Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, May 29, 1840, Image 3

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    A Drhadfuj. Deed. The Lancaster InteJ
lifienccr records a dreadful deed as having
been atlemptcd near Dillervillc. A young wo
man named Major, was much alarmed at hear
ing some persons walking in her room, and u
pon making a noise, was told in German to be
quiet. She at once discovered the person to be
mm. STEvrvTHEn, vho, after opening the bade
door mad.: an attempt upon her with a kmlc,
inaicling a highly dangerous, and nearly ratal
wound in the neck. It extended along ihc up
per side of her collar bone, leaving the carotid
artery pulsating on Aft surface, the thumb near
ly severed from thehand. and several other
wounus. He had secreted himself, under her
bed. from nine or ten o'clock, until the hour
spoken of and had frequently threatened her
life before, because she would not comply with
Ids Avishes. Dr. Kerfoot, -was immediately
called in, and examined and dressed her wounds.
She is still in danger.
Phil. Inquirer.
"We learn that the woollen factory belonging
to Mr. E. W. Lawton, at Portsmouth, K. 1.
was burnt down on Friday evening.
A FatalAcciedknt. On Monday
last Mr. Havweiser. of the borough
of Getty sburgh, was deprived of
m a mournral manner, lie was
sao-ed in digging sand at the southern
9 r i & i i l i-i
end oftlie town when a bank which
was considerably undermined fell ii
pon him and crushed him to death
instantly. Hq was a German some-
A mail named LonDftin was 011 the
13th illSt. lodo-ed in iail at Montreal, j
r il Tnnrrlpv f n -nvUto of Hc'
101 tllC niUKier OI a pilntC OlrlUi -
i - l
sars. at a house m which there was a
. .-. r .
JOlJmcatlon Oil loot.
.. , i..mwj..vm,Wjij ,jmmm in i m i i
In Milford, on Wednesday evening, the 20th
iiist. after a protracted illness, Mr. Edward Be.v-
ton, aged about 12 years.
All persons indebted to the late firm of Sfolcs 4 ; aie ol injured; the BONES and LIMUS are i best arstists in America, cxnressly for the maw
Brorrri, arc requested to make payment on or be-; not; but in the stead of theso dis- i zine. Tlie designs are selected with a view ofln-
uilVr ne life and vigor is am j teresting the general reader,, and enhancing the
will be left in the hand, of; t JuUce for collection. , dlem movemetf of lhe . nAfc'.of the work, for U, i superior pic.oral einbel-
MaTqiuo 1UUiJljlj;:5iUivJj:5- (lv. BRANDHETTIS" PILLS are indeed a hsh"f; is ith pnde thepro.rietor announ
aiay jy, ltwu. , - , . r t ces that tlie Ladies Companion is the only maga-
The Auditors appointed by the Orphans Court '
of Monroe County, to audit, .examine, and if neccs-'
sarv to resettle the account of Philip "M. IJuSli, ad- ,
minisirator of the estate of John Smiley, deceased, :
will attend to the duties of Uieir appointment, at ;
the public house of Edward Postcns. in Stiouds-;
burg, on Tuesday the lGth day of June next, at'10 '
o'clock, A. M. when and where all persons interes-;
tod mav attend if they think proper. , '
x .-9- - WM. D. WA LTON, i
. john roys. ;
May '20, 1610. Auditors. '
c ,Tp
ol"lJlllvl, I1 O oAJLJCi. '
"By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me '
: . i - i . . -Til . .
directed, (issued out of the Court of Pike county)
there will be exposed to public sale, on Monday, i
the 8th day of June next, at one o'clock. P. at I
the Court House in Milford, the following descri- t
bed lots of unseated or unimproved lots of land, j
situate in the county of Pike and State of Penn-
sylvania, two of which is in the township of Green, 1
one of them numbered on the Commissioners "books
of Pike (281) warrantee William Vi'alen, contain
ing 439 acres and 100 perches, one other No. '2GB,
warrantee "William Linch, 139 acres ai d 100 perch
es. Six other tracts situate in the tow iship of
JJmgman, m said county, as follows : one No. 140,
warrantee Mordecai Roberts, 435 acres and 108
perches, one other, No. 175, warrantee John Guin
dy, 453 acres and 30 perches, one other, No. 17G,
Matthew Ryerson, 104 acres and 90 perches, one
other, No. 177, William Morris 38G acres and 107
perches, one other, iSo. 178, Hannah Palmer, 439
acres and 15 1 perches, one oiher. No
180, Samu-'
el Gunsaules. 378 acres and fin imn-hes. oun otlvfr
situated in Delaware township, No. 88, John Mor-'
Ma, 139 acres and 91) perdic;, one other situate in '
-Uhman township, .No. 90, Richard Brodheud. 378 1 1 It is painful to think that an meUmabie good ; cam to wm, and to uie trowssor unaer wnose su
t -re. Gives up by the defendant David Beocher. should be product of direct and immediate etil J jwrvision it is placed, to make that portion of-jhe
Seized and takwi m execution as the property ; but so it is. , j magazine deserving of the, countenance of every
of David Beeclier at the suif of Stoel to die te of j The very excellence of BrandrclWl Vegetable j lover of music
David R. Burby,!irmist David Beecber. and will Uttveta Ptlls. has in aomeresneets.. opened a soe- Tae Work in Gntcrah Of everv donartmpnt an
i." sM by me J. M. HELLER, SlwrilT. ,
MieuflTs Office, Milfiwd, )
May 8, 1&0- 5
Was lost on Thursday, the 21st hist, be
t eon Stroadsburg ami John Brown's Tannery,
u large fair grain Calf Skin Pocket Book, con
taining one S50 bill on the Easton Bank, one
bill on the Goshenbank, one note of hand
ainnnst John Duown ior one imnureu uonars,
; -yable one day after dale, and dated " 23d of
viarch, 1S10, and one note of lialid against
S-l:iHfl Ilnanrt (Vir .,itT flrilliir"? (bliiul iT;i-
'J t;. 1833. Any person finding said pocket
io!c and returning it lo the subsenror at
J iia Brown's, shall receive the nbose re vard.
SnitU.'icld, Jtfay-33, 1840..!
VU peroa are hereby cautioned againsi pur-
h nig either .of (fee above notos, from any por
tvj, as said notes were obuihiel unlawfully.
Ma) 27, l&W. -
Job Wotk: sim 3dii3 neatl:
c iled at the xtmbe lhk :lmmm
ii inn Republican."
BKAjtflfcRB'jrSB'S FlkEiS;
The application of the principal of PURGA
TION being allowed to be one of the greatest
utility in the cure and prevention of disease, it
is cf the utmost consequence to as certatn what
medicine is capable of producing the effect de
sired, in the easiest, and at the same time, in
the most effectual manner, It has no longer
to contend with the blind prejudices of the
public ; it is only with those lew who are still
determined to be " killed according to rule,"
like the people
of old, 44 who would have" a!
" lCirnr irk ruiirii nvftr I ii'iii. .. Iiiit thanks In
them, s I.ut, thanks
XWll , ' - - - 7
the oppressive burden, which she proves by.
the high fever and the strong pulse, is wanted
i 8.kl in Vlc,lr a
I tions only hav
criue tho ::ust
kill in their administration : the printed direa-'f
e to be observed and thev des-
just proportion oi the dose to the
magnitude of the disease to he cured.
Let all persons read the following opinion of
. ' t . ii i .u v. ,.
a gentleman
who well knows the quality
Pills :
This medicine is acknowlesred to be one of,
the most valuable ever discovered, as a Purifi-
cr of tllc Blood a'ld Fluids. It is superior to
Sarsapurilla. whether as sudoriHe or alterative.
lr4 , . - , . r .... .
It stands lnhnitely before all tho preparations
: or combinaiions or xMercurv It Purgative
i coinuinaiions oi xviercur. xss x urgamc
.powers alone are of incalculable value ; for
those Pills may be taken daily, FOR ANY !
PERIOD, and instead of weakening by the ,
! cathartic effect, thov add strength, by taking;
mvav the cause of weakness. There is no
i -r.. a r;n-
the circulation of newspapers-thanks l0 il,e pymi gorReous ana cosuv cngravmgs on seci, auu
',. - r l i t i ii the Quaiterlv fashions; and also withTr-asluona-
general d.ilusion of knowledge w ich enables Wo MusiC)' arrangcd for the Piatio-
nmeteen twentieths ol the PEOPLE to read , Forto . anj ciu-,tar.
and judge for themselves now we no longer j Since the publication of the number for Novem
believe in swallowing that d eadly mineral, l ber, the demand lor the Ladies' Companion has
Mercury professing to cure, but universally lea-. been unprecedented and beyond the most sanguine
vin" us in a worse condition after its use. j anticipations. At the commencement of the vol
We no louger believe in the absurd notion umcan additional number of copies were printed,
thatlnllamations of any kind can be cured bv J jylK wa considered the . lime. . adequate to sa
, ,.r v --ma " tistv all the orders which might be received, and
abstracting our Iife---O01v BLOOD, it is now j lea'0 a consinerable number on hand for
undcrstood that an Inltamation is a.wisc orth-J qucm cans. The publisher is more than gratified
nance of Nature a signal that she requires the ! in staung; that &o whole of an edition of six thou
assistanco of purgative medicine td ease her sand, five hundred copies, was completely exhnus-
i .mi.. .i. u.i n.. ! reprint a secon . making' the circulation
r i . . , r, . ...... . . , mmit thousand in e iu
en- uranaroins cgetauio universal t-'uis-ronmre tiift tpntii vnlnmp In
8"uu Y" .x ' 'THDfck, ornament the work-one of which accompa-
hkewisc ; but they liave noneof Oie imserab e f number Thwe ,jates arc eniirel n
ellectsofthat Deadly Spcctfic. The TEETH t anA
u.m-wwai. ruCUi5-i
eases : tnev cure iin r Lum m a i uit I
i tit n T a r b rn " r
UiAliblhb aiWMnAiMjUKi : i nev cure ; out in annuals, in addition to the engravings
DYSEENTARY and CONSTITUTIONAL t mentioned a correct plate of. the Quarterly Fash
COST1 VENESS ! They will cura all theso ions f0r Idiest will appear in the June, Septem
apparentlv opposite diseases, because thev ! December, and Alarrh numbers, independent
r! r I u .i, n -i i ' of the usual embellishment. It is the determma-
Cleanse and Purifv the Blooh ; provided j tion of the )rietnrj. lhat Jhesc fashkm a(es
however, iature is not beyond all Human As- shall appcar in a slvIe hitherto unknown. Jt lire
stslancc. For years this medicine has been be- j rary character will undergo no change, as it will
fore the public in the United States ; wherev-' remain under the charge of the same Editors aa
cr it has been introduced, it has superseded all ; heretofore. Articles 1mm the pens of the most
other remedies ' distinguished writers, will appear in the forthebm-
DR. BRANDRETHS OFFICE for the ; H ' ulbcrs .among hich ;may be enumerated the
sale of flic above valuable Pills in Philadelphia t
is at No. 8 Nortli Third Street, a few doors a- J
hove Market street.
r-v . " i
25 cents per box with directions
Drurgists,nevcr made Agents.
jTJJBeware of Counterfeits.
" Stroudsburgh, RICHARD S.- STAPLES.
Dutottsburg, LUKE BRODHEAD.
New Markelviile, 'IKUAhbii S CHOC II. '
May 9' 1S40. ly.
Public Opinion from whJse decision there is no
appeal, has been so often and so loudlv manifested
NIVERSAL PILLS, that it is not surprising there
should be found in almost every city, town, and
village in the United States, persons so depraved I
at heart, and so utterly devoid of the principal of:
moral reclitude, as u manufacture jspurious erti-1
el. aod nalrn it olfon the unsaSDectinc nttbtie a !
the genuine medk ine, from the result of which so ,
.many happy results have been accrued to hemani-;
sios of high-way through which cupidity ad ava- '
rice carry on tlieir depredations Without cheek & j
notwithstandmg the large amount of human suffer- ;
ing which has been the consequence of uua.unpo-j
sition and fraud, druggists continue to carry on j
noiwnnstanofng uie irequency oi exposure airea- tures wjU be hberally be
dy made notwithsfcinding the indelible disgiace - sign of lhe publisher, w
which has been heaped upon conntorfett druggists , tors and the advice of
tins revolting tranic ; ami cojujwenens are as nu- jof its music, and tbc unequal splendor of its pic
morous and as varied in the market, as if no de-, toral embellishment, and the accuracy of its quar
nuncintioii had ever been made, and public indig- terJy faahions. The proprietor j.ledges himself to
nation never oeen expiessea.
Since, however, this destructive evil still exist,
and neither the fear of uod, nor of earthly punish-
mcHt, can entirety put it oecomes my un-;
perative duty again and again to caution the public
against purchasing pills of a druggist," professing
to lie Brandreth's Pills for as under no circum
stances is any of this class made an' Agent, it fod-J
lows ol course that the j'llis 901a ai such places
professing to be Brandwths Pills are "universally
base counterfeits, hijfldy injurious to the heaita oX
die People.
1LT Established A-gents for the Gejo-'Iss Bran
drcti's Vegetable Universal Pills, are Invariably
furnished with an engraved certificate, signed, M.
'B9SAXE2'.ff?, M". in my oun hand
writing. This certificate is renewed eery var
and when over twelve months bid, it vi ! ier
guarantees the genuineness of the ir.y. It t.
would-be well, therefore for purchasers carettdrr
examine the eeriifieie,ibcseal of which is ncat-
mbp5ed ojittlio papBr, in order at least Ujjjitio
gniw 01 imposition inuy not ai least itwaup-
of imitation.
B. BR ANDREW. U. t..
IO Phila lelohia Office for the sole of the above
Valuable Pills !3 at No. 8 -North-eighth Street a
few. doors north of Market street. .
At Mil ford Jonx Jl. BuoniiEAii.
41 Siroudkburgh, RicuAnn S. Staples.
" DutOttsbtllg, LrKE-UllODIIKAOV
" New Markotvile Tiioxe&l & Sciioch.
' .--.May 8,"
New Volume commcticcd with the May Number.
J. HE Ladies' Companion, established in Mav,
1 53 1 a popular and highly esteemed magazine ol
Ucneral Literature and ino i( me Arts: embellish
, . . . .
leu tjeicretne issuing oi tneimru number oi the
volume; and, consequently, he was compelled to
d edition "Of two thousand copies,
of the Iadies Companion
mired, at the tcimination of
nil.l iinnarnHfilrd increaso of new subscribers, he
has determined to commence die new volume for
me ensuing year witn lmrmen tnousanu : Hoping
1 mt nc w Uius be en"o t0 supply all the de-
!!am,s ,or me aCies n?Pa"n as we i astnose
! disa)Momted in commencing wish the tcntn vol
ume. -Tllq proprietor leels gra:eful for tJiat en
couragement which has beertso lavishly bestowed
i upon his masrazmo, and at the same time he bees
to assure the readers of the Ladies' Companion,
that it is determined resolution to meet it with a
! corresponding liberality to merit its continuance.
ino. wrK l'J 111 ji, F.ueu
on the finest paper ; smoothly pressed, and neatly
Unv.i i, . i0 ma ,. J
stl r,h01 irVa Ws,ome c0'f; t . ,
Theljadies Companion contains a larger quan-
tjty of reading than any other magazine issued in
in this country, and its subscription price is only
three dollars a year, while tho great combination
of talent secured for the coming year will render
i 11 ""equalled by any other periodical
vwenaw oc jnxrarmff. pruoarou oy iur. .v.
i j o-? t-t.. l r 4
y.ine t.ublishe.1. in whirh now ami oleiraiit stnel
eiegaut stei
! plates appear resularlv. Those
other monthly periodicals, are generally firstworn
j dia ci(rour
i5"et. Cant-ino Or
ioiiowing: iuis. Jioitano, jinma jmourv,
gouniev, trances Osgood,
ne, Srba Smith, Mrs. Harring
ton. Ann Stevens. Miss Hauriah F. Gould, Ma
ry Ann Browne, Charlotte Cushman, Mary Emily
Jackson, Henry W. Tlt-i bert. author of 'Cromwell,'
&c. Professor" J H IngrMiam, author of Burton,'
'Capt. Kidd,' &c. Professor K V J-ongfellow,
author of ' Outre Mer,' Win E Burton, Chief jus
tice M!ellen, John Neal, Park Benjamin, Grenvillc
Mellcn, N C Brooks, A M, George P Morris, Ro
bert Hamilton, Isaac C Pray, Wm Comstock, JJi-
ram B Tiennis, Kcv J H Clinch, James Brooks,
Albert Pike, F A DurLvage, Henry F li anington.
; together with several oilicrs, with
whom negotia
tions are pending They unl hereafter be an
nounced. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens,
William W. Snowden, Editors.
Henry F. Harrington, )
1 hf Musical JJcparlrvml ol the Ladies' Compa-
W has ever commanued a large share ol aHen-
Hon, and has been looked uron with no littlo in-
teres! by its readers, and more especially the Ln-
t,R wlwni tlie jHiblishrr is ansious to plcate. It
w.iJ1 continue lo he a subject of more than usual
equally cai-eful supervision will be stiietlv eier-
cised by the Fditors, and all appropriate expendi-
s'owed, as it is the de
bit the aid of his conlribn-
his friends lo make the La-
die Cwmpanion dislinguwhed for thu beauty and
accuracy of ha. typography, the variety and high
tone of it literary articles, the quality "and value
jiae all honorable mean to maintain the supenori
ty which the Ladies1 Companion has obtained:
For. five years he has steadily pursued a course of
improvement, and he flatters lnmsell that his pie-
sent facilities are such as to give the work eminent
advantages over ah other publications.
.JFrotn the foregoing it will be perceived that tlio
Ladies' Companion embraces every department
within tho range of lleUes-Lottrce arid the Fine J
...1 . i ; . ...ill 1 1 !
vihs: ana uo esciHens or b.jbhc win u ueemeu
too great to rejer tlie work 'equal to any other
extant, xue Ratten ig ami general-testimonials
ionn4fly every un-emporary journal m tho United
3&tas, afid hj fact, many on the other sme o( the
Atlantic, haro strongly ahseried the undeniable
claims of tho LadW 1 7nn;anioto fp tlie support of
ibe public generally . 1 ht-r is no wotk Unit give'
Us readers such a f r- 1 1 e: mi for jtoeicmonoy.
'j&r&tjfe 'Mrte PiiLuri 0 par in qjfowicc, or Foil
' 'JJiiUars during tiie year. .. i
ro'BjjbjinWfl "Jteceived for los Uian a voir.
TMmffiv W-Jf;-1"'t o!hoBteo thc postage
dedectjjjuid credit givo.i l;
t inr iho balaneo,
100 Fulton street, New York.
' ; - ' .SJPBSS
OF THE. . . .- . . t
JcflcrsosiiaEa SScpu1lscai3,
A "tew Weekly Paper, to be published arStrouds
hurg, Monroe County, Pa., and Milford,
Pike County, Pa., simultaneously.
,cTho whole art of Government consists in the art
of being honest. Jejj'erson.
in principle, will be all its title purports, the firm
and unwavering advocate of the principles and'
doctrines ol the democratic party, delineated bv
the illustrious .lEFFnisoN : the right of the peo
ple to think, to ppoak, and to act, independent
ly, on' all subjects, holding themselves respon
sible to no power for the free exercise of this
right, but their God, their Country, and her'
Laws, which they themselves have created.-
A lree and umraiimieleu Tress, conducted in a
spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public bles
sing, a safeguard to the Constitution under which
wo live, and it should be cherished and support
ed by every t'rtio republican. Such, then, it is
designed to make the paper now estab
lishod, and as such, the publisher calls up
the enlightened citizens of Monroe and Pik to
aid him in this laudable enterprise. The time
has arrived when the Press should take a bold
and faarless stand against the evidently increas
ing moral and political degeneracy of the day,
and endeavor, by a fair, candid, and honorable
course, to remove those barriers wlnoh section
al prejudices, party spirit, and party animosity
have reared to mar the social relations of men
without accomplishing auv paramount good.
will not seek to lead or follow any faction, or to
advocate and support the schemes of any par
ticular set of men. It will speak independent
ly on all State and National questions, award
ing to each that support which its merits may
demand, never hesitating, however, to condemn
such measures, as in the opinion of the editor is
justly warranted, holding as a first principle :
" The greatest good to the greatest number."
Believing that the great principles of democ
racy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma
gistrate of the Nation, Mautix Vax Burc.v,
decidedly, but honorably oppose his re-election
to the high and responsible station which he
now holds.
It will firmly oppose the " Independent Trea
sury" Scheme, and all other schemes having
for their object the concentration in the hands
of one man, and that man the President of the
Nation, all power over the public moneys, a
power, which, when combined with that vest
ed in him by the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief
of the American forces, Military and
Naval, together with an enormous official pa
tronage, would render him morPpowerful than
tho Executive of the British Nation, and in
short make our Government, dc facto an Elec
tive Monarchy.
It will ever maintain that the welfare of our
Country and the preservation of her Republican
Institutions should be the first and only senti
ments of our hearts in the choice of our public
servants ; that honesty, fidelity, and capability-,
arc the only true tests of merit ; that all men
are created equal, and, therefore, should alike
enjoy the privileges conferred on them by tho
Constitution without being subject to proscrip
tion, or coerced by the influence of party.
The columns of the J EFFERSONIAN
REPUBLICAN will ever be open to the free
discussion of all political questions; believing
as we do, that there is no liberty where both
sides may not be heard, and where one portion
of freemen are denied the privilege of declar
ing their sentiments through the medium of the
Press, because thev differ from the majority.
will ever take a lively interest in the affairs of
Monroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and
Congressional Districts with which they arc
The Farmer, tho Merchant, the Mechanic,
and the Laborer, will each find a friend in the
LICAN. Due care will he taken to furnish its
readers with the latest rorciyn and domestic
News, and such Miscellaneous reading as wi
be both interestinff and instructive. In short it
is designed to make the paper worthy of an ex
tensive patronage, both from the strictly mora
tone whicii it will ever possess, and the ellort
of the editor lo make it a "ood and usefu
Fami'v Newspaper.
will be printed on a super-royal sheet of good
Lqualitv, and with good tvpe.
Tkkjhs $2 in advance ; $2,25 at the end o
six months, and $2,50 if not paid before the ox
piration of the year. No subscription taken for
a less term than six months.
nn2?S Co-partnership heretofore existing bc-
J. tween the subscribers trading under the firm
of STOLL & UR0D1IEAD, is this day dissolved
bv mutual consent- T he business ot the late firm
will be settled by either of the subscribers, eithei
ei'ng duly authorized to settle the same.
AH persons indebted to the firm of Stoll & Prod
head are particularly requested to fliake settle
mont bn or before the first day of April next.
-Tho present expectation of the subscriber is thai.
hewill leave here at the close of his school, whicii
WlU bp'at. least 111 two weeks iroin this. date. ,The
timely attention of his patrons1 to their bills, will
save him much delay and inconvenience.
Prospectus of jRoLa'j f For Id of
The .cheapest' work ever published in this
The subscriber will issue weekly 'from tin
press of the Boston Daily Times, and Boston
Notion, a publication of the above title, in eil. i
imperial folio pn, each pagebcu.g h.,lf ie
size of the page ol the Boston Notion.
Eachihett will contain one volume of i
Novel, of the ordinary octavo size, and will
form a series of all the most popular F. i.',I.m
Novels and Romances of the day ; with vn ,
desirable ancient works as are not to be o -tained
at the booksellers. Arrangements li.i -ing
been made in London to secure the c.ul
est reception of new books, this republic' i . i
will be tlie lir-st in this country.
The cheapness with which books can in tl.k
manner be afforded, renders it mi object t r
booksellers and others to give their ordu
early, as the edition will be'limited, at hist u.
ivc Thousand Coiics, and manv persons will
desire to secure and bind the year's volume-Inch
will be equal-to Fifty two Octavo V, ll
ume, for FOUit DOLLARS. Thus coph s
of valuable woiksmay be obtained for a trifk
more than is paid to Circulating- Libra t us
merely for one perusal.
The sheet will be printed in handsome sty It
with a folio and running bead to each pact'
wide margin and good rc-gisttr ; thus render '
,mg- it tit to preserve lor binding at the t
tion of each year.
Tekms. Four doll.ns per annum; tvro dol
lars and a half for six months ; three copi, i
for ten dollars five cojjies lor nixteen doiLis,
ten copies for thirty dollars per annum. !')
discount will be made for lesS than three cr.
Postmasters and booksellers-throughout the
country are authorized to act a agums, on tho
terms specified.
Copies will be sold singly at the Cotmtim;
Room, No. 7, State street, tor ten cents each ;
and will be furnished to orders for eight dol
lars per hundred, payable in ndvancei
Not a copy will be sent from the office be
fore the money is received for it, as the pub
lisher is determined its circulation shall be en
tirely upon the cash princip e.
The first number will be published on
Thursdav morning, Nov. '28, ami the publica
tion will be continued every Thursday there
after. . The regular subscribers will he supplied du
ring the term of theii MibstripMon, with 5rv
missing number which it may be jirissible to
Publisher and Proprietor.
AT TS?;igK?J5.
? IIE summer term of the above named in.'i
JL tution commenced on Monday, the 1th dav of
Mar ; and is conducted by Miss A. Tn Tracer,
an experienced and well qualified teacher.
Tl. I 1 .1 . rp
oo uiuiicnes laugni ai mis seminary, are
Natural Philoso
phy, Botany,
Geometry t the
Frency and Lnlii
c0. 'lfa. cc.
The Seminary being endowed' bv the State, in
struction is afforded at the reduced rate of two
doliars per quarter, inclusive of all branches.
Having rented tlie spacious stone building, for
merly occupied as the male Academy, the Trus
tees are now prepared to receive any number of
young ladies that may apply, from all parts of the
Board, in respectable families, can be obtained
on reasonable terms.
From their knowledge of the skill, competency,
and success of the Principal, the Trustees, with
the fullest confidence, commend the Stroudsbmg
Female Seminary to the patronace of the public.
(Attest) Wm. P. Yah., Sce'y.
Strotidsburg, May 15. 1840.
Police to 3atiis:i23.
THE Delaware and Hudson Canal Company,
will pay the followingfreight for transporting
Coal from Honesdale to Rondout, on their canal
the ensuing season, viz :
Running Company s boats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
1iu each trip on said boat, and
making not less than 16 trlpsi wfth
said boat during the season'. -$l-lO'por ton.
Running Company's boats witlli'an - -agreement
to purchase and paying, , .1,
$ 1 0, each trip on said boat and ma- ?
king a trip in ton days or less, 1 Vio, J0.
Running Company's boats with an '
agreement to purchase and paying . '
8 1 0 each trip on said boat, and "making-a
trip in 1 1 days, $1 36 do
Running Company's boats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
10 each trip on said boat, and over
11 days making atrip, $1 30 do.
Individuals running their own boats in the
business will be paid the same freight as company
Application for boats can be made td the Colle. -
tors and Superintendents on the line of canal.
F, LORD, Engineer
umcc 01 uei. cc ltud. ua. uo.
March 10th, 1910.
(It tlie 3!cairoe & Pccono TaisnerJe.,
or peeling and gathering hark, to commcm -
about the 20th of April, rind continue through
out the barkintr season. Each man must mm..
novided with an axe. Spuds will he supplied
Dy the subscribers. Wages per day 62 I U
cents. BoardniH will he found.
bcono tsp; Monroe county,
April 3, 18m3t.
jroTfiy seed,.
T'nr cftln Nit fli cmKcnrl linr
Stroudsburg, Feb. l- l, "LSdO: