Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, June 13, 1840, Image 1

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Richard tfisgent, Editor
The whole aiit of Government consists in the art op beino honest. Jefferson'.
C. W. De Witt; Puttlislicr.
No 91.
jMUrc nw annum tn ailvance Two dollars
. 7i o ., ,rtr half vearly. and if not paid before the end of
Uie vear T o dollars and a half. Those who receive their pa
nersbv a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor
will be cnareuu o - -"-" . ,
No naDers'ihscontinued until all arrearages are paid, except
iT-3i.V-rti;impnL:not ercecdinc one sauare (sixteen lines)
wdl be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents
fnr .rtrv Mibsnnuent insertion : larecr ones in uroDomon. a
liberal discount will be made to yearly advertisers.
nifAll letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid.
Uaring a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna
mental Type, we are prepared to execute every des
cription of
Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes,
Blank: Receipts,
Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms.
In pursuance of Section 3d, of an Act incorpo
rating the "Upper Lehigh Navigation Company,"
the undersigned, Commissioners under said act to
receive subscription of -Stock to the Company a
torcsaid. hereby give notice that books for that
purpose will be opened on Wednesday, the 10th
day of June next, in the village of Stoddartsville,
and be kept open from day to day until said Stock
is all subscribed.
May 14, 1840. 3t.
The Trustees of this Institution, have the
leasure of announcing to the public, and par-
icularly to the friends of education, that they
ave engaged Ira i5. inewman, as oupenuien
ent and Principal of their Academy.
The Trustees invite the attention of parents
and guardians, wbo have children to send from
orae, to this Institution. They are fitting up
he building in the first style, and its location
rom its retired nature is peculiarly favorable
"or a boarding school. It commands a beauti-
ul view of the Delaware river, near which it
s situated, and the surrounding scenery such
s the lover of nature will admire it is easily
ccessible tlie Easton andMilford Stages pass
t daily, and only 8 miles distan' from tho latter
lace, and a more salubrious section ol coun-
,ry can nowhere be found. No fears need be
ntertamed that pupils will contract pernicious
abits, or be seduced into vicious company it
removed from all places of resort and those
ducements to neglect their studies that are
mished in large towns and villages.
Board can be obtained very low and near the
cadenry. Mr. Daniel W. Dingman, jr. will
ke several boarders, his house is very conve
ent, and students will there be under the im-
ediate care of the Principal, whose reputa-
on, deportment and guardianship over his pu
lls, afford the best security for their proper
onduct, that the Trustees can give or parents
nd guardians demand.
The course of instruction will be thorough
daptei to the age of the pupil and the time
le designs to spend in literary pursuits. Young
men may qualify themselves for entering upon
the study of the learned professions or for an
advanced stand at College for mercantile pur
suits, for teaching or the business of common
life, useful will be preferred to ornamental stud
ies, nevertheless so much of the latter attended
o as the advanced stages of the pupil's educa
tion will admit. The male and female depart
ment will be under the immediate superintend
dence of the Principal, aided by a competent
male or female Assistant. lessons in music
will be given to young ladies on the Piano
r orte at tneooaruing nouse oi me principal, oy
an experienced and accomplished Instructress.
Summer Session commences May 4th.
Board for Young Gent'eman or Ladies with
the Principal, per week, $1 50
Pupils from 10 to 15 years of age from $1 to
SI 25
Tuition for the Classics, Bellcs-Lettres, French
&c, per quarter, 2 00
Extra for music, tier nuarler. 5 00
N. B. A particular course of study will be
marked out for those who wish to qualify them
selves for Common School Teachers with ref
erence to that object; application made lor
teachers to the trustees or pnncipul will meet
im nodiate attention,
Lectures on the various subjects of .study will
be dehrrrel ly able speakers, through the
course of yiuir.
By ordorofth" Board.
Dingman's Ferry, Pike co.,Pa., May 2 18-10.
The present expectation of the subscriber is thai
he will leave here at the close of his school, which
will be at least in two weeks from tnis date. The
limelv attention of his .patrons to their bills will
'savchun much delov amrinc.onvenience,.
JcffbrsomaBi -Republican,
A new Weekly Paper, to he published at Strouds-
liurg, Monroe County, Fa., and Mtlford,
Pike County, Pa., simultaneously.
,'The whole art of Government consists in the art
ol being honest. Jcjferson.
in principle, will be all its title purports, the firm
and unwavering advocate of the principles and
doctrines of the democratic party, delineated by
the illustrious Jefferson : the right of the peo
ple to think, to speak, and to act, independent
ly, on all subjects, holding themselves respon
sible to no power for the free exercise of this
right, but their God, their Country, and her
Laws, which they themselves have created.
A free and untraunneled Press, conducted in a
spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public bles
sing, a safeguard to the Constitution under which
we live, and it should be cherished and support
ed by every true republican. Such, then, it is
2Signed to make the paper now estab
lished, and as such, the publisher calls up
the enlightened citizens of Monroe and Pik to
aid him in this laudable enterprise. The time
has arrived when the Press should take a bold
and faarless stand against the evidently increas
ing moral and political degeneracy Of the day,
and endeavor, by a fair, candid, and honorable
course, to remove those barriers which section
al prejudices, party spirit,- and party animosity
have reared to mar the social relations of men
without accomplishing any paramount good.
will not seek to lead or follow any faction, or to
advocate and support the schemes of any par
ticular set of men. It will speak independent
ly on all State and National questions, award
ing to each that support which its merits may
demand, never hesitating, however, to condemn
such measures, as in the opinion of the editor is
justly warranted, holding as a first principle :
" The greatest good to the greatest number.'"
Believing that the great principles of democ
racy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma
gistrate of the Nation, Mantix Yak Buren,
decidedly,but honorably oppose his re-election
to the high and responsible station which he
now holds.
It will firmly oppose the " Independent Trea
sury" Scheme, and all other schemes having
for their object the concentration in the hands
of one man, and tiiat man the President of the
Nation, all power over the public moneys, a
power, which, when combined with that vest
ed in him by the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief
of the American forces, Military and
Naval, together with an enormous Official pa
tronage, would render him more powerful than
the Executive of the British Nation, and in
short make our Government, dc facto an Elec
tiveMonarcliy. It will ever maintain that the welfare of our
Country and the preservation of her Republican
Institutions should be the first and only senti
ments of our hearts in the choice of our public
servants; that honest)', fidelity, and capability,
are the only true tests of merit ; that all men
are1 created equal, and. therefore, should alike
enjoy the privileges conferred on them by the
Constitution without being subject to proscrip
tion, or coerced by the influence of party.
The columns of the J 10 F F ii S ON I AN
REPUBLICAN will ever be open to the free
discussion of all political questions, believing
as we do, that there isno liberty where both
sides may not be heard, and where one portion
of freemen are denied the privilege of declar
ing their sentiments through the medium of the
Press, because they differ from the majority.
will ever take a lively interest in the affairs of
Monroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and
Congressional Districts with which they are
The Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic,
and the Laborer, will each find a friend in the
LICAN. Due care will be taken to furnish its
readers with the latest Foreign and Domestic
News, and such Miscellaneous reading as will
be both interesting and instructive. In short it
is designed to make the paper worthy of an ex
tensive patronage, both from the strictly moral
tone which it will ever possess, and the efforts
of the editor to make it a good and useful
Family Newspaper.
will be printed on a super-royal sheet of good
quality, and with good type.
Terms $2 in advance ; $2,25 at the end of
ix months, and $2,50 if not paid before the ex
piration of the year. No subscription taken for
a less term than six months.
All persons indebted to the late firm of Stokes &
BrownTaro requested to make payment on or be
fore the first day of July next, or their accounts
will bo left in the hands of a Justice for collection.
May 29, 1810. - , w
" A Shocking Bad Hat!" We fir3 the follow
ing capital lines, in the Cleavland Herald. They
were written bv a farmer of Portage county, Ohio.
When this old hat was new the people used to say
The best among the Democrats were Ilarison and
The Locos now assume the name, a title most un
true ;
And most unlike their party name, when this old
hat was new. . . 1
When this old hat was new, Van Buren was a Fed,
An enemy to every man who labored for his bread ;
And if the people of New York, havo kept their
records true ;
He voted 'gainst the poor man's right3, when this
old hat was new.
When this old hat was new, . Buchanan was the
man f?
Best lilted in the Keystcne State to lead the Fed-
'ral clan. .
He swore if "Democratic bloo?v should make his
veins look blue,
He'd cure them by phlebotomy" when this old hat
was new,
When this old?hat was now, ('twas eighteen hun
dred eleven,)
Charles Ingersolldid then declare, by all his hopes
in heaven,
" Had he been able to reflect, Tfe'd been a tory
And ne'er have thought it a reproach when this
old hat was new.
When this old hat was new, of Richard Rush 'twas
To figure well among- the Feds he wore a black
cockade : ;
Deny this Locos,' if you please,' for every word is
true. . - -
I knew full well old Dickey Rush,.- when this old
hat was new.
When this old
hat was new the senator from
Destroyed by fire an effigy
t immortalize his
The effigy was Madisons if commorfame be tree,
So Ruef Williams, was a Fed, when;. this old hat
was new. . . , . -. -
When this old hat was hew, 'twas in the Gran
ite State,
That Henrv Hubbard asked each town to send
a delegate
To meet in council at the time when Federal
ism blue,
Made Hartford look like indigo, when this old
hat was new.
When this old hat was new Sam Cushman did
''' That should a soldier cross the lines he hoped
. he'd perish there,
And leave his bones in Canada, for enemies to
So much for his Democracy,--when- this old hat
was new.
When this old hat was new, oldGoveirnor Prbh
vost, The States invaded at the head of numerous
British host,
Then mark, 'e Locos what did Martin Chitten
den then do 1
Forb'd Green Mountain boys to fightj when
this old hat was new.
When this old hat was new, Woodbury and
Yan Ness;
E. Allen Brown, and Stephen Haiglit were of
the l' edoral mess.
A. II. Everett, and Martin Field, and Sim C
Allen, too,
New Patent Democrats were Fedsj when this
old hat was new,
When this old hat was hew those Wdrlhies did
The cause, and friends of liberty, and stood a
mong their foes ;
Not so with " Granny" Harrison, for at Tippe
He bravely fought the savage foe, when this
old hat was new
When this old hat was new, the friends of lib
Knew well the merits of old Tip, while fight
ing at Maumeo :
Come now, Huzza for Harrison, just as we u
sed to do
When first we heard of Proctors fall, when this
old hat was new.
The Van Buren papers in Virginia charge
their defeat to the exertions of the Whigs, in
printing and distributing tlie life of Harrison ! !
Very probable. The life of that good man is
the best argument in his favor, and we have no
doubt that wherever it is known it will secure
to him a large majority at the fall election.
We learn from Washington that it is known
there that Gov. Cass is in favor of the election
of his old Fellow-Soldier. Gen. Harrison.
The followers of Van Buren are clamorous for
his recall, but the little man dare not "take the
responsibility." ; . f , :
? 2Jjograpliis of XMstiugnislied Penn-
Luzerne. Anne .Cesar Luzerne, a French
diplomatist; born at Paris in l?"41.r after having
served in the seven years war, in wnio&he
rose to the rank of Colonel, abandoned the mil
itary career, resumed his studies, and turning
his views to diplomacy, was sent in '76 to Ba
varia, and distinguished himself in the negotia
tions which took place in regard to the Bavari
an successor. In '78 he was appointed to
succeed Gerard as minister to the United States
and conducted himself during his five years
residence in Philadelphia, with a prudence,
wisdom and concern for their interests, that
gained him the esteem and affections of the
Americans. In 1780, when the American ar
my was in the most destitute condition, and the
government without resources, he raised mo
ney on his own responsibility, and without
waiting for orders from his court; to relieve
the distress. He exerted himself to raise pri
vate subscriptions, and placed his own name at
the head. In '83 he returned to France, hav
ing received the most flattering expressions of
esteem from Congress, and in '88 was sent am
bassador to London, where he remained till
his death in '91. When the federel govern
ment was organized the Secretary of State
(Jefferson) addressed a letter to the Chevalier
dc la Luzerne, by direction of Washington, for
the purpose of making an express acknowledge
ment of his services, and tho sense of them en
tertained by the nation. Luzerne county in
this State was named in his honor.
Charles W. Peale, the founder of the
Philadelphia Museu.n, was born of English pa
rents at Chestertown, Maryland in 1741 ; was
apprenticed to a saddler at Annapolis and mar
ried at an early age. Ho sucessively carried
on the trades of saddjer, harness maker;, silver
smith, watchmaker and carver ; and afterwards
as a recreation from his sedeniary practice of
portrait painting, became a sportsman, natural
ist and preserver of animals ; made himself a.
violin and guitar ; invented and executed a va
riety of machines ; and was the first dentist in
this country, that made sets of enamel teeth.
At the age of 26, he was first excited to bfecdme
a painter, by the desire of surpassing the wtotch-
ed thirigs which he happened to meet with. At
this tinie Hesseluis, a portrait painter from the
school of Sir Godfrey Knellcr was living near
Annapolis. Mr. Peale selecting tho handsom
est saddle his shop afforded, as a present to the
artist; introduced himself and solicited tho fa
vor of seeing, for the first time, the mysterions
operations of painting. Mr. H. gave him es
sential instruction, and ho afterwards received
similar sen ices from Mr. Copley (father of the
present Lord Lyndhurst) on a visit to Boston
Soon after by the aid of his friends, he went
to England, and studied during the years '70
and '71 in the Royal Academy at London, un
der tho directiod of Mr. West. Col. Trumbull
says, that, one day when he was in Mr. West's
painting room, some hammering arrested his
attention. " Oh" said Mr. W. " that is only
that ingenious young man Mr. Peale, repairing
some of my bells or locks according to custom'
This custom much to the comfort and amusd
mcnt of many a host, he continued all through
life, whenever he was on a visit to the country,
either for business or pleasure. On his return
America, he removed to Baltimore, where he
opened a picture gallery. For about 15 years
he was only portrait painter in North America;
and persons camo to him to be painted from
Canada and the West Indies. Durinp tho rev
olutionary war, he raised a company, was often
employed in confidential services, and was en
gaged in the battles of Trenton and German
town. In '77 ho was elected a representative
of Philadelphia in the State Legislature, where
he chiefly interested himself in the law, for the
abolition of slavery. During tho contest, he
had painted the portraits of many distinguished
officers, some of whom were afterwards killed.
This collection constituted the chief interest of
his gallery, and was from time to time extended,
and afterwards made to comprise the portraits
of men, eminent in tho different walks of life.
Some large bones of the mammoth found in
Kentucky, and brought to him to bo drawn,
laid tho foundation of his, museum, ,when the
name was scarcely known to travellers, and
Europe possessed none of great note but ti
celebrated Aldobrandine collection at'Florenc
Tho increasing income from his museum
length enabled Mr. Peale, to procure an entii'
skeleton of the mammoth, at an expense
$5GuQi A large quantity of the bones of a
individual of1 ihis species was discovered i1
Ulster county, N. Y: yhich Mr. Peale purcha,
sed, together with the righfof, digging for tin
remainder in a swampy marl pit, which"
obtained after very great exertions.
Natural History as yet, formed no part of
the education of our youth, and Mr. Peale was
the first to prepare and deliver a course of lec
tures on this interesting and now popular sub
ject, which he rendered attractive to a respect
able class of ladies and gentlemen by demon
strations with the real subjects taken out of the
museum. The museum has at length grown
to an extent which justifies a comparison, with
the most celebrated establishments in Europe.
He Was formost in the early attempts to estab
lish ah Academy of the Fine Arts. When the
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts was
founded, he zealously co-operated for manv
years, and lived to contribute to seventeen an
nual exhibitions. After a life Of extraordinary
exertion and temperance, he died in 1827, at
the age of 86.
Lindley Murray, author of the most useful
and popular Grammar of the English language
was born in the year 1745, at Swatara, then
Lancaster couniy, of Quaker parents in the
middle station of life. He received the rudi
ments of his education at Philadelphia, in the
Academy of tho Society of Friends. In 1753,
his father removed with his family to New
York, were Lindley was placed at a good school
At an early age he entered a counting house,
being destined for-tha mercantile profession,;
buthaving been severely chartised for a breach
of domestic discipline he privately left his
father's house, took up his abode, in a Semina
ry at Burlington, N. J., and there contracted a
love of books and study. When brought back
after some time, he prevailed upon his fatherto
procure a classical teacher for him, under whom
he applied himself, with diligence and success.
From the precepts and example of his parents
he imbibed lasting sentiments of morality and
religion. He now undertook the study of the
law, in the office of an eminent cousellor, tho
celebrated John Jay being his fellow student.
At the age of 22, he was called to the bar and
soon obtained practice. Within two years he
married a lady, with whom he lived in the ten
derest union for more than half a cetury. He
was very successful and sedulous in his busi
ness as a lawyer, until the war broke out bo
tween Great Britain and the Colonies. About
that time, the decline of his health, induced him
to remove into the country about 40 miles from
New York. In this retreat he passed 4 years;
and at the expiration of this time, he was driv
en back to tho city (then in possession of tho
British) by the necossity of procuring funds, for
the subsistence ef his family. The- profession
of the law being no more lucrative, he turned
merchant again, and accumulated property e-
nough to enable him to retire from business a-
bout tho period of the establishment of Ameri
can Independence. He the purchased a beau
tiful country seat, about 3 miles from N. Y. ;
but a severe sickness subjected him to a gener
al debility of the muscles, for the cure of which
he was induced to go with his family to Eng
land. He intended to remain there only two
years ; but the local attachments which ho for
med, and his bodily infirmities, detained him
for the rest of his life. He bought a very pleas
ant estate, about a mile from the citv of New
York. Here rendered sedentary by the weak
ness of his muscles, he gave himself chiefly to
reading and composition. His first book is en
titled tho "Power of Religion on the Mind,"
and appeared in 1787. It was anonymous
gained much reputation, and has passed through
many editions. His Grammar was first issued
in 1795. It was greatly enlarged and improved
in successive editions,, and has not yet been
surpassed or superseded. It is still altogether
the best extant in tho English language. It
was succeeded by his English exercisesv and
Key. His next work was a compilation, enti
tled tho English Reader also extensively used.
In T802- lie1 produced French Compilrnns