JEFFEKSOAIA ltfcilJ UiiLlUAN JEFFERS ONI AN REPUBLICAN Stroudsbur?, Pa. Dec. 18, 1810. Terms, $2,00 in advance.- $2.85, naif yearly ; and $2,M if not n-.ud bcfo.c the end of the year. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR. JOHN BANKS, Subject to the decision of tlic Stale Convention. To our Patrons. Almost a year having elapsed since we is sued ihe first number of the " Jeffersonian Republican," and fearful that some of our sub scribers are of the opinion that "Printers can live upon wind," we take the opportunity of in forming them that William Easlburn of this Bor ough and C. W. De Witt of Milford, Pike coun ty, are our duly authorized agents, who will be pleased to receive and receipt all matters ap pertaining to this office. We hope and believe our humble efforts in the glorious Whig cause have not been in vain, and deem further notice unnecessary our friends will much oblige by settling their subscriptions with the aforemen tioned agents without delay. Inquest. On Saturday morning last, John W- Burnett, Esq. held an inquest at the house of Margaret Eagles, in this Borough, on the body of Daniel Callighan, a resident of Coolbaugh township, aged about 70 years, who was found dead in his bed in the morning. Verdict Visitation of God. JQ3 Flour at Pittsburg on Friday last, $3 a S3 12. Whiskey 20 cents. Water in the Channel full four feet, and boats daily arriving and departing. Pretty Spicy. The following are among the Toasts at a Whip; Cel ebration in Westfield, N. J. on the 1st inst. They make the fur :fly: Our Victory. "O, such a day So fought, so followed and so fairly won, Came not till now to dignify the times." Martin Van Burenf Conquered by a "coward;' out run by a "man in an iron cage," vanquished by a "petticoat General," and soundly beaten by an "old Granny." John C. Calhoun. He grows lean upon Nullification, and starves upon Van Burenism like the school boy's amphibious animal, "he can t live on land, and dies m water. Garret D. Wall As the flap- of Lo cofocoism floats no longer, what prac tical colors will he hoist nexti ireter JJ. vroom. With his own township, county and State against Jum, with Hi His s athdavit in ne pock et and Westcott s certificate m the other, and with the brand of the Broad Seal upon him, how eminently quali fied to represent New Jersey in Con gress! The Broad Seal. Broader ant brighter for having been trampled upon. The Sub-Treasury System. The Monarchial monster imported from Europe to guard the golden fruit of A- -w . . . menca- imprisoned m a .Lop- Cabin, drenched with hard cider and demol ished by the Herculean blows of Tip pecanoe Clubs let it be enshrowded in a coon skin and buried in an empty Treasury vault, while Cuba blood hounds howl its requium. Henry Clay. His name is his eu logy. Wm. Henry Harrison. Washing ton gave him his first commission, and Jackson, deprived him 01 his last the People have made him a glorious jes- tiiution. Secretary Westcott's Certificate. Henceforth an undisputed title among, Jersejr Blues, to the privileges and immunities of political ' bastardy. The Locofocos of New Jersey. I heir Federal Wall, a weak defence against Whig artillery. New Jersey. A Colony under George III, and aprovince under King Martin her sons jspurn alike the tyr anny of both. " New Jersey',? Legal representa tives. Villified and wronged by an usurpingparty avenged and honored by the people. The Standing Army. Routed horse, foot and dragoons. The "Last Card" of Locofocoism. The Knave of the Pack Amos Kendall. Election Joke. At the late election in this city, an old and well known gentleman pre sented himself at the window where he had voted for twenty years. His vote was challenged by a young whipper-snapper who officiated, and who knew that the old gentleman differed in politics with him. "It is necessary for you to swear that you have lived in this ward more than ten dars," said the challenger. "Why you know that I have," re plied the voter, "for more than a year ago you came to my shop, and pur chased the hat you have on, and nev paid for it yet. N. Y. Paper. Children are never tired of asking questions, and funny ones they ask too, sometimes; hear this little girl now "Mother, do horses wear shoes?" "Yes, child." "What kind of shoes are they, mo ther?" "Iron shoes, child." "How do they put them on mother?" "They nail them on with iron nails, my dear." "Do horses take off their shoes when they go to bed, mother?" - "0 go away, child don't you see I'm busy? What a tongue you have sol!" A lady once borrowed a dictionary oi an acquaintance: on returning: the book she was asked how she liked it. "Oh!" replied the fair one, "the words are beautiful but I don't think much of the story." SL Josej)h Times. Air uiikiatl cut. The Ausrusta (Me.) Ape, a Van Buren paper, thus frankly adverts to the overthrow of the "present admin istration. "In every sense, Mr. Van Buren is nOW a FALLEN STATESMAN. Not on ly is his administration, condemned by the country, but even his own State that of his birth as well as his career, has cast him off as recreant and un worthy. With the power to save, his feelings, although not to avert his fate, it has abandoned him with the rest, joined the troop of his victorious rival, and added to defeat, the last circum stance of mortification." Tended Avrv:il in the wvlj of Trade. A young and pretty girl stepped into a store where a spruce young man, who had been long enamoured but dare not speak, stood behind tljc coun ter selling dry goods. In order to re- mam as long as possible, she cheap ened every thing, "I believe you think I am cheating you." "Oh no," said the 3roungster. To me you are al ways fair' 'Well," whispered the lady blushing as she" laid mi empha sis on the word, I would not stay so long bargaining if you were not so dear. SAW MILL ANI FARM FOR SALE, That valuable property situated at iho junc tion of Stony Run and Brodheads Creek, con listing of 550 Acres of ILand, about forty acre's cleared, ten acres of natural Meadow, one Frame Mouse, one Log House, Saw Mill and Sta ble. Situated in Price township, Monroe coun ty, Pa. 12-miles) from- Stroudsburg,- the county seat; W miles from the Delaware Water Gap, 85- miles from New-York and about the same distance from Philadelphia, to where rafts of lumber can be run direct from the Saw Mill. The water power is sufficient for any machine ry. Pine, Oak, Maple, Poplar and Hemlock. lind a ready sale at the mill. 1 he title is indisputable, being derived from the Stale. For terms, which will be made moderate and payments easy, apply to the owner on the premises. JOHN L. TARGEE. December 18, 1840. ESTRAY. Came to the premises of the subscriber some weeks since, a Pale lied Steer, coming two years old. The owner or owners thereof, are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, other wise he will be sold according to law. EDWARD BROWN. Stroud tsp., Monroe county, ) Dec. 18, 1840, 3t. f VENDUE. PEREMPTORY SALE. lirjporUint to MccBtaiiics aisl otlicrs VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SA03. The undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on Tuesday the 29th day of December inst., at the Court-house in the Borough of Stroudsburg, the Lot on Elizabeth street adjoining the house occupied by William Dean, and numbered on a " Map of Properly in Stroudsburg on file in the Registers Olticc, No. 9. AliS: The Lots on Sarah street numbered on said Map 27, 28, 30, 37, 3S and 50. AEiSO: Lots on Thomas street numbered on said Map ,70, 71 and 72. AIi: Two Pasture Lots each containing near an acre, situate on Scott street and numbered on said Map 94 and 104. AI: Three Pasture Lots each containing from two lo three acres, being part of what is known as Doctor Bursons farm, and in a Map which may bo seen at the office of W.M. Davis, Esq. are designated as Lots E F Bi. The ab?ove property will be sold without re serve lo the highest bidder. The purchasers to make the whole of the fence, and when the Lots are in grain to receive one half the crop. Possession to be given whenever the fence is completed. Ten per cent, on the day of sale, 40, .per cent, on the first day ot April when the Deed will be delivered, and a Bond and Mortgage taken for the balance for one year with interest. Property sold free from incumbrance, and tnlc indisputable. Maps may be seen and informs Hon obtained by application to War. Davis, Esq. at Stroudsburg. THOMAS McELRATH. December 1, 1840. THE Subscriber not willing to be behind the times, has just received at his Storo in the Borough of Stroudsburg, a large and veiy superior assortment of FrcsSs Fall and Winter Goods. Black, Blue, Brown, Olive, and other choice col ours, being an assortment in which every one may find his choice, both as regards price and quality. Single and double milled Cassimers, Merino Cas simers, summer Cloths, Silk Satin and Marseilles Testings, Linen Drillings of various styles, &c.&c. Chally,Mouslin d'Lains of vaiious patterns, some of which are ad Jovv as 30 cts. per yard. A very elegant assortment of Chintzes, Lawns, Dress Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cotton Gloves, Para sols, &c. &c. The above goods are fresh from Philadelphia, and were selected to suit the taste and please the fancy of those who may wish to buy at cheap pri ces, goods of a superior quality. The subscriber invites his customers and the public generally, to call and examine for them selves, when hq will be happy to accommodate them at Icr.v price's for cash, or for country pio duce. WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Nov. 20, 18-10. NOTICE. The partnership of the undersigned hereto fore trading under the firm of Hexrv, Jor dan' & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 29th of August hist'.- John Jordan, Jr. & John F. Wolle, two of the late partners are duly authorized to use the name oj the late firm in the settlement of their business. WILLIAM HENRY, JOHN JORDAN, Jr. JOHN F. WOLLE. Stroudsburg, Nov. 2, 1840. Notice is herebv ffiven to all nersons indnht J o i - ed to the Estate of John Z. Fi.AdLEit, late of Stroud townshin. Monroe countv. dee'd in nmlr payment, and all those having claims against said Jiialate, to present tnem lor settlement to ZACtlARIAII FLAGLER, PETER FLAGLER, MOSES PHILLIPS. Executors. Stroud tsp., Nov. 20', 1810. Gl; & ft barrels of No. 3V ffeckerel, just receive JL J and fo sal?.,' by WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Aug. 14, 1840. STOVES! STOVES!! Stoves for sale by WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Oct. 2, 1840. 5& BUMS Wl IBS! I f jj KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. oct. Joseph Priestly Peters' Celebrated Vegetable Antibilous Pills, arc daily effecting some of the most astonishing and wonder) id cures that have ever been known, the town and country arc filled with their praise, the Palace and Poor-house alike echo with their vir tues in all climates and under all tvmpcratdrcs they still retain their icondcrful virtues. PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS. Breathes there the man who may not be occa- sasionally benefited by the use of Peters'1 Pills ! No, assuredly not ; for the human frame, likeanv olher structure, will fall into confusion and ruin, if neglected ; but, by the aid of medicine judi ciously applied, it is enabled to preserve a heal thy and even tone ; and it is the lirt of well-tested public opinion, that Dr. Peters' pills are the me dicine of medicines in the prevention or cure of the general diseases which the human tenement is incidental to. Do men in robust health require medicine 1 Cer tainly, for the very excess of health begets cer tain diseases unless duly regulated. If the blood Is sultered to run riot without correcting laxatives, costiveness, rnegrni, biles, scurvy, spleen, pimples, furred tongue, or offensive breath, are the inevita ble consequences ; for exuberance of health, like over-rich soil, becomes rank, and prone to the pro duction of weeds, if care is not taken to have it judiciously moderated. But healthy men have an antipathy to the very name of medicinej! And no wonder, lor nineteen twentieths of all the medicines in the world com mence operations by making the people' very sick, whom it was intended they should rilake very "well; and thus in most cases the cure is considered rather worse than the disease. But Dr. Peters"5 Pills is the celebrated and particular exception t& this al most universal rule. In them there is no gripe, no nausea, no sickness of any kind; nay, they are absolutely very pleasant to the taste, and rest as quietly on the stomach as so many confits of green peas, even when their operations are as sudden and effective, as if they Were as disagreeable and as sickening as an old fashioned bolus. Thus the man who uses Peters' Pills, and where is the man that does not use them I expels headaches, fevers, blue devils, blotches, pimples, &c. &c. and makes his blood course as limpid and as gently through hi? vein? as. a, mountain. rivulet without having put himself to any more inconvenience in taking the medicine than he would have done in swallowing so many black currants. Should ladies take. Dr. Peters' Pills Doubt lessly they should, for they not only assure them of health, complacency of spirits, and every bod ily comfort, but through their miraculous agency in the purification of the blood, speedily remove every thing pertaining to harshness, pimples, or casual scurvy, from the flesh, animates the eye, and gives an elasticity and a vigor to the limbs, and the general carriage ; and hence, when you see a lady with a cheek of velvet softness, a pure lily and carnation complexion, and an easy & grace ful bearing, the general inference to be drawn is, that she is her own physician, and very particular in the choice of her medicine ; and the especial one, that she is a patron of jfeters fills. Leaving health out of the question, should poets, novelists, editors, machinists, and men of genius and science in general, patronise Meters' rills Unquestionably, for the vigor which they impart to the frame, exercises a most wholesome influ ence upon the intellect : and the writer of this feels justified in saying, that any person about to carry out an idea, whether of composition or in vention, will have a more lucid understanding of his subject, and think better and more to the point on it, after he has vivified his system by a dose of irom one to lour ot relers' pills- Persons in bu siness, merchants, store keepers, clerks, specula tors, czc. will derive great advantage from them on the same principle; for if the mind is not buoy ant, no man can a'ttend to the usual pursuits of Hie with due perspicuity, judgment, and pleasure and there isnothing in the world, at least that has been ever discovered, so efficient in brightening the faculties, and freeing them from participating in the languor, decay, and imperfectibilty of their mortal abode as Dr. refers pills. 1 o what may be attributed these singular and wonderful effects' 1 Why, to their mysterious and inevitable action upon the chyle, and that particu lar region of the system whence the living fluid is generated ; for thus they do not only purify the blood, but create pure blood, the issue of which is healthy veins, arteries, and other functions, unob scured vision, firm and pulpy flesh, smooth and clear skin, and the consequent buoyancy of heart, feeling, and action. In short, whether we take them as a matter of health, business, feeling, or personal appearance, there is none of us should leave our houses without a regular1 supply of Pe ters' Pills. More than six millfons of boxes of these cele brated pills have been sold in the United States, Canada's, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, since January 1835. The certificates thaf have been presented to the proprietor, exceed 00,000, upwards of 500 of which are frorrf regular prac tising physicians who are the mo& competent judges of thoir merits'. TESTIMONIALS. OPINIONS OF THE REGULAR FACULTY. The following ai'o but a few taken at m-nrl irum a puts ui uuiupuinuiuury episues lQrwaicted: to Dr. Peters by regular physicians. Uni'nhi k efficacy of his pills. He feels proud and; grate-! ' ""ts iu ioy oulu uucuiuents. before the puuuu. New Orleans, Aprit 24, 1837. Dear Sir As an old classmate of yonrs ih Yale college, 1 take the' liberty of opening a correspon dence. I learn that you arc making a fofttme by tho sale of your pills, which I trust is tho ca'se as I am ful ly aware that through them y6u are conferring a great blessing on the publrc. 1 myself am among those who have been pecul iarly benefited by their use. Since my arrival nere i nan been subject to severe bilious attacks, which had nearly brought me to tho grava, but (and 1 acknowledge it with gratitude,) a fe w box es of your pills have completely restored me. I would add that their eflect upon Sick Jioadache and sour stomach is almost miraculous. With sentiments of esteem, 11. M. S11EPE1U), M. J). Clarkcsville, Mccklcnbcrg Co., Va.t Feb. 7, 1837. Dear Sir. I embraco this opportunity of ex pressing to you my pleasure at t'ne unrivalled suc cess of youi pills in this section, of the country. It is the general fault of those who vend patent medicines to say too much in their favb&; but in regard to your pills I am firmly persuaded that they deserve far more praise than you seem in clined to give mem. Six months' ago they werd scarcely known here, and yet at present there i-i no other medicine that can compare with them i:i popularity. In Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, de rangement of the Biliary organs, and obstinate constipation of the bowels, 1 know of no aperient more prompt and efficacious; and I have had con siderable experience in all these complaints I would add that their mildness and certainty of acfion render them a safe and efficient purgative for weekly individuals; and that they may be giv en at ail times without apprehension of any of those injurious consequences which so frequently attend the application of calomel, or blue pill. On the whole 1 consider your Vegetable Pills an in valuable discovery. very respectfully, S. 11. UAltlilS, M. I). Chdrlblte, N. C, January 1, 1837 Dear Sir 1 have made frequent use of your pills in the incipient stage of Bilious Fever, and obstinate constipation of the bowels; also in the enlargement of the Spleen, Chronic Diseases of the Liver, Sick Headache, General Debility, and in all cases have found them to be xtiry effective. J. D: BOYD, M. D. MccHcnhcrg Co., V a., February 7. 183". Having used Dr. Peters' Pills in my practice for the last twelve months. 1 take pleasure in giv ing my testimony of their good effects in cases of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Bilious Fevers, and other diseases, produced by inactivity ofthelivei They are a safe and mihl aperient, being flte best article of the kind I have ever used. GEORGE C. SCOTT, ilL D. Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams, of Bur lington, Vt.July'Q, 1S37. "I cordially recommend Peters' Pills as a mild ly effective, and in no case dangerous family me dicine. They are peculiarly influential in cos- tiveness and all the usual diseases of the digestive organs'." Extract of a letter from Dr Edward Smith, of Mon treal, U. C. September, S9, 1836 " I never knew a single patent medicine that I could put the slightest confidence in but Dr Peters' Vegetable pills, which are ?ea'ilj; ri. valuable dis covery. 1 have no hesitation in having it known that 1 use them extensively in my practice, for all complaints, (and they are not a few.) which havo their source in the impurity of the blood." -Extract of a letter from DrPye, of Quebec L. C, March 0: 1837 "For bilious fevers, sick headaches, torpidity cf the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen, Dr Pe ters' pills are an excellent medicine." Those who have used these valuable Pills in this State, give them the preference to all other kind. Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters. Si. D. in ventor and sole proprietor, No. i29 Liberty street, New York. These Valuable Pills can be obtained of Doct. Samuel Stokes and J. D. & C iMalvin's, Strouds burg, only agents for Monroe county. Stroudsburg, October 23, 1810. CURING PRACTICE.- The principle of purifying the body by purg ing with vegetable physic is becoming more and more understood as the only sensible method by which sound health can be established, llun dreds of individuals have become convinced of this doctrine, and are daily acknowledging the practice to be the best ever discovered. Now is the unhealthy season when our bodies are liable to be affected with disease; and now is the time the state of the stomach and bowels should be attended t6, because on the healthy state of those organs depends the healthy state of the general system; and every one will see at once, if the general health be bad while that re mains, local disease cannot be cured. All the medicine that is requisite to restore; the body to a state of health is Brandrcth's Veg etable Universal Pills, which have performed cures upon thousands of helpless and hopeless persons, after the usual scientific skill of phy sicians have consoled them with the assurance that they could do no more. The properties of these Pills as anti-bilious and aperient medicine are unrivalled; all who use them recommend them, their virtues surpass all eulogy, and must be used to be appreciated. The weak and del icate will be strengthened by their use. not bv bracing but by removing the cause of weakness,, the gross and corrupt humors of tho bodv. They require no change in uiet or care of any kind. Plain directions o.ccomnanv pnrb lmv so thaC every one is his own competent physi cian. Remomberj none are genuine sold by druggists. ' DK. BRANDRETH'S Offico in Phihdef. phia for te sale of his Pills, Ja No. Sv North Eighth street. . Agents for Mnnr. ;nul Pike Cmntiex tirent Ue following places Jjj). ETMONBOE COUNTY.J-fl- Stroudsbargh, RICHARD S. STAPLES. New Marketville, TROXEL & SCHOCH. Butottsburg, LUKE BRODHEAD. BJ'PIKE COUNTY. Milford, JOHN H. BRODHEAD. Bushkill, PETERS & LABAR. lJingsman's Ferry, A. STOLL & Cov Observe, no pills are genuine sold under tee name of Brandrcth's in Monroe or Pike coun ties, except those sold by the above agents. B. BRANDRETH.iM.D. October 1G, 1840. ly. CABDBTG AA J FUIXItfC, The Carding and Fulling business, will be-car-tied on by the subscriber at the above nam6d stand and he would be pleased to receive tl patrouata of his old customers and tho publfck geneialu 1 he price of wool carding will be cants cash or n cents trust per pound. AVorf or cloth will be r., ken away and returned whwifiinshed at J. D. x. - -"" aaioie, oirouosoujg, on Saturday every week, where those indebted to tbelatejBgi .,a., muUl u e suusenber aQ.a settle their accoll Bushkill, June 1st. J. A. DIMMICIC 5 bbyeS BoxR'ui3itls J"ust received and for sale Ct "WILLIAM EASTBttRKl Stroudsburg, Aug. U, JS-10. l - BLANK DEflgBS'" . 0or "sale at tbisffice. as.