at a stand in Vera Cruz, except the forward
ing of goods to ihe interior. Santa Anna was
making great reforms. The country generally
had become quieted. N. O. Bulletin, Nov. 10.
A Iaiilitcr Shot by Xfer Faiiter.
An accident of the most deplorable and melan
choly nature, causing the death of a young and'
beautiful female, occured in the upper part ol New
iork. on Monday mornug. ihe ri. Y. Courier
says :
Mr. Noble, a master mason on the Croton
Works, residing in Eighty-sixth street, liaving
heard that peisons had threatened to attack his
house, has recently been in the habit of keeping'
teVenti lesterdav morninir some friends called'
to see him, and these pistols' were lvincr on a chairY
;and one of the 'gentlemen without perceiving them
sar upon ijiem; out at the rtquest ol Mr. Noble,
who rfaid they were loaded, immediately got up,
and Mr, N. took one of them up to shew it and
raised the hammer. "While in this position his
linger slipped, and the hammer coming down upon
the cap, which remained in the socket, the charge
exploded, and horrible to state, the ball with
which the pistol was loaded struck his daughter,
Jane Noble, who was standing two or three yards
off, in the right side of the head, passing through
the brain and causing instant death.
as her untimely end will be deplored. The j ,,rd,,dl' &r--aro moro numerous on ihe hhoros
wretched father is in a state of frenzy, and it jslf ho Delaware andvGhescpeaUe-, lhat! for ihe
very questionable if ho ever recovers his reasons.; last ic"n years.
An inquest was held upon the body of the de
ceased, and the Jury returned a verdict jhat the
deceased came to her death by the accidental dis
charge of a loaded pistol in the hands of her fa
ther. The above adds another to the numerous dread
ful warnings against the careless handling'of load
ed fire-arms.
'Great Rjoicng among thk Abolition
ists. A very curious event occurred at Town
send, Middlesex Co., Mass. -one perhaps Vm
paraleled in ihis country, and which has caus
ed much rejoicing in the colored circles, and
not a little amazement arriong the politicians.
The three political parties Whigs5 Loccroc'os
and Abolitionists were equally divided in that,
town, and neiiher party could elect a Represen
tative to the Legislature without the aid of an
other party. The Whigs and Lotrofdcos by
turns courieu tnc iavor oi uie iioomionisis, anu
proposed to unite with them upon a man. who
should represent either Whig and Abolition prin
ciples, or Abolitionism and Locofocpism. The
Abolitionists refused to have any other than their
own man. lne others getting exeu at -their
obstinacy, had an understandingbeiweon them
selves, and resolved to givejnheir Abolition
friends a real Abolition representative. Accor
dingly they nominated a very dark but respec
table old colored man, and as both Whigs and
Locofocos voted for him, he vas elected, over
the 'regularly nominated' Abolition candidate by
ten to one. The respectable old colored Re
presentative agreed to take his seal as a mem
ber, if elected ihere being no disqualification
on account of color. Butit seems that att infor
mality in keeping the polls open beyond ihe le
gal lime has rendered his. election null. An
other meeting is to be called immediately, and
if the Abolitionists still libld out, ihe colored
gentleman will be electedsure as fate.
The icvil Kil!cd.
The Raleigh (N. C.) Rasp, gives the fol
lowing account of a fellow being shot in Geor
gia lately in the disguise,of a devil.
The fellow disguised himself with a club
'foot went to the house of an old lady, a rieh
widow; called hrrrfself the devil, and frightened
the family off the premises, took the old lady's
money, and eloped. In the act of retreating,
he was met a mile or two from the house by a
man with a gun, who had been lo attend a mus
ter, and was then retuming'home, who, too, had
taken a little too much oPihe "critter." The
man upon meeting him, rerreajfed levelled his
gun, and demanded who comes there 1 "I am
the Prince of darkness, but it is not thee 1 am
after. Jesse Bradlock. I had but one or two sub-
jects and them I have despatchetljo the lower
. , u.w
Jesse not bcincr disposed. to let his
devilshipf passr, presented his gun ahd ordered
him not to move. Satan commenced s.welling,
emittinir smoke at the sa"me lime, and burning
,w hie lin .nn,1 nnWrl
sulphur. Jesse not Ijking the scent of ihiisul
phur, fired and laid the Satanic Majesiy a cofps'a'
at his feet. He then made his way to the house
of the old lady, where he found the family itr
ihe greatest distress. Upon inqiiiry he was
told that the devil had been there and they
were compelled to fly to the woo'ds for protec
tion, or be carried off by him alive. Jesse in
formed ihem lhat he had just killed the devil.
They immediately took the road, and track
ed him by the track of the club foot, umrl thev
came up with his body when ihey disrobed him
of his garments, look off ihe club fool, recover
ed the money which he had stolen, washed his
face, and recognized him as a man who had
lived a neighbor to them for many years.
Folly and Rescue frossi Death.
On Wednesday evening last, a
young couple,, respectably dressed,
were seen to throw themselves into
the river from Arch, street wharf.
They were promptly and humanely
rescued by some lerrymen, and hand
e'd over to the guardians of the night.
Pa. Jnquirer.
Attempled Assassination!
The Newtown (Pa.) Chronicle of
the' 17th says, "On "Wednesday or
Thursday evening of last week, as a
Mr., a resident of Nice
town1, was on his way home from
Frank ford, carrying with him some
tools he was fired upon- by some
miscreant who lay concealed beside
the road. The ball, as he afterwards
... i.i i xi pi
ascertained, passed through the cult
of one of the sleeves- of his coat, and'
also thro' thelappel of the same. IJe
was- alarmed at the tinre, and fasten
ed away from the spot, but could dis
tinctly see the daring assassin run oil
over a- corn field. Mr. H. unable to-
account for the design rcaTc uporpliis'
I'tv, jj
EiO'ssoaa on Drwnkcuiaoss.'
The Baltimore Patriot says'"" O'n
Sunday last, a man who had taken
t .- i i t ii ii - i
too much rum, lost nis uauanco ana
fell on the pavement in Marsli Mark
et Space. While thus prostrated a
hog came up and bit off his nose.
This is unquestionably teaching a
s strong lesson."
Jacksox." It may have been for
gotten by most of our readers, thatd
wJien Gen. Jackson was at theop:
of the ladder of his Executive popu
larity, some political pgrlisites as
well as speculators, founded a town
opposite " Washingif,: and called
it " Jacksonft was laid out in
streetsaffd Squares upon paper and
lots were sold in New JTork, and even
thsJGeneral aided in laying the cor
n Qr sto n e of this mimic city. B ut the
first freshet submerged the whole of
it. The bubble exploded; and what
was designed to eclipse "Washington,
is only known as a quagmire, in the
centre of which is the corner stone!
The auctioneeiin describing the fer
tility of the soil, said it was so rich,
that it " produced sixty bushels of
Frogs to the acre!" This spot, as a
town, was to outrun Washington, but
like" the farne of these two distin
guished men, one will ever live in the
"hearts' of his countrymen," while the
other is gradully sinking into forget
fulness and dbllvion. North Amer.
Hard Fight. A few days since, as a farrh-1
er was returning home from town after dispo
sing of his load of marketing, he had passed
the bridge this side of Floriasant ahd entered
the woods on the opposile side, when he heard
something cry like a child, and stopped his team
lo see what it could be. It. was about 9 o'clock
in ihe evening.
Afier stopping a fetv minuics' and hearing no
thing he again started, when the same noise
and crying was again repealed, apparently near
er than before, and he again stopped and got
out of the wagon. He had no sooner got oui
than a large panther sprang at him from the
limb of a tree near the road, but missed him.
being possessed of great presence of mind he
caught the panther by the lail.and having but a
wagon-whip in his hand, his only chance was
to prevent the "varmint" from turning on him.
We must give his own account as near as we
1 can and you will p'ereerve. frhtn his Kngo that
he was a Dutchman, 'Yell, he said, 'ven I
gets him by the tail, he tries to jump dis vay,
and den I pulls hinrdhi vay; and gives him a
little dump mil my vagon vip ; den he dries to
Uu,"l' . uc V"" au. r7
,i r u:. iaa
aiia glves one more mile dump m.ii my vip;
den he jumps right up and I pulls him right
down, and every lime I gives him a little dump;
den I kick jiirrf behind a little bit and he gets
very, mad.'
'Why didn't you let him go? he was so
frihiened he would have run offinto the woods.'
'O de livil no, no ! if! had let go his dail it
would be bad business.' Well what did you
dowiih him 1 'Veil, I says go along to mine
horses', and I drives him home, and my son Jac
takes up de axe and knocks him oh de head.'
The distance he drove the 'varmint' was over
three miliar During the fight he belabored the
animal so unmercifully with his catt whip that
he became conquered, and only attempted once
to turn upon the wagoner in the whole distance.
St. Louis rentiant.
Another RevolutioxariSSoldieii GpXE.
DfeJ, in this village, on theM6lmris"t. TiJoma's
Matthews, at the advanced age of93 years
and 6 months. He was a native of Connecti
cut, and at the commencement of the struggle
between ihis Country and Great Britain, sided'
with his oppressed countrymen, and errtercd the
American Army, being attached to tire regiment
of Col. Campbell. He was in many a hard
fought battle, and had many hairbreadih escapes.
Five years of the strength of his manhood were
expended in his country's service! Many an
interesting tale has he told lo the third genera
tion of Old Put, Mad Anthony, as he used to
call Gen. Wayne, and of Washington, whose
lives have become a part of our nalionlil1 histo
ry. Jamcstoim Journal.
Ho for Texas Debtors ! The gentlemen'
debtors of all nations who are now snug in Tex
as are about to bo rid of ihefr debts altogether,
if not looked after. The Congress of Texas at
iis Session in February lasi, passed a Limita
tion act, by which it is required that all-actions
of debt, grounded upon any contract in writing,
shall be sued within lour years auer inc matu
. of h comracl. dlfial in. dvery clain
riiy of the contract ; aud that in' dverY claim
for money whether foreign or domestic, which
has been due for more than five vears.aud less
lhan ten years, an action shall bo commenced
t hereon witfiih ono year of the passage of ihis
act, and not thereafter.
An honest Quaker was asked" nis
opinion, whether Lu'nardi would as
cend in his balloon. Friend, says
Obadiah, I do not meddle with flying
Counterfeit Mexican Dollars The N.
Q. Crescent CilS' of the 18lh till, says that the
Mexican papers state that a largo amount, of
conuterleil Mexican dollars have been in circu
V. E. Piolett, Esq; of Bradford
county, has been appointed by the
Governor, appraiser of damages, oaus.r
ea uy me rennsyivania state Works,
in place of William; M-Cieary, Esq.,
.nPm'AlVfi thrt o movi 4fw.,l
toigam-, in North Carolina, has bcon
sentenced to be branded with the
ter B on the left cheek, to be impris-7
oneu uiree years, ana receive thirty-1
nine lashes at three several times !. f
iure nits expiration oi tne term ol ilri
prisonment. This branding and whin
ing is more atrocious than the act of
the ielon.
A Iidler from Major 4I6yn5i:g.
From the New York Express. .
Washington, lihjlSTov. 1S4,
To ihe EJdhors of the New York Express tf
same paper my old frieull Mr. Bwiht printed
il spell ago.
Mk. Editors;
I tell'd you in my last letter lhat Capiing Ty
ler had gone to Virginny and that u liiist ho
was gone, I was lo put all the Ualik phus into
my fanning mill and blow the chaff oil th deuit
corn. Well, this has been no fool of a job 1 cail
lell you, for out of more than a two bushel
basket of plans, there aint more than ubout a
good double handfull of solid clear corn lKi
Captain Tyler has now ot back from Vir-
ginny, and when I showed him my siftins
"well sa5s he "Major your mill bus made a
small mailer on't any how butthure is cmtl'Iel't
for seed?"
'Jest exactly;" sa'ys I, "and if we can't raiso
euuf frolii this srnall parcel for all our purposes
ihen I'm mistaken.-" "Now Major," saa Can-If
ling Tyler, "1 should like lo know your ihjwuh
about this hiatier, for we havo got ail other I
things in a good Iraiu except this plagy matter -
if we can only get lhat going right then wo
can say to aU creatloli all ihe lields are plant-
ed and If Providence smiles on us we shall f
have good crops." "That is a faci," saysl,
"and if you'll listen I'll tell you a story m as
short order as I can:" The Capting took his
seat and pinted his nose right at me, and ihurn
is one thing I. havo particularly noticed in dm
Capiing, which is not the case with most folks
atfd that is, whichever way his nose pirns it
i r. rw-t ni 1 ! 'i I-f ilinnl ?f S
AO lit' Kl lOtUAV UUUIM 4 r
"Well, in the first place, we settled the bu-i
sincss about ihe origin of money how and uhyt
It was invemeu ursi iron money, next ura&s
and coper money next silver aud gold money,
aud how in the process of lime and digging ami
mining, iron- ifioney, got out of fashion ncxi,
brass and copper money, and now in England,
even silver money, as a "legal tender;" but
upon the whole as yet, lhat silver and gold are
at the present day money, but ihere is no id
ling how soonr by science and digging that
even one or both these metals may not be found
so abundant as to make them too common for
constitutional m6ney, or what folks call mcas-ii
ures oj value just as iron, or brass, or copper!
have become. Well, that being settled, wo
next examined into paper money, how lhat
was in veined being a representative of money t"
that is, a kind of money lhat not only rep-f
resents gold aud silver, but housea and farms, ,
ahd wheat: and pork", and beef, aud ships and4l
merchandise, anxT every thing else in crealion,
called properly.
"Now," says I, Capiing Tyler, keepingyourj
nose to this pint (for as 1 said afore, the Cap
ting's nose carries both his eyes and ears along1
with' il, and the Sapling's nose is an almighty
nose, and the Duke of Wellington's is but a po
lo it,) "now," says I, "ever since paper money
was invented by the great democratic party oil
crealion, who insisted lhat industry and prop-j
erty was as good, and should be represented as j
well, as. merelgold and silver they begun a
lncto waEjfety men money on one side, and pro-
perty.and lncmMrbn the other that is, money
wanted' to get lioipf as much property and
industry as ptfssiblcgand properly and industry
wanted to geBhold dtas much monev as possi
ble each ?of- coirs tryin to depreciate the
other." 1'
'In intestate of tftintrs," savs L "what vm
nnfl is iho trim dnlv tifGovernnienf. whose (ff-S
ly it is to protect alike the. owners of rmr
and the owners of properly and industry fn:oj
perly and iri'dustry being one and ihe sacaj
thing, fof ir.dustrycrcates property." I
Here we brokegbfif, as it was getting; late, aril
went in sleep uponii. anu 1 woum auvisc io.h)i
generally to do lheVsanlching, providing lhejj
Minn weti uei iuu uiuitei, aim uuueisiuua
well before reading further. L
Well the next day wo turncdto again aru
went over the whom matter. As- history anil
facts tell us hov dt oho lime when all wassnafj
and all branches of industry was working alonj
sniobllilyv Government took a notion to let foJ
manage their now paper money, and broke c?j
ihe old balance wheel and then how o.M'l
Banks, and States themselves all went to vcr
making an extra batch of Bills and Bonds is-J
all kinds of promise to pay and all considers!
as money and then of course how uighprofn
ty got for land and wheat and pork and
ges and all will and must rise m price jusss"!
lar as you cheapen money by making it '"-'j
plenty and then how Government got alarff-f
and issued Specie Circulars, and wotildn t
any kind of money but hard money, and smask
awav annin.iL nil banks and tvmrr n;Cfle)
makers, bills, bonds, notes and mortgages irJj
brought a bushel measure right down w J
quart pot calling every man a rascally sji
tor who got caught on the wrong side olij
fence, go that a. good many folks who did oj
l;nnn tho rim nf ihimts wprn lil-n n man ffl
borrowed ice n January and agreed to paV'j
duck in August uui government ioiks -j
held fat offices didn't feel ihis as much
pay was the same, in gold and of course 11
moro valuable gold became the belter for 11
hy,, suv s I, Capiing. Tler, if you brirg