Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, August 04, 1841, Image 4

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table Universal Pills,
Introduced into the United States, May 18, 1835
There has never been an instance of these cele
brated Vegetable Universal Pills not giving relief
and perseverance in old, obstinate cases, is sure
making a cure, provided nature is not entirely ex-
naustea. 1 ney have cured since tneir miroauc
tion into this country at least 20,000 twenty thou
sand persons of diseases heretofore always con
sidered incurable. It is only Jive years since I
opened the first office for the exclusive sale ol this
medicine in New York; yet, in ,that time I have
sold over twelve millions of boxes, and have now
eighteen offices for their exclusive sale, at least
one in every principal city in the Union, at an ex
pense of near forty thousand dollars per year
And with the expenses of advertising, and other
incidentals, the sum was a little over One llun
lred and Thirty Thousand Dollars for the year
1839; some idea may be formed how the medicine
is appreciated from these facts; they are indeed
the greatest blessing that ever yet has been be
stowed on man.
1 have often found persons desirous to know
how soon this medicine will cure them. It is im
possible to say it altogether depends upon the
state of the blood and humors. One thing may
be lelied upon that if the pils are persevered
with according to the printed direction which ac
companies each box, the cure will be effected much
sooner than the patient could have expected. The
many lingering chronic diseases we daily see, are
owing either to mercury or bleeding, or to not
having been properly purged in fevers, injlamations,
cold, meascls, small pox or lying in. It is utterly
impossible for us to attain or keep health without
sound purging. We may fasten up the disorder
by barks and tonics, but if it be in the body, it must
come out before health is enjoyed, and sooner or
later it will break out of itself, worse than ever, if
this method of purifying the body is delayed too
long. No danger can arise from purging with
Brandreth's Pills. It has been proved, beyond
doubt, that these celebrated Pills and the human
body are naturally adopted one for the,other. Bythe
use of this Glorious Medicine the contents or hu
mors of the body, can be entirely evacuated, al
tered, and completely regenerated; and in a man
ner so simple as to give every day ease and pleas
ure. Brandreth's Pills are no less a cure than a pre
ventive of diseases. "When we feel dull, pain in
the head, back, or side weary on the least exer
tion it is then we ought to take a dose of these
Pills. This will always have a good effect, be
cause it is impossible for pain to be in the body
without the presence of those humors which pro
duce it, and it is only by their being forced out
with purging that health can be restored.
All that I have been able to ascertain, either by
experience or from books has confirmed me in the
opinion, that pain, every feeling contrary to health,
is produced when the natural outlets of the body
become incapable of discharging the corrupt hu
mors generated in the body, as fast as nature re
quires their expulsion. And that to secure health,
we have only to purge ourselves, until health is
restored. A practice which experience has es
tablished, is fully able to produce this result, with
out the possibility of any injurious effects. They
who have adopted this simple plan have secured
the best state of health their bodes were capable
of enjoying. The weak have become robust. The
robust have become more so. All mankind would
be benefitted by this practice, except physicians;
and they would be bodily, though not profession
ally. Let me now recommend two things, never be
bled, and never go to a Druggist for Brandreth's
Pills. The first weakens the principle of li fe, and
long keeps the blessings of health from the body.
And the last, to purchase a Pill called Brandreths
of a Druggist, is to insure the purchaser a base
counterfeit, entirely incapahle of producing the
beneficial results of the genuine medicine. To in
sure this it must be purchased of the undermen
tioned Agents duly appointed by me, and who
hold a regular certificate of agency, which is re
newed vearlv. There is an agent vith one of
these certificates in every town in the United
States. Those purchasing at wholesale, must re
member that all my travellers have a power of At
torne', regularly proved to be my act before the
Clerk of the county of New York.
The following is a list of names of all the
Affents in Monroe and Pike counties.
To purchase of any in tliese Counties not mention
ed in tins list will subject tlic purchaser to
sure deception.
Stroudsburgh, RICHARD S. STAPLES.
New Marketville, TROXEL & SCHOCH
Dutottsburg, LUKE BRODHEAD.
Bushkill, PETERS & LABAR.
;ing3man's Ferry, A. STOLL & Co.
Observe, no pills are genuine sold under the
name of Brandreth's in Monroe or Pike coun
ties, except those sold by the above agents.
Philadelphia Office, No. 8, North Eighth street.
What is tlrat we call the Constitution ? The
constitution is evidently that which constitutes,
and that which constitutes is the blood. We, there
fore, know that the blood is the constitution, and
that a good or bad constitution is neither more nor
less than a good or bad state of the blood . There is
no person who, having lost health, does not wish to
have it restored. Use then the proper means. Ex
pel with Purgative Medicine all currupt humors
from the body, and the blessing, Health, will be
the certain result: for all pains or unpleasant feel
ings proceed from the presence of corrupt or vi
tiated humors, which are the real cause of every
disease, and therefore the only disease to which the
human frame is subject, because they clog up the
veins and arteries, and prevent the free circulation
of the blood.
Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills cure this
disease: because they remove the corrupt or vi
tiated humors by the stomach and bowels, leaving
the good humors to give life and health to the .bo
dy. It is morally impossible that they can fail to
cure, provided Nature is not entirely exhausted.
Dr. Brandreth's Office for the sale of his pills
in Philadelphia's No. 8, North Eighth street.
Sold in Stroudsburg, by RrcuAiio S. Staples,
in Milford, by J. H. Brodheap, and in Monroe and
Pike couuties, by the agents published in another
part of this -paper.
Nearly opposite the Easton Bank.
The subscriber thankful for the liberal patron
age extended towards him, begs leave to inform
his customers and the public in general, that he
still continues to receive fresh supplies of Drugs,
Medicines, Paints. Oil and Glass, from the Impor
ters and Manufacturers which he will sell to coun
try merchants and customers at as low prices as
they can be obtained in JNew i ork or Philadelphia,
and on as liberal terms.
Warranted pure ground White Lead.
No. 1 do do do
No. 2 do do do
Window Glass of all sizes, from 6-8 to 24-30.
Putty and Whiting.
Spanish Brown in kegs and barrels
English Yenitian Red, in kegs and barrels.
Yellow Ochre and Litharge
Chrome Green and Yellow
Spanish and Turpentine Gum Copal
Raw and boiled Linseed Oil
Red Lead and Potters Clay
Coach and Cabinet Yarnish
Paint and Yarnish Brushes '
Pumice Stone and Sand Paper
Lamp Black and patent do.
Prime Umbrio Madder
Spanish and Blue Yitriol.
Extract and chipped Logwood
Chipped Fustic and Redwood
Oil Vitriol and Aquafortis
Cochineal and Liquid Blue
Pig and bar Lead
Black Lead and Sand Crucibles
Prussian Blue
Ground and grain Pepper
Do Cinnamon
Cloves and Nutmegs
Ginger and Allspice
Liquorice Ball and Root .
Starch and arrow Root
Epsom and Glauber Salts
Sulphur Morphia
Do Quinine
Castor and Sweet Oil
Jayne's Expectorant
Do Carminative Balsam
Do Hair Tonic
Bear and Buffalo Oil
Cologne and Lavender Water
Fancy Soap assorted
Hay's rile Liniment
Essence Mustard for Rheumatism
Bateman's Drops and Godfrey's Cordial
Gold Tincture
Essence Peppermint and Harlem Oil
Balsam of Life
Liquid and Steer's Opodeldoc
Keysor's German Pills
Lee's Anti Bilious do
Thompson's Eye Water
Together with a general assortment of every ar
ticle connected with the above business.
at Doc. Fickardt's Old Stand, No. 71, Northamp
ton street, Easton Pa.
March 31, 1841.
Gum Copal.
-t f Cases E. I. Gum Copal in stone, for sale
1U by JOHN DICKSON, Druggist,
nearly opposite the Easton Bank.
Easton, March 31, 1841.
WINTER and fall strained SPERM OIL
Blanched Winter and Fall strained, in
hhd. and bbls., for sale, by
Easton, March 31, 1841.
- f Barrels Whiting, jnst received and for sale
JiJ wholesale and retail, by
Easton, March 31, 1841.
ICase fresh company Nutmegs, in store, and
for sale wholesale and retail, by
Easton, March 31, 1841.
5Ceroons Prime Sp. Indigo, just received and
for sale by
Easton, March 31, 1841.
2ff ouns fresn Cloves, just received and
JJ for sale wholesale and retail, by
Easton, March 31, 1841.
K Barrels green Copperas, just received and for
U sale wholesale and retail, by
Easton, March 31, 1841.
Coach Body Varnish.
5 Barrels Coach Body Yarnish, warranted not to
crack, just received and lor sale by
Jfiaston, March 31, 1841.
Spirits Turpentine.
f Barrels, just received and for sale wholesale
jl v ana retail, by J . .LUUKSOIN , Druggist
Easton, March 31, 1841.
THE holders of the certificates or notes of
the Taylorsville Delaware Bridge Company,
are hereby informed that said certificates of
notes are redeemed by the Treasurer, at the
oflice of the company, on presentation as usual.
M. K. TAYLOR, Treasurer.
January 20th, 1841.
All persona indebted to the "Jefiersonian
Republican," for subscription or advertising, foi
the past year, will please make immediate pay
ment to the subscriber,
Stroudsburg, April 7, 184 J,
Boct. Joseph Priestly Peters'
Celebrated Vegetable Antibilous Pills,
are daily effecting some of the most astonishing
and wonderful cures that have ever been known,
the town and country are filled with their praise,
the Palace and Poor-house alike echo with their vir
tues in all climates and under all temperatures
they still retain their wonderful virtues.
Breathes there the man who may not be occa
sasionally benefited by the use of Peters' Pills ?
No, assuredly not ; for the human frame, like any
other structure, will fall into confusion and ruin,
if neglected ; but, by the aid of medicine judi
ciously applied, it is enabled to preserve a heal
thy and even tone ; and it is the firt of well-tested
public opinion, that Dr. Peters' pills are the me
dicine of medicines in the prevention or cure of
the general diseases which the human tenement
is incidental to.
Do men in robust health require medicine 1 Cer
tainly, for the very excess of health begets cer
tain diseases unless duly regulated. If the blood
is suffered to run riot without correcting laxatives,
costiveness, megrin, biles, scurvy, spleen, pimples,
furred tongue, or offensive breath, are the inevita
ble consequences ; for exuberance of health, like
over-rich soil, becomes rank, and prone to the pro
duction of weeds, if care is not taken to have it
judiciously moderated.
But healthy men have an antipatny to tne very
name of medicine! And no wonder, for nineteen
twentieths of all the medicines in the world com
mence operations by making the people very sick,
whom it was intended they should make very well;
and thus in most cases the cure is considered rather
worse than the disease. But Dr. Peters' Pills is
the celebrated and particular exception to this al
most universal rule. In them there is no gripe,
no nausea, no sickness of any kind; nay, they are
absolutely very pleasant to the taste, and rest as
quietly on the stomach as so many confits of green
peas, even when their operations are as sudden and
effective, as if they were as disagreeable and as
sickening as an old fashioned bolus. Ihus the
man who uses Peters' Pills, and where is the
man that does not use them 1 expels headaches,
fevers, blue devils, blotches, pimples, &c. &c. and
makes his blood course as limpid and as gently
through his veins as a mountain rivulet, without
having put himself to any more inconvenience in
taking the medicine than he would have done n
swallowing so many black currants.
Should ladies take Dr. Meters' Tills? Doubt
lessly they should, for they not only assure them
of health, complacency ol spirits, and every bod
ily comfort, but through their miraculous agency
in the purification of the blood, speedily remove
every thing pertaining to harshness, pimples, or
casual scurvv, from the flesh, animates the eye,
and gives an elasticity and a vigor to the limbs,
and the general carriage ; and hence, when you
see a lady with a cheek ot velvet softness, a pure
lily and carnation complexion, and an easy & grace
ful bearing, the general inference to be drawn is,
that she is her own physician, and very particular
in the choice of her medicine ; and the especial
one, that she is a patron of Peters' Pills.
Leavmff health out ot the question, should poets,
novelists, editors, machinists, and men of genius
and science in general, patronise Peters' Pills ?
Unquestionably, for the vigor which they impart
to the frame, exercises a most wholesome influ
ence upon the intellect : and the writer of this
feels justified in saying, that any person about to
carry out an idea, whether of composition or in
vention, will have a more lucid understanding of
his subject, and think better and more to the point
on it, after he has vivified his system by a dose of
from one to four of reters' pills- Tersons in bu
siness, merchants, store keepers, clerks, specula-1
tors, &c. will derive great advantage from them
on the same principle; for if the mind is not buoy
ant, no man can attend to the usual pursuits of
life with due perspicuity, judgment, and pleasure
and there is nothing in the world, at least that has
been ever discovered, so efficient in brightening
the faculties, and freeing them from participating
in the languor, decay, and imperfectibilty of their
mortal abode as Dr. reters pills.
To what may be attributed these singular and
wonderful effects 1 Why, to their mysterious and
inevitable action upon the chyle , and that particu
lar region of the system whence the living fluid is
generated ; for thus they do not only purify the
blood, but create pure blood, the issue of which is
healthy veins, arteries, and other functions, unob
scured vision, firm and pulpy flesh, smooth and
clear skin, and the consequent buoyancy of heart,
feeling, and action. In short, whether we take
them as a matter of health, business, feeling, or
personal appearance, there is none of us should
leave our houses without a regular supply of Pe
ters' Pills.
More than six millions of boxes of these cele
brated pills have been sold in the United States,
Canada's, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies,
since January 1835. The certificates that have
been presented to the proprietor, exceed 20,000,
upwards of 500 of which are from regular prac
tising physicians who are the most competent
judges of their merits.
The following are but a few taken at random,
from a pile of complimentary epistles forwarded
to Dr. Peters by regular physicians, touching the
efficacy of his pills. He feels pioud and grate
ful in being able to lay such documents before the
New Orleans, April 24, 1837.
Dear Sir As an old classmato of yonrs in Yale
college, I take the liberty of opening a correspon
dence. I learn that you are making a fortune by the sale
of your pills, which I trust is the case as I am ful
ly aware that through them you are conferring a
great blessing on the public.
J myselt ant among tnose wno nave ueen pecul
iarly benefited bv their use. Since rnv arrival
here I had been subject to severe bilious attacks,
which had nearly brought me to the grave, but
(and I acknowledge it with gratitude,) a few box
es of your pills have completely restored me. I
would add that their effect upon Sick Headache
and sour stomach is almost miraculous.
With sentiments of esteem,
Clarkcsville, Mccklenberg Co., Va., Feb. 7, 1837.
Dear Sir. I embrace this opportunity of ex
pressing to you my pleasure at the unrivalled suc
cess of youi pills in this section of the country.
It is the general fault of those who vend patent
medicines, tP SaY tPP PluPh in tne'r favor ; but r
regard to your pills I am 'firmly persuaded that
they deserve far more praise than you seem in
clined to give them. Six months ago they were
scarcely known here, and yet at present there is
no other medicine that can compare with them in
popularity. In Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, de
rangement of the Biliary organs, and obstinate
constipation of the bowels, 1 know of no aperient
more prompt and efficacious; and I have had con
siderable experience in all these conrmlaints
I would add that their mildness and certainty of
action render mem a sale and enicient purgative
for weekly individuals; and that they may be giv
en at ail times without apprehension of any ol
those injurious consequences which so frequently
attend the application of calomel, or blue pill. On
the whole 1 consider your Yegetable Pills an in
valuable discovery. Yery respectfully,
Charlotte, N. C, January 1, 1837
Dear Sir I have made frequent use of your
pills in the incipient stage of Bilious Fever, and
obstinate constipation of the bowels; also in the
enlargement of the Spleen, Chronic Diseases of
tne .Liver, Sick Headache, Uenerai j;eDimy, ana
in all cases have found them to be very effective.
Mecklcnberg Co., Va., February 7. 1837.
Having used Dr. Peters1 Pills in my practice
for the last twelve months, 1 take pleasure in giv
ing my testimony of their good effects in cases of
Dyspepsia, bick Headache, Bilious revers, and
other diseases, produced by inactivity of thelivei.
They are a safe and mild aperient, being the
best article of the kind I have ever used.
Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams, of Bur
lington, Vt.July 9, 1837.
"I cordially recommend Peters' Pills as a mild
ly effective, and in no case dangerous family me
dicine. They are peculiarly influential in cos
tiveness and all the usual diseases of the digestive
Extract of a letter from Dr Edward Smitht of Mon
treal, U. C. September, 29, 183G
" I never knew a single patent medicine that I
could put the slightest confidence in but Dr Peters'
Yegetable pills, which are really a valuable dis
covery. I have no hesitation in having it known
that I use them extensively in my practice, for all
complaints, (and they are not a few,) which have
their source in the impurity of the blood."
Extract of a letter from Dr Pye, of Quebec, L. C,
March G, 1837
" For bilious fevers, sick headaches, torpidity of
the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen, Dr Pe
ters' pills are an- excellent medicine."
Those who have used these valuable Pills in this
State, give them the preference to all other kind.
Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. in.
ventor and sole proprietor, No. 129 Liberty street,
New York.
These Yaluable Pills can be obtained o Doct.
Samuel Stokes and J. D. & C Marvin's, Strouds
burg, only agents for Monroe county.
Stroudsburg, October 23, 1840.
Harrison's Specific Ointment.
The great celebrity of this unrivalled Composi
tion especially in the Northern Stales leaves
the proprietor but little need to say any thing in
its favor; for it has been generally conceded to it,
that it is beyond all comparison the best remedy
for external complaints that has ever been discov
ered. Indeed the speed and certainty of its oper
ations have the appearance of miracles : as ulcers,
wounds, corns, fever sores, chilblains, white swel
lings, biles, piles, spider and snake biles &c.
immediately yield to its apparantly super human
influence. Thus if properly applied it will remove
an inveterate, corn or break and heal a bile in five
days, will allay and perfectly cure an ulcer in two
weeks ; and the most desperate cases of white
swelling that can be imagined, have been destroyed
bv it in less than two months. In the bites of
poisonous reptiles its efficacy is truly surprising;
and even in the bite of a rabid dog, for if applied
in time, its powers of attraction are so wonderful
that they will at once arrest the poison and thus
prevent it from pervading the system. It is like
wise greatly superior to any medicine heretofore
discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses
for tetters, ring worms, chapped lips, and in
short for every external bodily evil that may fall
to the lot of man or beast.
The proprietor has received at least a thousand
certificates and other documents, in favor of his
" Specific Ointment" upwards a hundred of which
were written by respectable members of the Med
ical Faculty ; and in selecting from this pile the
following samples, he was governed more by their
brevity, than their contents, as they all breath the
same spirit of eulogy and, satisfaction.
Albany, July 9, 1837.
To. Dr Harrison, Sir- I use your Specific Oint
ment in my practice and cordially recommend it
as a most efficient remedy for Tumors, Ulcers,
White Swellings, Scrofula, Rheumatic Pains,
Chapped Faco, Lips and Hands; and for general
and external complaints. 1 write this at the re
quest of your agent here, who furnishes me with
the article, and am pleased to have it in my power
to award honor to merit.
Extract of a Letter from Dr. J. W. Sanders,
of Louisville. Ky. October 8, 1837.
" I am prepared to say, that for Rheumatic Pains
and the Sore Breasts of females, Harrison's Spe
cific Ointment has no superior, if indeed it has
any equal, in the whole catalogue of external me
dicines, as known and prescribed in this country."
Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1838.
To Dr. Harrison, Dear Sir, I write to con
gratulate you on the extraordinary virtue of yonr
1 Specific Ointment,' in the curing of burns. A
little boy of mine, 4 years old, fell against the
fire-place threo weeks since, when his clothes bc
becaue ignited, and he was instantly enveloped
in flames. After some difficulty ihe fire was ex-
Uinguished, but not before the poor little fellow's
lower extremities were almost covered with a con
tinual blister. Having much faith in your oint
ment, I immediately purchased three boxes, which
1 applied unsparingly, according to your direc
tions in such cases ; and it is with great pleasure
and gratitude, thai I am able to inform you that it
allayed the pain in a few hours ; and in ton days
had effected a complete cure, I need scarcely
add, that it ought to be in the possession of cvp-.
ry family, as there is no telling when such acq.
dents may occur. Yours roapootfully,
A supply of this valuable Ointment just rf ceiyod.
and for sale, by .......
Stroudsburg, Nov. 0, 184Q.
BY 100 PER CEWT ! ! !
THE Publishers of
In accordance with the economical spirit of the
age, as well as from a desire to extend their
sphere of usefulness, by placing it within the
means of crerv one to procure an UNEXCEP
resolved to furnish the Chronicle hereafter at
the following unprecedentedly, low rates, viz:
For 10 copies, for 1 year, . $10-
4 5
2 "
1 t
'N public will remember that the
Is the Largest Family Newspaper Published in
And that it contains weekly thirty-two column
of closely printed matter, embracing every vari
ety of choice Literary, Scientific, nn News Mat
ters, of a character calculated to prove instruc
tive and entertaining to the Family Circle. The
Chronicle has now been several years m exis
tence, and the publishers believe that, without
vanity on their part, they may safely assert that
it has earned for itself a Reputation for Excel
lence in all its departments of Useful Informa
tion, Sound Philosophy, High Toned Morals, and
Attractive and Valuable Variety, surpassed by
no other newspaper in the United States.
The leading contents of the Saturday Chron
icle are Literary Tales, The Fine Arts, Agri
culture, Science, Travelling Sketches, Manners
and Customs, Ladies Department, Biography,
Prices Current, Bank Note List, Money Matters,
History, Education, Popular Statistics, Letters
from abroad, New Publications, Moral Readings,
Music, News of the Day, Jtoreign Intelligence,
Local Items, Humorous.
Besides these prominent features, the Chron
icle will be found to contain a carefully correct
ed Bank Note List a List of all New Counter
feits. The Prices of Stocks Prices of Market
ing and a Complete Prices Current oj I orcign
and Domestic Produce, thus rendering the paper
of great value to all engaged in Mercantile,
Mechanical or Agricultural pursuits.
Of the Chronicle will commence on the 5th
of the present month, under auspices of the
most flattering character. Our subscription list
since the first of January last, has nearly dou
bled, and our immense patronage enables us to
bring into operation many improvements of an
important character. Our files of English pe
riodicals has greatly increased, and the aid of
additional correspondents of high reputation has
been secured for the coming volume. We fear
lessly assert, that for the ensuing twelre months
we shall be enabled to furnish a mass of valua
ble literary matter, not exceeded in interest by
tho contents of any similar newspaper in the
world, and that too at about half the price de
manded by our contemporaries! The secret of
this low price is, that we have adopted the cash
system. We neither ask nor give credit, and
therefore are enabled to purchase paper and
other articles on the most favourable terms.
As an additional attraction, and for the es
pecial gratification of ladies, the music of some
popular air, melody or ballad, will be occasion
ally inserted, so that our readers in the interior
will have the advantage of possessing new and
favorite music for the yoice or piano, almost as
soon as it is issued in the large cities.
The Chronicle being the cheapest paper pub
lished in the Union, a rigid adherence to the
following terms will be insisted upon in all
For 10 copies for one year, $10 00
For four copies, " 5 00
For two " 3 00
For a single copy, one year, 2 00
When ten or more copies are subscribed for,
the price of each additional copy is only one
Agents will please endorse their letters and
Post Masters frank in full. To constitute a
frank, it is necessary to write the name of tho
Postmaster in full, and the word "free" also.
The Postmaster General has decided that a
"Postmaster may enclose money in a letter to
tho Publisher of a Newspaper, to pay the sub
scription of a third person, and frank the letter,
if written by himself."
Editors in the country who will give the
above a few insertions will be entitled to an exr
change with the Chronicle for one year.
No. 86 South Second Stress
The Copartnership heretofore oxiating be
tween the subscribers under lht firm of
Finch & FiiichoS,
is this day dissolved by muUml cnpaenl, Tho
Books, Notes and accounts, ftro left in tha hands
of John Finch, wfla ftttoTi?0( IP
the aanvo,
Miiford, February iq. 1841.
If. B. business wN p pwriftf on at
usual by ' - JOHN FINCH
Neatly executed at this OfHoe,