Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, August 07, 1840, Image 3

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of n-
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We have Now Orleans dates to the 17th.
The political intelligence is cheering indeed
for the friends, of Harrison. The victory is
signal and complete.
This is indeed a brilliant triumph, especially
----- . i ' I
when wo remamber that atthe last Presiden
tial election Lousiana gave her electoral vote
:o Mr. Van Buren. " NO ONE HERE,"
avs a New Orleans letter of the -17th instant,
BER." But to the details.
White's (Whig) majority in the First Dis-
net is 2045.
Dawson's (Van Buren) in the second is thir
.en votes. Morgan received 1920. Dawson
In the the Third District, Moore's (Whig)
majoritv. 285 three parishes to hear from.
TheN.'O. Bulletin of the 17th, says: "A
letter was received in town)'esterday, we un
derstand, from the Parish Judge of Ouachita,
;nd Union. The correction of the error makes
very much in favor of the Whig candidate;
Mid his election is now considered certain.
The Legislature will consist of 35 or 36
Whigs to 31 or 32 Locos. Eight Whigs in the
Senate. Majority in joint ballot, from 4 to 6
sufficient to elect a Whig U. S Senator. It will
thus be seen our friends have swept the board.
We repeat, all hail louisiaxa!
From the Ohio Republican.
I&icliarci iTT. JoStisson.
The present Vice President R., M. John
son, is a man with whom we Have some ac
quaintance. Some of our Harrison editors
have said a few hard things about Col. Rich
ard JIT. Johnson, without knowing that they
were unintentionally slandering one of the bra
vest soldiers of the last war, and one of the rir
anest friends that ever Gen. Harrison had the
Jionor of possessing. We know them both in
xiniatlr, and we speak by authority when .we
sav there is nothing but the most kindly feelings
entertained in the breasts of these honorable
and distinguished men, toward each other.
Richard M. Johnson has been kicked to one
side, by his Van Buren friends, but that makes
no difference to us. We mean to tell a tale, the
incidents of which we can prove by one of the
.most high minded and respectable men of Cin
cinnati. Elam P. Langdon, is the man we -allude i
to, and although there are some hundred of
others upon whose testimony we might rely, we
UlllllC JJlIil ill Li ClCiClllU lf till 111G UCOftUOC. 1
u uicu minpicw . , ,
kn.Mn I...M i . st si f nil f hn n f K r r r y c rt I
o. i r i
soul, on which in eigl
lilt !
' , 1 . j. , I
ctIa itnin nr Writ "Rut tn nt.r ItiIa V7hiol is nnt
, . 1 , . t . . .i u- v J
one of fancy. !
On a certain occasion, not far from the dog
.days of 1835, it was rumored among some of
us Jackson men of Cincinnati, that Dick John
son, as every body familiarly called him, was
about to perpetrate a slump speech in Coving
ton, which, as we presume all our readers know,
lies exactly opposite to Cincinnati, in the State
of Kentucky, a State too well known in history
ajud tradition to require our feeble attempts to
eulogize. Well we crossed the river in the ferry
boat, went to the hall where Dick Johnson was to
hold forth", shook him cordially by the hand, and
then sat down, along with Elam P. Langdon
to hear his speech.
Stump- speeches in Kentucky- are not pre
cisely like those in Ohio. It is somewhat dif
ficult for a Kentucky stump orator, when he
-commences his speech to guess with much
exactness as to its duration or peroration. The
Kentuckians dislike to be humbugged, and the
very frequently ask a stump orator, even in the
very height and flow of his elequence, a ques
tion that throws him out of his own prescribed
track. Such was the case with our friend Col.
J jhnson.
He began a dissertation on matters and
things in general and Democracy in particular.
He was moving on as smoothly as a square rig
gea ung, with all tier canvass
when somebody in the crowd yelled out.
" Were -ou at the battle of the Thames ?"
" J was, and what of it V
" Are you the hero of that battle ?"
" Thai's a very singular question to be put
to me by any gentleman that has read the his
tory of the last war. My brother James and
mseif and the Colonel dashed a tear from
lus eye when he pronounced the name of his
departed brother my brother James and my
self raised a regiment of mounted riflemen
and joined General Harrison on the Maumee.
We ai- ked him for the poxt of danger, the
yerv moment it could he obtained, and lie told
If it in possible, and it would not conflict
. .-,1 .i ' , ' - r . i i
with the general operations of the troops, he
would grant it to us cheerfully. Vn were
shortly on the trail of Proctor. We caught
hfn on the Thames. Our mounted regiment;
as u matter of course, was in the advance, and
when we described theonemy, my brother awl
jfivself rode up to General Harrison and .re
minded him .of his promise."
" have vour mounted niftn ever been practM
scd to charge upon -'infantry sa'ilWHe-G(iner-
al. . V. 1
s " i:'rtM'jiJtj,.. . . i
Jir u. Jit,t .1. . i" ! ! , .r.i.., I r
duty is before vou.. One
half of your regiment will charge through the
British regulars, mid the other half will, simul
taneously commence an attaelon Tecumaeh's
Indians in the swamp," v .
So saidthe General Jamqs, and
a braver and a belter man never lived,-charged
through the British, with one half of the battal
lion, while I, with the other half, undertook to
rouse up the Indians in the swamp. They were
not hard to rouse up, for Tecumseh, a man
transcendency superior to Proctor, in point of
real bravery, as 'Hyperion to a Satyr had deter
mined to make that his best and most conclusive
baule ground. We met them and fought them
hen they learnt that Proctor's British reg
ulars had been demolished, by my brother James
they hegan to retire. At this moment by body
had been perforated by live bullets, and my
horse could only be kept on 'his legs by the
greatest exertions of my bridle hand. In en
deavoring to make him leap over a log in the
swamp, he fell and died, with two more balls
in his carcase than there were in my own. A
tali, good looking Indian approached me, with
his tomahawk ready for a throw. My horse
Jay in a position that did not permit me lo be
exactly dismounted. I pulled out a loaded pis
tol from my holsters and shot him.
They say it was Tecumseh I shot. I care not,
and I know not. I would have shot the best
Indian that ever breathed, under such circum
stances without inquiring his name or asking
the ages of his children.
When the Colonel reached this point there
was a deafening roar of applause. A simpleton
present, who did not know the true calibre of
the man he was about to interrogate, and who
wished to make himself popular among the en
emies of Harrisor, exclaimed in a. stentorian
" Where was Gcnerl Harrison then V
The Colonel gave a calm survey of the crowd
unlil he singled outthe'facc of thequurist. Look
ing him dead in the eye, as the Kentuckians
say, anu drawing nimseli to Ms utmost Height,
with his eye dilated, and a countenance that
plainly showed that there was no hypocrisy in
what he was about to say, he replied in -tones
as calm, but as portentious as the incipient rum
blings that precede a volcanic eruption
" He was in the very spot where the Common-'
der-in chief ought to have been. He was in the
spot where his duly called him. He was amidst
the whizzing of rijh bullets, overlooking the move
ments of our mounted men ready to charge over
the dead bodies of my brother and myself, had
wc proved unfortunate in the onset, in order to a
venge us. No one must attempt to tickle my fan
cy by intimating in my presence, thai General
Harrison is a coward!"
There was a pause and then there was a
silence, so profound, so indescribable that it was
painful. In that vast crowd, for the space of
one minute and that is a long dreary lapse of
! time, to men who are listening to a slump speech
the ticking of a watch might have bean heard
as horribly loud as it has grated on our ear in
the sombre chambre of the dving and the dead.
But, anon, there was?L slight clapping of hands
1 .1 .1 1 C .1
and, then, there was a deafening thunder
inrm ni nnn mtisn tnat in i.nntrn ti.r v
t -i.i: r
ry building to its louudation
I his is lhe same Richcrd M. Johnson whom
the Locofocos. at their late Abortive Conven
tion in Baltimore refused to re-nominnie ais
their candidate for Vice President He was Von
honest for them!
General Duff Green has addrossed a circu
lar to all the rostmasters, requesting them to
act as liberal by the Pilot, as they do by the
extra Globe.
The subscriber grateful for past favors, vrould
thank his friends and the public generally, for
their kind encouragement, and would beg lcare
to inform them that he is now manufacturing a
'large assortment of Umbrellas and Parasols
which he offers for sale at Philadelphia and
JNew York prices. w.
Merchants will find it to their advantage to
give him a call before purchasing in the cities.
He would state that his frames are made by
himself, or under his immediate inspection and
.1.11 t.l r
mat ne nas secured tne services oi an experi
enced young lady, to superintend the covering
N. B. As the subscriber keeps everything
prepared for covering and repairing, person
from the country can have their Umbrellas and
Parasols repaired and covered at an hour's no
401-2 .Northampton Street next door lo R.SA
Chidseys Tin ware manufacturing Establish
Easton, July 1, 1840
The co-partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers at Bushkill, under the firm of Wal
lace & Newman, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. The books, notes and accounts are left
in the hands of Thomas J. Newman Also all
tlnise having demands against said linn will pre
sent them to I UoiuasJ. .Newman for settlement,
Bushkill, June 16, 1840.
. N" B, The business will be carried on as usual
at the old stand by T. J. NEWMAN.
I hereby forbid all persons trusting my wife
Tofi)thy, oncariccount whatever as I will pr
no debts. of hr ebniracting rafter this date
".Lorenzo otumpp.
.rord sp.,me 5 J840
. T. e. (Pin -r -
gcr. as well as of
, tlENi4 GERIE,
- OF
Leasts, bsjeiss awb
Will be exhibited at Stroudsburg, near the
Court House, on Tuesday,' August 1 1 ; at Bush
kill on Wednesday, and at Milford on Thurs
day. Open from 2 lo 6 o'clock p. m. Admit
tance 25 cents children tinder 10 years of age
half price.
In this Mcnasrcric will be found the most
splendid collection of rare and curious animals
ever exhibited in this section of country; among
which are the following: The Majestic male
jElepIaaat Virginms,
Whose enormous size and apparently unwield
ly form, renders hiin an object of wonder and
This animal was unfortunately killed by the
Elephant during the last winter, but has been
beautifully preserved, and looks about as well
as when living.
(This animal was brought to this country alive
frbm the interior of Africa, but the change of
climate being too sudden and severe, it died
shortly after its arrival in this country ; but has
been elegantly put up and looks equally as wei 1
as when living.)
The Striped Hyena ; Ocelot, or Tiger Cat ;
Royal Bengal Tiger ; Ravenous Gray Wolf ; a
pair of South American Tigers ; Zebra ; Ja
guar ; Coali ; or Brazillian Weasel ; Arabian
Camel ; Peruvian Lama Black Bear, &c. &c.
A variety of Birds, Monkeys, &c.
The Pony and Monkey will be introduced
in the Circle, and go through a variety of ex
tremely diverting tricks. Also a pair of living
Anaconda serpents from Java.
A splendid collection of Cosmoramic Views,
is also attached to the Caravan, without any ad
ditional charge, presenting a variety of new
and interesting subjects, which cannot fail to
please the visitors and in order to render the
Exhibition as attractive as possible, the Enter
rainmcnts will also bo varied bv the introduction
A first rate band of Music will accompany
the Exhibition.
August 8, iS40.
The house and lot now occupied by Win.
Henry near the village of Stroudsburg, Monroe
County, Pennsylvania. Enquire on the prem
7, 1840. 3 m.
." ; -Notice. ..
Take notice that I have applied to the Judges
of the Court of Common Pleas of the County
of Monroe, for the benefit of the act made for
the relief of insolvent debtors, and that the
said Court has appointed the first day of Sep
tember next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, for
hearing me and my creditors at the Court-house
in the Borough of Stroudsburg.
8, 1840.
npEE summer term $the above named insti
JL tution commenced oft Monday, the 4th.d.ay of
May; and is conducted by Miss A. JL.-Fjraser,
an experienced and well qualified teacher.
The branches taught at this Seminary, are
Geometry, the
Natural Philoso
2ty, .
French and Latin
c. cc. c.
The Seminary being endowed by the State, in
struction is afforded at the reduced rate of two
dollars per quarter, inclusive of all branches.
Having rented the spacious stone 'building, for
merly occupied as the male Academy, the Trus
tees are now prepared to leceive any number of
young ladies that may apply, from all parts of the
Board, in respectable families, can be obtainep
on reasonable terms.
From their knowledge of the skill, cornnelencv.
and success of the Principal, the Trustees, with
the fullest confidence, commend the SLroudsbunr
Female Seminary to the patronage of the public.
(Attest) War. P. Vail, Sec'y.
Stfoudsbui-g-, May 15,-1840.
TheCardinff andFullins business, will be car
ried on by the subscriber at the above named stand
and he would be pleased to receive ihe palronase
of his old customers and the publick ceherallv. i
Tiie price of wool cardinar will be
i 4 con's cash or 0 irusi per pound. Wool or cloth will be at-
en away and returned when finished at J. D. &
!. ibfalvin's store, Stroudsburcr, on Saturday of
every weeic, where those indebted. to the late firm,
can meet tne subscriber and settle their accounts.
John A. Dimmick
Bushkill, June 1st.
All persons indebted to the late firm, of Stokes dr
Brown, are requested to make payment on oV be
fore the first day of July next, or their accounts
will be left in the hands of a Justice for collection
Mny-2fl. 1810. :"
.jaiiANfr DEEDS
For saleat this' office.
Public Opinion from whose decision there
appeal, has been so often and so loudly manifested
NIVJORSAL PILLS, that it is not surprising there
should be found in almost every city, town, and
village in the United Statos, persons so depraved
at heart, and so utterly devoid of the principal of
moral rectitude, as to manufacture a spurious arti
cle, and palm it off on the unsuspecting public as
the genuine medicine, from the result of which so
many happy results have been accrued to humani
ty. It is painful to think that an inestimable good
should be product of direct and immediate evil
but so it is.
The verv excellence of BrandrctWs Vegetable
Univcsat Pills, hns in some respects,, opened a spc-
sics of high-way through which cupidity ana ava
rrr. earrv on their depredations without check &
notwithstanding the frequency of exposure alrea
rlv made notwithstanding the indelible disgrace
which has been heaped upon counterfeit druggists--notwithstanding
the large amount of human suffer-in"-
which has i'een the consequence of this impo
sition and fraud, druggists continue to carry on
.hie rnrnifinn- mft'ir. ruid co'unterleits are as nu-
mp.rmis and as varied in the market as if no de
nunciation had ever been made, and public indig
nation never been expressed.
Since, however, this destructive evil still exists,
and neither the fear of God, nor of earthly punish
ment, can entirely nut it down, it becomes' my irn
perative duty again and again to caution the public
against purchasing pills of a druggist, professing
to be Jirandreth s ri us lor as under no circum
stances is any of this class made an Agent, it fol
lows of course that the Pills
old at such places
professing to be Brandreths Pills are universally
base counterfeits, highly injurious to the health of
the People.
IlF Established A cents lor the LrEiruniE Jjran-
drclli s Vegetable Universal Pills, are Invariably
furnished with an engravsd certificate, signed, B.
B5AK5SETSI, 31. 2. in my own hand
writing. This certificate is renewed every year
and when over twelve months old, it no longer
guarantees the genuineness of the medicine. It
would be well, therefore for purchasers carefully gtl warrauted holding as a first principle :
to examine the Certificate, the seal of which is neat- J fa . ,7 . r,
ill .i ,,!,.., " 1 he greatest good to the greatest number.
ly embossed on the paper, in order at least that the ? s & . . ,
safeguard of imposition may not at least be suscep- Believing that the great principles ot democ
tihipnf imitation racy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma-
Philadelphia Office for the sale of the above
V aluable Pills is at No. 8 jNorth-eiChth btreet a
few doors north of Market street.
At Milford uohn H. Bkodhead.
" Slroudsburgh, Richard S. Staples.
Dutottsburg, Luke Brodhead.
" New
Marketvile Tkoxell & Schoch.
May 8, 1840.
34,000 SUSSeHIBEItg.
"Ptip r!nnrirr nn as firm nnrl irifpnrnflRnt r. tin
sis as any paper issued, at home or abroad, and
its ample means will be alvvavsmployed to-inake
it equal, as a 1 AMlJ5AI-lkKt 't6''any. journal
riM. L r ... i "
ane uupauujeiou ijuirouugc. irom uvery seuuon
oi me country, is me oesi eiaence or us approval.
t wi,iot ,.,...; i at Tirr. Jamm
-.i.. . . i ?i f. i
Its list embraces over S00 subscribers, extend-
ins- from ihe Lul.cs to the Ocean, and combinmo-all
fnleresis and classes of llio republic. It is the lar-
Sest and cheapest journal ever issued!! Each
number of the Couuer cootains as much matter
as would fill a 12mp. volume, the cost of which
alone would bo price of the paper for a whole year
The general character of the Courier. is well
known. Its columns contain a great variety of
TaJes," Rarralives, 22io2-ra.:jcs,- Es'
says, &c.
Together wilh articles on
Science, Fnc Als, Mcchotiics. Meclian'cs.e'-.culUirc. Man
ufacluros, Foreign nws. New Publtra.ions, Moi-alitv, Mcdi
erne. lncaiiK i. imti.c. j cmperance. tmm rcio, acui-Jiuu-
catedM6n,LisioChoUTni raikb. Lr..c.-s'irr.i Europe, The
r'i, .-. .... . .... - tt ii,.r.,ni.r. t- ;,.i I
The Drama. CivMoi;e.s,Anuii.ui2MiscfMnnv. The Markets,
And all other mailers 'discussed in a Universal
Familv Journal furnishinsr Idlielber a vast. and.
we believe, as interesting a variety as can be found
in any other Journal issued in the World! !
-Farmers, Traslesmcit, Merelaants,
Teachers, rfXcc5saiiies,Artiins Men
of ILeisnre, Sluleiits, Awd every class
r j I
OI Oili 4.oiiltl J. .
The COURIER may always be DEPENDED
TTTl-AT .1 . T ...... I
uruix' "i'nff impociam is permmea 10 es-
cape a notice in its columns.
Our anangements enable us to draw from the
whole range of the current Literature of Europe,
and our borrospondents at home embrace many
ot the best Writers ot this country.
This approved Family paper is strictly Neutral
m iroimcs ana Mcusion. ana uie uncompromising
t j i n . t: .. .. i.i - - I
opponent ot an uaciccry.
1 1 r- "
1'optiiar JTIWSlC.
In the Courier is inserted the music of the most
popular Airs, JJallads and bongs, as soon as they
1 1. i - T .''I
are lmporiea . so mai country readers may have the
most popular music for the voice, the piano, the
guitar, or other instruments, as soon as published,
which if paid for separately would cost more than
the price of subscription. This perfected arrantre-
ment is to oe lounu in no other journal of the kind
f PL . r : i, riATlnnnn i
aho pnuo ui me ouuitijlt is only Jyiff.
When individuals vvishto subscribe to the Cou-
r,pr' a.sure waY 13 10 enclose the' money in a let-
lllLir rosimnsieis wm
probably politely remit, for we wish them in all j
cases, if it meet their pleasure, to act asour agents, j
in Terms.
Clubs of ten will bo furnished with ten papers
lor one year, (provided the money be sent us iree
ol postago and discount,) lor $15.
Ten Dollars will procure the sixth copy gratis.
$5 at one time will be received tor 3 years.
Our friends, the Postmasters, will please oblige
i ..- , i ....... I
oy remitting arrearages anu new suosenpuons.
June o. IK'10., -rmr-T-
MUiVb Jti JjI-LJUo
Printed at this office with neatness? at
and despatch.
A "icu MmekJtr Pom r, be published at. Strcwdz-
. ixa.. - -
Monroe ilut&ty, Pa., ami Milfirdt
ike County, Pa., nmultaneaua.
,'The whole aft' of. Government coBS!stT;itt:iiff art
of bemgjionest. Jcjj'crsun.
in principle, will be ail its sitle purports, the iirm
and unwavering advocate of the principle!.'! and
doctrines of the democratic part-, delineator! by
the illustrious Jkkfeu.son : lite right of the pit
ple to think, To speak, and to act, independent-'
ly, on all subjects, holding themselves respon
sible to no p(iwer for the free exercise of thu
right, but their God, their Gauntry, and lu-r
Laws, which they themselves have created.
A free and untrammeled press, conducted in a
spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public bles
sing, a safeguard to the Constitution under which
we live, and it should be cherished und support
ed by every true republican. Such, thou, it in
designed to make .the paper now estab
lished, and as such, the publisher calls, up
the enlightened citizens of Monroe and Pik to
aid him in this laudable enterprise. The tiu.o
has arrived when the Press should take a bold
and faarless stand against the evidently increas
ing moral and political degeneracy-of th'clay,
and endeavor, by a fair, candid, and honorable
course, to remove those barriers j?.'hioh section
al prejudices, party spirit, and party animosity
have reared to may the social relations of men
without accomplishing any paramount good,
will not seek to leatV or follow any faction, or to
, A , . 4l " c
ticular set of men. It will sneak independent
ly on all State and National question.4--, award
ing to each that support which its merits may
demand, never hesitating, however, to condemn
Slfftn niRnsnrfis. as in this oninion of the editor i
gistrate of the Nation, Marti.v Vax Uukex.
decidedly, but honorably oppose his re-election
to the high and responsible station which he
now holds.
It will firmly oppose the " Independent Trea
sury" Scheme, and all other schemes having
for their object the concentration in the hands
of one man, and that man the President of iha
Nation, all power over the public moneys, i
power, which, when combined with that vest
ed, in him by the Constitution as Cosnmandr-i-in-Chief
of the American forces, Military and
Naval, together with an enormous cflicia! pa
tronage, would render him more powerful than
the Executive of the British Nation, and in
s.nort make 0l,r Government, de facto an Elec
tive Monarchy.
It will ever maintain that the welfare of mr
Country and the preservation of bar KemWic:.u
1 . - . '
nstitntinns shnnlH h thn firf -.,. nn r
' .
,,. nc : ,un i.:
menls of our hearts in the choice oi otirpmf:o
serva,nts 5 honesty, fidelity, and capability.
are Uie on,r true tests 01 ment 5 ,Ji
are created equal, and, therefore, should alike
enjoy the privileges conferred on them by thp
Constitution without beiiii--subiect to proscrit.
tinn nr pnnrrnd bv tbf infliiprifp nf nnrfxr C
The columns of the J EFFERS uNI A"
REPUBLICAN will ever be open lo the fre1
discussion of all political questions, beliei'in..
as we do, that there is no liberty where botli ?
sides may not be heard, and where one-portion
of freemen are denied the privilege of deelar- -ing
their sentiments through the medium of th
t.,.. kr.onn l.n,r .i;n' r.,., . :
Fress because they dilter from the majority.
w w---
will ever take a lively interest m the aflairs 01
Monroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and
Congressional Districts with which they are
The Farmer, the Merchant the Mechanic,
and the Laborer, will each find a friend in the
LICAN. Due care will be taken to furnish its
readers with the latest Foreijm and Domestic
News, and such Miscellaneous reading as will
1 Q
uG intu intornstincr nnrl instnu-tivp Tn sbnrt it
I .-. V..V. A..I.V.W.V
is dpsiannd tn mnkn tbp rwnnr wnrtTiv nf nn pt.
O 1 J w. .... w
tensive natronaao. both from the strictly moral
tone which it will ever possess, and the efforts
0 , . j
of the editor to make it a good and useful
Family Newspaper.
will bo printed on a super-royal sheet of sood
. - . - . , w
nuahty. and with froou tvne.
-IA J 1 C? J JL
Terms S2 in advance : S2.25 at the end of
six months, and S2.50 if not paid before the ex-
piration of the year. No subscription taken for
a less term than six months.
The Book of Subscription to the Stock of the
Upper Lehigh Navigation Company, will be re
opened at Stoddartsville, on Wednesday, tlfe 15th
day of July ensuing, when subscriptions will I o
received lor the balance ot stock which icmii; s
yet open. At the same time and place the MiJik-
holders will elect a board of llirectors.
Charles Trump,
John S. Comfort,
Henry W. Drinker,
William P. Clark,
June 10, 18-10. Commissioner.
N. B. Proposals will bo received atStoddarts-
rillc, onThursday the lfith day of July ensiu"nr.
lor tiomg me work either wholly or m jobs, requi-
. t . .t . . . r"
red tiy iiuildincr a Jock and inclined plane with the
necessary grading, fixtures and machinery for
passing rafts-descending the Lehigh over the Fall?
toddnrtsA-iiie.- it is expected that tawii
win ue conmienceu as soon as praeucnoieanttfOe
completed with despatch.
5 T