Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, February 24, 1841, Image 3

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Correspondence oj the Baltimore American.
Washington, Feb. 17, 1841.
The Vice President presented a memorial
from citizens of New York which created some
feeling. The petition states that there are 150
American Citizens in Van Dicnian's Land in a
state of servitude, treated as felons, punished
as convicts, subject to the lash and compelled
to labor al unusual hours. The memorial comes
from the friends of the sufferers in New York,
who pray for the interference of the Govern
mentthe forcible interference if it should be
deemed necessary. The citizens sent to Van
Dieman's Land were Americans captured in
Canada, nd sent far away as a punishment for
their crimes.
Mr. Norvell said that any demand upon
England, except a pacific one, would fail of its
intended purpose. He wished the memorial
miht be referred to the President of the Uni-
strike out the first read by the Clerk, (above
The Chairman decided that this and the suc
ceeding being for contingent expenses of the
Branch Mint, at Charlotte, and thus connected
with it, the motion that had been carried would
extend over them also.
Mr. Green then moved to strike out the last
mentioned clause.
This motion was debated by Messrs. Green,
Alford, Nesbit, M. A. Cooper, Steenrod, and
Mr. W. Thompson obtained the floor.
Cure for a Cancer.
Wo have, just heard says the last Philadel
phia Saturday Courier, of a most simple and ef
ficacious cure for cancer. 'A well known gen
tleman of Chesnut street has, for a year or two
past, had a cancer coming on the under lip, and
used every precautionary means to eradicate or
destroy it, in vain, and it recently extended over
a great part of his cheek, chin, etc., when a
friend in Lurope hearing ol Ins distressing situ-
I i.1 k. ' .
ted States, and thought that some negotiation , wroto direcfions l0 (Ussolve a n.
might be brougnt about, by ; which the sufienngs K iu best Frouch brand and
of the Americans m A an Dieman s Land might ' n. n-ttlA whh n3 trn.m hR mob!
be alleviated.
Mr. Preston spoke also in reference to the
memorial. The subject he considered as one
of the first importance. He hoped the propo
sition would not bo entertained in any manner,
and the more so as Great Britian had been
guilty of an interference In our affairs. , Mr. P.
referred to the interference of the Government
of Great Britain in the L'Amistad case, and
said if the prayer now before the. Senate were
to Ue countenanced, then these who had inter
fered with us might find an apology for their
Mr. Preston commented upon the delicate
questions between this Government and Eng
land. They weru becoming more and -more
delicate and difiicult, and new questions were
every day springing up. Great Britain had
some reason to complain of our people because
of the state of things upon the Northern and
Nbrtheastern Frontier for some portions of the
period since 1837.
Mr. Preston concluded with expressing the
opinion that the petition should not be counte
nanced. He therefore moved that it be laid
upon the table. The motion was put and car
ried almost without oppoilion.
Correspondence of ihc Baltimore Patriot.
Washington, Feb. 18, 1841.
.Mr. Williams, of Maine, had the pleasant
task to perform this morning, of presenting the
joint resolutions of the Legislaiure of that re
generated State, instructing their Senators to
vote for the repeal of the Sub-Treasurr Act,
for the establishment of a National Bank, for
taxation on luxuries, and a tariff, for revenue,
and for a distribution of the proceeds of the
sales of the public lands.
I call this expression of the sentiment, and
wishes of the Legislature 'instructions,' because
the parts affected with as strong as he could
bear it which he did a few times, and to his
unspeakable joy found its ravages entirely ar
rested, and is getting well rapidly.'
On the maxim that the simplest remedies
are always the most efficacious the above is
worth preserving and those afflicted with can
cers cart-experience no harm in trying it. We
have known the sick to recover, after physicians
had given them up to die, by the use of reme
dies as simple and perhaps more so than the
foregoing. Orange Republican.
Mr. Speaker Hunter. The Hon. R. M.
T. Hunter, Speaker of the House of Represen
tatives, has reconsidered his determination to
retire from public life, and announced himself
as a candidate for re-election. Ho does this
with a view of healing the political divisions of
his district throwing his name before the pub
lic as a candidate of neither parly, and of both.
He avows himself opposed to a national bank,
a protective tariff and a distribution of the pro
ceeds of the public lands. His principles are
those of the Virginia school; and of course so
involved and metaphysical, and so full ofabstrac-
tions, that nolnmv can understand them. Ac
The subscriber offers for sale all the Works
and Lands belonging to the late firm of Hcxry,
Jordan & Co., adjoining, -the borough of
Stroudsburg, the seat of Jus:'- of Monroe
county, Pa. situated about three ri!es from the
Delaware river, and twenty six i.m Easton,
on the located route of the Susquehanna and
Delaware rail road, and adjacent to numerous
stores, mills, houses of worship, several Acad
emies, schools, libraries, &c. &c.
The works are erected on a tract of about
in a high state of cultivation, and consist of a
two fired forge, Tilthammer and Forge, Blowing
apparatus, large shears, Or stampers, Grind
ing and Polishing works with three water
wheels, and power and convenience for at least
three more heavy mill wheels.
The water power is never less than 2,800
square inches, under a hree feel head; the
whole head and fall is eleven feet. Also one
Blacksmith shop, with 2 fires, several large
Coal barns, Iron house, Carpenter shop, Scale
house, Store and Ollice, and other out houses
one new brick
Bam, &c, and ten other
i 1 t-iu- tv n - vrr
all in good repair. Also about
I oO Aerca oi" Wool ILand
in the vicinity, with several good tenements,
farm land, and water power thereon, in lots to
suit purchasers.
Also several hundred steel and iron polo
axes, and a few tons of tilted iron, of various
sizes, suitable for ironing wagons, &c. All
of the above property will be sold cheap, and
on accommodating terms. Apply to
JAMES BELL, Jr. Agent.
Experiment Mills, Monroe Co. Pa. )
February IS, 1841." $
P.S. If the above mentioned mansion house
is notsold before the first of April next, it will
be for Rent.
The Copartnership heretofore existing be
coming to the Virginia school the Constitution j tween the subscribers under tha firm of
is an instrument of fetter binding up every
thing and forbidding any tiling to be done at.
least in a rational way. N. Y. Spectator.
Fiscal & PisafcSiot,
is ihis day dissolved by mutual consent. The
Books, Notes and accounts are left in the hands
of John Finch, who is duly authorized to settle
U. S. Senator ireasi Kcw JJevsey.
Weare informed that the Legislature of the
New Jersey, in joint-meeting, yesterday elect
ed the Hon. Jacob V. Miller, ol Morris counlv.i i;ifv,rl ,a p
c r - tt ' J. Aiiilortl, rebruarv 16, 1S4J.
a Senator of tne United States, from the 4th off ,, .
ret D. Wall, whose time then expires. MrJUSUIllb
Miller is said to be an able and staunch Whi;
and will no doubt truly represent the people d
New Jersey.
Jlpfrs. Geuei-al EUarrison.
wm be carried on as
The subscriber offers for sale his Saw Mill
situate in Smithfield township, Monroe county,
v i3 in icaii.Y muMua..... hb ui oumuitrce gives me ioiioic; about two miles from iiushvilJe. adioinin lands
Mr. Williams is bound to obey; for he pledged' sketca 01 the wife of Gen. Harrison :- f j of peler Trive!v am 0,h T d m
himself that if the wishes of the people could As this lady is soon expected to occupy th wh h.-h ,o-;7 hv Ari.lin t. f-r.t
be ascertained he would comnlv with them or " Wlilc W Washington, any thing refa Was, bmU ,n 1 b-v GaIm jNIelze a, hr6t raU
be ascertained, he wojid comply with taunor an.ifvi' , tn m& workman, and is as good as new Irons and
Mr. Norvell, of Michigan, made an effort to
day, to procure the adoption .of a resolution for
the admission of ladies to the floor, during the
remainder of the session. He5 referred to the'!
probability that from this time to the inaugura
tion, there would be crowds of Grangers flock
ing to the metropolis, and he thought the Sen
xing 10 ner mstorv win ue cratitvmff to the nu
lie. After the severe and desperate battle of tl5i
Miami in 1794, Gen. Wayne went to the Atlantlt
States, leaving Captain Harrison in cornrnnnd if
Fojt Washington, now Cincinnati. The next yea
Captain Harrison married the daughter of Judg
John Cleve Symmes, who was born at Kiverheat
Long Island, and removed in early life to NcV
Jersey, where he married the daughter of OoverK
v?n:,.. r j : c.
ate ought to be willing to give as much accom-. the As20ciate Judb Jf thc s c (:oun of
IllUUmiUU IU Ultilll US WU3 III 113 JIUWKI.
Mr. Benton moved to lav the resolution on
the. table, which was carried ayes 21, nay.s
Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, gave notice that he
would to-morrow call up thc resolution he had
submitted, proposing the repeal of tho Sub
The Senate then proceeded to the consider
ation of the uniform bankrupt bill; and Mr.
Benton commenced a long, elaborate harangue
in favor of including all banks and other cor
porations within the operation of the bankrupt
system; in the course of which he disclaimed,
after his customary fashion, against banks in
general, and against the United Slates Bank in
The subject was continued until the hour of
Mr. Davis, of Pennsylvania, on leave, of
fered the following resolution:
Resolved, That henceforth this House will
take a recess from half past two to four o'clock
oach day which was adopted.
The House then, on motion of Mr. Jones, of
Virginia, resolved itself into a. Committer, of
the" Whole on the statu of the Union, (Mr. Bell,
of-Tennessee, in the .Chair) and resumed the
consideration of the General Appropriation
-.t?;m i
1 he motion to Mnkc out the following clause:
" For compensation to tho officers and cleric of
ihe Branch Mint at Charlotte, N. C. SG000,"
having been yesterday negatived, tho Clerk
read the following in succession:
"For pay of laborers in the various depart
ments of tho same, $3500."
"For wflstiige of gold, and for contingent ex
pens of tho sarins, $2509."
"tor compensation to too officers "and Clerk
of the Branch Mint at Dahlonega, Georgia
$0000." - ' .
Mr. Green, of ICy, said his original .motion
was to strike-oiu all the! clauses in relatKm to
tho Branch Mints. Ho would now ifrioye, ta
State. In 1787 he became the proprietor of " !Jr
Miami -purchase", of near a million of acres, ard
removed to that country. t
Mrs. Harrison was educated at East Ifamptoi,
Long Island, and when young was esteerncdL
lady of great personal 'and mental accomplisl
mtfnts'. A writer fof the National Portrait G;riler
for 183G, thus speaks of her'Shc is distinguishc1!:
for her benevolence and piety; and all who knov
her view her with esteem and affection.
whole course through life, in all its relations, hai
been characterized by those qualificatiops tiia'
complete thc character of an accomplished ma-
all in good repair. This mill is situated with
in a few rods of the river Delaware and can
J be easily removed. It will be sold cheap.
February 5, 184 1.
Brides 55 aiaidcrs Take Iolasc,
That the President, Managers and Company,
for erecting a bridge over the river Delaware,
near the town of Mtlford, will meet at the house
of Horatio N. Gustin, in Montague, N. J., on
Thursday the 25th day of February inst., for
the purpose ol receiving proposals for repairing
tne damage done to said bridge by the late ice
freshet. And we invite those who hold stock
in aaid bridge, to meet the Board on that day.
By order of the Board.
. Secretary.
Milford, February 0, 1 S-l I .
;ad, Es
Stoves for sale by
On Sunday 7th inst. by G. B. Olmstead,
Mr. A nous BLackmore, to Margaret, youngS (Stroudsburg, Oct. 2, 1840.
est daughter ol James Kowlev. nil of iilronil 1
Pike couiitV, Pa. 'Sift barr?l f T: 3 Mackere! Just rece5vc
teM HII vX 1V1 OlllUj UJ .
In Smithfield tsp., on the 14th instant, Mr.
Henry Miller, aged about 80 years.
In Stroud township, on the lGth instant, Ja
cob Brown, Esq. one of the Associate Judges
of Monroe county, aged G9 years.
In Stroud township, on the 14th inst., Sam
uel Rccs, Esq. about 80 years.
In Stroud township, on the 17th inst. James,
infant son of William and Juliana Frankenfield.
Stroudsburg, Aug. M, 1840.
X boxes Box Raisins, jiiat received and for ale
P" " . . -
troudsburg, Aug. 14, 1840.
All persons indebted to the late firm of Hen
ry, Jordan & Co., are requested to make pay
merit on or before tho first day of July next, or
their accounts will, bo left in tho hands of a
Justice for collection.
JAMES BELL, Jr. Agent.
Experiment Miils, Fob. 13, 1011
CG-Fai'tEaeyslisp Notice.
- Andrew M. Stuart having disposed of his
interest irrthe firm of Stuart, Howell & Co.
to the remaining partners, on the 1st isntant;
tho business will now bo conducted under the
name -of Arthur IIowoll & Co., who are duly
authorised to settle tho accounts of iIiq late
firjn. ' ANDREW (iL STUART. -
: . ? v ARTHUR HOWELL & Co.
iPqcoriqjtowThipan. ,li,
THE holders of the certificates or notes of
j.3 Tavlorsville Delaware Bridge Cnnmnm-
ato hereby informed that said certificates or
intos are redeemed by the Treasurer, at the
olilee of the company, on presentation as usual.
M. K. TAYLOR, Treasurer.
Jattfary 20th, 1841
13 or 15 wood cltoppcra wanted at the An
alq.trk Iron Works, to whom liberal wages
will bo paid, by
Janfnry 15, 1841.
Aireneral aasortment of Bar Iron constantlv
on hi.d and will be sold on tho most reasona
ble terms, by
Analoitink Iron Works,,) . - ;
Jamarv. 15, 1844. X a- . f
THE Subscriber notwiiiinr tc be behind the
times, has just reoeh', ; at his Store in the
Borough of Stroudsburg, a large and very superior
assortment of
jresla Fall aiid Winter Goods.
Blacic, Blue, Brown, Olive, and ether choice col
ours, beinfr an assortment in whit ii every one may i !Vnu VnrL- nP;,.nc
Single and double milled Cassmir, Merino Cafe1- - Mf t(l! .hml 1 l"
giu- iHui a can ouiore purcnasni' in th cuw
Me wuuiutsiutc that his franteare mad:
: Li
The subscriber inratelnl fur nasi
thank his friends and the publii- jreneraliy for
uiuu kuiu Bucouragemcnt,a:!d v.oulil Wb Ittite
to inform them that he is now iAanttfacymia
large assortment of Umbrella juid ItBmSJ
wincii lie oilers lor snip. :?t PVi.ta-?r,i,.
t:.. r
simers, suimnor uiuins, oiiKoaun auu iMarseiiies
Vestings, Linen Drillings of various styles, &c.&c
Chally,3Iou3lin d'Lains of various patterns, some
of which are as low as '.',0 cts. per yard. A very
elegant assortment of Ohint'es. Lawns, Dress
Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cotton Gloves, Para
sols, &c. &c.
The above goods arc fresh from Philadelphia,
and were selected to suit the taste and please the
fancy of those v, bo may wish to buy at cheap pri
ces, goods of a superior quality.
The subscriber invite his customers and the
himself, or under his :mihefha:e
that he has secured the servtti
enceu ycung lady, to supeniKf
i. b. A the suhacriW
. - . . . . y
preparer! lor covering nad t efS&wig,, -fef-fumi
the cdunfry can &fom&fjjfrvi 'J
Parasols rnnheU vsd l'&8m&,ai hor'
ce. . ' . v,. ; bUAB I1
401-2 NSthamoton ,., i0r k.
uiuseya-im- ware tr&isttUcmru
Ivaston, July , 1340.
.1 rm
..n- ...ii. . i. i i- i 1 ' " """"" '"S
puuiic generally, to can ana examine lor inem- im;!jt. . .
selves, when he wut he happy to accommodate 1
them at low prices lor cash, or for country pio-i
Stroudsburg, Nov. 20, 1810.
A few tons of Stone Coal, just received and
for sale, bv
Stroudsburg, January 8, 1841.
npiIE spring term of the above named insti-
3L tution commenced on Monday, the 4th clay of
May ; and is conducted by Miss itinry 31.
liPIittniCis, late of Troy Female Seminary, an
experienced and well qualified teacher.
The branches taught at this Seminary, are
The reprateiL changes in the -itmosfh
lag as ir.ey no upon tne canshUfiv e a
Natural Philoso-Rhetoric,
The Seminary being endowed by the State, in
struction is atTnrded at the reduced rate of tict
dollars per quarter, inclusive of all branches.
Having rented the spacious stone buiiding. for
merly occupied as the male Academy, the "Trus
tees are now prepared to' receive any number oi
young ladies that may apply, from all parts of thc
county. "
Board, in respectable families, can be obtained
on reasonable terms.
The Trustees, with the fullest confidenrc, com
mend the Stroudsburg Female Seminaiy to the
patronage of the public.
(Attest) War P. Yah., Sec'y.
Stroudsburg, May 15, 1810.
"SAW mill
That valuable property situated at the junc
tion of Stony Run and Brodheads Creek, con
sisting of
530 Acrea of ILaad,
cleared, ten acres of natural
Meadow, one
Frame Mousse,
I I ! O - " , 414 III UIIU IJIIl-
ble. Situated in Price township, Monroe coun
ty i Pa. 12 miles from Stroudsburg, tho county
seat; 10 miles from the Delaware Water Gap,
85 miles from New-York and abotit the same
distance from Philadelphia, to where rafts of
lumber can bn- run direct from the Saw Mill.
Thc water power is sufficient for any machine
ry. Pine, Oak, Maple, Poplar and Hemlock,
lind a ready sale at the mill
M'L .r.i i.i,. i. - i i
i ne iiuo is muispuiume, oemg tienveti irom
tho State. For terms, which will be made
moderate and payments easy, apply to the
owner on the premises.
December IS, 1840.
the Hood, give occasion lor tlie meat
lignant disorders; The bltio&ifpm a
becomes stagnant and is plunged
corruption ' ,-.
Thus it loses its purity: its? emulation is irorK -ded;
the channels of life are clogged; rte kneels -come
costive, and if not van immerb&p- auai
some malignant fever, headache nan.a, l
appetile, and a general debility at theswEoIe j
are sure tci follow.
It Tcq'.ire3- the tempest and the tofiteiuo to :
about a state of purity in the when i
ters become stagnant; a no ,it will n quire
ed evacuation by the stomach" and :jvwrs.
the blood can he relieved of its fc'-guifcallfc
purity. Z ! .
Brandrettis Vegetable tjnip0 i
should be taken, then there will bf"c; k e
rause they purge from the sfrHck ifhffc botre!
these humors which are the pklw i faet-zii'i.
cleanse thc blood from all imjuirjit. t.'.ve $ty
cause oj ram or weakness, and preserre
iiuion ma state oi hcaith ana
changes cannot elfect.
Tr. Mranlrpth,?; Offiro fnr th PrtmX a r
------- nT.-vr,y
his Vegetable Universal Pills, in RtHarfelDhi4k"k
Spanish d- Italian at No."S, North Eighth siiseu Frice 25 cms per
uox. .
For sale by RicnAhn S'. Staples, irt Sapos
burg; in Milford by J. H. Bhodhk-d, aatt in Mbts
roe and Pike counties by agents published in aa
other part of this paper.
UctoDer 16, 1840.
Logic, ' .
French, Latin,
about forty acres
np33ft 'Subscriber respectfully informs the puh
A. lie, that he is prepared to execute all kinds oi
Pflaln & i'aaaaiawntaS Wmni'ms,
at his shop nearly opposite the store of William
hastburn, whero all orders in hislin twill bo thank
fully received and punctually attended to.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1839.
In all its various branches will be punctually
attended to. . J P.
John Adams,
Tiomas Bush,
William Drake,
Eliza Drake,
Rev. John IL Carlo,
George Felker,
Samuel Gulick,.
Sallv Groner,
John HeiTord,
Snmuol Moore,
Thomas Moore,
r t -x t t
William in pa ly,
Daniel W. Newton,
Catharino Ranbur
Stroud Recs,
Michael Hnnsbttry,
Philip Shalfer,
Susan Smily, Widow.
James H Strniid,
Frederic Smith,
William Sleapjes,
John Ward,
ChristoperMussloman; Jame VL Cann, ,
Stroudsburg7 January' 8, 1841, T . '
What is that we call the CoUttutf.nt Tbe
constitution is evidently that wimh 'oitstfcs,
and that which constitutes is the bibod. We. tkKt&
fore, know that the blood is the consir. Uzpn; aad
that a good pr bad constitution is neither mure ar
less than a good or bad state of ihe biod. Thtfpfirs
no person who, having lest health, does not wjdo
have it restored. Use then the yropr- i,tjm-Bj-pel
with Purgative Medicine all currupt feofEtbrs
from the body, and the blessing, licai;
the certain result: for all pains cr un im n nt fit$
injis proceed frcm the presence oi corrupl oij
tiated humors, which are the real cause. of very
disease, and therefore the otdy to w nick the
human frame is subject, because they clog up the
veins and arteries, and prevent the free circulation
of the blood. .
Brandrcltis Vegetable Universal Pitts Cufft jkh
4 i w '
disease: because they remove tb corrpf er
tiated humors bv the stomach awi bowels. te1
the good humors to cive life and health m Ur
dy. It is morally impossible that tl.ey can 91 o
euro, provided Nature is not entirely ?xhrft4,-
Dr. Hrantlreth's Office fo the sals of h2S..pfik
in Philadflphia. is No. 8. North F.tghib irwl ,
Sold in Su'oudsbusg by IIxhaxo S. SrxjLm.
in Milford. l y J. L Rhodhkad. aiul ic ilo:vjrit apd
Pike couuties, by the agents pubhand la iiuwer
part of this paj)cr.
October IG, 1840 '
s'Hii subscriber rSspecrftJllT iaform tha- ctlL
JL zens of Stroudsburg a:d the pabiis geactit.
that he has tal;n the shop rpcently"cccapie-J by
James Palmer, on Elizabath street. Eearl epposito
the Stroudsinng House, in Bort upij where
he intends c:. Tying on the Cabinet Making busi
ness in all its various branches.
He shoH keep constantly on hand or make to
dcr all kinds of fourniture : O
Sadcb oarde, Ssircattis., Sfa. tr -tables!,
fiSi'eaaifast and 3J5iJuij' ITaMct
Wasli Siaauls, Eelstads, &c.
together with every other article usually kept a
such cstablishnu nts ; all of which ho will sU t
thc Eastin prices.
As his materials will be of the best quality, av
all articles manufactured ai his establishment f
be done by first rate workmen, he confidently l
sures the public that his endeavors to render gen
eral satisfaction will not be unrewarded.
Ue respectfully invites the public to call nn&e
amine his stock before purchasing olsawhars.
Chairs, Settees, &c. will be kept consUntlj
hand and for sale.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1SI0.
Tho Carding and Fulling business, will h car
ried nu by tUe subst riber at the alove um stew
am! he would be pleased to receive i patscn.f
of Iris old customers and the publick gec'e
The price of wool carding will be 4 cents rnsi r
cci.ts trust per pound. Woo! or cloth will i v..
ken awaand returned when fiinsHedf at J. V.
C. Afulvin's store, .Stroudsburir, on SatunfJ-f
every week, where those- indebted to ihe tetesitrti,
can meet tho subscriber and settle their aocwmtMi.
Bushkill, Juno 1st. J. A. DIM MICK .
For salo by the subscriber, -
Stroudsburg, Feb. 14, 1840.