Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, October 16, 1840, Image 1

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"zrfr rry V
R-icliard Nugent, Editor The whole art ov Government consists in the art of being honest. Jefferson. and Publisher
TPnr: Ttin dollars per annum in advance Two dollars
Und a ouartcr, half ycarlv, and if not paid before the end of
E. . 1 .1 lint T?mrA m.Z. iL
nc year. 1 WO dollars anu u uau. inucc uu iccunc uicir ini-
! will be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra.
o nancrs discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except
r it! the option oi mc Luuur.
trvAdvcrtisements not esceedmjr one souare sixteen lines)
.11 be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents
asral discount will be made to yearly advertisers.
JI7"All letters addressed to the Editor must be Dost paid.
r evcrv suusequcm, insertion : larger ones in proportion, a
Having a general assortment of large elcrrant plain and orna
mental Type, we are prepared to execute every des
cription of
Cards, Circulars, Bill If cuds, Rotes,
Blank Receipts,
Fruited with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms.
The Trustees of this Institution, have the
ieasure of announcing .o the public, and par
.oularly to the friends of education, that they
ive engaged Ira B. Newman", as Superinten
dent and Principal of their Academy.
Tiie '1 rustees invite the attention of parents
tiiid guardians, wbo have children to send from
home, to this Institution. They are filling up
he building in the first style, and its location
Irom its retired nature is peculiarly favorable
jr a boarding school. It commands a beauti-
iul view of the Delaware river, near which it
is situated, and the surrounding scenery such
the lover oi nature win aamire it is easily
iccessible the Easton andMilford Stages pass
dailv, and only 8 miles distant irom the latter
dace, and a more salubrious section of coun-
v can nowhere be found. No fears need be
ntertained that pupils will contract pernicious
habits, or be seduced into vicious company it
is removed from all places of resort and those
inducements to neglect their studies that are
furnished in large towns and villages.
Board can be obtained very low and near the
IVcademy. Mr. Daniel W. Dingman, jr. will
hake several boarders, his liouse is very conve
nient, and students will there be under the lm-
mediate care of the Principal, whose reputa
tion, deportment and guardianship over his pu
pils, afford the best security for their proper
conduct, that the Trustees can give or parents
ind guardians demand.
The course of instruction will be thorough
adapted to the age of the pupil alid the time
le designs to spend m literary pursuits. Young
len may qualify themselves for entering upon
le studv ol the learned professions or for an
Advanced stand at College for mercantile pur-
lints, lor teaching or the business ot common
fife, useful will be preferred to ornamental stud-
res, nevertheless so much oi me latter aitenaea
lo as the advanced stages of the pupil's educa
tion will admit. The male and female depart-
jerit will be under the immediate superintend-
fence of the Principal, aided by a competent
nle or female Assistant. Lessons in music
ill be given to young ladies on the Piano
orte at the boarding house of the principal, by
n experienced and accomplished Instructress.
Summer Session commences May -1th.
Board for Young Gentleman or Ladies with
the Principal, per week, SI 50
Pupils from 10 to 15 years of age from SI lo
Si 25
Tuition for the Classics, Belles-Lettres, French.
&c, per quarter, 2 00
Extra for music, per quarter, .m 5 00
N. B. A particular course of studv will' be
marked out for those who wish to qualifv ihern-
Ives for Common School Teachers with ref-
r'rehce to that object ; application made lor
teachers to the trustees or principal will meet
immediate attention,
Lectures "on the various subjects of study will
be delivered by able spt&'kers, through tho
(course of year.
By ordor of the Board,
Ding-man's Ferry, Pike co., Pa., May 2 1840
The Book of Subscription to the Stock of the
Upper Lehigh Navigation Company, will be re
opened it iStoddartsville, on Wednesday, the 15th
4ay of July ensuing, when subsciiptions will be
received for the balance of stock which remains
vet open, ax the same tnnn. and place the stocn-
&okkus will elect a board of Directors.
Charles Trump,
John S. Comfort,
Henry W. Drinkei .
William P. Clark,
June 10, 1840.
X. B. Proposals will be received at Stodd'arts-
Ti!Ie,on Thursday the 16th day of July ensuing.
ire J by building a lock and inclined plane witli the
int':essarv grading, hxtures.. and machinery lot
massing raits descending the Lehigh over the Falls
lit .StoddartsviUe.. It is ex'pGctod that the worl
hf commenced as snon.,as practicable and be
ompJeted with dospatclt, .
From tho Cincinnati Gazette.
General Harrison's Speech,
Help 10th September, 1840.
The Convention was organized by calling to
the Chair, Ex-Governor Metcalfe of Kentucky,,
and appointing nineteen Vice Presidents, among
whom were, Preston W. Farrar, of Louisiana,
Maj. A. Miller, of Mississippi, Gov. Bigger, of
Indiana, Ex-Governor Vanco, of Ghio, &c.
W. Snethen of Louisiana, Secretary.
After a brief and happy address, welcoming
the Old Chief to Dayton, from Judge Crane, one
of the Vice Presidents of tho day, General
Harrison rose, and in a clear sonorous voice
that ..was heard by every man of the immense
multitude before him, addressed the Convention
for nearly two hours. The appearance of the Old
Hero was hailed by the mighty shouts of thous
ands for several minutes. He looks well, is in
excellent health, and speaks with a fervor and
animation belonging rather to youth than to
age. Compared with other men whom the
writer of this has lately seen and heard, less
in years than the General, there is not any
marked difference of manner or matter. The
fire of his eye is not dimmed bv age, nor has
the strength of his manly intellect suffered in
the least. He will go into the Presidential
Chair, a veteran in wisdom and experience, and
he wiffgrasp the helm Of state with a steady
hand and firm resolution, ready to administer the
people's government after the people's will.
oen. Harrison's speech.
1 rise, fellow-citizens (The multitude was
here agitated as the sea, when the wild wind
blows upon it, and it was full five minutes be
fore the tumult of joy at seeing and hearing the
next President ol the United States, could be
calmed) I rise, fellow citizens, to express to
you from the bottom of a grateful heart my
warmest thanks for the kind and flattering
manner in which I have been received by the
representatives of the valley of the Miami. I
rise to say to you, that, however magnificent
my reception has been on this occasion, 1 am
not so vain as to presume that it was intended
for me, that this glorious and triumphal entry
was designed for one individual. No. I know
too well that person's imperfections to believe,
that this vast assemblage has come up here to
do him honor. It is the glorious cause of Dem-
ocratlc rights that broughthem here ! (Im
mense cheering.) It is the proud anniversary
of one of the brightest victorfes that glows on
the pages of our country's history, which hath
summoned this multitudt together ! (Tre
mendous cheering.)
FelloAvcitizens, it was about this lime of the
day, 27 years ago, this very hour, this very
minute, tjialyour speaker, as Commander-in-chief
of the North Western Army, was plun
ged into aiyigony of feeling, when the canon
ading from our gallant fleet announced an ac
tion with the enemy. His hopes, his fears
wore destined to be soon quieted, for tho ti
dings of victory were brought lo him on the
wings of;the wind. With the eagle of triumph
perching upon our banners on the lake, I moved
on to complete the overthrow of the foreign
foe. The anniversary of that day can' never
bo forgotten, for every American has cause to
rejoice at the triumph of our arms on that mo
mcntous occasion ; but the brave and gallant
hero ol that victory is gone, gone to that home
wither we are aH'hurrying, and to his memory
let us do that reverence due the deeds of so
illustrious a patriot. From Heaven, does his
soal look down upon' us, and gladden at the
virtues which still animate his noble and glo
rious career while on earth ! Great sensation
for several seconds.)-
I am fully aware, my fellow citizens, that you
expect from me some opinion upon the various
questions which now agitate our country, from
.centre to circumference, with such fierce con
tention. Calumny, ever seeking to destroy all
that is good in this world, halh proclaimed that
I am averse from declaring my opinions, on
matters so interesling to you," but nothing can
be more false. (Cheers.)
Have I not declared, over and often, that the
President of this Union does not constitute any
pari or portion of the Legislative body? (Cries
from every quarter you have, you have.) Have
I not said, 'over and often, that the Executive
should not by any act of his forestall the action
oJ the National Legislature? (You have, you
have !)
Have I not, time out of mind, proclaimed
my opposition to a' citizen's going forward
among the people and solicting votes for the
Presidency? Have 1 not many a time and of
ten said that, in my opinion, no man ought to
aspire to the Presidency of these United States,
unless he is designated as a candidate for that
high office by the unbought wishes of the peo
ple '? (Cheering.) I f the candidate for so high
an office bp designated by the will of a portion
or a majority of the people, they will have come
to the determination of sustaining such a man,
from a revfeyer of his past actions and life,
and they wiil'R.ot 'exuet pledges from him of
what he will do and ' wbat he wijj not do, for
ihttjr selection of him js .proof enough that he
wijl oarry OlH the doctrines pfjiis puriy. This
plan of choosing a candidate for the Presiden
cy is a much surer bar against corruption than
the system requiring promises. If the pledging
plan is pursued, the effect will be, to offer the
Presidential chair lo the man who will make the
most promises! (Laughter.) He who would
pledge most, he who would promise most,
would be the man most to be voted for, and I
have no hesitation in declaring my belief, that
he who would subject his course to be thus tied
up by pledges and promises would not stop to
break when in office. (Cheering.) Are my
views on this topic correct, or are they not ?
(With one voice, the multitude indicated they
If, fellow citizens, we examine the history of
all republics, we shall find as they receded
from tho purity of Representative Government,
the condition of obtaining office was the ma
king of promises. He who bid the highest in
promises was the favored candidate, and the
higher bids, the more marked and certain the
corruption. Look at the progress of this thing
in our own republic. Were any pledges re
quired of your Washington or your Adams 1
Adams was the candidate of the federal party
and as a statesman was bound to carry out the
principles of his party. Was his successor, Tho.
Jeffereon, the high priest of constitutional de
mocracy, called on for pledges 1 No. His
whole life was a pledge of what he would do?
And if we go back in this old system of elect
ing men for the Presidency, whose past career
shall be a guarantee of their conduct when
elected to the Chief Magistracy of the repub
lic, the nation would advance safely, rapidly,
and surely in the path of prosperity. But of
late years, the corrupting system of requiring
pledges hath been adopted. The Presidency
hath been put up to the highest bidder in prom
ises, and we see the result. It remains for you,
my fellow citizens to arrest this course of things.
(Cries of 'we will, we will.)
While then, fellow citizens, I have never
hesitated to declare my opinions on proper oc
casions upon the great questions before the na
tion, I cannot consent to make mere -promises
the condition of obtaining the office which you
kindly wish to bestow upon me. My opinions
I am free to express, but you already have them,
sustained and supported by the acts of a long
and arduous life. That life is a pledge of my
future course, If I am elevated by your. suffra
ges to the highest office in your gift. (Immense
cheering for several seconds.)
It has been charged against me, fellow citi
zens, that I am a Federalist. While I ac
knowledge that the original federal party of
this country was actuated in its course by no
improper motives, deny that 1 ever belonged
to that class of politicians. (Tremendous
cheering.) How could I belong to that party?
I was edcucated in the school of anti-federalism,
and though too young to take an active
part in the politics of the country, when, at the
erection of the Constitution, the nation was di
vided into two great parties, my honored fa
ther had inducted me into the principles of Con
stitutional Democracy, and my teachers were
the Henrys and the Masons of that period. He,
who declared that the seeds of monarchy were
sown in the soil of the Constitution, was a leader
in my school of politics. He, who said that
" if this government be not a monarchy, it has
an awful squinting towards a monarchy," was
my Mentor. (Immense applause. Some time
elapsed before order could be restored at hear
ing these emphatic declarations from ihe Gen
eral.) If I know my own feelings, if I knowi
my own judgment, I believe now as I did then,
with the patriarchs of the Jeflersonian school
ihat the seeds of monarchy were indeed sown in
the fertile soil of our federal Constitution, and
that though, for nearly fifty years, they lay dor
mant, they at last sprouted and shot forth into
strong and thriving plants bearing blossoms and
producing ripe fruit. This Government is now
a practical monarchy I (Loud and long cheer
ing indicating that the people felt the full force
of his declaration.) Power is power, it matters
not by what name it is called. The head of
the Government exercising monarchichal pow
er may be named King, Emperor, President, or
Imaum, (great laughter) still he is a monarch
But this is not all. The President of these U
States exercises a power superior to that ves
ted in the hands of nearly all the European
Kings. It is a power far greater" than that
ever dreamed of by the old federal party.
It is an ultra-federal power, it is a despotism
(Cheering.) And I may here advert to an ob-
jeeuon mat nas ncen maue against me. it has
oeen saia, mat, n ever i siioum arrive at the
dignified station occupied bv my opponent, I
would bo glad and eager lo retain the power
enjoyed by tho President of the United Stales.
Never, never. (Tremendous cheering.) Though
avqrso from pledges of every so.rt, 1 here openly
and befere tho world declare that I will use all
the power and influence vested in the office of
President of the, Union to abridge the power
and influence of the National Executive ! (It
is impossible to describe tho sensation' produ
ced by this declaration.) 1 9 this federalism ?
(Cries of no, no, no, pr several seconds.) In
the Constitution, that glorious charter of our
ljberlies,' there is u defect, and that defect is,
the term of service of the President was not
limited. This omission is the source of all the
evils under which the country is laboring. If
the privilege of being President of the United
States had been limited to one term, the in
cumbent would devote all his time to the pub
lic interest, and there would be no cause to
misrule the country. I shall not animadvert on
the conduct of the present administration, lest
you may, in that case, conceive that I am aim
ing for the Presidency, to use it for selfish pur
poses. I should be an interested witness, if I
entered into the subject. But I pledge myself
before heaven and earth, that tf elected President
of the United States, to lay down faithfully at
the end of the term that high trust at the feet of
the People: (Here the multitude was so exci
ted as to defy description.)
I go further. I here declare before this vast
assembly of the Miami Tribe (great laughter)
that if I am elected, no human being shall ever
know upon whom I would prefer to see the peo
ple's mantle fall; but I shall surrender this glo
rious badge of their authority into their own
hands to bestow it as they please! (Nine
cheers.) Is this federalism? (No, no, no.)
Again, in relation to the charge of bring a fed
eralist, I can refer to the doings previous to, and
during the late war. The federal party took
grounds against that war, and as a party, there
never existed a purer band of patriots, for when
the note of strife was sounded, they rallied un
der the banner of their country. But patriotic
as they were, I do know that I was not one of
them! (Cheering.) 1 was denounced m un
measured terms as one of the authors of that war,
and was held up by the federal papers of the
day, as the marked object of the party. I could
here name the man who came to me, and a
more worthy man never lived, to say that he was
mistaken in his views of my policy as Gover
nor of Indiana, when I was charged by the fed
eralists as uselessly involving the country in an
Indian war. He told me that I acted rightly in
that matter, and that the war was brought on by
me as a matter of necessity. .(Cries of name
him, name him.) It was Mr. Gaston, of North
Carolina. (Three cheers.) Is this a proof
that I was a federalist? (No, no, no.)
I have now got rid, my fellow-citizens, of this
baseless charge no, I have not. There are a
few more allegations to notice. I am not a pro
fessional speaker, not a studied orator but I am
an old soldier and a farmer, and as my sole ob
ject is to speak what I think, you will excuse
me if I do it in my own way. (Shouts of ap
plause, and cries of the oid soidisr and farmer
for us.)
1 have said that there were other allegations
to notice. To prove that I was a federalist,
they assert that I supported the alien and sedi
tion laws, and in doing so, violated the princi
ples and express words of the Constitution. I
did not fellow-citizens, ever participate in this
measure. When those laws passed, I was a
soldier in the army of the United States! (Ap
plause.) Again, they censure me for my course in
Congress, when I served you in that body ass a
representative of the North West Territory.
And here I will advert to the fact that I repro-
sented at the time, a territory comprising now ! then only, would I sign a bill going to charter
tho States of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Mich-! a Bank. (Shouts of applause.) I have never
igan. I was the sole representative of that im-' regarded the office of Chief Magistrate, as con
mense extent of country. (A voice here cried, ferring upon the incumbent the of mas-
"And you are going to be again!") (Tremen- tery over the popular will, but as granting him
duous cheering.) As I understand federalism the power to execute the properly expressed
to bo in its origin, so I understand it to be now. will of the people, and not to resist it. With
It was and is the accumulation of power in the! my mother's milk did 1 suck in the principles
Executive to be used and exercised for its own
benefit. Was my conduct in Congress then such
as to entitle me to the appellation of federalist?
(Cries of no, no, and cheering.)
I had the honor as Chairman of a Committee
in the year 1800, to devise a bill which had for
Us object to snatch from the grasp of specula
tors, all this glorious country which now teems
with rich harvests under the hands of the hon
est, industrious and virtuous husbandmen. (Im
mon8e cheering.) Was I a federalist thir
(Cries of no, no, no.) When I was Governor
of Indiana, ask how tho unlimited power bestow
ed upon me was exercised a power as high as
that exercised by the present President of the
United States! I was the sole monarch of the
North West Territory! (Laughter.) Did I 'dis
charge my duties as Governor of that vast Ter
ritory in such a way as to show that I was in
love with the tremendous powers invested in me?
(Here some 4000. persons in one quarter of the
crowd raised their hats in the air and rent it with
shouts of no, no, no. They were the delega
tion Horn Indiana. This prompt response from
so many persons produced great seaon.)
Thero is an essential dificrence between the
President of the United States and me. When
he was in tho Convention which remodelled
the Constitution of New York, he was for in
vesting the Governor with the appointment of
the Sheriff's. When I was Govornpr of Indi
ana, and possessed the power of appointing all
officers, I gave it up to the people! (Intense
excitement and great cheering.) 1 never ap
pointed any oflicer whatever, while Governor
of Indiana, whether sheriff, coroner, judge, jus
tice of the peace, or ought else, without first con
sulting and obtaining the wishes of the people.
Was this an evidence
(No, no, nq.)y
I think I have now shown you, ft How-citizens
conclusively that my actions do not constitute
me a federalist, and it is to. them I proudly point
as the shield against which the arrows of my
calumniators will fail in vain. (Immense cheer-
Meihinks I hear a soft voice asking: are you
in favor of paper money? I AM. (Shouts of
applause.) If you would know why I am in fa
vor of the credit system, I can only say it is be
cause I am a democrat, (Immense cheering.)
The two systems are the only means, under
Heaven, by which a poor industrious .man- may
become a rich man without bowing to eolo.ssal
wealth. (Cheers.) But with all this I arrf no:
a bank man. Once in my life I was. and. then
they cheated me out of every dollar 1 placed in
their hands. (Shouts of laughter,) And I shall'
never indulge in this way again; for it is more
than probable that I shall never again have
money beyond the day's wants. But I am in
favor of a correct banking system, for the sim
ple reason that thn share of the precious metals,
which, in th course of trade, falls to our lot, is
much less than the circulating medium which
our ink ma! a-.iJ external commerce demands,
to raie our ncfs tn a level with the price of, wheie the credit system does prevail.
There must be .Oi,ie plan to multiple the gold
and silver which our industry commands, and
there is no other way to do this but by a safe
banking system. (Great applause.) I do not
pretend to say that a perfect system of banking'
can be deviled, free from defect. After long
deliberation, f have no hopes t'liat this country
can ever go on to prosper under a pure specie
currency. Such a currency but makes the poor
poorer and the rich richer. A properly devised
banking system alone possesses the capability
of bringing the poor to a level with the rich.
(Tremendous cheering.)
I have peculiar notions of government. Per
haps I may err. t am no statesman, by profes
sion, but as I have already said, I am a half sol
dier and a half farmer, and it may be, that, if
am elected to the first office in your gift, my f?--low
citizens will be deceived in me, but 1 can
assure ihem, that if in carrying out their wishes
the head shall err, the heart is true. (Great
huzzaing.) .
My opinion of the power of Congress to
charter a National Bank; remains unchanged.
Thero is not in the Constitution, any express
grant of power for such purpose, and it could
never be constitutional to exercise that power,
save in the event the powers granted to. Congress
could not be carried into effect, without rssou
ing to such an institution. (Applause.) Mr,
Madison signed the law creating a Nations!
Bank, because he thought that the revenue of
j the country could not be collected or disbursed
to tne oest auvamage witnout me interposiiton
of such an establishment. I said in my letter to
Sherrod Williams, that, if it was plain that the
revenues of the Union could only be collected
and disbursed in the most' effectual, way by
means of a Bank, and if I was clearly of opin
ion, that the majority of the people of the "United
States, desired such an institution, thep, and,
on which the Declaration ef Independence was
founded. (Cheering.)' That declaration com
plained that the king would not let the people
make such laws as they wished. Shall a Pres
ident or an Executive, officer untertake, at this
late time of day, to corttrol the people in the ex
ercise of their supreme will? No. Ths peo
ple are the best guardians of their own rights,
(appfause,) and it i,s the duty of their Executive,
to abstain from interfering in, or thwarting the
sacred exercise of the law-making functions of
their government.
In this vitw of the matter, I defend my hav
ing signt'i a w - known bill which passed the
legislature n I was governor of Indiana.
It is true, my opponents have attempted to cast
odium up n for having done so, but while
they are eng.iged in such an effort, they iippugn,
tho honor ant i. openly of the inmates of the log
cabins, who demanded, the passage and signa
ture of that hill. The men who,pQv,dare to ar
raign the people of Indiana for having exercised
their rights as thev pleased, were in their nurse's
arms , when that bji passed" the legislature.
What .do they kuo.oLihe .pioneers-of th:. v;wt
wilderness? 1 .t e 1 L-li fern isOial n the l,egisl;
which passed the bill-" exciting" so, much th
horror, there wore men as pure in heart, aua .1
distinguished for their common.jjense and high,
integrity as any.whp s'CI themseiyes up for mod'
els in. .these ..days (tymnense .cheering.)
glory in carrying out their viewsffor in doing
so, I submitted to tho law -making power, iaac
cordance with the Declaration of Independence,
I do not prevent the people from makinfwhat
laws they pleased! (Cheering.) ;
If the Augean stable is to b.e. cleansed, it will
be necessary to go back to the principles of "Jlaf-
(Shouis of applause.)
that I was a federalist.
ir r v