Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, July 24, 1840, Image 1

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    Richard Nugent, Editor
The whole art ok Government consists -in the art op being honest. Jefferson.
and PublisSier
Nfr 26.
TERMS. Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars
nnd a. nuartrr. half vearlv.r-and if not paid before the end of
the vcar, Two dollars and a half. Those who receive their pa
pers by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor,
will be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra.
No papers discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except
at the option 01 uie uauor.
rc? Advertisements not exceeding one square (sixteen lines)
vdl be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents
ir everr subseouent insertion : lareer ones in nronortion. A
U Kjral discount will be made to yearly advertisers.
lOAll letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid.
Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna
mental Type, we are prepared to execute every des
cription of
Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes,
15 l;i 11 R Receipts,
Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms.
The Trustees of this Institution, have the
pleasure of announcing to the public, and par
licularly to the friends of education, that they
lve engaged Ira B. Newman", as Superintend-ill
and Principal of their Academy.
The Trustees invite the attention of parents
."ad guardians, wbo have children to send from
ionic, to this Institution. They are fitting up
; iie building in the first style, and its location
from its retired nature is peculiarly favorable
lor a boarding school. It commands a beauti
ful view of the Delaware river, near which it
is situated, and the surrounding scenery such
as the lover of nature will admire it is easily
accessible the Easton and Milford Stages pass
it daily, and only 8 miles distan from the latter
place, and a more salubrious section of coun
try can nowhere be found. No fears need be
entertained that pupils will contract pernicious
habits, or be seduced into vicious company it
is removed from all places of resort and those
inducements to neglect their studies that are
furnished in large towns and villages.
Board can be obtained very low and near the ;
Academy. Mr. Daniel W. Dingman, jr. will
3ake several boarders, his house is very conve
nient, and students will there be under the im
mediate care of the Principal, whose reputa
tion, deportment and guardianship over his pu
pils, afford the best security for their proper
conduct, that the Trustees can give or parents
and guardians demand.
The course of instruction will be thorough
adapted to the age of the pupil and the time
he designs to spend in literary pursuits. Young
men may qualify themselves for entering upon
the study of the learned professions or for an
advanced stand at College for mercantile pur
suits, for teaching or the business of common
life, useful will be preferred to ornamental stud -
les, nevertheless so much of the latter attended
i as the advanced stages of the pupil's educa
tion will admit. The male and female depart
ment will be under the immediate superintend
ence of the Principal, aided by a competent
male or female Assistant. Lessons in music
will be given to young ladies on the Piano
Forte at the boarding house of the principal,-by
an experienced and accomplished Instructress.
Summer Session commences May 4th.
Board for Young Gentleman or Ladies with
the Principal, per week, SI 50
Pupils from 10 to 15 years of age from SI to
SI 25
Tuition for the Classics, Belles-Lettres, French
&c, per quarter, 2 00
Extra for music, per quarter, 5 00
N. B. A particular course of study will be
marked out for those who wish to qualify them
selves for Common School Teachers with ref
erence to that object ; application made for
teachers to the trustees or principal will meet
immediate attention,
Lectures on the various subjects of study will
be delivered by able speakers, through the
course of year.
By .ordojof the Board,
Dingmari's Ferry, Pike co., Pa., May 2.1840
All persons indebted to the late firm of Stokes
Brown, are requested to make payment on or be
fore the first day of July next, or their accounts
will be left ia the hands of a Justice for collection
May 29, 8W.
TK33 Subscriber, in addition to his Fall sup
ply has j 4st received a full and complete as
uruieut of admirably adapted to the sea
on, consisting of
Iry Goods, Groceries, Crockery.
Ha.rd ;md Iloilow W:re,
STEEL, NAILS, and NAIL RODS, in fact a
complete assortment of all kinds of goods usually
kept in a country store, all of which he is dispose
to sell at moderate prices.
N. B. Crain.and Country produce, White and.
vellow pine boards will be taken in exchange ; al
so, oak joist, &c,. &g. - ' ' r
Strouujgj jui. j&lhjjJiO.
A .Feu D'esprit.
Married In New York, on the 21th ult., Pke
seiived Fish, to Miss Mary $hepiieud.
Folks wonder now, when men do change,
Each one to suit his wish ;
But here, a lovely Shepherd lassi
Has been transformed to Fish.
.Although 'twas strange, yet every one
Declares the lass deserved
Not only to be changed to Fish, r
But also be Preserved.
And, for their future happiness
They have our kindest wishes ;
With hopes, that they may have their share
Of loaves, and littlo Fishes.
From the Banner.
A Harrison Song. -
Tune Sitiin1 on a Hail.
There is a man both wise and great,
Who lives up in the Buck-eye State .
Whom freemen now with hearts elate,1
Are shouting loudly for,
Are shouting, &c.
His name is Harrison
When the Indian with his bloody knife,
And savage purpose sought for life,
'Twas there he join'd the angry strife,"
Where brave men only fought,
Where brave men &c.
By the side of General Wayne.
Where bullets flew, mid fire and flame,
He earned himself an honest fame,"
Undying as his own bright name.' -The
name of Harrison,
The name &c.
The Farmer of North Bend.
In after years with a chosen few,
Of honest men both good and true,'
He triumphed at the Tip'canoe,
The gallant Harrison,
The gallant &c.
The Farmer of North Bend.
And when' with showy, glittering strains',"
The British came with swelling strains,
'Twas then he took them at the Thames.
All prisoners of war,
All prisoners &c.
For Harrison, huzza!
Then who like he who years ago,
1 Beat back the proud and British foe,'
Can teach the spoilsmen how to go
From out the Capitol ? '
From out &c.
Why I none but Harrison.
The patriot's hope, sly Matty's fear,
Will mark the cause of vict'ry here,
Then let's rejoice and fondly cheer,"
The name of Harrison, . .
The name of &c.
The Farmer of North Bend.
Then freemen join and catch the strain,
That rises from each hill and plain,
Declare that you, yourselves will reign,
Through the Parmer of North Bend.
Through the Farmer &c.
The gallant Harrison.
A JDe.sidera.ttim Supplied.
Dr. Maim, a respectable Surgeon
Dentist of Boston, in connection with
Dr. Thomas Womersly, has succee
ded in discovering, or manufacturing
a cement for fillinp- and restoring- de-
cayed teeth, which appears to pos
sesses many advantages over any
other kind or metal m use. It is
called Lithodeon, and bears a resem
blance in its external appearance to
pewter. When applied to the tooth
it is sosoft that it may be moulded by
the fingers into any form, and made
to fill any crevices in the tooth, but in
a few hours it becomes hard, and in
twenty-four, hours its consistency is
so firm that it cannot be cut with a
knife. The advantages of this ce
ment are obvious, and one, perhaps
not the least important in the minds
of some persons, is, that the appli
cation inflicts no pain. Several high
ly respectable physicians have ex
pressed their gratification at this dis
covery, which they consider to be of
a -vafuablc e'haracteiv Mer. Journal, '
Biograpliics of IMsiiiagmslaed Peim
sylvanians. CONTINUED.
Edward Braddock, An Irishman by birth
and Major General and Commander in Chief
of the British army, in trie expedition against
the French and Indians, on the riyei , Ohio, in
1755, arrived at Alexandria, in February of
that year, ..and in the Spring marched against
Fort Duquesnq, now Pittsburg. . He reached
the Mohongahela July 8th at the head of 1200
men, the baggage having been left behind, un
der the care of Col. Dunbar, to advance by
slower marches. ,On the next day he moved
forwaid to invest the fort, and by disregarding
the. caution of his provincial officers, who warn
ed him of the danger of surprise in an Indian
war, fell into an ambuscade and lost nearly
one half of his troops, and .received himself a
mortal wound. All his officers on horseback'
except Col. afterwrads Gen. Wasnington who
acted as aid ; being killed, the army retreated
precipitately near forty miles to Dunbar's camp,
where the General who was. placed on a tum
bril expired. He was buried on the. spot near
the .National Road in Fayette County Pennsyl
vania. Alexander Wilson, Was born at Paisely
in Scotland, in 1766. His parents were in
dustrious people of an humble rank in life ;
and in his 13th year, young Wilson was bound
apprentice to a weaver after serving forthree
years, and working as a journeyman for almost
four years during which period he had cultivar
ted his mind, by his own unaided exertions
and had already given indications of poetical
talent; disgusted with the confined and tedious
nature of his employment, he abandoned the
loom and adopted the life of a wandering ped
Iar, three years were spent in this mode and
in '89 having already prepared, a volume of
w f A ' ,
pbems for publication he offered his muslins and
solicited subscriptions for his work at the same
tune. Unsuccessful in the latter object and ti
red of a Pedlar's life, he returned to the loom
In '9 1 and '92 he published poems which wero
received with much favor. Having soon after
written a severe satire upon a person in Paise
ly, he was thrown into prison ; he was likewise
looked upon with suspicion as a member of the
Society of " Friends of the People who hail
ed the French Revolution as a new morning of
liberty; and thus impelled he determined to come
out to the United States. He arrived at New
Castle in '94 and again resumed his former
trade, but after awhile, turned schoolmaster, ac
ting in this capacity in several places in Penn
sylvania. It was while thus engaged m King
sessing near Philadelphia with Win. Bartram
.1 1 -r
tne naturalist, and iYir. L.awson an engraver,
whose tastes and liistrucuons proved the occa
ion of calling out his own talents. He had al
ready undertaken some long excursions for ma
king ornithological researches. Among them
one to Niagara Falls on foot, of which he has
left an interesting account in verse called -the
V-Foresters." He passed from. Easton, through
the Windgap to Wilkcsbarre. He devoted
much time to the study when he was engaged
in 1706, to assist in Editing the American edi
tion of Rees. Cyclopedia and now began to
prepare lor the publication of his work on A
merican Ornithology. The first volume of this
work was published in 1808 and the 7th in 1813
in which year the author died. The. interval
had been passed in exploring different parts of
the country, for the purpose of extending his ob
servations collecting specimens and watching,
birds m their natural haunts.
The 8th & 9th vols, of this great work were
published in 1814, under the care of Mr. George
Ord, who had been the companion of several of
his exploring expeditions.
Wilson was buried in the grave yard of the
S weed's church near the navy yard at Philadel
Dr. Joseph Piiiestly, An emuiinent phi
losopher and divine was bom m March 1733,
near Leeds, England. His father was a clo
thier of the Calvinistic persuasion, in which he
was also rnmself brought up, under the protec
tion of an aunt, who after he attained a res
pectable degree of classical acquirement in sev
eral schools, finally placed him in a dissenting
academy with a view to the ministry. On lea
ving here he accepted an invitation to become
minister in Ngedham in Suffolk, when boingsus
pected of heretical opinions, he received little
encouragement, and after a residence of 3 yrs.
he undertook tho charge of a Congregation in
Cheshire to which he joined a school. Here
his reputation increased ; and in 1761, he was
invited by tho the trustees in a dissenting aca
demy in Warrinton, to occupy the post of tutor
m the languages. Here ins political, opinions
were manifested in an 'Essay on Government.'
He also published his useful chartof Biography.
A visit to London having introduced him to Dr.
Fraeklin and Price, he wasencouraged to com
pose a History of Electricity, which first ap
peared in '67, and procured him an admission
into the Royal Society ; he had previously ob
tained the title of Doctor of Laws, from the U-
niversity of Edinburgh. He soon published his
History and present state of discoveries relating
io Vision, Light and Colors. He accepted an
him as a companion in the capacity of a Libra
rian. ,.He npwpccupied himself in Philosoph
ical pursuits., Jri '73 his paper on the different
animalsf obtaine.d the prize of Copleys gold med
al. This was followed by several others of the
highest order of merits. He had already de
clared himself a believer in the doctrine of phi
losophical necessity & expressed some superior
doubt of the sentient principles .in ,man. His
doctrine he still more forcibly supported in his
disquisitions in Matter and Spirit,(77) ; and the
obloquy which these works brought upon him,
producing a coolness, in his patron, the connex
ion was dissolved, the Dr. retaining an annui
ty of $700 per annum by original agreement.
He next removed to Burmingham, where he
became once more minister of . a dissenting
congregation and occupied himself in the .sup
port of his peculiar religious and political o-
pinions. The era of the French revolution ad
ded to the usual animosity of theological dis
pute. The anniversary of the capture of the
Bastile being celebrated at. Burmingham, a mob
assemble.d .and, although Dr. r. was not pres
ent, proceeded to his house, which,, with his
library,' manuscripts and apparatus, tell a prev
to the flames. The outrage was countenanced
by too many, who experienced both lay and
clerical influence, and the legal compensation
which he obtained fell considerably short.of his
real losses. He remained some time in the
cultivation of the scientific pursuits, until, final
ly gatled hy party enmity to seek an assylum
in the United States, which he reached in '94,
and. took up his residence at Northumberland
on the .Susquehanna. In America he-dedicated
his whole time to his accustomed pursuits, un
til a severe illness laid the foundation of debil
ity in his digestive organs ; and a gradual . de
cav followed, which terminated his existence
February 6, 1804 in his 71st year. Dr. P
was an ardent controversialist, chiefly in conse
quence of extreme openness of .character, but
no man stands so high in the walk of invention
and discovery, to no one has pneumatic chem
istry been so much indebted. -
Thomas Iruxtun, A captain in tne navy
of the United States, was born on Long Island
N. Y. Feb. 17, 1755. At the age of 12 years he
went to sea. He was impressed during his ap
prenticeship on board an English 64, but was
subsequently released. In the early part o
'75 while in command of a ship he was sue
cesstpi m bringing considerable quantities o
powder into the United Colonies, but was in the
same year captured and carried into St. Kitts
Having made his escape he arrived at Phila
delphia., he entered as Lieutenant, on board
the Congress, one of the first armed ships fit
i mi
ted out in the colonies, mis snip sailed in
company with the Chance, in the winter o
of '76 and captured several valuable ships off
the Havanna, one of which he took the com
mand of, and arrived in her at New Bedford
In June 77 m a vessel ot which he was part
owner called the Independence he sailed for
the Azores and made many prizes. He now
changed his ship and sailed in the Mars of up
wards of twenty guns. In this cruise oft the
British Channel, he sent his prizes into Qui-
beron Bay. which induced the English ambas
sador to make a remonstrance to the French
Court. During the whole war, he was enga
ged either in fitting out, or commanding ships of
war from Philadelphia. While carrying to
France Thomas Barclay, Esq. our consul gen
erul to that couutry, in the ship N. James of
20 guns he, had a very close engagement, with
a liriusn private snip ui o& guns, uuu uuugcu
to shear off. hi all his engagements with the
enemy he was victorious. From the peace of '83
until ;U4 he was very actively engaged m com
mercial pursuits, President Adams during our
short war with France appointed him one of
the six captains of .he American navy ; and af
ter building the frigate Constellation, ho sailed
at the head of a squadron for the West Indie3 in
the early part of '99. Feb. 9th of that year
he captured alter an engagement ot one hour
and a quarter, the Feench frigate Insurgent of
. , .1. . i
54 guns, tins was me nrsi opportunity ouereu
to an American trigate ot engaging an enemy
of superior force. In a short time the Con
stellation was again at sea, and soon encounter
ed February 1, 1800, the French frigate La
Vengeance of 54 guns, an action ensued which
lasted from 8 in the morning until 1, when the
enemy was completely silenced. A squall now
ensued, which enabled the French ship to es
cape, and to arrive in Curacoa, in a most shat
tered condition having lost ono hundred and
sixty men, killed and wounded.
Congress voted a gold medal to the Commo
dore for tho gallantry displayed in this action.
This was the last cruise of Captain 1 ruxmn.
flavins? during the adminisiration -of Mr. Jef
ferson been appointed to the command of the
expedition against Tripoli, he was denied
the assistance of a captain to command his flag
ship (a custom which had always provailed,)&
therefore declined tho command of the expedi
tion, winch was construed by the President in
to a resignation of his command jri the.service;
and he was therefore dismissed.
Commodore Truxton rcurod to tho country'
near Philadelphia, where he continued to re
side until his fellow citizens in 1816 elected hirn
their high Sheriff . He remained, in that office
thr llQUMI tnrm rt ihrnu fiv oml imi 11'it r -
ioxii hi ins o in year.
William Penn, The founder of the .State,
was born in London in 1614.. He was the on- ,
ly son of Sir William Penn, Vice admiral of
England in the time of Cromwell aud after
wards knighted by King Charles II for his
successful services .against the Dutch. He
appears to . have been seriously inclined from
his youth, having.imbibed. religious impressions
as early as his 12th year, which were soon af
terwards confirmed by the ministry of Thomas
LoeT an; -eminent preacher among the people
called Quakers, then newjy.associated in reli
gious fellowship. In his 15th year, he was
nothwithstanding entered as a student at the
University at Oxford, where meeting with some
others, who were devoutly inclined, they ven
turned to hold private meetings among them
selveSj wherein they both preached and prayed.
This gave great offence to the heads of the
College, by whom these zealous tyros were at
first only confined lor nonconformity, but per
sisting in thpir religious exercises they were
finally expelled from the University. On his
return home his father endeavoured in vain to
divert him from his religious pursuits, as being
likely to stand in the way of his promotion i;i
the world ; and at length finding him inflexible
in what he conceived to be his religious duty,
beat him severely and turned him out of doors
Relenting, however, at the intercession of his
mother, and .hoping to his point by other
means, he sent his
son to
Paris, in company1
wun some persons ot quality; wnence ne re?
turned so well skilled in the French language,
and other polite accomplishments, that he was
again joyfully "received at home after his re
turn from France, he. studied law, until his
twenty-second year, when his father commit
ted to him, the management of a considerable
estate in Ireland a circumstance which unex
pectedly proved tho occasion of his finally ad
hering to the despised cause of the Qaukers,
and devoting himself to a religions life. At
Cork he again met with Thomas Loe, the per
son whose preaching had affected him, so ear
ly in life. At a meeting in that city, Loe be
gan his declaration with these penetrating
words, " There is a faith that overcomes the
world," and " there is a faith, that is overcome
by the world," which so affected Peim, than
from that time he constantly attended the meet
ings of the Quakers though in a time of Iime
persecusion. He was soon afterwards, with
many others, taken at a meeting in Cork an I
carried before the Mayor, by whom they were
committed to prison ; but young Penn was soon
released, on application to the Earl of Orrery,
then lord President of Munster. His father
being informed of his conduct, remanded him
home, and finding him unalterably determined
to abide by his own convictions of duty, in re
spect to plainness of speech and deportment,
he would have compounded with him, if he
would only have consented to remain uncovered
before the King', the duke (afterwards James II)
and himself. Being disappointed in this, he
could no longer endure the sight of his son,
and a second time, drove him from his family.
Yet after a while becoming convinced of his
integrity, he permitted him to return, and
though he never openly countenanced him,
he would use his intetest to get him released,
when imprisoned for his attendance at religious
meetings. In 1 668, in tho 24th year of his
age, Penn first appeared as a minister and an
" 1 r t - T 1
author ; and it was on account of his second
essay, entitled the " Sandy Foundation Shaken,"
that he was imprisoned in the Tower, and
where he" remained seven months, during which
time he wrote his most celebrated work, " No
Cross no Crown," and finally obtained his re
lease from confinement by an exculpatory vin
dication, under tho title of " Innocency with
hdr open face." In 1670 the meetings of dis
senters were forbidden under severe penalties.
The Quakers however believing it their reli-
duty continued to meet as usual ; and
when forcibly kept out of their meeting houses,
they assembled as near to them as they could
see m tne street, jvi one oi mese meetings,
Wm, Penn preached to the people thus assem
bled for divine worship : for which pious ac
tion he was committed to Newgate, and at the
next session at the Old Bailey, was indicted
for " being present at, and preaching to, an un
lawful, seditious, and riotous assembly." He
pleaded his own cause, though menaced by the
recorder, and was finally acquitted by the Jury,
nit ho was nevertheless, detained m Newgate
and the jury fined. Sir William died this jr
ullv reconciled to his son, to whom In: h-M i
plentiful o.t:Ue, hiking leave of him, in tJ.
memorable words: "Son William, let uo.L;m .
ih tins world tempt you to wrong your co i
science. So will you keep peace at home.
'which will be a feast to you in a day of troub-
'le. Shortly after this evfcnt, Penn travelled
n the oxenuso of his ministry into Holland
and Germany, In 1672, ho married Gulielma"
Maria Springett, whose father (Sir William) hav-
ng beon killed at the stcgo of Bamber,in thaciv-
l wars, hnr mother had jnarrfed Isaac Penning
ton an eminent minisfej,sandrier" among tho