Richard Xiiffent, Editor The whole art of Government consists in the aUt of honest Jefferson: aad Publisher. VOL. I. SlROUDSBURGj MONROE COUNTY, PA, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1840 No 19. 1FEFERS0N-. REPUBLICAN. Annum ner annum in advance Two dollars anuarter. half yearly,-and if not paid before the end of th ? TOTdoItars and a half. Those -ho receive their pa pers bra earner or stage drivers cmpioycu uy me proprietor, will be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra. No papers lUMJontinued unUl all arrearages are paid, except rr-i Arortwments not excccdinjr one square (sixteen lines) v-Ul be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents for even-subsequent insertion ; larger ones m pruporuun. liberal discount will be made to yearly advertisers. 1DA11 letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. JOB PRINTING. Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and oma mental 1 ypBi (liciwcu iu mcuuh: h; - crmtionof PgfCards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, T 'S T 1 B r rf"k 41 M TIT JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER t BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Trintcd with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms. PUBLIC NOTICE. Tn pursuance of Section 3d, of an Act incorpo ratine the "Unner Lehish Navigation Company,' the undersigned, Commissioners under said act to receire subscription of Stock to the Company a foresaid, hereby give notice that books for that purpose will be openea on eanesaay, xne lutn day of June next, in the village of Stoddartsville, and be kept open from day to day until said Stock is all subscribed. CHARLES TRUMP, MILLER IIORTON, JOHN S. COMFORT, HENRY W. DRINKER, LEWIS S. CORYELL, LORD BUTLER, "WILLIAM P. CLARK, Commissioners. May 14, 1S40. 3t. BELiWAKE ACADEMY. The Trustees of this Institution, havs the pleasure of announcing to the public, and par ticularly to the friends of education, that thev "have engaged Ira B. Newmax, as Superinten dent and Principal of their Academy. The Trustees invre the attention of parents and guardians, wbo have children to send'from -liotne, to this Institution. They are fitting up the building in the first style, and its location from its retired nature is peculiarly favorable for a boarding school. It commamis a beauti ful view of the Delaware river, near which it Is situated, and the surrounding scenery such I as the lover of nature will admire it is easily accessible the Easton andMilford Stages pass it daily, and only 8 miles distan from the latter ilace, and a more salubrious section of coun pry can nowhere be found. No fears need be ?ntertamed that pupils will contract pernicious habits, or be seduced into vicious company it Is removed Iron: all places of resort and those inducements to neglect their studies that are furnished in large towns and villages. Board can be obtained very low and near the Lcadem. Mr. Daniel "W. Dingman, ir. will talce several boarders, his house is very conve i - uent, and students will there be under the im mediate care of the Principal, whose reputa tion, deportment and guardianship over his pu- nis, aiurd tne best security lor their proper :onauct, tnat the 1 rustees can give or parents md guardians demand. The course of instruction will be thorough idapteJ to the age of the pupil and the time - 1. . r 1 ' 1" - jiu ucsins lusnenu iu merarv uursuits. roimo- inen may qualify themselves for entering unon fine stuly of the learned professions or for an ; irivanced stand at College for mercantile pur- auus, uirieacmng or tne ousiiiess ol common . lue, useful will be preferred to ornamental stud ies, nevertheless so much of the latter attended o as the advanced stages of the nunil's educa tion will aamit. The male and female denart- lunent will be under the immediate sunerintend- dence of the Principal, aided by a competent jnule or female Assistant. Lessons in music 'will be given to young ladies on the Piano jForte at the boarding house of the principal, by an experienced and accomplished Instructress I Summer Session commences May 4th. EXPENSES. Board for Young Gentleman or Ladies with the Principal, per week, $1 50 Pupils from 10 to 15 years of ago from $1 to SI 25 iTimion for the Classics, Belles-Lettres, French r fcc, per quarter, 2 00 i Extra for music, per quarter, 5 00 I is. IS. A particular course of study will b'e I mirked out for those who wish to qualify them selves lor Common School Teachers with ref- erence to that object ; application made lor teachers to the trustees or principal will meet 1 :i ncdiate attention, f. o:tir.i.- v. k ..u:... r 1 ii J"- Jt iivercd by able speakers, through the c iurse of year. By ordor of the Board, DANIEL W. DINGMAN. Pres' D.n-uan'a Ferry, Pike co., Pa., May 2 1S40. " - v-j v annua aiiiiieuih i;i siuilv will The present exDectation of thf Qiihcrrihor ;tiioi . i v-.v-. I -J Hill I J 111 . " wobks irom mis rute. J ne timply attention of his patrons to their bills will sjvc him much delay and inconvenifinrfi. i 1 1 no ir 1 - ! . . . . 1 r .... ... . I. B. NEWMAN. POETRY. From the Daily Cincinnati Gazette. HARRISON A3V .LIBERTY; tuxe "Jefferson and Liberty" From Mississippi's utmost shore, From cold New Hampshire's piney hills; From broad Atlantic's snllen roar, To where the Western ocean swells,5 How loud the notes of joy arise From every bosom warm and free ! How strains triumphant fill tho skies For Harrison and Liberty! Turn to the scroll, where patriot sires Your Independence did declare, Whose words still grow like living firesj His father's name is written there. That father taught that son to swear, His country ne'er enslaved should be ; Then lend your voices to the air For Harrison and Liberty. O'er savage foes, who scourged our land. When Wayne so wild and madly burst, Among his brave and gallant band The youthful Harrison was first, And when on Wabash leafy banks, Tecumseh's warrior's gathered free ; How swift they lied before the ranks Of Harrison and Liberty! When Meig's Heights, his army held, And Haughty Britons circled round, 2. His conquering Legions cleared the field, While notes of triumph peal'd around : And though on Thames's tide again His progress Proctor sought to stay, Dismay d he lied, and left the plain To Harrison and Liberty. Now honored be his hoary age. Who glory for his country won : Shout for the Hero, Patriot, Sage, For William Henry Harrison : Of all our Chiefs, he oftenest fought, But never lost a victor)', And peace was gain'd and plenty brought Bv Harrison and Liberty. G. A. P. Iives of the Sigruetfs of the Declara tion of Independence from Penn sylvania. (concluded.) 9. Benjamin Franklin, one of the greatest benefactors of America, was born in Boston, January 17, 170G. His father, an English non conformist, who hed emigrated to America to enjoy religious free do ji, was a tallow chandler. Benjamin the 15th of seventeen children was put to a common grammar sohool at tho age of eight years; and from the talents displayed in learning, his father conceived the notion of educating him for the ministry. But as he was unable to meet the expense, he took him home, and employed him in cutting wicks, fil ling moulds and running errands. The boy was disgusted with this occupation, and was soon after placed with his brother a printer, to serve art apprenticeship to that trade! His early passion for reading was now, in some measure gratified, and he devoted his nights to perusing such baoks as his limited resources enabled him to obtain. . Tho style of lhe Spec tator with which he early became acquainted delighted him. As he had failed entirely in arithmetic while at school, he now borrowed a little treatise, which he mastered without any assistance, and studied navigation. At the age of 16 he read Locke on the understanding, the Port Royal Logic, and Xenophen's memo randa. Happening to meet with a work which recommended vegetable diet, he determined to abstain from flesh, and we now find the philo sophic printer and newspaper carrier, purcha sing books with the little sums he was enabled to sBve by the frugality of his diet. From Shaftsbury & Collins he imbibed those scepli cai notions which he is known to have held 1 during a part of his life. His brother publish ed a newspaper, which was the second that had as yet appeared in America. Franklin having secretly written some pieces for it, had the satisfaction to find them well received; but on its coming to the knowledge of his brother, he was severely lectured for his presumption and treated with great harshness. One of the political articles in the journal having offended the general court of the colony, the publisher was imprisoned and forbidden to continue it. To evade the prohibition, young Franklin was made the nominal editor and his indentures ostensibly canceled, lifter the release of his brother, ho took advantage of this act to assert his freedom and thus escape from the ill treat meht he suffered. His father's displeasure, his brother's enmity, and the odium to which his sceptical notions subjected him, left him no al tentative but a retreat to some other city. He therefore secretly embarked on board of a small vessel bound to New York without means or recommendations, and not finding employ ment there, he set out for Philadelphia where lhe arrived, on foot, with his pockets. stuffed with shirts and stockings, a roll of bread under his arm, and one dollar in his purse, Who would have dreamed, that this poor wanderer would become one of the legislators of America, the ornament of the new world, the pride of modern philosophy! Here he obtained employment as a composi torj and having attracted the notice of Sir Win Keith, the Governor of Pennsylvania, was in duced by his promises to go to England, for the purpose of purchasing types to establish himself in business. On arriving in London, (1762,) he found that the letters which had been delivered to him, had no reference to him or his affairs ; and he was once more in strange place, without credit or acquaintance, and with little means. But he soon succeed ed in getting business, and although at one time guilty of some excesses, he afterwards became a model of industry and temperance, and even reformed his brother printers by his example and exhortation. While in London, he contin ued to devote his leisure hours to study, and wrote a small pamphlet himself on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain. After a resi dence of 18 months in London, he returned to Philadelphia in his 21st year, in the capacity of clerk to a dry goods shop; but he soon return ed to his trade, and in a short lime formed an establishment, in connection with a person who supplied the necessary capital. They printed a,newspaper,- which Wtis-managedwith much ability, and acquired Franklin much reputation. t is impossible for us to trace all tho steps of lis progress to distinction. In 1736 he wa3 elected clerk of the General Assembly and continued in that office until 1752, when he was returned one of the members rom the city. His industry, frugality, activity, intelligence; his plans for improving tile con dition of the province, for introducing better systems of education ; his municipal services made him an object of attention to the whole community. His advice was asked by the ml Governor and Council on all important occa sions, lie had begun 10 print his roor Kich- ard's Almanac in 1733 ; and the aphorisms which he prefixed to tlutt for 1757 aro well cnown. At the age of 27, he undertook to learn French, Italian and Spanish, and after having made some progfess in those languages, he : p plied himself to the Latin. He was the found er of the University of Pennsylvania, and one of the chief promoters of the Pennsylvania Hos pital. In 1742, he Invented the Franklin stove for which he refused a patent on the ground that such inventions ouht to be made at one subservient to the good of mankind. In MG he commenced his experiments in electricity which resulted in such brilliant discoveries one immediate practical application of which was the invention of the lightning rod. Frank lin had eer shown himself the zealous advo cate for the rights of tho colonies, and it hav wg been determined in 17 , to hold a genera Congress at Albany, to arrange a common plan of defence against the French, he was named a deputy. In '51 he was appointed Deputy Post Master General, and in this capacity ad vanced large sums of his own money to Gen Braddock, the result of whose expedition, he foresaw, and in regard to which he ...ade some fruitless suggestions to that General. After the defeat of Braddock, he introduced a bill for establishing a volunteer militia ; and having re ceived a commission as commander, he raised a corps of 560 men, and went through a labo rious campaign on the northern frontier of the rovince, then in the vicinity of the Blue Moun tains in Northampton county. Pennsylvania was then a proprietary government, and the proprietaries claimed to be exonerated from tax es. In consequence oCthe disputes to which this claim gave rise, Col. Franklin was sent out in 1757 to lhe mother country, by the Assem bly as the agent of the province. His rcputa tion was now such both at home and abroad that he was appointed agent for the provinces of Massachusetts. Maryland arid Gecrsia. Ox ford and the Scotch Universities conferred on him, the degree of Doctor of Laws, and the Royal Society elected him a fellow. In '62 he returned to America, but new difficulties a rising between the province and thd proprieta ries, the Assembly determined to peti'tibn for the establishment of a royal government, and Franklin was again appointed agent in '64. But the American Revolution was now commenc ing, and he appeared in England no longer as a 'colonial agent, but as a representative of America. For eleven years he was constantly engaged in resisting the designs of the British Ministry, on the rights and libeities of Ameri ca. He was dismissed from his place of Dep uty Post Master General. Attempts were made as the difficulties increased, to corrupt the man, whom it had been found impossible to intimi date ; but he was as inaccessible to corruption as to threats. Having received an intimation, that the ministers were preparing to arrest him as guilty of fomenting a rebellion in the colo nies, he embarked for Philadelphia, where he arrived in May '75, and was immediately elec ted a member of Congress. As one of the committee of safety, and of that of foreign cor respondence, he performed some of the most fatiguing services, and exerted all his influence in favor of the Declaration of Independence. In 1776 he was sent to France as Minister Plenipotentiary, to obtain supplies from that court, and after tllfc reception of tho new of the surrender of Burgoynd, he had the happi ness of concluding the first treaty of the new States with foreign power, February 6, 1778. He was subsequently named one of the com missioners for negotiating the peace with the Mother country ; at its close in November '32, he requested to be recalled, after 50 years spent in the service of his country, but could not ob tain permission to return until '85. During this interval, he negotiated two treaties, One with Sweden, and bne with Russia. I he gen eral enthusiasm with which he was received in France, is well known. His venerable age, his simplicity of manners, his scientific reputa- tion, the gaiety ahd richness of his cortversa tionall contributed to renderjiim an object of admiration to courtiers, fashionable ladies and the learned. He regularly attended the meetings bf the Academy of sciences, and was appointed One of the committee which exposed Mesmer s lm- posture of animal magnetism. On his return to his native country before he was permitted to retire to the bosom of his family, he filled the office of President of Pennsylvania, and served as a delegate irt the federal convention of '37, and approved the constitution then form- ed. He died April 17th, 1790, with his facul- ties and affections unimpaired, and was buried irAhe North East corner of Christ's Church burial ground irt Philadelphia, and according to the directions of his will! by the side of his wife, with a plain marble stone placed over them, with this inscription Benjamin J and $ 1790. Deborah GEN. HARRISON. ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS The following anecdotes and inci- dents in tne lite or uenerai Harris- t . .1 1 1 t -r on, nave been collected lrom various authentic -sources. A curious anecdote ia on record, il- iustrauve 01 tne cneenuL temper and intrepidity of General Harrison's fa- therwho was identified with every turn in the iortluies ofhis country ; at a period when that country was con- vulsed by a struggle in which all its ngiits and very existence was mvoi- 1. 1 1 1 ved. Eldndge Gerry, a delegate from Massachusetts, as slender and spare as Mr. Harrison was vigorous & port- ty, stood beside Harrison, while sign- ing tne .Declaration. Harrison turn- . 1 TN 1 . T-r . I ed round to him with a smile, as he raised his hand from the paper, and said, "When the hanging scene comes to be exhibited, I shall have all the advantage over you. It will be over wini me m a minute, out you win oe in nic an uau an uuui auui j. am gone. The following is a copy of the mes sage of Thomas Jefferson, nominating eneral Harrison sole Commissioner 0 treat with the Indians. I nominate William Henry Harris on oflndianatobe a Commissioner to enter into any treaty or treaties which may be necessary, with any Iudian tribes, north west of the Ohio and be tween the territory of the UnitedStales on the subject of the boundary or lands. (Signed) Tiiomas Jefferson. The message containing thes3 nominations was transmitted to the Senate of the United States, on tho 3d of February, 1803, read on the 4th and on the eighth taken up for con sideration, when the nomination ,ot William Henry Harrison, above r'sci ted, received the unanimous sanction of thatlionorable body. In September 1S09, Governor Har rison held a council at Fort Wayne, and negotiated a treaty with the Mi amies, Delawares, Potawalamies, 60 Kickapoos, by which he succeed ed in purchasing from these tribes an extensive tract of country on both sides of the Wabash, and extending up the river more than sixty miles a bove Vincennes. The tribes who ow ned these lands were paid for them by certain annuities, which they consul ered a satisfactory equivalent. Tecutnseh was absent when this treaty was made, and the Prophet not feeling himself interested, had oppo sed it : but on the return of Tecum- seh some months after, both he and his brother expressed great dissatis faction, and even thought to put to death all these chiefs who had signed the treaty. Hearing this and anxious too to ascertain their intentions from themselvesif possible, Governor Har rison despatched messengers to invite them boill to Vmcennes and exhibit pretensions, and they should be ? ,fi i i n 1 M""11" l" ue rlus WUUiU .uo "ie lanciS W0U1CI De given Up, or an arrinle comnensation made for them. Teciimseh came without his hrnt.hfir d tj . t Govemor havincr , . - . . . -; 0 Confidence m his good faith, had requested him not to bring with him m0re than thirty 'warriors, he cam 3 , -ft. rnTM. 11T1,W1 ,WNr mi o 1 i 1 -1 1 J-ne Governor held a council on the 12th of August, 1810, at which Te- cumseh and fortr of his warriorswerC present The Governor was attend- i T ,i i m ed by the judges of the supreme court, several, officers of the army Winne- mack, a mendly chier and a lew un armed citizens. A sergeants guard of twelve men was likewise placed near him, but as the day was exceed ingly sultry, and they were exposed to the sun, the Governor with his char- acteristic humanity, directed (hem to I - 1 remove to a shaded spot at some dis tance. t Tecnmsfth ndrlrASSP.fl this prvnnri! with a speech, in which he onenlv avowed the designs of himself and his brother. He declared it to be their intention to form a coalition of all the red men, to prevent the whites from extending their settlemenis farther west and establish the principle that the Indian lands belonged m common to all the tribes, and could not be sold without their united consent. He a gain avowed to put to death all the chiefs who had signed the treaty at . - . . . . Fort Wayne, yet, with singular m- consistency, he at the same time deni ed all intention to make war. and de clared that all those who had given such i aformation to the Govern or we r liars. This was aimed particular1 1 at wmnemack, lrom whom the Gov ci uui nuu 1 l fiveii a nineiv iioiiue u flirt 7,1-low.-.-..-. " 'P li I ! brother. Gov. H. replied to TeGiimsoh in a mild and conciliatory tone explaining the treaty at Fort Wayne, and clearly proving that all the chiefs whose tribes who had any claims to the land ceded at this time to the United States, were present at the treaty, and had vqlip-