Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, October 09, 1840, Image 1

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    l in imi iLin pj i i.i. .. i i ijl. , 'i.. ..lULWliililii I ii'jyii,iui.i, miw,i..'j'.-iwrmi",iLr.. '.i iij-lmihim.! -ni m-.-. i 'uuutu -k-u ! r n i . i i mi' .mm ujl i in nil i . - -a--.. '.- e- ; - - :ab
ISlcIiavtl BTugcntj Editor
. Jefferson.- . -.-f:J'" Sin
Tr," v: ,i
uMin r 'ii,L u--fjtiacAmaAi!Ji5
TERMS Tu-n dollars ncr annum in advance Two dollars
land a quarter, half yearlv, and if not paid before the end of
Ithe wir tv-.i .lnJlnrs and a half. Those who receivi; thuir n.i-
-- ... - -
ipors oy a earner or siage uuia ujiijmiyuu uy me proprietor,
bvill be nhnrerd 37 1-2 ct$. ncr year, extra.
ao pajvrs .useonanuca uniu au arrearages are paiu, except
i uie onr.on 01 uio liiumr.
irT'AiWcrusements not oxceedintr one sauare f sixteen lines
ivill be inserted tlree weeks for one dollar ':hventv-fivn c.pntx
lorttvrrv sHosoauoni msBnion : larsror nnns n nrnnnrt n:i
liberal discount be made to yearly advertisers.
lCrAii letiers auarcssca to tnc Jiaitor must bCTost paid.
Having a general assortment of large elegant plaiitfand orna
uicmi a w uru prepareu to execute ever-ues- .
cription of "
Curtis, Circulars, BiSI 25oals, 2otes.
JBIauK Jilecclpts,
Printed with neatness and ilesntch, on rcusonablc terms.,
The Trustees of this Institution, liave 'the
pleasure of announcing to the public, and par-
:niariy to tne inonas 01 education, mat they
have engaged Ira B. Newman, as Superinleii-
ient and rnncipal of their Academy.
I he I rustees invite the attention of parents
tad guardians, who have children to send from
honw, to tiiis Institution. They are fitting up
Ithe building in the first style, and its location
rom its retiretl nature is peculiarly favorable
lor r boarding chool. It commands a beauti
ful view of ifee Deiaware river, near which. it
is aituatd, and th sttrrounding scenery sticli
is the lover m nature will admire it is easily
nircessiii ih Eaatoii and MiMbra Stages pass
lace .aad a-nKne saluorio'a section of coun
try c ..1 u.iwnepe be Iouik!. ao lours need be
piiu rurtHuitfWK pupiis will coFttract pernicious
liahita, rb'5sedocflJ ,imo vicious company- it
is re WvrtlWali atibaas of resort aud i those
:iL4.v:neni-4e--mgbct- Aifove titdies that are
: nnMsttetf. m latfte .uwas and Tiitare .
ioar 1 can be-e&iaHied very kw aedn.ear lite
Ac ay. .nr. -Daniel W. Uiagmasi. -jrwill ;
hkii evor HoardfTSj Ja$ house i very coave-
iUi:i!,. and staidje.nts srill there be undar.theJmr
iMitii cjtre trf tb Pr in ciai. whose reputa-
f. i.i. 1tprtmearndariianship overkispu
piis, affWrtFthe best security fdr their proper
conduct, th tlie Trustees can give ibfj3parents
and gnartftihs demand. '
The donrse 6f instruction wrll2l?e thorough
ajapiexi w toe age 01 ine pupil ana uie time
lie desigfls"t6 spfcHd in litaraty pursuits. Young
men may qualify AajpSf&l'vlfs for entering upon
. i j - - i . n .'i
es, uevertueiess so mucti ot ttia iauer atiendeu
..... ..v..t.. jl uiuio uiu tiuiuiu uvi'un
neni wm be under the immediate sunenntend
; The subscriber grateful for past favors, would
;thanic his friends and the public generally, for
their kind encouragement, and would beg leave
to inform them that he is now manufacturing a
large assortment of Umbrellas and Parasols
which he offers for sale at Philadelphia and
New York prices.
Merchants will find it to their advantage to
give him a call beloro purchasing in the cities.
He would state that his frames are made by
himself, or under Iiis immediate inspection, and
that ho has secured the services nfnn nvnpri-
fenced young lady, to superintend the covering
,N. B. As the subscriber keeps everything
prepared tor covering and repairing, persons
from the country can have their Umbrellas and
Parasols repaired and covered at an hour's no
tice.- '
401-2, Northampton Street next door to R.S.
Chidseys Tin ware manufacturing Establish
Easton, Julyd, 1840.
AT AIrSBfeS A?T' UI?OiIsk,
The Weather aim its effects. One dav we have
90 degrees of heat in the shade; the next 50. Thus,
one day the perspiration is streaming from every
pore ; the next day all are nearly closed. Even
those who have a healthy disposition of body, are
subject1 to siekncss under these circumstances.
Therefore to prevent any dancer, we ought care
fully to guard against a COSTIVE STATE OF
OUll BOWELS. Once or twice they must be
evacuated in 21 hours. If this is not effected
naturally, medicine must be resorted to J3RAN
DRETH'S PILLS must be taken: then there will
b'e.iio danger. Do not think that Eysx a daiia" use
of these Pills will weaken cr debilitate 1 They' do
not. On the contrary, the functions of the stomach
are restored, the bowels cleansed and strengthen
ed; the appetite and digestion improved. And
common sense tells us we are better able to with
stand continued heat, or sudden changes than we
should be, were we oppressed by a load of impure
humors in tl e blood, always the occasion of every
variety of disorder. Often a sudden dysentery
occurs. Should there be a cause for this, and ft
does not take place, then, the blood is made the
receiver of those humors, which should have been
discharged by the bowels. Under tnese circum
stances, which may be known by exceeding drow
siness, and great fatigue on the least exertion,
vegetable purging must be immediately and ener
getically practised, or these humors form a lirifng
or deposite in the blood vessels which may pro
duce epilepsy, apoplexy, consumption, &c- &o.
It must be, however, borne in mind that even in
dysentery and disorders of the bowels, that BRA$
DETH'S PILLS are indispensable. They re
move those peccant humors which produce these
affections, before they have time- to produce gan
grene or any other fatal effect.
Sometimes the blood is so loaded" with humors
that it becomes in a fermentation, being that state
of the body called fever, which is nothing more
Days of my youth, ye have glided away;
Hairs of my youth, yo-are frosted and gray
Eyes of my youth, your keen sight is no more;
Cheeks of my youth, ye arc furrow'd all o'er;
Strengh of my youth, all your vigor is gone;" "
Thoughts of my youth, your gay visions are flown.
Days of my youth, I wish not your recall:
Hairs of my youth, I'm content ye should fall; '
Eyes of my youth, you much evil have seen;
Cheeks of my youth, bathed in tears have you been;
Thoughts of my youth, you have led me astray;
Strength of my youth, why lament your decay?
Days of my age, ye will shortly be past;
rains of my age, yet awhile ye can last;
Joys of my age, in true .wisdom delight;
Eyes pf my age, be religion your light:
Thoughts of my ago, dread ye not the,cold sod;
Hopes of my age, be ye fix'd on your God.v
3T2ie "Srar2creil if raveiier.
nv BRYANT. . -
When spring to woocls and wastes around,
Brought bloom and joy again, ' ;
The murder'd travellers bones were found, -Far
down a narrow- Men. - .-
The fragrant birch, abpve him, hung , .
Her tassels in theskv; :
And many a vernal blossom sprung,1'' V -'.
And nodded, careless, by. " ' tSH
- ' J ... . s-jga'r
The red-bird warbled, as he wrought5 ''w-'
His hanging nest o'erhead, . -':
And fearless near the fatal spot,
Her young the partridge led..-.
iu vi fftTen to vounsr ladies on the r'lano
matters, ihts is, in fact, a call upon Reason, to
ncclst lhr n:1iirnl rimnfinric witli nnwriiMr miflii'no
gtTcn to voung ladies on the Piano i r. , .r' , ...l..6..,,
I .ue at the boarding house of the principal, by s the80 10 and restore the body to a state
ot perfect health,
u 1 r none need andaccomDlished IrTstnictress.
i "
S ier Session commences Mav 4th.
L)ara mr itu?ig uemieman or ijaetess witn
theMpncipal, per week, J$i 50
PumP"fr4m 10 to 15 years of age Jfrom !1 io
1 ' ' -f i 'o
Tu.kion for. the Classics, BIi''LettrJos,fb;rencb
&c, per qaarter, . . 2 00
"Evtra for mukC per quarter, 5 00
A. L. Aparticutar coursse m study will be
marked out for thtse wheiA .qualify them-
seLvos lor Lkutunon Sohoe'l 1 oiwaots, . with ' ref
erence to that object, ; appkcaliDii Vtide ulor
teachers to the trustees or principal will- .meet
i;n nediate atterjjfcjon, . - . .
L;cturos on the varioM3 siibjestfiicmlyHwil
be delivered by aide speakers,- tlirough.tht
course of year. ;: . -
By order of the Board, . '
Ding-naa's Ferry, Pike co., Pa;,' May;2 HMO
The Boole of Subscription u the St6clr-bf the
1 pper JjetHirn Maviffaaon Company, wilL be re
opened aSioddartvtlle, ofi Wiadnesday, tl;e?rO,th
day f Jaly eisiing, whsn fsjabscriptioris viHlcr
received fur the balance of stock which" rpmjjins
lioiieii Will leet a'broaH df Dtclort. "'
. " CWlos Trump, ; " ;
r 1. .,fm b '
; ' ' '.'-if
, IBM.
. N. B. Prroasafe wft beyefred di SWfildarts
vii-.e oi lbwsdy ths 16tK dafef iTulycnsujnjj.
flr I t'-je. Wfrk tytiiei whflif' Ar udo? Xflkvu
i-l by builfoftf: lf)c ma inelujed phine-Avitfihc
1. essary grading, Hxlurei and .machinery' fot
passing rafls WQftding the I,ebigh pJLlieFalls
a; Sto-idartuvilie. It is expected fwl 'le -rxyprk
will be coinDiaupj.jwL(1souji za praplicablea"nS bj?
compWted.vyifedpjjpjkeli. r. . r: w;.iAlrr f
It is at all times easier to prevent than to cure
disease, because by taking a preventive .couso we
do not debilitate the natural functions of the body,
but rather strengthen, and assist them. The pe
culiar action of
Brandretli's Vegetable Universal Pills,
is to cleanse the blood from all impurities, remove
every cause of pain or weakness, and
in such a state of health and vigor so that casual
changes cannot effect it.
. DK. BRANDRETH'S Principal Office for
the sale of his Pills, is 241, Bioadway, oppo
site the Park, New-York.
Philadelphia Office is No. -8, North. Eighth
street. ,
Remember the under mentioned, arc the
only authorised agents for the sale of BRAN-
PILLS. Purchase of them only in Monroe
and Pike counties.
" Stroudsburgh, RICHARD S. STAPLES
" Dutottsburg, LUKE BRODHEAD.
' New Marketville, TROXEL & SCHOCH.
" Dingman's Ferry, A. STOLL & Co.
" Bushkill, PETERS & LA BAR.
Remember if you purchase of any other per
son or persons in Monroe and Pike Counties
Vpu will be sure to obtain a Counterfeit.
August M, 3 840. ly. ' '
i1 " - -r-r .
But there was weeping far' a wayj t -
And gentle eyes, for him, , ' rt."p :.
' ' 1111 h-iuuj .luauy .ui;anxious.aay,.wi!lfi
urewsorrowiul and dim.
They little knew, who loved him soV
The leartut death he met. :
When shouting o'er the desert snow; "J"
is or how, when round the-frosty -pole
The northern dawn was red; ' '
The mountain wolf, and. 'wild-cat stole ,-l ,v
To banquet on the doad;' . .'
, u.
Ivor how, when strangers .found his bones, V -
They dress'd the hasty bier . . .
And mark'd his grave with namelcsstones, .,.
.Unmoisteivd hy a tear. .
But long they look'd, and foar'di and wept '
Within Ins distant home, - i
And drcam'd, and started as they slept,
For joy that he was come- ,
So long they look'd but never spiedtV.
His welcome step again,
Nor knew the fearful death he died.
Far down that narrow glen. ' - 3
(concluded.) -
And every turf beneath their fcotj
After adjusting his arms, therefore,,he yet for a
moment lingered stepped forward; and back
again paused and musingly hesitated. At
length he ran bak to the embrace of his bride,
imparted another parting .kiss upon her- pale
and trembling lips spoke not a word", as he
tore himself finally away. il The' next hour,"
to quote the words of Charles Miner " there
was not a soldier that marched to the field with
more cheer ful alacrity."
But alas! If he' had entertained any gloomy
forebodings, they were but too fatally realized.
In their flight, Hibbard and Carey took to a
field of rye, tall, and ready for the sickle. The
former, being in advance, broke- tho patli for
his junior comrade ; and, in doing so, by the
lime they had crossed the field, he became fa
tigued almost to exhaustion. Their object was
to escape to the island already mentioned ; but
the Indians were in" hot pursuit, and Hibbard
was overtaken just as he had gained the sandy
beach, and ere he could reach the stream. He
turned to. defend: himself, -but in the same in
stant fell transfixed by the spear of his dusky
Young ..Carey was more forrunate. Having
been less fatigued in the rye -field than his com
panion who had broken the way, he was ena
bled to continue his flight farther down the riv
er, before he attempted crossing to the island.
The Indians, however, watching his move
ments, swam the river above more rapidly than
himself, and he reached the island only to be
come their prisoner. He was then compelled
to recross the river by swimming, and carried
back to Fort Wintermoot. This defence had
been fired by the enemy themselves, and was
yet in flames when Carey reached it. Ihel
painfullness ot the scene was increased by the
sight of the bodies of one or more of his neigh
bors, which had been thrown upon the burning
" By the smoke of their ashos to poison the gale :M
but whether they had been thus disposed of be
fore or after death, be could not tell. He had
been stripped to his skin before leaving the
island, and was threatened with being ripped
up by menacing strokes of the scalping knife.
But his life was reserved for another destiny.
Tt appeared that his captor was Captain Roland
Mountour, of whose mother an account was
given in a preceding number. After passing the
night bound to the earth, he was accosted the
next morning by Col. John Butler himself, who
reminded the stripling of a threat he had made
on the preceding day, that " he would comb
the Colonel s hair, which throat had been re
peated to the Tory commander. Montour then
came and unbound him, and after giving him
some iood, led him to a young Indian warrior.
who was dving. A conversation ensued be
tweeii the captor and the dying warrior, which
Carey did not then understand. It afterward
appeared that Montour was negotiating with
the 3roung warrior for the adoption of Carey by
the Indian's parents, after the custom of those
people, as a substitute for the son they were
then losing. - The young dying warrior assent
cd to tho arrangement, and the life of the pris
oner was saved. He was painted, and received
the name of him whose place he was destined
to take in the Indian family Coconeunquo
of the Onondaga tribe.
On the retreat of the enemy, Carey was ta
ken into the Indian country with them, and
.handed over to the lamily ol which he had
But though
lUic Carding and FulHne business, will-be .car
ried en by -the subscriber at the above named-stand
and he would be pleased to receive the patronage
of his old customers and the piiblick generally, 1
wie price 01 wool carping will be 4 cents cash or G
:et.ts trust per pound- Wool or cloth will be at-
ken awav and returned when fiinshed at J. D. &
C. 3nlvin's store, Stroudsburg, on " Saturday of
every week, where Those indebted to the late firm,
can meet the subscriber and setlletheir.. accounts.
.wbjiiljJ&ne 1st, :. a j
Shall bo a solUior's sepulchre. . , ,
Among the sunivors of the Wyoming mas
sacre, yet lingering .in that lovely valley:, are now became a reluctant member.
Mr. fcnmuel.Uarcy.and a Mr. Baldwin. Prom treated with kindness by tne Indians, ho was
the lips ot the latter we recived many details too old 10 be broken into their habits of life
of the fatal affair. He assured us of the truth He sighed for his liberty and the associations
ol the aiiecling incident related in a former of his own kindred and people. His new pa
number, respecting the murder of a man who, rents saw that he was not likely to become a
Dy casting away ins arms, had. ellected a re- contented child, and as consequently the place
treat by swimming the river, to Monockanock was not filled of the one they had lost, they
Island, by his own brother. Their name, if we mourned their own son even as David mourned
dp not misremcmber, was Pcnsil, and the vie- for his son Absalom. Mr. Carey gives a touch
tim was slain by . his Toiy brother, while upon ing account of their sorrow. Often did he hear
nis Knees imploring lor mercy. , them, as they awoke at day-break, setting up
iir. uarey, whose name has just been men- their pitiful cry "Oh! oh! oh!" for their son
Honed, was nine'leen years old at the timo of And as the sun sank to rest behind tho purple
the battle, and is, of course, now upwards of hills at evening, they would repeat the samo
eighty. uc belonged to Laptain BidlackV wailing lament.
company, forming a part of the left wing of the He resided with this family in the Indian
line, which, as we have seep, was first out- country more than two years, after which he
flanked, and thrown into confusion. In the was, taken to. Niagara, where he remained until
flight which dnsued lie was accompanied by tlid end of tho war, and the surrender of tho pris
Zipper -Hibbard, his file-leader in the line, oners. It was on tho 29th of June, 1784, that
Hibbard was also a young man, remarkable for he once more found himself in the bosom of the
the hdight and beauty pf his form, as well as for vale of Wyoming. He subsequently married.
his great strength and superior agility. In all Ihoresa Gore, a daughter ot Captain Daniel
the athletic sports among the settlers he was a Goro, who was'himself in the battle, and live
leader, and such wero his muscular powers, of whose brothers and brothers-in-law were
Hp has resided in the valley- ever since,
10 lived to engage 111 Hio Ulympic games of and although the morning ol his li(o was stormy
d'asic u recce, he won u doubtless o ten hnvnlanu sad. vet. surrounded hv inn sons and t auirh-
- 1 j- 1 - a
won the crown. . tcrs and their descendants, its evening is tran-
He had iiist been married at the time of the quil and serene, There wero two other Careys
invasion, and tradition reports the parting scene engaged in the battle, Joseph and Samuel, both
from his'youthfurbride to have been one of ton- of whom' fell. But they were of another fami
der interest. Fear was a stranger to his breast: 1'. The family of the Samuel Carey, of whom
. 1 1; 1. . 1 r , . 1 . ... r .1.
inn mere were lies oinuing mm o nis uorac wc nave given somo account, were irum me
which could not bo. severed but with a severe county of Dutchess in the State ol Now lorK
struggle. He knew, lrom the superiority of the A brief history of another family ol sulierers
enomy'sj fqreo that the battle would be fougm will close the present number.. Among tho par
upon unequal terms, and perhaps his ,mind Was ly settlors of tho valley vas a respectable map,
clouded with a presentiment that he should not named tfnhn Abbott, who. at tho time
return from the field he was preparing to mr vasion. had'a family consisting of a wife and
nine children. There was but a single field
piece in the valley", which was kept at the little
lort of Vilkcsbarrc, tobe'usedas an alarm gun.
On the approacbof danger, it wa3 announced
from its brazen throat, and the inhabitants obey
ed the signal by rallying for the common defence.
When the news of the invasion by the Tories
and Indians reached Wilkesbarre Abbott was
at work with his oxen upon the flats, whence
he was summoned by tho well-known sound of
alarm. Though the liiiSband and parent 'o'fhnne
young children, the eldest of whom was but 1
leven years old, all depending upon his labotr-?
for support, might well have been excuseclffrom
going into battle, yel he sought no excuse:-' Thy
danger was imminent, and with as much alac
rity as his neighbors behastcnedfromih&plQiigh
into the battle-field. In the retreat lie succeed
cd, by the aid of a comrade, for hp. could J!not
swim, in crossing to Monockanock Ibland,ond
thence to the main land on the cast of the. rvar,
and was thus enabled to. effect his escape,. 1
In the flight of the inhabitants from the-'jaL
ley, Mr. Abbott removed his family, down th
Susquehanna sixty miles, to Simbury;-buuhav-ing
left his properly behind his Hocks and
herds for he was an opulent farmer for thoso
days and his fields wavingwiih a rich burdeji
of grain nearly ready for the harvest, he return
ed to look after the fruit of his labors. Thi?
measure Avas indeed necessary Tlfor -thefipwduct
of his farm was his only dependance for the sup
port of his family. But sad was the spectach
meeting his view on his return. His. house and
his barn had been burnt, his cattle slaughtered
or driven away, and his fields ravaged. The
gleaningscnly remained to require his attention.
These he attempted to gather, but in doing so,
while engaged in the field with a neighbour
named Isaac Williams, they were shot by a
party of Indians stealing upon them unawares,
scalped, and left dead upon the spot.
The widow with.licr helpless charge, being
now entirely destitute, was compelled to seek
her way back to Hampton, an Eastern town- in
Connecticut, whence they had emigrated, " ajlis
tance of more than three hundred miles, m tcfot
penny leas, heart-broken, and depctrd'atinrptin
charity for subsistence. But the journey-$as
surmounted without loss of life or limb, and the
widowed Naomi was not more kindly received
by the people of Bethlehem, on her return from
the land of Moab, than were Mrs. Abbott and
her infant chaige by their former friends and
neighbors. She remained at Hamptonfur sev
eral years after the troubles were over. and. un
til her sons were grownup. Returning fhen to
the valley and reclaiming successfully tne es
tate of her husband, she settled thereon with
her family, married a celebrated wit namedjSte
phen Gardiner, and continued to reside there
until her deccaie. Her son, Stephen Abbott,
an independent and respectable farmer, still re
sides upon the eastern margin of the Susquehan
na, opposite the site of Fort Forty.
TIsc Saib-lTreasiiry. '
The Sub-Treasury Scheme has been called
by the loco-focos, " Indcpendant Treasury" and
the signature of Martin Van Buren on the 4th
July styled a " Second Declaration of Independ
ence." Truly a " Declaration of Independence"
it is ; separating the people and thef people's
money putting the latter into the hands of the
President and giving him the unconditional
power, over it. But as it Is necessary "that it
should have signers, we give the following, as
suggested by the New York American5:-"
Namcs of the signers of the New DccVaralionof
SAMUEL SWARTWOUT,. $1,255,70.5 ,9
J. T. Canby, . v . 39,013,31
Willis W. Greene, . , 2,312 13
R. R. Call, . . 9,255 30
Little bury Hawkins,, , 2 ViODJOO 00
vnuy r. n arris, iuv,iio,,uu
S. Chambers, 'I2,f14.6 27
P,258 28
43'i494l 04
50,957 23
-fl0620 29
,3jt,"3-,315 76
BT.Wl33 70
Mr. Cannon,
J. W. Stevenson,
G. D. Boyd,
Samuel W. Bell,.
B. F. Edwards,
R. R. Sterling,
W, Dickson,
M. S. Mitchell,
A. W. Jones,
P. Childress,. .
J. H. Owens,
Win. Lion,
Samuel T. Scott,
John S. Daniels,
James S. Pollock,
M. J. Allen, '
R. T. Brown, - . :
Timothy Upham?
William M. Paiorij
Robert Arnold, ' . :
John P. Decatur ,
Humphrey Pcake,Ja t ,
John Brewster,
Joseph Aborn,,,
A. S. Thurston.ifvU.
T F IV'l ' r i nunlin t1-!
A. W. M'Dahiel,
wrdm 99
2 V,fe dfcr
i 4 v
'io; ,
30.1 64
lfB90 47
7,702 45
, 593 99
jinu int. uut ia aiii.i. vtit. 1 itUi :
9 -