a Ira iltttt SlltfiUft 9 -1 . :SX, 1 Richard Wugent, Editor The whole art ok Government consists in the art of being honest. Jeflersoa ? and Publisher I VOL. I. STRO UDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13,. 1.840. No 41. JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN. 3?Sfi n nunrtnr Tirif vcarlv. and if not paid before the end of ittsrms Tim dollars Der annum m advance Two dollars ropers by a carrier or stage urivers empioycu Dy me proprietor, nui oc cnaryi;u - 1"- UVo papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except anthe option 01 uiu uunur. airvAdvcrtisenicnts not exceeding one square (sixteen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents liberal discount will be made to yearly advertisers. mr everv suoseaueiu insertion : larcer ones in nronortion. a idPAH letters addressed to tnc tuitor must be post paid. JOB PRINTING-. (Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and oma I mental lype, we are prepared to execute every des cription of Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blank. Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS, PA3MPHLETS, &c. Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms. CURING PRACTICE. 'he principle of purifying the body by purg ing with vegetable physic is becoming more and more understood as the only sensible method by ?wSich sound health can be established. Hun dreds of individuals have become convinced of this doctrine, and are daily acknowledging the practice to be the best ever discovered. Now isjthe unhealthy season when our bodies are liable to be affected with disease; and now is the time the state of the stomach and bowels Inould be attended to, because on the healthy state of those organs depends the healthy state oJthe general system; and every one will see at once, if the general health be bad while that re mains, local disease cannot be cured. JUl the medicine that is requisite to restore tle body to a state of health is Brandrcth's Veg etable Universal Pills, which have performed (cures upon tnousanus 01 neipiess ana hopeless :rsons, after the usual scientific skill of phy sicians have consoled them with the assurance U&at they could do no more. The properties of these Pills as anti-bilious and aperient medicine re unrivalled; all who use them recommend fuiem, their virtues surpass all eulogy, and must fiB used to be appreciated. The weak and del icate will be strengthened by their use, not by feracing but by removing the cause of weakness, the gross and corrupt humors of the body. fThey require no change in diet or care of any kind. Plain directions accompany each box, so that every one is his own competent physi cian. Remember, none are genuine sold by wruzzists. DR. BRANDRETH'S Office in Philadel- ua for the sale of his Pills, is No. 8, North fighth street. IlLr' Agents for Monroe and Pike Counties are at mc following places. -j( lOMONROE COUNTY.JI I'Stroudsburgh, RICHARD S. STAPLES. New Marketville, TROXEL & SCHOCH. ;Dutottsbunr, LUKE RRODHEAD. UjPIKE COUNTY-XH Milford, JOHN II. BRODHEAD. Bushkill, PETERS & LABAR. Dingsman's Ferry, A. STOLL & Co. Observe, no pills are genuine sold under the Riame of BrandretlCs in Monroe or Pike coun- ;s, except those sold by the above agents. B. BRANDRETII. M.D. October 1G, 1-840. ly. HE Subscriber not willing to be behind the times, has just received at las btoro m the Borough of Stroudsburg, a large and veiy superior rassoriment ot Fresh Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting among other things of Chally, Mouslin 1 Lams of various patterns, some of which are as low as 30 cts. per yard. A very elecrant assort- lent of Chintzes, Lawns, Dress Handkerchiefs, 5ilk and Cotton Gloves, Parasols, &c. &c. Also, good supply of superfine BROAD CLOTHS, Slack, Blue, Brown, Olive, and other choice col- irs, being an assortment jn which every one may md his choice, both as regards price and quality, single and double milled Cassimers, Merino Cas- simers, summer Cloths, Silk Satin and Marseilles Nestings, Linen Drillings of various styles, &c.&c. I he above goods are fresh Jrom .Philadelphia, id were selected to suit the taste and please the Mancy of those who may wish to buy at cheap pri- :es. goods of a superior quality. lhe subscriber invites his customers and the jblic cenerallv, to call and examine for them- feelves, when he will be happy io accommodate them at low prices for cash, or lor country pio- lure. WILLIAM AoTiJ U KJ . ?trou-lsburg, 4ug. 11, 1810. IIIEJ Subscriber respectfully informs the pub lic, that he is prepared to execute all kinds oi I;ii& fe Ornamental Fainting', rat ins shop nearly opposite the store ot William Oastburn, where all orders in his line willbethank- "ully received and punctually attended to. JAMES PALMER. Stroudsburg, Jan. 5, 1839. Paper Hanging, In all its -various 'branches will be punctually- ttended to. . ..JP. - Stagnation of the Blood. The repeated changes in the atmosphere, by act ing as they do upon the consistence and quality of the blood, give occasion lor the most latal and ma lignant disorders. 1 he blood lrom a state of health becomes stagnant and is plunged into a state of corruption. Thus it loses its purity: its circulation is imne ded: the channels of life are clogged; the bowels be come costive, and if not an immediate attack of some malignant fever, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, and a general debility of the whole frame are sure to lollow. It requires the tempest and the tornado to bring about a state of purity in the ocean, when its wa ters become stagnant; and it will require repeat ed evacuation by the stomach and bowels before the blood can be relieved of its accumulated im purity. Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills, should be taken, then there will be no danger; be cause they purge from the stomach and bowels these humors which are the cause of stagnation, cleanse the blood from all impurities, remove every cause of pain or weakness, and preserve the consti tution in a state of health and vigor that causual changes cannot effect. Dr. lirandreth's Office for the exclusive sale of his Vegetable Universal Pills, in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, North Eighth street. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Richard S. Staples, in Strouds burg; in Milford by J. H. Biiodhead, and in Mon roe and rike counties by agents published m an other part of this paper. Uctober 16, 1840. Harrison's Specific Ointment. The great celebrity of this unrivalled Composi tion especially in the Northern Slates leaves the proprietor but little need to say any thing in its favor; for it has been generally conceded to it, that it is beyond all comparison the best remedy tor external complaints that has ever been discov ered. Indeed the speed and certainty of its oper ations have the appearance of miracles : as ulcers, wounds, corns, fever sores, chilblains, white swel lings, biles, piles, spider and snake biles &c. immediately yield to its apparantly super human influence. Thus if properly applied it will remove an inveterate, corn or break and heal a bile in five days, will allay and perfectly cure an ulcer in two weeks ; and the most desperate cases of white swelling that can be imagined, have been destroyed by it in less than two months. In the bites of poisonous reptiles its efficacy is truly surprising; and even in the bile of a rabid dog, for if applied in time, its powers of attraction are so wonderful that they will at once arrest the poison and thus prevent it from pervading the system. It is like wise greatly superior to any medicine heretofore discovered for the chafed backs and limbs of horses for tetters, ring worms, chapped lips, and in short for every external bodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. The proprietor has received at least a thousand certificates and other documents, in favor of his " Specific Ointment" upwards a hundred of which were written by respectable members of the Med ical Faculty; and in selecting from this pile the I 'following samples, he was governed more by theirl brevity, than their contents, as they all breath the same spirit of eulogy and satisfaction. CERTIFICATES. Albany, July 9, 1837. To. Dr Harrison, Sir- I use your Specific Oint ment in my practice and cordially recommend it as a most efficient remedy for Tumors, Ulcers, White Swellings, Scrofula, Rheumatic Pains, Chapped Face, Lips and Hands ; and for general and external complaints. 1 write this at the re quest of your agent here, who furnishes me with the article, and am pleased to have it in my power to award honor to merit. RUFUS R. BEACH, M D Extract of a Letter from Dr. J. W. Sanders, ) of Louisville. Ky. October 8, 1837. J " I am prepared to say, that for Rheumatic Pains and the Sore Breasts of females, Harrison's Spe cific Ointment has no superior, if indeed it has any equal, in the whole catalogue of external me dicines, as known and prescribed in this country." Extract of a letter from Dr Potts, of Utica, N Y. Dated July 28, 1838. " Harrison's 'Specific Ointment" is, in my opin ion, a most important discovery; and is particular ly efficient in scrofulas, ulcers, sore legs, erup tions, and general outward complaints, speak of its merits from an experience of lour years " Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1838. To Dr. Harrison, Dear Sir, I write to con gratulate you on the extraordinary virtue of yonr ' 'Specific Ointment,' in the curing of burns. A little boy of mine, 4 years old, fell against the fire-place three weeks since, when his clothes be becaue ignited, and he was instantly enveloped in flames. After some difficulty the "fire was ex tinguished, but not before the poor little fellow's lower extremities were almost covered with a con tinual blister. Having much faith in your oint ment, I immediately purchased three boxes, which I applied unsparingly, according to your direc tions in such cases ; and it is with great pleasure and gratitude, that I am able to inform you that it allayed the pain in a few hours; and in ten days had effected a complete cure. I need scarcely add, that it ought to be in the possession of eve ry family, as there is no telling when such acci dents may occur. Yours respectfully, II. M. SHEPIIARD. A supply of this valuable Ointment just received and for sale, by SAMUEL STOKES. Stroudsburg, Nov. 6, 1840. " fk barrels of No. 3, Mackerel, just receive JLx? and for sale, by : - : 7 WILLIAM EASTBURNi Stroudsburg, Aug. 14, 184.0. r. . War and Washington. Among the revolutionary relics which have come down to our times is the following Ode by- J. M. SEWALL of Massa chusetts, a patriotic strain, which was sung throughout the country during the war, and served to inspire zeal and cour age in the cause of independence. No national lyric ever aroused more enthusiasm, or was chanted with better effect, than this war song. It was the favorite strain throughout the ranks of the array in every part of the country, and kindled the martial ardor and patriotic feelings'of all. Vain Britons, boast no longer with proud indignity, By land your conquering legions, your matchless strength at sea, Since we, your braver sons, incensed, our swords have girded on. Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, for War and Washington! Urged on by North and vengeance, those valiant champions came, Loud bellowing Tea and Treason, and George was all on flame, Yet sacrilegious as it seems, we rebels btill live on, And laugh at all their empty puffs huzza for Washington! Still deaf to mild entreaties, still blind to England's good, You have for thirty pieces bctray'd your country's blood; Like Esop's greedy cur you'll gain a shadow for your bone, Yet find us fearful shades indeed, inspired by Washington. Mysterious! unexampled! incomprehensible! The blundering schemes of Britain, their folly, pride, and zeal. Like lions how yc growl and threat! mere asses have you shown, And ye shall share an ass's fate, and drudge for Washington! Your darkAinfathom'd counsels our weakest heads defeat, Our children lout your armies, our boats destroy your fleet, And to complete the dire disgrace, coop'd up within a town, You live, the scom of all our host, the slaves of Washington! Great heaven! is tliis the nation whose thundering arms were liltrlM Through Europe, Afric, India! whose navy ruled a world? The lustre of your former deeds, whole ages of renown, Lost m a moment, or transferred to us and Washington! Yet think not thirst of glory unshcaths our vengeful swords, To rend your bands asunder, and cast away your cords. 'Tis heaven-bom freedom fires us all, and strengthens each umvu feuii, From him who humbly guides the plough, to our great Wash- For this, Oh could our wishes your ancient rage inspire, Your armies should be doubled, in numbers, force, and fire. Then might the glorious conflict prove which best deserved the ooon, America, or Albion; a George, or Washington! Fired with the great idea, our father's shades would rise; To view the stern contention, the gods desert their skies. And Wolfe; 'ntid hosts of heroes superior bending down, Cry out with eager transport, God save great Washington! Should George, too choice of llriitons, to foreigh realms apply, And madly arm half Europe, yet still we would defy Turk, Hessian, Jew, and Infidel, or all those powers in one, While Adams guides our Senate, our camp great Washington ! Should warlike weapons fail us, disdaining slavish fears, To swords we'll beat our ploughshares, our pruning hooks to spears, And rush, all desperate! on our foe, nor breathe till battle won, Then shout, and shout America! and conquering Washington! Proud France should view w ith terror, and haughty Spain re vere, While every warlike nation would court alliance here. And George, his minions trembling round, dismounting from ins iiirune, Pay homage to America, and glorious Washington. From the Knickerbocker. Arnold's Treason, REMINISCENCES OF WEST-POINT. OR Benedict Arnold, was a native of Connec ticut ; and the brick building in which he once kept store, although time-worn and decayed, is still standing at New-Haven, near the har- bor, with one end overgrown with ivy, and in the garret may still be seen the sign he then used. No officer of the American army stood higher than he, in the confidence of the gov ernment, and the love of the people, prior to that dark period, when, plotting the ruin of his oppressed country, he effected his own, and exchanged for ever the bright and spotless in heritance of a soldier's fame, for the withering curse of a nation's contempt, and the unending infamy of a traitor s name, which living, haun ted every hour of his life, and will be fresh in the history of all future time. All writers agree that the deep pecuniary embarrassments of Arnold, into which his love of pleasure and great extravagance had led him, were the leading motives that impelled him to the fearful step. Ramsay informs us that 'the generosity of the States did not keep pace with the extravagance of their favorite of ficer. A sumptuous table and expensive equip age, unsupported by the resources of prhate fortune, unguarded by the virtues of economy, and good management, soon increased his debts beyond a possibility of discharging them. His love of pleasure produced the love of money; and that extinguished all sensibility to the ob ligations of honor and duty. The calls of lux ury were pressing, and demanded gratification, although at the expense of fame and country. Contracts were made, speculations entered in to, and partnerships instituted, which could not bear investigation. Oppression, extortion, misapplication of public money and property, furnished him with the farther means of grati fying his favorite passions. In these circum stance, a change of side? afforded the only hope of evading a scrutiny, and at tho same time held out a prospect of replenishing his ex hausted coffers. In the midst of his desperation, his funds gone, detection unavoidable, he resolved to unburden his griefs to the French envoy ; and mingling in their detail the ingratitude' of his country, to seek from the sympathy of a foreigner the means to retrieve his shattered fortunes. . The application was not only un successful', but was rejected, with such disdain, and accompanied with such bitter rebuke, as to add greatly to the desperation of Arnold. Thus baffled and mortified, he was at last driv en, by his impetuous feelings, into the fatal pro ject of selling his country; that country which had heaped honor after honor upon him, with prodigal kindness; which had given him birth, and placed his name high upon the roll of her great and distinguished men ; whose shores were covered with a mercernary foe, seeking her subjugation ; that country, in fine, whose soldiery were barefoot and starving, amid the the storms of winter, and which, poor in eve ry thing but her reliance on God, her valor, and the bravery of her people, had no hoarded gold with which to win back to love and duty the traitor to her standard and her righteous cause. After the British evacuated Philadelphia, many families were left, who were disaffected toward the Americans, and among others that of Mr. Edward Siiippen, afterward Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. His beautiful and accomplished daughter had been the Hoast' of all the British officers, oi whom none stood highter in the estimation of the family than Major John Andre. With him Miss Shippen was in the habit of constant and friendly cor respondence. Arnold was not an unmoved spectator of the young lady's beauty and worth; and having made an off er of his hand and heart, was accepted, and thus entered a family hos tile to his country, and whoso interest and pleasure it would naturally be, to win from the cause of the 'rebels' to that of the king one so well known to fame. The acquaintance with Major Andre oommenced at this time ; and even then tho determination of Arnold was formed, to make Andre the instrument by which the hellish plot was to be consumated. Ar nold had been for some time leading an inactive life, having been excused from duty, owing to the wounds he had received : but he became suddenly anxious for active service in lhe field. His first effort was to procure at the hands of General Washington the command of West Point, then universally esteemed the most im portant military post in the country. He suc ceeded in this, and established his head quar ters at ' Beverly' or Robinson House,' on the eastern side of the Hudson river, about two miles below West Point. This place had be longed to one Beverly Robinson, who having taken up arms with the British against his country, lorteiiett nis property. lhe mam part of the army was at this time down the Hudson, between 'Dobbs' Ferry' and Tappan.' General La Fayetto had employed, at his own expense, in New-York, several spies, who were to furnish him secret intelligence of the move ments of lhe enemy. Arnold applied to him for their names address, on the pretence that they could communicate with him with greater facility, and he would then send the informa tion to La Fayette; but the request was prompt ly refused, as some old-fashioned notions of honor seemed to forbid it. Arnold, after his marriage, encouraged Mrs. Arnold in keeping up the correspondence with Major Andre, and thus, although unknown to herself, the devoted wife was made one of the tools by which American liberty was to be crushed. In a lit tle time Arnold commenced a a direct corres pondence with Andre, the letters of the former being signed 'Gustavas,' and of the latter, lfohn Anderson.1 For some time Sir Henry Clinton did not know the real author; but he soon became satisfied, from a chain of circumstances, that it was General Arnold. The grand project of so- curing West Point, with all its dependant posts, stores, and property, was of such vast import ance, that Sir Henry Clinton deemed no ex pense or trouble too great to effect it. It be ing now known to the British commander that Arnold was in fact the person with whom the correspondence commenced, measures were ta ken to perfect the details of the system of vil lany which he proposed. Arnold requested that Major Andre" should be the person to hold communication with him, and Clinton accord ingly deputed him. Major John Andre was intended for commer- mercial life, and had entered upon its busy em ployments; but the abrupt and sad termination of his addresses to a young English lady, whose father forbade tho union, drove him to tho ex citement of military life ; and, forsaking Eng land, he sought in tho fascination of military glory, a forgetfulness of his bitter fate. He was taken prisoner ol war soon after ho enter ed the army; and when searched, he concealed in his mouth a miniature of his lady love, which in happier days his own pencil had sketched, and which in distant lands and amidst other scenes, he wore as memory's tal isman; the silent, though still loved companion of life's weary pilgrimage. He was a most graceful, elegant. and accomplished gentleman, and ripe scholar; passionately fond of the fine arts, and a finished master of painting and drawing. He was iho favorite of the whole army, and into every domestic circle was wel comed as a friend & brother. Such was the man selected to conduct the delicate and dangerous negotiation, which had for its unholy aim the base surrender of America; such the man with whose aid Benedict Arnold was to strike a blow at tlie heart of that country, uniler whose 'stripes and stars' he had fought Freedom's battles, from whose gory fields he had borne away the wounds and scars which are the sol dier's best certificates, and the mute pleaders for a country's gratitt.de. It was the original intention of Arnold to re ceive Andre within the lines, at his own Head Quarters, and to arnmge there the whole plan of operations. At that lime, part of the army wa3 stationed at Salem, a town on the eastern side of the Hudson, some distance from the river, and under the command of Col. Sheldon. He had been told by General Arnold that he expected a person from New-York whom he wished to meet at Sheldon's quarters, and de sired instant notice of his arrival. A letter was then written, informing Andre of this ar rangement: to this he replied, in the enigmati cal style which distinguished all their corres pondence, that he would be at 'Dobbs' Ferry' at a certain time. Arnold left West Point in the afternoon of the tenth of September, went down the river in his barge to 'King's Ferry,' passed the night at the house of Joshua Smith, and went early next morning down to ' Dobbs' Ferry.' Andre had arrived the night before, but not "finding Arnold, and fearing mistake, ho returned to New-York. Another meeting was fixed for the 20th. Arnold then wrote to Ma jor Tallmadge, commandant at one of the out posts, that if a man calling himself lJohn An derson1 arrived at his station, to send him with out delay to Head-Quarters, escorted by two dragoons. Sir Henry Clinton, in order to af ford means of easier intercourse and escape, had sent Colonel Beverly Robinson up the river, in the sloop of war Vulture, with orders to stop at ' Teller's Point.' A letter from the Vulture, addressed to General Putnam, (known not to be there,) reached Arnold, was of course understood to apprize him that Andre was on board. On that very day, and but a few hours after the boat had carried the letter on shore, Gen eral Washington and his suite crossed tho Hudson at 'King's Ferry,' in Arnold's barge, the Vulture then in full view below; and while Washington was viewing her with his glass, Arnold is said to .have betrayed great uneasi ness. It is worthy of remark, that before An dre left New-York, he was expressly ordered by Sir Henry Clinton not to change his dress, nor to go within the American lines, and-on no account to take any papers. Arnold employed a man by the name of Joshua Smith to aid him generally in the pros ecution of his plan, although it is now gener ally believed that he never did communicate to Smith the purpose he had in view. Smith wa3 to bring Andre on shore from the Vulture, and 'Smith's house in case of ultimate necessity, was to be the place of negotiation. At Ar nold's request, Smith sent all his family away except the servants Being furnished with a boat and pass, and assisted by two brothers by the name of Colqhoun, who were forced very reluctantly to go, he went off to the Vulture, with orders to bring Mr. Anderson on shore. The oars were muffled, thei night was tranquil and serene; the stars shone' brightly above them; the water was calm and unruffled; and ihe gen tle air floated mildly by. The work of treason went noiselessly on, and the whispers of scon science found no echo, save in the heart where they originated. Smith was shown into the cabin of the Vul ture, into which soon after Colonel Robinson brought a man, whom he introduced as Mr. Anderson. He was in full uniform',, but over it ho wore a bluo travelling coat. They left the Vulture, and landed at the foot of a mountain called the 'Long Clove,' on the west margin of the river, about six miles below 'Stony Point.' Tho exact spot for the first interview had been fixed, and this place Arnold had ridden from Smith's houso. And there, in the darkness of night, amid its stillness and gloom, stood tho arch-traitor of America, and the flower of Eng land's chivalry! It was a picture worthy of a master pencil. At their feet lay the mighty but tranquil -Hudson; above and around them, were the towering monuments of God's omnip otence, that 'Proclaim the eternal Architect on high, Who stamps on all his works his own eternity.' This conference was continued the greater part of tho night; and when the wasting of tho tide, and the near approach of day-light, was urged by Smith as a reason for its terminal ion, the parties agreed to proceed to 'Smith's LI oust-.' The boat was sent off and Arnold and -Ai$h' proceeded on horseback. Near the hu,.4i.t' challenge of a sentinel gave Andre tin im 1 come and startling intelligence that ! yt within the American lines; but it was !: to retreat. The recollection of the posi.ue u, ders of Sir Henry Clinton was vivid am! t's tinct: but moro time vas necessary to accom plish the great object of his mission; and lm dared the peril, with the cherished belief that,h was serving acceptably ino cause oi uis'tiKujj and country. ffc (conclusion next week.) Up JUinp U OUl UBM1J11 a loyo, j ft And set-'two linos.toffill this.page,