Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, November 06, 1840, Image 1

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Ricliard Nugent, Editor
i . h, The :WHoiiE art ok Government consists in the art of being honest,; Jefferson. . i r
and Pnbl&i&r
trrove ilnllars ner annum in advance Two dollars
and a quarter, half yearlv, not paid before the end of
uic ear, i wo uuuais -- i
hers bv a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor,
will be cliarpcd 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra.
No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except
at the option of the Editor.
rcAdvertiscnients not exceeding one square (sixteen lines)
will be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents
for everv subsequent insertion ; larger ones in proiortion. A
liberat discount will be made to yearlv advertisers.
IC?A11 letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid.
Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna
mental Type, we are prepared to execute every ucs- -cription
Cards, Circulars, Bill Meads, Notes,
Blank Kcceipts,
rrinted with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms.
The principle of purifying the body by purg1-
i u. i ..,1
Flllf Wltn vegeiaoie pnysic is uuuuumijj muic aim
finore understood as the only sensible method by
which sound health can be established. Hun
dreds of individuals have become convinced of
ihis doctrine, and are daily acknowledging the
practice to be the best ever discovered. Now
is the unhealthy season when our bodies are
liable to be affected with disease; and now is
the time the state of the stomach and bowels
should be attended to, because on the healthy
state of those organs depends the healthy state
of the general system; and every one will see at
once, if the general health be bad while that re
mains, local disease cannot be cured.
All the medicine that is requisite to restore
the body to a state of health is Brandrcth's Veg
etable Universal Pills, which have performed
1 cures upon thousands of helpless and hopeless
persons, after the usual scientific skill of phy
sicians have consoled them with the assurance
that they could do no more. The properties of
these Pills as anti-bilious and aperient medicine
are unrivalled; all who use them recommend
ihem, their virtues surpass all eulogy, and must
be used to be appreciated. The weak and del
icate willbe strengthened by their use, not by
bracing but by removing the cause of weakness,
the gross and corrupt humors of the body.
They require no change in diet or care of tiny
kind. Plain directions accompany each box,
so that every one is his own competent physi
cian. Remember, none are gmuine sold by
"Dd. BRANDRETH?S 'OfHce in Philadel
phia for the sale of hisPills, is No. 8, North
; Eighth street.
It? Agents for Monroe and Pike Counties are at
I the following places. c-fjQ
Stroudsburgh, RICHARD S. STAPLES.
New Marketville, TROXEL & SCHOCH.
Dutottsburg, LUKE BRODHEAD.
Bushkili, PETERS & LABAR.
iJingsman's Ferry, A. STOLL & Co.
Observe, no pills are genuine sold under the
lumie of Brandrcth's in Monroe or Pike coun
ties, except those sold by tile above agents.
October IG, IS 10. ly.
Wholesale aiaI Eletaii
TOST. subscriber respectfully informs the citi
zens of Stroutlsburg and the public generally,
that he has taken the shop recently occupied by
?ames Palmer, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite
the Stroudsburg House, in this Borough, where
lie intends carrying on the Cabinet Making busi
ness in ail its various branches.
lie sholl keep constantly on hand or make to or
der ail kinds of founiiture :
s!cfcar2s, Isire:ms. Sofas, Cotstrc
t:tIes. ilreaJsi's-st ;&5c& SHisIee Tables,
"Witsli !Sta.;.ads, Bedsteads, &c. &c. "
together with evtrv other article usually kept at
iuch establishments ; all of which he will sell at
the Easton prices.
As his materials will be of the best quality, and
all articles manufactured at his establishment will
be done by first rate workmen, he confidently as
sures the public that his endeavors to render gen
eral satisfaction will not be unrewarded.
lie respectfully invites the public to call and ex
amine ins stock belore purchasing elsewhere
Chairs, Settees. &c. will be kept constantly on
Uanu ap.d for sale,
Li".;a.tslAirg, th. l'3l0.
I The co-partnership heretofore existing between
I iie subscribers at Bushkili, under the firm of Wal
iace &, Kcyvman, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent, tho books, notes and accounts are lelt
the bands of Thomas J. Jfewman. Also ali
i ii v.!. g demands against said firm will pre
. Thomas. J. Newman for settlement
Bushkili, June 1G, 1810.
N' 13. The business, will be carried on as usual
pit the old stand by . T. J. NEWMAtf.
TIze close of Awturtiu.
The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
Of wailing winds and naked woods and, meadows brown and
Heap'd in the hollows of the grave the wither'd leaves lie dead,
They rustle to the eddying gust and to the rabbit's tread.
The robin and the wren are flown, and from the shrubs the jay,
And from the wood tops calls the' crow, thro' alt the glowing
Where are the flowers, the fair young flowers, that lately sprang
and stood,
In brighter light and softer airs, a beauteous sisterhood
Alas ! they all are in their graves the gentle jracft o! flowers
Are lying in their lowly bed-, with the fair-aad-geod of ours:
The rain is falling where they lie but the cold Ncveir:bar;min
Calls not from out the gloomy earthy the lovely cues again.
The windfiowcr ami the violet, they perisU'd ong ago,
And the brier-rose and the orchis died, amid the summer's glow;
But on the hill the golden rod, snd the aslei m the wood,
And the yellow sunflower by the broox in autumn beauty stood,
Till fell the frost from the clear cold heaven, as falls the plague
on men,
And the brightness of their smile was gone from upland, glade,
and glen.
And now when comes the calm mild day-as still such will come,
To call the squirrel and the bee from out their wintci home;
When the sound of dropping nuts is heard, though all the trees
are still,
And twinkle in the smoky light the waters of the rill,
The south v?hid searches for the flowers whotc fragrance late
he bore.
And sighs to find them in the wood and by the stream no more.
And then I think of one who in her youthful beauty died,
The fair meek blossom that grew up and faded by my sid.
In the cold moist earth we laid herr when the forest cast the
And we wept that one so lovely should have a lot so brief;
Yet not unmeet it was, that one, like that young friend of ours,
So gentle and so beautiful, should perish with the flowers.
My Heart is wrung by Sorrow
My heart is wrung by sorrow,
No ray of hope is mine,
And deeper pangs to-morrow,
Around my heart may twine ;
Yet why should I,
Repine or sigh,
O'erwhelnVd by misery's stream,
A ray of light,
Breaks throuhg the night,v
'Tis mild religion's beam.
It bids nfy heart, tho' broken,
Direct each thought abii've,
And yields the brightest tokeh
Of mercy, faith and love ;
Then why delay,
Whilst wisdom's ray
Points out the sunny path
That leads the spul
In sweet control,'
Beyond the realms of wrath.-,ljjja
This heart tho' bruis'd ami burntng,"-;
Shall wake to brighter day, H ;i:
To holy truths returning, A -,i t-
I'll no moie feel dismay : ' ttw
Religion's smile, " -Shall
beam the while ;s'
- Upon rr weary breast :
Its precepts dear,
My heart shall cheer, .
And lull its fears to rest.
September, 18-10.
II. C. M.
lievoluliosjarV Adrctfciure.
The burying grounds' were a favourite re
treat, and on more occasions than one they
were obliged to resort to supersti'ious alarms
to remove intruders tpoji their path; their suc
cess fully justified the experiment, and unpleas
antly situated as he was, in the protepeetufsojun
becoming a ghost himself, he could not a void
laughing at the expedition, with which, old and
young fled from the fancied nppathions under
clouds of night, wishing to meet sulk enemies,
like Ajax, in the face of day. Though the dis
tance to the Delaware was not great, they had
now been- twelve days on the road, and Bitch
were the vigilance and suspicion prevailing
throughout the country, that they almost des
paired of effecting their object. The conductor
grev impatient, and Lee's companions, at least
one of them, became ferocious. There was,
as we have said something unpleasant to hin
in the glances of this fellow toward him, which
occame more and more fierce as they went on;
but it did not appear whether it were owing to
circumstances or actual suspicion. It so hap
pened that on the twelfth night, Lee was placed
in a barn, whileherest of the party sheltered
themselves in thecelllf of a little stone church,
where they could talk and act with more free
dom, both because the solitude of the church
was not often disturbed even on the sabbath
and because even the proprietors did not know
that illegal hands had added a cellar to the con
veniences of tho building. The party were
seated here as the day broke, and tho light,
which struggled in through crevices opened for
the purpose, showed a low room about
feet square, with a damp floor, and large patches
of white mould upon the walls, r mdmg, prob
ably, that the pavement afforded no accommo-
Jations for sleeping, the worthies were seated
each upon a ljlte cask, which seemed like
those used for gunpowder, Here they were
moking pipes with great dfligcnc; and at in
tervals not distant, 'applying a huge canteen to
their mouths, from which they drunk with up
turned faces expressive of solemn satisfaction.
While they were thus engaged, the short sol
dier asked them in a careless way, if they knew
whom they had in their party. The others
started, and took their pipes from their mouths
to ask him what he meant. "I mean" said he
"that we are honored with the company of Cap
tain Lc-o, of the rebel annv. The rascal once
punished me, and I never mistook my man
when 1 had a debt of that kind to pay. Now
I shall have my revenge." The others hasten
ed to express" their disgust at his ferocity, say
ing, that if, as he said, their companion was an
American officer, all they had to do was to watch
him closely: They said that, as he had come
among them uninvited, ho must go with them
to New York -and take the consequences; but
meantime, it was their interest not to seem to
suspect him, otherwise he might give an alarm,
whereas it was evidently his intention to go with
them till they were ready to embark for New
Yrork. The other persisted in saying that he
would have his revenge with his own hand,
upon which the conductor, drawing a pistol de
clared to him, that if he saw the least attempt
to injure Captain Lee, or -any conduct which
would lead him to suspect that his disguise was
discovered, he would that moment shoot him
through the head. The soldier put his hand
upon his knile with an ominous scowl upon his
conductor, but seeing that he had to do with
one who was likely to be as good as his word,
he restrained himself, and began to arrange
some rubbish to serve him for a bed. The
other soldier followed his example, and their
guide withdrew, locking the door after him.
The next night they went on as usual but the
manner of their conductor showed that there
was more danger than before; in fact, he ex
plained to the party, that they were now not
far from the Delaware, and hoped to reach it
before midnight. They occasionally heard the
report of a musket, which seemed to indicate
that some movement was going on in the coun
try. Thus warned, they quickened their steps,
and it was not long before they saw a stream of
broad clear light before them, such as is re
flected from calm waters even in the darkest
night. They moved up to it with deep silence;
there were, various emotions in their breasts;
Lee was hoping for an opportunity to escape
from an enterprise which was growing too se
rious, and the principal objects of which wore
already answered; the others were anxious lest
some accident might have happened to the boat
on which they depended for crossing the stream.
When they came to the bank there were no
traces of a boat on the waters. Their conduc
tor stood still for a moment with disiuay; but
recollecting himself, he said it was possible it
might have been secured lower down the stream,
and forgetting even thing else, he directed the
larger soldier to accompany him, and giving, a,
pistol to the other, he whispered, "if the rebel
officer attempts to. betra)' us, shoot him; if not,
- -11 r i ,
you win not, lor your own saice, make any
noise to show where we are." In the same in
stant they departed, and Lee was left alone with
the ruffian. He had before suspected that the
fellow knew him, and now doubt3 were changed
to certainty at once. Dark as it was, it seemed
as if fire flashed from his eye, now that he felt
that revenge was in his pjjwer. Lee was as
brave as any officer in the army, but he was un
armed, and though lie was strong, his adversa
ry was still more powerful. While he stood,
uncertain to do, the fellow seemed enjoy
ing the prospect of revenge, as he looked upon
htm with a steady eye. Though the officer
stood to appearance unmoved, the sweat rolled
irt heavy drops from his brow. lie soon took
his resolution, and sprang upon his adversary
with the intention of wrestling the pistol from
his hand; but the other was upon his guard, and
aimed with such precision, that, had the pistol
been charged with a bullet, that moment would
have been his last. But it seemed that the
conductor had trusted to the sight of his wea
pons to render the use of them unnecessary,
and had therefore loaded them only with pow
der; as it was, the shock threw Leo to the
ground; but fortunately as the fellow dropped
the pistol, it fell where Lee could reach it, and
as his adversary stooped,' and was drawing his
knife from his bosom, Lee w"as ablo to give
him a stunning blow. He immediately threw
himself upon the assassin, and a long and bloody
struggle commenced; they were so nearly match
ed in strength and advantage,. that neither dared
unclench his hold for the sake of grasping the
knife; the blood gushed from their mouths, and
iho combat would have probably ended in favor
qi tho assassin, when steps and voices were
heard advancing, and tjiey found themselves in
the hands of a party of countrymen', who were
armed for the occasion, and were scouring the
banks of the river. They were forcibly torn apart,
but so exhausted and breathless, that neither
could make any explanation, and they submit
ted quietly to the disposal of their captors. The
party of armed couiltryrncn, though they had
succeeded in their attempt, and were sufficient
ly triumphant on the occasion, were sorely per
plexed to determine how to dispose of their
prisoners. After some discussion, one of them
roposed to throw the decision upon the wis- j
dom oPlhe nearest magistrate. They-lSccord-ingly
proceeded with their prisoners to his man
sion, about two miles distant, and called on him
to rise and attend to business. A window was
hastily thrown up, and the justice put forth his
night-capped head, and with more wrath than
became his dignity, ordered them off, and, in
requital for their calling him out of bed in the
cold, generously wished them in the warmest
place which then occurred to his imagination.
However resistance was vain; he was compel
led to rise; and, as soon as the prisoners were
brought before him, he ordered them to be taken
in irons, to the prison at Philadelphia. Lee
improved the opportunity to take the old gentle
man, aside, and told him who he was, and why
he was thus disguised; the justice only inter
rupted him with the occasional inquiry, "Most
done?" When he had finished, the magistrate
told him that his story was very well made, and
told in a manner verv creditable to his address,
and that he should give it all the weight which
it seemed to require. All Lee's remonstrances
were unavailing. As soon as they were faitly
lodged in prison, Lee prevailed on the jailer to
carry a note to Gen. Lincoln then Secretary of
War, informing him of his condition. I he ben
eral received it, as he was dressing in.the morn
ing, and immediately sent one of his aids to the
jail. That officer could hot believe his eyes
when he saw Gaptain Lee. His uniform, worn
out when he assumed it, was now hanging in
rags about him, and he had not been shaved for
a fortnight; he wished, very naturally, to im
prove his appearance before presenting himself
before the Secretary; but the orders were pe
remptory to bring him as he was. The Gene
ral loved a joke full well; his laughter was hard
ly exceeded by the report of his own cannon;
and long and loud did he laugh that day. When
Captain Lee returned to Lancaster, he immedi
ately attempted to retrace the ground; and so
accurate, under all the unfavorable circumstan
ces, had been his investigation, that he brought
to justice fifteen person's, who had aided the
escape of British prisoners. It is "hardly ne
cessary to say to those who know the fate of
revolutionary officers, that he received, for this
and, effectual service, no
2?Ir. Webster's Speech.
During his visit to the Virginia State Con
vention at Richmond, last week, Mr. Webster
having signified a willingness, since he was
unable from the shortness of his stay to pay
his respects to the ladies of Richmond indi
vidually, to meet and address them in a body r-
the Log Cabin erected by the Whigs of the ci
ty was chosen as the place of meeting, and ac
cordingly a fair assemblage was there collect
ed on Wednesday morning. The following re
port of his address is copied from the Whig:
Ladies I am very sure I owe the pleasure
I now enjoy to your kind disposition, which
has given me the opportunity to present my
thanks and my respects to you thus collective
ly, since the shortness of my stay in the city
does not allow me the Irappmess of calling upon
you severally and individually. And, in the
first place, I wish to express to you my deep
and hearty thanks, as 1 have endeavored to do
to your father's, your husbands and your bro
thers, for the unbounded hospitality 1 have re
ceived ever since I came among you. It is re
gistercd, I assure you, on a grateful heart in
characters of an enduring nature. The rough
contests of the political world are not suited
to the dignity and to the delicacy of your sex
but you possess the intelligence to know much
of that happiness which you are entitled to
hope for, both for your yourselves and for your
children, depends on the right administration
of good government, and a proper tone of pub
lic morals. I his is a subject on which the
moral perceptions of women are both quicker
and iuster than those of the other sex. I do
not now speak of that administration of gov
ernment whose object is merely the protection
of industry, tho preservation of civil liberty and
the securing to enterprise its due reward. I
speak of government in a somewhat higher
point of view. We live in an age distinguished
for great benevolent exertion, m which the afllu
ent are consecrating the means they possess by
endowing colleges and academies, by uniting
to build churches and support the Cause of re
ligion, and by establishing Athenaiums, Lyce
urns, and all the other modes ol popular in
struction. 1 Ins is all well ; it is admirable
it augurs well for the prospect of ensuing gen
orations. But I have sometimes thought that
there is a point of view in which government
is to be consiucred I mean in its power and
its duty," tVauginont tho morals of the commun
ity and to inspire it with just sentiments ol re
ligion, which is too often overlooked.
A popular government is more powerful than
any other influence (and I have sometimes fear
ed than all other influences put together) in its
action on the morals of the community for good
or for evil. Its example, its tone, whether of
respect or of disrespect to moral obligation, is
more important to human happiness ; because
it is among those things which most affect the
political morals of mankind, and hence their
general morals also. I advert to this1 because
there has been put forth in modern times tho
false maxim that there is one morality for pol
itics and another morality for other things; that
in their political conduct to their opponents,
men may say and do that which they never
would think of saying or doing in the person
al relations of private life. There has been
openly announced a maxim which I consider
as the very concrete of false morality, which
declares that "all is fair in politics." If a man
speaks false or ealumniously of his neighbor,
and is reproached for the offence, the ready ex
cuse is this, it wa's in relation to public and po
litical matters 1 cherished no personal ill-will
whatever against that individual, but quite the
contrary; I spoke of my adversary merely a3
a politeal man'.
In my opinion, the day is coming when fasle
hood will stand for falsehood, and calumny will
be treated as a breach of the commandment,
whether it be committed politically or in the
concerns of private life. It is by the promul
gation of sound morals in the community, arid
more especially by the training and instruction
of the young, that woman performs her part
toward the preservation of a free government.
It is now generally admitted that public liberty,
the perpetuity of a free constitution, rests on
the virtue arid intelligence of the community
which enjoys it. How is that virtue to be in
spired? and how is that intelligence to be com
municated? Bonaparte once asked Madame
De Stael in what manner 'he could most pro
mote the happirfess of France. Her reply is
full of political wisdom. She said, " Instruct
the mothers of the French" people;" because
the mothers are the affectionate and the effect
ive teachers of the human race. The mother
begins this process of training with the infant
in her arms. It is she who directs, so to speak,
its first mental and spiritual pulsations. She
conducts it along the intpressible years of child
hood and of youth; and hopes to deliver it to the
rough contests and tumultuous scenes of life,
armed by those good principles which her child
has first received from maternal care and love.
If we draw within the circle of our contem
plation the mothers of a civilized nation, what do
we see ? We behold so many artificers work
ing, not on frail and perishable matter, hut on the
immortal mind, moulding and fashioning beings
who are to exist forever. We applaud tfi'e ar
tist whose skill and genius present the mimic
man upon the canvass we admire and celebrate
the sculptor who works out that same image in
enduring marble but how insignificant are
these achievements, though the highest aad th
fairest in all the departments of art, in cofhpar
ison with the great vocation of human mothers ?
They work not upon the canvass that shall fail,
or the marble that shall crumble into dust
but upon mind, upon spirit, which is to last for
ever, and which is to bear, for good or for evil
throughout its duration, the impress of a moth
eas plastic hand.
I have already expressed the opinion, which
ali allow to be correct, that our security foi the
duration of the free institutions which bless our
country, depends upon the habits of virtue and
the prevalence of knowledge and of education.
Knowledge does not comprise all which is con
tained in the larger term of education. The
feelings are to be disciplined the passions are
to be restrained true and worthy motives are
to be inspired a profound religious feeling is
to be instilled, and pure morality inculcated un
der all circumstances. All this is comprised
in education. Mothers whe are faithful to this
great duty, will tell their children that neither
in political nor in any other concerns of life,
can man ever withdraw himsel from the per
petual obligations of conscience and of duty ;
that in every act, whether public or private, he
incurs a just responsibility r and that in no con
dition is he warranted in trifling with important
rights and obligations.. They will impress upon
their children the truth; that the exercise of
the elective franchise is a social duty of as
solemn a nature as man can be called to per
form; that a man may not innocently trifle with
his vote; that every free elector is a trustee as
well for others as himself; and that every man
and every measure he supports, has an import
ant bearing on the interests of others as well as
on his own. It is in the inculcation of high
and pure morals such as tiese, that in a free
republic, woman performs her sacred duty, and
fulfils her destiny. The French, as you know,
are remarkable for their fondness for senten
tious phrases, in which much meaning is con
densed in a small space. I noticed lately, on
the title page of one of the books of popular
instruction in France, this molo : " I 'our in
struction on the heads of the people; yu
them that baptism." And certainly, il hvr' L ,
auv du'y whiih niay be' descnbeS&nxdcr-
ence to that great lf.atTttilQ of religion',-
approaching it in iffiporlance, perhaps
it in obligation, it is this,
I know you hardly expect me to address Jou
the popular political topics of tfiejlay. "i on
read enough you hear quite enough j on thoso
subjects. You expect me only to xpeei you,
and to tender my profound thanks for this
11 rtrt i 1 til 1 II
f-iarneu prooi ot your regard, ana win Kinuiy
receive the assurances with which I tender to
you, on parting, my affectionate respects ana
best wishes.