JEFFLiiUNlAN ilEPL BLIOAN. Wood and myself on our way to reconnoitre the Sandusky bay, and to have conference with Commodore Perry on the subject of our joint operations against the enemy. That conversa tion is, perhaps, the better recollected, inasmuch as it has often been referred to in our stiDse- the war. and from "1 " w . WW..W..W - the fact that vnu did the .compliment to say that you made a memorandum of the principle upon which I had acted in respect to a meeting of field officers, with lingadier enenu va3, which took place soon after my arrival from Fort Meigs and but a few weeks alter your eallant defence of Fort Stephenson, which took place while I was at rori .ueigs. In reDlv to my inquiries respecting Genera Harrison's plan of operations at Tippecanoe, vou replied, that the selection of his position was the best to be found near the place of en campment; that his formation of tho different corps of the army in tne encampment, was mauo with a view to hold every officer and every man readv for action upon the ground where x J they slept. That General Harrison's vigilance had previously been the subject of remark and admiration among the troops, and it was that night increased. That you had several opportunities of seeing him in the forepart of the night, and at or near the time the battle commenced. That you saw him frequently in the course of the battle, and heard him giving his orders, anu with great distinctness animating his troops and that no man could have been more collect ed or fearless in battle than Harrison was upon that occasion. In soeakinsr of the battle of Fort Meigs, "iMlvTajor Wood and yourself occurred in the opin- 'sKm - . l " TT...nn'f nlxn fir AaCatna tunc ion mai uen. naiiiauu o v.. unexceptionable, and that the victory was far more important in immediate results and ulti mate consequences than had been conceded, even by many of the friends of the General; that a shade had been cast over that victory, by the untoward disaster of the loss of Col. Dud ley and his regiment, who, after defeating the British on the left bank of the river, were led into an ambuscade of Tecumseh'a Indians, where they were cut off in an attempt to do more than they had been ordered to do. It was not possible, as Wood and yourself believed, for the General to restrain or save them -occupied as he was on the right bank of the river, in the hottest of the battle, near a mile from the point where the ambuscade was formed on the left bu both assured me that the movement of Col udley and his regiment was contrary to the orders of the General, who had no means of correcting the fatal error into which the impct uosity of his fine corps of brave Kentucky vol unteers had led them. m In respect to rort btephenson, you and Ala- Bior Wood than whom L have never known a Jf more gallant, nor a more promising officer, and who afterwards repeatedly covered himself with imperishable fame in battle under my command at Fort Erie, concurred amy in tne opinion mat it would, or might have been, attended with la I tal consequences to the North-Western frontier, for Gen. Harrison to have broken up the nucleus of the army, then assembling at Camp Seneca, and marched to your assistance at Fort Stephen son. His general and held officers were re ported to have expressed the same opinion in a council of war at the time ot attack, l ou ex pressed then, and subsequently, your satisfac lion, and that of your officers and men, that you ;were permitted to continue the conflict alone lajor Wood and myself sustained you in this nmpression. l ou were bom ot tne opinion mat movement on the part of the beneral with the ninstructed troops, such as most of these with im at the time were known to be, might put in the power of Tecumseh, and his army of sav- ges reported to be upwards of three thousand F to cripple, and possibly overpower, the troops at Camp Seneca, it not in the intervening thick woodlands. In this event the frontier, for ma nv hundreds of miles, would have been laid open to savage depredation which could not have been checked belore the arrival of th chivalry of Kentucky under Governor Shelby. That gallant army did not arrive until the mid dle of September, 1813. The loss of the nucleus of Harrison's army at Camp Seneca, at any time before the arrival of Gov. Shelby, might have protracted our opera tions upon that frontier, until the following year, when we might have Found such reinforcements on the part oi England as to nave rendered it impractible for us to profit by Perry's brilliant victory on Lake Erie. 1 ou have repeatedly assured me that the cor respondence between Gen. Harrison and your self was not intended by you for publication, and that you had shown it only to such persons las vou considered to oe me mutual menus oi - i . t .i i i r both Gen. Harrison and yourself, and that you believed the General's apparent neglect to do ou and your officers and men that justice which 3'ou deemed yourself and them entitled to, was not the result of any design on his part to in jure you or them. Unwilling as I am to appear m the newspa pers, or 10 interfere in any way with the politi- cal controversy 7 HIM is now going on oenween iha advocates and the opponent m presem viunmMMim, not strictly compauuie wiui my official station, I can never hesitate to do an act timet W synh whom I have served m the defence of our belo'M country, and more especially when slandered, as Gen, Harrison Us been, by the blind votaries of the evil epir- t of party many of whom 1 know were mere dandies, who have never, to my knowledge, seen he flash of an enemy's gun nor even made an ilbrt to enter a big swamp in search of a foe. With great esteem, your friend, j E2JMU3JJ lJ. GA1MES. Oil. George Giiogian. K boxes Box IUosins, just receive! and far sale by 'WILLIAM EASTBURN. jtroudsburg, Aug. l-i, 104 Retaliation. The Baltimore Sun noire liof i Virn f " vonr rtrrn n imnnrr ocy o - - j -b-, -1 T v lady Of that CltV WaS engaged tO be married, and the day was fixed. The dav arrived but tho o-entleman was not to De tound. Again, recentrr, tne it t .-i r -i i . ,i iaay aa tne iaimiess lover met, me promise was renewed go a uuy nanieu. .1 O. - .1 -I Hie day, the bridegroom, every body onI atratr fViinrr firriVPri ftVP.Pnf" tho l-X-VJ. WTWV UHft V---... J bride, and she in her turn non inventus est. "What do you think of the news from Maine? said a Whig to a loco- foco on Frida'. "'Tis all a lie," said the Loco. "Lie!" thundered the Whig, nvo such He n.s wi c. pnnsii this x. i n 0 r - crnvHrii iiiiim, in iln cm i iimi.kmii r-rf?7- tice. Bunker Hill-Liberal Donation The treasurer of the Bunker HilJ Monument Association has received a donation of Ten Thousand Dollars from Amos Lawrence, Esq, MARRIED, At Flatbrook, New Jersey, on Tuesday the 3d mst., by Benjamin Shoemaker, Esq. Mr. ion Huston, of Stroud township, Monroe COUntV. a.. to Alis.s Sarah Hir.T nf Hp fnnnnr ' uiuwc ry, Mr. John Walters, to Miss Layixa Has- ton, all of Stroud township, Monroe county. Harrison's Specific Ointment. The great celebrity of this unrivalled Composi tion especially in the Northern States leaves the proprietor but little need to say any thine: in its favon for it has been generally conceded to it, that it is beyond all comparison the best remedy lor external complaints that has ever been discov- ered. Indeed the speed and certainty of its oper- wounds, corns, fever sores, chilblains, white swel- mgs, biles, piles, spider and snake bites &c. immediately yield to its apparantly super human inuueiice. iiius 11 propeny appneu 11 win remove an inveterate, corn or break and heal a bile in five aays, win auay anu penectiy cure an ulcer 111 two weeks ; and the most desperate cases of white swelling that can beimagmed have been destroyed by it in less than two months. In the biles of poisonous reptiles its efficacy is truly surprising; ana even iu uiu una 01 a ruoia oog, ior 11 appiiea in iime, 11s powers 01 attraction are so wonderiui that they will at once arrest the poison and thus prevent it lrom pervading the system. It is like- wise greatly superior to any medicine heretofore J! 1 r . 1 i v 1 1 t .1-1 f uiscoverea ior me cnaieu oacKs ana nmos 01 horses ior leuera, ring worms, cnappea lips, and m snort ior every external oodity evil that may Jail to tno lot 01 man or beast. lhe DroDHetor has received at least a certificates and other documents, in favor of his " Sveafic Ointment" unwards a hnndrfirl nf which were written by respectable members of the Med- . . r ical acuity ; and in selecting from this pile the following samples, he was governed more bv their oreviiy, tnan tneir contents, as they all breath the . 1 i . ... . I same spirit of eulogy and satisfaction. CERTIFICATES. Albany, July 9, 1837. To. Dr Harrison, Sir- I use your Specific Oint ment in my practice and cordially recommend it as a most efficient remedy for lumors, Ulcers, White Swellings. Scrofula, Rheumatic Pains. Chapped Face, Lips and Hands ; and for" general and external complaints. 1 write flii3 at the re- quest of your agent here, who furnishes me with the article, and am pleased to have it in my power to award honor to merit. BUFUS R. BEACH, M D Extract of a Letter from Dr. J. V. Sanders. ) of Louisville. Kv. October R. lftrr. C ji t j , r ti j j ,1 cT Ti c e 1 rr , o a am uieuureu iu say, uiui ior Jineumatic rains fi. n- t "7 louraiw, jiarr won s ope- "v.' 1 f"4l ha9. n? suPe,ilor' lflndeed s dicines as known and prescribed in this country." . rbt Extract of a letter from Dr Potts, of Utica, N Y. Dated July 28, 1838 " Harrison's 'Specific Ointment" is, in my opin ion, a most important discovery; and is particular ly efficient in scrofulas, ulcers, sore legs, erup t ons, and general outward complaints, speak of IIS IrtGrits from nn Tnorifnrr rf fm- vonro " I its merits from an experience of four years Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1838. To Dr. Harrison, Dear Sir. 1 write to con gratulate you on the extraordinary virtue of yonr ' Specific Ointment,' in tho curing of burns. A little boy of mine, 4 years old, fell against the fire-place three weeks since, when his clothes bc- becauc ignited, and he was instantly enveloped in names. Alter some dihicultv the lire was e- tinguished, but not before the poor little fellow's lower extremities were almost covered with a con- tmual blister. Having much faith in your oint- T- 1. i .. J ... mcnifi immediately purchased three boxes, which I applied unsparingly, according to your direc tions in such cases ; and it is with great pleasure and gratitude, that I am able to inform vou that it allayed the pain in a few hours; and in ten days had effected a complete cure. I need scarcelv add, that it ought to be in the possession of eve ry family, as there is no telling when such acci dents may occur. Yours respectfully, H. M. SHEPHARD. A supply of this valuable Ointment just received and lor sale, by SAMUEL STOKES Stroudsburg, Nov. 0, 1810. A general assortment of Russia Nail Rods. Hand Iron, English Blister, Cast and shear Steel, Rolled and Round Iron, for sale by WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsb Aug. M, 18.0, To the Farmers of Monroe. Good clean seed Wheat for sale by the sub scriber STOGDEJJ. STOKES. Stroudsburh, Aug. ?8, 1840, NOTICE. Tako notice that have applied to the Judges of the Court nf Common Pleas of the Countv of Monroe, for the benefit of the Act made for the relief of insolvent Debtors, and that the " ,;k -it""c" u-j j icucmuci iicai, at o ClUCK ill iiic luiunuuin iui hearinjr mo and mv creditor8 at the court house I . V . J in the borough of Stroudsburg, where my cred ors may attend if they think proper. I AUiN Jt-K 11. r Ibfi C!....1U AT r -en . . ",,uu usuu xuv- ' AOW-"u c rnrFTni. The partnership of the undersigned hereto lore trading under the firm of Hexry, Jok DAN Sl Co.. was flissnlvpil hv nnitnnl rnnspnt on the 29th of August last, Jons Jordax, Jr. fc John F. Wolle, two "' lUD wo Fail"c,a uu, luuiwueu iu 1 1" name ui mu laio urm in iuo seiuemeni oi .1 - ineir ousine3s. WILLIAM HENRY, JOHN JORDAN, Jr. JOHN F. WOLLE. G, 1840. Stroudsburg, Nov STOVES! STOVES!! Stoves for sale by WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Oct. 2, 1840. Stagnation of the IMood. The repeated changes in the atmosphere, by act inS as they do uPon tllc consistence and quality ot '"- uw?u' u,uu. U1 "'5 u'U8lWMU u"u ",a- lifeiiant disorders. The blood irom a state ot health 1 - . 1 ; 1 1 - . .l. r Thus it loses its purity: its circulation is itnpe (led; the channels of life are clogged; the lowels be come c'ostwe. and it not an immediate attack of some malignant fever, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, and a general debility of the whole frame are sure to lollow It requires the tempest and the tornado to bring about a state of purity in the ocean, when it3 wa trs hennrnfi stagnant- and it will reouire reneat ed evacuation by tho stomach and bowels before the blood can be relieved of its accumulated im- purity Jtfranaretl S V eg6tabl6 Universal JPlllSj should be taken, then there will be no danger: be- cause they purge from the stomach and bowels these humors which are the cause ot stagnation. cleanse the blood from all immiritics. remove everv cause of pain or weakness, and preserve the consti tutibn in a state of health and vigor that caiisual changes cannot effect. Dr. Brandreth's Office for the exclusive sale of his Vegetable Universal Pills, in Philadelphia, is at jo. 8, iNorth Eighth street. Trice 25 cents per box For sale by Richard S. Staples, in Strouds burg; in Milford by J. 11. Brodhead, and in Mon- roe and Pike counties by agents published if! an I. J a r other part ol this naoer October 10, 1840 mir'ivl SfnT?!? tfP A ra'73!rlTi(f,!Ac?, nHIIE Subscriber not willing to be behind the J- times, has just received at ins btore in the n. .1 1" r-. . . -1 1 i i DorouS11 01 oirouasourg, a large ana veiy superior assortment 01 Fresh Snriiisr and Summer Goods, consistinc: amonsr other thinss of Challv, Mouslin d' Lains of various patterns, some of wiiich are as low as 30 cts. per yard. A very elegant assort ment of Chintzes, Lawns, Dress Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cotton Gloves, Parasols, &c. &c. Also, a good supply of superfino U W ' BROAD CJLOTHS, Black, Blue, BfOwn, Olive, and other choice col ours, being an assortment in which every one may find his choice, both as regards price and quality Single and double milled Cassimers, Merino Cas simers, summer Cloths, Silk Satin and Marseilles Vestings, Linen Drillings of various styles, &c.&c. The above goods are fresh from Philadelphia, and "'ere selected to suit the taste and please the ,ancv 01 llose wno mW WIS?. 10 0u-v at cneaP Pn ces- Sootls o a superior quality. rni ..i,A :u :,..:. i.: 1 aiio suustiiuci Hiv lies ma -uaiuiiiuia ami mo i.i: 11.. . 11 --.,1 : r .1 wuuuu liuiiuiuiiv, iu uuu aim uAaiiunu ivi iiiem selves when he v;jH be happy io accommodate them at low prices for cash, or for country pro- tluce. WlJiLlAM iUASTIiURN Stroudsburg, Aug. 11, 1810. ESTRAYS. Came to the premises of the subscriber on the als0 me while and red spotted Heifer. The J .1 - . , . - Tflth met 1 Sitrrnrc nftn n m-mriln Ihn illin- ynA eror owners tnereoi are rcquestea to comeiorward, prove property, and take them away, otherwise they 111.11 ! win oe soiu according to taw. ADAM SHAFER. Stroud tsp. Oct. 16, 1810. THE CONSTITUTION. What is that we call the Constitution J The constitution is evidently that which constitutes, ancf that which constitutes is the blood. We, there- ret know that the blood is the constitution, and .!.. 1 1 , a'm . ..I. that a good or bad constitution is neither more nor less than a good or bad state ol the blood. There is no person who, having lost health, does not wish to have it restored. Use then (he proper means. Ex pel with Purgative Medicine all currupt humors from the body, and the blessing, Health, will be the certain result: for all pains or unpleasant feel ings proceed from the presence of corrupt or vi tiated humors, which are the real cause of every disease, and therefore the only disease to which the human frame is subject, because they clog up lhe veins and arteries, and prevent the free circulation ol the blood. Bruihlrctlfs Vegetable Universal Pills cure this disease: because they remove the corrupt or vi tiated humors by the stomach and bowels, leaving the good humors to give life and health to tho bo dy. It is morally impossible that they can fail to cure, provided Nature is not entirely exhausted. Dr.'Brandreth's Offico for the sale of his pills in Philadelphia, is No. 8, North Eighth street. Sold in Stroudsburg, by RrciiAim S. Staples, m Milford, by J. II. BaomiEAO, and in Monroe and Pike couutles, by the agents published in another part of this paper. October 10, 1810, KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE. Doct, Joseph Priestly Peters' Celebrated Vegetable Antibilous Pills, are daily effecting some of the most astonishing and wonderful cures that have ever been known, the town and country are filled with their praise, the Palace and Poor-house alike echo with their vir tues in all climates and under all temperatures they still retain their wonderful virtues. PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS. Breathes there the man who may not be occa sasionally benefited by the use of Peters1 Pills ? No, assuredly not ; for the human frame, like any other structure, will fall into confusion and ruin, if neglected ; but, by the aid of medicine judi ciously applied, it is enabled to preserve a heal thy and even tone ; and it ia the firt of well-tested public opinion, that Dr. Peters' pills are the me- dicine of medicines in the prevention or cure of the general diseases which the human tenement i. uiuiuuuidi iu. Do men in robust health require medicine? Cer- tainly, for the very excess of health begets cer- tain diseases unless duly regulated. If the blood ia suffered to run riot without correcting laxatives, costiveness, megrin, biles, scurvy, spleen, pimples, furred tongue, or offensive breath, are the inevita ble consequences ; for exuberance of health, like over-rich soil, becomes rank, and prone to the pro duction of weeds, if care is not taken to have it judiciously moderated Jjut healthy men have an antipathy to the very name of medicine)! And no wonder, for nineteen- tvventieths of all the medicines in the world com mence operations by making the people very stick, Extract of a letter by Br. Joseph Williams, of Bur whom it was intended they should make very well; lington, Vl. July 9, 1837. and thus in most cases the cure is considered rather T cordially recommend Peters' Pilk aa a mild- worse than the disease. But Dr. Peters' Pills is the celebrated and particular exception to this al- dicine. They are peculiarly influential in cos most universal rule. In them there is no gripe, tiveness and all the usual diseases of the digestive no nausea, no sickness of any kind; nay, they are organs." absolutely very pleasant to the taste, and rest as v,'t n- vj 1 f.. quietly on the stomach as so many confits of green peas, even when their operations are as sudden and effective, as if they were as disagreeable and as sickening as an old fashioned bolus. Thus the man who uses Peters' Pills, and where is the man that does not use them 1 expels headaches, fevers, blue devils, blotches, pimples, &c. &c. and makes his blood course as limpid and as gently through his veins as a mountain rivulet, without having put himself to any more inconvenience in taking the medicine than he would have done in I swallowing so many black currants.-. .1 Should ladies take Dr. Peters' Pills 1 Doubt- lessly they should, for they not only assure them of health, complacency ol spirits, and every bod- ily comfort but through their miraculous agency Stat ive them the preferenc8 to all other kind, in the purification of the blood, speedily remove Prepred bv Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. in every thing pertaining to harshness, pimples, or ventQr and sole monrietor. No ton T.ihertv street. casual scurvy, from the flesh, animates the eye, and gives an elasticity and a vigor to the limbs, and the general carriage ; and hence, when you see a lady with a cheek 01 velvet soitness, a pure lily and carnation complexion, and an easy & grace ful bearing, the general inference to be drawn is, that she is her own physician, and very particular in the choico oi her medicine : and the especial one that she is a patron of Peters' Pills. Leaving health out of the question, should poets,- novelists, editors, machinists, and men of genius and science m general, patronise Peters Pills 1 Unquestionably, for the vigor which they impart to the frame, exercises a most wholesome influ- Eastburn, where all orders m hisline will bethank ence upon the intellect : and the writer of this fully received and punctually attended to. feels justified in saying, that any person about to carry out an idea, whether of composition or in vention, will have a more lucid understanding of his subject, and think better and more to the point on it, after he has vivified his system by a dose of from one to lour 01 Peters pills- Persons m bu siness, merchants, store keepers, clerks, specula tors, &c. Will derive great advantage from them on the same principle; lor ll the mind is not buoy ant, no man can attend to the usual pursuits of lifV with nt'P norcnir-mtv. lnrimtiom rnrl nloncnro- :d eVei: ; uZ? h l thn fneiilties. and freeiii(r them from nartininatincT in the laneuor, decay, and imperfectibilty of their mortal abode as Dr. Peters' pills. To what may be attributed these singular and wonderiui etlects I Why, to their mysterious and inevitablo action upon the chyle, and that particu- lar region oi tne system wnence me living nuia is generated; for thus they do not only purify the uioou, out create pure uiuuu, me it-suu ui wiuwi is healthy veins, arteries, and other lunctions, unob- scureu vision, urm uuu p"ipy miiuuui anu clnnr clrin. nnd thn rnnsenuent hnovnnrv of heart. j ..:; rr .1 ..!.. it U .U Jl v...... ...w 1 J J 1 feeling, and action. In short, whether we take them as a matter of health, business, feeling, leave our houses without a regular supply of Pe- ters' puis. More than six millions oi doxcs oi tnese ceie- mr .I "ti . .!., 1.1 brated nills have been sold in the United States, Canada's, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, since January 1835. The certificates that have oeen presunieu to ine propnuior, exceed u,uuu, upwards of 500 of which are from regular prac- tising physicians who are the most competent . j r I TESTIMONIALS, OPINIONS OF THE REGULAR FACULTY, Thefollo1vig ate but a few taken at from a pile of complimentary epistles forwarded tr Tir Tfltrrs hv rftonlnr nhvsicians. toucmnrr the I efficacy of his pills. He feels proud and grate ful in being able to lay such documents before the public. New Urlcans, April 24, 1837. Dear Sir As an old classmate of yonrs in Yale college, I take the liberty ot opening a correspon denco. I learn that you are making a fortune by the sale ot your puis, wnicn l trust is the case as l am i in ly aware that through them you are conferring a great blessing on the public. 1 mysell am among those who have been pecul- any uenemeu uy meir use. once my aniyai lere i had been subject to severe bilious attacks, which had nearly brought me to the grave, but fand 1 acknowledge it with gratitude.) a few box- es of your pills have completely restored me. I tr- it nikifl 5! II lr TTft'nrlnpliR I ,uuiu uuu uiui nidi i-iiui ufjv.. 1 and sour stomach is almost miraculous. 11. M. SHEPERD, M. D. Clarkesville, Mecklenberg Co., Va., Feb. 7, 537, Dear Sir. I embrace this opportunity of ex pressing to you my pleasure at the unrivalled suc cess of your pills in this section of the country. It ia the general fault of those who vend patent medicines to say too much in their favor ; but in regard to !your pills I am firmly persuaded that they deserve far more praise than you seem in clined to give them. Six months ago they wcr.i scarcely known here, and yet at present there j no other medicine that can compare with them in popularity. In Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, de rangement of the Biliary organs, and obstinate constipation of the bowels, I know of no aperient more prompt and efficacious; ar. 1 1 have had con siderable experience m all these complaints I would add that their mildness nud certainty of action render them a safe and efficient purgative for weekly individuals; and that they may be giv en at all times without apprehension of any of those injurious consequences which so frequently attend the application of calomel, or blue pill. On the whole 1 consider your Vegetable Pjlls an in valuable discovery. Very respectfully, 5. . HARRIS, M. I). Charlotte. N. C, January 1. 1837 Dear Sir 1 have made frequent use of your pius in the incipient stage of Bilious Fever, and obstinato constipation of the bowels; also in the enlargement ol thp .uln-n f'l.v-ntV TKcnoco- f the Liver. Sick IleadaH.n. r.Pnnmi T.PhiHtv nmi jn all cases have found them to be very effective, j n nnyn r T) Mccklenbcrg Co., Va., February 7. 1837. Ilaving used Dr. Peters' Pills in mv practices. for the last twelve months, 1 take pleasure in-giving my testimony of their good effects in cases of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Bilious Fevers, ani other diseases, produced by inactivity of the livei. Ihey are a sale and mild aperient, beiiit; .the best article of the kind I have ever used. GEORGE C. SCOTT, M. D. 1v effective, and in no rase dniirrernus fainilv me- trcal Q September, 29, 1836 T . , s I never knew a single patent medicine that I could put the slightest confidence in but Dr Peters' v egeiaoie pwia, wnicn are reaiiy a yamauie air covery. I have no hesitation in having 11 Known inat u,se them extensively in my practice, ior an complaints, (and tney are. not a few ) which have their source 111 the impurity of the blood.-' Extract of a letter from Dr Pye, of Quebec, L. C, March 6, 1837 "For bilious fevers, sick headaches, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of the snleen. Dr Pe- ters' pills are an excellent medicine." T. nco wTm , , th co -lll1vlo p;ii- ; - New York. . 1 x - j ' These Valuable Pills can be obtained of Doct. Samuel Stokes and . D. & C Malvin's, Strouds burg, only agents for Monroe county. Stroudsburg, October 23, 1840. FAINTING & GIAZII'G. FT1HE Subscriber respectfully informs the pub JL lie, that he 13 prepared to execute all kinds 01 Plain & Ornamental Paintziir, Crlaziiisr, &c. at his shop nearly opposite the store of William JAMES PALMER. Stroudsburg,' an. 15, 1839. Paper Hanging:, In all its various branches will be punctually attended to. .J P. The house and lot now (irninipd hv Wm H ear tne vi1 0f Stroudsburg, Monroe I 31 SJ county, Pennsylvania. Enquire on the prem HENRY, JOUDAN & CO. August 7, 1840. 3m & inMJSksi AT STIlOUUSBURtx. rTlHE snrintr term of the nhnve nnmed inctJ. X tution commenced on Monday, the 4th dav of Mav ? and is conducted hv M s TTInrv IT. Thomas, late of Troy Female Seminary, an experienced and well qualified teacher. Th hranrhps tnnaht nt thic Spminnru- are i ffpfifljijfj I -ZUlLllllJ T . w" ' Drawing, I TT7- , VYTllinn, Chemistry, Botany, Logic, Geometry, Algebra, French, Latin, Spanish cf Italian Arithmetic vreograpliy ', irrammar. rw,-; vvmpuMwii,, JtuSlOru, fflfltWCll JPhUosO - pMJi j languages, Tihpfarir Music, ' The Seminary bcintr endowed by the State, in struction is afforded at the reduced rate of twe doliars per quarter, inclusive of all branches. Havincr rented the sDacious stone buiidinff. for- merly occupied as the male Academy, the Trus- i. - ........ , """" "r'v, Board, in respectable families, can be obtainell on reasonable torms. The Trustees, with the fullest confidence, com mend the Stroudsburg Female Seminary to the patronage of the public. JUMiN nuJsiUiN, rres i. (Attest) Wm P. Vail, Sec'y. SVKrOIV BE1X1ST. Respectfully announces to the oh- t. s,rnu,uuur nnii qrfmnljnif nAinl.i.r , ... rfi-mftlw tt ftW t: , . , .. , Pct m nua jnan ; . ?uu"?t """ 011.D J-HollixsHISAO. vln ?f " will oe nappy t0 render hia nrofossimml .t .: vices to those who need and Yalqo Dental oper. iltnno. m.uiio, poiauu. wiiiteu upon at their uweiiin- if requested, He rospeotfully solicits that ear y,. l'Jcation oe made as. no intends to vis4 r . r.r.1 i i . i -Yilllord in Pike county. Stroudsburg, Oct. 2, 1840. 1 .ft1 uarros No. 3, Mackerel, just recefrr . A " and for sale, by i AVILLIAM EASTJJUiRSsV . btroudsburg, Aug. 14, 1840; 4i 11 Ml