PUBLIC VENDUE. On Tuesday, May 5, 1840, at 10 o'clock A. M. we will expose to pnblic sale, at Annlomink Forge, Stroud township, Monroe Co. 1 four horse wagrons, 2 tV4' liovsc -ivasons, 1 new cart ;m'l hariaoM, 1 sulkcy, modern siylo, Kaverai wagon foodies, wheelbarrows, smitiz bellows' and tools, aqiianiiJy oi about 5 tons of 5ar iron, of a variety of saxes, spring steel, casSififfs, &c. Also, a va riety of Irlereiiantliise, Axes, &c. &c. Conditions made known and attendance giv en on the day of sale, by Ap-il 18, 1840. TO GISEIPITORS. Take notice that we have applied to the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of Mon roe Countv. for the benefit of the act made for the relief of insolvent debtors, and that the said Court have oppointed Monday the fourth day of May next, at 10 o clock,A. M. for hearing us and our creditors in the borough of Stroudsburg of wliich due notice is hereby given, according to the order of the said court. ADONIJAH DRAKE. JACOB BONSElt. April 3, 1840. WANTED At the Monroe & Pocono Tanneries, 2oo men; for peeling and gathering bark, to commence about the 20th of April, and continue through out the barking season. Each man must come provided with an axe. Spuds will be supplied by the subscribers. Wages per day 62 1-2 cents. Boarding will be found. R. T. DOWNING & Co. STUART, HOWELL & Co. Pocono tsp. Monroe county, 5 travelling of the Exhibition, but that the reputa tion oi their Amphitheatre shall be advanced be yond the slightest possible shadow of obloquy, by the probity and upright conduct of the Performers in private, and chaste, talented and astonishing performances in public. This they regard as a very essential and highly important part of the ex hibition, as the introduction of .Females into an Equestrian Establishment is not calculated to ad vance the interests, while they not unfroquently mar the harmony of the entertainments and bring the whole exhibition into disrepute. It never was ordained by Nature that woman should degrade the reputation of her sex by a display of Gymnastic Feats, winch are not calculated ior any otner tnan the stalwart man. The spacious pavilion in which the numerous performances will be exhibited, and all the Phara- phanalia connected wnn mo oircus are entirely new. 1 ne Ampnuueaire is constructed on an en tirely novel and vastly improved plan, of the larg est and strongest description, iiie seats are so arranged as to make a few hours spent in witness ing the performances a pleasure instead of pain, as has hrtetofore too frequently been the case. The interior is beautifully arranged, and every possible i 1 - ?- . - " - regard ooscrvea in us construction to insure strength, durability and comfort, so that no appre- nension need oe entertained on the score ol conve niencc and safety. .April 3, 1S40. 3t. PircJLAmSIfPjllA CIRCUS. Raymond, Waring & Co. PROPRIETORS. THE MANAGERS Of the Philadelphia Chesnut Street Amphithea tre, in offering their Unparalleled List of Attrac tions for 'he patronage of the public, beg leave to Ier TJie form an cos TREASURER'S SA3LE. PIKE COUNTY TAXES. OT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a greeably to an Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th of MarchTlolo, entitled "An act to amend the act entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes anx for oth er purposes" and of an act passed the 13th o March, 1817, " A further supplement to an act to amend the act entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and for other porposes" the following tracts of land will be sold at Public Vendue, on the second Monday of June next, at tlje Court House in Milford, in the county of Pike, for arrearages of taxes due, and the cost accrued on each lo respectively. Lehmam 1 ownship. No. Warrantees. Quautitv. Tax Acres. Per. S Cts 15 60 Will comprise the most unexceptional and inter esting entertainment of ever class of Nations and Legions, calculated to instruct the minds of all who may honor the exhibition with their presence. The Principal Feats will consist of the most un paralleled Scenes in the Circle, and Acrobat Evo lutions of Manly Agility, embracing Still Vaulting, n,.. ttm that th etricifist sVmtTnv ic nnM tn ti, 1,1 ",c lIie trusts oi mis company oeiy com pe- characterand selection of the Amusements tiiey j ton; Gymnastics, Pyramidical Devices and Chi ... .1 - - 11 .-- i J nesfi FnsTndns. in full and nnnrnnrmtfi nnstiimp nrpsnni. wnin ineir extensive ana oeauiiiui isiun nr . . : : n . Horses, and a very numerous Company of highly popular .queslrian Artists, including such a com bination of talent as has never on a former occasion splendid chivalric Pageants, interspersed with a choice variety of Comic and Dramatic Entertain ments; extraordinary and wonderful Ilorseman- . . f - V .1. t .1 n;i i - m r been presented to an American audience. The en- saiV - u,e ""cquaiieu iuuera, nu wm perioral 3d in costly trap- re otud ol llor- 1 11 . : 1 lie, will insure to them patronage and suppoit equal ) ,t,m nc" m.u 10 the immense outlay they have been at for the i Crl'Olip Oi Blirssiese Ponies, purpose of producing every thing with the strictest Which will be introduced in the Epsom Pony Ra- Inrtoinmonto iTh i rh thotr tvi 1 1 hn " rr fArtvorH n t-rx 1 uj u t- - . Xr - , o,i .1 .u ' masnificent display, richly eouippi B,-tM,i,i,fti, r0H;n, to ,1, rnr Ptngs, of the beautiful and extensn UUUUI lil'l. UUt tUi.ll WAlllUtiJ L 1U1 LliLi WXAKJ I pub- observance to perfection. cos, and a Grand Entree, cptitled Elfin Steeds and 1 airy Riders, the Ponies being rode by the child ren connected with the Exhibition. The whole constituting one of the most astonishing, animated and interesting spectacles of Equestrian Enter tainment ever offered to an enlightened and liber al public. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. The very flat- ! tering encouragement lavished upon this exliibi- I tion during its stay in Philadelphia, is unparalleled in the annals of Equestrianism ol that moral and intelligent cit- Not only was the Amphitheatre attended by over 10,000 persons during a season of live months, but the audiences were composei of a greater display of the beauty, fashion, and moral portion of timt citv, than had ever before honored the .interior ot a building ol this nature To their unprecedented success in Philadelphia the Managers are indebted to the gentlemanly and judicious conduct of their performers m private lue, and the unceasing exertions of all connected with the exhibition to render it a source of gratifi x ins oepartmerir oi ine estamisnmeni nas never ; entertainments were arranged on an entirely new been approached by any similar exhibition in the and nove sca, wilh a doe view t0 their ccct A orld, as regards number, symmetry of form, beau- nes and a strict obsen-ance to chastity, morality -j pwuuuv, c..u , and virlue Cou M the manaErers present the oub- Spiendid Stud of Horses. performance. The very flattering notices that were bestowed upon this .splendid Stud of Horses by all who have witnessed their movements, as well as the high encomiums lavished upon them by the leading papers- of Philadelphia, will of them selves sustain the managers in the assertion here made. lie with a tithe of the flattering praises of the Phil adelphia Press, they would at once acknowledge the truth of these assertions, lor a more" libera countenance was never given to an exhibition ofany nature, than was ireely lavished upon this. Ihe same impulse which stimulated the Managers to ults in eir ex TE Basd of Music is comprised of Artists of , Philadel phi! wiU be characterised in all thei wig. ebi oruer ox musical aiumimem.s, iiauug eIlion8 and ,he saine regard t0 direct deportment clnsve and their wish to execute what they have titation of the Musf cil World, rather than to the expense attendant thereon. The A its to be per formed are of the latest and most popular descrip tion, in the execution of which this paragon of an Orchestra is beyond comparison. Will be exhibited at Ccntnmllc, on Thursday, the 23d, Stroudstmrgn $rjq1fy,tho21th, Bush kill, on Saturday, the 25th, ana at Milford, on Mon day the 27th of April. Admission to Boxes 50 cents, Children under 12 years of Age to Boxes, half price Pit 23 cents, without distiction to age. To obviate all difficulty the Managers wish it expressly understood that there is no half-price tickets admitted to the Pit. For partipulars of each day's performance see Large Bills posted at the Hotels, and Small Bills ri..;y. Ooors opcia at 12 1-2 o'clock, per formance to cooiEieuce precisely at I o'clock, P. Jff. The Company of Equestrians is composed of. Artists ol too greatest ceieomy in ine n oriu, Hav ing been judiciously chosen from the first Amphi theatres of Europe "and A!merica, and calculated to perform the greatest variety ofntertainmcnts ever offered to a discerning public. In the chasteness, darinp,an.l intrepid performances that will beoffer ed, the gontlomen composing the company attach ed to this establishment, are particularly celebrat ed. Their exertions have ever met with the high-! est eulogiums from all sorts of people, and the Jropile'ors assure the public thai every exertion will bo made to render this department beyond the Fsioiiiiy ol fc.iuaiuy wim any ouiur ciinuiuun the known world, for the confirmation of which they refer to the manv flattering notices they have re ceived from the Independent press in every sec tion of the country. In order to give a character to their exhibition equal to its standing for Talent, the Proprietors have determined that no fomaloj shall in the small est degree be connected with the performances o,r not the slightest doubt will receive the sanction of all classes of society, moral, rehgious, intelhgent, and refined. JMJEL E. WAKING, Manager & Director. REGISTER'S NOTICE. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons i i-l interested in the following Administration ac counts. The account of Jacob Storm, administra tor, fcc of the estate of John T. Storm, late of -Hamilton township, in the county of Monroe, de ceased. The account of Philip M. Bush, adminis trator. &c. of the estate of John Smilpv. Into nf oiroua xownsnip, in tne county atoresaid, deceas ed, ihe same having been allowed and filed in the Register's office and will be presented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation on Monday the 1th day of May next. M. II. DREIIER, Register. Register's Office, Stroudsburg, ) April 3, 1810. 4t. 5 4 juo25ars ificward ! Escaped from the Jail at Stroudsburg, Mon roe countv, on the morning of the 9th inst. a man named Dennis Scott. Said Scott is about 23 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 icches high, light coninelxion aud light hair. The above reward and all charges paid if delivered at the Jail of the said county. SAMUEL GUNSAULES, Sheriff. Marcli 18, 1840. 3t. 97 Albert Lewis 415 1G6 Ambercombie James 414 90 Brodhead Richard - 378 90 Boyd Charles 400 124 Brown John or Jacob 340 120 206 Benson Peter 224 112 231 Bell Joseph 300 10 23b Brotzman John 415 14 253 Baker Cathaiinc 105 254 Baker George A. 50 241 Craijr John 405 93 134 Caldwell David pt. 52 7 92 Dills Abraham 402 64 159 Dubbs .Martin 417 80 104 Dehoff Abraham ; 405 90 230 Donaldson Joseph 300 201 Ellis Benjamin 215 4G 227 Eggart George 410 130 255 Ehrenzellar Hillery , 201 109 15S Funk Jacob 340 1GI GrierJohn 407 40 100 Heimborg Thomas 162 40 167 HofT George 410 181 Hrnison Wiiliam 400 95 190 Herte Tobias 402 115 226 Harrison William 39S 130 232 Holland Benjamin 235 135 243 Hoover Manuel, Sen. 442 120 2-1S Hoover Manuel, jr. 239 120 245 Hyndshaw James 95 83 183 Joyce Dominic 402 72 249 Kling Ann 425 105 144 Kling Rachel 395 69 1S7 Layn Jacob 402 100 194 Lewis Richord 436 13 96 Mead Robert 396 126 157 Mver Henry 425 17 177 MillerAlexandcr 402 101 205 Mushback Jacob 219 111 223 Mushback John 12 107 115 233 Merkle Peter 434 70 256 Mulicah Mary 208 67 257 Nvce William 196 20 175 Ogden Gabriel 219 62 240 Ogden Ann . 406 24 241 Ogden David -275 203 Philips Robococv 418 100 204 Philips William 336 247 Philips John 401 219 Rustin Thomas 429 180 Rustin Thomas 400 9i Smith Michael 412 133 Smith Fiancis J. 143 160 Shook John 25S 162 Shartlc John 405 1S8 S locker Margaret 360 224 Saville Samuel 422 95 Tow nes "John 412 184 Thompson Richatd 402 182 Vanwhy Henry 410 98 Walter'George 409 178 Wvckofl' Isaac 400 225 Wood Jacob 393 197 Yohe Michael 430 207 Dally Charles 109 237 Heister John 417 Delaware Township 85 Abbott John 119 Brodhead Jane 15 Brodhead Luke 18 Brodhead Majy 17 Brodhead Ann Brown .Daniel 22 Coolbaugh John 148 Carney Thomas 34 Depue Nicholas 63 Dillman George 14 Ennis John 60 Edsall David 173 Feltman VVilliam 102 Gates John 12 Huff Ann, Sen. 13 Huff Ann, Jr. 16 Hartzell Jonas 23 HuffArnos r. 6 6 5 6 o 1 4 12 42 86 20 27 79 65 6 54 1 61 10 6 29 57 6 27 6 48 6 29 4 3 7 3 5 6 o 6 60 35 66 10 34 36 51 82 HORSE BILLS x Printed at this office with neatness .nd despatch. norion Ktcnara 38 Hoover Emanuel 57 Henry Sampson 167 Huff George 163 Harvey fllathias 147 Incraham Catharine 63 2nd. Isaac Jayne 73 Kerney Matthew G2 Long Henry 74 iVlingus Francis 80 Mahan Neil 82 Mil c Abraham 8S Martin John 06 Mease Thomas 07 Mease Robert 08 Mease John 116 Mason Thomas 53 Ogden Sarah 104 Philips William 78 Place James 70 Philips John 8 Reeder Absalom 24 Smith Francis J. 61 Scvoe John 05 Smith Elizabeth 60 Singer Abraham USTillw Thorr.w. 4 J I I 396 402 389 393 160 315 303 405 423 109 400 413 298 403 333 402 396 415 402 320 440 60 10 150 40 80 153 20 135 120 100 72 60 80 150 80 11 14 57 80 00 40 65 124 152 130 50 120 18 37 6 21 4 61 6 17 5 12 6 83 2 96 6 21 6 57 6 24 6 24 6 67 5 99 6 63 6 24 3 53 87 6 70 3 22 3 07 1 98 6 30 4 22 6 59 5 21 6 20 6 77 6 20 6 38 2 21 4 00 6 29 4 5S 6 52 6 39 6 21 4 73 6 32 6 20 6 01 6 67 No. Warrantees, Quantity, Acres Per, 202 Thomas Jesse 414 155 39 Wfiitehill Robert 402 100 84 U hitman John 436 100 Dingman Td?vnship. y mown Robert 98 Brodhead Richard 101 Brink Maunus 104 Brodhead Hannah K)5 Brodhead Samuel 137 Brodhead Luke 140 Brodhead John, Jr. 141 Brodhead Jana 149 Brodhead Garret 107 Brink Hemy 150 Brodhead John, Sen. Brink Benjamin 111 Branham Ehenezer 140 Brodhead John, Jr 142 Conrad Mary 154 Craig William 174 Cottingre James 1S5 Chambers John Craig John, pt 148 Conrad Deborah 191 Delany William 164 Eyerly Jacob Frame Thomas 1-2 IL-3 Freeman Richard 88 Footman Peter 175 Guindy John ISO Gunsaules Samuel 108 Galbraith Josiuh 152 Haz'.ehurst Isaac 135 Irwin Matthew 56 Jones John 77 Morris William 07 Mease Robert 96 Neligh Nicholas 78 Palmer Hannah 57 Rees James 76 Ryerson Matthew 99 Rustin ThomasjJr. 66 Sidman Isaac S3 Smith William 92 Smith Francis J. Stidman Charles 1-2 Shimer Abraham Stidman Alexander 1-2 Thrall S. S. 155 Vanauken James 102 West Thomas 132 Will Micfcj-l 439 410 348 400 412 434 403 433 433 415 402 171 399 403 433 322 423 415 100 433 412 421 596 411 2-18 453 378 433 433 46 356 386 -107 402 90 47 80 90 32 32 15 109 30 90 32 115 18 32 113 38 37 122 30 60 40 20 90 I 120 10 11 439 439 399 104 415 62 403 415 489 54 489 42 415 57 100 71 154 150 90 15 64 9S 15 S9 142 69 15 Tax. S Cts 5 59 5 47 5 90 12 79 11 89 10 09 11 60 11 93 12 64 11 68 12 55 12 55 10 36 10 04 3 82 11 44 8 86 12 54 9 32 12 25 12 02 2 90 12 54 11 93 12 22 14 32 11 91 7 19 13 12 11 06 12 54 9 21 I 33 32 19 64 69 11 12 12 69 8 76 2 97 12 02 1 11 12 14 1 14 1 9 1 o 78 07 02 94 55 15 20 S2 63 90 No. Warrantees. Quautity. Tax Acras Per. $ Cts 114 Henry Barnett 400 12 4) 116 Jacob Gutshalk 300 IS CO 117 William Gutshalk dOl 60 12 43 118 Eleanor Dcptii 412 50 12 71 124 Adrian Finnan 433 Hi 13 5S 131 Ann Depui 1-2 4 12 97 6 1 131 John Crnig 1-2 205 10 3 )7 143 George Tudor 1-2 302 21 15 145 James Bo;d 1-3 391 51 3 9 ; 147 Francis Bailey 4 14 28 4 11) 152 Mathew Caiey 2-3 38c 27 15 (ii 157 Afore Furman 4f'0 112 21 8) 170 Thomas Rich 50 1 (-5 178 James Chapman 4t3 47 12 ft l 179 David Saylor 399 12 35 75 John Chambers '4-6100 2 2S 180 John Knoude 445 70 13 ftH 1S1 Patrick Afonran 300 9 3u ' 182 Peter Miller" . 141 114 8 79 183 no name 439 99 28 41 184 Henry Main 43S 144 27 01 188 Daniel Hicks 389 2 8 J 189 John Welch 429 20 2 30 194 Drederick Meyer 415 15 6 10 197 Blackall W Ball 415 15 6 40 198 Joseph Leghman -415 15 6 40 199" Christian Stoner ,? 443 153 6 81 200 Christopher Stoner - 439' 108 14 58 202 Francis Little & . 99 41 Simeon Westfalt 203 James Scley 323 67 10 00 204 David Ritchell - 335"152 10 37 54 no name , 200 2 20 158 Jacob Binder ' 399 60 1 9J Greene, formerly Palmyra. Milford Township. 20 Beck Henrv 389 92 Brink Samuel 117 107 Brink Henry 415 Biddis George 2-3 434 25 Castairs Thomas? 441 33 Hough Thomas 400 Joice Domanic 1-3 406 87 Myers Mary 415 77 Nyce William 204 83 Neligh Martin 440 184 Neligh Nicholas 440 29 Ruston Mary 415 99 Rustbn ThomaH, Jr. 415 112 Ritter John 343 78 Russel Andrew 203 12 Smith Francis J. 383 Smith George 2-3 372 8 Westfall Abraham 103 94 Willing 373 163 Washburn Nathaniel 53 07 15 55 6 130 100 15 76 156 L5 80 80 13 80 150 12 6 90 3 26 07 81 28 09 01 07 70 7 4 7 9 2 7 5 7 7 7 9 1 4 4 5 5 5 5 2 4 4 o 5 1 5 3 4 5 4 5 53 15 140 408 413 394 417 255 270 439 439 394 402 402 443 415 390 427 120 417 132 123 50 291 53 409 100 417 24 412 140 197 100 5 4 3 1 28 140 100 100 140 140 99 16 151 115 15 54 4 5 o 3 5 70 37 41 34 42 15 30 84 22 07 40 71 50 40 57 021 49. 'riO 42 34 59 43 32 74 00 40 16 33 64 16 60 90 Westfall, formerly Milford. 14 Cooper Charles 1-2 400 25 18 Clark Jonathan 92 97 19 Depui Samuel 447 125 Davis John 200 20 71 Epple Hemy 456 22 169 Ewing Themas 404 35 Hilleghs Michael J 51 30 6 Laid Daniel 406 100 72 Mason Benjamin 410 150 7 Mease James 439 8 Mease John 431 25 9 Miller John . 400 12 Philips William 425 116 42 Reed Susanna 439 154 34 Shimer Jacob 100 43 Smith Elizabeth ' 424 84 41 Smock Robert 399 30 124 Vandemark Ludwiff 250 104 Vanauken Cornelius 1 36 47 Weltnor Harmon 420 'SO Laclmwazon. 4 George Morton 402 5 Thomas Wisions 402 6 George Till 402 7 William Nyce 205 16 William Little 296 17 Thomas Willing 446 18 John Philips 423 19 Samuel C. Secly, pt. 296 24 Thomas Shields 393 26 James Galligher, pt. 205 32 Robert Hewes 497 33 Robert Patterson 440 34 John Patterson 481 43 Isaac More 4 th 402 51 Ephraim Vanorman 1-2 399 140 45 31 54 121 120 120 140 260 Arndt Jacob 419 55 108 Brotzn an John pt 50 201 Barnet John pt 325 271 Beveridge David '439 100 277 Brodhead Daniel 379 80 290 Brodhead Thomaas pt 100 " 254 Craig William ' 407 122 261 Chapman James 436 279 Crasby John 439 100 263 Davis Benjamin - 439 100 255 Erb Lawrence 405 113 255 Foulk Adam 425 1 1 278 Guerney Francis " 539 100 83 Hickman Adam" 414 156 Howe & Elliot 3162 124 157 Howe & Elliot 1580 72 258 Ihrie Conrad 403 48 2s l Justice John 439 100 279 Mease John 439 100 203 Martin Conrad pt 250 280 Praser Stephen 439 100 299 Paschal Thomas pt 30 287 Plumstead George 439 100 274 Plickey John 438 100 259 Reeder Absalom . 403 4S 275 Roberts Robert 439 99 276 Roberts Hugh ir 439 99 28 283. rjifrenhouse Joseph 439 100 27 266'Stockor Mary 439 100 08 264 WiHWillram 439 100 18 281 Wain William 439 100 6 79 286 Wain William 439- 100 5 67 282 Wain William 439 100 6 85 208 Wood Thomas pt 75 Palmyra. 88 Beveridge David ' 439 155 Crasby John 370 91 Darrah Henry 301 110 Dupy Daniel 400 84 Erb Jacob 394 135 Flick Martin 401 151 George Peter 171 134 Greenemier Edward 416 171 Hass Christian 410 177 Harritage Joeeph '303 172 Hembt Jacob 402 163 Jonea Isaac 439 87 Kimble Beniamin 1-2 21jr 85 Kimble Ephraim 268 Linch William 269 Linch John 150 Learning Thomas 0 96 164 Martin Joseph 2 70 123 Miller John 6 90 126 Mason Abraham C 4 22 158 Mason Benjamin 0 75 159 Mason AbrahamC 97 169 Mixell Christopher 4 07 17ft Millr Jnhn 11 1 8 2 o 11 11 2 11 2 11 85 42 10 o 2 1 2 2 2 10 S3 11 85 11 o o o o o 31 30 75 98 55 65 01 73 98 13 15 75 93 31 37 18 S3 93 93 30 98 4i 98 9 2 o 85 9S 93 93 9S 98 9 J 01 53 87 79 47 3 2 37 47 6 74 5 40 ! 6 771 5 41 1 18 50 6 79 6 94 6 96 6 75 6 91 65 Isaac Sidman 23 66 John Lord 70 67 Sharp Delany 233 71 Alordicai Roberta 431 72 John Chambers 421 74 Marvr Connard 430 5 90 78 Jesse Greenfield 454 5 32 86 Patrick Patten 427 42 91 Elizabeth Chapman 4 15 42 92 Elizabeth Roberts 401 94 95 Peter Walter 401 58 96 Abraham Singer 401 26 97 David Ridgwny 401 74 99 Thomas Biillman 402 92 100 Martin Neligh 422 66 102 AbjVail Chapman 401 3 90 103 Rebecca Chapman 401 5 50 105 Nathaniel Jones 401 6 60 108 Betsy Wills 401 4 91 109 Abraham Backman 400 2 66 110 Daniel Heister " 405 21 Nicholson John ?.12 46 129 Phillips William 1-2 ,,46 138 Philips Rebecca lii 40 1 11 rniupa neoecca 6 34 0.44 Philips John 9 17 160 Plankenhorn John 13 83 81 Roberts Mordecai 13 10 86 Rusner Simon 9 18 170 Spering Henry 12 29 175 Shook John 6 41 176 Sneider Henry 15 39 199 Schneider Peter 13 64 117 Sidman Isaac 14 90 124 Stocker Mary 75 131 Shainburg Henry 3 10 136 Shwarlz Michael 1 43 145 Stocker Margarett 4 34 156 Sellers Samuel 448 1 42 167 Stocker Margarett J 439 22 41 168 Stocker Margarett jr- 439 4 92 23 Seely Joshua 437 3 30 132 Thomas Jacob 421 14 07 1 64 Thomas Richard 439 13 42 145 Thomas Richard 439 4 62 154 Wycoff Isaac 42G 12 42 M. W. DINGMAN. Treasurer. 12 42 TrpriQiirnr'H flfti Afi'lfnrfl February 24th, 1840. y 80 119 120 31 70 150 32 377 439 439 402 301 439 429 439 439 439 439 442 439 450 439 439 439 439 434 435 41,1 433 G2 i4f9120 104 113 438 80 421 9 41475 439 100 35 107 107 98 100 100 53 40 66 104 16 140 50 15 90 100 58 114 100 100 40 80 100 30 100 100 78 100 60 100 90 100 100 100 100 47 90 33 o O 93 50 2 70 2 70 10 61 10 1 2 31 11 2i 11 07 8 20 10 Si 3 OS 56 98 98 71 08 96 SS 95 96 16 60 60 60 60 101 10 00 2 1 o 3 11 11 11 4 1 4 11 8 n AS 3 11 11 5 11 o 2 2 96 98 47 02 9S 98 96 98 67 73 09 77 70 34 65 36" 64 98 02 83 83 61 36 9S 98 86 12 42 2 00 3 10 3 24 12 42 62 12 42 NOTICE. The presont expectation of the subscriber is that he will leave here at tho close of his school, which urill Krx o f lnnof in tx?r trnnl'Q C rnm fhii flnto Tllft 00 24 86 timely attention of his patrons to their bills will 60 24 86 save him much delay and inconvenience. 88 12 68 I. B. NEWMAN. 22 12 54 Stroudaburer, March 11. 1840. 3t.