Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, May 16, 1840, Image 1

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    X&ichard Xugent, E&itor
The whole art o? Government consists in thb art or bkino honest. Jefferson.
C. W.-Bo Witt, PaMIslscr.
No 17.
m?Drc tma riniiars noramittmin advance Two dollars
.. a ire nnn a iu i. iiiusc nuu icLt:it: men u&
ffirrprv snbseflucnt insertion : Iareer ones in proportion. A
IOAll letters addressed to tne txiitonmist De post paw.
Having a general assortment of largo elegant plain and orna
mental Type, we are prcpareo 10 execute every u
cription of
Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes,
Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terras.
1 . SLEEP. "
IVe mourned the darklong night away - i
"With bitter tears and vain regret,
Till grief-sick, at the break of day
, I've left a pillow cold and wet.
.I've risen from a restless bed, v . '
Sad, trembling, spiritless, and weak,
With all my brows young freshness fled, ,
With faiiltering lips and bloodless cheeks.
Hard was the task for aching eyes
So long to wake, so long to weep;
But well it taught me how to prove
That precious, matchless blessing, sleep.
I've counted every chiming hour
While languishing 'neath senseless pain ;
Whileever raged with demon power
To drink my breath and scorch my brain.
And oh ! what earnest looks were given,
What wild imploring words arose ;
How eagerly 1 asked of Heaven
A few brief moments of repose.
Oh ! ye who rest each passing night
In peaceful slumber, calm and deep,
Pail not to kneel at morning's light
And thank your God for health and sleep.
For the Jefferson Republican.
The following is a deeply interesting case, and
deserves to be closely studied by all who wish to
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vol. J. nnnenmr.i was inmm it ni ntiiripnt tm.
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xiuuia unagman presents a sxronger case man
, 1 11 1 MiTpno 1 1 o inntmn noni ann nirtio 1 1 tt
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Mitchell's case was brought forward in proo
an an.i thp nirpr nnima c in wunpnttn mmi nnn
r 1 1 1 1 s. niiriiiicu 1 1 1 n nnnrrmnn-c r" c 0 tttmi i r-i ro
ei wiin inn nnasrc that nnncii hut en it c ha .
tlan OVfir thP hmtP rrnntinn rroc Urt
imitators both in England and in this country, were
fond of singularity. Their object tvas to orerturn
settled belief on all important subjects. With them
it was vulgar to think with the multitude on any
- a T I . 1 . T"
his sophistry may be easily refuted by an appeal to
such a case as that of Laura Bridgman. Here is an
individual with only one sense to reveal to her in
ward perception, the existence of the world with
out her, She can feel, that is all. So can the
aDe. and so can the elenhant. But while tluiKP
animals, with all the training that can be bestowed
upon them, and with the other four senses in addi
tion, never learn the science of arithmetic, nor the
use of arbitrary signs for the expression of ideas,
1-e'iold Laura Bridgman, with an irreprcesible cu
riosity, not only seeking a knowledge of external
objects, but performing mental operations, and ac
tually framing words 1 How can we explain tliis.
Not by such miserable perversion of reasoning as
Helvetius exhibits, but by a reference to the true
cause, the specific difference between the Man, and
the lower animals a difference not merely acci
dental, but essential ; not in degree, but in kind.
This story of Laura suggest many u.seiul reflec
HOW niiant 19 the hnmnn i mutifntinn
How easily it adapts itself to the harddst condition,
and find .enjoyment in the most diverse circum
stances. Poor Laura, "for whom the sun has no
light, the air no sound, and the flowers no colour
nor perfume," and who would seem, by her hard
lot, to be shut up to hopeless misery, is, notwith
standing', a cheerful and contented being; as hap
py as the most envied possessor of the gifts of na
ture and of fortune. How little does our happi
ness depend upon external things. The story of
poor Laura teaches us all to be contented with
such things as wo have.
From this case, pregnant with interest and in
strnction, let me draw one reflection more, Be
hold"how mind can rise upward against all that
tends to repress its developcment. If ever there
was a mind which would seem, by the condition of
its existence, to be doomeJ to hopeless imbecility,
it was the mind of Laura Bridgmon. Yet see her,
with faculties unfolding and intellect developing,
rising step by step, from darkness to light, and ea
gerly seeking after truth. Let no one then, whose
senses are perfect,despair. With the senses of hear
ing and sight, how comparatively easy the progress
to knowledge. Your ears may drink in the coun
sels of wisdom, and yonr eye may glance over "the
ample page, rich with the spoils of time." Then
arouse make the effoit. I cannot, never aqcom
plished any thing great Ixcilltry, has done won
ders. That simple resolution carried Bacon, and
Newton, and Franklin, forward in the career of
discovery. Let that resolve be yours, and though
you may never achieve what they did, you may at
least acquire that energy and independence, that
balance & harmony of mind, and that freedom from
the thraldom of vulgar prejudice and mere author
ity, which shall fit you for enjoyment as an indi
vidual, and for usefulness as a member of society.
By publishing the account of this "Remarkable
Human Phenomenon," you will oblige, perhaps,
some of your rcadere. A. B.
From the Hartford (Conn.) Courant.
Remarkable Hunjiisi Phenomenon.
The last report of the Boston Asylum for the
Blind gives a large variety of further intelligence
concerning the progress of Laura Bridgman, the
little girl of whom our readers have heard some-
Besides being deaf, and dumb, and blind,
slip, is alsn rinmivprl of thn sflnap nf moll nnA mn
joysiiaste but imperfectly the toilch alone, .beingjs? ?tra'ght oward? thc door, put out her hand
the medium of communication between her and theTJUSt ?thc yiZht lirae and-graspthehandle with
outer world. It is crraiifvinff to know that careful
observations continue to be made with a view of
ascertaining the order of developements, and the
peculiar character ofher intcPectual faculties. We
. .
quote the following interesting facts :
The intellectual improvement of this interesting
being, and the progres.s she has made in express
ing her ideas is truly gratifying.
She uses the manual alphabet of the deaf mutes,
with great facility and great rapidity ; she has in
creased her vocabulary so as to comprehend thc
names of all common obiects.
She can count to high numbei
and subtract small numbers.
she can add
But the most gratifying acquirement which she
has made, and the one which has given her the
most delight, is the power of writing a hgiblehand,
and expressing her thoughts upon paper. She
writes with a pencil in a grooved line, and makes
her letters clear and distinct.
She was sadly puzvled at first to know the
meaning of the process to which she was subject
but whtn the idea dawned upon her mind, that bv
means of it she could convey intelligence to her
motner, ner aeugm was unoounocd. Sho applied
herself with great diligence, and in a few months
actually wrote a legible letter to her mother, in
which she conveyed information of her being well
and of her coming home in ten weeks.
She has improved very much in personal ap
pearance, as well as in intellect he countenance
beams with intelligence she is always active at
study, work, or play she never repines, and most
01 ine time is gay and troiicsome.
She is now very expert with her needle ; she
knits very easily, and can make twine bags and
various fancy articles, very prettily. She is very
docile has a quick sense of propriety dresses
herself with great neatness, and is always correct
in her deportment. In short, it would be difficult
to hnd a child in the possession of all her senses,
and the enjoyment of the advantages that wealth
and parental love can bestow who is mere conten
ted and cheerful, or to whom existence seems a
greater blessing than it does to this bereaved crea
ture, lor whom the sun has no light, the air no
sound, and the flowers no color or perfume
No definite course of instsuction can be marked
out; for her inquisitivenes3 is so great, that she is
very much disconcerted if any question which oc
curred to her is deferred until the lesson is over.
It is deemed best'to gratify her, if her inauirvhas
any bearing on the lesson : and often she leads
her teacher far away from the subiect he commen
ced with.
In her eagerness to advance her knowledge of
woras, anc 10 communicate her ideas, she coins
j . . .. .
words, and is always guided by analogy. Some
times her process otwerd making is very interest
ing ; for instance, after some time soent in p-ivimr
her an idea of the abstract meaninir of alone. sh
seemed to obtain it, and understanding that being
by one's self was to be alone, or al-one. She was
told to go to her chamber, or school, or elsewhere,
and return alone, she did so: but soon after, wish
ing to go with one of the little girls, she strove to
express her meaning thus Laura go aLtwo.
Sho has the same fondness for a dress, for rib
bons, and for finery, as other girls ofher ace. and
as a proof that it arises from the same amiable de
sire of pleasing others, it may be remarked that
whenever she has a new, bonnet, or anynew arti
cle of dress, she is particularly desijous to go to
meeting ; or to go out with it. If people do not
notice it, sho directs their attention by placing their
hand upon it.
She seems to have a perception of character, and
to have no esteem for those who have little intel
lect. The (ollowing anecdote is significant of her
perception af character, and shows that from her
friends she requires something more than good-natured
A new scholar entered school a little girl about
Laura's ago, She was very helpless, and Laura
took great'pride and great pains in showing her the
way about the house, assisting her to dress and
undress, and doing for her many things which she
could not do herself.
In a few weeks it began to be apparent even to
Laura, that the child was not only helpless, but
naturally very stupid, being almost an idiot. Then
Laura guve her up in despair and avoided her, and
has ever since had an aversion to being with her,
passing by her as if in contempt. By a natural as
sociation of ideas she attributes to this child all
those countless deeds which Mr. Nolody does in
every house if a chair is broken, or any thing mis
placed and no one knows who die it, Laura attrib
utes it at once to this child.
With regard to the sense of touch it is very
acute, even for a blind person. It is shown re
markably in the readiness with which she distin
guishes.persons ; there are forty inmates in the fe
male wing, with all of whom, of course, Laura is
acquainted : whenever she is walking through the
passage way, she perceives by the jar of the floor,
or the agitation of the air, that some one is near
her, and n is exceedingly difficult to pass her with
out being recognized. Her little arms are stretched
out, and the instant she grasps a hand, a sleeve, or
even part of the dress, she knows the person and
lets them pass on with some sign of recognition.
The innate desire for knowledgo, and the in
stinctive efforts which the human faculties make to
exercise their functions, is shown most remarka
bly in Laura. Her tiny fingers are to her as eyes,
and ears and nose, and most deftly and incessantly
does she keep them in motion; like fecleis of some
insects which are continually agitated, and which
touch every grain of sand in the path, so Laura's
arms and hands are continually in nlav: and when
she is walking with a person she not only recog
nizes every thing she passes within touching dis
tance, but by continually touching her companion's
hands she ascertains what he is doing. A person
walking across the room while she had hold on his
left arm, would find it hard to tako a pencil out of
T? . 1. "1 1 - 1. t 1 .1
nis waistcoat pocsei wun ms ngnt nana wunout
her perceiving it.
Her judgment of distances and of relations of
place is very accurate ; she will rise from her seat,
The. constant and tireless exercise of her'feelers
give her a very accurate knowledge of every thing
! ?hou;1 the ho'Jse 5 50 lhat,if a ncw article, a bundle,
! KMJUnv .... 1 I. 11
bandbox, or even a new book is laid any whore in
the apartment which she frequents, it would bo but
a short time before in her ceaseless rounds she
would find it, and from something about it she
would generally discover to whom it belonged.
At table, if told to be still, she sits and conducts
herself with propriety ; handles her cup, spoon, and
fork like other children ; so that a stranger looking
at her would take her for a very pretty child with
a green ribbon over her eyes.
But when at liberty to do as she chooses, ?he is
continually feeling of things, and ascertaining their
size, shape, destiny, and use asking their names
and their purposes, going on with insatiable curi
osity, step by step, towards knowledge.
Thus doth her active mind, though all silent and
darkling within, commune by means of her one
sense with things external, and gratify its innate
craving for knowledge by close and ceaseless at
Qualities and appearances, unappreciable or un
heeded by others, are to her of great significance
and value ; and by means of these her knowledge
of external nature and physical relations will in
time become extensive."
Lives of the Signers of the Declara
tion of Independence from Penn
Rolert Morris. Continued. Party , Spirit pre
vailed over his logic and eloquence': but th
exertions 01 tne mends ot tne institute were
in the succeeding legislature, crowned with
success. He was also elected a member of
the Convention which framed the federal Con
stitution. No man had more often and severe
ly felt tho effects of an efficient government
He had incessantly asked for astronger bond
or instrument, than the old Confederation, for
" a firm, wise, manly system of federal govern
ment ;" and he strenuonsly co-operatedin de
vising and reccommendmg the present.
In 1788, the General Assembly of Pennsyl
vania appointed him to represent the State, in
the first Senate of the United States, which as
sembled at New York. As a member of that
body, he distinguished himself by wise coun
sels, and particularly by an irresistablo speech
for the repeal of the tender laws. He was a
fluent, correct, and impressive orator, he wrote
with ease and terseness ; his fund of political
knowledge could not but be ample; his acquaint
ance) with the affairs of the world exceeded in
extent and diversity that of any of his fellow
patriots, Franklin excepted ; his conversation
was therefore replete with interest and insruc
tion. When the federal government w;s or
ganized, Washington offered him the post of
Secretary ol the I reasury, which he declined;
and, being requested to designate a person for it,
le named General Hamilton, a most happy.
tnougii not an expected choice.
-AX,b VVllllUJtUil Jl tilU II UI) liW l IW (AUVSAJl
China trado. In the spring of 1784, he des
patched the ship " Empress of China," Capt.
Greene, of New York to Canton, being the first
American teasel, that ever appeared in thatpoTt.
He also made the first attempt of what is call
ed the out of season passage to China. In
prosecution of this object the ship Alliance,
Capt iceed equipped with ten 12 pounders, and
65 men, sailed from the Delaware', June 20th,
1787, and arrived in safety December 20th, at
Canton, where considerable inquiries were
made by thc European commanders respecting
the routes that had been taken, as it was wholly
a novel thing for a vessel to arrive at that sea
son of the ear. As no ship had ever before
made a similar passage great astonishment was
manifested ; and the Lords of the admiralty
subsequently applied to Mr. Morns for inform
ation with regard to the ship.
It is said that her probable route was, previ
ous to her department marked out by Mr. Mor
ris with' the assistance of Governeur Morris.
In his old age Mr. Morris embarked on vast
land speculations which proved fatal to his
fortune. The man to whose financial opera
lions the Americans was said to owe as much
as to the negociations- of Franklin, or even
to tho arms, of Washington, passed the latter
years of his life in prison confined for debt
He sunk into the tomb on the 8th of May,
1806, in the 73d year of his age, Mr. Morris
was of largo frame, with a fine, open, bland
countenance, and simple manners. Until the
period of his impoverishment, his house was
a scene of the most liberal hospitality. It was
open for nearly half a century to all the stran
gers of good society who visited Philadelphia
He was temperate in food but fond of convivi
al meetings. No one parted with his money
more freely for public or private purposes of a
meritorious nature.
James Wilson, was born in Scolind, about
1742, his father was a respectable farmer.
He studied successively at Glasgow, St. An
drews and Edinburgh, and then left Scotland
for America. He arrived in 1766, in Philadel
phia ; where he was first employed as a class
ical." tutor in the Philadelphia College, and re
quired a high reputation as a classical scholar.
He soon however relinquished that occupation,
and commenced the study of the law, in the of
flce'of the celebrated John Dickensonr At the
expiration of 2 years ; he was admitted to the
bar, and began to practice first at Reading and
then at Carlisle. J rom the latter place he re
moved to Philadelphia m 1777, tvhere he con
tinned to reside until his death
He'was elected in 1775 to Congress, arid
was a uniform advocate to the declaration of In
dependence, though he may have thought per
haps, that the measure vz3 brought forward
prematurely ; ho voted m favor of it, as wel
on the first of July, in opposition to thc major
ify of his colleagues from Pennsylvania, aB
on the 4th m conjunction witth the majority.
in 1777, he was superseded in Congress
through the influence of party spirit, but in '82
he was again honoured with a seat. In '79
he received the appointment of advocate Gen
eral for the French Government in thb U. S
an office the duties of which were both ardu
ous and delicate. He resigned it in 1781. He
continued to give advices in such cases as were
laid before him by the ministers and consuls
of France, until '83 when the French transmit
ted to him a present of 10,000 Livres. In 1787
Mr. Wilson was a membEr of the Convention
which framed the constitution of the Unite
States, and was one df the committee who re
ported the draught. In the state Convention
of Pennsylvania, he was principally efficient in
causing the Constitution to be adopted. He
was subsequently a member of the convention
which formed the late Constitution of our State,
and being one of the committee appointed to
prepare, was intrusted with the duty to make the
draught of the necessary form. In 1789, he was
appointed by President Washington, as Judge of
the bupreme Court of the United States ; and
whilst on a circuit in North Carolina, in dis
charge of his duties as such, he died at Eden-
ton 28th of August, 1798, aged about 56 years
I 1 1 1 n r tri .
iis a lawyer anu juage ivir. vvnson was emi
nent for talent and integrity. In private life he
was courieuus, Kinu, ana nospuaoie. Jtlis po
1 .1 .11 1 1 -r-r.
litical ana legal disquisitions are extant in three
volumes, and much esteemed.
George Clymcr, Was born in 1729, in Phila
delphia, of a respectable family. His father
emigrated from Bristol, England. The dealh
of his parents left George an orphan at the age
of 7 years; but he was well taken care of by his
uncle Wm. Coleman, who bequeatoed to him
the principal part of his fortune. After the com
pletion of his, studies young Clymer entered his
uncles counting-house, though his inclination
or cultivating his mind was much greater than
for mercantile pursuits. When discontent had
been excited in the the arbitrary acts
of the British Parliament, he was among the
first in Pennsylvania, to raise his voice in op
position and he was chairman of a meeting
held in Philadelphia, Oct. 16th, 1773, to de
mand of the commissioners for selling the
Tea which had been imported in America on
the first who engaged in the East India and
account of the East India Company, their res
ignation of the office. I he demand was com
plied with. Mr. Clymer was afterwards cho
sen a member of tho Council of safety, and in
1775 one ol the first Continental Treasurers.
His zeal iri the cause of his country was
displayed by subscribing k: -elf, as well as
by encouraging the subscriptions of others, to
the loan opened for the purpose of rendering
more, effective tho opposition to the British,
and also by the distinguished manner in which
he exchanged all his specie for Continental cur
rency. In July 1776 ho was chosen with Dr Rush,
and others, to supply the vacancy in C ongress
occasioned by tho resignation of the members
of the Pennsylvania delegation, who had refu
sed their assent to the declaration of Indepen
dence. The new members was not present
when the instrument was agreed upon, but they
all, affixed to it their signatures. In the autumn
of '77 his house in Chester County in which
his family resided was plundered by a band
of British soldiers, and his property greatly da
maged. His services in the cause of liberty
seemed indeed to have rendered him peculiarly
obnoxious to the British. In 1780, Mr. (3.
was the member of an association which mado
an offer in Congress of establishing a Bank
for the sole purpose of supplying the army,
which was on the point of disbanding in
consequence of tho distressing condition..
Congress accepted the offer and pledger!
tho faith of the United States to the sub
scribers to the Bank for their full indemnity.
Mr. C. was one of the gentleman selected
to preside over the institution, the good effects
of which were long felt. In November, he was
elected to Congress, and though advocated there
he established a national Bank.
In the Autumn of 1784, during which year
party spirit had raged with great violence in
Pennsylvania, he was elected to the Legisla
ture, to assist in opposing the Constitutionalists,
who were so termed in consequence of their
upholding the old constitution, which was just
ly deemed defective.
Pennsylvania is greatly indebted to his exer
tions for the amelioration of her penal code,
which had previously been of so sanguinary
a nature as to produce extreme & almost univer
sal discontent. Mr C. was also a member of the
Convention which framed the present constitu
tion of the Federal Governmernt, and was e
lected to the first Congress which met, when it
was about to be carried into operation. In
1796, he was appointed by President Washing
ton, together with Col. Hawkins and Pickens
to negotiate a treaty with the Creek and Cher
okee Indians of Georgia. He subsequently
became the first President of the Philadelphia
Bank ahd of the academy of fine arts. He di
ed January 23d. 1813, in the 74th year of his
age, at Morrisville, Bucks County, Pennsylva
nia. From the Pontiac (Michigan) Jacksonian Extra.
Pontiac, Thursday, April 39, 2 p. m.
We hasten to announce the heart
rending intelligence that our late flou
rishing village is now one almost uni
versal heap of ruins !
The fire broke out about noon in
the Exchange, formerly occupied by
F. Budington, corner of Saginaw and
Lawrence streets. The wind was
blowing fresh from the west. It was
soon found impossible to save the
building. An effort was then made
to prevent the fire from reaching the
opposite side of the street; this was
soon found impossible, as the wind
freshened. The fire first caught on
the east side of Saginaw street, we
believe m the building occupied by
MessrsIarsh and Hendrickson. It
soon communicated to those on each
x ne names irom ootn sides 01 Sag
inaw street, now mingled into one,
presented a vast and uninterrupted
sheet from one side to the other, and
reached far over to the east, consu
ming every thing in its course.
On the west side, every tinner war.
swept clean, down to the building
corner of Saginaw and Pike streets "
on the east every thino; to Pike street,
about 25 buildiners in all. besides
o j
barns and other out-houses : and this
n the very heart and business of tho
place. The property destroyed is
Twenty-one States were represen-
ed in the ivduS Van ;Bureh National
Convention; -