THE END OF THE WORLD. Curiosity appears to have been excited o koow something of the preaching and predictions of Mr. Miller, who was at last ccounts lecturing to crowded congrega ions at Portland, Maine. He was previ ously preaching at the Malboro1 Chapel, Boston, where he also had great crowds, and v?e are assured by a gentleman of that city, that people came from distant and neighboring towns to here him. It is stated in the Wesleyan Journal that Mr. Miller is about GO years of age, a plain farmer from Hampton, in the state of New York. He is a member of the Baptist church in that place, from which he brings satisfactory testimonials of good standing, and a license to improve pub licly. For about fourteen )ears Ivi has been almost exclusively bent to the inves tigation of Scripture prophecies. The last eight years of his life have been devo ted to lecturing on this favorite subject. Mr. Miller's theory is, (it may satisfy the curious to learn) that in 1843 Christ will make his personal appearance on earth Ihe righteous dead shall be chang ed, and be called up to meet the Lord in the air. This is the first resurrection. The bodies of the wicked, living and dead shall be consumed by fire in the general conflagration, which shall envelope the earth, and change and purify it for a suit able residence for the saints. They shall then descend asm New Jerusalem out of Heaven, and shall reign on earth with Christ a thousand years ; at the end of which period, the bodies of the wicked Ehall be raised, and they shall be judged by the saints, and receive their sentence of endless banishment from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power. The intelligent readers will know that predictions upon the exact time when the world was to come to an end are nothing new. Hundreds of years ago men arose, preached (he same thing, and had crowds to listen to them as Mr. Miller does at the present day. TREASURER'S SAMS. PIKE COUNTY TAXES. TVpTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a-J- greeably to an Act of General Assembly ef the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th of March, 1815, entitled "An act to amend the act entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes anx for oth er purposes' and of an act passed the 13th of March, 1817, " A further supplement to an act to amend the act entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and for other porposes" the following tracts of land will be sold at Public Yefcdue, on the second Monday of June next, at the Court House in Milford, in the county of Pike, for arrearages of taxes due, and the cost accrued on each lot respectively. Lehmam Township. No. Warrantee. 97 Albert Lewis 1C6 Ambercombie James 90Brodhead Richard 90 Boyd Charles 124 Brown John or Jacob 206 Benson Peter 21 Bell Joseph 236 Brotzman John 253 Baker Catharine 254 Baker George A. 241 Craig John 134 Caldwell David pt. 92 Dills Abraham 159 Dubbs Martin 164 Dehoff Abraham 230 Donaldson Joseph 201 Ellis Benjamin 227 Eggart George 255 Ehrenzellar Hillery 15S Funk Jacob 161 GrierJohn 100 Heimborg Thomas 167 HofF George 131 Hrnison Wiiliam 190 Herte Tobias 226 Harrison William 232 Holland Benjamin 243 Hoover Manuel, Sen. 24S Hoover Manuel, jr. 245 Hjmdshaw James 183 Joyce Dominic 15 60 Quantity. Acres. Per. 415 414 378 400 340 224 Tax. $ Cts 6 42 The Worm in the Eye of the Horse This singular phenomenon has attracted j 249 Kling Ann seme attention among naturalists and oth-1 144 Klin- Rachel ers in our city. A scientific friend, who has examined it, has favored us with the following description of the s pedes to which the worm in question is supposed to belong: The common name of it is, " Guinea W orm the scientific names are several in number, but the most approved is, pro- bablyij arm Mcdinensis. The body of the worm is round, elastic, elongated, and of nearly equal thickness throughout. It is of a white color, about the thickness of the string of a violin, and of various length as described by authors. The specimen inn,the horse now in this city is supposed to be nearly three inches long, and it is hecoming louger daily. It is never still, but moves about constantly with a twin ing motion. This species of tvorm is sometimes found in the human body. Dr. Joy, ol Dublin, in an article on worms, says : " It has been met with in almost all the superficial situations of the body, in the walls of the abdomen and chest: in the arms and hands; about the neck and head; and even under the conjunctiva, or deep in the socket of the eye; from all of which situations it has been successful ly extracted. In a certain species of ape a similar worm has been found within the peritoneal cavity, and in another between the coats of the stomach. It has been discovered in the abdomen of the horse al?o, and even in the globe of the eve it self, where it has been clearly seen thro' We transparent humors." in cases such as that under notice, at present, the inquiry is natural how does the worm get in the eye of the horse ? 1 here are vanou3 opinions among the sci enlihc on this question. Some writers suppose that the worm is the larva of an j ft . a . insect deposited in the eye, by the insect penetrating the eye. Others think that it makes its way into the body by the mouth, in food or drink ; and fhen creeps away to a congenial nestling place, bremser, a celebrated writer on worms, is of opin ion that the Filaria is a creature of which the witural abode is the animal body, where, and where alone, it originates and multiplies. Baltimore American. 187 Layn Jacob 194 Lewis Richord 96 Mead Robert 157 Myer Henry 177 Miller Alexander 205 Mushback Jacob 223 Mushback John 1-2 332 Merkle Peter 256 Mulicah Marv 257 Nyce William 175 Ogden Gabriel 240 Ogden Ann 241 Orrden David 203 Philips Rebecca 204 Philips William 247 Philips John 219 Rustin Thomas 180 Rustin Thomas 9-1 Smith Michael 133 Smith FiancisJ. 160 Shook John 162 Shartle John 188 Mocker Margaret 224 Saville Samuel 95 Townes John 184 Thompson Richatd 182Vanwhy Henry 98 Walter George 178 Wvckoff Isaac 225 Wood Jacob 197 Yohe Michael ' 207 Dally Charles 237 Heister John Don't be affrightr d if misfortune stalks I 1. 1 i t . jijiu yuur numoje nauitation. She some times takes the liberty of walking into the presence chamber oi kings. An old man when dangerously sick was urged to take advice of the physician, but objected, saying ll he wished to die a uat ural death." ouU 4 io 105 50 405 52 402 417 405 300 215 416 201 346 407 162 440 4 GO 402 39S 235 442 239 95 402 425 395 402 436 396 425 402 219 107 434 208 196 219 406 275 428 3 6 401 429 400 412 143 258 405 360 422 412 402 410 409 400 393 430 109 417 120 112 !0 14 93 7 64 80 90 46 130 109 40 40 95 115 130 135 120 126 83 72 105 69 100 13 126 17 101 111 115 70 67 20 62 24 100 60 10 150 40 80 153 20 135 120 100 72 60 80 150 SO 11 14 Delaware Toivnship. Batter Cake. The following is by a lady; "one pint of cream, one. pint of sour milk or buttermilk, 4 eggs, a teaspoonful of salt, sala ratus sufficient to destroy the acidi ty of the milk, and three pints of sifted flour, or enough to make , a stififatter. Stir the articles well together, and bake in a deep' .dish.1 To he eaten hot with buttter." 85 Abbott John 119 Brodhead Jane 15 Brodhead Luke 18 Brotlhead ftlajy 17 Brodhead Ann Brown Daniel 22 Coolbaugh John 148 Carney Thomas 34 Depue Nicholas 63 Dilhnan George 14 Ennis John CO Edsall David -173 Feltman William 102 Gates John 12 Huff Ann, Sen. 13 Huff Ann, Jr. 16 Hartzell Jonas 23 Huff Amos 54 Horton Richard 38 Hoover Emanuel 57 Henrj' Sampson 167 Huff George 163 Harvey Mathias 147 Ingraham Catharine 63 2nd. Isaac Jayne"- 73 Kerney Matthew " 62 Long Henry 74 fllingus Francis 60 ftlahan Neil 82 Miller Abraham 88 Martin John 106 Mease Thomas 107 Mease Robert ' - r 108 Mease John 1 1 6 Mason Thomas 53 Ogden Sarah 1 104 Philips William ' 78 Place James 70 Philips John 8 Reeder Absalom) 24 Smith Francis . 61 Scyo? John" ' : 65 mith Elizabeth 377 396 402 389 393 160 315 303 405 423 109 400 413 298 403 333 402 396 415 402 320 440 408 413 394 417 255 270 439 439 394 402 402 443 415 390 427 417 123 291 57 80 22 40 65 124 152 130 50 120 18 37 53 15 140 28 140 100 100 140 140 99 16 151 115 15 64 120 132 50 53 409 100 417 24 6 5 6 5 1 4 6 1 6 6 6 6 4 3 7 3 5 6 o 6 6 4 6 5 6 2 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 3 6 3 3 1 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 6 2 4 6 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 1 4 4 5 5 5 5 2 4 4 5 5 1 5 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 1 ft 5 4 5 o tj 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 3 5 5 No. Warrantees, 166 Singer Abraham 18Tiller Thomss . 202 Thomas Jesse 39 Whitehall Robert 84 hitman John Dingman Tvwnship. Quantity, Tax. Acres Per. $ Cts 412 140 4 91 197 1C0 414 155 402 100 436 100 2 66 5 59 5 47 5 90 42 86 20 27 79 65 54 61 75 29 57 27 48 29 60 35 66 10 34 36 51 82 21 61 17 12 83 96 57 21 57 24 24 67 99 63 24 53 87 70 22 07 98 30 22 53: 21 i 20 77 20 38 21 00 29 58 52 39 21 73 32 20 01 67 70 37 41 34 42 15 30 84 22 07 46 71 50 40 57 02 42 25 42 34 59 43 32 74 00 40 16 33 64 16 60 90 90 32 42 42 94 58 26 74 92 66 90 50 60 97 Brown Robert 98 Brodhead Richard 101 Brink ftlaunus 104 Brodhead Hannah 105 Brodhead Samuel 137 Brodhead Luke 140 Brodhead John, Jr. 141 Brodhead Jana 149 Brodhead Garret 107 Brink Heniy 150 Brodhead John, Sem Blink Benjamin 111 Branham El:enezer 140 Brodhead John,Jr 142 Conrad Mary 154 Craig William 174 Cottingre James 185 Chambers John Craig John, pt 148 Conrad Deborah 191 Delany William 164 Eyerly Jacob Frame Thomas 1-2 1C3 Freeman Richard 86 Footman Peter 175 Guindy John 180 Gunsaulesamuel 10S Galbraith Josiah 152 flazlehuvst Isaac 135 Irwin 'Matthew 156 Jones John 177 Morris illiam 107 Mease Robert 96 Neligh Nicholas 178 Palmer Hannah 157 Rees 'amps 176 Ryerson Matthew 99 Rustin Thomas, Jr. 66 Sidman Isaac 183 Smith W illiam 192 Smith Francis J. Stid man Charles 1-2 Shimcr Abraham Stidman Alexander 1-2 Thrall S. 155 Vanauken James 102 West Thomas 132 ill Mirbael 439 410 348 400 412 434 403 433 433 415 90 12 79 11 8S 10 09 47 11 60 60 11 93 12 64 90 11 68 32 1 t3t 32 12 55 15 10 36 402 109 10 04 171 3 82 399 30 11 44 403 90 8 86 433 32 12 54 322 115 9 32 423 12 25 '415 18 12 02 100 2 90 433 32 12 54 412 113 11 93 421 33 12 22 59G 37 14 32 411 11 91 248 122 7 19 453 30 13 12 60 11 06 40 12 54 20 9 21 90 I 33 356 120 10 32 3S6 107 11 19 11 64 7 J 12 OP 439 154 12 69 399 150 8 76 104 90 2 97 15 12 02 373 433 433 46 402 439 64 415 62 403 415 489 54 142 4S9 42 415 57 100 1 78 OS 11 67 15 12 02 89 14 94 1 55 89 14 15 1 20 15 9 Si 1 63 2 90 Milford Township. m uecK iienry 92 Brink i-amuel 107 Brink Henry Biddis George 2-3 25 Castairs Thomas 33 Hough Thomas Joice Domanic 1-3 87 Myers Mary 77 Nyre William Nelijrh Man in 27 3S9 117 415 434 441 400 130 406 100 415 15 76 15 55 6 6 90 3 26 7 07 4 81 7 28 1S4 Neligh Nidi ibis 29 Rus?on xM..r -,- 99 Ruston Thomas, Jr.- 112 Ruter John 78 Russel Andrew 12 Smith Francis J. Smith Geonre 2-3 8 Westfall Abraham 94 Willing 163 Washburn Nathaniel 204 440 -40 150 41b If. 415 343 203 383 372 103 373 150 53 12 9 80 80 13 80 Westfall, formerly Milford. 14 Cooper Charles 1-2 18 Clark Jonathan 19 Oepui Samuel 125 Davis John 71 Epple Heniy 169 Ewing Themas 35 Hilleghs Michael 6 Laid Daniel 72 Mason Benjamin 7 Mease James 8 Mease John 9 Miller John 12 Philips William 42 Reed Susanna 34 Shinier Jacob 43 Smith Elizabeth 41 Smock Robert 124 Vandemark Ludwig Vanauken Cornelius 47 Weltnor Harmon Ldckawaxon 4 George Morton 5 Thomas Wisons 6 George Till 7 William Nyco 16 William Little 17 Thomas Willing 18 John Philips 19 Samuel C. Seely, pt, 24 Thomas Shields 26 James Galligher, pt 32 Robert Hewes 33 Robert Patterson 34 John Patterson 43 Isaac More 4th Mo 97 20 22 400 92 447 200 456 404 51 30 406 100 410 150 439 431 25 400 425 116 439 154 100 494 399 250 104 36 420 84 30 80 9 09 2 01 7 07 5 70 7 28 7 27 to 6 79 5 67 6 85 4 53 2 87 6 79 1 47 3 37 2 47 6 74 5 40 6 77 5 41 1 18 50 e 79 6 94 6 96 6 75 6 9i 6 96 2 70 6 90 4 22! 6 75 97 4 07 402 402 402 205 80 296 119 446 12 46 12 46 12 46 6 ,34 9 17 13 83 423 120 13 10 296 . 9 18 393 31 12 29 205 6 41 497 70 15 39 440 150 13 64 481 14 90 402 32 75 51 Ephraim Vanorman 1-2 399 140 3 10 1 43 4 34 1 42 65 Isaac Sidman 66 John Lord 67 Sharp Delany 71 Mordicai Roberts 72 John Chambers 74 Mary Connard 78 Jesse Greenfield 86 Patrick Patten 91 Elizabeth Chapman 92 Elizabeth Roberts 95 Peter Walter 96 Abraham Singer 97 David Ridgway 99 Thomas Bullman 100 Martin Neligh 102 Abigail Chapman 103 Rebecca Chapman 105 Nathaniel Jones 108 Betsy Wills 23 70 233 45 31 54 431 121 22 41 421 120 4 0i 430 120 3 30 451 140 14 07 No. Warrantees. 09 Abraham Backman 10 Daniel Heister 14 Henry Barnett 16 Jacob Gutshalk 17 William Gutshalk 18 Eleanor Uepui 24 Adrian Firman 31 Ann Depui 1-2 34 John Craig 1-2 43 George Tudor 1-2 45 James Boyd 1-3 47 Francis Bailey 5 Mathcw Caiey 2-3 57 Aore Furman 70 Thomas Pdch 78 James Chapman- 79 David "aylor 75 John Chambers . 50 John Knouse - . 51 Patrick ilfargan .. - 82 Peter Afiller 83 no name 84 Henry Hain 88 Daniel Hicks 89 John Welch 94 Drederick Meyer 97 Blackall W Ball 98 Joseph Leghmart 99 Christian Stoner 00 Christopher Stoner 202 Francis Little & Simeon Westfall 203 James Seley 204 David Ritchell ' 54 no name 158 Jacob Binder Quautity. :.kTax. Acres .Per.fc.Ots 406 405 400 300 401 412 438 142 412 97 88 22 60 50 205 392 391 414 383 410 50 403 399 436 445 300 r 1.41 499 438 389 429 415 415 415 120 21 54 28 12 58 12 54 12 40 18 60 12 43 12 71 13 58 6 40 3 17 1 52 3 93 4 19 27 15 62 112 24 80 . 1 05 12 84 12 35 2.28 47 100 70 13 84 114 9 30 8 79 99 28 44 144 27 01 2 t20 15 15 15 443 153 439 108 2 6 6 6 6 89 30 40, 40 40 84 99 323 67 335 152 200 399 60 Greene, formerly Palmyra. 55 14 58 4i 1C 00 10 37 2 20 1 99 419 50 325 439 379 100 407 436 439 100 439 100 11 1 100 80 122 16 427 415 401 401 401 401 60 402 101 422 401 401 401 5401 13 42 4 62 60 12 42 60 12 42 60 12 42 2 00 3 10 3 24 60, 12 42 62 12 42 60 24 86 60 24 86 10 405 425 539 414 3162 1580 403 439 439 250 439 30 439 438 403 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 75 439 370 301 400 394 401 171 416 410 303 402 439 21g 377 439 439 402 301 439 429 439 439 439 439 442 439 450 439 439 439 439 434 435 411 433 419 104 438 421 414 439 448 .439 439 437 421 439 113 11 100 2 11 124 85 72 42 48 100 ,100 31 30 8 75 2 98 2 55 65 01 78 98 98 15 75 98 31 37 18 11 11 2 2 11 10 88 2 98 100 100 100 48 99 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 53 40 66 104 2 1 2 2 O A 10 11 11 o 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 260 Arndt Jacob 108 Brotzman John pt 201 Barnet John pt 271 Beveridge David 277 Brodhead Daniel 290 Brodhead Thomaas pt 254 Craig William 261 Chapman James 279 Crasby John 2G3 Davis Benjamin 255 Erb Lawrence 255 Foulk Adam 278 Guernev Francis ml 83 Hickman Adam 156 Howe & Elliot 157. Howe & Elliot 258 Ihrie Conrad 2g4 Justice John 279 Mease John 203 Martin Conrad pt 280 Praser Stephen 299 Paschal Thomas pt 287 Plumstead George 274 Plickey John 259 Reeder Absalom 275 Roberts Robert 276 Roberts Hugh jr 283 Rittenhouse Juseph 2fifi Stockor Marv 264 ills Willhm 281 Wain William 286 Wain William 282 Wain William 208 Wood Thomas pt Palmyrai 88 Bcveridgo David 155 Crasby John 91 Darrah Henry 110 Dupy Daniel 84 Erb Jacob 135 Flick Martin 151 George Peter 134 Grccnemier Edward 171 Hass Christian 177 Harritage Joeeph 172 Hembt Jacob 163 Jones Isaac 87 Kimble Benjamin 1-2 85 Kimble Ephraim 268 Linen William 269 Linch John 150 Learning Thomas 164 Martin Joseph 123 Miller John 126 Mason Abraham C 158 Mason Benjamin 159 Mason AbrahamC 169 Mixell Christopher 178 Miller John 21 Nicholson John 129 Phillips William 1-2 138 Philips Rebecca 142 Philips Rebecca 144 Philips John 160 Plaukenhorn John 81 Roberts Mordecai 86 Rusner Simon 170 Spering Henry 175 Shook John 176 Sneidcr Henry 199 Schneider Peter 117 Sidman Isaac 124 Stockcr Mary 131 Shainbnrg Iienry 136 Shwartz Michael 145 Stocker Margarett 56 Sellers Samuel f 167 Stocker Marga.rett 168 Stocker Margarett jr 123 Seely Joshua 132 Thomas Jacob 164 Thomas Richard 145 Thomas Richard -439 100 154 WycolT Isaac S&N26 M. W. DINGMANMtiw. Treasurer's Office, Milford, ) February 24th, 1840. . - ! , 98 30 98 42 98 98 83 85 85 98 98 93 98 98 99 01 16 140 50 15 90 100 58 114 100 100 40 80 100 30 100 100 78 100 60 100 90 100 100 100 100 47 90 33 62 120 113 80 9 75 100 35 107 11 107 11 5 98 11 100 2 2 2 93 50 70 70 10 61 10 81 2 34 11 24 11 07 8 20 10 84 3 08 72 56 98 98 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 3 11 11 11 4 1 4 11 8 2 3 71 08 96 88 95 96 96 96 98 47 02 98 98 96 98 67 73 09 77 70 34 65 36 64 98 02 83 83 61 36 98 98 86 OF THE JeSersoiaian Republican, vi - A teio Weekly Paper, tu be published at Str'oute": burg, Monroe County, Pa., and Miljurdr -Pike County, Pa., simultaneously. : ,'The whole art of Government consists in thcTarS7; of being honest. Jefferson. .f THE JEFFERSON1AN REPUBLICAN in principle, will be all its title purports, the firm and unwavering advocate of the. principles and doctrines of the democratic pany,:jdelineated by the illustrious Jefferson.: -the'right of the peo ple to think, to speak, and to act; independent ly, on all subjects, holding themselves respon sible to no power for the free exercise of this right, but their Godj their Country, and hair Laws, which they, themselves have created! A. free and untrammeled Press, conducted ina spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public blesr sing, a safeguard to the Constitution under whiclu we live, and it should be cherished and support ed, by every true republican. Such, then, it is designed to make the paper now estab lished, and as such, the publisher calls up the enlightened citizens of Monroe and Pik to' aid him in this laudable enterprise. The time, has arrived when the Press should take a bold and faarless stand against the evidently increas ing moral and political degeneracy of the day,? and . endeavor, by a fair, candid, and honorable course, to remove those barriers whioh section-' al prejudices, party spirit, and party animosity ; have reared to mar the social relations of men without accomplishing any paramount good. THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN-' will not seek to lead or follow any faction, or to advocate and support the schemes of any par ticular set of men. It will speak independent ly on all State and National questions, award ing to each that support which its merits may demand, never hesitating, however, to condemn such measures, as in the opinion of the. editor is. justly warranted, holding as a first principle : " The greatest good to the greatest number." Believing that the great principles of democ racy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma gistrate of the Nation, Maiitix Van Bure.v. I the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN, will decidedly, but honorably oppose his re-election-to the hijrh and resnonsible station which, ho- J A. now holds. It will firmly oppose the " Independent Trea sury" Scheme, and all other schemes having, for their object tbe concentration in the handa of one man, and that man the President of the. Nation, all power over tho public moneys, a. power, which, when combined with that vest ed in him by the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief of the American forces, Military ami Naval; together with an enormous official pa tronage, would render him more powrerful than the Executive of the British Nation, and in. short make our Government, de' facto an Elec tive Monarchy. It will ever maintain that the welfare of our Country and the preservation of her Republican Institutions should be the first and only senti ments of our hearts in the choice of our public servants ; that honesty, fidelity, and capability, are the only true tests of merit ; that all men are created equal, and, therefore, should alike enjoy the privileges conferred on them by tho Constitution without being subject to proscrip tion, or coerced by the influence of party. The columns of the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will ever be open to the freo discussion of all political questions, believing as we do, that there is no liberty where both; sides may not be heard, and where one porlioa of freemen are denied the privilege of declar ing their sentiments through the medium of tho Press, because they differ from the majority. The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will -ever take a lively interest in the affairs of Monroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and Congressional Districts with which they are connected. The Farmer, the Merchant, the Mcchanicr and the Laborer, will each find a friend in tho columns of the JEFFERSONIAN REPUB LICAN. Due care will be taken to furnish its readers with the latest Foreign and Domestic News, and such Miscellaneous reading as will be both interesting and instructive. In short it is designed to make the paper worthy of an ex tensive patronage, both from the strictly moral tone which it will ever possess, and the efforts of the editor to make it a good and useful Family Newspaper. Tho JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will be printed on a super-royal sheet of good quality, and with good type. Terms $2 in advance ; $2,25 at the end of six months, and $2,50 if not paid before the ex piration of the year. No subscription taken for a less term than six Months. RICHARD NUGENT. Dissolution. TTMOTT-TV S1?.!?TY.! ' ' For sale by the subscriber, Hwji.r u w " v WM. EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Feb. 14, 1 840. v - ' 3 ) THE Co-partnership heretofore existing be ' tween tho subscribers trading under the firm , ' of STOLL & BRODHEAD, is this day dissolved ' by mutual consent- The business of the late finv, will be settled by either of the subscribers, cithei being duly authorized to settle tho same. . ALBERT S. STOLL. " f JOHN H. BRODHEAD. Allpprsons indebted to tho firm of Stoll & Brou head are particularly requested to make settlo ment bri or befcrro tho first day of April next. ALBERT S. STOLL, JOHN H. BRODHEAD. NOTICE -SL.I Ths present expectation of the subscriber is thaH he will leave here at the close of his school, whielTJ win Deat least in two weaks frnm this ilat TiiY timely attention of his patrons to their bills wilfj Mvnhim mnnK Palo., nnl ; : - . 1- B. NEWMAN. 4 Stroudsburg, March 11 1810 3t f