Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, January 29, 1841, Image 2

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oiroucisbnrg, P.t. Ja jiisry 29, 1S41.
t. o, "-,. . ,' ,777TZ
nziaocioicincena oi tncycar. -
Subject to the decision of the Stale Convention.
The Harrison Democratic citizens of Monroe
enmity, are requested to meet in County Con
vention on Tuesoav ilie 2d dav of February
next, at the Comt-hon.n ,. StrnJdsW. r.t Mr-
, ' , . , ' ,
. muu-ni, in appoint a delegate io me ,
Muivcutir.n to be held the 10th cf. March next,
T the nurnnse of nominating a Democratic
lor uie p
candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania.
iWl LiLiillV.
County Committee.
January 22, 1841.
TZie Tier"
pointing delegates to represent Berks t ounty in
the Slate Convention at Harrisburg, to nominate
a candidate for Governor. A number of excel
lent resolutions were passed, and nmong others
one instructing the delegates to support the Hon.
Jonrc 13.:;ks, as the favorite candidate of the
llarrison democrats of Perks county for the of-
fioe of Governor.
From the evidence before us we have every
reason to believe that the Hon. John Banks will
, v j-, r 1 T I r 11 r
DC tne cannldate OI Hie irienus OI Harrison lor
tne next governor i-ij ennsyivania. lie est, '
particularly, leads oh in his support. The pa-
pers ofMercer, Crawford, Erie, and other coun-
ties, are enihii.Mastic in his Mipport, while ma-
m in the middle and eastern sections of the
Slate nave declared their preference lor him
over all otners. 1 hey urge his claims upon his
sterling honesty, his abilities, and as everv way
calculated to sustain the present harmony of the
part'. Del. Republican.
TTj3 The friends of Mr. Van Buren in "Old
Westmoreland," recently held a county meet
ing, and among other resolutions, we find two,
l- , , ? , , , . , ' , , '
wnicn we pumiisn neiow, in oroer : uai me party
' l , 1 - i
, ' ' C t it
lhe State. lb.
ui") 1 1 . .1 . -1 r
. ' Jiiaiweview me recent ueieai
u.. .1 .. :..!.. .1.
Ad ! without a ncu, man one around whom the
r j ' . "
j ie unrK.s ol nuyiKiii journal, contains the nrjne Uompany, namea Mark S. Rink, and the road; and also lor the opening of Franklin st. ety of gentlemen, was perfectly au fait in pay-
proreewns oi a t:uge -ouniy meeting t ttie ,her a member or the Pei.nsylvania Engine Mr. Gratz, from the Committee to whom the ' lnfer w,th Srace lnose elegant little attentions so
Inerids of Harrison and lyler, belt: in heading Compony, named Oscar Douglass, were buried petition of the "Overseers of Public Schools " calculated to touch the credulous and unsuspect-
ability to comply with the last resolution which v .1 ; r 1 .- r u c 1. L c 1 nnd thp
r . .,',. i- . . . show the lniustice of his estimates for the ex- nine for the establishment of an Asvlum for aim ine
oirecis, me wnoie 01 me proceeaings 10 ne puo- .,,i:t, ,,.,. f ic,i u , , . r T -n r.i- r i. observing
K 0 . nendltures ol lb41. He stated a number of rhe Tnsanr: Poor nf this Commonwealth seven uusLrtuig
Jtuw-u a 1 tt u wuivti uuu auuia till Liihfiiuuk
It - I n . I 1 I tn in.M..wttll.i vtrn-(S U on U J ----- ...
-of the democratic party, as owing mainly to the p10priations for the present year, which he es- bv floods several for" the opening of Franklin unknw ai'd plausible adventurers, and also of
.doubtful, hesitating, vascilatmg, uncertain and umated at $14,399,200; thus making the bur- street for and against the incorporation of a known, dissolute and depraved, but fashionable j
puerile course pursued by the legislature last Jen on the Treasury for 1S41, $27,569,100, part of Penntownship one from Ezekiel B. young men. Such society is indeed dangerous,
winter in reference to the banks, and that in our and ihe fund available S20.042.618: which Foster for a divorce, and several for the reneal 3,1,1 lhe Parent sanctions it, commits a sad ,
puiiiui me ivebinne oiaie never can oe reaeem-
'tdil V 5 "''K"Yl connoence, .nai ne win carry Imnsdiately to meet this, and leave at least a' Reports Mr. Law from the Judiciary Corn
out the principles on which he is elected. small balance in the Treasury, the sum of $10,- mittee, to whom was referred that portion of
i - c j . . ... "
ne5ieu, r.ccoruanee wnii tne aoovc, uuu.uuu; and thus not to issue 1 reasury notes the Governor's Message relative to the publi- We have just read an account of the cruel Banks as a candidate for Governor; another
ve rewimmend io the democracy of the state bills of credit--for the currency of the coun- cation of the laws, in the different papers, re- murder, bv a party of Indians, of xMrs. Mont- names Henry D. Maxwell and James P. Hor
lo nx n some new nan one who will restore try, which he held to be unconstitutional. For j ported unfavorably. The report was adopted, gomery, wife of Lieut. Montgomery, of the ner as Delegates to the State Convention; and
confidence tothe people, and carry out tlpnn-. providing a revenue, the duties on imported' Mr. Gratz, from the Select Committee, to Army. Contrary to instructions in the War ' another recommends the Legislature to instruct
ipls of democracy as laid down by Jefferson, goods should be increased, and by this Admin- whom the subject was referred, reported a bill , Department, and in opposition to positive or- our Senators and request our Representatives
and 'practised ,,y Jackson and an Buren' istration. Before the operation of such a mea- authorising the trustees of the will of John ders issued by tho commanding general, forbid- in Confess to vote for the distribution of tho
(lftVftrnor Kent, in his lnessnwe tn iVip T.pois
latjure of Maine, recommends the limitation of
the Presidential office to one term, and is infa-(
vor of a General Banlcrutit Law. He insists
upon ihe claim of the State to the territory j ,
disjui'-t!. in relation to the .M
E. Boundary", and
that the reueral bovemuient
is bound to afford -
aid and proteciion in enforcing it. .Maine, he
hays, ranks first in the amount of tonnage built
yearly in ihe Union, and in fact builds one quar
ter part of the whole. She ranks second only
to .New York in the amount of tonnage employ
dentations of the shore, she has more than sixj
hurtdred miles of sea coast, with many excellent j
and safe harbors and numerous rivprs, giving!
cheap and navigable highways into the interior ;
the subsisting arrangement, and as taking mili-
tary possession of that portion of the contested
'Jmtorv,' aim ii tne troops are permanently,
od in ihe coasting trade, and second onlv to : " d c ny penou io nb rcuei. iuc Johnston and Wright took part, when the reso-1 of Mrs. Montgomery, with a soldier still breath- discovered on the track. '
Massachusetts in the Cod nnd Mackerel hshe- i y- iu,. . jUllons were finajy adopted by the lollowing mg lying by her, witn just strength enough to his hand to her which she
j;e, and :.ext to these two bt::tes in the whole , , 1 " " rw""v" ,ul u" u,' si-cuwm ui j vote Ayes S1. j;ayS 44 say t0 ner agonizing nusoand, who threw rum-1 get out of the way. Just
mnimt nftnnnair nrn.l TnllMtvInrr th.a ?n. , 1116 government Would be made, aild save tile , TBcp AT..lrur , WuPTr tVha xh. ! ol fnn flip rrrnnnd hv his wife's hleedincr hndv hMt- 1,.,.-,... K ln,ot-
unu im.j.m irn-uue m me-Msa. wn uie bi.ojpci oi xnnlPv r:onsmr.nnnvj in h Vnnnv Ucneral, accomnamod with a statomeni ol t
the recent military occupation of Madawaska by , 7r., i , nwv 1 1 . affairs of the Banks and Savins Institutions bl
the British troops, he is quite peppery. Ilf w weiL ithjs Commonwealth. a 1 kies.L,
views it as "a direct and palpable infringement of SUUbullUiea 101 .1101 ses, mountea a new : 'piie u ror ,tie election of two Canal Com-'
locaied there, he rays-he shsll feel it his duly f" minu aim uuw6u uis -to
mtemte ihe request already made to. the Gen- lailtry by carrying lllS companion from
ral Government, and to urge upon the Govern-
sntnt tlutjusl'ux and expediency of taking mil it o
ry possession on the part of tw United Stales of
tut: territory Jn dispute.
oney is said to be easy in New York.
From the Philadelphia Gazstte.
Destructive Conflagration and !Loss
of laves
. A little after one o'clock on Saturday morning,
a very destructive fire broke out in the extensive
umbrella manufactory of Wright and Brothers,
No. 125 Market street above Third. The fire
originated in the rear building, and spread with
I great rapidity.
The rear buildm with its con-
i JZ "ilii J
The whole of the upper
was kew sedestrov-'lau
i cd.
The loss in goods alone, by fire and water,
i W1-ii nrnhahlvsimmini. tonenrlv 8100.000. Thn!in. favour of permitting the citizens of each
stock of umbrellas on hand was large, and the)
aiuouni-oi siiks, caniuncs, cuuuu guous, auu
other materials, was heavy. Within the last
j few days, some 810,000 worth of silks had been
added to the stock.
The fancy goods store of Wilmer and Broth-1
ers, io. 13, adjoining on the east side, sufler
ed considerably. The dry goods store of Wood
and Abbott, No. 127, adjoining on the west
side took fire and suffered severely. The roof
and garret were burned, and the entire building
more or less injured. Some,goods were burnt
in the upper stories, and the destruction or dam
aSe al'ogeiher principally by water, cannot fall
much short ol $30,001)
Insurance however ful-'
jy CQVers ,he anil)Unt
Wricrht & UrmhHrs. wo.
regret to add, were not so fortunate. Their j
stock was not more than half covered by insu-
ranee. The shoe store of Thomas and Wm. day's session. Mr.. Penrose delivered ope of J,a.rm ,noi,Sl1 llls impudence has vexed the Committee of the Whole, and ordered to be eu
: R. Evans, No. 129, caught, but suffered but this best speeches, and completely annihilated Pr,de of some of our nobility, and he has a fine grossed. '
little. The firm had about $200, worth of ' what was left by Mr. Pearson, of the Senator chance of laughing at the gullibility of the Yan-' The Senate then resumed the "consideration
goods damaged by water. Several other buiid-J from Lehigh, Mr. Gibbons. kees' of the special order.
j ings were slightly injured. The origin of the In the House, petitions were presented to- This case is by no means rare. A friend of THE PROSPECTIVE :PRE-EMPTION
( fire is believed to have been accidental. Two ' day, for no less than five new counties; mostly ours informs us, that an individual very recently BILL.
! men slept in the building where it commenced. I from the north and west. They are generally figured in "good society" in this city, as a Cap-; It was debated at some length by Messrs.
j The saddest part and most melancholy of ' gotten up, I presume, by persons who are anx- tain in ih-a Amorican Navy, but who had, in ! Buchanan and Crittenden.
the story remains yet to be told. At half-past . ions to fill the various county offices, which consequence of sudden and unexpected wealth, After which Mr. Calhoun took the floor, but
! two o'clock the walls of the rear building of I would thereby be created. Petitions continue thrown up his commission, iie was about 30, irave wav to a motion to adjourn.
Wright's store, in which the fire caught, fell to flow in for a repeal of the law granting per- dressed elegantly, had a fine pair of coal black HOUSE OF J GPRfiSENTATIVES.
with a tremendous crash. Two persons, both ( mission to the Trenton and Philadelphia Rail whiskers, was plausible in his manners, and ApnriTinv f pmht'I a i t
young men, one a member of the Diligent En-!
I nother fireman named David Orrick, secretary
nf Me Delaware Engine, was also buried be
neath the falling wall, and taken out so badly
hurt, that it is thought he will not survive. One
of his legs were fractured in addition to his oth
er iniuries. A voun.o- man named Role.v. nar-
rowjy escaped with his life, and a member of
lhe Southwark engine had his cape dragged off
his shoulders, bv a portion of the wail, as it
- 0
Jass each nresented a drenilfnl ami friahtfnl
came uown.
The bodies of Rink and Doug-
spectacle, when removed froni under the rub-
bibh. They were horriblv mangled and black-
ened, and their backs literally flayed. Both of
the deceased were highly esteemed, and have
each leli many friends to mourn their untimely
p. S. Since writing the above, we hare
heard that another young man has been extri-
cited from the ruins, the name said to be ;
Redman. !
TIio Condition of the Treasury and
an Extra Session.
t c 1 j .t
In the course of some remarks made 111 the
rr rn . . j . 1
house of Representatives a day or two ago bv
";r- Barnard, he alluded to the report of the
lacts, and estimated the outstanding Treasury
notes. 6zc. as a debt aaainst the Government of
. . o . .
S13,;70,000. This was without making ap-
. . . . ...-
leaves a deficit of means for the servir-P. nf ilm
year 1541, of upwards of seven and a half mil-.
ons OI uoiiars. i nere snoum oe oorrowea
. '
j sure, ai leas, six months nonce should be giv- j
i en; th,Vvas. 1101 doil no by the present,
"UH,:"""H,U"' uu l,IB uiy yl UIU uexi
PresWenJ l. cal1 Congress together in the sum-,
,ner or Jal1 ,ot .tne Presenl 'ear- His object j
YUS"" aciy n, uiai me
spoaoibility ol calling Congress together, and j
t,,e ePe"se ,hat niusl be incurred, should
uu l"u Pres"1 Aumuubirauoii anu us
Mr.Evans, of Maine; also alluded to the same I
subject, and concurred with Mr. Barnard, that
it would either be necessary to abandon the
government, or call those who have the dispo
ctC5!5lV ol dn exira session.
"" f
A IN E1V HOBBY. The Baltimore;
Sllll SaVS. that the gentleman who was'
hobby OH Saturday night. Hecaughti
:a pj" jie street with which he i
iirj i ,i
pavem to tavern, and occasionally CrU-
ell v beatinp; and kickinp; the noor ani-
tnai because it would' not be quiet'
i i ,i , i i , i i
wmle the .gentleman drank his cock -
j imitp :irv in 1 1 1 f 1 rp:itirL' nnr a? in ta infill rri ir ctnncrc u rnj h'rinnia rvr tnaii ranracanrqiMraci
.".! 1 1 1 . .1 1 1 . 1 T .
Corrcsjwndence of the Inquirer tj- Courier
Harrisburg, Jan. 20, 1841
lit the Senate, a large number of petitions
i were presented for the repeal of the law grant-
g permission to the Trenton and Philadelphia
tfoad Uompany to change the location o
the road. Quite a number were also presented i
school district in the State the privilege of de-
. !" wi w uut mcic auuuiu
be any ardent spirits sola in their respective
It is an undeniable fact that the cause of
temperance has been for some time on the re
tro?ade. and it is to be honed that the Lem'sla
ture may do something towards shutting up the
almost innumerable number of grog-shops which
nrii scattered through our siai. Of rnnri 1
do not allude to the number of good hotels,
where "accommodations' for man and beast,"
are of the best kind, but only to those who have
scarcely room to accommodate the drunken
loafer on the hard floor.
The Sub-Treasurv Resolutions were taken
up again in Committee of the Whole, and led
to a debate which occupied the balance of the
Road Company to change the location of their
ings from taxation, was referred, reported a bill
for that purpose.
kt t.T r i -.
nravinn- t ie i.enis atnre to eveinnt their hiiiln- I
V r I Hue n HiipL'c rannrtait ft h, mirinrr
i-.: r o M'-'- .1.- ri
me cicuuuii ui ruuiiiy ucMuici iu iue ueu lie
of that county
Mr. Rrodhead, reported a further supplement
In ! if art .-! inr c ner thp an :nnu- nHn mir finrl '
recording of deeds.
Thp resolution nnjil hv trt s-nnt rpla.
tU- r ,k j r.u'to
inti iu mo uisuiuuhuii ui iiic uiuurcus vi uic
t 1 r... .1 ..r
amendments, passed through Committee of tho
An a'ct authorising the Rector, Church War-
, - ,IS. and Virvmn nf Trinitv C.hnrrh in tli
dislrlcl of Southwark, to sell ce'rtain real estate,
passed a fina reading in the House and was
sent to-the Senate.
a bill providing for the re-appraisement of
damages done to the property of George Erne-
rick, by the construction of the PIRladelphia
and Columbia Kai Koad. was nassed throua h
Committee of the Whole.
Harrisburg, Jan. 22, 1841.
t 1 tt l-
In the House, thirteen petitions were pre
sented to-day for the election of Canal Commis
for and si:: against the issue of small notes
nn fmm rbn piiiypn nf TWUs rmintv fnr ihn
oroteclion and recovery of Donertv carried awav
i x
nf thp laic nrnnunn normiccinn tn thp Trpntnn
and Philadelphia Railroad Company to change j
the location o their road.
Pemberton, to sell certain real estate. j
ylu Gillis reported a bill for the formation of
.anew county , out of parts ol Jeflerson, McKean ;
and Clearfield, to be called Madison
Mr. Darsie, from the Committee of Ways j
rL-ianLj eans reported a bill entitled An Act to !
aulhorise the re-pavment in part, of certain
ioans obtained of the United States Bank, to1
repa - ,r lhc Hunlingdon breach of the Pennsyl-'
vnnm Cnnnl i
Tne resolutions relative to the Public Lands .
then came up on final reading, when a lengthy
dpbate took place, in which Messrs. Flenniken,
Crabb, Miles, Fuller, Lusk, Cox, Penniman,
sent from town. Messrs. Pierce and Walker,
(Van Buren) non est inventus.
THE SENATE The Sneaker laid before
the Senate a communication from the Auditor ,
lie w
missioncrs by the Legislature, and the appoint
ment of one by tnc Governor, came up
cond reading. After the rejection of a gre'at
number of amendments, the bill passed, and
was ordered to be transcribed for a third read
ing. The amendments made by the Senate to
the resolutions realativo to the public printing,
""n-conciured m .the tipiwe, were ca lieu up
wnen uieoenate receeoeu irom its.amenumenis,
ard the resolution ouy WBiu jhe signature of
i r i .1.. e :i .. .r p
J the Governor to become a law.
Impostors, Adventurers ami Fortune
The Baltimore Clipper states that a person
recently figured in thai city, as "Capiatri Ne
ville, of the Coldstream Guards." He swag
gered about at a prodigious rate for some time
wore miisiachois. and was quite a favorite with
j V,e la(IJe.s' , lJe was " good-look ing knave, and
rseu l aribuicraiic siyie. ii is ad-
ucu ino "" "e
'attended the conversazioni soirees of the first
families, and at length imagined that he had i
found favor in the eves and heart of a young la
dy of wealth, beauty and wit, and adroitly work
ed upon a conjecture so flattering to his vanity.
His military habits gave him a kind of hauteur
or reserve, and to pop the question he wisely
thought would not be exactly in character, so
he waited to be asked! Day after day passed
J off anJ every dav brought new devotees at the
i rcRt of llle ''lion;" but there must be an end to
1 a11 tilings. J he arrival ol Col. Y. ol the British
army was announced at the hotel, and from that
moment Captain Neville, of the Coldstream
Guards, assumed a different position; his crest
11 his military bearing changed to that of the
Humbling hireling and, in short, the "Captain
boIll " Halifax" turned out to be the servant of
the Colonel, his calling being to "shave his
Jnaster and dress his hair." The fellow did no
while he rather shunned than courted the soci-
""S unuu sa ua nuicr
.flash. fashion, small talk, and occasional quota-
lions of poetry, to useftd and sensible conversa-
c.,'r .,rA .o.,i.r iinnnrii.i.Lf i.
i.uu. aiiu u. iiuuiv unu ni.iuii ut iui tuiciii,. it au
hnnnened ihnt nnr friend visited a ntrtv tii whiMi
ri r -
the gentleman in question had been invited as a
sort of lion. One or two of the gentlemen men-
UOIieU ineiT SUSpiClOila IO eaCIl OlHOr, Una 31-
tempted, but in vain, to draw the pretended
Captain cut. Finding him too adroit a knave
be eanaht ihns readilv. thev coininnninateil
o ' . -
their views tn a ladv. who snnrnincr verv ibinor
like trick and deception, determined at once to
discover whether the favorite with the frivolous,
was indeed all he assumed to be. She obtained
an introduction, became his partner in a cotillon,
and the course of conversation, attempted in
vain to discover the (oe of his commission, the
last post at which he had been stationed, the
place of his nativity, the residence of his family,
or indeed, any fact calculated to trace him.
Her queries, however, were of such a searching
nauue, uwi m auicmuici iuu. ui mm, aim
hurried oft at a very early hour. It was subse
quently ascertained that He was a regular im-
postor, and had been engaged for some time, m
the agreeable business of fortune-hunting. Phil-
adelphia society is said to be especially cold
and cautious. It may appear so to the modest
meritorious; but 110 one in the habit of
such matters with closeness, can fail
1 nav? remarKect me aviuity ine cuipaoie aviu-
with which many of our young and inexpe-
nenceu lemaies, pen.m uie laminar intimacy oi
1. i i ui. l . i r
oversight, to say the least. 1 he error, howev-
a -
er total seclusion, is too frequently attended
".uv.m iuu"J jv-""uj-
. . . " .
Florida A touching scene.
ding any escort being sent from post to post
under thirty men, a wagon was despatched j
lrom lort Micanopy to rort Wacahoota with I
only eleven mounted infantry under command
of Lieutenants Sherwood and Hopson, as the
morning was line, Mrs. Montgomery rode out
with them. About an hour after their d
ure, some of the horses returned to Fort Mican
opy without their riders, and shortly after two
soldiers rode nn and announced that the Dartv
had been attacked, Mrs. Montgomery and Lieut.
Sherwood and several of tho soldiers killed.!
The garrison immediately sallied out and with-
in 3 miles of the fort found the bleeding corpse I
"Lieutenant, I lought for your wife as long as
I could' Lieut. Shorwood was well mounted,
and-might ii is reported, have escaped, but
W(,' "Hl abandon his fair charge. 1 his bar-,
? in :iriiuu- n an biiijiiiintuu uy a
bund oi the cruel and blood-thirsty Mn;asu-.was
The frontier, posts in. Florida are not fit pla
ces for the residence of ladies. Tho same
reason wliieh renders it improper for them to be
on board ships of war, might he urged against
their being allowed to accompany their hus
bands to these posts of danger. Officers ought
to be left to act free in moments of emergency,
without the uneasiness 4 qf having to protecrracYosilh"e "top, white imhe gewineitirprinutuJ
helpless women and children.
This unfortunate lady had been only three
weeks in Florida, and but lately married.
y Congress. -
'Washington', Jan. 22r 13 U
The Vice President laid before the SeMViin a
communication from the War Depart men)., rela
tive to the number of troops stationed tut iutt
Western frontier.
Another from the same department", showing
the number of clerks, for what employed,, anil
wages paid, &c.
Also, from the Nary Department, showing
the contracts made by that department.
Mr. Henderson presented a petition.
, . . . ,K EPOftTSr " ' --
Mr. Hubbard, from the Committee of Claims,
reported a bill for the relief of Capt.J. Throck
morton, and Porter H. Green.
By Mr. King, from the Committee on Com
merce a bill for the relief of Caleb Eddy.
ED. A bill to charter the Bank of Alexandria, in
the city of Alexandria.
A bill to abolish the Port of Delivery at Cur
rituck Inlet, and the office of Surveyor of Cih-
' loins there.
a bill authorisinffihe enrollment of theschnou-
; er L'Amistad, without amendment.
a number of private bills were considered in
Mr. Elack of Ga., anxious apparently to con
tinue the subject before the House during tho
morning hour of yesterday, mored iv suspension
nf tfi fnlfli for !he further consideration of thai
(lutlon- 1 !e majority relused.
Mr. Russell, chairman of the committee on
r.biims. entreated the House to enter upon the
- ,
consideration Ot the rnvate Uaienuer
J. I
, . , . . . u. . inn . ii
appeal was urgent and most just, but, 1 00 to , 0,
be House, on motion of Mr. Jones of a. re-
v-w,..w. -f
tk t.t.,.- ;i.Air;ntn n C 'iimmiifpf
j jid uuiut itciuni.ii ' "
r.i, i7li f.. nniuirinn nf
the bill proposing an issue of $5,000,000 in
Treasury Notes.
KiieUf of S. C. continued his remarks in
rpfprpn m tho rnndiiinn of the Treasury, and
;n opposition to the contraction of a loan for thft
spport of the Government. Mr. Rhett spoke
akso against the taxation of silk goods and wine.v
He believed that a tax upon such articles would
be injurious to the south. Mr. R. was disposed
also to consider the question one of revenue.
:r iesbitt ol Ua. did not regard it in this
He thought there wa3 a deficiency in
tue Revenue which should be met at the pres
ent 8ession bv taxing articles of luxury.
Mr. Thompson of Mits. has the floor to-mor-
xvntt th mnmintr Afr Onriis nf N. Y.
move(i that tile Committee of the whole be dis-
charoed from the further consideration of the
Bill to allow Collectors to settle debenture
RQnrls. Ohiections were made.
-n , , .s
A correspondent at Easton has furnished us
1 Willi 111 ailiailllLBIlm. liaillJIIH IllliUtlll" lliLlllll'
. , ! . t,r
J , nresided ' A committee was ap-
... Arnct vci.,;.,n K nnn.r a p.
ries which were adopted unanimously. One
r a ;n H n ihn
public lands among the States. By this mea-
sure, il is stated, Pennsylvania will be able to
pay off her immense State Debt, without re-
, sorting to taxation, worse and more burthen-
some than that which lit the torch of independ
ence in 1775, at Bunker Hill and Lexington.
The meeting was large, and tho resolutions
were adopted with unanimity.
Shocking and Fatal Rail Koad Ac
cident. As the Reading train was coming into the
cjty yesterday afternoon, when between Schuv-
kill. Front and Second streets, a female wax
The engineer waved
perceived in time to
as she cleared th
caught by the wheels of one of the cars. Th
tripped her up and threw her feet under th
wheels, the car passing over herand comph-r.-.
ly grinding b'oih of her legs, about three i.u t j,
DulOW UlC jineti IO Ul'llllS . 1 H poor VVt..,.
removed to the residence ol lu?r hmJism
in, Jones' street, and was afterwerd convey i i
to the Hospital, where she in a short tunc.V-.--pired.
The name was Jane AcaasoD live
age was 45 years. Philn. Gazette.
There are in circulation on- dollar bills" uno
the Greenwich Bank altsredi to tens. In ihw
alterations the name ef' the Bank is ruaciivvi
through the centra
There are alterations from ws t tens tr i
the Bank of Bennington, "Vermoat, well eiv