Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, October 09, 1840, Image 2

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Stroudsbnrg, Pa. Oct. 9, 1840.
TcnnB, $2,00 in advance; 2.25, naif yearly ; and $2,50 if nol
paid bcfoic the end of the year.
Gen. William Henry Harrison,
John Tyler,
John A. Shulze, of Lycoming,
Joseph JBitner, of Cumberland,
3 Levis Passmore, 12 John Dickson,
2 John Price Wetherill 13 John M'Keehan,
Thomas P. Cope, 14 John Reed,
3 Jona. Gillingham, 15 Ashbel B. Wilson,
4 Amos Ellmaker, 16 Ner Middleswarth,
Abr'm R. M'lllvain, 17 George Walker.
John K. Zeilin, 18 Bernard Connelly jr
5 Robert Stinson, 19 Joseph Markle,
6 William S. Hendrie-20 Justice G. Fordyce,
7 J. Jenkins Ross. 21 T. M. T. M'Kennan,
8 Peter Filbert,
22 Harmer Denney,
23 Joseph Buffington,
24 Henry Black,
25 John Dick.
i) William Adams,
10 John Harper,
11 Wm.M'Ilvain,
Col. Johnson said (in Congress)
"Who is General Harrison ? The son of one of
the signers of the Declaration of Indepencence;
who spent the greater part of his large fortune in
redeeming the pledge he then gave, of his 'fortune,
life and sacred honor,' to secure the liberties of his
country. Of the career of General Harrison I
need not speak ; the history of the West is his-history.
For forty years he has been identified with
its interests, its perils and its hopes. Universal-
'J "- 1-""! b ...
ed by his ability in the councils of his country, he
nas been yet more illustriously distinguished in
the field. During the late war, he was longer in
active service than any other general officer ; he
was, perhaps, oftener in action than any one of
them, and never sustained a dejeat.
Democratic Whig Nomination for
of Northampton Co.
ofMauch Chunk.
of Saucon,
of Stroud.
Pike County Nominations.
" The "Ladies Companion."
The October No. of this valuable magazine has
been received. We have not had leisure to peruse
all the contents but from what we have read, we
can assure our readers, that the present No. fully
sustains the reputation this periodical has so de
servedly obtained.
We refer our readers to the article in another col
umn headed " Old Federalists Where are they?"
We wish every one who is not already disgusted
with the hypocrisy and assurance of the leaders of
the locofoco party, in assuming the name of Demo
crats, to give the article the closest attention. To
the list qkoc" Federalists therein enumerated, who
are now prominent men in the Yan Buren ranks,
we could add several in our own neighborhood,
who were opposed to the last war, and against the
admission of Missouri into the Union without jre
stricting her as to slavery, that are now, if we be
lieve their present professions, the purest Dcmo--crats
in the country. In our opinion there is a vast
difference between Locofocoism and Democracy,
'and although there is no doubt but that Roger B.
"Taney, Levi Woodbury, James Buchanan, Garret
D: Wall, Charles J. Ingersoll, &c. are genuine lo
co focos,yet we are sure they are not Democrats.
Why dont the Locofoco Editors publish the let
ter of Col, Johnson to Carneal? Are they afraid
it will convict them of falsebpodf Try it gentle
men, don't keep back the sentiments of your can
didates. Conventions.
Throughout our widely extended country, the
people still continue te assemble in countless num
bers, for the purpose of expressing their senti
ments on the polioy of the present administration-
the excitement become more intense, as
the period approaches when4eliberation must give
place to action. An immense mass convention of
the Democracy of the Northern Counties of our
State was held at Wilkesbarre, on Wednesday of
last week, at which 6000 persons were present.
A, large delegation from Northampton and the
upper portion of Monroe Cos. attended, who have
returned highly delighted with the zeal and enthu
siasm displayed by all present the Valley of Wy
oming will do her duty on the 30th. Among the
speakers wre A. E. Brown and H. D. Maxwell,
To the Freemen of Monroe.
On Tuesday next the General Election will take
place throughout the Commonwealth, and we hope
every -Whig will be at his post.
It is true, that we cannot consider that the result
will be any test of the State of public opinion, in
regard to the Presidency, because many who in
tend casting their suffrages for a change of . men
and measures, in the national administration on
the 30th October, will still vote their party ticket
on Tuesday next. Let no Whig bo absent from
the polls, under the impression, that his single vote
would be unimportant because our party has hith
erto been in a minority in the district.
We can with pride point to the candidates on
our Congressional and Assembly tickets as in the
highest degree worthy of.the support of every true
The subjoined capital article we recommend
most cordially.
The position of Pennsylvania.
The glorious result of the late elections and the
paramount importance of the great struggle of the
people against the National office-holders those
who have brought ruin and distress into every bu
siness mart in the country, and laid waste, as
with a bosom of destruction, the once thriving and
prosperous manufactories of our land have drawn
the attention of the people of Pennsylvania par
tially at least, from the contemplation of their po
sition in the eyes of the Union at large. To be
sure that they have been engaged night and day
in the struggle they have slept not, nor have they
rested the soles of their feet in an hour when their
influence could be felt but they have overlooked
the importance of the first blow, and have been
conteracting the efforts, for one grand rally at the
Polls on the 30th of October they have been
preparing to storm the citadel of Loco-focoism on
the 30th and have, in some parts at least, neglec
ted the importance of making a grand attack along
the whole line of the enemy as a preliminary move
ment and an earnest of what the people of the
whole Union may expect of us when we shall meet
the upholders of misrule face to face, on the 30th
of October. The importance of the election on
the 13th, should not be overlooked. The eyes of
the whole Union now more than ever, are Upon us,
and the hopes of the patriotic citizens of our sis
ter States are with us in our struggle. They well
know that the vote of Pennsylvania is not neces
sary to hurl from power the minions of corruption,
but still they desire to see the Key-Stone State
take her position where her duty calls her, and
where in the hour of danger she has ever been
found in the van of the battle against the power
that dares to trample under foot the prosperity and
happiness of the people, lhev ask her to raise
her voice against the administration an adminis
tration that has brought ruin and distress upon the
country dried up the very fountains of our pros
perity sapped the foundations of civil and religious
liberty proclaimed openly and above board, that
the monarchies of Europe are proper examples for
American freemen to take as their guide and by
a series of measures, which if our glorious fore
fathers could rise from their hallowed graves and
behold, would shudder at the thought of their pros
perity being so degenerated, have rendered our
national name little better than a bye word for the
Kings, the Emperors, the tyrants and the scoffers
at Republican institutions in the Old World, to
scoff at and deride ! Our sister States in the glori
ous work of Reform, we say are beckoning to us
to follow them, and asking us if we will remain
behind when our hills and vallies were among the
first to pour out their sons to the rescue, in the
days of the Revolution. They ask us to follow
them in the good work, and in a few years we shall
behold another state of things in our glorious coun
try. We shall see trade reviving prosperity re
established the currency restored to that condi
tion it was found in by Gen. Jackson honest in
dustry respected and rewarded the government
again pursuing- its course onward and uDward. dis
pensing " blessings and benefits" on all around
and a free, virtuous, happy, and prosperous peo
ple mnaoiting every nook and corner ot our broad
land rejoicing in their free government and thriv
ing condition the mountain sides dotted with the
white cottage of the honest laborer and farmer
the Tallies alive with industrious citizens, and the
cities and towns filled with a population engaged in
rendering themselves and neighbors contented,
thriity, and iree the administration of the world,
and the terror oi despotism.
The people of Pennsylvania-the Keystone of the
arch arc asked by their brethern to come up to
the work. Will thev do it ? They wish us to
give an earnest of our intentions before the great day
for the final onset arrives. Their eyes are bent
upon us, m expectation of our answer. What then
ts our duty. To Rally to the Polls on the Thirteenth
day of October, and record our votes against the
administration. To Rally, as our patriot forefa
thers did in the revolution, and put down an admin
istration that is crushing us to the earth! Will the
freemen of the Keystone answer the appeal in the
spirit it is made! RALLY THEN!!
A Good Hit. In a Western town in Virginia,
the Richmond Whig says : The Locofocos had
stationed themselves for the purpose of insulting a
Whig procession in march for a certain point; but
the Whigs came up 200 strong in double files, so
that it was deemed by the Locos prudent to let
them pass in respectful silence. There was,
however a negro servant attached to the Whig
cavalcade, who lingered in the rear, and when he
passed the Locos, they most obsequiously pulled
off their hats to him, and bowing low, exclaimed,
' How do ye do, General Harrison how do ye!
do V Pompey humored the joke : ' You mistake
dis child, gemmen I hab not the honor to be Gen.
Harrison, but am your Vice President Dick John
son's son !' We may guess that the Locos did not
rally after this home thrust.
Whistling Loud.
Some of ourj friends occasionally inquire of us,
the ground upon which the administration men,
build their present hopes of Mr. Van Uuren's re
election; what are the States upon which they cal
culate for votes ; and what are the indications in
those States, upon which they base their calcula
tions. We find in the Nashville Union (a Van
Buren paper of the real grit) the following state
ment and remarks, which, we think, will answer
the queries to which toe refer.
" That, however, is not always a safe guide, for
as in the case of North Carolina, politics and sec
tional considerations, instead of national matters
govern the gubernatorial canvass. But by the la
test state elections .only, can any estimate what
ever be made on known facts.
" Now, what were the popular votes by States
in 1839-40, the latest indications 1 we annex a
true table :
Van Buren.
New Hampshire,
New Jersey ,
South Carolina, '
Rhode Island,
New York,
North Carolina,
- 3
Van .Burens majority 72.
In each of the States under " Van Buren" his
party have had a majority of the popular votes in
the latest state elections. It is utterly fanciful to
suppose that New York will not sustain Mr. Van
Buren in November, and we think the same may
be said of Michigan, North Carolina and perhaps,
With these figures setting forth the only reliable
data upon which calculations can be made, we
confess our astonishment, that the Whigs should
attempt a show of opposition when it is so clear
ly apparent that they have no principles at stake."
The only reliable data!! Massachusetts became
a V. B. State by electing Governor Morton with one
majority, on account of his abolitionism 14
New Jersey has given no V. B. vote
Maryland is as good for Harison as )
the city of Philadelphia. $
Ohio, do do.
Deduct from 183 and there remains 130, and
where is Mr. Van Buren's majority to say noth
ing of Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia, and Penn
sylvania 1 The perhaps for Vermont, is capital,
considering the late vote the only reliable data.
U. S. Gaz.
We guess the news from Maine, will still fur
ther enlighten the Nashville Editor we will short
ly lay before our rerders, our own estimate of the
forthcoming result.
From the N. Y. Spectator
Old Federalists Where are they ?
No. 1. ROGER B. TANEY, appointed
Chief Justice of the United States by General
Jackson, after having held, by virtue of the
same favor, the offices of Attorney General andJ
Secretary of the Treasury. No man "breathed"
more bitter "denunciations against Mr. Van Bu
ren, Mr. Jefferson, the war, Governor Tompkins
and Mr. Madison," than did this same Roger B.
Taney. He was a Federalist of the deepest
azure ; and assisted Alexander Hanson, and
Mr. Wagner, when the office of the Baltimore
Federal Republican was mobbed by " the de
mocracy," and General Lingan murdered.
JNTo. 2. LEVI WOODBURY, Secretary of
the Treasury. An old New Hampshire Fed
eralist. He wrote a pamphlet againBi General
Jackson, and iij favor of the election of John
Quincy Adams, almost as long and as stupid as
one of his Treasury reports. As a member of
the cabinet, he is of course a cordial associate
with Mr. Van Buren.
No. 3. JAMES BUCHANAN, one of Gen
eral Jackson's ministers to Russia, and now
Senator in Congress from Pennsylvania. He
was one of the bitterest of the ultra Federal
ists so bitter that he once declared that " if
he supposed he had a drop of democratic blood
in his veins, he would have a vein opened, and
let it out." So late as the year 1828, he boasted
of the name said " he had not changed his
views and principles in a single particular," ac
cording to the ohraseoloffv of the Argus. Af
ter the close of the war, he thus spoke, in an
oration, of the administration of Mr. Madi
son :
" The democratic administration declared war
against commerce. They were not satisfied with
depriving it of the protection of a navy, but they
acted as though they had determined upon its an
" After they had, by eefusing the Bank of the
U- q. a continuance of, its charter, embarrassed the
financial concerns of the Government, tbey rashly
plunged us into a wan
" Glorious it has been in the highest degree to
the American character, but disgraccjul in the ex
tyemc to the Administration.
Thanks then, be to Heaven, that we have ob
tained a peace, BAD AND DITGRACEFUL AS
" THEY (the democrats) GLORIED IN SET
Jersey, one of the strongest Federalists.
Now so thoroughly "democratic," in the liew
of the President, the Globe and Argus, that he
was forced, by a breach of law and constitu
tion, into a seat irt Congress, which he has no
jusuitle in law or in honor,
No. 5. GARRET D. WAUL, one of the
Senators of the'United States from N. Jersey.
A Federalist of the deepest dye. He has
avowed himself unchanged on the floor of the
Senate. In the language quoted by the Argus,
" he does not pretend that he is not now where
he ever has been and ever will be," but even in
his place he has avowed " the old and hateful
allegation." Jn the work of disfranchising N.
Jersey he went heart and soul with Mr. Van
Buren. To quote the Argus again: "Nothing
can be more cordial than the association of
these old politicians in a common object for
the promotion of common political ends and
the advancement of the same party and same
ly an old Federalist, but one who out-Heroded
Herod by declaring, in a letter under his own
hand, that had he livd in the days of the rev
olution, he should have been a Tory ! He was
the Van Buren candidate for Congress in. the
third district of Pennsylvania. If Mr. Van
Buren is a Democrat, as he professes to be,
then he and Mr. Ingersoll were " antipodes,"
to quote the Argus again, " Not a single opin
ion, principle or doctrine in which they did not
stand in direct hostility to each other And yet
no couple so cordial and loving now.
Ingersoll changed? He will say not.
then" we quote the Argus asrain-
Has Mr.
Van Buren ? Can any man doubt? Can apos
tacy deceive itself, or deceive others V
No. 8. HENRY HUBBARD, a Van Buren
Senator from New Hampshire a Federalist
and one who VOTED for the Hartford Con
No. 9. RUEL WILLIAMS, Van Buren
Senator from Maine assisted in burning James
Madison in effigy.
ren member of Congress fron Otsego. An old
r ederahst of the most approved pattern in the
old days thereof.
Buren mejnber of Congress from Kinderhook
a Federalist of the real aqua-fortis cast. Op
posed the war and could tell, if he chose, who
harangued the mob at Kinderhook from a cart,
to oppose one of Gov. Tompkins's courts mar
tial, in order to prevent the levying of fines
upon the militia who refused to turn out during
the last war.
of Vermont, a Federalist who issued a procla
mation to.prevent the militia of that state from
going to Plattsburgh to repel the invasion of
Sir George Provost. Now a leading Van Bu
ren man.
No. 13. THOMAS J. OAKLEY, a Van Bu
ren judge of the Superior Court an old anti
war Federalist in Congress and out of Con
gress. No. 14. SAMUEL JONES, Chief Justice
of the Superior Court a staunch Van Buren
man. It would require a microscope to find
any evidences of his democracy now or at
any time.
No. 15. Maj. WILLIAM JONES, his broth
er, of Queens. An old Federal member of the
Legislature a staunch Van Buren man just
re-indorsed by the Albany Argus.
tor of the New York Evening Post, the leading
Van Buren print in that state, once gave the
world the following poetical portraiture of Thos.
Jefferson :
"And thou the scorn of every patriot name,
Thy country's ruin and her council's shame !
Poor servile thing! derision of the brvel
Who erst from Tarleton fled to Carter's cave;
Thou, who, when menaced by perfidious Gaul,
Did prostrate to her whiskcr'd minions fall,
And when our cash her empty bags supplied,
Didst meanly strive the foul disgrace to hide,
Go, wretch, resign the presidential chair,
Disclose thy secrot measures, foul or fair,
Go, search with curious eye for horned frogs,
Mid the wild wastes of Louisiana bogs ;
Or, wliere the Ohio rolls its turbid stream,
Dig for huge bonos, thy glory and thy theme,
Go, scan, Philosophist, thy charms,
And sink supinely in her sable arms,
But quit to abler hands the helm of state,
Nor image ruin on thy country's fate."
No, 17. SAMUEL HARKER, of the Bal
timore Republican the editor who first under
took to sneer at the brave Harrison by the in
tended insult of log cabin and hard cider Yan
Buren printer of the laws. In 1827 he declared
that he would "never ask forgiveness for the
political sin which stamped upon him the name
of Federalist ; we delight in the name!" Aagain,
in 1828, he said: "To us, the name of Fed
eralism is a subject of no reproach. We rejoice
to bear it, and hope that our efforts to honor
and support it may be such as it merits. While
others are endeavouring to hold it up to scorn,
and are deserting its standard for the purpose of
securiug power and emolument from other hands,
it shall be our glory to support its cause, and
our feeble powers shall always be employed to dis
play its beauties to others"
But they are without number. " Their name
is legion." Nor have we arrayed them in sol
1 1 1 n ' .
ia column nere, lor any purpose or injury or
malice, but merely to show the public the mil
lion who do not keep the run of political events,
and who have not been so long accustomed to
follow the: serpentine courses of Mr. Van Bu
ren's leading supporters as we have how hol
low and unprinciplod is the clamor of the Globe.
the Argus and the Evoning Post, upon the sub
ject of Old Fcralists and Federalism.
We find the following "palpable hit" in the Ro
chester Democrat :
When the Whig guns at the d.cad, of njght,
Had wak'd the babqs. in sad affright,
Amps, with sbap look and piercing eye.,
Says "Hush, my dears, lib still, don't cry.'
The "Heaven born" then resirtneslns quill,
The babrs rest not but ie, LIES still.
Testimony of Gen. Scott.
The Pittsburg Gazette gives the following
letter, in which a gallant soldier bears direct
testimony to the gallantry of a brother officer:
Saratoga Springs, Aug. 20, 1S40.
Dear Sir, Your complimentary letter of the
10th instant, inviting me on the part of the Har
rison Committee of correspondence of Butler
county, to visit you, and be present at a Con
vention at Pittsburg, has found me in this place.
A tour through the Keystone state would bo
highly iuleresting to me, but my public duties
at this time forbid, and 1 aught to add, that as
an officer of the Federal Government, I early
prescribed to myself the rule to abstain from
taking an active part in the conflict of politics.
Hence, in thirty-two years,! have not once been
to the polls, or to any party meeting. This offi
cial reserve has, however, never prevented me
from discussing with the spirit of a freeman, in
the casual intercourse of society, the merits of
all public men and public measures of my time.
Thus it has often fallen in my way to bearzeai
ous testimony to the distinguished services of
Gen. Harrison, both as a statesman and a sol
dier. With those services I have long been
familiar, and can only attribute to gross ignor
ance or to any party malignity, the recent im
putations to which you allude.
If at the end of the late war wih Great Bri
tain, or at the end of that successfully waged
by Gen. Wayne against the Northwestern In
dians, any person had shamelessly impeached
the courage of Gen. Harrison, he would I am
fully persuaded, have had not only his patriot
ism but his courage denied by every honest
hearted American.
It was never my fortune to serve in the same
field with Gen. Harrison But I well remem
ber the admiration entertained by my immedi
ate associates in arms for the Hero of Tippe
canoe, Fort Meigs, and the River Thames.
This sentiment as far as I ever knew or be
lieved, was common throughout our armies, both
officers and men placing him, with one accord,
in the class of our most gallant and successful
Without meaning to violate the self-imposed
restriction mentioned above, I cannot, being
ditectly appealed to by your respetable com
mittee, withhold this humble testimony from an
old brother soldier who has been so unjustly
assailed in this late day of his fair reROwn.
I remain, my dear sir, with high respect, vour
obedient servant,
Samuel A. Purviance, Esq. on behalf of
Tippecanoe Club of Butler county,Pa.
In a late paper we disproved the allegations of
the Loco-foco3, that the Democrats of the days of
Jefferson and Madison and their descendants in
this district, were now Van Buren men, and the
subjoined letter from Senator Root of New York,
will show how it is in the " Empire State."
Where are the Democrats.
The following letter from Gen. Root, is in reply
to one from .a friend, asking information relative
to the Electors m New York who voted for Jef
ferson, in 1800.
Delhi, August 1, 1S40.
Dear Sir I have received yours of the 28th, in
vhichyou request to be informed the names of the
electors now alive, who voted for Jefferson in
1800, in this State, and. the Senators and Repre
sentatives now alive who voted for them. Then
this State had twelve Electors, and chosen by the
Legislature. Three of them still survive, to wit,
James Burt of Orange, Pierre Van Cortlandt of
Westchester, and John Woodworth, then of Rens
selaer, now of Albany. Two of the Senators
still survive, to wit, Ambrose Spencer, then of Co
lumbia, afterward of Albany, now of Wayne, and
Jame3 W. Wilkin of Orange. Seven of the mem
bers of Assembly still survive, to wit, Nicoll
Floyed of Suffolk, Samuel G. Verbryck of Rock
land, Peter Townsend, then of Orange, now of
New York, Smith Thompson, then of Dutchess,
now Justice of the Supreme Court of the United
States, Erastus Root of Delaware. Archibald
Mclntyre, then of Montgomery, now of Albany,
and James Merrill of Saratoga; of the twelve
survivors, all for Harrison except Mr. Merrill. Ho
is a very aged man, and has, I understand, very
little of mental vigor remaining to him. .
I have the honor to be, with great respect.
Your obedient servant,
liooli MereRead!
John Adams was a Lawyer.
Thomas Jefferson was a Lawyer.
James Madison was a Lawyer.
James Monroe was a Lawyer.
John Q. Adams is a Lawyer.
Andrew Jackson is a Lawyer.
Martin Van Buren is a Lawyer.
Every President but one has been selocted
from the lawyers. While we say nothing a
gainst honest lawyers, we think farmers will in
clude, all other things equal, to try a farmer
onco in fifty years. In Harrison we have an a
ble, experienced, true hearted, honest farmer
capable, faithful, honest let the people try him
one term.
Again. The Whigs of the Revolution wero
jealous of herediiary power. They intended i
shut every avenue to its hoing cngratcd upon
our system. The same jealousy carried otii
has prevented the re-election of a President who
had a son to tempt him to abuse his power.
Washington, Jefferson, Madison, AIonroo,
Jackson, neither of them had a son, and wero
ro-elected. John Adams had a son; John Qi
Adams and Martin Van Bur bav-e sa.ns the
two Adams were lp( qitf at the end oj" the first
term, qnd so will Martin Van, Qureni
IP.lrI.?5nt &(?., has a population of 29,263.
Whites, 13,027.
The Georgia election took place, on the 5th in