Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, October 23, 1840, Image 1

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Iliclutid Nugent, Editor
The whole art of Government consists in 'the art ov being honest. Jefferson.
.-. r r ft ' '
No '39.
kill hi. a a- s i. tl
T If I IB ilAWr JM. IWv ffiM uk
v w a mi lsas- &n a?;
, , 1 1 I Mil ! ill ir.ll
Ti?nK -rn .lnllnrs ncr annum in advance Two dollars
I and a quarter, half yearly, and if not paid before the end of
the vear Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their pa-
Fpers OV a earner or M.iguuutuia vmiuujvu u iJiuiniciwr,
lui hn plianrcu 37 I -a ci per year, uxira.
N'o papers discontinued until an arrearages arc paid, except
tat the opiion 01 mo tunor.
i rrPAlveriiscments not exceedinn one sauarc (sixteen lines)
' will he inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents
lorotciy subsequent lnseruon ; larger ones in proportion,
.benl discount will be made to yearly advertisers.
IC7All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid.
, ilavm? a cvneral assortment of large elegant plain and orna
mental ivpe, wo are prepared to execute every ues
enption of
ISlaaik Receipts,
' Pr.nted wiUi neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms.
The Trustees of this Institution, have the
Pleasure of announcing '.o the public, and par-
lcularly to the mends ol education, that they
lave engaged Ira B. Newman, as Superintcn-
ent and Principal of their Academy.
The Trustees invite the attention of parents
and guardians, wbo have children to send from
home, to this Institution. They are fitting up
the building in the first style, and its location
from its retired nature is peculiarly favorable
for a boarding school. It commands a beauti-
view of the Delaware river, near which it
jjls situatedj and the surrounding scenery such
.jas the lover of nature will admire it is easily
farp.fissible the Easion andMilford Stao-fis nnss
it daih'j and only 8 miles distant from the latter
iplacej and a more salubrious section of coun-
tin can nownere oe iounu. io lears neea oe
W&iIa i : J .!, n :n . .
tcuifiiuiiiuu uiui pupus win uuiiiitiui pcriituiuus
abits, or be seduced into vicious company it
fis removed from, all places of resort and those
inducements to neglect their studies that are
furnished in large towns and villages.
Board can be obtained very low and near the
jftcademv. Mr. Daniel "W. Dingman, jr. will
take several boarders, his house is very conve
nient, and students will there be under the im
mediate care of thePrlncipal, whose reputa
tion. deportment and guardianship over his pu-
pis, afford the best security for their proper
conduct, that the Trustees can give or parents
ana guaruinns uumauu
tt guaruians aemana.
3 .I- J .1 I
anted to the age of the pupil and the time
Se designs to spend in literary pursuits. Young
en may qualify themselves for entering upon
Ti ...a r."L i j r : r.. i
iau siuuv ui um maxima uiuiessiuus ur lur mi
Ivanced stand at College for mercantile
suits, lor teaching or the
business ot common
Kfe, useful will be preferred to ornamental stud
lies, nevertheless so much ol me latter attended
ffi as the advanced stases of the nunil's educa
tion win aumit. l ne male anu lemaie depart
went will be under the immediate superintend
Mence of the Principal, aided by a competent which sound health can be established. Hun-
i r 1 . . T" ...........
male or female Assistant. Lessons in music
will be jriven to yduns ladies on the Piano
orte at the boarding house of the princi
-w I
ipal, by
tan experienced and accomplished Instructress
Summer Session commences May 4th.
Burl for Younji Gentleman or Ladies with
th.- Principal, per week, 31 50
, pupils from 10 to 15 years of age from SI lo
$1 25
Tui'ion for the Classics, Belles-Lettres, French
per quarter, 2 00
,xtri lor music, per quarter, 5 00
B. A particular course of study will be
hu Mediate attention,
Lectures on the various subjects of study will
e delivered ty aoie
it i i i-i
peaKersj- through the
(course of year.
By ordoroflhe Board,
JJingman's Ferry, Pike cov Pa., May 2 1840
The Book of Subscription to the Stock of the !
Upper Lehigh Navigation Company, will be re-
opened at Stoddartsville, on Wednesday, the 15th
uayoi juiy uiibun g, ueii m u
holders will c-lect a board of Directors.
Charles Trump,
,,'r. John . Comfprt,
Henry W. Drinlcer
t William P. Clark,
Tunc 10, 18-10. , '
N. 13. Proposals will bc received at Stoddarts
vi!le.o!i Thursday the 10th day of July ensuing,
(for doinsf the work either wholly or in jobs, requt-
i oy building a loGk and inclined plane with the
cossary gratiiiig, .nxtures and macJunery lor
assinz rafts descending the Lehish over ihc.Falls
at Stoddartsville. It is expected that the work
twill Be commenced as soon as practicable and. Be
completed vvilh dsspatch,
m irke out lor tliose w ho wish to quality them- sons aftflr the usuar3Cio'nliflc skill of1 phy. tho means of their escape; the officers inquired hpl was shining out from a little window upon
scire-, lor Common School Teachers with ref- icians haye congolcd them wUh lho aS3Urante and investigated in vain; tho country was cx- Jft and drooping boughs that hung near
erence to that object; application made lor lUat they could do no more. The properties of plored to no purpose; the soldiers shook their The dog recived them graciously, and they
tochers to the trustees, or principalwill meet , p-,. asnMi. h:,:ni)5 ml nnftr:An t L,i;,;n heads, and told of fortune-tellers, pedlars, and entered. A table was spread with some coarse
Tin ,1 1 l -i? j 1
wnereas, m mu uy an not or zae
General Assembly, passedthe second
rlnvnf M fi hrimrv. nnft thnnsnnri Pirrhf
hundred and two, it is provided that
Vt , w. 1 J " " --Jv..iv wiliv
-1 J I
the several counties or the Common-
wealth. Qualified to VOte for members
uon at me same places at wmcn tne
a - j il. - . 1 -l .1 I
Said member shall havebeen Voted for
at the preceding election, on the fifth
Friday preceding the first Wednesday
in Decerrber, one thousand eiffht hun-
dred and four, and on the fith Fridav
preceding the first Wednesday in De-
cember in every fourth year thereaf-
. r- .!,,. r i a' i ,
ter, for the purpose of electinsr electors
. -. ii 1 t -ri . P ,
of President and Vice President of the
United States.
tvt ,i r t a 7 ?
Now, therefore J, Samuel Gunsaidcs,
aucnu ui tii uuuiiiy OL ivionroe, m
y-tM (X- -f A-U. i- C 71 T
pursuance of the duty enjoined 011 me,
by the above recited act, do issue this
,i 4' ' ' , . ,i
my proclamation, giving notice to the
rreemen or said, county, quaiilied to
vote tor the members of the general
assembly to meet at their Several elec-
tlOIl districts on
riday the dOth of October next,
then and there between the hours of
nine in the morninfrand six in the nf-
fovnnnn coiVI rlnv fn vnto
Thirtv Electors
for President and Vice President 0f
the United states; and that the several
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks who
shall have attended at the preceding
election for members of Assembly,
are requested to attend and perform
at the said election the like duties and
. -wT- -i . i
be subject to the like penalties for ne
gleet or misconduct as they shall be
liable to at the election of members of j
Gi d j d fc gouds.
Mrg, the 3d day of October, A. D
1840, and of the Independence of the
United States the sixtv-fiflll
S. GUNSAULES, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg,
October 16, 1840. $
The principle of purifying the body by purg
ing with vegetable phisic is becoming more and
more understood as the onlu sensible method bv
... . . . j
dreds of individuals have become convind nf
this doctrine, and are daiiv aeknowlndaincr
practice to be the best ever discovered. Now
3 J . -.w .
is the unhealthy season when our bodies are
liable lo be affected with disease; and now is
the time the state of the stomach and bowels
should be attended to, because on the healthy
?t;ifn nf tlinf nrwans d mi ends tho lmnliliv ulnto
nf thficrenral svstp.m- .mil nvnrv nn will i
once, if the j?cneral health be bad while that re-
mains, local disease cannot be cured.
iiii uie uieuiuHiu mai'is reiiuisiie to rcsiore
All .1 1-
the body to a state of health is Brandreth's Vc-
ctablc Universal Pills, which have performed
cures unon thousands of helDless and honelftss
arc unrivalled; all who use them recommend
1 . 1 i. lA.WUlWlIBV I
bc -sed (0 bc ZV?TCCi.die 'fhe weak and del-
icate will bc strengthened by their use, not by
braciny but bvremovinf? the cause olwuakripw
an that fiverv nno is his own nnmnntmit nhvi.
I- a - . I
clan, ttememben none are genuine sold by
drufrirists. '
BRANDRETH'S Oflice in Philadel-
.. f , , , p.,. . N R Nnrih
EiVhth street. '
UJ3 Agents for Monroe and Pike Counties are at
the Jolloioing places. cJjj
11 lilVii lvvXIi VUUlx 1 X .l II I
e,!..,.li I?TrTJ M?n C CPADTre
'iriillnftcIiitrfT T TTtTT? TiRnnHTAri
Bushkill, PETERS & LA BAR." '
Dingsman's Ferry, A. STOLL & Co.
Observe, no pills are genuine sold under the
name of Brandreth's in Monroe or Pike coun
ties, except those sold by the above agents.
'Oclobcr lGpl840'.--ly.
the gross and corrupt humors ot the body '"'own 10 wasningion, ne sent ucn. nazen to wim miu oihbu iu "c un-
They require no change in diet or caie of any lake this responsible charge. This energetic gmally a Bible, though now it was worn to a
kind. Plain directions accompany each box officer, after exhausting all rosources, resorted mahogany color and spherical form. While
Tiie Life f tfic Kicsscd.
From -the Spanish.
. r; n:c a 7:t..i
I 1 1 - . - - . . . -.5
Land of the good, whose earthly,toils'are.o:er!
I VLl LUU KJ L lilt: .11111 U N
Wor frost nor heat may blight . 7 ,ni
lhy vernal beauty; fertile. shore,
Yielding thy blessed fruits for evermore!
Tiicre, without crook or .sling,
Walks the good Shepherd; blossoms whiteiand red
lioud bis meek temples cling, -.. - .
A'nd' t0 su'cot Pastures led - - - u
nis own lovsd fIock be!ieath his eye nre td: '.
IIe s'des, and near him they . . a n r
rllow del,'shted ; for hmakesfcthem,gov
dwolls cternaVV'ny' ' ; :?
-tvuu uuaveuiy roses mow, ' -f '
-n i i t i . .
Deathless, and gathered-but 'ap-ain to: grow:
. . :
L.c 'T8 cm :c T lm?-. ., . , ,
iNamea ol the minute and ion", sought uood,.,
An,i frtnntB1.,ia nr a;'" -
I .
And whore his feet-havo stood. , .
Springs up along the wavtheintender;food
And when. in the mM skj0-
- "" ,.."-'. .
The climbing Sun has reached his highest bound,
iieposing as he lies,
With all his flock around,
IIe watches the still air with modulated sound.
From his sweet lute flow forth
Immortal harmonies of power to still
A11 passions bom of earth,
And draw tIie ardent Wl11
It3 destin' of goodness to -fulfil
ig111 ut a littJe part,
K'vaml? brealh of !halJ hielod'',;.
i ihs 'i' i iiiiii ill v i i:irr
Descend into my heart, ,
And change it, till it be
Transformed and swallowed up, 0 lovein;thee;
Ah, then my soul should know ' 'y 9s- '
Beloved, where thou liest at noon of day;
And, from this place of wo
Released, should take its way
To mingle with thy flock, and never stray
Bva "curious coincidence " the writer of
these lines while
this adventure,
found among some old family papers
a letter
I addressed by Gen. Haze.n to William Henry
of Lancaster, then a member of Congress from
Penna. the bearer of which was the Captain
Lee, who is the hero of the following pages
KcvoI?3tioisary Adventure.
The lcadinff events of the War of Tndenen-
dence arc familiar to every American; but many
incidents full nf intprnxt nnd ml reninr vntw.
main lobe disclosed. There are those vet liv-
' " v,
injr who remember the following storv:
The American authorities found much difficul-
tym disposing of their prisoners. Thev had no
posts regularly fitted for the purpose; and thev
could suggestno belter means for securing them,
- - uf
than lo place them under wuard in a t hir e v
settled part of the country, where the inhabi-
tants were most decidedly hostile to the Eng- oltl ,,uit woman. But the most profound si
lish. The town of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, lence was observed; a man came out from
was of those selected for this purpose. The
prisoners were confined in barracks, enclosed
with a stockade, and vigilantly guarded. But
in sPile of all precautions, they often disappear-
H in fin tinnonnnto , n minnop xm 1, 1
" ""v-wuunuiv. "'"n.., u uumm"
was llcard of them, till they had resumed their
P,ace m tllc ish army.
Many and various were the conieclures as to
' I I " I
SUCtt characters, who had been seen at inter-
ll,ink of nothing but supernatural agency; but
whether man or spirit was the conspirator, the
mystery was unbroicen. When this became
to stratagem. He was convinced that, as the
, 1 1 ... - r 1 . i . t - 1 i
,Iuuresi unwsn P0Sl was more iiian a nunured
miles distant, the prisoners must be aided bv
Americans, but where the suspicion should fall
he could not even con ecture: the reproach nf
Toryism being almost unknown in that region,
,ir,n .-,.1 irt or. ,.n,.. r j.:.,
u..u muluiuuauui w u,. w.ubiri ui ilia
1Iririri ,.r V n e l t n I a ri I Yin vol in1 frlf ifo clloincc. I
Axxuuim. xiiio waa uaiiuiii uuu, imuau
COIirarrn finr nh tv 11 v nistifipf thn sr. nrl nn
'PI. a 1 - Itr- -I .1 I
Having been trained to meet exigencies of severely, he lelt some misgivings when the fel
this kind in a distinguished career, as Colonel ,ow's eye rested upon him. Their conductor
in the British armv. his plan was formed at was a middle-aged harsh-looking man, whom
liiosecreipianconcerieuoeiweenuiemwasinis. snouid require ol them to swearupon tne scrip
It was to be given out that Lee was absent on lures, not to make the least attempt to escape,
lurlough or command. He, meantime, was to
assume the dress of a British prisoner, and hav-
ing provided himself with information and a sto-
ry ol his capture, was to bo thrown into the bar-
racks, where he might gain1 the confidence of
the soldiers, and ioin them in a plan of escape,
How Wfill f!nnt. T .no cniinitipd nni-f mmr tin I
inferred from the fact, that when he had disap
peared and placed himself among the prisoiiers,
his own officers .and soldiers saw; him tyery
day without the least suspicion.
The person to whom am indebted for most
of these particulars was the Intendant of the
persons, and familiar with Lee ; but though
compelled too see him often in the discharge
of his duty, he never penetrated the disguise.
Well it was for Lee, that his disguise was so
complete. Had his associates suspected his
purpose to betray them, his history would haye
been embraced in the proverb, " dead men tell
no tales." For many days-ho remained in
this situation; making no discoveries whatever.
He thought he perceived at times sign3 of in
telligence between the prisoners and an old
woman, who was allowed to bring fruit for sale,
within the enclosure. She was known to be
deaf, and halfwitted, and was therefore no ob
ject of suspicion. It was known that her son
had been disgraced and punished in the Amer
ican army, but she had never betrayed any
malice on that account, and no one dreamed
that she could have had the power lo do inju
ry, if she possessed the will. Lee watched her
closely, but saw nothing to confirm his suspi
cions. Her dwelling was about a mile distant,
iu it wuu retreat, wnere sue .snareu ner miser-
able quarters with a dog and cat, the former of
: ... .mi . . i. i i.
which mounted guard, over her mansion, while
the latter encouraged superstitious fears, which
were equally effectual in keeping visiters a
way. One dark stormy night in autumn, Lee was
lying awake at midnight, meditating on the en
terprise he had undertaken, which though in
the beginning it had recommended itself to his
romantic disposition, had now lost all its charms.
It was one of those tempests which in our cli
mate so often hang upon the path of trie de-
parting year.
Ilis companions slept soundly.
but the wind, which shook the building to its
foundation and threw heavy splashes of rain,
against the window, crmspired with the state of Ied the way up to a building, which seemed,
his mind, to keep him wakeful. All at once ; tne shadowy outline, to be a large stono
the door was gently opened, and .a figure moved ! barn. They entered it, and were severally
silently into the room. It was too dark to ob- i placed in small nooks, where they could feeL
serve its motions narrowly, but 'lift could see , tnat the hay was all around them, except on.
that it stooped towards one of the sleepers, who ( lle. f wall. Shortly after, sonicpro
immediately rose ; next it approached him, and j visions were brought to them with the same si
touched him on the shotdIer. Lde immediate- lence, and it was signified to them, that thev
b started up; the figure then allowed, a slight'
gieam irom a uarii lantern to pass over nis t"t- .v-uuunjj uu. j uruugu u crevice innno
face, and as it did so, whispered impatiently waU Lee could discover, as the day came on,
" not the man but come!" It then occurred tnat the barn was attached to a small farm
to Lee that this was the opportunity, he de-, bouse. lie was so near the house that he con' I
sired. The unknown whispered to him lo keep ' overhear the conversation which was carried
his place, till another man was called: but iust!on about the door. The momimj rose clear,
at that moment some noise disturbed him, and
making a sign to Lee to follow, he moved si
lently out of the room. They found the door
o llie house, unbarred, and a small part of the
fence removed, where they passed out without
molestation: the sentry had retired toashel-
I , ...
tcr' wnere he thought he could guard his post
without sintering Irom the ram; but Lee saw
inat 11,8 contluclor3 P"t themselves m prepara-
11011 silence turn il he should happen to ad-
dress lhem- Just wllhout tlie fencc appeared a
t 1 1 t 1 -l
sloping ngure, wrapped in a red clonic, and
supporung useii wun a large suck, wnicn iee
at onco perceived could be no oilier than the
a ticket at a little distanco and joined them,
an(l llle wllole party moved onward under the
guidance of the old woman. At first they fre-
quently slopped to listen, but having heard the
1 GIlUIHi IS CrV. till S VC11. mCV SG6 HC I TG-aS-
- s J ' . . . ' .
sured and moved wiih more confidence than
oeiore. i ney soon came near o ncr cottage
unUer an overhanging banU, where a bright
. . . ,1
provisions upon it, and a large jug, wnicn one
of the soldiers was about lo seize, when the
man wll conducted them withheld him. "No,"
saiu lie wc musi Iirsi Procccu 10 Business.
ilu wu,u lu u ,,,au l'1"3U "u,u "uu" 11U
wore doing this, iee had time to exam
iliriAViio nAmnnninnB on a rC - In
luo """'l'""""' uui
rluiet looking soldier, the othor a short stout
man with much the aspect ol a villain. They
examined mm m turn, and as Lee had been
obliged formerly to punish tho shorter soldier
IT 11 ic
Lee had never, sofln hnfnrn
- -
A nrtltr ...o I I. 1. .1.'. x-
(uuuiuu hi lllUlll ill 1BW WOfUS, 111UI uuiuio jju
r inn d ndArinb- ntnmr rp. ho.
I It ,1
and never to reveal the circumstances or agents
in the proceeding, whatever might befal them,
The soldiers, however, insisted on deferring
this measure, till they had formed somo slight
acquaintance with the contents of the jug, and
expressed their sentiments on tho subject -rather
Utr miinno ilin wnnlii.1 .' Tn t.hiR. ill ftv'innrfl in?n
. T T I ast I I1KVI ml lltL t It r f r nm et I A linim l-nnt Mta
cd by Leo1 who by this jtirao. ha.d begunJocon
template the danger of his ontcrprise,tin a new
and unpleasant point oT view. If he were" to bo
compelled to accompany his parly to New YoVk,
his disguise would at oncebe detected, and it
was certain that he would be hanged as a spy.
He had supposed; beforehand, that he should
find no difficulty in escaping at any moment; but
he saw, that their conductor had prepared arms
for them, which they were to use in taking the
life, of any one who should attempt to feavo
them and then the oath. He might- pdssiblv
have released himself from its obligations,
when it became necessary for thejntcrests of
his country; but no honorable man can well
bear to be driven to an emergency, in which
he must violate an oath, howeverreluctantly it
was taken. He felt that there was no retreat
ing, when there came a heavy shock, as of
something falling against the sides of the house;
their practised ears at once detected the alarm
gun ; and their conductor, throwing down tho
old Bible, which he had held all ihe while im
patiently in his hand, directed the party to fol
low him in close order, and immediately quit
ted tho house, taking with him, his dark lan
tern. Thev went on with great despatch, hut
! not without difficulty. Sometimes tneir foot
o I j
would give wav on some sandv 'bank, or
slippery field; and when their path led through
the woods, the wet boughs dashed heavilv iu
their face. Lee felt that he might have de
serted, his precious companions, while they
were in this hurry and alarm; butj he felt, that,
as yet, he had made no discoveries; and how
ever dangerous his situationwas he could not
bear to confess that he had not nerve to carry
it through. On he went, therefore, for two or
three hours, and was beginning to sink with
fatigue, when the barking of a dog brought tho
party to a stand. Their conductor gave a low
whistle, which was answered at no great dis
tance, and a figure came forward .in the dark-
j ness, who whispered to their guide, and then
wre to remain concealed through the whole of
and it was evident from the inquiries of. horse
men, who occasionally gallopped up lo the
door, that the country was alarmed. The far
mer gave short and surly replies, as if unwil
ling to be taken off from his labor; but the
other inmates of the house were eager in their
. li'., -r . i i
t questions, anu irom tne answers garnered
l,ie means oy wnica ne ana ins compan-
"au cacapeu, were as mysienous as ever.
iuoicxi mgm, vnen an was quiet mey re-
, sumed their march and explained to Lee that
nf-t-kMavnvWIK . n 1 . . .
, - " iu uir cuiracy,
, aaauwawu mm uium m
j lhe,r escape, they should take the precaution
to keep him before them, just behind the guide.
He submitted without opposition, though the
arrangement considerably lessened the charYees
in favour of his escape. He observed, from
the direction of tho stars, that they did not
move in a direct line toward the Delaware, but
they changed their course so often that hecould
not conjecture at what point they intended to
strike the river. He endeavoured, whenever
any peculiar object appeared, to fix it in his
memory, as well as the darkness would per
mit, and succeeded better than could have been
expected, considering the agitated state in
which he traveled. They went oh for several
nights in this manner, being delivered over to
different persons, from time to time; and as Lee
could gather from their whispering conversa
tion, they were regulaily employed on occa
sions like tho present, and well rewarded by
the British for their services. Their employ
ment was full of danger ; and though they
seemed like desperate men, ho could observe
that they never remitted ihoir precautions.
They were concealed by day in barns cellars
caves mado for the purpose, and similar, re
treats, and one day was passed in a tomb, the
dimensions of which had been enlarged, and
the inmates, if there had been any, banished to
make room for the living.
(Conclusion next week.)
in Virginia. Tho Abingdon
ginian contains' an address, signed by tivo
dred and thirty-four citizens of Scott comfty.
who have abandoned the cause of Martin- Vrtit
Buren. .
We note in a contemporary's columns, the
advertisement of a lady for a husband. 'None
need applytunder six-feet!' WhcwLbuMhe Ifc
dy goes in ferociously Jbr Hu-mcn.
"I'm giltihg fat," as' the loafer said
was stealing lard; '
4.0 dJPfei'