Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, September 04, 1840, Image 4

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lei all read the following testimonials
of Harrison's worth.
General Harrison lias done
more for his country with less
compensation font than any man
living. President 3 J a d i s o n.
me loiiowmu: tnmue oi praise
was paid to General Harrison in
18 tl. b It of the officers who
fought under his banner at the
battle of Tippecanoe :
f.'ii ii
"anouiu our country again re
quire our services to oppose a civ
ilized or savage foe, 'we should
march under General Harrison
with the most perfect confidence
of victory and fame."
Joel Cook. .losiah Sneeling,
R. B. Burton, O. G Burton,
Nathan Adams, C. Fuller,
A. Hawkins, G Gooding.
H. Burchstead, J. D. Foster,
Hosea Blood.
To the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives of the United States
I lay before Congress, two let
ters received from Goverror Har
rison of the ndiana Territory, re
porting the particluars and the is
sue of tlu- expedition under his
command, notice ofwhich was ta
ken in mv communication of No
vember 5.
.'"While it. is deeply lamented
that so manv lives have been lost
in the action which took place on
the 7th ultimo, Congress will see
with satisfaction the dauntless
spirit and fortitude displayed by
every description of the troops en
gaged, as well as their collected
firmness which distinguished
their commander on every trying
occasion requiring the utmost ex
ertion of valor and discipline.
James Monroe.
Washington. Dec. 18, 1811.
The Richmond Enquirer, now
now next to the Globe, high in
the confidence of the administra
tion, said :
; General Harrisons letter tells
us everything we wish to know a
bout the ofiirers. except himself,
he does justice to every one but
Harrison and the world must
therefore do justice to the man
who is too modest to do justice to
General Anthony Wayne in
n letter to the Secretary of War
giving an official account of this
sanguinary Indian Battle in 1792,
said :
'My faithful and gallant Lieu
tenant HARRISON rendered me
most essential service by commu
nicating my orders in evrey direc
tton, andbv his conduct and bra
very exciting the troops to press
for victory."
James Madison, in a special
message to Congress in 1811, con
cerning the battle of Tippecanoe
laid :
" While it is deeply lamented
that so many valuable lives have
been lost in the action which took
place, on the 7th ultimo, Copgress
will see with satisfaction;' the
dauntless spirit of fortitude victo
riously displayed by every des
cription of troops engaged, as well
the collected firmness which dis
tinguished their Commander, on
an occasion rcquiring'.the utmost
.ee.Hious of valor ami discipline."
Public Opinion from whose decision there is no
appeal, has been so often and so loudly manifested
MVERSAL PILLS, that it4is not surprising there
should be found in almost every city, town, and
village in the United States, persons so depraved
at Heart, and so utterly devoid of the principal of
moral rectitude, as to manufacture a spurious arti
cle, and palm it off on the unsuspecting public as
the genuine medicine, from the result ofwhich so
many happy results have been accrued to humani
ty, it is painful to think that an inestimable good
should be product of direct and immediate evil
but so it is.
The very excellence of BratidretK's Vegetable
Unwesal Jftlls. has in some respects., opened a spe
sies of high-way through which cupidity and ava
rice carry on their depredations without check &
notwithstanding the frequency of exposure alrea
dy made notwithstanding the indelible disgrace
which has been heaped upon counterfeit druggists
notwithstanding the large amount of human suffer
ing which has been the consequence of this impo
sition and fraud, druggists continue to carry on
this revolting traffic ; and counterfeits are as nu
merous and as varied in the market &s if no de
nunciation had ever beeu made, and public indig
nation never been expressed.
omce, however, this destructive evil still exists,
and neither .the fear of God, nor of earthly punish
ment, can entirely put it down, it becomes my im
perative duty again and again to caution the public
against purchasing pills of a druggist, professing
to be Brandreth's Pills for as under no circum
stances is any of this class made an Agent, it fol
lows of course that the Pills sold at such places
professing to be Brandreths Pills are universally
base counterfeits, highly injurious to the health of
the People.
IEr Established Agents for the Genu ins Joran-
drettfs Vegetable Universal Pills, are Invauuslv
furnished with an engravad certificate, signed, 12.
BRARDRETir, IK. D. in my own hand
writing. This certificate is renewed every year
and when over twelve months old, it no longer
guarantees the genuineness of the medicine. It
would be well, therefore for purchasers carefully
to examine the certificate, the seal ofwhich is neat
lv embossed on the paper, in order at least that the
safeguard of imposition may not at least be suscep
tible ot imitation.
IEP Philadelphia Office for the sale of the above
Valuable Pills is at No. 8 North-eichth Street a
few doors north of Market street.
At Milford uohn H. Brodhead.
" Stroudsburgh, Richard S. Staples.
" Dutottsburg, Luke Brodhead.
" New Marketvile Tkoxell & Schoch.
May 8, 1840.
The Courier is on as firm and independent a ba
sis as any paper issued, at home or abroad, and
its ample means will be always employed to make
it equal, as a FAMILY PAPER, to any journal
The unparalleled patronage, from every section
of the country, is the best evidence of its approval.
It has the largest subscription IN THE WORLD!
Its list embraces over 3-1,000 subscribers, extend
ing from the Lakes to the Ocean, and combining'all
interests and classes of the republic. It is the lar
gest and cheapest journal ever issued!! Each
number of the Courier Contains as much matter
as would fill a 12mo. volume, the cost of which
alone would be price of the paper fora whole year.
The general character of the Courier is well
known. Its columns contain a great variety of
Tales, Narratives, Biographies, Es
says. &c.
Together with articles on
Scitnce, Fne Arts, Mechanics, Mechanics, Agriculture, Man
ufactures, Foreign news, New Publications, Morality, Medi
cine, The Silk Culture, Temperance, Fnraily Circle, Self-Educated
Men, List, of Insolvent Hanks, Letters from Europe, The
Classics. Health, Commerce, Literature, Domestic Intelligence,
Education, Amusements, Facetia, Humorous Poetical Articles.
The Drama, City Matters, Amusiug Miscellany, The Markets,
The Musical World, Correct Prices Current Discount and Ex
change, History, Philosophy.
And all other matters discussed in a Universal
Family Journal furnishing together a vast, and,
we believe, as interesting a variety as can be found
in any other Journal issued in the World ! I
Farmers, Tradesmen, Merchants,
Teachers, Mechanics, Artisans, ullen
of Eeisure, Students, And every class
of our Country.
The COURIER may always be DEPENDED
UPON, as nothing important is permitted to es
cape a notice in its columns.
Our arrangements enable us to draw from the
whole range of the current Literature of Europe,
and our Correspondents at home embrace many
of the best Writers of this country.
This approved Family paper is strictly Neutral
in Politics and Religion, and the uncompromising
opponent of all Quackery.
Popular Music.
In the Courier is inserted the music of the most
popular Airs, Ballads and Songs, as soon as they
are imported . so that country readers may have the
most popular music for the voice, the piano, the
guitar, or other instruments, as soon as published,
which if paid for separately would cost more than
the price of subscription. This perfected arrange
ment is to be found in np other journal of the kind.
The price of ihe COURIER is only $2.
When individuals wish to subscribe to the Cou
rier, a sure way is to enclose the money in a let
ter arid direct it to us. Their Postmasters will
probably politely remit, for we wish them in all
cases, if it meet their pleasure, to act as our agents.
Oitr Terms.
CJubs often will be furnished with ten papers
for one year, (provided the money be sent us free
of postage and discount,) for $15.
Ten Dollars will procure the sixth copy gratis.
S5 at one time will be received for 3 years.
Our friends, the Postmasters, will please oblige
by remitting arrearages and new subscriptions.
June 5. 1840.
All persons indebted to the late firm of Stokes dj
Brown, are requested to make paymept on or be
fore the first day of July next, or their accountj
will be left in the hands of a Justice for collection
New Volume commenced with the Nov. Number
A Circulation of 20,000.
THE Ladies' Companion, established in May,
1834 a popular and highly esteemed magazine of
ueneral Literature and the Fine Arts : embellish
with gorgeous and mostly engravings on steel, and
the Quarterly fashions ; and also with Fashiona
ble and popular Music, arranged for the Piano
Forte, and Guitar.
Since ihe publication of the number for May,
the demand for theLadies' Companion has been
unprecedented and beyond the most sanguine
anticipations. At the commencement of the vol
ume an additional number of copies were printed,
which was considered at the time adequate to sa-
tisly all the orders which might be received, and
leave a considerable number on hand for subse
quent calls. The publisher is more than gratified
in stating that the whole of an edition of six thou
sand, five hundred copies, was completely exhaus
ted before the issuing of the third number of the
volume ; and, consequently, he was compelled to
reprint a second edition of two thousand copies,
making the circulation of the Ladies' Companion
eight thousand five hundred, at the termination of
the tenth volume. In consequence of this great
and unparalleled increase of new subscribers, he
has determined to commence the new volume for
the ensuing year with thirteen thousand : hoping
that he will thus be enabled to supply all the de
mands for the Ladies' Companion, as well as those
disappointed in commencing with the tenth vol
ume. The proprietor feels grateful for that en
couragement which has been so lavishly bestowed
upon his magazine, and at the same time he begs
to assure the readers of the Ladies' Companion,
that it is determined resolution to meet it with a
corresponding liberality to merit its continuance.
The work appears in beautiful new type, printed
on the finest paper ; smoothly pressed, alid neatly
stitched in a handsome cover.
The Ladies' Companion contains a larger quan
tity of reading than any other magazine issued in
in this country, and its subscription price is only
three dollars a year, while the great combination
of talent secured for the coming year will render
it unequalled by any other periodical.
Splendid Steel Engravings, prepared by Mr. A.
Dick, ornament the work one of which accompa
nies each number. These plates are entirely new,
and are engraved at a heavy expense by one of the
best arstists in America, expressly for the maga
zine. The designs are selected with a view of in
teresting the general reader, and enhancing the
value of the work, for its superior pictoral embel
lishments. It is with pride the proprietor announ
ces that the Ladies' Companion is the only maga
zine published, in which new and elegant steel
plates appear regularly. Those accompanying
other monthly periodicals, are generally first worn
out in annuals. In addition to the engravings
mentioned, a correct plate of the Quarterly Fash
ions for Ladies, will appear in the June, Septem
ber, December, and March numbers, independent
of the usual embellishment. It is the determina
tion of the proprietor, that these fashion plates
shall appear in a style hitherto unknown. It lite
rary character will undergo no change, as it will
remain under the charge of the same Editors as
heretofore. Articles from the pens of the most
distinguished writers, will appear in the forthcom'
ing numbers, among wliich may be enumerated the
following: Mrs. Holland, Emma C. Embury,
Lydia 11. bigourney, trances b. Usgood,
FOR 1841'.
JXs3 The first column shows the Rates where the Rules and Regulations are
complied with The second, the Legal Tolls. " -
Ellet, Caroline Orne, Seba Smith, Ann S. Stevens,
Miss Hannah F. Gould, Mary Ann Browne, Char
lotte Cushman, Mary Emily Jackson, Henry V.
Herbert, author of uromwelv inc. Professor J. H.
Ingraham, author of ' Burton,1 ' Capt. Kidd,' &c,
Professor H. W. Longfellow, author of ' Outre
Mer,' Win. E, Burton, Chief Justice Mellen, John
NeaL Park Benjamin, UrenviMe Mellen, JN. C.
Brooks, A. M., George P Morris, Rot. Hamilton,
Isaac C Pray, Wm Comstock, Hiram B. Pennis,
Rev J II Clinch, James Brooks, Albert Pike, F.
A. Durivage, C. F. Daniels, former Editor of the
N. Y. Gazette, together with several others, with
whom negotiations are pending They will here
after be announced.
Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, )s
William W Snowden, J Editors.
The Musical Department of the Ladies' Compa
nion has ever commanded a large share of atten
tion, and has been looked upon with no little in
terest by its readers, and more especially the La
dies, whom the publisher is anxious to please. It
will continue to be a subject of more than usual
care to him, and to the Professor under whose su
pervision it is placed, to make that portion of the
magazine deserving of the countenance of every
lover of music.
Tae Work in General. Of every department an
equally careful supervision will be strictly exer
cised by the Editors, and all appropriate expendi
tures will be liberally bestowed, as it is the de
sign of the publisher, with the aid of his contribu
tors and the advice of his friends to make the La
dies Companion distinguished for the beauty and
accuracy of its typography, the variety and high
tone of its literary articles, the quality and value
of its music, and the unequal splendor of its pic
toral embellishments, and the accuracy of its quar
terly fashions. The proprietor pledges himself to
use all honorable means to maintainthe superiori
ty which the Ladies' Companion has obtained.
For five years he has steadily pursued a course of
improvement, and he flatters himself that his pre
sent facilities are such as to give the work eminent
advantages over all other publications.
From the foregoing it will be percoived that the
Ladies' Companion embraces every department
within the range of Belles-Lettres and the Fine
Arts : and no exertions or expense will be deemed
too great to render the work equal to any other
extant. The flattering and general testimonials
of nearly every contemporary journal in the United
States, and in fact, many on the other side of the
Atlantic, have strongly asserted the undeniable
claims of the Ladies' Companion to the support of
the public generally. There is no work that give1
its readers such a great return for their money.
Terms Three Dollars a year in advance, or Four
Dollars during the year.
No subscription received for less than a year.
Letters must be postpaid, otherwise the postage
is deducted, and cicdit given only for the balance.
109 Fulton street. New York.
I hereby forbid all persons trusting my wife
Dorothy, on any account whatever as I will pay
no debts of her contracting after this date
Lorenzo Stumpp.
Stroud tsp: June 5 1810
For sale at this office.
Articles, per ton, per mile.
Merchandize, Sugar, Molasses, and
Flour, Meal, Grain, Salted Provi
sions, Pot and Pearl Ashes.
Hay in bundles, pressed,
Hydraulic Cement, going,(towards
tide water on the capacity of boat
carrying it,
Do. do. Stone unburnt on the capa
city of boa. carrying it,
Hydraulic cement going from tide
Ground Tanner's Bark,
Unground do. do.
Iron Castings.
Iron up the canal,
Do. down the canal,
Pig Iron up the canal,
Cotton, bales or bags,
Hides (not to exceed $2 16 forany
distance) per ton, per mile,
Common Brick, Stone, Lime, Sand,
Potter's Clay, Ashes &Iron Ore,
Brick and Fire Stone,
Anthracite Coal don the canal.
per ton, per mile,
Do. do. up the canal on the capaci
ty of the boat carrying it, per ton
per mile.
Charcoal (not to exceed $1 50 for
ahy distance,
Marble, Mill, and other manufactu
ring stones,
Hoop poles, in boats,
Fence Posts and Rails, in 'floats,
per ton, per mile,
Hoop poles, split or shaved in boats,
Lath, split or sawed, in boats,
Staves and Heading, sawed or man
ufactured, in boats,
Do. do. rived or split in boats (not
to exceed 1 dollar per ton for any
distance,) per ton, per mile,
Staves and Heading in rafts,
Hoop Pole, posts, rails and lath in
Manufactured wood for the first 25
miles (thence 2 1-2 cents, but not
to exceed $1 75 for any distance
on canal,)
Materials for making crates for
Glassware per ton, per mile,
per 100 eft. per mile.
Pine and plain maple, for the first
25 miles (thence 1 1-2 cents per
mile, but not to exceed $ 1 for any
Hemlock, for first 25 miles, (theece
1 cent, but not exceed $ ,75 for
any distance,)
Oak and Ash, for the first 25 miles,
(thence 1 1-2 cent per mile, but
Cts. Cts.
3 4
2 4
11-2 4
21-9 4
1 4
4 4
4 4
11-2 4 .
2 4
11-2 4
3 4
3 4
2 4
2 4
3 4
2 1-2, 4
1 4
U-2 4
11-2 8
I 8 8
2 4
3 4
11-2 4
1 4
21-2 4
1 4
3 9-10 4 j
11-2 4
4 4
3 4
3 4
not 10 exceed $1 SOfoi any'dis- ,
Ship Timber,
Maple, Cherry, White wood, and all
timber not enumerated, (but not
to exceed S'2 for any distance,)
per 100 c. feet per mile.
Ship Timber,
AM timber not enumerated,
per 1000 . board measure, per mile.. ,
Pine, plain maple, and bass wood
for for first 25 miles, (tlienco
cent per mile, but not to exceed
$1 for any distance.)
Hemlock for first 25 miles (thence
1 cent per mile, but not to ex
ceed 75 cents for any distance.)
Cherry and white wood, but not to
exceed bl 5 for any distance.
Curled and specked maple, but not
to exceed tor any distance.
Ash, oak, and all timber not enumer
ated, for first 25 miles, thence 1
1-2 cent per mile, but not to ex
ceed Si 25 for any distance,
per 1000 ft. b. m. ver mile.
Pine, plain Maple and Bass wood,
Oak, ash, and all not enumerated,
per 1000 per mile.
Pine, for the first 25 miles, (thence
3 mills per mile for remaining
Hemlock, for first 25 miles (thence
2 mills per rnile for remaining,
per 1000 per mile-
Pine or Hemlock,
per cord per mile
Cord wood, from one to ten miles,
(and for every additional mile 1
cent per cord, but not to exceed
50 cents per cord for any distance
on the canal.
Articles not enumerated going from
tide water per ton,
Articles coing towards tide water.
Pleasure boats, on the capacity of
me ooat,
per mile on the boat
Going towards tidewater,
Coming from tide water,
2 1-2
4 '
'4; :
3 4
N. B. When toll is charged per ton on the capacity of the Boat, no addl
ional charge -will he made for mileage on said boat.
Wholesale asad Retail j
TOI2Y. rTlME subscriber respectfully informs the citi
JL zens of Stroudsburg and the public generally,
that he has taken the shop recently occupied by
James Palmer, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite
the Stroudsburg House, in this Borough, where
he intends carrying on the Cabinet Making busi
ness in all its various branches.
He shall keep constantly on hand or make to or
der all kinds of fourniture :
Sideboards, Bureaus, Sofas, Centre-
tables, Breakfast and Dining Tables,
Wash Stands, Bedsteads, &c. &c.
together with every other article usually kept at
such establishments ; all of which he will sell at
the Easton prices.
As his materials will be of the best quality, and
all articles manufactured at his establishment will
be done by first rate workmen, he confidently as
sures the public that his endeavors to render gen-
l r -ii -i
erai sausiacuon win not oe unrewarueu.
He respectfully invites the public to call and ex
amine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Chairs, Settees, &c. will be kept constantly on
nana ana lor sale.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1840.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing be
tween the subscribers under the name& firm
of Sanford and Dimmick, is this day by mutual
consent aissoivea. aji those having claims against
said firm, are, requested to call and receive their
pay ; and all those indebted to said firm can set
tle their accounts with either of the subscribers
until ihe first day of September next.
Bushkill June 1st. 1840.
Notice to Boatman.
THE Delaware and Hudson Ganal Company!
will pay the following freight for transporting
oai irom Jionesaaio te itonaout, on their cana.
iL. '
me ensuing season, viz :
Running Company's boats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
10 each trip on said boat, and
making not less than 16 trips with
said boat during the season. Si 40 per ton.
itunnmg uompany s uoats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
$10, each trip on said boat and ma
king a trip in ten days or less, $1 40 do.
Running Company's boats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
$10 each trip on said boat, and ma
king atrip in 11 days, $135 do:
Running Company's hoats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
$10 each trip on said boat, and over
11 days making atrip, Si 30 Hr.
Individuals running their own boats in the coal
ousiness win oe paia the same freight as company
Application for boats can be made to the Collec
tors anu oupenntondents on the lino of canal.
R. F, LORDj Engineer.
Office f Del. & Hud . Ca. Co, )
MarchOth, 1840. J
Of all kinds, nealty executed at
this Office.
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween the subscribers trading under the firm
of STOLL & BRODHEAD, is this day dissolved
I a 1 . mi V
uy muiuai consent- l ne business of the late firm
will be settled by either of the subscribers, either
being duly authorized to settle the same.
All persons indebted to the firm of Stnli irnA
head are particularly requested to make settle
mem on or Delore the first day of April next.
Was lost on Thursday, the 21st inst b.
tween Stroudsburg and John Brown's Tannery
a large fair grain Calf Skin Pocket Book conl
taming one S50 bill on (lie Easton Bank one
S3 bill on the Goshen bank, one nntn nf L,
against John Brown for one hundred dollars
payable one day after date, and dated 23d of
March, 1840, and one note of hand zxt
orUieLog?rt for twcn,y hilars, dated Mav
9th, 1838. Any person findincr snM '
book and returning it to the subscriber at
John Brown's, shall receive the above reward
q -un MICHAEL BROWN, Jr. '
Smithfield, ilay22, 1840. 3t
All persons are hereby cautioned agai, rv,
chasing enher ol the above notes, fin,,. . ... ,
son, as said note, were obtained unh.M "
May 27. 1840. SAMUEL BOGAR'JV
or sale by the, subscriber,
c, , , WM. EASTBURN.
Straudslnirg, Feb. 14, 1840.
100 Cords of Wood, in lots to suit purchass
Eriqutre of HENRY,- JORDAN & CO
Jun 18. 1340.