Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, May 02, 1840, Image 1

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K-icltard R'ugeiit, Editor
The whole art of Goveunment consists is the art op being honest, Jefferson.
C. W. a PalViisIfer
SATURDAY; MAY 2, 1840.
No. 15.
TERMS. Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars
and a quarter, half yearly, and if not paid before the end of
the year, Two uonars ana a nau. Tnoe who receive their pa
pers br a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor,
will be charged 3 1-2 cis. per year, extra.
No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except
IOAavcrtisemcnts not exceeding one square (sixteen lines)
will oc inserted three weeks for one dollar : twentv-five cents
for every subsequent insertion ; larger ones in proportion,
liberal discount wiil be made to yearly advert i&crs.
ID AH letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid.
Hating a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna
mental Type, wo are prepared to execute every des
cription of
Cards, Circsilars, Bill Meads, ftotcs,
KlaiiK Receipts,
Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms.
For the Jeffersonian Republican.
Written for a Lady's Album, at the request of a young
The owner of this little book,
O ! may she ever shun
The paths of vice and may she look
On each and every one
With eyes of pity not of scorn, v
The needy not to leave forlorn. -'
And may she ever prove to be
A lovely child of God ;
To praise his name eternally,
V'hilst yet a living clod ;
And after death O may she stand,
A:1, ornament al God's right hand. II. C. M.
V. r?:ra.i. Apnl, 1610.
FJom the New York Despatch.
Looking over the papers during the week, rre
rcccT.tct seeing in some one of them a labored
culc'puni on a drinking song, which the editor dc
sicrnaies with the classic name of an Anacreontic.
We I c .ive that word is Greek for fretting drunk.
an J other unseemly and incontinent practices; and '
w? j appose that in the opinion of the learned, he
v.. i a i icrconizes himself into delirium tremens, is
a crcit Jea.1 better citizen than the man who bathes
1..3 soul in whiskey till he brings on what in the
vernacular is cabled the horrors. Jt is vastly more
moral, genteel andjprpper to travel to perdition
r nv with those reverend topers, Bacchus and Si-
lc.vus, than to get drunk under a hat with a hole in
tie rim, and in the society of rum coveys & compan
ions. " There are differences look you" and we
suppose these must be conceded as among them.
Frr our own part however if a man becomes unfit
for business and social relations a poor husband
a bad father a worthless citizen and all from
" being nobody's enemy but his own." it makes
little difference, that we can see, in what way he
arrives at a result so melancholy .
The prostitution of poetry and music have'gone
far enough to the ruin of its votaries. The senti
rr er.t of the age is no longer tolerant towards deck-
irg a skeleton with false ornaments to conceal its
f j'r.ghtful character. The world is tired of seeing
a chastlv pit covered and concealed with rose leaves
Ic tempt the unwary to plunge into moral deatn. i
Ecautiful poetry, words well collected and fitly j
chosen for their harmony, images luxuriant in:
beauty, and the very spirit of loving music over all, i
cannot excuse a literary trifle however elegant the
m ,ral of which is that it is not strictly proper, but
li:phly commendable to drown reison in wine, and
sink the man in the helpless brute. As these in
teresting pursuits formnd part of the worship of
tl.e much lauded ancients it is not to be wondered
that a large portion of their literature abounds in
the laudation of such practices ; but as the mod
ern code of morals recognises no such imparatire
duties ; it is to be wondered that , th&attainmen; of
what is called a liberal educatioliakes it neces
sary to imbibe a loose morality.
Cartloads of missiles have been hurled at the
pour common inebriate, who dares to drink plebi
an liquors, while the fountain of dissipation
of which the learned and polite have been
christened, is sacred from the rude breath of
invective. The root of the evil is left untouched
and unattcmpted. The literary institution of this
and other Christian countries have manufactured
more confirmed drunkards than any other causes
have created. How often do we meet under the
most disgusting garb of blackguardism and, fillh,
with the wreck of a fine mind, and the shreds of
an education, which migte have given the degra
cod possessor a high stand among his fellow citi
rens had he net chosen, rather his place among
We recollect mealing in an obscure tavern iri
ih country, last summer an.apprcpos example of
these remarks. Chance led us there to make some
inquiry abou-l the road, and we found the bar-room
wholly occupied by an unshaven and unkept loafer,
who was reading an old newspaper ; the latest
date by way Ut had beon received in that unfor
oettook. He was a perfect personification of
v,a;,m TCarW,-rftr3d and iiWjy. As thore;
was no ortwr perswfa whom -t address oursclf..
e put a OftriSivlO' hiwj -tfhich he having.
answered it very courteous!)' a 13catt Nash
in tatters. Having thus commenced a conver
sation for our own purposes, we could not refuse
to continue it for his gratification. A few moments
served to surprize us at the extent of his erudition
the beauty of his language, the wideness of his
acquaintance with the current topics of news and
politics, the soundness of his comments, and the
pertinence of his inquiries. We were betmiled in
half an hours converse with him. It was admira
tion of a treasure upon a dung heap. We for
got his rags and his unseemly exterior
and lost sight of all but the treasures of his mind.
A spell was on us Nvhich was not dispelled until
upon the entrance of the landlord, hcsloppcd sho
in discussion upon Germrn literature to make some
coarse indication of his desire for the ardent. He-
had spoken of the nectar of Olympus, talked of the
sunny Rhine and its rich vintages, blended poetry
andjthc grape and, at the end of all, this Anacreon
in patched breeches which might to advantage
have been patched more, wanted whiskev.
Curiosity led us to ascertain his story, to trace
the steps through which he had receded from the
good position he must once have, held, down to
the kennel. JYVc found that he was the son of pa
rents who had beggared themselves to give their
child an education which might fit him for any sta
tion to which the ambition of parents for their child
could reach. He was a graduate of the oldest and
proudest college in the United States. His edu
cation was completed by the acquirement of the
theory of a profession ; and he commenced the
practice of the law in one of our largest cities.
fortune smiled on him to the hour of his marriage
wilh a beautiful and accomplished woman. Pop
ular favor threw clients in his way by scores, and
even gave him political preferment. He was the
lile oi the circle in whi.-h he moved, the readv wit
at public dinners the selected orator upon public
la.V's the occasional poet and in word the popu
lar idol. If he even ne-ilected Ins clients it u- nt
first well enogoh anything vras borne with, in so
universal a favorite. His path lay apparently upon
Patience will not last forever. Client after cli
ent dropped off compelled to do so from inability
part of him to whom thev had entrusted it..:oSse!; U2JI2H8S
world, the man who lias neither system nor punc
tuality, and still fills a place of trust, can preserve
neither the appearance nor the proofs of integrity.
When a man begins to put aside business apoint
mentsforthe p:.r uit or" pleasure, and acquires a
habit of making sensual pursuits, however refined
the leading object of life, it is all up with him. Our
Like Lucifer never to rise again.
At this time he had three children. He could
not lie down in in the. dust and let them sink with
him. He made an effort, and his friends, trusting
to his sincere desire of reformation, assisted him.
He removed to another city, and thought he had
forvever abandoned the temptations of the cup.
he applied himself to business cheerfulness again
visited his fireside, and hope whispered consola
iion to his almost heait stricken wife. Again his
excellent talents procured him prosperity again
came the tcmuter. He was sought by me oeaux
csprits as his wit and talenw became known and
appreciated-and before he had risen to anything
hkclnsiormer position nc sunu a-am. .maui-
reon sought him still-but a convivial song at a
. . . ... , I u
III. JVliaCIl- I
supper party will not furnish forth the next day's
Once more in the dust, his friends had no word
of help or consolation for him. They would ren
der no more assistance they would not even pay
him the equivocal proof of friendship and remem
brance which is conveyed in reproaches. He no
ticed their neglect, ho appreciated the cause and
the motives of it and his pride spurred him to an
other effort, and an unaided one. Again he remo
ve J, again he reformed again, but fur a brief Ittle
while,he prospered. Now came offers of aid he
scouted them, and resolved to support himself a
lone. The piide of purposo which sustained him
temnorarilv ttirew him down again He presumed
trui much on his strength, and as ho thought he had
recovered himself against the predictions of his .
friends, he thought he could maintain his position
in contempt of their advice. Anachrcor. triumphed.
This then wa3 tho previous hisiory of our liar
room companion for an hour. Hispresent story, for
he still lives, under the " great seal" of New Jer
sey is soon told. His oldest child, a daughter, &
his wife support themselves and his youngest child
bv the scantv wages of female occupations His
son, tho second had been placed by their efforts
and his in a position where he may emulate, his
fathers success-; and with such an example as he
has in", his father's iniirmattos, we cannot doubt
that he will avoid them. That father is a pension
er for his daily bread upon his wife. His legal
operations now qualifies him for a referee in bar
room bets, upon mo 4cd points of law, and his fee
m evory case, is a gias.voi me nquui umwi is j;.uu
for by his decision. His political knowledge ir.
useful in harangues in lbs templo of rum, where he
is the oracle. His bolies-iatlers are reserved for
chance visiters and foi street attacks on the
village literati, who shuffie off while they speak
with him. At noon he g-? hwiic, to his' ainper,
Willi inebriation enough t x fcurif art-I i!m. but
not violent, while he sudctaly feait w$ch is kcfti
allv an alms to him at nit t'.M& ttt. v-S
sidcnce perhaps to .v
terrify, kis v.-ui j
and daughter; and in in', uxoii.
to his tavern haunt, his wrwtrj
Vj? I
lack of excitement for w.iicu a
ie.f ?i j
craves, ihua
in living -l rAn.
art lie ocafpfe -ujci
To the Editor of the Jeflbrscnian Republican.
I had always delievedthat newspapers
would be rendered more peimaneritly useful by
devoting a portion of their columns to illustra
tions of the history of our country, and partic
ularly of our own State, anjj to brief notices of
the lives of its distinguished characters. It is
well known that many pojlons have not the
leisure or inclination to extend their reading
beyond the contents of a nejrspapcr and were
the above plan adopted, a!l would be able to
acquire an extensive fund f knowledge rela
tive to our early hisiory, out progress from in
fancy to maturity, and the druggies of ourfath-
rfv War, of which
they would otherwise be iqiorant. With this
view, I have employed sope leisure moments
in compiling from various amrces (principally
from "Lives of the Signers? and the 'Encyclo
paedia Americana") short biographical sketches
of the Signers of the Declaration of Indepen
dence from Pennsylvania vvhich may at least
end to cherish the memories 5f those patriots
is among the most useful, 'able and virtuous
athcrs of a mighty republic!
If the plan meets withlthe approbation of
your readers these sketches will be followed
by others. $A Subscriber.
Eiivcs of tkio Signers lot tlie B
23 on oi Siaelepundt'iace ivom
1st. George Ross, was born in 1730, at New
Castle, Delaware, where his father was the
)astor of the Episcopal church. He commen
ced the s'udy of law, in Philadelphia, at the
age oi IS, and when admitted to the bar, estab
lished himself in Lancaster, Pa. In 1768, Mr.
Ross was chosen a Representative in the As-
sembly of Pennsylvania, and retained his scat
in that bodv until 1774, whea he was elected
one oi the delegates to lie first general oon
grcss at Phiiadelpuia. At the time of his elec- ?r
lion, he was also appointed to report to the a&- ,
a set of instructions, lo ,
.-4 t
tniMMmhis nlace in Congress ; on which oc-f ,
casion the inhabitants of Lancaster voted him
piece of plate, to be paid for out of the count;.
stock, Mr, Koss, however tnougiu n ms uui
to decline the present.
On the dissolution of the proprietary government
in Pa., a general convention was assembled, in
which Mr! R. was appointed to assist in prepar
ing a declaration orrights on behalf of tho State,
informing rules of order for the convention,
and in defining and settling what should be
high treason, and misprision of treason against
the State, and what punishment should be in
flicted for those offences in April, 1779, Mr,
Ross was appointed a Judge of the Court of
Admiralty for tho State of Pennsylvania ; but,
in the ensuing July, a sudden and violent at
tack of the gout terminated his life in the 50th
-Tinr nf lift- ;wrf
J 2 j jiel:uin jiUsh, M. D. was born on the
D . m5 (old stvle) near Phila-
" ' ' it r
- - - - j Hollpsre of
delphia, andinlo9 entered the Uo Hcgeoi
Princeton where ho graduated in 1760, before
he had completed his 15th year, the next six
years of his life was devoted to the study of
medicine. During his novitiate ho translated
the aphorisms of Hippocrates into English, and
also begun to keep a note book of remarkable
occurrences which he continued through life.
From a part of this record written in the 17th
vear of the author's age, we derive the only ac
count of the yellow fever of 17G6, in Philadel
phia. In 1776 he went to Edinburgh to study at
the University in that city, and took his degree
of M. D. there in 1763. The next winter he
spent in London ; in the spring he went to
tlio autumn he returned to Phila-
dclphia, and commenced the practice of his
profession. In 1769 he was elected Professor
of Chcmistrv in the College of Philadelphia,
and when in 1791, the college was merged in
tlin TIniversitv of Pennsylvania, he was appoin-
cd Professor of the Institutes and practice of
Medicine and of Clerical practice.
In the previous year he had begun to pub
lish his new principles of medicine; depending
chiefly for the cure of diseases upon bleeding
and cathartics ; and these were more or less
developed by him in his successive annual cour
ses of lectures, for the subsequent 23 years of
bis life. In the year 1793 when Philadelphia
was desolated by the yellow fever to an extent
almost equal to that of the ravages df the plague
in the old world, the theories ana me native Ju
nius of Dr. Rush's genius were put to the tust,
All the physicians, for some timo after the com
mencement of this disease were unsuccessful
m v treatment. Dr. Rush adopted anew mode,
to wLehiw was le My n. manuscript of Dr,
Lionel! o! u'ih vcce
inn vellow le
, iT4i. Hts sue-
whkii ftfiiu there
ties -:.a' sai aud uatura: btowht nun jo
- e' " i - n
house was filled with persons, chiefly the poor,
waiting for his advice ; every day he was obli
ged to refuse numerous applications, and in ri
ding through the streets, he was often" forced
to tear himself away from persons, who at
tempted to stop him, and to drive his chair, as
speedily as possible out of the reach of their
cries. His incessant labors of body and mind,
by night and day, nearly cost him his life ; but,
by timely and proper treatment, he was rescued
from the grave.
This was the most eventful year of his life,
and in it he laid the foundation of a reputation
inferior to few m the annals of medicine.
Dr. Rush did not confine his attention exclu
sively to the practice of his profession, but took
an active and zealous part in political affairs.
An ardent friend of liberty he was appointed a
member of Congress a few days after the Dec
laration of Independence, but by a vote of that
body, he was permitted to affix his name to that
document, and in 177 he was made physician
general of the military hospital in the middle
department; some lime after which, he publish
ed his observations on our hospitals, army dis
eases, and the effects of the revolution on the
army and people. In 17S7hewas a member
of the Convention of Pennsylvania for the adop
tion of the Federal Constitution, which received
his warmest approbation. During the last 14
years of his life, he was treasurer of the United
States Mint. Dr. Rush took a deep interest in
also in many private associations for the ad
vancement of human happiness with which
Pennsylvania abounds. lie was an honorary
member of many of the literary institutions,- both
of this country and of Europe, In 1805, he
received a medal from the King of Prussia, for
his replies to certain questions respecting the
yellow fever. On a similar account, Ire was
presented with a gold medal, in 1 807, from the
Queen of Etruua, and in 1811, the Emperor of
Russia sent lrni a diamond ring, as a testimo
ny of rpctt for L s medical character. The
ltte (i ' Lrc?MtimL 10J man was terminated
. .
ers of
lal ex-
fished more
to the science
r 1;;
eded him in his
native country,
d a lively imagi-
nalicr.. a retentive
and a discrimmat-
irifr iiidrrmcnt. together with the power of in
tense application. He was, moreover, philan
thropic, kind and religious.
3d. James Smith, was a native of Ireland,
born probably between 1715 and 1720, His
father was a respectable farmer on the Susque
hannaJames his second son, was educated
at the college of Philadelphia, and afterwards
studied law. On being admitted to the bar, he
established his residence near the present town
of Shippensburg, as a lawyer and surveyor, but
some time after removed to York, where he
continued the practice of his profession during
the remainder of his life.
In 1774 he was a member of the meeting of
delegates from all the counties of Pennsylvania
for the purpose of expressing thb public senti
ments on the expediency of abstaining from im
porting any goods from England, and assem
bling a general Congress. In January, 1775,
Mr. Smith was a member of the Pennsylvania
Convention, and concurred in the spirited res
olution which it passed, that "if the British
"Administration should determine by force to
"effect a submission to the late arbitrary acts
"of the British Parliament, in such a situation,
"we hold it our indispensable duty to resist
"such force, and at every hazard, to defend the
"rights and liberties of America." He was al
so a member of the provincial conference, which
assembled on the 1 8th of the ensuing month of
. . . ... r T
June to establish a new government tor i uu
sylvania, in consequence of the instructions giv
en by the General Assembly to their delegates
in Congress, to resist every measure tending
to a separation, and seconded the resolution
mm-ml hv Dr. Rush, to express in form, the
sentiments of the Conference on the subject of
a Declaration of Independence, which was car
ried, although the obnoxious instructions had
beon rescinded. Mr. Smith, Dr. Rush and
Thomas M'Kean, were tho committee by whom
the resolution was drafted. It was unanimous
ly adopted, and signed by iho members, and
ore seined to Congress a few days before the
Doclara-ion of Independence. In July n con
vention was assembled in Philadelphia for the
purpose of forming a new Constitution lor 1 enn
ivlvania of which Mr. Smith was a member.
On tho 20lh of this month, ho was elected by
the convention a member of Congrcss--had the
honor of affixing his signature to the Declaration"--ho
remained in that body but a few
ami in 1780 served as a incmuer oi a
ft " " '
Ho then rcFuraed tho
J tor onr
I kh year cf his age.
. . HHkrs as a
practice of his profession and'eontinued it ttnul
the close of the century. He died at York,
July 11, 1806, aged nearly 90 years.
(to he continued.)
An Anecdote of Gen. Harrison.
The following circumstance was
mentioned during- the session of the
Harrisburgh Convention by Judge
Burnet, of Ohio,- a warm personal
friend of General Harrison. Many
years since while the great tide of em
igration was flowing through the Wes
tern States, the hero of the Thames
having- for awhile exchanged the ard
uous duties ot a statesman and a gen
eral for the more peaceful pursuits
of Agriculture, was on a hot summer
evening at the porch of his humble
" Log Cabin" asked for shelter and a
meal, by a minister of the Methodist
Episcopal persuasion. The jaded ap
pearance of the steed, and the soiled
garments of the rider, proclaimed the
fatigue of the day, and withhis usual
courtesy, the old General welcomed
the stranger. After a plain and sub
stantial supper, the guest joined with
the host in social conversation ; and
the latter laying aside the character
of a soldier, and statesman, willing
ly listened to the pious instruc
tions of the traveller. They reti-
ted to rest, the good old soldier
thankful to a munificent Provi
dence that he vras enabled to admin
ister to the wants of a fellow creature
and the worthy minister of Christ, in
voking the blessings of Heaven upon
the head or tins kind benefactor.
Morning came and the minister pre
pared to depart. He was m the act
niglit. ims loss nowever severe,
considering that he had yet two hun
dred miles to travel did not discour
age him in the exeroise of his duty :
but taking his saddle bags on his arm
he rose to depart with thanks for tho
kindness of his entertainer. The old
General did not attempt to prevent
him, though he offered his condolence
upon the loss : but an observing eye
could have detected a smile of iri;vard
satisfaction, which the consciousness
of doing good alone produces. - the
a-uest reached the door and to his as
tonishment found one of the Generals
horses accoutered with his own sad
dle and bridle and waiting for him.
He returned and remonstrated stating
his inability to pay for it, and that in
all probability he should never a
gain visit that section of country. But
Sie General was inexorable, and re
minding the astonished Divine, that
"he who giveth to the poor lcnd
eth to the Lord," sent him on his
way, his heart overflowing with
gtatitude, and his prayers directed to
Heaven for blessings on the venera
ble Hero. Penn. German.
How it works. "While the poor
man cannot get work, and the prices
of butter, cheese, wheat, &c. have
fallen so low as to make the farmer a
loser by his labor, foreign articles of
necessity keep up their prices, Tea
is actually rising, coffee is at its old
price, so are all other things which
the American freemen are accustom
ed to have. The hard money system
therefore cuts off most of the com
forts of the poor man's family. Will
lip. nnnsent to be made a pauper to
please Mr. Van Buren? No, Alba
ny Baity Advertiser.
The farmers in some parts of Ohio
have to give two pounds of Butter in
exchange for one of coffee money bo
ing out of the question. "5
The defalcation in tke Virginia bank
about $580,000.
- i