Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, April 18, 1840, Image 1

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    1 is&feW
Richard Nusciat, Editor
The whole art of Government consists in the art or being iionest Jefferson.
. W. Be T'21, 5i25I23aior.
li O.
rT7nTc T,vn .htltnrs nor annum in advance Two dollars
nn l a quarter; half vcarhv-and ifnotpmd before the end of
the vcar. Two dollars and a half. Thoc who roccire their pa-
pers ov acameror M5ma .
vvi.l be cha:-.rri 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra.
No paws discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except
at the option of the Editor.
rC vAvcmwments not exceeding one square (sixteen linos)
will be Hiscr'c.l three weeks for one dollar : twonty-Svc cents
fore cry suiiscjuent insertion ; l&rpcr ones in proportion. A
libera! discount will be made to yearly advertisers.
JD'AU letters address-ed to Uh? Editor must be post paid.
llarin$ a general assortment of larsc elramnt plain and orna
mental T pe, we are prepared to execute every des
cription of
Cards, Circulars, Bill Meads, Woes,
51 1 an It Receipts,
PrintcJ with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms.
ptzed when the teauiy oi me wa uiwmn.
The flush on the cheok was all blooming anday ;
Ifaath ui its loveliness faded away.
. .1 1 k.
gple younir bud was mpp a ere lis leaves were expanucu,
T catch the soft vapor, the dew or the sun ;
Jrc tilt SO'U 10 U1J OOUBOICS iwuhi a xuiuoiwij
Tht- life glowing blush of its beauty was gone. 9
Erhou has: fled like a meleor or mist of the mountains,
ut the lmht clouds which fiy on the wings of tlietgale ;
i.s the -pints which float o'er earth's sunny bright fountains,
Aui o'er the'soft breezes in mourning shall wail.
HBr Ut a' that sweet star which ushers the morning
i ,r as lis lustre thy stay upon earth ;
nt lof ier and brighter, -where free from all mourning,
shall rest where they know of Its worth.
i.lent!y cherished that early nipp'd blossom,
grief found no vent when thy souhl didst depart .
t J) deeper its lines has been left on the bosom,
Tur Jt-rper its image is pressM on the heart.
u' a- tho fountain from wrsch sptjogs its being,
T iv spirit hath soagfct for the tend M the west ;
ti .li-iied and free from thy poor eatrhly dwelling,
; N in go to thy Maker, sweet pilgrim, and rest.
Tea. rest thee, my lov'd one, for bloss'd is thj slumber.
No sin of this earth can disturb thy repose ;
li.t angns fhall waft thee, where souls without number.
; A;ii resting with God, from earth's harrassing vroea.
1. When-you rise in thVmornms never be par-
inn do that at ariv lime. I
Tav spirit
f liavc
I Though
1 2. Never comb yourhair, or take off your night- ! ae will not return wmie i am nerc; ana pursued any njltionnI conccrrij but merely of local mter
fap till after breakfast. It is your business to take his journey to the west. j estj or t,at j,e present exhausted state of the
time by the foretop, and not let him take you so : : Nothing more was 'known of the Irishman for J Treasury will not warrant the appropriation,
therefore keep all rilit in that quarter tell ten o'-!
ft"i'. it
-111 Lik dt
f 3. When you begin the business of ymr toilet,
Boa mav do it before the windows or in the front
5. J
entry; but the most proper place is in the kitchen
4." Never have any particular place for any thing
f your nouse; and men you may rest assureu uiu
T . J 4.
.';i"7will be ever out of place; and that is a
Jgrc at comfort in a family.
5. Never sweep your floor until you know some
irrs in is coming in, he will then see how neat you
it . and besiues, in sucn casas, even your ene-
:c cannot stmKc Oil trie dust Of mctr jeoi agamsi
j , wougn mey may me oust oi msir uiuuius
- -
nth which you have covered them by your sweep -
C. hen you have dnc sweeping, leave your
rooii on the floor, it will then be handy ; and be-
g always in sigW, ami m the way, it wm oe con-
stanily reminding your husbaml when h i in the
lions?, what a smart, mce, pains-taKingWiie aenas. j yceijng unwell she sent one of hor children to the
7. Never follow th barbaious practice of brush- apothecaries for a box of pills the latest infalli
jiip; down cobwebs. A man s house is his castle; j be 'x'he cniy returned with a box of 'Universal
asid so is a seder's. It is a violation of riht, and j pillg 'Universal !' exclaimed the liorrified mat
a shameful disrespect to the fine aits. ron qji iiave nothing to do with Universalists.
8. Keep your parlor andbodrcwm windows shut j Take them baclCi never g0 t0 that shop again; go
".lose as possible in dog dayspe will keep j jrolier jGnkins shop, he keeps no such blas-
ne hfftair out and yo will have excellent fixed ' piemous medicine I'll be bound !' After this we
.Hjr inside" expect to hear of a new description of pills called
9. Keep vour jmffierccMin yourbed cham-Tilc Genuine Infallible Methodistical and Anti
ra ; thev cnich the qualities of the atmosphere ; ( Viii versa! !' Nmv Orleans Ptcayuue.
aud if a stranger should lodge in one of your -beds,
.f ha could not deep" hc could cat for his refresh;
10. Xcwr teach vour d-tcrs 10 mcnd 0Tmakc
any of theirown clothes, it Staking bread from
' i? month of labor, besides ;t will make them
. ooked asd give them sore iingersv t
11. But if tliey should insist on vending their
own garments, they should do it while ihey are on;
i will make tfaem fit batter; .and girls can't leave
their worK
uiu jw;iies win raiutu u uwi - i
mat you are impartial.
13. Never spoil a joke for a relation's sake; nor
j suppress Ute truth for any bodys sake. Therefore,
jfyuu don't like your husband as you ought, out
vh it, and convince liim you are not a respoctor
e.c persons, , . - . ,
lL r.e,hpwd not qpdeavor-Vlieep.yurnem-jer
; M tt f as soon and as faSUas yiui,iianj;and
i.l...... .1 - . T
t!.eirworl if they should attempt it, uiwr or jshdownagain andtakeyour guppffr. 'Xoobjec-
' follow them. ' lion in the world," said John, and down he sits
U Lfcur husband's coat is out at tnC pt. 1J j i;j;yto,ert despatches another pound or two, and
oVoow, don't mend it until it is out at -the jjdrank in proportion, ending with the ladyship's
you will then be calm and quiet as a bottle of cider
after tho cork had been drawn half a day.
15. If on any particular occasion, you are at a
loss as to the course you are to pursue, in the man
agement of yourself or family affairs, take down
the paper which contains these rules, and road
them over and over till you have satisfied your
mind and then go on. Mcthuan Gazette.
Reflections. We look with delight -upon the
bright and joyous countenances of children ; the
endearing caress, and smile of innocent affection,
alike find their way to our hearts. Yet this very
innocence, this unsuspecting confidence, is the
first thing they lose by association with a heartless
world. We love to look upon a beautiful woman,
as she stands before us arrayed in her loveliness:
we-love to follow the quick rovings of they eye
that "wins as it wanders, dazzles where it dwells;"
we love to listen to the sparkling wit,, or to gaze
upon the tear of compassion; yet tl time waves his
sceptre o'er the beautiful, and they are not," and it
is melancholy to reflect that the proud beauty be
fore us must sink into the grave, and that the love
ly form is but a dainty morsel for the worm.
But let us follow out our thoughts still further,
and we shall see that this contradiction is only ap
parent. Does not this vory decay assure us of an
other and brighter existence ? The blossoms fade
it is true, but it is to give way to the fruit. True,
the child lose3 its joyousness and innocence, but
manlier and nobler virtues may take their place.
True, the lovely woman dies, and the "natural bo
dy" becomes food for the worms, but the " spirit
ual body" may come forth, brighter and better,
from the fiery ordeal of death, "the corruptible put
on incorruption, and the mortal, immortality."
A Court in Woods. Some days since a travel
ler called at a public house in Little Falls with a
horse and cutter, giving the horse in charge of the
ostler : he went to the house but soon returned to
the barn to see how his beast fared ; but to his as
tonishment, neither the horse nor the Irishman who
attended the stables ceuld not be found. Seeing
another horse and sleigh, he solicited the loan of
them to pursue the thief; and after being absent
" , T 1 ? .i '
wnat nas uscome 01 tne ostien inquired tne
A 1UUIUJ ausi,BU' 'ju Uaugi,
several aays, wnen me Janaioru seeing tne tracK
of a horse and cutter loading into the weeds about
; two miles from town, followed it till he came to a
j n hanged to the limb of a tree ; when, behold,
there was the ostler dead whom the stranger had
J Visual, tried, condemned and. executed-- and al
-wnmnuie space oi an nour. ucnajonaric uaat.
Universal Pills.
-What virtuous things are
i pills and panaceas, and how astonishing it is that
j diseases can exist in the world while wc have so
many universal and infallible remedies. One great
public benefactor proves the virtue of his medicine
: uv 0-fir nrr five hundred dollars if it fails ' Aim-
ther advert ses a 1 st of modern rr.i rac es wrourht
i - a
) bv his wonderful discovery. Every pill manufac-
' uirer keeDs a noet laureat. naid bv the vear. half
i - -
salary in pills; and the virtues of patent pills are
sung to the world through the newspapers in most
, j i i j i
mei0(i0Us versa. But we hear of one pious metho-
j dist la( v who could find no virtue in universal pills.
No work after Supper. Do you remember
the anecdote I once told you of the great Miss G ,
who undertook tho management of some of her
land 1 She thought herself clever enough to man
age Jonn Clawbacon and the rest of them ; so one
day she stood by when John was at his dinner
and he did not make the worst dinner for that.
Now knowing the elasticity of John's stomach, as
he was rising to go to his work, she said, 4 John it
would save time of coming and going if you would
ilp,aith and many thanks. '.Now, then, Jolm,! quoth
the Lady Bountiful, 'you may go to your work-'
'Work ma'am,' said John with a grin, 'I never
works ma'am, after supper,' so hc threw himself
down, and in three minutes snored like a pig.---Blackwood.
r j -
Toibe ever active in laudable pursuits is the.disr
tinuished charactoristicof a man.of merit. ;
On the proposition to instruct the gdmitlce of
Ways and Means to report an approprialon J or
the continuation of the Cumberland-Road.
T-fnuQP nu RvnnpsKVTATivEsrFeb. 15.
Mr. CORWIN, of Ohio, rosaand said :
Mr. Speaker : I am admonished, .by the eager
solicitations of gentlemen around jxie to give
way for a motion to adjourn, olthat .practice
of the House which accords us more of leisure
on this day than is allowed to us on any other
day of the week. The servants of other good
masters arc, I believe indulged in a sort of sat
urnalium on theafternoon of Saturday, and wc
supposed that our kind masters, the people, I
might be willing to grant us, their; most -faithful
slaves a similar respite from tiil. It is now
past three o'clock in the afiernoon,iand I should
be very willing to pause in the discussion, were
I not urged by these menacing, cries of " Go
on," from various parts of the Mouse. In this
state of things", I cannot hope to su'mmon to a
ny thing like attention the unquiet minds of
many, or the jaded and worn down faculties of
a still larger portion of the House. L hope how
ever, the House will not withhold'from me a
boon which 1 have often seen grained to others
that is, thb privilege of speaking without being
oppressed by a crowded audience jvvluch is ac
companied liy this additional advantage, that the
orator thus situated can at least Uisten to and
hear htmself. 3
If you, Mr. Speaker, and thefjm embers of
this House have given that aUejition to the
speoch of the gentleman 'from Michigan, Mr.
Crary, made yesterday, which ome of us
here thought it our duty to bestoI ani sure
the novelty of the scene to say nothing more
of it, must huve arrested your curiosity if, in
deed, it did not give rise to profound reflec
tion. I need not remind the House? that it is a
rule here as (I suppose it is evervu'herc else
where men dispute by any rule at all) that
what is said in debate should -be ''relevant and
pertinent under discussion. Tlrc;qucslion be
fore us is a proposition to instruct the Commit
tee of Ways and Means to. report a bill grant
ing four hundred'and fifty" thousand dollars to
continue the construction of theCumberland
road in the stales of Ohio, rndianaTinil Illinois.
The obicclionS to this measuix aiet" either..that
thlsuoYcrhmemXiniTo s"sS boimtl lcb'rhV
pact to make the road or that it is not a work of
j admitting the object oi it to be lairly withm
tne constitutional province oi uongress.
If the gentleman irom South Carolina, (Mr.
Pickens) and the gentleman from Maine, (Mr.
Parris.) who consider tho Cumberland road a
work of mere sectional advantage to a very
small portion of the People, have attended to
the sage dispositions of the gentleman from
Michigan on the art of war, they must now ei
ther come to the conclusion that almost the
whole of the gentleman's speech is what old
fashioned people would call a ' non sequitur'
or else this road connects itself with not mere
ly the military defences of the Union, but it is
interwoven most intimately with the progress
of science, and especially that most diflicult of
all sciences, the proper application of strategies
of barbarian warfare. It will be seen that the
far-seeing sagacity and long-reaching under
standing of the gentleman from Michigan, has
discovered that before we can vote with a clear
conscien ce on the constructions proposed, we
must be well informed as to the number of In
dians who fought at the battle of Tippecanoe,
in 1811 ; how these savages were painted
whether red, black, or blue or whether all vere
blended on their barbarian faces. Further, ac
cording to his views of the subject, before we
vote money to make a road, wc must know and
approve of what Gen. Harrison thought,- said,
and did at the battle of Tippecanoe !
Again, upon this process of reasoning, we
must inquire where a general should be when a
battle begins, especially in the night, and what
his position during the fight, and where ho
should be found when it is over ; and par
ticularly how a Kentnckian bebacs himself
when he hears the Indian war whoop in day
or night. And after sottling all these puzzling
propositions, still we must understand how and
by whom the battle of the I hames was fought
and in what manner it then and there become
our troops, regular and militia to conduct them
selves. Sir, it must be obvious, and if these
topics are germarn to the subject, then does
the Cumberland road encompass all the inter
ests and all the subjects that touch the rights,
duties, and destinies of the civilzed world ; and
I hope I shall hear no more from Sonthem
gentlemen of the narrow, sectional and uncon
stitutional, character of the proposed measure.
That branch of the subject is 1 hope forever
quieted, perhaps unintentionally, by the gentle
men from Michigan. Ilis military critcism
if it has not answered the purposes intended,
has at least in this way done some service to
the Cumberland road. And if my poor halt
ing comprehension has, not blundered in.pursu-
ing,uie soaring, upward nigni oi my irienuirom
Michigan, he has in this discussion written anew
chapter in the " regular philosophandi," and
made not ourselves only, but the. whole world
his debtors in gratitude, by overturning the old
worn out principles of the " inductive sys-
Mr. Speaker, there have been many and
ponderous volumes written, and various unctu
ous discourses delivered, on the doctrine " as
sociation." Dugald Stewart, a Scotch gentle
man of no mean pretensions in his day, thought
much and wrote much concerning that princi
ple in mental philosophy ; and Brown, another
of the same school, but of later date, has also
written and said much on the same sujbect.
This latter gentleman I think calls it " sugges
tion but never, I venture to say, did any met
aphysician pushing his researches, dream that
would comt to pass, which we have discovered
and clearly developed that is, two subjects so
unlike as an appropriation to a road in 1840, &
the tactics proper in Indian war in 1811, were
not merely akin, but actually, identically the
Mr. Speaker this discussion, I should think,
if not absolutely absurd and utterly ridiculous,
which my respect for the gentleman from Mi
chigan, and the American Congress, will not al
low me to suppose has elicited another trait in the
American character, whichhas been the subjectof
great admiration with intelligent travelers, from
the Old World. Foreigners have admired the
ease with which us Yankees, as they call us,
can turn our hands to any business or pursuit,
public or private ; and this has been brought
forward bv our own people as a proof that man
in this great and free republic, is a being ve
ry far superior to the same animal m other
parts of the globe less favored than ours. A
proof of the most convincing character of this
truth, so flattering to our national pride, is ex
hibited before our eyes in the gentleman
from Michigan delivering to the world a grave
lecture on the campaigns of Gen. Harrison,
including a variety of very interesting milita
ry events in the years 1811, 1812, and 1813.
In .all other countries, aim all former times,
before now, a gentleman who would either
speait or oc listened to on tne sumect oi war.
involving subtle criticisms on a strategy, and
careful reviews of inarches, sieges, battles, reg
ular anil casual, and irregular onslaughts, would
be required to show, first, that he had studied
1Smch"J'irtVestigatcd fully ariddigeIsfedwerll,'the
science and history of his subject. But here
sir, no such painful preparation is required;
witness the gentleman from Michigan. He
has announced to the House that he is a mili
tia general on the peace establishment ! ! That
he is a lawyer we know, tolerably well read in
Tidd's Practice and Espannasses Nisi Prills.
These studies, so happily adapted to tho sub
ject of war, with an appointment in the militia
m time of peace, furnish him at once with all
the knowledge necessary to discourse with us
as from high authority from all the mysteries in
the 'trade of death.' Again Mr. Speaker, it
must occur to every one, that we to whom these
questions are submited aud these military crit
icisms are addressed being all colonels at
least, and most of us, like the gentlemen him
self, brigadiers are, of all conceivable tribunals,
best qualified to decide any nice point connect
ed with military science. I hope the House
was not alarmed by an impression that 1 am a
bout to discuss one or the other of the military
questions now before us at length, but I wish to
submit a remark or two byway of preparing us
for a proper appreciation of the merits of the
discourse we have heard. I trust, as we are all
brother ofiicers, that the gentleman from Michi
gan and tho two hundred and forty colonels and
generals of this honorable House will receive
what I have to say as coming from an old broth
er in arms, and addressed to thorn in a spirit of
" Such as becomes comrades free,
llcposing after victor)"-"
Sir, we all know the military studies of the
gentleman from Michigan before he was promo
ted. 1 take it to be beyond a reasonable doubt
that he had perused with great care the title
page of " Baron Steuben." Nay, I go further ;
as the gentlemen has incidentally assured us
he is prone to look at musty and neglected vol
umes, I venture to assert, without vouching the
fact from personal knowledge, that hc has
prosecuted his researches so lar, as to be able
to know that the rear rank stands right behind
the front. This, I think, is fairly inferrible from
what I understood him to say of the two lines
of encampment at Tippecanoe. Thus we see
Mr. Speaker, that the gentleman from Michi
gan, so far as study can give us knowledge of
a subject, comes beiorc us with claims to great
profundity. But this is a subject which, of all
others, requires the aid of actual experience to
make us wise. Now the gentleman from Mi
chigan, being a militia general, as ho has told
us, his brother oflicors, in that simple statement
has revealed the glorious history of toils, pri
vations, sacrifices, and bloody scenes, through
which we know from experience ana observa
tion, a militia officer in time of peace are sure
to pass. Wc all, in lancy, now see the gen
tleman from Michigan in that inost dangorous
and glorious event in the life of a' militia gon-
oral on the peace establishment a parade "day!
That day for which all other days of his- life
seem to have been made. We can sec his troops
in motion ; umbrella, hoe and axe-handles, nm!
other implements of war overshadowing all'the
! .1 1 1 I . -i . . . O
neiu, wnen 10 i the leader ol the host approa
ches, " Far oJThis coming shinei.''
his plume, white, after the fashion of the great
Borubon, is of ample length, and reads its dole
ful history irto tho bereaved necks and bosoms
of forty neighboring hen-roosts ! Like tljxSfcat
Suwaroff, he seems somewhat c a r el essJjgflmMii 3
and points of dress : hence his epaiilet!nav
may be on his shoulders, back, or sides, but
still gleaming, gloriously gleaming in the, sun
Mounted he is, too, let it not be forgotten. Need
1 describe to the colonels and generals of this
honorable House the steed which heroes be
stride on such occasions ? No, I see the memo
ries of other days is with you. You sec be
fore you the gentleman from Michigan mounted
on his crop-eared bushy-tailed mare, tho singular-obliquities
of whose hinder limbs isdesVi
bed by that most expressive phrase. sicklt;
hams" her height just fourteen hands all
told ;" yes, sir, there you see his " stpedVthut
laughs at the shaking of the spear, ;" thnt'is,
his " war-horse whose neck is clothed with
thunder." . ' r '
Mr. Speaker, we have glowing descriptions
in history of Alexander the Great and' his Avar
horse Bucephalus, at the head of the invinci
ble Macedonian phalanx, but sir such aro the
improvements of modem times that evorv ono
must see that our militia general with his crop
eared mare, with bushy-tail & sickle ham,woiml
literally frighten off a battle field of an hundred
Alexanders. But, sir, to the history of the parade
day. The general thus mounted & equiped is
in the field, and ready for action. On the eve of
some desperate enterprize, such as giving or
der to shoulder arms, it may be there occurs a
a crisis, one of the accidents of war which no
sagacity could see or prevent. A cloud rises &
passes over the sun ! Here an occasion occurs
for a display of all traits in the character of
that tact which enables him to seize upon and
turn to a good account events looked for as
they arise. Now with the caution, wherewith
the Roman Fabius foiled tho skill and courage
of Hannibal. A retreat is ordrered,and troops
and general, in a twinkling, are found safely
biTOiiarked- -in a neighboring- grocery J-. Btit
even here the general still has room for heroic
deeds. Hot from the field and chaffed with the
untoward events of the day, your general un
sheaths his trenchent blade, eighteen inches in
length, as you well remember, and with an en
ergy and remorseless fury he slices the water
melons that lies in heaps around him, & shares
them with his surviving friends. Oilier of the
sinews of war are not wanting here. Whiskey
Mr. Speaker that great lcveler of modern' time's
is here also, and the shells of the watermelons
are filled to the brim. Here again is shown
how the extremes of barbarism and civilization
meet. As the Scandavian heroes of old drank
wine from the skulls of their slaughtered ene
mies, in Odins Halls, so now our militia gener
al dj his lorccs irom the skulls oi melons thus
vanquished, in copious draughts of whiskey as
suago the heroic fire of their souls, after tho
bloody scenes of a parade day. But, alas for
this short lived race of ours, all things will
have an end, and so even is it with the glori
ous achievmcnts of our general. Time is on the
wing, and will not stay his flight ; the sun as
if frightened at the mighty events of the day,
rides down the sky when the " hamlet is still,''
the curtain of night drops upon the scene,
" And glory, like the phenix in its fires.
Exhales its odors, blazes, and expires."
Such, sir, has been the experience in war of
the gentleman from Michigan. We know this
from the simple annunciation that he is and has
been a brigadier of militia in time of peace ;
and now, having a full understanding";"! the
qualifications of our learned general, both from
study and practice, I hope the House will vsee
that it should give its profound reflection to. his
discourses on the art of war, And this it will
bo more inclined to, when we take into, viow
that the gentleman has, in his review of Gen.
Harrison's campaigns, modestly imputed to tho
latter great mistakes, gross blunders, imbecili
ty, and even worse than this, as I shall show
hereafter. The force too of tho lecture of out
learned and experienced friend from Michigan
is certainly greatly enhanced, when we con
sider another admitted far t, which is, that tho
general whose imbecility and errors he has dis
covered had not, like tho gentleman from Mich
igan, the great advantage of serving in water
melon caijtpaigns, but only fought fierce Indians
in the dark forests of the West, under such
stupid Tellows as Anthony Wayne, and was af
tewards appointed to the command of largear
mies. by the advice of such an expericenced
boy as Gov. Shelby, the hero of King's Moun
tain. And now, Mr, Speaker, as I have thq teme
rity to entertain doubts, and with great defer
ence to difl'er in my opinions on this military
question with tho gentleman from Michigan, I
desire to stain a few historical faotsf concern
ing Gcnoral Harrison, whom the general from