Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, November 27, 1840, Image 1

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4 1 i i i 1 1 i. i i i l l faint ii
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grfiVfiyjJfiiTj 1 wmiwi fwy
Richard flfujrent, Editor
The whole .art of Government consists in the art of being honest. Jefferson.
ami Publisher
No 43.
TERMS. Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars
and a quarter, half yearly, and if not-paid before the end of
the year, Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their pa
pers bv a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor,
will be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra.
Ts'o papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except
at the option of the Editor.
ro-AdrerUscmcnts not exceeding one square (sixteen lines)
will be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents
for every subsequent insertion ; larger ones in proportion. A
liberal discount will be made to vearlv advertisers.
rryAll letters addressed to the" Editor must be post paid.
Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna
uicauu ivjju, u are prepared to execute ever' es
cription of
Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Totcs,
Blank Receipts,
Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms.
Persons drawn to serve as Grand Jurors for De
cember Term, 1840.
1 Jacob Drelier, Hamilton.
2 Henry Eyleuberger, Smithfield.
3 John Staples, Stroud.
4 George Bittenbender, Hamilton.
5 James Trach, do. . .
, 6 David Smith, Ross.
7 George Trible, Middle Smithfield.
8 Jacob Mixsell, Ross.
9 Joseph Keller, Hamilton.
10 Levi Frantz, Ross.
11 John L. Wells, Middle Smithfield... .
12 John J. Price, Price.
13 Joseph Shock, Stroud.
14 Joseph Fenner, Hamilton.
15 John Jones, jr. do.
16 Depevv Labar, Middle Smithfield.
17 William Brodhead, Smithfield.
IS Michael Shoemaker, Hamilton. -
19 Abraham Transue, Price.
20 William Small, Ross.
21 Frederick Brotzman, Tobyhanna.
22 John D. Frailey, Pocono.
23 John Bender, Hamilton. -:
24 Washington Overfield, M. Smithfield.
Persons drawn to serve as Petit Jurors.
1 John Shoemaker, Hamilton.
2 Adam Gatz, Ross.
3 George Artman, Hamilton.
4 John Labar, Pocono.
5 Henry Dietrich, Hamilton.
6 William Casebeer, Smithfield.
7 Emanuel Gunsaules, M. Smithfield.
8 Christian Mixsell, Hamilton. -
9 Adam Cuslerd, do
10 Henry Miller, Stroud. .y
1 1 Samuel Cramer, do ' -,
12 Charles Frantz, Hamilton.
13 Charles Featherman, do
14 Abraham Gish, Stroud. ' '
15 Anthony Heller, do
16 Jonathan CofFman, Price.
17 Benjamin Cortright, Middle Smithfield.
18 Daniel Depew, Smithfield.
19 Abraham Arnold, Hamilton..
20 Abraham Fenner, sen. Smithfield.
21 William Long, Price.
22 David Eckert, Stroud. ,
23 David Nigh, Smithfield.
24 Thomas J. Albright, Stroud.
25 Adam Andrew, do
26 Jacob Crupe. Middle Smithfield.
27 Jacob Shafer, Chesnuthill. - -
28 Barnet Walter, Middle Smithfield.
29 Christopher Barlip, Ross.
30 John Ktesge, Chesnuthill. - - '
31 George Brewer, Stroud.
32 John Mcrwinc, Chesnuthill. :-
33 Peter Keller, Stroud.
34 Simon Gruber, Esq. Pocono.
35 Jacob Bush, Middle Smithfield.
36 John-D. Eck, Coolbach.
THE Subscriber not willing to be behind the
times, has just received at his Store in the
Borough of Stroudsburg, a large and very superior
assortment of
Black, Blue, Brown, Olive, and other choice- col
ours, being an assortment in which every one may
find his choice, both as regards price and quality.
Single and double milled Cassimers, Merino Cas
simers, summer Cloths, Silk Satin and Marseilles
Ves'iugs, Linen Drillings of various styles, &c.&c.
SFrash Pt;i and Wiatr Good'!,
i djams oi various patterns, some 01 which urn us
lo k. as 30 cts. per yard. A yory elegant assort
ment of Chintzes, Lawns, Dress IJandkerchjefs,
Siikand Cotton Gloves, Parasols, &c. &c.
The aboye goods arc fresh from Philadelphia,
and were selected to suit the taste and please the
fancy of those vyho may wish to buy at cheap pri
ces, goods of a superior quality.
The subscriber invites his customers and the
public generally, to call and examine for them
selves, Avhon ho will be l appy to accommodate
them at low prices for cash, or for country pio
5lroudsbJirg,oy20, 1840,
Tltc Ccean ISsarial.
The soft azure rim of the blue bending skies
Engirdles the low sleeping sea, f "
As a fond mother bends o'er the sweet foldedcyea
Of the baby asleep on her knee;
And the ripples lie round with their edges all curl'd
Into small wreaths of transparent snow,
For there broods a deep hush on the broad ocean world,
As deep as the quiet below.
And a vessel heaves to on the calm cresent seas,
With her beautiful pennant and spars,
And her showy w hite sails llrct alone with the breeze,
. Lieisleep with the clouds and the stars;
While from her broad deck a low murmuring flows,
As of sorrowing spirits in prayer,
For an angel of Heaven hath touched with reposo
The soul of the manliest there.
The tear-drops lie thick in the merry dark. eye
Of the sailor boy swinging aloft,
For the wave where his comrade must lie,
Till his heart with its musings is soft,
And, looking away where by distance made dim,
The sky and the. ocean seem blent,
He sighs for the hearts that are pining for him,
Whose life like a jdewdrop was spent.
And then, while rich floods of the moon's blessed light
Roll down the blue pathway of Heaven,
With the murmur of waters the sad funeral rite
Is heard on the stillness of even,
While sadly and slowly the mariners crowd
Round the form of the lost and the brave, ..
And gather him up in his simple white shroud,
And lower him down to the wave.
And soft through the shadowy waters alone
The form of the young sailor goes,
Where the hush of the Sabbath for ever is thrown
O'er the brow and the lip of repose,
While the stars, all disturb'd from their soft mirror'd sleep
As the lonely one sinks to his grave,
Now nestle away on the breast of the deep
Till they slumber along with the wave.
Roll soft o'er thefsleeper, oh, boundless abyss !
That hath sunk in thy motionless breast,
And let the pale form rest as tianquil in tliis
As the soul on the sea of the blest;
For calm as a thought in the bosom untold,
Through yon ocean of starlight and blue,
The spirit will float in its shallop of gold,
As calm and as beautiful too.
But softly, blue ocean ! we know thou art bright
With the glittering gems of the sea, '
But what is the peart or the ruby's pale light
To the treasure bequeath'd unto thee 1
For the pale human form that now sleepeth alone,
Was beloved by the fond and the true,
And long will the hearts of the loving make moan
Roll softly thou ocean of blue !
Revolutionary memorials.
From an English periodical we take a de
tailed narrative of the adventures of Champo,
who our readers will recollect, was employed
by Major Lee to seize the traitor Arnold and
thus save the life of Major Andre. It is extract
ed from the journal of a British officer, now de
ceased, who saw much senico in his day and
kept a record of it, and we must acknowledge,
that though he served against us, he is tolerably
free from prejudice.
During the summer of 17S0, when in spite
of the failure of Burgoyne'a expedition, hopes
were still entertained of a successful termina
tion to the struggle, it was customary for cer
tain galleys and other armed vessels to keep
guard in the North river, as far from the out
works of New York, as Elizabeth Town point
in one direction, and King's Bridge in another.
It ehancad on a certain day in September, (1
think it was the 25th,) that two of these lay at
single anchor about four or live miles from the
village of Bergen. They had been stationed
there ever since the sad news of Andre's cap
ture reached us, whether with the view of facil
itating his chances to escape, if such should oc
cur, or as a point of communication for the con
veyance of intelligence, I know not, but in ci
ther case without having achieved any important
service, when, on the morning of the day just
specilied, an ovent occurred, which relieved
their crews for the moment from the tedium of
a profitless watch. It might be about 9 o'clock
in the morning when the lookout seamen called
the attention of one of the commanders to what
was passing on shore, The latter turned his
glass inthat direction, and beheld, coming from
Bergen, a single horseman, who rode as if for
life and death, and directed his face towards the
river. lie was dressed in the well known uni
form of Lee's legion one of the beat equipped
and most efficient corps, in the American ser
vice and his valise being strapped at the croup
of the saddle and his sword hung at his side, it
was evident that some cause more urgent than
caprice drovo him on. When first discovered
he was in the act of rounding a coiner in the
wood, so a (o enter upon a broad and straight
road that had been cut through its centre, which
leading directly lo the water's edge, or rather
to the edge of a reedy swamp which at this
part girdles in the Hudson, then branched off
to the right and left, and followed, both upwards
and downwards the tortuosities of the stream.
The horseman rode furiously till he had left the
corner of the wood about three hundred yards
behind, when he suddenly pulled up; he then
unbuckled his valise, and strapped it acrpss his
shoulders; unslung his sword, drew out the wea-
I nonk and cast the scabbard and beft from bimjj
and turning from time to time an anxious glance
to the rear, seemed to brace himself as it were,
for some desperate hazard. Nor did many min
utes elapse ere the cause of this apparent anxi
ety became manifest: his preparations were as
yet incomplete when a party of dragoons, per
haps twelve or fourteen in number, made their
appearance, rounding the same angle from which
he had emerged. They- were too far distant to
permit the sound of their voices to be heard; but
nothing could be more remarkable than the ef
fect produced on all parties by so sudden a re
cognition. The fugitive plunged his spurs into
the flanks of his charger, and setofi'again at the
top of his speed. The troopers pressed their
animals to increased exertions., and the latter,
being as it seemed, more fresh than the former,
the distance between them was certainly not
increased; on the contrary, they gained upon
him so fast, that when Et length he reached the
margin of the swamp, not more than sixty or
seventy yards divided them. And now the sea
men, who had watched the proceeding with
feelings not unlike those which are experienced
by the spectators of a coursing match, found
.i i mi . i .1
wiemseives caiieu upon to piay a part in tne
strange drama. For the fugitive threw himself
from his saddle, rushed into the morass, and
shouting aloud for help, made at once for the
water's edge; dressed as he was, moreover, he
did not hesitate to plunge into the river and to
strike out lustily tovyards the anchorage. .In a
word, he was a deserter; and, as both policy
and justice required, it became necessary, to
afford to him, every facility of escape. Accord
ingly, both vessels opened a fire of grape upon
the dragoons, a boat was pushed of likewise,
which soon picked up the swimmer, and he
was conveyed safely on board of the nearest of
the galleys. Having given his namo, and as
signed the common reason for conduct such as
his namely that he had been ill-treated by his
officers, and was weary of so bad a service
he expressed a wish to be passed on to New
York; and he was immediately sent forward in
a row-boat, under a proper escort, with a letter
from the captain testifying to the manner of his
arrival. There were many circumstances which
concurred at this time to give to every individ
ual instance of desertion more than its common
interest in the eyes of the commander-in-chief.
In the first place; his correspondence with Gen
eral Arnold had led him, for some time, to be
lieve that much dissatisfaction prevailed in
Washington's army. In the next place, the
failure of Arnold's plot, and the arrest of poor
Andre, rendered him peculiar sensitive, and in
duced him to listen with credulous anxiety to
every tale or rumor which might so much as
seem to confirm hopes that had in reality no
foundation. Each fugitive was, in consequence
conducted to head-quarters where he was close
ly interrogated as to the dispositions of the en
emy's troops, and above all, concerning the tem
pers of certain officers of whose fidelity to the
republican cause bur chiefs had learned to think
lightly. Among others the now comer was hon
ored with a private interview, during which he
underwent a long and rigid examination, though
of the particulars I knew at the moment noth
ing more than its result was highly favorable
to the deserter; for the General spoke of him
publicly as an intelligent and prudent person,
and made no secret of his wish to enlist talent
so valuable in the military service of his sove
reign. For a while the stranger resisted this
proposition: he professed to be tired of war, and
reminded Sir Henry Clinton, not unfairly, that
from the moment he assumed the King's uni
form, he put a halter about his own neck. But
the importunities of those in power at length
prevailed; and he consented to accept the same
rank in the royal army which he had borne in
that of Ihe States. lie was accordingly attach
ed to a corps, of which Arnold tdok the com
mand, composed exclusively of native Ameri
cans, most of whom had deserted; and being
strongly recommended to Arnold himself, as
well by his own personal demeanor as by the
commander-in-chief, he became a sort of order
ly-sergcant in that officer's family. Time pas
sed, and the melancholy news arrived that nei
ther entreaties nor threats of retaliation, nor of
fers of exchange, had availed to save the life of
the gallant Andre. He died a -traitor s death,
by a law too severe, even in extreme cases
There was a general lamentation throughout
the ranks, mingled with an eager longing for
revenge, in which no man appeared more ear
nestly to participate than General Arnold; and
partly with a view of indulging the humour,
partly to eflect a diversion in favour of Lord
Comwallis, then actively engaged in the Caro
linas, it was determined to send his legion, to
gether wiih one or wo battalions of regulars,
on an expedition into Virginia. This resolu
tion which was come to, at a late hour in the
evening, was announced early next morning in
general orders; and ihe order itself was obeyed
with such romarkable prompitude that the men
went on board without time having been afford
ed for them to make any preparations whatev
er. Yet tho transports continued at their moor
ings many days; nor was it till late in October
that the corps jnado good its landing, and open
ed its brief and profitless campaign on the shore
of the Chesapeake. . Fortune so ordered it, that
there was given to me then a very young man,
a company in Arnold's legion, and that the de
serter John Champe, was altachedloit. I found
him to be, as others had represented, a remark
ably intelligent person. At first indeed, he
proved singularly grave and taciturn nay, his
manner appeared at times to indicate so much
of moroseness and ill-humor, .that I could not
avoid harboring a latent suspicion that he al
ready repented of the step which he had taken.
But having bee.n forewarned of the reluctance
which accompanied his enlistment, I took no
notice of this humour; and as I treated him
throughout as kindly as circumstances would
allow, I flattered myself that I had at last suc
ceeded in gaining his confidence; It is (rue
that of cheerfulness he never exhibited a symp
tom. His cast of features and dark and satur
nine complexion seemed to mark himas a man
naturally thoughtful, perhaps designing. Yet
he was a good soldier, on his outward appear
ance at least; and I put full confidence in the
statements of those who assured me that the
contents of the volume would be found corres
pondent with its binding. How far my expec
tation had or had not been well founded, an op
portunity of determining was never afforded,
inasmuch as the second night after the disem
barkation, Sergeant Champe disappeared. He
was sought for far and near: his arms were found,
and his knapsack, nefther had any one seen
him quit the lines; but he himself was gone;
and never again, during the remainder of the
war, was so much a3 a trace of him discovered.
At last the peace came; and 1, who had form
ed a connection with a. respectable republican
family in Virginia, received permission to re
main in the country after my regiment quitted
it for the purpose of settling my affairs. I was
journeying for this purpose through Loudon
County, attended by a single servant, on horse
back, when towards the close of a summer's
day, I found myself unexpectedly brought to a
stand-still by the occurrence of three roads
leading towards three different parts, of the com
pass. As there was no board or sign post
erected for the guidance of travellers, I felt as
a stranger socfrcunjffcinced is apt to do, a good
deal puzzled." "I looked to the .heavens, but did
not succeed iri ac'er-taiinng,-by any sign afford
ed there, in which direction 1 ought to turn; so
after hesitating for some time, I struck into one
of the paths which appeared to be somewhat
more inviting than the rest, and followed it for
a while, if not without misgiving, at all events
in good hope that I had done right. But the
road began by degrees to twist and turn; it car
ried me deep into the heart of the forest, as the
night was carrying on, with every appearance
of a thunderstorm, I began to grow impatient
and uneasy, I pressed my jaded beast into a trot,
but had made very little progress when dark
ness closed in darkness so dense that to dis
cern objects at a yard's distance was impossible.
What was to be done? Even if I should en
deavor to retrace my steps, I did not know where
shelter was lo be found, I might again take a
wrong turn; and even if I did not, I perfectly
recollected that many miles of way must be
traversed, ere I should reach a human habita
tion. If I went on, 1 might get bewildered; if
I stood still, I must make up my mind to a thor
ough soaking, without my being able to appease
my own hunger and that of my overwrought
animals. In this emergency I did, what most
men probably wotdd have done, I called my
servant to council; and after brief deliberation,
it was determined that our case was desperate,
and that we had better brave evils of which we
knew the extent than flounder on at random in
to others. Having arrived at this sage concltt
sion, we alighted, and fastening our beasts by
their halters to the bough of a huge tree, we
sat down with our backs against its stem. No
conversation passed between us, for each was
sufficiently occupied with his own thoughts,
till a wild moaning the sure prelude of a
storm struck painfully upon our ears. 1 he
ancient pines, too, began to wave and creak,
and a few drops of rain fell heavily rattling
among the foliage like hailstones ; then came
a distant growling of thunder, and last of all a
flash which illuminated the woods far and wide,
succeeded immediately by a burst so sharp and
so loud as to resemble rather a platoon of musk
etry than any other sound in nature. It caused
us both to start upon our legs ; but though we
looked round in the full expectation of perceiv
ing some portion of the forest on fire, Ave were
deceived: the bolt had fallen harmlessly, and
darkness again overspread the scene as with a
" That was nn awful blasri, your honor," said
my man ; "the devil tho likes of it did I ever
see afore and sec, there's another !" And
another, and another sure enough there came.
While the rain, which had hitherto fallen scan
tily, began to descend as if from buckets. In
five minutes the scene of foliag was pierced ;
in half that space we were thoroughly saturated,
while our poor horses stood trembling and
snorting, as flash succeeded flash with a rapid
ity which set all calculation at defiance. While
the storm thus raged, I chanced, in search per
haps pf. a denser screen, though altogether un
consciously, at the moment to turn araund. - I
had scarcely lono so, when I beheld, by the light
of the storm, an opening in the forest, at tho
extremity of which stood a house surrounded
as it appeared to me, by a patch of cultivated
ground. I immediately made my man awaro
of the discovery, who turned his eyes also in
the same direction; and as we were not long
left without light enough to direct our research,
hope was soon converted into certainty. We
were indeed near to some human dwelling; and
the circumstances of our case were a great
deal too pressing to permit any momentary nes
hesition as to the course which it behoved ih
to follow. Each untied his horse, and- with
halter in hand we began to move cautiously in
the direction, which promised to conduct us to
a place of shelter. But we. had not proceeded
far, ere a now and more startling obstacle pre
sented itself; we found that there was a deep
ravine in front, while a roar of water, heard at
every pause in the sounding of the thunder, in
dicated that it was traversed by a river doubt
less of no incensiderable force.
Still, when men arc caught, as we ihen were,
bv bad weather in a dark night, even real (hut-
! ge'rs do not easily hold them back from exer-
Hon. Alter advancing, tliereiore, as lar as it
appeared prudent to do, amid a tangled under
wood and down a steep descent, I gave my
horse as well as his own to the servant, and
directing him, to remain stationary, I set out
alone, in the hope of discovering some means
of passing the gulf. Though I had no other
light to guide my steps than that which tho
storm afforded, happily for me, the flashes con
tinued still so frequent, that I experienced ve
ry litte difficulty in continuing my progress. I
reached the margin of the stream in safety,
and found that though in dry weather it might
be, and doubtless it was, a mere rivulet, the
rains had already swollen to a formidable tor
rent. Its channel, likewise was rocky and
precipitous; nevertheless, as if fate had deter
mined to befriend me, I found that, not far from
the spot on which I stood, it was traversed by
a rude bridgb. 1 made towards it, the lightning
being my Ltmp; and commiting myself on hands
and knees to the protection of a good Provi
dence, I crawled over the plank in security. -All
the rest was easy. Making the opposite
bank, I found myself in open field, haring4:t
log-house with some rude out-buildings clus
tered about it; and as the inniite -were yet
moving, my cries soon attracted their notice,
and ihey hastened lo render every assastaneo
in their power. In a moment, lights wer
gleaming from their windows. The door was
unclosed, and a man hurrving out witn a torch
in each hand, requested me to lead in the di
rection of the spot where I had left my horses.
I took one of the flambeuas, and as the storm
was by this time considerably abated, we had
soon the satisfaction to ascertain that the shouts
with which we strove to attract my servant's"
notice were answered. Immediately my new
acquaintance crossed the bridge, and in less
than half an hour, he, and the creatures to
whose rescue he had hastened, arrived wetand
weary, but uninjured, at what I may now be
permitted to call, my own side of the stream.
; If the exertions of the stranger had been wor
j thy of praise in thus delivering two way-worn
travellers from the difficulties oi their situation,
his hospitality, row lhat danger was past, fully
corresponded with them. He would not per
mit either master or man to think of their hor
ses, but insisting that we should enter tho
house, where fires and changes of apparel awai
ted us, he himself led the jaded animals to a.
shed, rubbed them down, and provided them
with forage.
It would have been affectation of the worst
kind to dispute his pleasure in this instance,
so I readily sought the shelter of his roof to
which a comely dame bade me welcome, and
busied herself in preventing my wishes. My
drenched uniform was exchanged for a suit of
my host'3 apparel; my servant was accommo
dated in the same manner, and wo soon after
wards found ourselves seated beside a blazing
fire of wood, by the light of which, our hostess
assiduously laid out a well stocked supper ta
ble. I need not say, that all this was in tho
highest degree comfortable. Yet I was not
destined to sit down to supper without discov
ering still greater cause for wonder. In duo
time our host relumed, and the first glance which
I cast towards him, satisfied me that ho was no
stranger. The second set every thing like
doubt at rest. Sergeant Champe stood bufijro
me, the same in complexion, in feature, though
somewhat less thoughtful in the expression of
his eve, than when ho first ioined mv compa-
, in Now York.
Timely Epitaph. The speed wiih wV.ith
the exposure of tho stupendous conspiracy. 61"
tho office-holders, against the character of Uiq,
Whigs of this city, followed upon the explosion,
reminds us of a quaint and ancient epitaph, with
a few slight variations. jV, Y, Com.
We digg'd a pit, we digg'd it decp
We digg'd it for our brotheraj:t
But for our sin we did falfri f
The pit.we digg'd for :lfref