x RicliarU Wugeut, Editor The whole art ov Government consists invtheart op being honest. Jefferson ' .. ' - -and'" I'uSjl&IsW VOL. I. STROUDSBURG. MONROE COUNTY, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1840; and; JEFFERSON IAN REPUBLICAN. TERMS. Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars a Quarter, half yearly, and it not pam before the end of the roar. Two dollars and a half. 1 hose who receive their ra- iRers by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor, rwili be charcca j cis. per u;ir, cxira. No pancrsdiscontinucsl until all arrearages arc paid, except t the ontion of the Editor. ir7Advcrtisements not exceeding one sauarc f sixteen lines! Kvill be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twcntv-five cents for everv subsequent insertion ; larger ones in.proportion. A libera discount will be made to yearly advertisers. ur.ul letters aaarcssed to the bailor must be post paid. JOB PRINTING. - . 'llaring a general assortment of large- elegant plain and orna- mental type, we are prepared to execute every des cription of Cards, Circulars, rBiii Heads, IVotes, Khuxlc Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER IS&ANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Pnnted wiUi neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms. The Trustees of this Institution, have the pleasure of announcing to the public, and par- nlarlv to the friends of education, that they have engaged Ira B. Newma.v, as Superinten dent and Principal of their Academy. The Trustees invite the attention of parents find guardians, wbo have children to send from home, to this Institution. They are fitting up ihe omlding in the first style, and its location , from its retired nature is peculiarly favorable Kor a boarding school. It commands a beauti ful view of the Delaware river, near which it Lis situated, and the surrounding scenery such Pas the lover of nature will admire it is easily iccessible the Easton and Milford Stages pass tit dailv, and only S miles distant from the latter place, and a more salubrious section of coun try can nowhere be found. No fears need be entertained that pupils will contract pernicious Fhabits, or be seduced into vicious company it is removed from all places of resort and those 'inducements to neglect their studies that are furnished in large towns and villages. Board can be obtained very low and near the Academy. Mr. Daniel W. Dingman, ir. will take several boarders, his house is very conve nient, and students will there be under the im mediate care of the Principal, whose reputa tion, deportment und guardianship over his pu pils, afford thebest security lor their proper conduct, that the Trustees can give or parents i and guardians demand. The course of instruction will be thorough adapted to the age of the pupil and the time he designs to spend i&hterarT pursuits. Young nen mav quahfy-rthemselves for entering upon the study of the4eaifred professions or for an Ivanced stand at College for mercantile pur suits, for teaching orthe business of common fife, useful will be pleTerred to ornamental stud- s, nevertheless so much of the latter attended as the advanced stages of the pupil's educa tion -will admit. The male and female depart- nent will be under the immediate superintend- lence of the Principal, aided by a competent n ile or female Assistant. Lessons in music will be given to young ladies on the Piano irte at theboarding house of the principal, bv Ian experienced and accomplished Instructress. Su.ii.ner Session commences May. 4th. EXPENSES. Board for Young Gentleman or Ladies with the Principal, per week, SI 50 P-upils from 10 to 15 years of age from SI to $1 25 Tuition far the Classics, Bcllcs-Lettros, French &c.,per quarter, 2 00 Extra for music, per quarter, 5 00 I. B. A particular course of study will be marked out tor those who wish to qualify them selves tor Common School I cachers with ref- erence to that object ; application made lor teachers to the trustees or principal will meet tm nediate attention, Lectures on the various subjects of study will through He o.uvcreu ry auie speauer3f bourse of year. Bv ordoroftho Board, " . DANIEL W. DINGMAN. the Pres't :rv:m:fs Ferry, Pike co., Pa., May" 2 1810 NOTICE. The Boo!: of Subscription to tho Stock of the ppcr Lehigh Navigation Company, will be rc- kvunei it Stoddartsville, on Wednesday, the 15th lay ol July ensuing, when subscriptions will bo received lor the balance ot stock which remains yot open. t tho same tunn and place the Stock- hoiuirs will elect a. board of Directors. Charles Trump. John S. Comfort, . Henry W. Drinkei William P. Clark, Commissioner Jane lfi, 1S40. N". B. Proposals will be received atStoddarts- vii.a on Thursday the 16th day of July ensuing, for doi.ig the work oithcr-whollv or in iobs, requi re 1 by buil ling a lock and inclined plane with the ric-.essiry grading, fixtures and machinery foi passing rafts descending tb Lehighaver the Falls t Stoddartsvills. It-is expected that the work .viU be commenced as soon as practicable and be jcomnlettxLwithiidaspnt'eh. WyoKsSasg' 'SZtctcIies. (continued.) "If misfortune conies, she brings along The bravest virtues. And so many great Illustrious spirits have conversed with wo Have in her school been taught as are enough To consecrate distress, and malic ambition E'en wish the frown beyond the smile of fortune." Considering the extent of the slaughter in the battle and massacre of Wyoming, the number of the survivors of that fatal day yet lingering this side of the grave is much greater than we had expected toJind. And the still larger number of the immediate descendants of those who fell, yet inhabiting the valley, was also a source of surprise. Both circumstances speak well for the place and the people proving the salu brity of the climate, and the good taste and do mestic habits of those who enjoy it. Having refreshed our minds with the general history of the valley, our next desire was to traverse it, and visit the battle field, and the sites of the old forts, and also to pay our respects to some of the survivors of the dreadful scenes we have been describing. Our arrangements for this purpose were faeilitafed by the worthy gen tleman heretofore named, Mr. Charles Miner, who, with his excellent lady, joined our little party in the excursion. "And who is Mr. Mi ner?" perhaps some querulous reader may be disposed to inquire. He is an able man, and withal one of the most amiable and hospitable. Charles Miner is a native of Norwich, Connec ticut, and emigrated to the valley of Wyoming in the year 1779 being then nineteen years of age. He first engaged in school teaching. Having a brother, a year or two older than him self, who was a practical printer, he invited him to join him in his sylvan retreat, and estab lish a newspaper. The brother did so; and the twain conjointly established one." J This one was subsequently superseded by "Tho Glean er," but under the same editorial conduct that of Charles Miner. It was through the columns of the Gleaner that Mr. Miner, for a long series of months, instructed and amused the American people by those celebrated essays of morals and wit, of fact and fancy and dedicate humor pur porting to come "From the Desk of Poor Rob ert, the Scribe," and which were very general ly republished in the newspapers. The Glean er and its editor became so popular, that the lat ter was invited to Philadelphia, as associate editor of the "Political and Commercial Regis ter," so long and favorably known under the conduct of the late Major Jackson. Not liking the metropolis, however, Mr. Mi ner soon retired to the pleasant town of West chester, 18 miles from Philadelphia, where, in connexion with his brother Asher, who had al so removed from Wilkesbarre, he established ! the Village Record a paper which became as popular for its good taste, and the delicacy of its humor, as the Gleaner had been aforetime. Poor Robert here wrote again under the signa ture of "John Harwood." While a resident of Westchester, Mr. Miner was twice successive ly elected to Congress, in a double district, asa colleague of the present Senator Buchanan- then a high-toned federalist now the very pink ot democracy. And sucti democracy! While in Congress Mr. Miner showed him self not only as a useful, but as an able member. On the subject of slavery he took a deep inter est, laboring diligently in behalf of those ration al measures for its melioration, which were" do inggreat good before theabolition wild-fire broke out, and paralysed the rational efforts of ration al men. There is another act for which Mr. Miner deserves all praise. It was he who a wakened the attention of the country to the silk growing business. He drew and introduced the first resolution upon the subject, and wrote the able report which was introduced by Gene ral Van Rensselaer, as chairman of tho commit tee on agriculture, to whom that resolution had been referred. it is now about six years since Mr. Minor relinquished business in Westchester, and, with his brother, returned to Wyoming, where boll have every promise of spending ihe evening of their daj-s most happily. They have extensive farms, and eight hundred acres of coal-mines, which must ere long become immensely valua ble. But more upon this subject at another time Crossing the Susquehanna from Wilkesbarre, into Kingston, our first visit was to the Reverend Benjamin Bidlac, a clergyman of the Metho dist denomination, who, and his lady, are sur vivors of the memorable scenes of 1778, already uescnoeu. wc tounu the venerable man sit ting m his arm-chair, and although between eighty and ninety years of age, of clear and sound mind. Ho is of a tall and athletic form. of intellectual and stronglynarked features, and in the full pride of manhood his presence must have been commanding. The object of our visit having been made known by Mr. Mi ner, both Mr. and Mrs. Bidlac wero free awl intelligent in their rehearsals of by-gono scenes Mr. Bidlac was not himself in the battle of Wy oming, not being at home at the time of its oc currence. .But ho had a brother, Capt. James Bidlac, jr., in that bloody affair, who bravely full at tho head of his company, only eight of whom escaped tho horrors of that day. He on tered the field with but thirty-two rank and file, t wenty-four of whom were slain, His ' station was near the left wing, but he refused to move from his post, although the greater portion of his comrades had broken and wero in full flight. Their father, James Bidlac, senior, was one of the fathers of the settlement; and when the middle-aged portion of their population was drawn away by enlistment in the continental army, the old gentleman commanded a corps of aged men, exempts, and kept garrison in one of their little forts, called Plymouth. Benjamin, the aged patriot whom we were now visiting, went early into the regular service, lie was with Wash ington in the vicinity of Boston, in . the summer ol 1775. His term of enlistment expired in 1777, whereupon he returned to his parental home, and for a season engaged in the most hazar- dous and fatiguing service of the border. En gaging again in the regular service, he contin ued in the army until the effectual conclusion of the war by the brilliant cot quest of Lord Cornwallis, at Yorktown, in the siege of which fortress he participated. Speaking of that af fair one day to Mr. Miner "Our batteries play ed away night and day," said he with anima tion: "It was an incessant blaze and thunder roar and flash. Midnight was lighted up' so that you might pick up a glove, almost anywhere about the works." In 1779, the year subsequent to the massa cre, during a sudden irruption of the Indians, Mr. James Bidlac the father was seized and car ried into captivity, nor did he obtain a release until the close of the war, He also lost another son in battle before the contest. The old gen tleman died about thirty years ago. It is many years since Benjamin became a minister of the Gospel. From his great age he no longer offi ciates in that capacity, but it is said of his preaching "that he spoke as he had fought, with impressive earnestness, and ardent sincerity." I he venerable consort of Mr. Bidlac is now eighty one years of age, and of course must have been twenty at tho time of the battle. She bears her years exceedingly well, and we found her cheerfully engaged in the domestic duties of the household, and as active as though twen ty years younger. Her maiden name was Gore, a member of the brave family so many of whom fell in the massacre, as related in a former num ber. Five of her brothers and two brothers-in-law went into the battle, and her father, who had been commissioned a magistrate in the pre ceding spring, by Governor Trumbull, was one of the aged men left for the defence of Fort Forty, while Col. Z. Butler marched forth to meet the enemy. Five of her "brothers were left dead on the field, and a sixth was wounded. She was herself taken prisoner in Fort Wyo ming, and one of the Indians placed his' mark upon her as a protection. She stated that after the capitulation the Indians treated the prison ers kindly, although they plundered them of ev ery thing except the clothes they had on. Some of the females, in order to save what they could, arrayed themselves in three or four dresses. On discovering the artifice, however, the In dians compelled them to disrobe, by threats of having their throats cut. But although enjoying the protection of her Indian captors, such were their apprehensions for the future, that MrsffBj'd.lac fled from the valley nine days afterward and crossed the fearful forests and fens ofifthc Pocono Tange oft mountains to Stispydsburg, taking an infant, or young sister, skwftlfher. Two of her brothers' of Fort Forty, where the little aimy marched forth to the attack. It stood upon the bank of the river, and the spoC is preserved as a com mon beautifully carpeted with green; but bear ing no distinctive marks denoting the purposes for which the ground in those troublous times was occupied. Still we regarded it as a con secrated place a spot that had been hallowed in the days of yore by the blood of freemen. From thence we proceeded a couple of miles farther north, to the village called Troy, the house in which Colonel Dennison's family re sided, having b&en pointed out on the way. It is an edifice of ancient aspect, painted red, and embosomed by venerable trees. Colonel Dennison, it will be recollected, was the seeond in command on the fatal day of the battle. He was in command of tho left wing when it broke and fled. Nearly every histo rian who has written upon the subject has cen sured Colonel Dennison, if not for his conduct in ibe battle, at least for the capitulation. But an accurate knowledge of the events of the day, and. the trying circumstances in which he found himself on the day following, when, from the necessary retreat of Colonel Z. Butler, the comtna.nd had devolved upon him, will con vince any reasonable man that these censures were most unjust. It must bb borne in mind that it was militia, and not regulars, he was commanding. And what officer ever yet succeeded in rallying, and bringing again into line, a band of flying militia with a cloud of savages upon their heels? When lie capitulated, he was in a defenceless stock ade fort, filled with women and children, and surrounded by a savage and victorious foe. But it was not true, as is stated in the books the life of Brant excepted that when he de manded upon what terms he might be allowed to surrender, the reply was "The hatchet" and that he thereupon capitulated uncondi tionally, leaving the women and children to a mereiless horde, of barbarians. On the con trary, the terms he made were honorable, and with the dead. The inmates of the fort could distinctly hear the firing, from the commence ment of the battle. At first, from the briskness, they were full of high hopes. But as it began to change into a scattered fire, and the sounds grew nearer a-nd nearer, their hearts sunk with the apprehension that the day was lost, and their defenders on the retreat." The suspense was dreadful, and was sustained until nearly night-fall, when a few of the fugitives rushed into the fiirf; and fell down, wounded, exhaust ed and bloodv ! - ' Mrs. Myers was present at the capltuiattoi on the following day, and sa(v the 'victorious entrance of the enemy, six abreast, withdrums beating and colors flying. The terms of capit ulation were fair and honorable, but the Indians nevertheless immediately began to rob, plunder, burn, and destroy. Col. Dennison, according to the relation of Mrs. Myers, as noted b;y Mr. Miner, sent for Col. John Butler, the' British commander. They sat down together by a ta ble on which the capitulation had been signed, (yet carefully preserved by Mrs. Myers.) Shu and a younger girl sat on a seat within the fort, close by, and heard every word they uttered Col. Dennison complained of the injuries and outrages then enacting by tht savages. I it was not his fault that the articles were vie lated in regard to the plunderings and burnings brandishing of a tomahawk over of the Indians. Colonel Dennison was a gen- compelled his acquiescence not, will put a stop to it, sir I will put a stop to it' said Col. Butler. But the plundering continu ed, and Butler was again seut for by Col. Den nison, who remonstrated sharply with him at the violation of the treaty. " We have sur rendered our fort and arm3 to you," said Col. Dennison, " on the pledge of your faith that both life and properly should be protected. Ar ticles of capitulation are considered sacred by all civilized people," " I tell you what, sir," replied Col. Butler, waving his hand emphat ically, "I can do nothing with them: 1 can do nothing with them." And probably he could not, since the Indians, in the end, had the au dacity to strip Col. Dennison himself of his hat and rifle-frock, (a dress then often worn by th officers.) Col. D. was not inclined to submit peaceably to this additional outrage, but tho his head however. tleman of highly respectable talents, and of until, during (he parley, the colonel had adriotly liberal, and, we believe, collegiate attainments, transferred his purse to ohe ol the young i. no was regaraeu dv all who served with or cues nresent. unooserveu ov me inaians. in: ti J - - r knew him, as a brave and faitful officer. After purse contained only a few dollars bin il v, the close of the war, he held various important in fact the whole military chest of Wyom'nig. cival appointments under the authority of Penn- rs- flyers represents Colbnel John Butler as sylvama, and died at a very advanced age as "aving oeen a poniy good looKing man, oi j er eminent for his sweet and unaffected piety as J1??3 forty-e' dressed in green, the uniform - - i, t.fi .r, i- i ,. 1 j "is corps, with a cap and plumes. lie drew hn he had ever been for his patriotism nonored, .XL ..n., r. . , who fell, Asa and Silas, wero ensigns. The one who escaped, George, was the lieutenant in Capt. Durkee s company, tho station of which was the right wing. Durkee fell, wounded. just at the commence m e nofth e rout, having been shot from a thicKejulfed by Indians, against whom, but a momenf before, ho was cautioned by Gore. " Save yourself, Mr. Gore, my fate is sealed, said the captain, and the tomahawk completed the work that the bullet began. Lieut. Gore succeeded in retreating to a considerable distance, where ho leaped fence, and concealed himself in a clump of bushes. The Indians were close upon him several times, one of whom passed and paused close by his porilous lodgment. In the gray of twilight, after the iurv of the enemy seemed to have spent itself, Gore heard two persons in conversation near tho road where he was ly ing, one of whom, by his voice, he judged to be Colonel John Butler, the enemy's leader. " It has been a hard day for the Yankees," said one of them. " Yes," replied the other, " there has been blood enough shed." Tho name of one of Mrs. Bidlac's brothers-in-law who fell, was Murfee. In tho evening the distress of his wife was very great and rendered still more poignant from the appre hension that he might have been captured, and j would bo put to '.he torture. It was aomo re lief to the bitterness of her anguish, to learn on the following day that he had been killed out right. Mrs. Murfee loo, fled to the mountains, and wandered back to her native place rNor- wich, in Connecticut where a few days after her arrival among her friends, she gave birth to an infant. During a part of Mrs. Bidlac's re citals to us. she was much affected.- It seemed like tearing open the ancient wounds afresh, and she sobed ahd wept. ; I ho next point of observation svas the site ; 1 . I ll Tt 1 1 . , , i.t. m, uu iu una, who thP nnnitn atinn Kilt tht nriDns rpmnmci n inf ot whom yet resides in the valley. 1 he other the settlements, and finished the. work of deatruc died a few years ago, after having served his tion. In about a week after the battle the torch country in the state legislature and in Congress. as simultaneously applied to most of the dwei with ability and honor. nS houses then remaing, and Mrs. Meyers saw We arrived at Trov a nlensnnt villa itn- Bato1 her father m flames among the number. lr. J I C5 Bennett, the father of Mrs. Myers, with his farm ly thereupon fled from the valley to a place of greater security Mrs. Jlyer3 and Mrs. luttie, tne sisters wnn wnom we were conversing, being ated about midway between the site of Fort rorty and the place where the conflict was be gun, l his is an interesting place, as the ene my appear to have halted in this neighborhood among the fugitives". at the close of the massacre. In a filed about Mr. Bennett removed back to Wyoming early in sixty rods East of the highway, is the bloody the following spring,, and was shortly afterward Mr. Hammond, a neighbor, while 1 . .. T "... . . .1 at tvuia 111 buc iiuiu. liiuiuuo muiuuuu wiisiu iSBllfireioiore aescrioea. we nam a visit to tne . j .l. -vr.. .i. 1.. ,u. r.i .m?:.w - j 1 iiiwjirii i n iiirin. uul iiurimr tne iniULUi me aei; tSDOtSand examined the rack. 7t has n rnd. nfl WVfiilWf , 7 I U11U Ul lilllll UUj IIJCJ1 UAJCUIliUll vruo wiwuyiii. IU U. lifleSiK? appearance on one side, which sudden and most unexpected close, a rom a tew Tneisuperstitious believe to have been caused words dropped bv one of the Indians, Mr. Ben- by blood, which winter storms cannot wash nor lsett drew the inference that it was their design to time Wear away. uiurutsr mem. Jie iiiereiuic resuncu, 11 vssiulv, rvfpqr hv thn Kit of Forf Fnrtv ia ihn roc. v." " .... , . . , .w rnn. nn..ni. In , r tha th r.f nut n dr a t n r 1 i t r I mem a icvr iiiuiuciiia tu oianc 111.11 uuio uut ui j. ence Of Mrs. Myers, 3 Widow lady of great Snr?nn- r, nlnn rnrthntn,,rnnSftwnrnnrfirted. Wft age, but of a clear mind and excellent memory, have derived the particulars of the incident from wno is a survivor ot tne Wyoming invasion, Mr. Miner. Mr- Bennett, being in years, was per- and the horrible scenes attending it. Wo cal- mitted to travel unbound. Hammond and the boy led to pay our respects to her,- but were in- were pinioned. At night they ail lay down to formal ilint srin viitfna- hr cioior fn Trmr sleep, except one of the Indians and Mr. Bennett. v t I 1 . . 1 3 i .. i 1 . T. t, -also a survivor of the massacre, though some ' ne iau?r S " lu "rJLX . . , ir ' r bi i .1 fire a-oomg for the night, and having apparently ten years ounger man nerseii. we nau ne made v6r m ag mfortable a3 he could for a "cuau,c UI scuiiij niuiu uuin lugeuie!, auu ui nifflnVs renosf sat h msalf down, and soon atter- spending a most interesting hour in their soci- ward carelessly took the Indian's spear iu his hand, ety. Mrs. Myers was the daughter of a Mr. and began listlessly to play with it upon his lap. Bennett, whose family was renowned in the 1 he Indian now and then cast a nan-suspicious domestic arinafs of Wyoming,- both for their glance upon him, but continued his employment, patriotism and their courage. She was born in m?n fin" 01 P1." Is r a Ly r,m i c . 11 the head of a deer which he had been roasting. 1762, and was of course sixteen years old at The mher InK wearied had d lhe. the time of too invasion. She was m Fort -fiiM in i1R:r blankets, and bv the sounds nro. Forty when Col. Zebulon Butler matched out ceeding from their nasal organs, gave ample evi at the head of the provincials against the ene- dence of being in a deep tslumber. my. Her recollections of all that passed be- The Indian left upon the watch, moreover, be neath her eye on that occasion life remarkably Ran io nod oVor ln'3 supper as though half asleep, vivid. The column marched forth three or Watching his opportunity, therefore, with the r.. U... ,t, i . uu tmicas ui wiu auu ui jwsu, uuu wnn surer ami , four abreast, in good spirits, though not uncon- o.-ni k oa, r.GvA ,..:. scious of the danger they wero to encounter. his own spear, and fell across the burning lors with a groan. JSot an instant was lost in cuius loose the limbs of Hammond and the-lad. Ti." other Indians were in the same breath attacked . tho thrpfi, and the result was that five of the t:w warriors were- slain, and tho sixth rscpetl h'nr Still, they were not apprised of the odds against tnem, since the enemy had most skilfully con cealed their strength. Soon after the departure of rhe provincials, horsemen galloped up from below, their irJj? avvay woundod,the spear sticking in his steeds in a foam, and tho sweat dripping from The victors thereupon returned in triumph to ih,i their sides. They proved to be Capt. Durkee, Lieut. Pearce, and another officer, who, having heard of the invasion, had left the detachment of troops to which they belonged, then distant fifty miles, and ridden all night to aid in tho defence of their wives, their children, and their homes, "A morsel of food and wo will follow," said these bravo men. The table was hastily spead, and they all partook of their last meal. Before the smi went down they wero numbered valleyr bearing as trophies the scalps of the slai; (TO BE CONTINUED.) T-AKirco Something. "Come Dick, will you take something," said a lad about 17 years old, to one of his sronies, as they were standing in front of a grog shop. "No," was the reply, 14 mothqr'i dead ; ar.d she always told nie, if I got drunk the day she died, she'd pull my ears."