Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, June 20, 1840, Image 1

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    - r, . -I" -
The whole art of Government consists in the art or beino honest. Jefferson.
JC. W. 3e Witt, Publisher.
Richard Nugent, Editor
No 22.
MtUttmn JKcpftblit
i.iinM. wai onrmm in nrlrrinrp Two dollar
andnn rr.halfycarlyr-and if not paid before the end of
' the rear Two dollars and a nail. Tiiose wno receive uicir pa-
Der br a earner u un..iv... j t ,
rTS- ' . j or i-O me rvr-orr rtrn.
VTH1 oc cnargLu -. j , ,
Ko paj)CrS llSCJniUlUCU uuui a.u alienage aiu yam, titi
at the owon oi um uuhui. ......
Wrticpmnnts not excccdinrr one sauare (sixteen lines)
will bemsertci three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents
fH.ron.pi KAiKmtinsprtion : laraer ones in nroDortion. A
IVi I.II.H - - I" - A
liberal discount will bo made to yearly advertisers.
iri7All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid.
Having a qcneral assortment of large elegant piam ana orna
mental Tvpc, we are prepared to execute every des
cription of
Wis, Circulars, Bill Meads, Notes,
J wi'h nc itnss an! desnatch, on reasonable terms.
.Aihe Trustees of ihis Institution, have the
plOJSUr' I aililiuilium" v me jjuuii, ami jjai-
noniNrlr 10 ihe friends of education, that they
M J T . O 7 r.iT.r . nc. Qimnrintfln.
lent mid Principal of their Academy.
The Trustees invre the attention of parents
nd guardians, who have children to send from
home, to this Institution. They are fitting up
the building in the first style, and its location
from its retired nature is peculiarly favorable
& for a boarding school. - It commands a beauti-
l& f - .r .1. r . 1 - i.
IU1 View Ol lilt; Lciiiwiiiu jivcr, uucii mun 11
is situated, and the surrounding scenery such
as the lover of nature will admire it is easily
accessible the Easion andMilford Stages pass
it daily, and only 8 miles distan from the latter
placefand a more salubrious section of coun
try can nowhere be found. No fears need be
entertained that pupils will contract pernicious
W habits, or be seduced into vicious company it
is removed from all places ot resort and those
inducements to neglect their studies that are
furnished in large towns and villages. i
Boari can he obtained very low and near the !
Academy. Mr. Daniel W. Dingman.jr. will
take" several boarders, his. house is veryconve
ni' 1 students ;vili there be under the im
me liate care of the Principal, whose reputation-,
aporimentiraguiitdianBhip-1over his pu
pils, afford the best security for their proper
conduct, that the Trustees can give or parents
(and guardians demand.
The course of instruction will be thorough
; adapted to the asre of the pupil and the time
he designs to spend in literary pursuits. Young
men may quality themselves lor entering upon
h'e study of the learned prolessions or lor an
l;anced stand at College 4or mercantile pur
uits, for teaching or the business of common
lie. useiiu will ue prKierruu iu uiiiaatcuuii siuu
'J- r 1 Ml 1 - C . .1 . A HilH
ies, rievertlielftss so much of the latter attended
o as the advanced stages ol the pupil's educa
ion will admit. The male and female depart
ment will be under the immediate superintend
lence of the Principal, aided by a competent
ale or female Assistant. Lessons in music
will be jnven to
ladies on the Piano
brte at the boarding house of the principal, by
j :
Km experienced and accomplished Instructress.
Summer Session commences iMay 4tu.
Board for Youns Gentleman or Ladies with
the Principal, per week, SI 50
upils from 10 to 15 years of age from $1 to
SI 25
uiuon for the Classics, Belles-Lettres, French
&c, per quarter, 2k 00
JExtra for music, per quarter, 5 00
5 "W R A nartifMilnr r.nnr;n of sttmv Will hp.
-Selves for Common School Teachers with ref-
erence to that object ; application made for
iSachers to the trustees or principal will meet
im nediate attention,
Lectures dn the various subjects of study will
e delivered by aoie speasers, mrouga mt
... . . . t .i i
course ofvear.
Bv ordorof the Board,
r ' DATlA, W. DINGMAN. Pres!
ngman s Ferrv, Pike co., Pa., May 2 1840.
it-Was lost on Thursday, the 21st inst. be-
ttween s:roudsi)uri and John Drown s lannery,
r r i m m
ftft large fair gram Calf bkin rocKet liooK, con-
! tfcming one S50 bill on the ivdston iianK, one
$3 bill on the Gosheibank, one note of hand
amstjonn tsrown tor one nunarea aonars,
vable one day after date, and dated 23d of
Sarch. 1310. and one note of hand against
Jlainuel Ugart for twenty dollars, dated May
n, lBjy. Any person imdmg said pocKet
ok and reluming it to the subscriber at
dm Brown's, shall receive the above reward.
Smhhfield, JJay22, 1840. 3t
All persons are hereby cautioned against pur
asins: either of the above notes, from anv Der-
n, as said notes were obtained unlawfully.
T FtT - m tt
MMay27. 1840.
I'or the JelTefsoniaii Republican.
Where is Truth
Oh.1 where is truth, can any tell?
Ye angels! is it where you dwell?
It is not here, beneath these sUes, -
Perish'd within the street it lies.
It is not in the human heart,
There all is falsehood, gulie, and art .
Mortal's most solemn, bindinc oath1!-
Shows in his word there is no truth. ' '
It is not in affection's tear,
Altho' it seem so warm, and clear;
For scarce the tender wife is dead, i ,
And there's another in her stead.
"I love you," says the ardent youth
The maiden thinks ho tells the truth, -
But now a fairer face appears,
How much he loved is told in tears.
Honour, and wealth, and dazzling fame,-?
Have decked the gallant hero's name, . .
The anxious crowd with eager strife,
Proffer their friendship atd heir life j- -But
from the crumbling, giddy height
Riches and fame have wing'd their flight j'
The crowds have with the honors pass'd '
And where are all these friends ai last?
The lawyer and the judge can show;
By many a turn what truth they know ;
But it's the law so ail is rhrht,
Tho1 truth be left quite out of sight 1 .
The doctor with his gilded pill
And waters died, his vials to fill,
Passing for healing medicine, k k )
Can tell what truth in him.
The merchant with his wily clerk,
With here a twist, and there a quirk, v '
Will make you think that black is white
'Till he has got your money quite, '
With compliments the sleeky beau,
Intent his dandy self to show, A '-J.
Protesting that the lady fair, . . ; 'Jigijr h:
An angel is with golden hair - ,w i
And yet tlie.whiskerd wrstch Jhewhil9?
a urns to ms sieeve to mac a smue,
To see how all he says is heard
As tho' were true his every word.
With what despair 1 look around
And ask, oh ! where can truth be found 1
The hooded monk, and mitred priest
Have but become the scoffers jest
And even those from them reform'd,
Who seem their heartless creeds to 've scorn'd,
Will turn in hate upon each other, a
Wrangling with every differing brother,
As tho' our Lord had not commanded,
Those whom together he has banded,
To love each other with pure love,
If they would hope to dwell above.
Stroudsburg, June 14, 1840.
JLeave noi your Native Soil.
Inscribed to a young man of , who " talk
ed of going West"
Leave not your own, your own loved home
For clime more bright, more fair:
Leave not your hill-sides and your streams
Your own pure mountain air.
Though warm and feitiie be the Westr
Though lighter there the toil,
Still labor here reaps rich reward :
Leave not your native soil!
How can you leave your native soil,
Where all your treasures be, "'
The old house by your father built, ;
Under the waving tree
That tree was planted by our sire, . -
When young in years and toil, -ri
Near which in infancy you played ;
Leave not your native soil!
YouTvill not leave your native soil,
Your fields and pasture fair,
Your greenwood haunts, the babbling stream
That maketh music there : -You
will not leave this sylvan home,
Far from the world's turmoil,
You will not slight this friendly voice j
Leave not ycur native soil ! ,
I know you love your native soil
With feelings strong and deep,
The old church, planted 'round with graves,
Wherein your kindred sleep.
Forsake not then, the old homestead,
Lest fortune should you foil ;
Check vain desires, and be content :
Fill the hungry poor with good things, and
thou shalt never want bread.
Believe not all thou nearest, nor speak ail
thou believest.
Marry thy daughters betimes, lest they mar
ry themselves.
Biographies Jgislixignished Penn
sylrcuiians CONTINUED,
Stephen DEc.vrun, vas born January 5, 1779,
on the Eastern shore'-f Maryland, whither his
parents had retired from Philadelphia, while the
British had posnPS9ioubf that city. He entered
the Navy it: March '98; and was soon promoted to
the rank of first heut;iant. While at Syracuse,
attached to the squadxjm of Commodore Preble,
he was first informed tV'the (me uf the American
frigate Philadelphia, i'h, in pursuing a Tripo
iitan corsair, ran on a.'fyr-k abc-t 4 miles from
Tripoli, and was takeay the Tripolitans and tow
ed into the harbor. Lietuenant Decatur conceiv
ed the project of attencpung her recapture or des
truction, lie selected', for this purpose, a ketch,
and manned her with 7()ivolunteers. February 46,
le04, at 7 o clock at night, he entered the harbor of
Tripoli, boarded tho frigate, though she had all
her guns mounted andcharged, and was lying
within half gun-shot of tho bashaw's castle and ot
his principal battery. Two Tripolitan crusiers
were lying within two cable'a length on the star
board quarter, and several gun boats within half
gun-shot, on the starboard bow, and all the batte
ries on shore were openeilupon the assailants.
Decatur set fire to the frigate, and continued along
side until her destruction was certain. For this ex
ploit, Congress voted him thanks and a sword, and
the President immediately snt him a captaincy.
The next spring, it beiiig; resolved to make an at
tack on Tripoli, Commodore Preble eqtiiped six
gun boats, and two boijiibs, formed them into two
divisions, and gave the .command of one of them
to Decatur. The encmjp9 gun boats were moored
along the mouth of the Ifflrbor, under the batteries
and within niU3i;et shotf Capt. Decatur dctormi
ned to board the enemy ?Ieasiern division, consist
ing of nine. He boarded; in his own boat, and
carried two of the er.emyls boats in succession.
When he boarded the second boat, he immediately
attacked ber cominanrTeAvfho was his superior in
size and strength, and.'rol&woid beinir broken, he
t "sthffgle ensued .
The Turk threw him, and drew a dirk for the pur-
yuao vi ewi.jui.ii; u.u., awt. nnr Having a small
r4-i. : u:. ...u -n ....
pistol in his right pocket, took hold of it, and-turn
ingit as well as ho could, so as to take effect upon
his antagonist, cocked it, fired through hi pocket
and killed him. When C ommodore Preble was
superseded in tho command of the squadron, he
gave the command of the frigate Constitution to
Capt. Decatur, who was afterwards removed to
the Congress, and rmimrd home in her, when
peace was concluded with Tripoli. He succeed
ed Commodore DatTon in the command of the
Chesapeake, after the attack rn.ide upon her by the.
British man of war Leopard. He was aftewards
transferred to the frigate United States
war broke out, whilst in command of her, he fell
in, October 25, 1812, with the Macedonian, mount
ing 49 carriage guns, one of the finest of the Brit
ish vessels of her class, and captured her after an
engagement of an hour and a half. When Capt.
Carden the commander of the Macedonian, tender
ed him his sword, he observed, "that he could not
think oftaung tlie sword of an otficer who had de
fended his ship so gallantly, but shou.d he happy
to take him iy tr.e hand." In January 1814. De
catur in the United Stater, with bis prize the Mac
edonian, then equipped as art American frigate,
was blockaded at New London, by a British squa
dron, greatly superior in forcearhaipnged which
he sent to their commander Sir Thomas Hardy,
offering to meet two of the British frigates with his
two ships, was declined. In January 1815, he at
tempted to set sail from New York, which was
blockaded by four British ships, but the frigate
under his command, the President, was injured in
passing the bar, and was captured by the whole
squadron, after having maintained a running fish
of 2 hours, with one of the frigates, the Endymion,
which was dismantled and silenced. After the
conclusion of peace he was restored to his coun
try. The conduct of the Barbary powers, and of
Algiers in particulars, having been insulting to
the U. b., war was declared against the latter, and
a squadron was fitted out under the command of
Commodore Decatur, for the purpose of obtainino-
redress. In the spring he set sail, and June 17,
off Cape dc Satt, captured an Algerine frigate, af.
ter a running fight of 25 minutes, in which,the fa
mous Admiral Kais Hammidor, who had long been
the terror of the Mediterranean, fell. The squad
ron arrived at Algiers. June 28.
In less than iS hours, Decatur terrified the regency
into his own terms, wi,Hi were mainly, that no trib
ute should ever be required by Algiers fromthe U.S.
that all Americans iu slaveiy, should be given up
without rarsom; that compensation should be
made fur Amrrican property seized that all citi
zens of the United States taken in war, should be
treated as prisoners of war, are, by other nations,
and not as slaves, but held subject to an exchange
without ransom. After concluding this treaty, he
proceeded to Tunis, where he obtained indemnity 1
for the outrages exercised or permitted by the
Bashaw. Thence he went to Tripoli, where he
made a similar demand, with like success and pro
cured the release of 10 captives, Danes and Nea
politans. He arrived at home November 12, was
subsequently appointed one of the Board of Navy
Commissioners, and was residing in Washington,
in that capacity, when he was killed in a duel with
Commodore Barron, March 23, 1820, occasioned
by his adimadversions of the conduct of the latter
Courage, sagacity, energy, self-possession, and a
high sense of honor, were the characteristic traits
o Decatur. From his boyhood, he was remarkable
or the qualities, which presage eminence in naval
warfare. He enjnvd the sea as his element. He
possessed an active muscular frame, a quick and
penetrating eye, and a bold adventurous, and am
bitious spirit.
David Rittenhouss, a distinguished astronomer,
was born near Germantown, April 8, 1732, Du
ring his early years he was employed on his fath
er's farm ; yet even there his peculiar genius man
ifested itself. His younger brother used te say,
that when David was employed in the fields, he
repeatedly observed the fences, and even the plough
with which he had been working, marked over
with mathematical figures.
The construction of a wooden clock exhibited
the first evidence of his mechanical talents. He
was then but 17 years of age, and had never re
ceived any instruction, either in mathematics, or
mechanics. The delicacy of his constitution and
the irresistible bent of his geniuB, soon after indu
ced his parents, to allow of his giving up husband
ry, and to prccure for him the tools of a clock and
mathematical instrument malter. From the age of
18 to 25, he applied himself with great assiduity,
both to his trade and of his studies. Engaged
throughout the day in the former, it was only the
time commonly assigned to rest, or to use his own
expression, Aw idle hour, that he could devote to
the latter. Yet, with so little time at his command,
with but two or three books, and without the least
instruction, he acquired so considerable a knowl
edge of the mathemati cal sciences, as to be able to
j read the Principia of Newton. It is even asserted
that he discovered the method of fluxions, and that
" aumc years auervvaras, mat
i v-AV-lnn nmi r.Pn,n:., - ntoo.0fi tm
honor of
an invention of which he deemed himself the au
thor. It was dimng tris double employment of
his time, mlar.or snd m study, that Mr. Kitten
house planned aud executed an instrument in
which his mathematical knowledge and his me
chanical skill were equally required. This instru
ment was the Orrery. Machines, intended to give
to the student ot Astronomy a general conception
of the relative motions of the heavenly bodies, had
been constructed before; but the object Mr. R
was , to construct positions of the planets and their
satellites at any given period of the world, pa3t,
present or iuture. It was m lact, to make a kind
of perpetual astronomical almanac, in which tho
results, uistead of beincr sriven in tables, were to
he actually exhibited to the eye, In this attempt
he succeeded, iwo ot these orreries were made
by his own hands one belongs to the University
ol rennsylvama; the other to the college of Prince
ton. in by iur. k. was named one ot tne com
mittee appointed by the American Philosophical
Society to observe the transit of Venus, over the
Sun s disk, which happened June 3d of that year,
A temporary observatory was built for tho pur
pose, near his residence. In silence and trembling
anxiety Mr. R. & his friends waited for tho-piedic-
ted moment of observation ; it came, and brought
with it, all that had been wished for and expected
by those who saw it. In one philosopher it exci
ted in the instant ol the contacts ot the planet with
the sun, an emotion of delight so exquisite and
power! ul as to induce lamting. The reputation
winch Mr. Rittenhouse had now'so justly acquired
as an astronomer, attracted the attention of the
government, and he was employed in several geo
cesic opHrations, of great public importance.
In '79 he was appointed by the Logislaturi of
rennsylvama, one of the Commissioners for ad
justing a territorial dispute between that State and
Virginia, and the success ot this commission is
ascribed, in a great degree, to his skill and pru
dence. In '80 lie was employed in fixing- the In or
them line, which divides rennsvivama trom JNew
York. In 'G9he ws employed in settling the lim
its between Jew York and iNew Jersey ; and m
'87 he was called upon to assist in fixing the boun
dary line between tho States of Massachusetts and
JNew York, lie was elected a member of the
American Academy of arts and sciences at Bos
ton in '82 and of the Royal Society of London in
'95. In '91 he was chosen to successor of Dr.
Franklin in the presidency of the American Phi
losophical Society. All his philosophical commu
nications were made through the medium ot tho
'Transactions of this Society," aed the list of his
papers in the three first volumes, shows his zeal
for science and the fertility of his genius.
In '77 Mr. Rittenhouse was appointed Troasurer
of Pennsylvania, in which office he continued un
til 189 in '97 he was appointed by tho President,
Director of the U. S. Mint. His mechanical skill
rendered him a highly useful officer. In '95 ho
was obliged to resign in consequence of the state
of his health. His constitution naturally feeble,
had been rendered still more so, by sedentary la
bor and midnight studies, and on the 25th of Juno,
'95, he died. His last illness was short and pain
ful, but his patience and benevolecco did not for-
sake nun. upon uemg xoiu uuu suiuu ui ms
friends had called at hia door to inquire how he
was, he asked why they were not invited into hia
chamber. "Because" said his wile "you are too
weak to speak to them. "Yes" said he " that is
true, but BtilM'could have pressed their hands."
In private life Mr. R. exhibited all those mild and
amiable virtues by which ii is adorned. Immedi
ately alter his decease, the Amtrican r hilosophi
cal Society decreed him the honor of a public eu
logium ; and this duty was executed in the ablest
manner by Dr. Rush.
u Now my dear," said Mrs. Woodsum, faint-
IjVto her husband, " the time has come at last
I feel that I am on my death bed and have but
a short time to stay with you. But I hone we
shall be resigned to the will of Heaven. Theso
things are undoubtedly all ordered for the best
and I would go cheertully, ii it was not for
my anxiety about you and the children. Now
don't you think, my dear," she continued with
increasing tenderness, don't you think it would
be best for you to be married again to some kind
woman, that would be a mother to our dear lit
tie ones, and make your home pleasant for all
of you ?"
She paused and seemed to look, earnestly in
his face for an answer.
"Well, I've aometimes thought
might be best," said Mr, Woodsum, with a ve
ry solemn air.
" Then you have been thinking about, it,"
said Mrs. Woodsum, with a slight contraction
of the muscles of the face.
" Why, yes," said Mr. Woodsum, " I have
sometimes thought about it since you have had
spells of being so very sick. It makes me feel
dreadful to think of it, but I don't know but
it might be a matter of duty."
"Well, I do think it would, said Mrs.
Woodsum if you can only get the right sort of
a person. Everything depends upon that my
dear, and I hope you will pe very particular
about who you get, very."
"I certainly shall," said Mr. Woodsum;
" dont give yourself any uneasiness about that
my dear, for I assure you I shall be very partic
ular. The person I shrill probably have js one
of the kindest and best tempered women In tho
" But have you been thinking of any one in
particular, my dear ?"said Mrs. Woodsum with
a manifest look of uneasiness.
" Why yes," said Mr. Woodsum there is one
that 1 have thought for a longtime past I should
probably marry, if it should be the will of Pro
vidence to take you from us,"
" And pray Mr. Woodsum, who can it bo 1"
said the wife with an expression a little mora
of earth than heaven, returning to her eye.
" Who is it Mr Woodsum, you hav'nt named it
to her have you X"
" Oh by no means," said Mr. Woodsum "but
my dear we had better drop the subject ; it agi
tates you too much."
" But Mr. Woodsnm, yxm must tell me who
it is ; I never could die in peace till you do."
" It is a subject too painful to think about"
said Mr. Woodsum," and it don't appear to rao
it would be best to call names."
" But I insist upon it" said Mrs. Woodsum,
who had by this time raised herself up with
great earnestness and was leaning on her el
bow, while her searching glance was reading
every muscle in her husband's face. " Mr.
Woodsum I insist upon it."
"Well, then," said Mr. Woodsum, with a
sigh, "if you insist upon it my dear I have
thought, if it should be the will of Providence to
take you from us to be here no more, I thought
I should marry for my second wife Hannah
An earthly fire once more flashed from Mrs.
Woods urn's eyes she leaped from the bed
like a cat ; walked across the room and seated
herself in a chair.
" What !" she exclaimed, in a trembling
voice almost choked with agitation, " what mar
ry that idle, sleepy slut of a Hannah Lovejoy
Mr. Woodsum that is too much for flesh and
blood to bear I can't endure that, I won't.
Hannah Lovejoy to be tho mother of my chil
dren ! No that's what sho never shall. So
you may go to your ploughing, Mr. Woodsum,
and set your heart at rest. " Susan" sho con
tinued turning to ono of the girls," makeup
more fire under that dinner pot."
Mr. Woodsum went to the field and pursued
his work, and when he returned at tho dinner
hour, he found the family dinner well prepared
and his wife ready to do the honors of the table.
Mrs. Woodsums health from that day continued
to improve, & she was never afterwards visited
with the terrible affliction of a hypochrodriac.
A New Mouse-Trap. An English.paper
tells of a gentloman who keeps a pet oyster of
tho largest and finest breed. It is fed on oat
meal, for which it regularly opens its shell, and
is occasionally treated with a din fn its nalivo
element ; but the most extraordinary trait in
the hisiory of this amphibious pet is, that it has
proved itself au excellent niouser, havincr al
ready killed five mice, by crushing tho heads
of such as attempted by oderiferous meal had
the temerity to intrude their noses within his
Milk or Human Kindness. The President,
of a Debating Society in the West is said late
ly to have decided that " thomihV of hu
man kindness" literally meaiitrailEpund fitlu.
a iiiiie nutmeg in u.