Jfeffers k'.... Richard Nugent, Editor The whole art ov Government consists in the art of being honest. Jefferson. and Publisher VOL. I. STRO UDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1840, No 44. - - "" 1 '- ' " ' .....in . JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN. TEmts Tim dollars ncr annum in advance Two dollars 4.1a ouarinr. half yearly, and if not paid before the end of t ' vear, Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their pa l by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor, u 11 be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra. papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except he option of the Editor. Advertisements not exceeding one square (sixteen lines) . be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents ! very subsequent insertion ; larger ones in proportion. A -tl discount will be made to yearly advertisers. r-All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. JOB PRINTING. H . m:r a general assortment of large elegant plain and oma mental Type, wo are prepared to execute every des cription ot C.irds, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms. POETRY. Hymn to the IVortli Star. The sad and solemn Night 3 1 is yet her multitude of cheerful fires; The glorious host of light "Walk the dark hemisphere till she retires ; All through her silent watches, gliding slow, Her constellations come, and round the heavens, and go. Day, too, hath many a star To grace his gorgeous reign, as bright as they; Through the blue fields afar, Unseen, they follow in his flaming way. Many a bright lingerer, as the eve grows dim, Tells what a radiant troop arose and set with him. And thou dost see them rise, Star of the Pole ! and thou dost sec them set. Alone, in thy cold skies, Thou keep'st thy old, unmoving station yet, Nor join'st the dances of that glittering train, Nor dip'st thy virgin orb in the blue western main. There, at Morn's rosy birth, Thou lookest meekly through the kindling air ; And Eve, that round the earth Chases the Day, beholds thee watching there ; There Noontide finds thee, and the hour that calls The shapes of polar flame to scale heaven's azure walls. Alike, beneath thine eye. The deeds of darkness and of light are done; High towards the star-lit sky Towns blaze the smoke oQjattle blots the sun The night-storm on a thousand hills is loud And the strong wind of day doth mingle sea and cloud. On thy unaltering blaze The half-wrecked mariner, his compass lost, Fixes hi steady gaze, And steers, undoubting, to the friendly coast; ' And they who stray in perilous wastes, by night, Are glad when thou dost shine to guide their footsteps right. And, therefore, bards of old, Sages, and hermits of the solemn wood, Did in thy beams behold A beauteous type of that unchanging good, That bright, eternal beacon, by who&e ray The voyager of time should shape his heedful way. Revolutionary Memorials. (concluded.) I cannot say, that my sensations on recogni sing my former sergeant were altogether agree able. The mvsterious manner in which he With came and went, the success with which he had thrown a veil over his own movement, and 'he recollection that I was the guest of a man, who probably entertained no sense of honour, Mther public or private, excited in me a vague .rid undefined alarm, which I found it impossi ble on the instant to conceal. I started and he movement was not lost upon Champe. He xamined my face closely; and a light appcar ng to burst in all at once upon his memory, he rin forward towards the spot where I sat. ' Welcome, welcome, Captain Cameron," said 4:a thousand times welcome to my roof; you chaved well to me while 1 was under your com : jand, and deserve more of hospitality than I pos .!ss the power to "offer; but what I do possess is very much at your service, and heartily glad am 1 , that accident should have thus brought us to other again. You have doubtless looked upon me, as a two-fold traitor and I cannot blame you vou have. Yet 1 should wish to stand well in if your'estimationtooand therefore 1 will, if you please, give a faithful narrative of the causes which led both to my arrival in New York, and to my abandonment of the British army on the shores of the Chesapeake. But I will not en ter upon the subject now. You are tired with your day's travel; you stand in need of food and rest. Eat and drink, I pray you, and sleep j.undly; and to-morrow, if you are so disposed, J wiil try to put my own character straight in t io estimation ;! the only ijniishoiuceroi wuose Pi .mrl nmninn T nm r'fi-.t nno " 'Vho.ra U'P.rft SO ! inch frankness and apparent sincerity in this, t-iat I could not resist it, so I sat down to sup- er with a mind perfectly at ease; and having atcti heartily, I soon afterwards retired to rest, on a clean pallctwhich was spread for me on tie floor. Sleep was not slow in visiting my eyelids; nor did I awake until long after the un tZA risen on the morrow, end the hardy ,:nd active settlers, io whose kindness I was jn- sbtjid, had gone through a considerable portion i f their day's labour, X found my host the next r iorning, tho same open hospitable and candid man that he had shown himself on first recog nizing me. He made no allusion, indeed, du ring breakfast, to what had fallen from him over night: but when he heard me talk, of getting my horses ready, he begged to have a few minutes' conversation with me. His wife, for such my hostess was, immediately withdrew, under the pretext of attending to her household affairs, upon which he took a seat beside me and be- ffan:- "I trust you will believe me when I sav, that nothing can be a matter ot more perlect indif ference to me than the estimation in which may be held by the individuals composing Ar- nold's legion; lor tne whole ot whom, lrom their commanding officer downwards, I entertain the most sovereign contempt. But you are a Briton born. I found you to be an honourable and a right-minded man: and though 1 believe that you erred in drawing your sword against the liber ties of America, I still respect you so much, that 1 would not willingly rank as a traitor in your eyes. I have therefore resolved to tell you a tale, which I should not think it worth while to tell to any other man, unless I knew him to be genuine American in his principles and feelings. "You remember under what circumstances it was that I arrived at New York. 1 came to you as a deserter; bearing on mv name the full load of obloquy which attaches to that charac ter, and exposed to all the dangers which attend the career of one who has once betrayed a trust which he had sworn to hold sacred. Sir, I was no deserter. Mine was a deed unusual I allow, and most suspicious in its colouring; but performed not only under the sanction of General Washington but at his positive desire. Listen, and I will tell you all. "You will be at no lo3s to imagine that the discovery of Arnold's treason, accompanied as it was by the seizure of one of the partners in his crime, created a great sensation throughout our army, bo deep, indeed was the leeling ot disquiet and distrust, that no man seemed to be be aware on whom reliance might be placed; that no man would have ventured to become surety for the faith of his own brother. That the General shared in this uneasiness all ranks acknowledged but the extent to which the feel ing on his part was carried, remained a secret to all, till to me, and to me alone, it was com municated. I will tell you how thia befel, at least how I myself came to be honoured with Washington's confidence. "While Arnold and your commander-in-chief were carryingon their infamous correspondence, our army under the temporary orders of Gen. Greene, occupied a position as you doubtless recollect, in the vicinity of Tappan. Lee's le gion, of which I was sergeant-major held the outposts; and 1 think you will allow that a corps belter qualified to perform such service has rare ly been embodied. Well, I had gone through the ordinary routine of my business; I had as certained that the guards were planted that the patroles were told off, and that the horses and accoutrements of the men not immediately on duty were in order; when, about nine o'clock one night, I received a message from Major Lee, that he desired to see me on particular business. 1 repaired to his quarters without delay, and found him evidently labouring under 1 ill n . -r-r a consmeraoie degree oi excitement, lie was walking up and down the apartment with a short and irregular step, and he no sooner caught the sound of my foot within the threshold, than he desired me, without stopping, to bolt the door. I did so, and then he turned towards me. "Champe, said he, 'you scarcely need that 1 should tell you, that n there be a man in my legion, in whom, more than all the rest, I am disposed to place reliance, it is yourself I have watched you ever since you joined the corps. I have found you uniformly brave, dis creet, orderly, sagacious, full of ambition, yet of ambition of the most legitimate kind, and I know that you feel yourself to be on the high road to promotion. I am going to put all your good qualities to the test; and 1 ask lrom tou no pledges to secrecy, because I am confident that none such are needed. "What reply could I make to such an address? I merely bowed, thanked my officer, and assur ed htm, that whatever man could do for him, or for America, I would at least attempt. "Aye" continued he, "I knew all that. If I desire you to storm a battery of cannon, you will do it, even if you go alone. If I say to you, that your country requires you to undergo all manner of hardships, you will endure them. But the business on which I ant about to em ploy you is different from both of these, Champe, you must desert you must go over to the ene my." 'I started as well I might, but before I could interpose a word, he went on "Hear me out, and then say whether you are willing to accom plish the wishes of the commander-in-chief or not. For 1 tell you, in the outset, that I am but a medium of communication between Washing ton and yourself; and you know as well as I, that Washington is incapable of requiring at any man's hands, services which shall so much as appear to imply a dereliction of honour." "You are aware, of course, of the distressing consequences of Arnold's treason of the anx iety and misgivings which it has occasioned throughout the army; and of the peril into which it has brought the life of the English Major An dre. You cannot, however, know, till I inform you, how the General is affected by it. I have had with him to-day a long and deeply interest ing interview, in which he showed me some letters from and of New York, both of whom represent the plot as widely extended, and both unite in accusing General , of all men living, of a participation in it. Now Wash ington's confidence in General has been heretofore unbounded. If any thing be due, morever, to the universal consent of all ranks, General deserves that confidence; yet so thoroughly has it been shaken by the treachery of Arnold, that he can no longer experience a moment's repose. This, he told me with a flushed cheek, and a choking voice; and he ad ded, that to clear up his doubts, it was necessa ry that some trusty person should pass to New York, should hold verbal intercourse with his informants, and sift the whole affair to the bot tom. But he does not intend that the services of his agent shall end here. If Arnold could bo seized and brought back to camp, not only might Andre's life be saved, but there would be effected such an example, as would for ever de ter all American officers from playing, under any circumstances, the part of traitors. Hav ing thus opened his plans, he did me again the houour to say, that he was sure I could find among my gallant fellows the very person of whose services he stood in need. I lelt high ly flattered by such an announcement, and I did not for one moment hesitate as to my answer. I accepted the proposal, and, Champe, I named you as the man. Are you ready to earn immor tal honour for yourself and your fellow-soldiers, and to do the most important services to your country, by carrying through this delicate and hazardous scheme for your General?" " You and I, Captain Cameron, have not seen a great deal of one another, yet you will, perhaps, believe me when I say that there are not many men who hold bodily danger more lightly than the individual who now addresses you. Of ambition, likewise, I admit that I al ways had my share ; I strove hard for a com mission, and I was pretty sure that, on the first vacancy, I should get one. It was not, there fore, from any disinclination to face the hazards of the exploit that I felt reluctant to accede to this proposal. But the idea of desertion of committing, or seeing to commit, an act which must necessarily throw down the fabric of an honourable name, which I had so long labored to erect that did, indeed, startle me. I thanked the Major for the opinion he entertained of me I repeated my readiness to attempt any thing which should not imply disgrace but I begged respectfully to decline a service, the very first act in obedience to which must place me in a light the most dristressing to my own feel ings, and the most odious- to others. I could not even feign to be a traitor. The Major, however, had made up his mind that I, and 1 alone, should carry through this business. He pointed out that even desertion, perpetrated at the requst of the General-in-chief was not dis graceful that if it did bring on the head of an individual temporary shame, the mind, capable of reflection, would not balance between the accomplishment of a great public good and the endurance of a slight personal evil; and that tho cloud, however dark for the moment, would make the contrast the more striking, when the truth came to be disclosed, and a full burst of glory should follow. But I own to you that the argument which weighed most with me, was his appeal to my 'esprit du corps.' What will our comrades say, after this gallant exploit shall have been performed, when they come to be told, that it was proposed to one of their own number, and by him rejected? I could not hold out against this consideration so I told the Major, that, relying on his honor to see my fame vindicated in the event of any untoward accident befalling to myself, I would give my self up to his guidance, and obey such instruc tions as he might furnish. These were soon explained. I was directed to wait upon and with letters which were handed to me: I was cautioned not to let the one know that the other had any communication with our camp: and above all, I was told that no per sonal injury should be done to Arnold, inasmuch as it was his capture, not his life, that was sought. " If, therefore, 'continued the Major' you find that you cannot seize him unhurt, do not seize him at all; and if the choice be be tween his escape and his slaughter, let him go. To kill him, would give the enemy an excuse for alleging all sorts of falsehoods against us. But if you can bring him alive to head-quarters, so that he may bo tried by a court-martial, and publicly executed, you willjat once further tho ends of justice, on an atrocious traitor, and strike a salutary terror into tho minds of his as sociates." "Being thus forewarned as to tho course which it behoved me to follow, I proceeded to arrange with tho Major the best mode of car rying his device into operation. No written document could be given for the purpose of forwarding my progress be3'ond the lines, be cause such a proceduro would unavoidably come to the enemy's knowledge and defeat the whole project. Neither was it possible to remove out of the way any portion of the numerous posts and patroles that lay between the quarters of our cavalry and the neutral ground. There seemed nothing, therefore, but to dare the worst, and putting myself under the guidance of for tune, to act as if I really were a deserter from the cause which I had conscientiously espoused. All that Major Lee could undertake amounted to this that in case my absence should be discovered before morning, he would delay pur suit as Jong as possible. This was the more important, because it would be necessary for me to take a tortuous course, and to proceed with extreme caution in the dark : yet even this depended so much on accident, that to ef fect it might lie beyond his reach. Neverthe less 1 had nothing better to rely upon ; so set ting our watches together, (and it wa3 then near eleven o'clock) and receiving from him three guineas to defray immediate expenses. I went forth to undertake an enterprize in eve ry sense more hazardous than any in which I had been previously employed. " Having reached the camp, I proceeded without a moment's delay to roll up my cloak, to pack my valise, thrusting into it the orderly book, and to strap both upon my horse, after which I buckled on my sword and mounted. I passed through the lines unnoticed; but had not proceeded half a mile beyond them, when a mounted patrol, advancing by a cross road, ob served me, and challenged. 1 made no reply but plunging the rowels into my horse's flanks, I gallopped forward. The patrol did not follow far, yet I felt that my chances of con cealment were over, and that not all the Ma- 1 1 1 1 1 - Z 4 ior s management couio long ninuer a pursuit from being instituted. 1 rode on therelore, lull of anxiety and alarm, for which, as the event proved, there was good reason. For the patrol which met me was composed of a part of Lee's legion ; and the Captain of the day lost no time in reporting to the Major, in person, all that had befallon. I have since learned all that passed, so I can inform you of it. " Lee had retired to bed as soon a3 I quitted him, and strove to sleep; but his efforts availed him nothing. A generous and high-minded soldier, he could not think of the dangers to which he had exposed a comrade without hor ror; and I may say without vanity, that there was not a man in the legion whom he respect ed more than myself. He tossed about, there fore, restless and uncomfortable; and was con juring up all sorts of direful imageSj when some one rapped loudly at his door, as it earnest lor immediate admission. Lee's heart sank within him as he desired the applicant to enter and when he heard the officer state, in a hurried and excited tone, that a dragoon had been met near the lines, who put spurs to his horse when challenged, and escaped a conviction of the truth came fearfully over htm. Yet he retained his self-possession and de siring to protract the interval of pursuit as long as possible, he affected to be very sleepy, and instead of noticing the communication that had just been made, complained of being disturbed. The Captain of the day now repeated his re port in more pressing language than before, so that it became impossible to affect ignorance of his meaning. Another device was according ly adopted. First, be began to put various ques tionsthen he ridiculed the idea that any in dividual from the legion a corps, which dur ing the whole war, had lost but one man from desertion would abandon his colours; and last of all, he desired the officer to return to Camp, and by personal inspection of the horses to as certain whether any wero missing. By such manucouvring as this a little time was gained, but it was only a little ; for scarce half an hour had elapsed from the period of my quit ting tho lines, when Major Leo received the report of the Captain of the day. That officer, moreover, n his eagerness to vindicate the honor of the legion, made quick work with his inspection, and soon returned to announce, that the name of the traitor was ascertained. He asserted that I was the man and that I had gone off with my arms, accoutrements, ne cessaries, and even with the orderly-book of the regiment. Again was Lee's ingenuity taxed in order to spin out the interview. He would not believe that I had deserted. I was proba bly gone off, on some excursion of pleasure a grave offence, doubtless, and subversive of all discipline yet not without its examples among the officers, and entertaining as all did a high opinion of my honour, it .would never do to act with such precipitation as to disgrace mo in the eyes of my comrades. Still the matter ought to be looked to, and a party must be or dered for pursuit. This too was done and and tho Major, desiring to inspect it in person, gave directions that it should muster in Iron1. 6l his quarters. The men came but tV.e officer in command was not the individual whom he desired to employ. He had another service in view for him; he must, therefore, givo up the charge to Cornet Middletown, a youth of a pe culiarly humane temper, and hence more like ly than most to deal gently with the fugitive should he be overtaken. Ton minutes more were thus gained, at tie conclusion of which Middloton made his appearance, when written instructions were handed to him, signed, as the custom of our army required, by the Major him self. These required him to follow as far as a regard to his own safety would permit a de serter who was supposed to have gone off in the direction of Paulus' Hook ; to bring him back a live that he might suffer in the presence of his comrades: but in the event of his offer ing resistance, or making any effort to escapo after he should once bo taken, to put him to death. The delivery of this the verbal hints and cautions which the Major judged it right to throw out the injunctions to take care of the horse and arms if recovered, and to guard wjII gainst surprise, sufficed to carry them through five minutes more so that on the whole 1 had a full hour, Or perhaps an hour and a quarter's start. But as if to counterbalance this very in adequate advantage, a shower of rain fell soon after I set out, just sufficient, and not more than sufficient, to make my horse leave a palpable track along the road. Now, as all our char gers were shod by the same farrier, and the shoes made after a peculiar pattern ; a track once taken up could not, by those who were acquainted with it, be easily lost; and no set of fellows throughout the army knew belter than Lee's dragoons how to track both friend and foe by their foot prints. "Notwithstanding tho conviction that the pursuers were already on my track, I was compelled, so soon as 1 shook off the patrol that had challenged, to resume a slow and cautious pace; not only because the whole country before me swarmed with bands of irregulars, but because I was every moment in danger of falling upon one or other of the posts which were established in front of the lines, and withdrawn in the morning " when day began to dawn, therefore, I was yet sev eral miles to the north of Bergen, and almost as far, by what is called the near cut, from a bridge by which the Hackensac is traversed. A wide and open plain, moreover, was before me; and to crown all, there eame down upon the morning air an indistinct clatter, as of hor ses moving at a brisk trot in the same direction with myself. I looked around; and sure enough, on the summit of an eminence which overhangs the " Three Pigeons," I beheld a strong patrol of cavalry. There was no possibility of mis taking their design; so I plunged the spurs into my horse, and dashing forward, took at a ven ture, the road to Bergen. "I heard their shouts in pursuit, for scarce a half a mile diuded us, and in a still morning sounds extend far. I guessed, too, that these troopers to whom eve ry foot of the country was familiar, would not neglect the near cut to the bridge, yet 1 trusted in my own ingenuity to baffle them still, and never for an instant lost courage. Bergen I gained before they could recover a sight of me, which an intervening wood had cut off, and judging that nothing could serve my purpose so well as to throw them off my trail, 1 rode down one paved street and up another without hesi tation. This done, I changed my route, and in stead of keeping the road to Paulus' Hook, I turned my face westward, and made for tho Hudson. Of what followed you are aware. My horse, my scabbard, and belt, fell into the hands of the pursuers; I myself escaped, and threw away my weapon only when I could no longer retain it in the water. "Of my arrival in New York, and of what first befel me there, it is unnecessary that I should say more, than that being conducted in to the presence of your commander-in-chief, I was by him closely examined touching the con dition and temper of the army which I had abandoned. Perfectly secure in the persuasion that the circumstances under which I camo would shield me from suspicion, I answered vaguely for I could not endure the thought, even to myself of doing otherwise, yet I con trived to make the General fancy that I had communicated to him, highly important details, and that I was a person worthy of patronage. You know, perhaps, how ho urged me to enlist in your service; and how I evaded the proposi tion by pleading the dangers to which I should be exposed, in case any accident should after wards throw me into the hands of my country men. The fact, however, was, that my plans were not yet sufficiently matured to warrant my taking such a step. Neither would I venture to take it without the sanction of my own chief; with whom, unless Major Lee had been deceiv ed, I knew that means of communication lay open. I accordingly held out against his en treaties, and withdrew to the quarters which were assigned me. But I had other busings . MlUf 44vll MGUil Art represenieu lu nnQ j oponed Qu, ,0 each ex, actljMh portion of my scheme which 1 knew l-Val no would bo both able and willing to for ward. Through one I obtained full and accu rate information on the subject of the supposed treason of General , and great was my sat isfaction at being able to report that the calum ny has no foundation in truth, with the other'I deliberated respecting the best means of secu ring Arnold. Yet I do not deny that when in telligence reached mo, that Andre's fato was fixed lhat he had himself, by his manly declay in hand, and to that I gave mv earnest '",., :nn . ' . . , attention. I waited upon Washington s a-;nlSt j founa ilmm in nvurv resnect si"' . i ". ... - - - I - - r Tllnlf h r! ha