JBFFBBS0N1AN -HEFUBJLICAN". - - g j . An Honest Lawyer. An attor ney on the marriage of his son, gave him 500, and handed him over a chancery suit, with some common law actions. About two years afterwards the son asked his father for more bus iness. "Why, I gave you that dapital chancery suit,'"' replied the father, "and then you have got a great many new Clients, WllUt. niui "" Yes sir." replied the son, "but Ihavi wound up the chancery suit, and giv en my client great satisfaction, and he is in possession of the estate." "What, you improvident tool," rejoin- ed the lather indignantly, "mat suit was in my family for twnnty-hve years, and would have continued so as much longer it l naa Kept it. i shall not encourage such a fellow." The sequel of the story is, that the father died a few years afterwards in r.onmarative noverty, while the son 1 A m continucdto conduct his business hon orably and uprightly for fifteen years, and has now retired on an estate, which he purchased, and where he re sides, respected and esteemed by all who knew him. Take notice that we have applied to the JuJses of the court of Common Pleas of Mon roe County. 'for the benefit of the act made for the relief of insoh-ent debtors, and that the said Court have oppointed Monday the fourth day of Jlfay next, at 10 o'clock,A. M. for hearing us and our creditors in the borough of Slroudsburg of which due notice is hereby given, according to the order of the said of the court. ADONIJAH DRAKE. JACOB BONSER. April 3, 1840. a " " ' ' ' "' . iYo. Warrantees. Quantity, Acres Per. 202 Thomas Jesse 414 155 39 Whitehill Robert 402 100 84 V hitman John 436 100 Dingman Township. WANTED At the Monroe & Pocoho Tanneries, 20 0 MEiV, - for peeling and gathering bark, to commence about the 20th of April, and continue through out the barking season. Each man must come provided with an axe. Spuds will be supplied by the subscribers. Wages per day 62 1-2 cents. Boarding will be found. R. T. DOWNING & Co. STUART, HOWELL & Co. Pocono tsp. Monroe connty, ) April 3, 1840. 3t. TREASURER'S SAiLE. PIKE COUNTY TAXES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a greeably to an Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th of March, 18 15, entitled "An act to amend the act entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes anx for oth er purposes" and of an act Dassed the 13th of March, 1817, " A further supplement to an act l10i Brodhead Hannah to amend the act entitled an act dirnr.tinir thn ll Liodhead Samuel mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and for other nornoses" the following- tracts of land will be sold at Public Vendue, on the second 141 Brodhead Jang Monday of Juno next, at the Court House in liy Brodhead Garret Milford, in the county of Pike, for arrearages 1U' onnic tlemy of taxes due, and the cost accrued on each lot respectively. Lehmam Township 97 Brown .Robert 98 Brodhead Richard 101 Brink Maunus 90 iVo. Warrantees. 97 Albert Lewis 166 Ambercombie James 90 B rod head Richard 90 Boyd Charles 124 Brown John or Jacob 200 Benson Peter 231 Bell Joseph 236 Brotzman .ohn 253 Baker Catharine 254 Baker George A. 41 Craiy John 134 Caldwell David pt. 9 Dills Abraham 159 Dubbs Martin 1(34 Dehoff Abraham 230 Donaldson Joseph 201 Ellis Benjamin 227 Egffart George 55 Ehrenzellar liillery lob b unk Jacob 161 GricrJohn 100 Heimborg Thomas 167 Hoff Georce 181 Hrnison Wiiliam 190 Herte Tobias 2 6 Harrison William 232 Holland Benjamin 243 Hoover Manuel, Sen. 248 Hoover Manuel, jr. 245 Hyndshaw James 183 Joyce Dominic 249 Kling Ann 144 Kling Rachel 187 Layn Jacob 194 Lewis Richord 90 Mead Robert 157 Myer Henry 177 Miller Alexander 205 Mushback Jacob 223 Mushback John 1-2 233 Me-kle Peter 256 MulicahMary 257 Nyce William 175 Ogden Gabriel 240 Ogden Ann 24 1 Ogden David 203 Philips Rebecca 204 Philips William Quautity. Acres. Per. REGISTER'S NOTICE. "JVJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons J. l interested in the following Administration ac counts. The account of Jacob Storm, administra tor, &c. of the estate of John T. Storm, late of 247 Philips John Hamilton township, in the county of Monroe, de- 219 Rustin Thomas ceased. The account of Philip M. Bush, adminis trator, &c of the estate of John Smiley, late of "Stroud township, in the county aforesaid, deceas ed. The same having been allowed and filed in the Register's office and will be presented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation on Monday the A th day of May next. m. n. ukjuhuk, Register. Register Office, Stroudsburg, ) 3 April 3, 1640. 4t. 180 Rustin Thomas 94 Smith Michael 133 Smith Fiancis J. 160 Shook John 162 Shartle John 1S8 Stocker Manraret 224 Saville Samuel 95 Townes John 184 Thompson Richatd 182 Vanwhy Henry 9S Walter George 178 WvckofT Isaac 415 414 378 4i0 310 224 300 415 105 50 405 52 40'2 417 405 300 215 416 201 346 407 162 410 .400 4t)2 398 235 442 239 95 402 425 395 402 436 396 425 402 219 107 434 20S 196 219 406 275 418 336 401 429 400 150 412 40 15 60 120 112 10 14 93 7 64 80 90 46 130 109 40 40 95 115 130 135 120 126 S3 72 105 69 100 13 126 J7 101 111 115 70 67 20 62 24 100 60 10 Tax. 5 Cts 6 42 6 42 5 6 6 20 5 27 1 79 4 65 6 54 1 61 75 6 29 57 6 27 6 48 6 20 60 35 66 10 34 36 51 82 21 4 61 6 17 5 12 6 83 2 96 57 21 57 24 24 G7 99 63 24 4 3 7 3 5 6 o 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 3 53 S7 6 70 3 22 3 07 98 30 150 Brodhead John, Sen. J3iink Benjamin 111 Branham Elienezer 140 Brodhead John, Jr 142 Conrad Alnry 154 Craig William 174 Cortingre James 155 Chambers John Croig John, pt 14S Conrad Deborah 191 Delany William 104 Eyerly Jacob Frame Thomas 1-2 103 Freeman Richard 86 Footman Peter 175 Guindy John 180 Gunsaules Samuel 105 Galbraith Josiah 152 Haz!ehuist Isaac 135 Irwin Matthew 156 Jones John 177 AJorris William J 07 Mease Robert 96 Neligh Nicholas 178 Palmer Hannah 157 Rees 'ames 176 Ryerson Matthew 99 Rustin Thomas, Jr. 66 Sidman Isaac 153 Smith William 192 Smith Francis J. Stidman Charles 1-2 Shimer Abraham Stidman Alexander 1-2 Thrall S. S. 155 Vanauken Jame3 102 West Thomas 132 Will Michael 439 410 348 400 412 434 403 433 433 415 402 171 399 403 433 322 423 415 100 433 32 412 113 421 3S 596 411 24S 453 378 433 433 46 356 3S6 402 439 439 399 104 415 62 403 415 489 54 489 42 415 57 100 Tax $ Cts 5 59 5. 47 5 90 12 79 11 89. 10 09 11 60 11 93 12 64 11 68 12 55 12 55 10 36 10 04 3 82 11 44 8 86 12 54 9 32 12 25 12 02 2 90 12 54 11 93 12 22 14 32 11 91 7 19 13 12 11 06 40 12 51 20 9 21 90 1 120 10 107 11 11 71 12 154 12 69 150 8 76 2 97 12 02 1 78 47 80 90 32 32 15 109 30 90 32 115 18 37 1 30 00 33 19 64 69 90 15 64 98 15 89 142 89 15 114 Henry Barnett 116 Jacob Gutshalk 117 William Gutshalk 118 Eleanor Depui 124 Adrian Firman 131 Ann Depui 1-3 , 134 John Craig 1-2' 143 George Tudor 1-2 ' 145 James Boyd 1-3 147 Francis Bailey 152 Mathew Caiey 2-3 157 Afore Furman 170 Thomas Rich 178 James Chapman 179 Javid Say lor 75 John Chambers. 150 John Knouse 151 Tatrick Aforgan 182 Peter ililler ' 183 no name 184 Henry Hain 188 Daniel Hicks' 189 John Welch 194 Drederick Mever 197 Blackall W Ba'll 198 Joseph Leghmau 199 Christian Stoner 200 Chrtstopher Stoner 202 Francis Little & Simeon Westfall 203 James Seley 2C4 David Ritchell . 54 no name 158 Jacob Binder Quautitv. Tax. Acre's Per. $ Cts 400 300 401' 60 412 50 438 142 412 97 205 120 392 21 391 414 388 4C0 50 403 399 436 445 300 141 499 438 389 429 415 415 415 54 28 12 40 18 60 12 43 12 71 13 58 6 40 3 17 1 52 3 93 4 19 27 15 62 112 24 80 1 05 47 12 84 12 35 2 28 13 84 9 30 8 79 99 28 44 144127 01 2 89 100 70 114 120 15 15 15 443 153 6 439 108-14 ) 99 2 30 6 40 6 40 6 40 84 58 41' 323 335 200 399 67 10 00 152 10 37 2 20 1 60 Greene, formerly Palmyra 14 94 1 55 14 15 1 20 9 82 1 63 2 90 Milford Tojvnship. 143 258 SHERIFF'S SAIiE. BY TIRTUE OF A WRIT of Le vari Facias to mr flirfirlerl will hp. prnnsprl tn Public Sale, on Saturday the 11th dav of Amil 225 Wood Jacob next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. on the premises, the foi- 197 Yohe Michael lowing described piece or parcel of land, situate in 207 Dallj' Charles penman tovvnsnip, L'lke county, fa., boui.ded as 237 Heister John 18 Brodhead Majy 17 Brodhead Ann Brown Daniel 22 Coolbau'rh John follows, viz: beginning at a stone corner adjoining land of Jolin VriTiTnrlpn- llimiro nnrtlnvr,-rt irlimn. injr lands of Joseph Gould, to a stnn? nnnr tlm 85 Abbott John . ... . 1 I -m m r f- ii T odwkiii, thence adjoining the mill tract southard 1 l j rofwiean Jane to a white oak near the creek, thence northward j 15 Brodhead Luke adjoining the mill tract to the line of Richard Brod head's land, thence adjoining the same southward U) a atone near a chesnut, thence eastward adjoin ing lands of the said Richard Brodhead to a Dine. tllP.tlTP fnntinilirifT f llr. amr ml-on irA irlinlninrr I Ian 's of George W. Nyce to a stone near John lf Carney 1 homas mjorden's land, thence eastward adjoining the "J Uepue Nicholas said John Vangorden's land to the place of begin- 03 Dilhnan George Jung, containing 50 acres more or les, being the 14 Ennis John same lot of laud conveved bv Moses Vanporden. fiO F.dsnll David uV d to Charles F. Town, together with the her- 173 Feltnian William iu..amenis and appurtenances thereunto belonging, jqo Gates John -eiiea ana lancn in execution as me property of Charles F. Town, at the suit of Moses Vangor dcn. administrator of the estate Mose3 Yangorden, dee d., against Charles F. Town, and will be sold 1 rae, J. M. 1IELLEK, Sh'ff. fciK-nfTs Office, Milford, Pa., ) s 60 153 405 20 360 135 422 120 412 100 402 410 409 400 393 430 109 417 Delaware Township. 72 60 SO 150 SO 11 14 57 SO 22 40 1 6 4 22 6 58 5 21 6 20 6 77 6 20 6 38 2 21 4 00 6 29 4 58 6 39 6 21 4 73 6 32 6 20 6 01 6 67 1 4 20 Beck Henry 92 Brink Samuel 107 Brink Henry Biddis George 2-3 25 Casiaus Thomas, 33 Hough Thomas Joice Dcmanic 1-3 87 Myers Mary 77 Nyce William 83 iS'eligh Martin 184 Nclhjh Nicholas 29' Ruston Mary 99 Ruston Thomas, Jr. 1 12 Hitter John 78 Russel Andrew 12 Smith Francis J. Smith George 2-3 8 Westfall Abraham 94 Willing 163 Washburn Nathaniel 39 117 415 434 441 400 406 415 204 440 440 415 15 543 J03 583 C72 27 6 90 15 55 6 130 100 15 76 j03 73 4i 156 15 80 SO 13 80 150 12 Westfall, formerly Milford, 14 Cooper Charles 1-2 18 Clark Jonathan 19 Depui Samuel 125 Davis John " 71 Epple Henry 169 Ewing Thomas 35 Hilleghs Michael 6 Laid Daniel March 20th, 1810. 12 Huff Ann, Sen. 13 Huff Ann, Jr. 16 Hartzell Jonas 23 Huff Amos 54 Horton Richard 38 Hoover Emanuel 57 Henry Sampson 167 Huff George 163 Harvev Mathias 65 124 152 130 50 120 18 37 53 15 i Bollard Reward ! Escaped from the Jail at Stroudsburg, Mon roe county, on the morning of the 9th inst. a 147 I ngralmm Catharine iari named Dennis Scott. Said Scott is about 03 2nd. Isaac Jayne 23 years old, 5 feet 9 or. 10 icches high, light 73 Kerney Matthew co:ipolj;ion aud light hair. The above reward G2 Long Henry mil da charges paid if delivered at the . Jail ot 74 Mingus Francis fcU Mahan IN'eil :ua countv. .f SAMUEL GUNSAULES, Sheriff. rchl8. 1840. 3t. nA Lh persons indebted to the estate Of James Ef- Jl iiUh. lain f C.n;,t.AM Mn Mmirnn te c ceased, either by note, book account or Ssdg i 7 uae' afe hereby required to make nn- I '- .1(111 Ofetf, . . .1 . z - towiu; 1 , nrHcpnT mnm in iriincr ur- ocmement to &n.r HENRY SMITH, Ex'or. . HORSE BILLS nnted at tin's nfiv lli despatch. 82 iMiller Abraham 6S Martin John 106 Iease Thomas 107 Mease Robert 108 51 ease John 116 Mason Thomas 53 Ogden Sarah 104 Philips William 78 Place James 70 Philips John 8 Reed ei' Absalom 24 Smith Francis-J. 61 Scjoe John 65 Smith Elizabeth ,66 .Singer Abraham n8Tillr Thom jz 177 396 402 3S9 393 160 315 303 405 423 109 400 413 298 403 333 402 396 415 402 140 320 440 408 413 394 417 255 270 439 439 394 402 402 443 415 390 54 427 120 417 132 123 50 291 53 409 100 417 24 4,12 140. ;i97 100 o 2 4 4 5 5 1 5 3 4 5 100 92 17 S00 456 404 jol 416 410 439 An 4)0 425 4J9 iio 44 339 250 r.e 40 97 20 22 30 100 150 260 Aradt Jacob 108 Brotzman John pt 201 Barnet John pt 271 Beveridge David 277 Brodhead Daniel 290 Brodhead Thomaas pt 254 Craiff William 261 Chauman James 1 1 67 1 279 Crasby John I.- Uv 263 iJnvift Mpnmmin 255 Erb Lawrence 255 Foulk Adam 278 Guerney Francis 83 Hickman Adam 1 56 Howe & Elliot 157 Howe & Elliot 258 Ihrie Conrad 2g4 Justice John 279 Mease John 3 26 203 Martin Conrad pt 7 07 280 Praser Stephen 4 81 299 Paschal Thomas pt 7 28 287 Plumstead George 9 UJ 274 Plickey John 2 01 259 Reeder Absalom 7 07 275 Roberts Robert 5 70 276 Roberts Hughjr 7 XV 283 Kittenhouse Joseph 7 27 266 Stockor Marv 264 Wills William 281 Wain William 286 Wain William 282 Wain William 208 Wood Thomas pt Palmyra, 88 Beveridge David 155 Crasby John 91 Darrah Henry 110 Dupy Daniel 3 37 84 Erb Jacob 2 47 135 Flick Martin 7 08 9 18 6 79 5 67 6 85 53 87 79 47 419 50 325 439 379 100 407 436 439 439 405 425 539 414 3162 1580 403 439 439, 250 439 30 439 438 403 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 55 100 80 122 100 100 113 11 100 124 100 100 100 100 11 1 99 31 30 8 75 2 98 2 55 65 01 78 98 98 15 " 75 2 98 11 31 85 37 11 11 2 2 11 OF THE Jcfleraonian Republican, A iew Weekly Paper, to be published at StrouJs hurg, Monroe County, Pa., and Milford, -Pike County, Pa., simultaneously. ,'Tho whole art of Government Consists in tho art of being honest. Jefferson. 25 116 154 84 30 104 SO 28 140 100 100 140 140 99 16 151 115 15 70 7 Mease James 37 8 Mease John 9 Miller John 41 12 Philips William 34 42 Keed busanna 40 34 Shimer Jacob 15 43 Smith Elizabeth 30 41 Smock Robert g4 124 Vandemark Ludwig 22 Vanauken Cornelius 07 47 Weltnor Harmon 40 Laclcawaxon. ' 71 4 George Alorton 402 50 5 Thomas Wis-ons 40 40 6 George Till 402 57 7 William Nyce 205 80 02 10 William Little 295 110 42 17 Thomas Willing 44fi 4 25 18 John Philips 45:3 120 5 42 19 Samuel C. Seely, pt. 296, 5 34 24 Thomas Shields . 393 31 5 59 26 James Galligher, pt. 205 5 43 32 Robert Hewes 497', 70 4 32 33 Robert Patterson 440 150 3 74 34 Vohn Patterson 481 43 Isaac More 4th 402 32 6 74 5 40 6 771 5 41 1 IS 50 79 94 75 91 70 90 00 1 151 George Peter 134 Greenemier Edward 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 6 4 6 10 i 90 100 58 114 100 100 40 80 100 30 100 100 78 100 60 100 90 100 100 1 r. 5 00 1 40 16 4 33 5 64 3 16 3 60 5 90 5 90 5 32 5 42 5 42 51 Ephraim Vanorman 1-2 399 140 Go Isaac Sidman 23 66 John Lord 70 67 Sharp Delany 233 71 Mordicai Robert3 431 72 John Chambers 451 74 Mary Connard 430 78 Jesse Greenfield 451 SO Patrick Patten 427 91 Elizabeth Chapman 4 15 92 Elizabeth Roberts 401 95 Peter Walter 401 96 Abraham Singer 401 97 David Ridgway 401 99 Thomas Bnllman 402 6 92 100 Martin Neligh 422 1 66 102 Abifrail Chanman 401 3 90 103 Rebecca Chapman 401 5 50 105 Nathaniel Jones 401 5 60 108 Betsy Wills 401 4 91 109 Abraham Backman 406 2 66 110 Daniel Heister 405 5 94 5 5 58 26 5 74 45 31 54 121 120 120 140 16 60 60 60 60 101 10 60 62 171 Hass Christian 177 Harritage Joceph 172 Hembt Jacob 163 Jones Isaac 87 Kimble Benjamin 1-2 85 Kimble Ephraim 268 Linch William 269 Linch John 150 Learning Thomas 164 Martin Joseph 123 xMiller John 126 Mason Abraham C 158 Mason Benjamin 159 Mason AbrahamC 97 1 fiO Mixell ChristODher 4 07 178 Miller John 21 Nicholson John 12 46 129 Phillips Wrilham 1-2 12 46 138 Philips Rebecca 12 46 142 Philips Rebecca - 6 34 144 Philips John 9 17 160 Plankcnhorn John 13 83 81 Roberts Mordecai 13 10 86 Rusner Simon 9 18 170 Spering Henry 12 29 175 Shook John 176 Sneider Henry 199 Schneidor Peter 117 Sidman Isaac 124 Stockor Mary 131 Shainburg Henry 136 Shwartz Michael 145 Stocker Margarett 156 Sellers Samuel 167 Stocker Margarett 168 Stocker Margarett jr 23 Seely Joshua 132 Thomas Jacob 1 64 Thomas Richard 145 Thomas Richard 154 Wycoff Isaac M. W. DINGMAN, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Milford, ) 6 41 15 39 13 6 14 90 75 3 10 1 43 4 34 1 42 22 41 4 92 3 30 14 07 13 4? 4 62 12 42 12 42 12 42 2 00 3 10 3 24 12 42 12 42 60 24 66 60 24 86 88 12 58 22 12 64 THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN in principle, will be all its title purports, the firm and unwavering advocate of the principles and doctrines of the democratic party, delineated by the illustrious Jefferson : the right of the peo ple to think, to speak, and to act, independent ly, on all subjects, holding themselves respon sible to no power for the free exercise of lhi3 right, but their God, their Country, and her Laws, which they themselves have' created. A free and untrammeled Press, conducted in a spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public bles sing, a safeguard to the Constitution under which we live, and it should be cherished and support ed by every true republican. Such, then, it is designed to mako the paper now estab lished, and as such, the publisher calls np the enlightened citizens of xMnnroo and Pik to aid him in this laudable enterprise. The time has arrived when the Press should take a bold and faarless stand against the evidently increas ing moral and political degeneracy of the dav, and endeavor, by a fair, candid, and honorable course, to remove those harriers whioh section al prejudices, party spirit, and party animosity have reared to mar the social relations of men without accomplishing any paramount good. THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will not seek to lead or follow any faction, or to advocate and support the schemes of any par ticular set ol men. It will speak independent ly on all State and National questions, awardj ing to each that support which its merits may demand, never hesitating, however, to condemn such measures, as in the opinion of the editor is justly warranted, holding as a first principle : " I he greatest good to the greatest number. Bclievinjr that the great principles of democ racy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma gistrate of the Nation, Martin Van Bure.v, the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN, will decidedly, but honorably oppose his re-election 72 42 18 to the high and responsible station which ho 48 10 88 now holds. 100 2 98 ft will firrnlv nnnnsn th " Tndnnnndnnt Trea- 2 98 sury" Scheme, and all other schemes having 1 30 for their object tbe concentration in the handa 2 98 0f one nian, and that man the President of tho 42 Nation, all power over the public moneys, a 2 98 power, which, when combined with that vest 2 98 e(i in 2iim by the Constitution as Commander- 48 10 88 in-Chief of the American forces, Military and 99 11 85 Naval, together vith an enormous official pa- 99 11 85 tronagc, would render him more powerful than 100 2 98 th EYPmifivfi nf the British Nation, and in 2 98 short make our Gorernment, de facto an Elec- 2 98 tivejVIonarchy. 2 98 it will ever maintain that the welfare of our 2 98 Country and the preservation of her Republican 2 99 Institutions should be the first antf only senti- 2 01 mp.nts nf nnr bnnrts in lh r.hmr.f. nf nurnnhlfn r- servants ; that honesty, fidelity, and capability, 2 98 are the only true tests of merit ; that all men 2 50 are created equal, and, therelore, should alike 2 70 enjoy the privileges conferred on them by tho 2 70 Constitution without being subject to proscrip- 10 61 tion, or coerced by the influence of party. 10 81 The columns of the JEFFERSONIAN 2 34 REPUBLICAN will ever be open to the free 1 1 24 discussion of all political questions, believing 50 1 1 07 as we do, that there is no liberty where both 15 8 20 sides may not be heard, and where one portion 10 84 of freemen are denied the privilege of declar- 3 08 ing their sentiments i through the medium of tho 72 Press, b'ecause they differ from the majority. 2 56 The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN 2 98 will ever take, a lively interest in the affairs of 2 98 Monroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and 2 71 Congressional Districts with which they are 08 connected. 96 The Farmer,, the Merchant, the Mechanic, 88 and the Laborer, will each find a friend in tho 95 columns of the JEFFERSONIAN REPUB- 96 L1CAN. Due care will be taken to furnish its 96 readers with the latest Foreign and Domestic 2 96 News, and such Miscellaneous reading asf will 2 98 be-both interesting and instructive. In short it 1 47 is designed to make the paper worthy of an ex- 3 02 tensive patronage, bolh from the strictly moral 2 98 tone which it.will ever possess, and the efforts 2 98 of the editor. to make it a good and useful 1 96 Family Newspaper. 2 98 The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN, 3 67 will be printed'on a super-royal sheet of good 11 73 quality, and with good type. 1 1 09 Ter-is-S2 in advance : $2,25 at the end of" 433 62 1 1 77 six months, and S2,50 if not paid before the ex- 419 120 4 70 piration of the year. No subscription taKen tor a less terra than six months. RICHARD NUGENT. 100 100 100 100 439 100 -75 439 370 301 400 394 401 171 416 410 303 402 439 21g 377 439 439 402 301 439 429 439 439 439 439 442 439 450 439 439 53 40 66. 104 16 140 2 2 2 2 2 2 439 100 439 100 434 47 435 90 411 33 104 438 421 414 439 448 439 439 437 421 439 439 426 113 80 9 75 100 35 107 11 107 11 5 1 4 11 8 2 3 98 100 100 11 2 34 65 36 64 98 02 83 83 61 36 98 98 86 NOTICE. TlIE Sheriff, Commissioners and County Trea surer, will attend at Stroudsburg, on Saturday ot every week, and may be seen at their respective offices betwem the hours of 10 o'clock, m; and 3 o'clock, p. m. on said days. February 21, 1810. IMssoluliou. February 24th, 1840. NOTICE. The nrcsent exnectation of the subscriber is that hi? xv 11 leavo here at t ie close 01 nis scnooi, yrmvu will lm nt lnnat in two weeks from this date. The timely attention of liis patrons to their bills will save him much delay and inconvenience. Stroudsburg, March II, 1840. Jt. milE Co-nartnership heretofore existing bo-' X tween the subscribers trading under the firm of STOLL & BRODH-EAD, is this day dissolved by mutual consent- The business of the late firm will be settled by either of the subscribers, either beinsr duly authorized to settle the same. ALBERT S. STOLL, JOHN II. BRODHEAD. All persons indebted to the firm of Stoll & Brod head are particularly requested to mako settl ment on or before the first day of April next. ALBERT S. STOLL, JOHN H, BRODHEAD, Milford, Nov. 14, 1839.