1 1' -J 4 Richard ITugestt, Etwlov The whole art of Government consists'' in the art of being honest Jefferson. ana Ptiiit-ffctt". VOL. I. STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1840. o. 12. I 4 JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN. TERMS. Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars and a quarter, half yearly, and if not paid before the end of the year, Two dollars ana a half. Those who receive their pa pers by a earner or stage drivers employed by the proprietor, will be charged 3" 1-2 cts. per year, extra. No papers discontinued until all arrearage? are paid, except at the option of the Editor. IDAdvcrtisements not exceeding one square sixteen lines) will be inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion ; larger ones in proportion. A liberal discount will be made to yearly advertisers. IEMil letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. .FOB PRINTING. llavinjr a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna mental Type, w arc prepared to execute every des cription of Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Itfotes, Blank Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms. POETRY. THE "WAY TO BE HArPY. Some Unk It a hardship to work for their bread, Although for our Ood it was meant r Bat those who don't work, have no right to ba fed, And the idle are never content An honest employment brings pleasure and gain, Aad make us our troubles forget ; For those who work hard, have no time to complain, And lis better to labor than fret. And if we had riches, they could not procure, Ahsppy and peaceable mind ; TUch people have trouble as well as the poor, Although of a different kind. U agmfies not w hat our stations have teen;" Nor whether we are little or great ; -i ? " Tax happiness lies in the temper within, And net in the outward estate. We only need labor, as hard as we can, . For all that our bodies may need ; Still dciiig our duty to God and to man. And we shall be happy indeed. SELECT TALE. Tiie Wilson House, OR VILLAGE GOSSIP. BY JIISS LESLIE. Concluded. ' Mars how plain a tale ihall put you down." Shaktpcare. " Now, ladies," said Mrs. Elliot, " you see the solution of the riddle.." "But, who would have .1 ,.- rdJ T.V" csJt.v." JTTI-Vr-!"' said Mrs. Overlook. "Ana. who could possibly suppo-! sed that the appointment was only to set a stove ! And who could have guessed that Mr. Morrison was making sweatmeats." "All these things re plied Mrs. Elliot, "w might have guessed easily, i but that we have given ourselves a habit of attach ing something of mystery to every thing connected with these strangers." "But you must acknowledge," said Mrs. Over look, "that there is something about them not easy 12 "understand." "By no means," replied Mrs. Elliot; "I have always found them perfectly comprehensible." "But as there is really considerable intimacy be tween you and Mrs. Morrison," said Miss Moon sliine, "It is amazing that she has never yet rela ted to you her story." "Why should she !" an swered Mrs. Elliot. "There is, most likely, no sto ry to tell. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison 'keep the even tenor of their way,' and most likely they have al ways done so. And it is not probablo that they are fully aware of all the wonders that seem ex pected of them." "But still it is very surprising," said the Widow Cumberly, "that Mrs. Morrison's. Becky, fool as she, should mistake Judge Hoavyhead coming to I'lay chess, for old John Smith the bricklayer, come to set tho stove." "Not at all," said Mrs. TUiot, "Judge Heavy-head certainly does not car ry his profession in his looks, and he looks as much like a bricklayer S3 any tiuZ else." During the two succeeding days, !,le strictest scrutiny did not detect a man at Mrs. Morris's 'ocr; except the butcher and baker. On the third lay, there was a vague report that a painter had been seen going in ; and as a young artist had late ly arrived from the city, on a sketching tour, and had taken Thebes in his way along the banks of the river, it was at once supposed that Mrs. Morri son was getting her portrait painted by Mr. Car mine ; and it was considered very astonishing that she should have it done in her f jusband's absence. Miss Moonshine concluded that Mr. - Carmine was undoubtedly a former love"r of Mrs. Morrison's and that the picture was intended for the artist himself to carry away with him. In the course of that day, half the ladies of Thebes walked past the Wilson House, that they might have a chance of seeing the artist coming in or going out ; fov as Mr. Car mine had announced that he should proceed on his tour at the close of the week, it was supposed that Mrs. Morrison must sot both morning and after t oon, to enable him to finish tho picture. Just as four couple of ladios were passing tho door, out rame Dick Putty, the house painter pots and all. The fair Tliobans stopped short and looked at each '.aher : and Miss Moonshine could not refrain from "quiring of Dick Pulty whathe had been doing at trs. Morrison's, He replied that'hc had only J been painting the backporch," and passed on. Mr. Morrison came home the next day ; and for a few weeks every thing went on quietly. At last, the whole community of Thebes was thrown into con sternation by a rumor that Mrs. Morrison had at tempted to poison her husband Some asserted that she had put arsenic into his tea, and that hav ing detected it in time, he had been heard to ac cuse her of it. Others affirmed that he had discov ered lumps of verdigrease in a saucer of marme lade, which his wife had prepared. Some, how ever averred that the marmelade was quince. A third version of the story, represented that, " to make assurance, doubly sure," Mrs. Morrison had employed both arsenic and verdigrease; and that her husband had drank the tea and eaten the mar melade ; and that the only reason why he was not dead, resulted from the promptiiude with which he sent for Dr. Mix, who had immediately administer ed a successful antidote. This last account of the affair being the most absurd, was the most gener ally credited ; - notwithstanding that Dr. Mix decla red that he had never been sent to attend Mr. Mor rison on this or any other occasion. It was then hinted, (but very obscurely,) that the doctor must have been bribed to silence, as the Morrison's would naturally think it expedient to have the thing hushed up as soon as possible. But great sur prise was excited when this inexplicable couple were seen walking together as amicably as usual. Nay, Mis. Morrison had been heard to say to her husband, with consummate assurance. "My dear, what can be the reason that the people arc all run ning to their doors and windows 7" as if it were possible she did not know that it was to see herself and Afr. Afbrrison pass ; for now, of course, they were greater sights than ever. "The artfulness of some women is as awful as their wickedness," said the"widow Cumberly. " She has doubtless per suaded her doaling husband that .she is entirely in nocent of the attempt on his life. So much for old men marrying young wives ! What can they ex pect but arssnic and verdigrcaso." Though many of the Thebans could not in their hearts give ered- ! it to the story, yet all professed belief, except Mr. and Afrs. Elliot, who steadily persisted in the opin ion that, if not abase and unfounded fabrication it -svws-ar tcasra' gross misrepresentation of some sim- pie fact. Afrs. Elliot at last traceu tt.e story Miss Dullard, a lady who kept house for her fath er, a widower. Afiss Dullard said she had heard it from her coolr, who had heard it from Afrs. Afor rison's maid Becky. "And of course," observed Afiss Dullard, "the girl could have no motive for telling a falsehood, or raising a story without suffi cient foundation. ATrs. Elliot tried to convince her that foolish and vulgar minded people (ladies as well as servants) frequently act and talk without any motive at all. The nine days wonder had not yet subsided, when ATrs. Elliot had occasion io employ one of the village mar.tua-makers, Afiss Barford, who had been passing a week in the city, from whence she had just returned. This mantua maker was a sensible and respectable woman, who had seen better days, and was treated with much consideration by all the best families of Thebes. While she was sewing with Afrs. Elliot, Afiss Dul lard came in to pry a visit, and walked familiarly up stairs. As Afiss Dullard had been one of the first promulgators of the story, she thought it her duty to keep it up. Besides which, when she did get a new idea into her head(which was but seldom) she always pushed it as far as it would go. Afiss Dullard, began, as usual, upon the still prevailing topic of Afrs. Aforrison's attempt to poison her hus band ; asking Afrs. Elliot if she heard any tlung further on the subject. "Is it possible," exclaimed Afias Barford, " that Mrs. Morrison can be even suspected of such a thing. "More than suspected, I can assure-you," replied Mi3s Dullard, "for her Becky told my Deb uV. that she had heard Mr. Morrison accuse his wife last Friday week, at tbeir own tea-table. Why were have you been not to have heard of it 1 All Thebes is full of nothing else." I have been down in the city," replied Miss Barford, and I on ly camo home last evoning." "But was it on Fri day week, do you say? I happened then to be at work at Mrs. Morrison's I was at the tea table with them ; and I can assure you all that passed was no more than this. Mrs. Morrison asked her husband if she should help him to some marmelade. He inquired if it had been made in a bell-metal ket tle. She answered in the affirmative, adding that she had always been in tho practice of using such a utensil for sweatmeats. "It is time to leave it off then,' said Mr. Morrison. "I saw the other day in a newspaper, an account of a whole family being poisoned by easing preserved plums, that had sot all night in a bell-metal kettle. Therefore, I can not bring myself to relish any of this marmelade : believing it to have a taint of verdigrease, and con sidering all such sweatmeats as slow poison." "And was that all 1" asked Miss Dullard, looking disappointed.- "It was all that passod at the tea table," repliedMiss Barford. "But just then the girl Becky came in with a fresh plate of muffins, and I suppose she only heard the latter part of! the conversation. For after tea, when Mrs. Morrison took mc into the garden to show me her autumn flowers, we heard Becky say to the cook, as we passed tho kitchen windows "Mary do you know that presarves are pison !" "I don't know such thing' replied the cookj "nor you neither." "Yes indeed' said Becky; "I heard Mr. Morrison toll Kis wife so." "Her presarves may be," said tie cook, "for she would'nt let me make thera : though I guess I know how a great deal better than she. I dare she has done them bad enough, peach marme lade and all." "Well," said Becky, "I heard him tell her that there whs verdigrese in them, and every bodyknovs that's rank pison.' 'Then she must have put it in herself," exclaimed the cook ; "I am sure the kettfewas clehn, for she made me scour it long enough before she began to use it."- "We were much amused with this ridiculous dialogue," continued Miss Barford, "Mrs. Morrison said to me laughing The a dage is true that listeners hoar no good of them selves, so wc will walk on and look at the flowers." "And now, ladies, I positively de clare to you, that this is the whole story, and the simple truth. I thought nothing more about it, being well aware that servants are in the frequent practice of talking of their employers behind their backs in a manner they would not do before their faces ; also they have a habit of sayingon these occasions much more than they really think or believe." " Well," resumed Miss Dullard, " I can as sure you that Becky came directly to my Deb by, and informed her that she had heard Mr. Morrison say there was poison in the marme lade that was on the tea-table and that Mary, the cook, had told her she seen Mrs. Morrison herself put verdigrease into tlw preserving kct- i. niuu liuo. -liUUl, 15 u lUlUIU- ble fair specimen of a lie." That this outrage ous piece of scandal had little or no foundation I never doubted from the first. Now that Mrs' Barford has so well explained it. I hone everv one will make a point of stopping its circulation ana giving currency to the real fact." We are sorry to say that very few of the Liioumiuia act auuui tuuirauicitng tlie story with half the alacrity they had shown in shead ing iU rfot a single Thebart-taJ;infir the-trnnhlrt ias in uio lorraur case; togo ail over the village for the express purpose. Consequently a large majority rc.-.::"ur " -tuueu to remain in their first impression. In the course of the wee? to the great aston ishment of all lhebes, the Morrisons sent notes of invitations for a party. Notwithstanding that all lhcoes nau uetenninei to drop the Morris on's, every body concluded to go to their party. Some alleged no other motive than to see how their host & hostess ;':ehaved after all that had passed. Others remarked very justly that a part' was a parly. Maty thought that the Morrisons were about to leave Thebes, and that this entertainment wd: by way of farewell, and therefore their guests fcvould have no far ther occasion to countenanjo them. At all c vents every body went to tie party excepUthe Elliot's, who always declirsd large companies; and all were unusually puictual in'going at the hour specified. The compcure of Mr. Morris on, and the smiling afFabililt of his wife excited much surprize. There were whispers ol" somo people have the face for anything." Ind one lady who read French, and who lhad rone through Sevigne's Lefters,spoke o) Madame Brinvilli- er's the famous empoisoneise. " Well I must say,' whisdered Miss Momshine, 'that Mrs. Morrison does not look at al like a person that would be guilty of such ajrime. It seems to me that murderesses mustalways be very tall women, with aquiline nosei, heavy brows, and a curl of the upper lip, Afr. and Mrs. Morrison exerted themselves to entjrtain their guests, none of whom seemed exaciy (one nature) be ing somewhat embarrass cdjy the conscious ness of what they had said bout their host & hostess. The refreshmcntswere abundant and excellent : and the ladies o Thebes began to think it scarcely possible tha one who provi ded such delicious creams aid jellies, could have even thought of poisoiing her husband Gradually their belief came to be decidedly shaken, particularly when sdne very fine stew ed terapin was handed round. At length the evening drew to a close, and there were symptoms of the party breaking up wiien Mr Morrison exchanjjmg looks with his wife, requested the compary to remain a little longer as he had a few words to say to them." 1 his mlormation produced a sort of dismay in tho audience,- who all iad a misgiving of something that tney would! not like to hear, some glanced towards the dW, some survey ed the carpet, some slipped behind others, and all looked queer. Ladies and gentlemen but ladies most par ticularly said Mr. Morrison4 advancing into the middle of the room. "I beg your pardon for having kept you so long in suipense as io tho history of myself and wife. I now see tho wisdom of the plan of Dr. FranUin,who, on stop ping at a village tavern, called round hitn all its inmates, and at once anticipated their curiosi ty, by; informing him who and what he was. Tn humble imitation of that true and great man I now mice occasion to tell you, that my name is Barclay Morrison, and that I was born in the city of New York on tho 20th of April, 1790. 'men manesmy present age torty-two, this is iv wife Maria Morrison, born in Hnrtfnrd u Connecticut on the 15th of June, 1803, which makes her present age twenty-seven her miaden name was Simmons. Hir famHv liv ed in New York when I first became acquain ted with her. We had a reimlar .-nurtshin ere publicly married with the consent -or nil our relatives in St. Paul's Church, on the 12th entember 1824 ; therefore we have beun man and wife for about six years. We had each a ther and mother and we have also hko most other people, brothers and sisters, aunts, un- cies aim cousins, out we never Had any chil dren. Having made some money in business (aa an importer of British goods) I concluded to retire from the bustle of a city life, and try the experiment of I vim? in a auict villaoe. therefore I rented the Wilson house for a vn.ir: it being highly rocommended to me by the ow- 1 IT 1 J ner, wim wnom i nave long been acquainted, in this way Mrs. Morrison and myself have be- come resiaents ol lhebes. My wife has no thing very remarkable about her neither have I She cultivates flowers, reads novels, works muslins, plays on the guitar, superintends her household affairs, and occasionally makes con fectionary. 1 read travels. j , 0--r... , . views, and newspapers, go shooting, play chess aim Hum mm nue wnn my wile. " To sum up all in a few words we are no particular sort of people, as the town of Thebes might have discovered long ago. And lastly I think it a dutv I owe to Afrs. Morrison, that we have sent to tlie city lor a nest of enameled ornorce c : , , - r niui nuiiiua ui various sizes : ant thfirfitnro wo are done with bell-metal and verdigrease forev er. Having exactly explained our present po sition, I conclude that we may now ho alW ed to amalgamate quietly with the rest of our town people, ana 1 promise to let you know when anything extraordinary happens to us, The guests now looked remarkably foolish and were much at a loss how to proceed some tried to laugh and some attempted to apol nan7n "Rut 1 1 1 o XTnrricnnc incMctoil rx-n rite-.... oing a general amnesty, and passing an act ol oblivion on all that hadbeen said and done. Be ing now impatient to get away the whole com pany took leave simultaneously; and, on this evening there was no reason to nnnrninn,i any of them like Romio and Juliet would say guuu iiiyin uii.-u it vus lo-morroiv. tor some time alter this lesson the ladies of Thebes became amazingly cautious in talking of strangers, and observed great decorum in prying into their concerns ; and they became so careful of believing reports that they even doubted the ncvspapers. They were particularly on their guard res pecting Mr. and Mrs Morrison, who the fol lowing spring, removed to a villa they purcha sed within a fejv miles of the city of New York. Still it appeared with regard to the towns-women of Thebes, they had " scotched the snake and not killed it," for it revived again in full vigor, early the ensuing summer when the Wilson house was found to be occupied by five single gentiemen. (by request.) THE REVIVAL IN KFNTUCKY 1N1801. Concluded. The length of time tho people continued on the ground was another important circumstance of the Kentucky revival. At Cane Ridge, the people met on Friday morning, and continued till Wednesday evening, night and day without intermission, cither in jniblic or private exerci ses of devotion ; and with such a degree of earnestness, that heavy showers of rain were not sufficient to disperse them. On other sa cramental occasions, they generally continued on the ground till Monday or Tuesday evening. And had not the ministers been exhausted and obliged to retire or had they chosen to prolong worship they might have kept the people any length of time they pleased. And all this was or might have been done in a country, where, not it twelve-month before, the clergy- found it a difficult matter to detain the people during the common exercises of the Sabbath. The practice of camping on the ground was introdu ced, partly by necessity, and partly by inclina tion. The assemblies were generally too largo to be received by any common neighborhood. Everything indeed was done which hospitality and brotherly kindness could do, to accommo date tho people. Public and private houses were both opened, and free invitations were given to all those who wished to retire. Far mers gave up their meadows before they were mown, to supply the horses. ' But notwithstan ding all this liberality, it would in many cases have been impossible to have accommodated tho whole assembly with private lodging. But besides, the people were unwilling to suffer a ny interuption in their devotion, and they form ed an attachment for the place, where they were continually seeing so many careless sin ners receiving their first impressions, and so many deists constrained to call on their former ly despised name of Jesus. Tliev conceived a sentiment like that what Jac when he said " surelv ih T .nnl i !n tllle rl. . this is none other but the house of God, anJ ma is me gaieoi Heaven."' The number of nersons who W- r.iUr, .1 under serious impressions in this revivals astotL- vi uglier wormy 01 attention. And On this I shall be more particular, as it seems to.be tho principal cause, wny tnis work should .not be nunc uusiispecieu oicntliwMasm.than somo o ther revivals. At Cane Rfdge sacrament (the place mentioned above) it is renefuUt' .,nnrt. sed that not less than one thousand persons foil prosiraie on wie ground, h:ul among them were many infidels. At one sacrament whlr.li r .,r. - a tended in that country, the number that fell was .1 1 . . f - ... inougiu to oe upwards ol three hundred. Per sons who fell are generally such as have man- nesieu symproms ot tlie deepest impressions for sometime previous to that event. Jt is com mon to see them shed tears for about an hour. Immediately before they become totally power less, they are seized with a general tremor ; and sometimes though not frequently, in the iiumieiu. 01 lauing tney utter one or two piercing shrieks. Persons in this state are affected in many different degrees. Sometimes when un able to stand or sit they have tho use of their hands, and can converse with perfect compo sure. In other cases they are nnnhla to cnl- their pulse grows weak, and they draw a iiaiu uruuui uoout once a minute. And in some instances their hands and feet become cold, & their pulse, arid breath, and alt the symtomsof life seem to forsake them for nearly an hour. Per sons who have been in this situation have uniform ly avowed that they suffered no bodily pain, & that they had the entire command of their reason & reflection; and when recovered they could re late everything which was said or done near them, or which could possibly fall within their observation. From this it appears their falling is neither common fainttng or their nervous affection. Inddeed this strange phenomenon appears to have taken every turn, it possibly could to baffle the conjectures of those who are not willing to consider the supernatural work. Persons have sometimes fallen on their way homo from miblie wnrsbfn nnd crmn times after thetr arrival. In some cases they have fallen when pursuing their common busi ness or on their farms, or when they had re tired for private devotion. I obscrve'd above that persons generally seriously 'affected for some time previous to falling. In many cases however it is otherwise. Numbers of care less persons have fallen as suddenly as if struck with a flash of lightning. Many professed in ndels and other vicious characters have been arrested in this way ; and somctimas at tho very moment when they were utteringtheir blasphemies against the work. OJ At the beginning of tho revival in Shelby county, the appearances, as related by an eye witnesses, were very surprising indeed. Tho revival had previously spread with irresistablo power through the adjacent counties ; and ma ny of tho religious people had attended distant sacraments, and were greatly benefited. They were much engaged, and felt unusual freedom in their addresses at the throne of grace, for the outpouring of the the divine snirit nt ti, r. proaching sacrament in Shelby. The sacra- fN mvm came on in September. The people as usual, met on Friday; but they were all lan guid, and the exercises went on heavily. On Srturday and Sunday u.orning, it was no bettor At length tho communion service commenced, and everything was still lifeless. Tho minis ter of the place was speaking at ono of tho tables, without any unusual liberty. All at once there were several shrieks from diffftrpnt nnrt of the assembly. Persons fell instantly in ev- .1? mi n 1 m . ery uirecuon. 1 ne ieelings ot the pious were suddenly revived ; and the work went on with extraordinary power from that time to the con clusion of the solemnity. These phenomena of falling A O VVf all ages and sexes, and to all sorts of charac ters ; and when they lall they are differently exorcised. Some pious people have fallen un der a sense of ingratitude and hardness of heart and others under the goodness of God. Many careless persons have fallen under legal con victions, and ohtained comfort before they a roso. But perhaps the most numerous class of all, arethose wlio fall under distressing views of their gnit, who arise with the same fearful apprehensions, and continue in that stat for somo days, nerhans for wits lfo they obtain comfort. I have conversed with ma- 1 f it 1 .1 ny wno ieu unuer tlie miluence of comforta ble feelings ; and the account which they gave of their exercises, while they lay entranced was very surprising. I know not' how to give you a better idea of them, than by snying they appeared in many case tosurpass the dying cx orciso of Dr. Finly. Their minds appeared wholly swallowed up in contemplating the ef fects of tho Deity as illustrated in the plan of This it is thought, was the origin of catnp-meeU ing.t in America, now so extensively in use a araung Methodist Christians, and also among tho Old Presbyterians and Cumberland Presbyterians in the Western country. E. P. H, 3$ 4.