JEFFiiUtSUAlAN REPiibLIOAN. ThouIits on the Sub-Treasury. Messrs. Editors. The other morning, as the writer, lay1 in his bed, reflecting upon the all-absorbing topics which now agitate this Un ion from one end to the other, the following thoughts passed before his mind. The Sub Treasury scheme was atone time predominant, and while thinking of it in ono point of view, a singular but natural analogy struck me as ex isting between it and one of the parables intro5 duced into a discourse by our Saviour. You will recollect that at one time he was enforcing the duty that every one should make1 a nroner use of the talents entrusted to his care, and illustrated it by a parable, the substance of which was as follows: A nobleman was called from his house to a foreign land, and on leav ing, divided his money among his servants, which each one was to take crare of, that is his own portion, until his master's return. When he returned he called them to account for the mo ney he had deposited in their hands. The first man had increased his pound to ten,, an other to five, &c. To each of these ho gave his commendation, and exalted them to stations of greater importance. The last man who was called up produced the money that had been left him, rolled up in a napkin. His master remonstrated with him for not using the mon ey to some advantage. Luke xix. chap., 23d v. " Wherefore then gavest not thou my mo ney into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury V This last word in the original, tokos, rather means the interest which may accrue in a lawful way. The man had nothing to answer. 1 he pound was handed over to him who had gained ten pounds, and the former was punished accord ing to his deserts. Now this will apply with re mark able po in t edness to the manner in which the people of the United States, the master, has been recent ly treated by its servants, the the present Gov ernment. The former entrusted its money to the care of the latter, and what is the result 1 Has the money been returned with interest? No: it has been taken out of the "bank," and the present executive representative of the Government proposes putting it into iron chests, which will keep it to no better advantage to any one than did the napkin of the man in the parable. The people are calling their servaut to an account, and finding this state of things, will they not take the " pound" from him, en trust it to better hands, and cast him into utter obscurity ? K. S. i . Prenticeana. There's no doubt that hundreds of office-holders are preparing to run away. It is said that every Sub-Treasurer's leg grew an inch upon the reception of the news from Maine. Three years ago, the Loco-Focos, after eve tv election, used to boast of what they had done. Now, after every election, they boast of what they intend to do. "I'll go with my party, if it goes to the dev il," said Gov. Fairfield before the Maine elec tion. Did his Excellency find his old club footed friend in good health and spirits? The Pennsylvania Mercury, m its ragd against Maine, calls it 'the land of onions.' We do not wonder that the poor Loco-Focos think it an onion State. Every breeze from it brin?s tears into their eyes. The Editor of the Bridgeport Statesman says ,that he shall watch "closely the movements of oco-Focoism during the whole of the coming T . . 1 t I f ear. m mat case ne win oe more persever- g than the Irishman who watched the flock of wild geese an hour after they were out of sigh. TTPThe Loco-Focos may walk upon nails and spikes without fear. They cannot have the lockjaw. Their under jaws hang too low for that. Iin SiOcofoco Riot at Buffalo. Nearly a column of the Buffalo com mercial Advertiser of the 8th instant is occupied with accounts of outrages committed by the locofocos of that city, on the anniversary of the battle of the Thames. Thev attacked ladies in ! their carriages, pelting them with rot ten eggs, and other missiles; struck idown peaceable and unoffending citi- jzens with bludgeons; and after keeping , the city in a continuaL state ot contu sion during the day, consummated I their work by the murder of one of their own party in a drunken row. The name of the murdered individual was Jonas Jone, a foreigner, and under age. The melee in which he lost his life, tok place at a low groggery. The storekeepers in the lower part of the city were compelled to shut up their stores, in order to save their prop erty from destruction. It is stated that the leaders of "the party" made no effort to check the rioters. A boy, whose honesty is more to be recotn mendeu his ingenuity, once carried some buttcr4o a merchant in a coUniry village to ex change for toods. The butl-r having a very beautiful appearance, and the merchant oenlg desirous ol procuring such lor his own use, invi 1 ted tlie boy to bring him all the butter his moth ler had to soaro. "I think." said lhe boy, "she can't spare any more, for she said she would not have spared this, only a rat fell into the cream, and she did not like to use it herself." A good education is a better safeguard for Hberiy than a standing army of severe laws. The right way to settle Disputed Ac counts 4 A soft answer turncth a way wrath.' Mr. Editor: The following was related many years since to the writer, by one of the parties, who was a very respectable citizen of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, since de ceased: During the Presidential term of Thomas Jef ferson, two young men of Pennsylvania took a lease from him of his merchant mill, at Monti cello, one of the stipulations of which was that the landlord should erect for their use, within a given period, a cooper's shop. The time for the meetingof Congress soon arriving, the President had to repair to Washington, to attend to his of ficial duties, where he remained for a long time absorbed in national concerns and the building of the cooper's shop was entirely forgotten by him; not so with his tenants, whoso daily wants constantly reminded them of the provisions con tained in the lease; and finally they determined to erect it themselves, and to charge the cost to their landlord. On the return of the President to his mansion, the parties met to settle a long account current, which had been running during his absence; the items were gone over and scrutinized one by one, and all were found satisfactory but that of the charge for building the cooper's shop, which he objected to, alleging that he could have erected it with his own workmen. Several at tempts were made to effect a settlement, but they always failed when they come td the coop er's shop; the young men became warm and zealous in the affair, and the parties instead of getting nearer together, found themselves at ev ery interview wider apart. In this state of affairs, the father of the young men, who was a mild, affable conciliating gen tleman, possessing some knowledge of the world and its ways, arrived on a visit to his sons, who informed him of their difficulty with their land lord. He requested them to itave it to him, ob serving that he thought he couhl effect an ami cable settlement in the case. This course was accordingly acceded to, and in due time he wait ed on the President with the account which was scanned and agreed to, except the charge for building the shop, which he said with some firmness, he should not allow for reasons stated. His opponent observing his apparent decision on the subject, very gravely remarked: 'well friend Jefferson, it always has been my practice through life to yield, rather than contend.1 Im mediately on this remark being made, the Pres ident's chin fell on his breast for an instant, and then raising his head in an erect position, he ob served in a very emphatic manner, 'a very good principle, Mr. Shoemaker, and 1 can carry it as far as you can; let the account lor the coopers shop be allowed.' Thus ended the difficulty, and the parties continued their friendly regard for each other till death separated them; and cul tivation of a similar disposiiion to 'follow peace will all men,' would terminate thousands of dif ficulties every year, and add much to the hap piness of individuals, and tend to promote the general harmony and order of society. Far mers Cabinet. MARRIED, In the Borough of Easton, on Thursday the loth inst., by the Rev. John Grav, Mr. ELI PRICE, of Mauch Chunk, to Miss ELIZA MILLER, of the former place. PUBLIC SALE. The subscribers will offer at public sale on Saturday the 31st day of October, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of William Henry, everal four and two horses Wagons, Harness, nine plate STOVES of different sizes, a variety of Axes, Merchan dize, and other articles. ALSO, At the same time and place, a quan tity of household and kitchen furniture by Wil liam Henry. HENRY, JORDAN & CO. October 16, 1810. ESTRAYS. Came to the premises of the subscriber on the 10th inst., 2 Steers, one a brindle, the other a red, also one white and red spotted Heifer- The own eror owners thereof are requested to come forward, prove property, and take them away, otherwise they will be sold according to law. ADAM SHAFER. Stroud tsp. Oct. 10, 1840. THE CONSTITUTION. What is that we call the Constitution ? The constitution is evidently that which constitutes, and that which constitutes is the blood. We, there fore, know lhat the blood is the constitution, and that a good or bad constitution is neither more nor less than a good or bad state of the blood. There is no person who, having lost health, does not wish to have it restored. Use then the proper means. Ex pel with Purgative Medicine all currupt humors from the body, and the blessing, Health, will be the certain result: for all pains or unpleasant feel ings proceed from the presence of corrupt or vi tiated humors, which are the real cause of every disease, and therefore the only disease to which the human frame is subject, because they clog up the, veins and arteries, and prevent the free circulation of the blood. Brandrctlfs Vegetable Universal Pills cure this disease: because they remove the corrupt or vi tiated humors by the stomach and bowels, leaving the good humors to give life and health to the bo dy. It is morally impossible that they can fail to CUre, provided Nature is not entirely exhausted. J7, JJrandreth's Office for the sale of his pills in Philadelphia, Is No. 8, North Eighth street. Sold in Stroudsburg, by RrciiAUD S. -Staples, in Milford, by J. H. Broohead, and in Monroe and Pike couuties, by the agents published in another part of this paper. October 10, 1840. BLANK DEEDS For sale at fliis- office. STOVES! STOVES!! Stoves for sale by WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Oct. 2, 1840. SURGEON DENTIST. Respectfully announces to the citizens of Stroudsburg and surrounding neighborhood, that he will remain a short time in this place, at the public house of Stroud J. Hollinshead, where ho will be happy to render his professional ser vices to those who need and value Dental oper ations; persons waited upon at their dwellings if requested. He respectfully solicits that ear ly application be made as he intends to visit Milford in Pike county. Stroudsburg, Oct. 2, 1840. MEAT STALL. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Stroudshurg and its vicinity, that he intends opening a stall in Elizabeth street, opposite Mrs. Eagles' tavern ; where he will be at all times pre pared to supply those who may favor him with a call, with meat of the best quality, and on the most reasonable terms. . JOHN PALMER. Stroudsburg, Oct. 9, 1840. Stagnation of the Blood. The repeated changes in the atmosphere, by act ing as they do upon the consistence and quality of the blood, give occasion lor the most tatal ana ma licnant disorders. The blood from a state of health becomes stagnant and is plunged into a state of corruption. Thus it loses its purity: its circulation is impe ded: the channels of life are clogged; the bowels be come costive, and if not an immediate attack of some malignant fever, headache, nausea, loss ol appetite, and a general debility of the whole frame are sure to follow. It requires the tempest and the tornado to bring about a state of purity m the ocean, when it3 wa ters become stagnant; and it will require repeat ed evacuation by the stomach and bowels before the blood can be relieved of its accumulated im purity. BrandretJCs Vegetable Universal Pills, should be taken, then there Will be no danger; be cause they purge from the stomach and bowels these humors which are the cause of stagnation, cleanse the blood from all impurities, remove every cause of pain or weakness, and preserve the consti tution in a state of health and vigor that cdusual chances cannot effect. Dr. Brandreth's Office for the exclusive sale of his Vegetable Universal Pills, in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, North Eighth street. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Richard S. Staples, in Strouds burg; in Milford by J. II. Brodhcad, and in Mon roe and Pike counties by agents published in an other part of this paper. October 10, 1840. THE Subscriber not willing to be behind the times, has just received at his Store in the Borough of Stroudsburg, a large and very superior assortment of Fresh Spring and Hummer Goods, consisting among other things of Chally, Mouslin d' Lains of various patterns, some of which are as low as 30 cts. per yard. A very elegant assort ment of Chintzes, Lawns, Dress Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cotton Gloves, Parasols, Sic. &c. Also, a good supply of superfino BROAD CLOTHS, Black, Blue, Brown, Olive, and other choice col ours, being an assortment'in which every one may find his choice, both as regards price and quality. Single and double milled Cassimers, Merino Cas simers, summer Cloths, Silk Satin and Marseilles Testings, Linen Drillings of various styles, &c.&c. The above goods are fresh from Philadelphia, and were selected to suit the taste and please the fancy of those who may wish to buy at cheap pri ces, goods of a superior quality. The subscriber invites his customers and the public generally, to call and examine for them selves, when he will be happy io accommodate them at low prices for cash, or for country pro duce. WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, .Aug. 14, 1840. boxes Box Raisins, just received and for sale Ly WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Aug. 14, 1810. Hj f barrels Mackerel, just received JLP and for sale, by WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Aug. 14, 1840. AT STROUnSBURG. nnilE spring term of the above named insti JL tution commenced on Monday, the 4th day of May ; and is conducted by Miss OTary- H. Thomas, late of Troy Female Seminary, an experienced and well qualified teacher. The branches taught at this Seminary, are Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography., Grammar, Composition, History, Natural Philoso phy, m Rhetoric, Drawing Chemistry, Botany, Logic, Geometry, Algebra, French Latin, Spanish Italian languages Music, The Seminary being; endowed by the, State, in struction is afforded at the reduced rate of tiuc doliars per quarter, inclusive of all branches. Having rented the spacious stone buiiding, for merly occupied as the mate Academy, the Trus tees are now propared to receive any number ol young ladies that may apply, from all parts of thi county. Board, in respectable families, can be obtained on reasonable terms. The Trustees, with the fullest confidence, com mend the Stroudsburg Female Seminary to the patronage of the public. JOHN HUSTON, Pres't. (Attest) Wsr P. "Vail Sec'y. KEEP IT BEFORE THE FEOPXE Boct. Joseph Priestly Peters Celebrated Vegetable Antibilous Pills, are daily effecting some of the most astonishing and wonderful cures that have ever been known, the town and country are filed with their praise3 the Palace and Poor-house alike echo with their vir tues in all climates and under all temperatures they still retain their wonderful virtues. PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS. Breathes there the man who may not be occa- sasionally benefited by the use of Peters Pills ? JNo, assuredly not : lor tne human -trame, like any- other structure, will fall into confusion and ruin, if neglected ; but, by the aid of medicine judi ciously applied, it is enabled to preserve a heal thy and evon tone; and iti3 the hrt ot won-tested public opinion, that Dr. Peters' puis are the me dicine of medicines in the prevention or cure of the ceneral diseases which the human tenement is incidental to. Do men in robust health require medicine? Cer tainly, lor the very excess of health bejrets cer tain diseases unless duly regulated. If the blood is suffered to run riot without correcting laxatives, costiveness, megrin, biles, scurvy, spleen, pimples, furred tongue, or offensive breath, are the mevita ble consequences ; for exuberance of health, like over-rich soil, becomes rank, and prone to the pro duction of weeds, if care is not taken to have it judiciously moderated. But healthy men have an antipaihv to the very name of medicinej! And no wonder, for nineteen twentieths of all the medicines in the world com mence operations by making the people very sick: whom it was intended they should make very well and thus in most cases the cure is considered rather worse than the disease. But Dr. Peters' Pills is the celebrated and particular exception to this al most universal rule, in them there is no gripe no nausea, no sickness of any kind; nay, they are absolutely very pleasant to the taste, and rest as quietly on the stomach as so many confita of green peas, even when their operations are as sudden and effective, as if they were as disagreeable and as sickening as an old fashioned bolus. Thus the man who U3es Peters' Pills, and where is the man that docs not use them 1 expels headaches, fevers, blue devils, blotches, pimples, &c. &c. and makes his blood course as limpid and as gently through his veins as a mountain rivulet, without hanng put himself to any more inconvenience in taking the medicine than he would have done in swallowing so many black currants Should ladies take Dr. Peters' Pills? Doubt lessly they should, for they not only assure them of health, complacency of spirits, and every bod ily comfort, but through their miraculous agency in the purification of the blood, speedily remove every thing pertaining to harshness, pimples, or casual scurvy, from the flesh, animates uie eye, and gives an elasticity and a vigor to the limbs, and the general carnage ; and hence, when you see a lady with a cheek of velvet softness, a pure lily and carnation complexion, and an easy & grace ful bearing, the EeneraHinference to be drawn is, that she is her own physician, and very particular in the choice of her medicine ; and the especial one, that she is a patron of Peters' Pills. Leaving health out of the question, should poets, novelists, editors, machinists, and men of genius and science in general, patronise Peters' Pills 1 Unquestionably, lor the vigor which they impart to the frame, exercises a most wholesome influ ence upon the intellect : and the writer of this feels justified in saying, that any person about to carry out an idea, whether of composition or In vention, will have a more lucid understanding of his subject, and think better and more to the point on it, after he has vivified his system by a dose of from one to four of Jfeters pills- .Persons in bu siness, merchants, store keepers, clerks, specula tors, &c. will derive great advantage from them on the same principle; for if the mind is not buoy ant, no man can attend to the usual pursuits of life with due perspicuity, judgment, and pleasure; and there is nothing in the world, at least that has been ever discovered, so efficient in brightening the faculties, and freeing them from participating in the languor, decay, and imperfectibilty of their mortal abode as Dr. Peters' pills. To what may be attributed theso singular and wonderful effects 1 Why, to their mysterious and inevitable action upon the chyle, and that particu lar region oflthe system whence the living fluid is generated ; for thus they do not only purify the blood, but create pure blood, the issue of which is healthy veins, arteries) and other functions, unob scured vision, firm and pulpy flesh, smooth and clear skin, and the consequent buoyancy of heart, feeling, and action. In short, whether we take- them as a matter of health, business, feeling or personal appearance, there is none of us should leave our houses without a regular supply of Pe ters' Pills. More than six millions of boxes of these cele brated pills have been sold in the United States, Canada's, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, since January 1835. The certificates that have been presented to the proprietor, exceed 20,000, upwards of 500 of which are from regular prac tising physicians who are the most competent judges of their merits. TESTIMONIALS, OPINIONS OF THE REGULAR FACULTY. The following are but a few taken at random, from a pile of complimentary epistles forwarded to Dr. Peters by regular physicians, touching the efficacy of his pills. He feels proud and grate ful in being able to lay such documents before 'the public. New Orleans, April 24, 1837. Dear Sir As an old classmate of yonrs in Yale college, I take the liberty of opening a correspon dence. I learn that you are making a fortune by tho sale, of your pills, which I trust is the case as I am ful ly aware that through them you are conferring a great blessing on the public. I myself arn among thos who have been pecul iarly benefited by their use. Since my arrival here I had been subject to severe bilious attacks, which had nearly brought me to the grave, but (and I acknowledge it with gratitude,) a few box es of your pills have completely restored me. I would add that their effect upon Sick Headache and sour stomach is almost miraculous. Willi sentiments of esteem, H. M. SHEPERD, AT. I), Clarkesville, Mecklenberg Co., Va.,Feb. 7, 1837. Dear Sir. I embrace this opportunity of ex pressing to you my pleasure at the unrivalled suc cess of your pills in this section of the country. It is the general fault of those who vend patent medicines to say op much in their favor ; but in Lregard,rtd your pills L am firmly, persuaded that luujr ucsouc iai mure praise tnan-you seem in clined to give them. Six months ago thev were scarcely known here, and yet at proaent there is uu umer muuiciu ujuv im compare witn them m popularity. In Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, de rangement of the Biliary organs, and obatinate constipation of the bowels, I know of no aperient more prompt anu emcacious; ami i havo had con siderable experience m ail -these complaints 1 would add that their mildness and certainty ol action render them a safe and efficient purgative lor weekly individuals; and. that they may be giv ea at all times without apprehension of- any of those injurious consequences which so frequently attend the application ot calomel, or blue pill. Un the whole I consider your Vegetable Pills an in valuable discovery. v ery respectfully. S. ii. xLARiilis, M. JJ. Charlotte, N. C, January 1, 1837 Dear Sir I have made frequent use of your pills in the incipient stage of Bilious Fever,' and obstinate constipation of the bowels; also in tho enlargement of the Spleen, Chronic Diseases of the Liver, Sick Headache, General Debility, and in all cases have found them to bo very effective J. D. BOYD, M. D. Mecklenberg Co., Va., February 7. 1837. Having used Dr. Peters' Pills in my practice for the last twelve months, 1 take pleasure in giv ing my testimony of their good effects in cases of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Bilious fevers, and other diseases, produced by inactivity Qf ihelivei They are a safe and mild aperient, being Jthe best article of the kind I have ever used. GEORGE C. SCOTT, M. D. Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams, of Bur lington, Vt.July 9, 1837. "I cordially recommend Peters' Pills as a mild ly effective, and in no case dangerous family me dicine. They are peculiarly influential in cos tiveness and all the usual diseases of the digestive- organs. Extract of a letter from Dr Edicard Smithy of Mon treal, If. C. Septemberi 29, 1836 " I never knfew a single patent medicine that I could put the slightest confidence in but Dr Peters Vegetable pills, which are really a valuable dis covery. I have no hesitation in having it known that 1 use them extensively in my practice, for alt complaints, (and they are not a few,) which have their source in the impurity of the blood." Extract of a letter froth DrPye, of Quebec, L. C, March 6, 1837 u For bilious fevers, sick headaches, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen, Dr Pe ters' pills are an excellent medicine." Those who have used these valuable Pills in this State, give them the preference to all other kind. Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, W. D. in ventor and sole proprietor, No. 129 Liberty street, New York. These Valuable Pills can be obtained of Doct. Samuel Stokes and J. D. & C Malvin's, Strouds burg, only agents for Monroe county. Stroudsburg, October 23, 1810. PAINTING- & GX.A5BIiSO. FTHIIE Subscriber respectfully informs the puh JL lie, lhat he i3 prepared to execute all kinds ox Plain & Ornamental Paiuilsig Glazing, Sec. at his shop nearly opposite the store of Wiliinm Eastburn, where all orders in his line wilibethank fully received and punctually attended to. JAMES PALMER. Stroudsburg) an. 15, 1839. Paper Hanging, In all its various branches will be punctually attended to. .J P. The house and lot now occupied byJWm. Henry near the village of Stroudsburg, Monroe county, Pennsylvania. Enquire on the prem ises. HENRY, JORDAN & CO. August 7, 1840. 3m .Wholesale and Retail CABINET WARE, AWn XjOOKIXG-G&ASS iwawufac TOBY. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Stroudsburg and the public generally, that he has taken the shop recently occupied by James Palmer, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the Stroudsburg House, in this Borough, where he intends carrying on the Cabinet Making busi ness In all its various branches. He shall keep constantly on hand or make to or der all kinds of fourniturc : Sideboards, Bureaus, ofa$, Centre tables, Breakfast and JMniiig Tables, Wasli Stands, Bedsteads, &c. &c. together with every other article usually kept a1 such establishments ; all of which he will sell a1 the Easton prices. As his materials will be of the best quality, and all articles manufactured at his establishment will be done by first rate workmen, he confidently as sures the public that his endeavors to render gen eral satisfaction will not be unrewarded. He respectfully invites tho public to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Chairs, Settees, &c. will be kept constantly on hand and for sale. CHARLES CAREY. Stroud sburg, an. 15, 1840.. DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore existing betwrer (he subscribers at Bushkill, under the firm of Wal lace & New man, is this day dissolved by nmtu.,1 consent. The books, notes and accounts- mc U . in the hands of Thomas J. Newman. Also a. those having demands against said firm vi pt sent them to Thomas J. Newman for settlenMM.t. WEBB WALLAn:. THOMAS J. NEW .V A.N. Bushkill, June 10, 1S40. N' B. The business will be carried ono: 1 " at the old stand by T. J. NEW .MA.. Hods, A ceneral assortment of Russia Nail XjL Band Iron, English Blister, Cast and sho ii Steel, Roled and Rqund Iron, for safe by WILLIAM EASTBURN". Stroudsburg, Aug. M, 1810. To the Farmers of Monroe. Good clean seed Wheat for sale by the sud scriber STOGDELL STOKES. Stroudsburgh, Aug. 28, 1840.