Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, December 25, 1840, Image 3

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Death of Mr. Snydam,
The verdict of the coroner's jury in this case,
is to the following effect, "That Abraham Suy
dam came to his death by a blow or blows in
flicted on his head by some person or persons
unknown, and that the body was found under
the floor of the house owned and occupied by
Peter Robinson."
Robinson, the supposed murderer, has been
committed to prison, and his two brothers have
been released under bail. The Courier and
Enquirer of yesterday says:
The examination of Robinson's brothers, Wil
liam and James, elicited no facts bearing di
rpr.tlv nn th murder. James (a shoemaker)
admitted that Robinson had offered him $50 to
burn the house. This was alter the murder,
and-Robinson then said as a reason lor desiring
the nWse to be burned, that he hated to live in
it. Neither Robinson nor his wife have lived
in the house since. He havinsr said to his
brother James that he would not sleep in it for
three sucn nouses; ana wnen nis wile returneu
from New York, (for she was absent at the time
of the murder,) she went to the house of his
brother William.
The excitement which this atrocious murder
had caused in New Brunswick has ercatlv sub
sided, a full conviction existing in the minds of
the inhabitants that Kobinson is me muruerer.
Yesterday morning, at about half-past 2 o'
clock, the shop of Mr. Cortelyou, a watchma
ker in New Brunswick, who always cleaned
Mr. Suydam's watch, and identified the watch
found in the hands of Mr. Evans of Newark, as
being that belonging to Mr. Suydam, was bro
ken open and robbed of forty-two watches.
Some people seek to find a connection between
the robbery and the murder with what justice,
we cannot say.
The notes of the Farmer's and Mechanics'
Bank of New Brunswick pass current at par in
that place, and the genera belief is that they
are perfectly good.
The Hon. Henry Clay, who is now in New
York, is expected to remain there for some
In Easton, on the 1 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr.
Hecht, Mr. John Dawes, of the former place,
to Miss Ays Eliza Gary, of South Easton.
The Stroudsburg Librar' Company will meet
on Saturday, the 2d of January next, at six
o'clock in the evening, to elect officers for said
Library, during the ensuing year.
All persons who have books out of said Li
brary will please return them before said meet
ing. The person who has the first volume of
Bancroft's History of the United Stales, will
please return the same.
By order of the President.
December 25, 1840.
ABRAHAM LACY, a young man about
20 years of age, left his father's residence near
Greenville, Raritan township, Hunterdon coun
ty, N. J. on the 2d of Dec, in a state of mental
aberration; had on when he left, a light blue
vest, well worn, striped satinelt pantaloons,
nearly new, a palm leaf hat, some worn, had
no coat when he left coarse shoes, one of them
cut in the quarter with an axe; he has nearly
lost sight of one eye is very fond of reading,
uses tobacco freely; if qnestioned closely he
vill tell who he is and where he is from.
Whoever will take up the said j'oung man, set
htm to work, send word to Mr. Runkle Rea,
Sir. Richard Quick, or Jacob Lacy, Greenville,
or to Jonn S. Brown, editor of the Hunterdon
Gazette, or to Mr. Seymour, editor of the Hun
terdon Democrat, will do his afflicted parents
a great kindness.
December 25, 1810.
That valuable property situated at the junc
tion of Stony ttun and Brodheads Creek, con
listing of
550 Acres of JLa&id,
about forty acres cleared, ten acres of natural
Meadow, one
:one Log House, Saw Mill and Sta
ble. Situated in Price township, Monroe coun
ty, Pa. 12 miles from Stroudsburg, the county
seat; 1G miles from the Delaware Water Gap,
85 miles from New -York and about the same
distance from Philadelphia, to where rafts of
lumber can be run direct from the Saw Mill
The water power is sufficient for any machine
ry. Pine, Oak, Maple, Poplar and Hemlock,
find a readv sale at the mill.
rhe title is indisputable, being derived from
State. For terms, which will he made
moderate .and payments easy, apply to the
owner on the premises.
December 18, 1840.
Came to the premises of the subscriber some
weeks since, a
Pale Reel Steer,
coming two years old. The owner or owners
thereof, are requested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and take him away, other
wise he wfll be sold according to law.
Stroud tsp., Monroe county, ),
Dec. 18, 1810. 3t, ' S
table Universal JPills,
Introduced into the United States, May 18, 1835.
There has never been an instance of these cele
brated Vegetable Universal Pills not giving relief,
and perseverance in old, obstinate cases, is sure"
making a cure, provided nature is not entirely ex
hausted. They have cured since their introduc
tion into this country at least 20,000 twenty thou
sand persons of diseases heretofore always con
sidered incurable. It is only five years since I
opened the first office for the exclusive sale of this
medicine in New York; yet, in that time I have
sold over ttoelve millions of boxes, and have now
eighteen olfices for their exclusive sale, at least
one in every principal city in the Union, at an ex
pense of near forty thousand dollars per year.
And with the expenses of advertising, and other
incidentals, the sum was a little over One Hun
dred and Thirty Thousand Dollars for the year
1839; some idea may be funned how the medicine
is appreciated from these facts; they are indeed
the greatest blessing tnat ever yet has been be
stowed on man.
I have often found persons desirous to know
how soon this medicine will cure them. It is im
possible to say it altogether depends upon the
state of the blood and humors. One thing may
be lelied upon that if the pills are persevered
with according to the printed direction which ac
companies each box, the cure will be effected much
sooner than the patient could have expected. The
many lingering chronic diseases we daily see, are
owing either to mercury or bleeding, or to not
having been properly purged in fevers, infiamations,
cold,tncascis, small pox or lying in. It is utterly
impossible for us to attain or keep health without
sound purging. We may fasten up the disorder
by barks and tonics, but if it be in the body, it must
come out before health is enjoyed, and sooner or
later it will break out of itself, worse than ever, if
this method of purifying the body is delayed too
long. No danger. can arise from purging with
Brandreth's Puis- it ttj teen proved, beyond
doubt, that lu'ose celeoiv.ed Pills and the human
body are naturallyadoptedonefortheother. By the
use of this Glorious Medicine the contents or hu
mors of the body, can be entirely evacuated, al
tered, and completely regenerated: and in a man
ner so simple as to give every day ease and pleas
ure. Brandreth's Pills are no less a cure than a pre
ventive of diseases. When we feel dull, pain in
the head, back, or side weary on the least exer
tion it is then we ought to take a dose of these
Pills. This will always have a good effect, be
cause it is impossible for pain to be in the body
without the presence of those humors which pro
duce it, and it is only by their being forced out
with purging that health can be restored.
All that I have been able to ascertain, either by
experience or from books has confirmed me in the
opinion, that pain, every feeling contrary to health,
is produced when the natural outlets of the body
become incapable of discharging the corrupt hu
mors generated in the body, as fast as nature re
quires their expulsion. And that to secure health,
we have only to purge ourselves, until health is
restored. A practice which experience has es
tablished, is fully able to produce this result, with
out the possibility of any injurious effects. They
who have adopted this simple plan have secured
the best state of health their bodies were capable
of enjoying. The weak have become robust. The
robust have become more so. All mankind would
be benefitted by this practice, except physicians;
and they would be bodilv, though not profession
ally. Let me now recommend two tilings, never be
bled, and never go to a DruggisU for Brandreth's
Pills. The first weakens the principle of life, and
long keeps the blessings of health from the body.
And the last, to purchase a Pill called Brandreths
of a Druggist, is to insure the purchaser a base
counterfeit, entirely incapable of producing the
beneficial results of the genuine medicine. To in
sure this it must be purchased of the undermen
tioned Agents duly appointed by me, and who
hold a regular certificate of agency, which is re
newed yearly. There is an agent with one of
these certificates in every town in the United
States. Those purchasing at wholesale, must re
member that all my travellers have a power of At
torney, regularly proved to be my act before the
Clerk of the county of New York.
The folloicing is a list of names of all the
Agents in Monroe and Pike counties.
To purchase of any in these Counties not mention
ed in this list tcill subject the purchaser to
sure deception.
Stroudsburgh, RICHARD S. STAPLES.
New Marketville, TROXEL & SCIIOCH.
Dutottsburg, LUKE BRODHEAD.
Bushkill, PETERS & LA BAR.
Dingsmau's Ferry, A. STOLL & Co.
Observe, no pills are genuine sold under the
name of Brandreth's in Monroe or Pike coun
ties, except those sold by the above agents.
Phiiadelphia Office, No. 8, North Eighth street.
December 25, 1840. ly.
Notice is hereby given to all persons indebt
ed to the Estate of John Z. Flagler, late of
Stroud township, Monroe county, dee'd to make
payment, and all those having claims against
said Estate, to present them )r settlement to
Stroud tsp., Nov. 20, 1810. 6t.
rTlIIE Subscriber respectfully informs the pub
JL lie, that he is prepared to execute all kinds oi
PlaiiB. & Ornamental
Cflazisisr, &c.
at his shop nearly opposite the store of William
Eastburn, where all orders m his line will be thank
fully received and punctually attended to.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1839.
Paper Hanging,
In, all its various branches will be punctually
attended to. .J ,P. -
8 3 B B timga
Iijjportiiiit to Jfiecl jasaics and olliers.
The undersigned will sell at public auction
to the highest bidder, on Tuesday the 29th day
of December inst., at the Court-house in the
Borough of Stroudsburg, the Lot on Elizabeth
street adjoining the house occupied by William
Dean, and numbered on a " Map of Property
in Stroudsburg on file in the Registers Office,
iTo. 9.
. AIi:
The Lots on Sarah street numbered on said
Map 27, 28, 30, 37, 38 and 50.
Lots on Thomas street numbered on said
Map 70, 71 and 72.
I wo Pasture Lots each containing near an
. i - - i-' i
acre, situate on scon street ana numuereu on
said Map 94 and 104.
Three Pasture Lots each containing from
two to three acres, being part of what is known
as Doctor Bursons farm, and in a Map which
may be seen at the office of W.m. Davis, Esq.
are designated as Lots E F B.
The above property will be sold without re
serve to the highest bidder. The purchasers
to make the whole of the fence, and when the
Lois are in grain to receive one half the crop.
Possession to be given - whenever the fence is
Ten per cent, on the day of sale, 40 per
cent, on the first day of April when the Deed
will be delivered, and a Bond and Mortgage
taken for the balance for one year with interest.
Property sold free from incumbrance, and tide
indisputable. Maps may be seen and informa
tion obtained by application to Wm. Davis, Esq.
at Stroudsburg.
December 1, 1840.
THE Subscriber not willing to be behind the
times, has just received at his Store in the
Borough of Stroudsburg, a large and very superior
assortment of
Fresh Fall and Wisslev Goods.
Black, Blue, Brown, Olive, and other choice col
ours, being an assortment in which every one may
find his choice, both as regards price and quality.
Single and double milled Cassimers, Merino Cas
simers, summer Cloths, Silk Satin and Marseilles
Vestings, Linen Drillings of various styles, &c.&c.
Chally,Mouslin d'Lains of various patterns, some
of which are as low as 30 cts. per yard. A very
elegant assortment of Chintzes, Lawns, Dress
Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cotton Gloves, Para
sols, &c. &c.
The above goods arc fresh from Philadelphia,
and were selected to suit the taste and please the
fancy of those who may wish to buy at cheap pri
ces, goods of a superior quality.
Tho subscriber invites his customers and the
public generally, to call and examine for them
selves, when he will be happy to accommodate
them at low prices for cash, or for country pio
Stroudsburg, Nov. 20, 1810.
. What is that we call the Constitution ? The
constitution is evidently that which constitutes,
and that which constitutes is the blood. We, there
fore, know that the blood is the constitution, and
that a good or bad constitution is neither more nor
less than a good or bad stale of the blood. There is
no person who, having lost health, does not wish to
have it restored. Use then the proper means. Ex
pel with Purgative Medicine all currupt humors
from the body, and the blessing, Health, will be
the certain result: for all pains or unpleasant feel
ings proceed from the presence of corrupt or vi
tiated humors, which are the real cause of every
disease, and therefore the only disease to which the
human frame is subject, because they clog up the
veins and arteries, and prevent the free circulation
of the blood.
Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills cure this
disease: because they remove the corrupt or vi
tiated humors by the stomach and bowels, leaving
the good humors to give life and health to the bo
dy. It is morally impossible that they can fail to
cure, provided Nature is not entirely exhausted.
Dr.' Brandreth's Office for the sale of his pills
in Philadelphia, is No. 8, North Eighth street.
Sold in Stroudsburg, by IlrciiAUD S. Staples,
in Milford, by J. II. Bkodhead, and in Monroe and
Pike couuties, by the agents published in another
part of this paper.
October 10, 1810.
A general assortment of Russia Nail Rods,
Band Iron, English Blister, Cast and shear
Steel, Rolled and Round Iron, for sale by
Stroudsburg, Aug. M, 1810.
For sale bv the subscriber,
Stroudsburg, Feb. 11, 1840.
All persons indebted to the late firm of Stokes tj
Brown, are requested to make payment on or be
fore the first day of July next, or their accounts
will be left in the hands of a Justice for collectioi
Of all kinds nealty exoeuted
this Office.
13oet. Joseph Priestly Peters'
Celebrated Vegetable Antibilous Pills,
are daily effecting some of the most astonishing
and wonderful cures that have ever been knoicn,
the town and country arc filled with their praise,
the Palace and Poor-house alike echo with their vir-
tucs in all climates and under all temperatures J
they still retain their wonderful virtues.
Breathes there the man who may not be occa
sasionally benefited by the use of Peters'' Pills !
No, assuredly not ; for the human frame, like any
other structure, will fall into confusion and ruin,
if neglected; but, by the aid pf medicine judi-1
ciouslv applied, it is enabled to preserve a heal
thy and even tone; and it is the fivt of well-tested
public opinion, that Dr. Peters' pills are the me
dicine of" medicines in the prevention or cure of
the general diseases which the human tenement
is incidental to.
Do men in robust health require medicine Cer
tainly, for the very excess of health begets cer
tain diseases unless duly regulated. It the blood
is suffered to run riot without correctingjaxatives,
costiveness, megrin, biles, scurvy, spleen, pimples,
furred tongue, or offensive breath, are the inevita
ble consequences ; for exuberance of health, like
over-rich soil, becomes rank, and prone to the pro
duction of weeds, if care is not taken to have it
judiciously moderated.
But healthy men have an antipathy to the very
name of medicine!! And no wonder, for nineteen
twentieths of all the medicines in the world com
mence operations by making the people very sick,
whom it was intended they should make very well;
and thus in most cases the cure is conbidered rather
worse than the disease. But Dr. Peters' Pills is
the celebrated and particular exception to this al
most universal rule. In them there is no gripe,
no nausea, no sickucss oi any kiiiu; nay, mey are
abbolutely very pleasant to the taste, and rest as
quietly on the stomach as so many confits of green
peas, even when their operations are as sudden and
effective, as if they were as disagreeable and as
sickening as an old fashioned bolus. Thus the
man who uses Peters' Pills,, and where is the
man that docs not use them 1 expels headaches,
fevers, blue devils, blotches, pimples, &c. &c. and
makes his blood course as limpid and as gently
through his veins as a mountain rivulet, without
having put himself to any more inconvenience in
taking the medicine than he would have done in
swallowing so many black currants.
Should ladies take Dr. Peters' Pills 1 Doubt
lessly they should, for they not only assure them
of health, complacency of spirits, and every bod
ily comfort, but through their miraculous agency
in the purification of the blood, speedily remove
every thing pertaining to harshness, pimples, or
casual scurvy, from the flesh, animates the eye,
and gives an elasticity and a vigor to the limbs,
and the general cairiage ; and hence, when you
see a lady with a cheek of velvet softness, a pure
lily and carnation complexion, and an easy & grace
ful bearing, the general inference to be drawn is,
that she is her own physician, and very particular
in the choice of her medicine ; and the especial
one, that she is a patron of Peters' Pills.
Leaving health out of the question, should poets,
novelists, editors, machinists, and men of genius
and science in general, patronise Peters' Pills 1
Unquestionably, ibr the vigor which they impart
to the frame, exercises a most wholesome influ
ence upon the intellect : and the writer of this
feels justified in saying, that any person about to
carry out an idea, whether of composition or in
vention, will have a more lucid understanding: of
his subject, and think betterand more to the point
on it, after he has vivified his system by a dose of
from one to four of Peters' pills- Persons in bu
siness, merchants, store keepers, clerks, specula
tors, &c. will derive great advantage from them
on the same principle; for if the mind is not buoy
ant, no man can attend to the usual pursuits of
life with due perspicuity, judgment, and pleasure
and there is nothing in the world, at least that has
been eer discovered, so efficient in brightening
the faculties, and freeing them from participating
in the languor, decay, and imperfectibilty of their
mortal abode as Dr. Peters' pills.
To what may be attributed these singular and
wonderful effects 1 Why, to their mysterious and
inevitable action upon the chyle, and that particu
lar region of the system whence the living fluid is
generated ; for thus they do not only purify the
blood, but create pure blood, the issue of wnichis
healthy veins, arteries, and other functions, unob
scured vision, firm and pulpy flesh, smooth and
clear skin, and the consequent buoyancy of heart,
feeling, and action. In short, whether wo take
them as a matter of health, business, feeling, or
personal appearance, there is none of us should
leave our houses without a regular supply of Pe
ters' Pills.
More than six millions of boxes of these cele
brated pills have been sold in the United States,
Canada's, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies,
since January 1835. The certificates that have
been presented to the proprietor, exceed 20,000,
upwards of 500 of which are from regular prac
tising physicians who are the most competent
judges of their merits.
The following are but a few taken at random,
from a pile of complimentary epistles forwarded
to Dr. Peters by regular physicians, touching the
efficacy of his pills. He feels proud and grate
ful in being able to lay such documents before the
New Orleans, April 21, 1837.
Dear Sir As an old classmate of yonrs in Yale
college, I take the liberty of opening a correspon
dence. I learn that you are making a fortune by the sale
of your pills, which I trust is the case as I am ful
ly aware that through them you are conferring a
great blessing on the public.
I myself am among those who have been pecul
iarly benefited by their use. Since my arrival
here I had been subject to severe bilious attacks,
which had nearly brought me to the grave, but
(and 1 acknowledge it with gratitude,) a few box
es of your pills have completely restored me. I
would add that their effect upon Sick Headache
and sour stomach is almost miraculous.
With sentiments of esteem,
11. M. SHEPERD, M. D.
Clarkcsville, Mecklcnlei'g Co., Va., Feb. 7, 1837.
Dear Sir. I embrace this opportunity of ex
pressing to you my pleasure at the unrivalled suc
cess of youi pills in this section of the country.
It is the general fault of those who vend patent
medicines to say too much in their favor ; but in
regard to your pills I am firmly persuaded that
they deserve far more praise than you seem in
clined to give them. Six months ago theywere
scarcely known here, and yet at present thdre is
no other medicine that can compare with them in
popularity. In Dyspepsia, Sick Headache,, de
rangement of the Biliary organs, and obstinate
constipation of the bowels, I know of no api-rient
siderable experience in all these complaints
more prompt anu eihcacious; and 1 have had con-.
I would add that their mildness and certaintv of
action render them a safe and efficient purgative
for weekly individuals; and that they may be giv
en at ail times without apprehension of any of
those injurious consequences which so frequently
attend the application of calomel, or blue pill. On
the whole I consider your Vegetable Pills an in?
valuable discovery. Very respectfully,
5. HARRIS, M. D.
Charlotte, N. C, January 1, 1837
Dear Sir I have made frequent use of your
pills in the incipient stage of Bilious Fever, and
obstinate constipation of the bowels; also in the
enlargement of the -Spleen, Chronic Diseases of
the Liver, Sick Headache, General Debility, and
in all cases have found them to be very effective.
J. D. BOYD, M. D.
Mccldcnlerg Co., Va., February 7. 1837.
Having used Dr. Peters' Pills in my practice
for. the last twelve months. 1 take pleasure in giv
ing my testimony of their good effects in cabes of
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Bilious Fevers, and
other diseases, produced by inactivity of thelivei.
They are a safe and mild aperient, being the
best aiticle of the kind 1 have ever used.
Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Yfilliams, of Bur
lington, Vt. July 9, 1837.
"I cordially recommend Peters' Pills as a mild
ly effective, and in no case- danqerous family me-
! dicine. Thev are peculiarly, influential in co'3-
j tiveness and AAho usual di.eaaes 0f the digestive
Extract of a letter from Dr Edward Smitl of Mon
treal, U. C. September, 20. 1836
" I never knew a single patent medicine that I
could put the slightest confidence in but Dr Pttcrd'
Vegetable pills, which are really a valuable dis
covery. I have no hesitation in having it known
thatj use them extensively in my practice, for all
complai.its, (and they are not a few.) which hava
their source in the impurity of the blood."
Extract of a letterfrom DrPye, of Quebec,' L. C,
March G, 1837
"For bilious fevers, sick headaches, torpidity of
the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen, Dr Pe
ters' pills are an excellent medicine."
Those who have used these valuable Pills in this
State, give them the preference to all other kind.
Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. in
ventor and sole proprietor, No. 129 Libertj-street,
New York.
These Valuable Pills can be obtained of Doct.
Samuel Stokes and J. D. & C. Malvin's, Strouds
burg, only agents for Monroe county.
Stroudsburg, October 23, 1840.
The principle of purifying the body by purg
ing with vegetable physic is becoming more and
more understood as the only sensible method by
which sound health can be established. Hun
dreds of individuals have become convinced of
this doctrine, and are daily acknowledging the
practice to be the best ever discovered. Now
is the unhealthy season when our bodies are
liable to be affected with "disease; and now i
the time the siate of the stomach and bowels
should be ;u nded to, because on the healthy
state of organs depends the healthy state
of the general system; and every one will see at
once, if the general health be bad while that re
mains, local disease cannot be cured.
All the medicine that is requisite to restore
the body to a slate of health is Brandreth's Veg
etable Universal Pills, which have performed
cures upon thousands of helpless and hopeless
persons, after the usual scientific skill of phy
sicians have consoled them with the assurance
that they could do no more. The properties of
these Pills as anti-bilious and aperient medicine
are unrivalled; all who use them recommend
them, their virtues surpass all eulogy, and must
be used to be appreciated. The weak and del
icate will be strengthened by their use, not by
bracing but by removing the cause of weakness,
the gross and corrupt humors of the body.
They require no change in diet or care of any
kind. Plain directions accompany each box,
so that every one is his own competent physi
cian. Remember, none are genuine sold by
DK. BRANDRETH'S Office in Philadel
phia for the sale of his Pills, is No. 8, North
Eighth street.
IE? Agents for Monroe and Pike Counties ere at
the following places.J
At Milford John H. Biiodhead.
" Stroudsburgh. Richard S. Staples.
" Dutottsburg, Luke Brodhead.
" New Marketvile Tkoxell & Schoch.
The Carding and Fulling business, will be car
ried on by the subscriber at the above named stand
ami he would be pleased to receive the patronago
of his old customers and tho publick generally.
The prtco of wool carding will be 4 cents cash orfi
cents trust per pound. Wool or cloth will be au
ken away and returned when fiinshed at J. D. fe
C. Afalvin's store, Stroudsburg, on Saturday 0f
every week, where those indebted to the late firra
caw meet the subscriber and settle their accounta'
Bushkill, Juno 1st. J. A. D1MMICK. '
5 boxes Box Rubins, just received and fox sa!
Stroudsburg, Aug. 14. 1840.
Stoves for sale by
Stroudsburg, Oct. 2, 1840.
" jT barrels of No. 3, Mackerel, just receive
-1- V and for sale, by
Stroudsburg, Aug. 11, 1840.
For sale at this office.